Protestanisme: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Menurut buku ''100 Years of Nobel Prize'' (terbit tahun 2005), yang menelaah hadiah-hadian Nobel yang dianugerahkan dari tahun 1901 sampai 2000, 65% penerima [[Hadiah Nobel]] [[List of Christian Nobel laureates|mengaku beragama Kristen]] dari berbagai aliran (423 Hadiah Nobel).<ref name="Nobel prize">Baruch A. Shalev, ''[ 100 Years of Nobel Prizes] {{Webarchive|url= |date=23 May 2020 }}'' (2003), Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, hlm. 57: antara tahun 1901 sampai 2000 mengungkap bahwa 654 penerima Hadiah Nobel menganut 28 agama yang berbeda, dan 65% di antaranya mengaku beragama Kristen dari berbagai macam aliran.
Meskipun dalam beberapa kasus memilah mana yang Katolik dan mana yang Protestan terbukti sukar dilakukan, informasi-informasi yang tersedia mengisyaratkan bahwa lebih banyak pemeluk agama Kristen Protestan yang masuk dalam kategori-kategori ilmiah, sementara lebih banyak pemeluk agama Kristen Katolik yang masuk dalam kategori-kategori sastra dan perdamaian.<!--
Meskipun dalam beberapa kasus, memilah mana yang Katolik dan mana yang Protestan terbukti sukar dilakukan, informasi-informasi yang tersedia mengisyaratkan bahwa lebih banyak pemeluk agamaorang-orang Kristen Protestanpenerima yanghadiah masuknobel dalam kategori-berbagai kategori ilmiah, sementararata-rata lebihadalah banyak pemeluk agamaorang Kristen KatolikProtestan, yang masuksementara dalam kategori-berbagai kategori sastra dan perdamaian.<!- rata-rata adalah orang Kristen Katolik.
Kaum ateis, agnostik, dan pemikir-bebas, and freethinkers constitute 11% of total Nobel Prize winners; but in the category of Literature, these preferences rise sharply to about 35%. A striking fact involving religion is the high number of Laureates of the Jewish faith—over 20% of total Nobel Prizes (138); including: 17% in Chemistry, 26% in Medicine and Physics, 40% in Economics and 11% in Peace and Literature each. The numbers are especially startling in light of the fact that only some 14 million people (0.02% of the world's population) are Jewish. By contrast, only 5 Nobel Laureates have been of the Muslim faith—1% of total number of Nobel prizes awarded—from a population base of about 1.2 billion (20% of the world's population)</ref> While 32% have identified with Protestantism in its various forms (208 prizes),<ref name="Nobel prize"/> although Protestants are 12% to 13% of the world's population.
KaumJumlah orang-orang dari golongan ateis, golongan agnostik, dan pemikirgolongan berpikiran-bebas,terbuka and freethinkers constitutemencapai 11% ofdari total Nobelpenerima Prizehadiah winners;nobel, buttetapi inpersentase themereka categorydi ofbidang Literature,Sastra thesemeningkat preferencestajam risesampai sharply to aboutsekitar 35%. <!-- A striking fact involving religion is the high number of Laureates of the Jewish faith—over 20% of total Nobel Prizes (138); including: 17% in Chemistry, 26% in Medicine and Physics, 40% in Economics and 11% in Peace and Literature each. The numbers are especially startling in light of the fact that only some 14 million people (0.02% of the world's population) are Jewish. By contrast, only 5 Nobel Laureates have been of the Muslim faith—1% of total number of Nobel prizes awarded—from a population base of about 1.2 billion (20% of the world's population)</ref> While 32% have identified with Protestantism in its various forms (208 prizes),<ref name="Nobel prize"/> although Protestants are 12% to 13% of the world's population.
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