Diskriminasi terhadap Tionghoa-Indonesia: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Jonoo27 (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 88:
Selama kerusuhan setelah [[Gerakan 30 September|kudeta yang gagal pada tanggal 30 September]], orang Tionghoa-Indonesia terkadang menjadi sasaran. Karena sebagian besar kekerasan ditujukan kepada anggota dan rekan [[Partai Komunis Indonesia]], yang hanya sedikit sekali orang Tionghoa yang menjadi anggotanya, maka kemungkinan besar kekerasan tersebut bersifat oportunis, dan bukan karena dicurigai memiliki hubungan dengan PKI. Perkiraan terbaik adalah ribuan orang Tionghoa Indonesia terbunuh (dari total korban tewas sebanyak 500.000 orang), dengan pembantaian yang terdokumentasi terjadi di [[Makassar]] dan [[Medan]], serta di [[Pulau Lombok]].{{sfn|Tan|2008|pp=240–242}}{{sfn|Cribb|Coppel|2009}} Di [[Kalimantan Barat]], sekitar delapan belas bulan setelah pembantaian terburuk di Jawa, penduduk asli [[Dayak]] mengusir 45.000 etnis Tionghoa dari daerah pedesaan, menewaskan hingga 5.000 orang.<ref name="Schwarz 1994, p. 21">Schwarz (1994), p. 21.</ref> Orang-orang Tionghoa menolak untuk melawan, karena mereka menganggap diri mereka sebagai "tamu di tanah orang lain" dengan tujuan untuk berdagang saja.<ref>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=OrdM8X7CBTAC&pg=PA294|title=Anomie and violence: non-truth and reconciliation in Indonesian peacebuilding|author=John Braithwaite|year=2010 |publisher=ANU E Press|isbn=978-1-921666-22-3|page=294|quote=In 1967, Dayaks had expelled Chinese from the interior of West Kalimantan. In this Chinese ethnic cleansing, Dayaks were coopted by the military who wanted to remove Chinese from the interior who they believed were supporting communists. The most certain way to accomplish this was to drive all Chinese out of the interior of West Kalimantan. An estimated 2,000–5,000 people were massacred (Davidson 2002:158) and probably a greater number died from the conditions in overcrowded refugee camps, including 1,500 Chinese children aged between one and eight who died of starvation in [[Pontianak]] camps (p. 173). The Chinese retreated to major towns. The Chinese in West Kalimantan rarely resisted (though they had in nineteenth century conflict with the Dutch and in 1914). Instead, they fled. One old Chinese man who fled to Pontianak in 1967 said that the Chinese did not even consider or discuss striking back at Dayaks as an option. This was because they were imbued with a philosophy of being a guest on other people's land to become a great trading diaspora.}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=EUDii8kvQYAC&pg=PA63|title=Conflict, violence, and displacement in indonesia|author=Eva-Lotta E. Hedman|editor=Eva-Lotta E. Hedman|edition=illustrated|series=SOSEA-45 Series |year=2008 |publisher=SEAP Publications|isbn=978-0-87727-745-3|page=63}}</ref>
{{quote box
| quote = "The history of the ethnic Chinese during the [[Suharto]] regime can indeed be described as the history of a minority ethnic group that had no choice but to comply with the policies applied to them."
| width = 25%
| align = left
| source =&nbsp;—[[Mely G. Tan]]{{sfn|Tan|2008|p=243}}
== Sebab ==