Kemerajaan dan kerajaan Allah: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 27:
Di dalam Injil-[[Injil Sinoptik|Injil Sinoptis]], Yesus kerap bertutur tentang Kerajaan Allah. Meskipun demikian, di dalam [[Perjanjian Baru]], tidak ada satu nas pun yang meriwayatkan bahwa Yesus pernah mendefinisikan konsep tersebut secara jelas.<ref name="Ladd_45">George Eldon Ladd, The Presence of the Future: The Eschatology of Biblical Realism, Eerdmans (Grand Rapids: 1974), 45.</ref> Di dalam nas-nas Injil Sinoptis, tampaknya sudah diasumsikan bahwa "konsep ini adalah konsep yang sudah tidak asing lagi sehingga tidak perlu didefinisikan."<ref name="Ladd_45"/>Karen Wenell mengemukakan di dalam tulisannya bahwa "Injil Markus menyediakan bagi kita tempat yang signifikan untuk bertransformasi bagi ruang lingkup Kerajaan Allah, justru tempat tersebut dapat dipahami sebagai semacam tempat lahirnya Kerajaan Allah, yakni awal mula pendiriannya ...".<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Wenell|first1=Karen|title=A Markan 'Context' Kingdom? Examining Biblical and Social Models in Spatial Interpretation|journal=Biblical Theology Bulletin|date=August 2014|volume=44|issue=3|page=126|doi=10.1177/0146107914540487 |s2cid=144390379 |doi-access=free}}</ref><!--
PasalBab 3 [[Injil Yohanes]] mengetengahkan ihwal Kerajaan Allah di dalam percakapan Yesus dengan [[Nikodemus]].<ref>{{Alkitab|Yohanes 3:3-5}}</ref> [[Constantin von Tischendorf]]'s text is exceptional in referring to "thekerajaan kingdomsurga" ofdi heaven"dalam innas John{{Alkitab|Yohanes 3:5}}, onberdasarkan bukti evidenceyang whichdisifatkan [[Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer|Heinrich Meyer]] describessebagai asbukti yang "ancientpurba buttetapi yettidak inadequatememadai".<ref>Meyer, H. A. W. (1880), [ ''Meyer's NT Commentary''] ''on John 3'', translatedditerjemahkan fromdari theedisi Germankeenam sixthbahasa editionJerman, accesseddiakses tanggal 8 JanuaryJanuari 2024</ref>
Within the non-canonical, yet contemporary [[Gnostic Gospel]] of [[Gospel of Thomas|Thomas]], Jesus is quoted as saying, "If those who lead you say to you: ‘Look, the kingdom is in the sky!’ then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you: ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fishes will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you and outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will realize that you are the children of the living Father."<ref name="gnostic-thomas">[ Gospel of Thomas’s 114 Sayings of Jesus] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 September 2017 }} Biblical Archaeological Society. 4 June 2017. Downloaded 4 September 2017.</ref> This same Gospel of Thomas further describes Jesus as implying that the Kingdom of God is already present, saying, "The kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it.”<ref name="gnostic-thomas"/>