Megawati Soekarnoputri: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Jonoo27 (bicara | kontrib)
Jonoo27 (bicara | kontrib)
Baris 141:
=== Politik ===
Reformasi yang dilakukan sejak masa kepresidenan [[Abdurrahman Wahid]] menjadi agenda penting Megawati dalam memulihkan stabilitas politik dan demokrasi. InDalam doingmelakukan sohal tersebut, herpemerintahannya administration passedmengesahkan 2 more [[AmendmentsAmandemen toUndang-Undang theDasar Constitution1945|amandemen ofundang-undang Indonesia|constitutional amendmentsdasar]] with the third amendmentdengan beingamandemen heldketiga onpada 10 November 2001 anddan theamandemen fourthkeempat amendmentpada held1-11 on 1–11 AugustAgustus 2002.<ref name="tirto3">{{cite web |author=Iswara N. Raditya |date=14 October 2019 |title=Amandemen UUD 1945: Sejarah & Isi Perubahan Ketiga Tahun 2001 |url= |}}</ref> TheseAmandemen-amandemen amendmentsini contributedberkontribusi todalam the formation of thepembentukan [[ConstitutionalMahkamah Court of Indonesia|Constitutional CourtKonstitusi]]<ref name="mkri2">{{cite web |date=13 August 2015 |title=Latar Belakang Pembentukan Mahkamah Konstitusi RI |url= |publisher=[[ConstitutionalMahkamah CourtKonstitusi ofRepublik Indonesia]] |language=id}}</ref> anddan the dissolution of thepembubaran [[SupremeDewan AdvisoryPertimbangan CouncilAgung]].<ref name="tirto3" /> InSebagai contributionkontribusi toterhadap theseamandemen amendmentsini, herpemerintahannya governmenttelah hasmerancang draftedsejumlah numerousundang-undang lawsyang thatakan willmemenuhi fulfillamandemen theyang amendmentsdilakukan done to theterhadap [[ConstitutionUndang-Undang ofDasar Indonesia1945]] especiallyterutama indi localbidang governmentspemerintahan daerah, politicalpartai partiespolitik, anddan pemilihan electionsumum.<ref name=":1">{{Cite journal |last=Sukarnoputri |first=Megawati |date=April 2021 |title=Kepemimpinan Presiden Megawati Pada Era Krisis Multidimensi, 2001-2004 |url= |journal=Jurnal Pertahanan Dan Bela Negara |volume=11 |issue=1 |pages=49–66 |doi=10.33172/jpbh.v11i1.1211|doi-access=free }}</ref>
[[Ministry of Home Affairs (Indonesia)|Minister of Home Affairs]] [[Hari Sabarno]] outlined her administration's focus on [[decentralization]], where the implementation of [[regional autonomy]] is carried out fairly to give authority to regions to manage their own regions while maintaining national unity and integrity.<ref name=":1" /> In guiding such autonomy and to preserve national unity, her government implements regional autonomy policies that are proportional and consistent, implementing fair financial balance, increasing the distribution of easily accessible public services, correcting gaps in economic development and regional income, and respecting regional cultural values based on the mandate given by the Constitution.<ref name=":3">{{Cite book |last1=Dahuri |first1=Rokhmin |title=The Brave Lady: Megawati dalam Catatan Kabinet Gotong Royong |last2=Samah |first2=Kristin |publisher=Gramedia Pustaka Utama |year=2019 |isbn= |location=Jakarta |publication-date=11 February 2019}}</ref>