Daftar suku bangsa di Vietnam: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
Terdapat 54 kelompoksuku etnisbangsa di [[Vietnam]] sebagaimana yang diakui oleh pemerintah [[pemerintah Vietnam]].<ref name =vnEthn-hg >[http://www.haugiang.gov.vn/Portal/Default.aspx?pageindex=1&pageid=5690&siteid=51 Các dân tộc Việt Nam] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180622111506/http://www.haugiang.gov.vn/Portal/Default.aspx?pageindex=1&pageid=5690&siteid=51 |date=2018-06-22 }} (Ethnic groups in Vietnam). Portal of the Committee for Ethnic Problems, Hậu Giang prov., 2012. Retrieved 1 Apr 2017.</ref> Setiap etnissuku bangsa memiliki bahasa, tradisi, dan subkulturnyabudaya sendirikhas. KelompokSuku etnisbangsa terbesar adalah: [[OrangSuku VietnamKinh|Kinh]] 85,32%, [[Suku Tay|Tay]] 1,92%, [[Suku TaiThai di Vietnam|TaiThai]] 1,89%, [[OrangSuku Muong|MườngMuong]] 1,51%, [[OrangSuku Hmong|Hmong]] 1,45%, [[Orang Khmer Krom|Khmer]] 1,37%, [[Suku NùngNung|NùngNung]] 1,13%, [[Suku YaoDao|Dao]] 0,93%, [[OrangSuku Hoa|Hoa]] 0,78%, dandengan sukusemua lainnya sebanyakmeliputi sisa 3,7% (sensus 2019).<ref name=census>{{cite book
| author = [[General Statistics Office of Vietnam]] | year = 2019 | url = https://www.gso.gov.vn/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Ket-qua-toan-bo-Tong-dieu-tra-dan-so-va-nha-o-2019.pdf | title = "Completed Results of the 2019 Viet Nam Population and Housing Census" | publisher = Statistical Publishing House (Vietnam) | isbn= 978-604-75-1532-5 }}</ref> Istilah dalam [[bahasa Vietnam]] untuk kelompok etnissuku minoritasbangsa adalah ''ngườidân thiểu sốtộc'' atau(bangsa) disebut jugadan ''dânsắc tộc ít người'' (suku minoritaskesukuan).
== Referensi ==
==Pranala luar==
* [https://www.rehahnphotographer.com/ethnic-minorities-in-vietnam Modern photographs of all Ethnic groups in Vietnam]
* socio-economic parameters of ethnic and non-ethnic people {http://www.communityresearch.org.nz/research/comparison-of-ethnic-mimnority-socio-economics-with-main-stream-in-vietnam/}
* [https://archive.today/20140421032704/http://cema.gov.vn/wps/portal/cema/ethnic/ Ethnic groups of Vietnam] (State Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs)
* [http://www.vietnam-culture.com/vietnamese-ethnic-groups.aspx Vietnamese Ethnic Groups]
* [http://coombs.anu.edu.au/~vern/ban_do/ethnoling.gif Ethnic - Linguistic Map of Vietnam]
* [http://www.vietnamembassy.org.uk/population.html Vietnamese ethnic groups by population]
* [http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=VN Ethnologue report for Vietnam]
* [http://www.travelblog.org/Asia/Vietnam/South-Central-Coast/Da-Nang-/blog-262888.html Story and Images of Missionaries interacting with Mountain Tribe groups in Vietnam from 1929-1975]
* [http://belleindochine.free.fr/Minorites.htm Authentic Old photographs of all Ethnic groups in Vietnam]
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[[Category:Suku bangsa di Vietnam| ]]
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[[Category:Daftar suku bangsa|Vietnam]]