Portal:Singapura/box-header: Riwayat revisi

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30 Mei 2024

  • skrgsblm 06.1030 Mei 2024 06.10 Veracious bicara kontrib 526 bita +526 ←Membuat halaman berisi '{{Box-header | title={{{1}}} |editpage={{{2}}} |noedit={{{noedit|}}} |border=#aaaaaa <!-- This is the color of the borders around Box Sections --> |titleforeground=white <!-- This is the color of the Box Section Title Bar text --> |titlebackground=#CE1126 <!-- This is the color of the Box Section Title Bar --> |background=#f9f9ff <!-- This is the color of the Box Section background --> |foreground=black <!-- This is the color of the B...'