Pengguna:Stephanus Victor/bak pasir: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 54:
* [[Skisma Barat|Skisma (1378)]]
* [[Inkuisisi]]
* [[UniversitaUniversitas abad pertengahan|Universitas]]
* [[Skolastisisme]]
* [[Gereja Katolik dan Zaman Penjelajahan|Abad Penjelajahan]]
Baris 60:
| group4 = [[Kekristenan pada zaman modern|Zaman Modern]]
| list4 =
* [[CatholicHubungan Church and ProtestantKatolik–Protestan|Protestantisme]]
** [[Reformation|Reformasi Protestan]]
** [[Counter-Reformation|Reformasi Katolik]]
*** [[CouncilKonsili of TrentTrento|TrenteTrento]]
* [[Perang Tiga Puluh Tahun]]
* [[AgeAbad of EnlightenmentPencerahan|Abad Pencerahan]]
* [[DechristianizationDekristenisasi ofPrancis Francepada duringRevolusi the French RevolutionPrancis|Revolusi Prancis]]
* [[CatholicGereja ChurchKatolik anddan NaziJerman GermanyNazi|Nazisme]]
* [[SecondKonsili VaticanVatikan CouncilII|Vatikan II]]
* [[HolyHubungan See–SovietTakhta UnionSuci relationsdengan Uni Soviet|Komunisme]]
* [[CatholicKasus Churchpelecehan sexualseksual abuseGereja casesKatolik|Skandal Pelecehan Seksual]]
* [[CatholicHubungan ChurchGereja and IslamKatolik–Islam|Islam]]
* [[ImpactDampak of thepandemi COVID-19 pandemic on theterhadap CatholicGereja ChurchKatolik|Pandemi COVID-19]]
| group2 = [[CatholicTeologi theologyKatolik|TheologyTeologi]]<br/>([[CatholicKitab BibleSuci Katolik|BibleAlkitab]]<br/>[[CatholicTradisi traditionSuci#Gereja Katolik|TraditionTradisi]]<br/>''[[Catechism of theKatekismus CatholicGereja ChurchKatolik|CatechismKatekismus]]'')
| list2 =
Baris 81:
| groupwidth = 12em
| basestyle = background-color:gold
| group1 = GeneralUmum
| list1 =
* [[GodAllah in Christianity(Kristen)|GodAllah]]
** [[TrinityTritunggal]]
** [[KingshipKemerajaan anddan kingdomkerajaan of GodAllah|KingdomKerajaan]]
* [[CatholicTeologi theologytubuh on the bodyKatolik|BodyTubuh anddan soulJiwa]]
* [[DivineRahmat graceIlahi|Rahmat Allah]]
* [[Dogma indalam theGereja Catholic ChurchKatolik|Dogma]]
* [[NiceneKredo CreedNikea|Syahadat Nikea]]
* [[OriginalDosa sinasal|Dosa Asal]]
* [[ListDaftar oforang Catholickudus saintsKatolik|SaintsPara Kudus]]
* [[Keselamatan (agama)|Keselamatan]]
* [[Salvation]]
* [[SermonKhotbah ondi the MountBukit]]
* [[Sepuluh Perintah dalam teologi Katolik|Dasatitah]]
* [[Ten Commandments in Catholic theology|Ten Commandments]]
* [[VulgateVulgata]]
* Alkitab Resmi
* Official Bible
**[[SixtineVulgata VulgateSistina]]
**[[Vulgata Sisto-Klementina]]
**[[Sixto-Clementine Vulgate]]
**''[[Nova Vulgata]]''
* [[ChristianIbadat worshipKristen|WorshipIbadat]]
| group4 = [[CatholicEklesiologi ecclesiologyKatolik|EcclesiologyEklesiologi]]
| list4 =
* ''[[Communitas perfecta|Communitas Perfecta]]''
* [[CatholicKonsili ecumenicalEkumenikal councilsKatolik|CouncilsKonsili]]
* [[Catholic Church and ecumenism|Ecumenism]]
* [[FourEmpat MarksCiri of the ChurchGereja|FourEmpat marksCiri]]
** [[OneSatu truegereja churchbenar|Satu Gereja Sejati]]
** [[CatholicityKekatolikan|CatholicKatolik]]
* [[Infalibilitas Gereja|Infalibilitas]]
* [[Infallibility of the Church|Infallibility]]
* ''[[Mystici Corporis Christi]]''
* [[PeopleUmat of GodAllah]]
* [[Gereja Juang, Gereja Tobat, dan Gereja Jaya|Tiga Status]]
* [[Churches Militant, Penitent, and Triumphant|Three states]]
* ''[[Subsistit in|Subsistit In]]''
* [[PhilosophyFilsafat, theologyteologi, anddan teori fundamental theory of CatholicHukum canonKanonik lawKatolik|InDalam canonHukum lawKanon]]
| group5 = [[SacramentsSakramen of the Catholic Church(Katolik)|SacramentsSakramen]]
| list5 =
* [[BaptismBaptis]]
* [[Penguatan dalam Gereja Katolik|Krisma]]
* [[Confirmation in the Catholic Church|Confirmation]]
* [[Sakramen Ekaristi (Gereja Katolik)|Ekaristi]]
* [[Eucharist in the Catholic Church|Eucharist]]
* [[SacramentSakramen ofTobat Penance(Gereja Katolik)|PenanceTobat]]
* [[Sakramen pengurapan orang sakit|Minyak Suci]]
* [[Anointing of the Sick in the Catholic Church|Anointing of the Sick]]
**[[Ritus terakhir|Ritus Terakhir]]
**[[Last rites]]
* [[Sakramen Imamat (Gereja Katolik)|Imamat]]
* [[Holy orders in the Catholic Church|Holy orders]]
* [[Sakramen Perkawinan (Gereja Katolik)|Perkawinan]]
* [[Marriage in the Catholic Church|Matrimony]]
| group6 = [[CatholicMariologi MariologyKatolik|MariologyMariologi]]
| list6 =
* [[Maria Diangkat ke Surga|Diangkat ke Surga]]
* [[Assumption of Mary|Assumption]]
* [[Sejarah Mariologi Katolik|Sejarah]]
* [[History of Catholic Mariology|History]]
* [[ImmaculateDikandung ConceptionTanpa Noda]]
* [[Mariologi para paus|Mariologi Para Paus]]
* [[Mariology of the popes]]
* [[Mariologi para kudus|Mariologi Para Kudus]]
* [[Mariology of the saints]]
* [[Theotokos|MotherBunda of GodAllah]]
* [[Keperawanan abadi Maria|Selalu Perawan]]
* [[Perpetual virginity of Mary|Perpetual virginity]]
* [[Penghormatan kepada Maria dalam Gereja Katolik|Penghormatan]]
* [[Veneration of Mary in the Catholic Church|Veneration]]
* SeeBaca alsojuga:
* [[JosephologyYosefologi]]
| group3 = [[ChristianFilsafat philosophyKristen|PhilosophyFilsafat]]
| list3 =
* [[NaturalHukum lawkodrat|Hukum Kodrati]]
* [[CatholicTeologi moral theologyKatolik|MoralTeologi theologyMoral]]
* [[Personalisme#Personalisme Katolik|Personalisme]]
* [[Personalism (Catholic)|Personalism]]
* [[Catholic social teaching|SocialAjaran teachingSosial]]
* [[List of Catholic philosophers and theologians|PhilosophersFilsuf]]
* [[Philosophy, theology, and fundamental theory of Catholic canon law|PhilosophyFilsafat ofHukum canon lawKanon]]
* See also:
* [[Science and the Catholic Church|ScienceIlmu Pengetahuan]]
** [[Evolution and the Catholic Church|EvolutionEvolusi]]
* [[Separation of church and state]]
** [[Relations between the Catholic Church and the state|RelationsRelasi]]
** [[Catholic Church and politics|PoliticsPolitik]]
| group4 = [[Saint (Catholic)|Para Kudus]]