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Baris 86:
=== Luar Negeri ===
* {{flag|Austria}} :
** [[File:AUT Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria - 1st Class BAR.png|70px]] Grand Star of the [[:en:Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria|Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria]] (15 April 2013)<ref>{{Cite web|date=2013-10-17|title=Henri et Maria Teresa en Autriche - L'actualité des royautés|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131017094714/http://royautes.ek.la/henri-et-maria-teresa-en-autriche-a83173534|website=web.archive.org|access-date=2024-06-25}}</ref>
* {{flag|Belanda}} :
** [[File:NLD Order of the Dutch Lion - Grand Cross BAR.png|70px]] Knight Grand Cross of the [[:en:Order of the Netherlands Lion|Order of the Netherlands Lion]] (24 April 2006)<ref>{{Cite web|date=2012-04-24|title=Noblesse & Royautés » Dîner de gala au Palais grand-ducal de Luxembourg|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120424104234/http://www.noblesseetroyautes.com/nr01/2012/03/diner-de-gala-au-palais-grand-ducal-de-luxembourg/|website=web.archive.org|access-date=2024-06-25}}</ref>
** [[File:NED Kroonorde A1 BAR.png|70px]] Grand Cross of the [[:en:Order of the Crown (Netherlands)|Order of the Crown]]
* {{flag|Belgia}} :
** [[File:Grand Crest Ordre de Leopold.png|70px]] Grand Cordon of the [[:en:Order of Leopold (Belgium)|Order of Leopold]] (1994)
* {{flag|Brazil}}:
** [[File:BRA - Order of the Southern Cross - Grand Cross BAR.svg|70px]] Grand Collar of the [[:en:Order of the Southern Cross|Order of the Southern Cross]] (3 Desember 2007)<ref name="BrazGD">[http://www.jusbrasil.com.br/diarios/846346/dou-edicao-extra-secao-1-03-12-2007-pg-3 DECRETO DE 3 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2007] - website JusBrasil</ref>
** [[File:BRA - Order of the Southern Cross - Grand Cross BAR.svg|70px]] Grand Cross of the [[:en:Order of the Southern Cross|Order of the Southern Cross]]
* {{Flag|Britania Raya}} :
** [[File:UK Royal Victorian Order honorary member ribbon.svg|70px]] Honorary Knight Grand Cross of the [[:en:Royal Victorian Order|Royal Victorian Order]] (GCVO) - '''Sir''' (1976)<ref>{{cita testo|url=http://www.noblesseetroyautes.com/nr01/2011/04/les-invites-au-mariage-princier/|titolo="Noblesse et Royautes" website}}, William and Catherine's wedding, photos of royal guests</ref>
** [[File:Sandhurst Medal ribbon bar.svg|70px]] [[:en:Royal Military Academy Sandhurst#Sandhurst Medal|Sandhurst Medal]] (22 September 2020)<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://chronicle.lu/category/at-home/34030-grand-duke-hereditary-grand-duke-awarded-sandhurst-medal|title=Grand Duke, Hereditary Grand Duke Awarded Sandhurst Medal |date=23 September 2020 |publisher=Chronicle.lu}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|date=2023-04-14|title=Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg attends the 200th Royal Military...|url=https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/henri-grand-duke-of-luxembourg-attends-the-200th-royal-news-photo/1251810797|website=Getty Images|language=en-us|access-date=2024-06-25}}</ref>
* {{flag|Denmark}} :
** [[File:Order of the Elephant Ribbon bar.svg|70px]] Knight of the [[:en:Order of the Elephant|Order of the Elephant]] (RE)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://kongehuset.dk/modtagere-af-danske-dekorationer|title=Modtagere af danske dekorationer|website=kongehuset.dk|date=12 December 2017|access-date=5 May 2019|language=da}}</ref>
* {{flag|Estonia}} :
** [[File:EST Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana - 1st Class BAR.svg|70px]] Grand Cross with Collar of the [[:en:Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana|Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana]] (5 Mei 2003)
* {{flag|Finlandia}} :
** [[File:FIN Order of the White Rose Grand Cross BAR.svg|70px]] Grand Cross with Collar of the [[:en:Order of the White Rose of Finland|Order of the White Rose of Finland]] (November 2008)<ref>{{Cite web|date=2013-05-24|title=Visite d'État au Luxembourg de la présidente de la République de Finlande|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130524172353/http://www.gouvernement.lu/salle_presse/actualite/2008/11-novembre/24-visite-etat-finlande/index.html|website=web.archive.org|access-date=2024-06-25}}</ref>
* {{flag|Italia}} :
** [[File:ITA OMRI 2001 GC-GCord BAR.svg|70px]] Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the [[:en:Order of Merit of the Italian Republic|Order of Merit of the Italian Republic]] (OMRI) (14 Maret 2003)<ref>{{cite web | url = https://www.quirinale.it/onorificenze/insigniti/94297| title = S.A.R. Henri Granduca di Lussemburgo, Cavaliere di Gran Croce Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana decorato di Gran Cordone | language = it | access-date = 26 Juni 2024 }}</ref>
* {{flag|Jepang}} :
** [[File:JPN Daikun'i kikkasho BAR.svg|70px]] Grand Cordon with Collar of the [[:en:Order of the Chrysanthemum|Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum]] (27 November 2017)<ref>{{Cite web|last=Svenja|title=State Visit to Japan, Day 1|url=http://www.luxarazzi.com/2017/11/state-visit-to-japan-day-1.html|language=en|access-date=2024-06-25}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|date=2017-11-28|title=Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, his daughter Princess Alexandra of...|url=https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/grand-duke-henri-of-luxembourg-his-daughter-princess-news-photo/880768064|website=Getty Images|language=en-us|access-date=2024-06-25}}</ref>
* {{flag|Jerman}} :
** [[File:GER Bundesverdienstkreuz 9 Sond des Grosskreuzes.svg|70px]] Grand Cross Special Class of the [[:en:Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany|Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany]]
* {{flag|Latvia}} :
** [[File:LVA Order of the Three Stars - Commander BAR.png|70px]] Commander Grand Cross with Chain of the [[:en:Order of the Three Stars|Order of the Three Stars]] (5 Desember 2006)<ref>Latvian Presidency, [http://www.president.lv/images/modules/items/PDF/20120528_tzo_registrs_majaslapa.doc Recipients list (.doc)] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130502004044/http://www.president.lv/images/modules/items/PDF/20120528_tzo_registrs_majaslapa.doc|date=2 May 2013}}</ref>
** [[File:LVA Cross of Recognition.png|70px]] 1st Class of the [[:en:Cross of Recognition|Cross of Recognition]] (13 Maret 2023)<ref>[https://www.vestnesis.lv/op/2023/51.19/ Vestnesis]</ref>
* {{flag|Mali}} :
** [[File:Mali Ordre national du Mali GC ribbon.svg|70px]] Grand Cross of the [[:en:National Order of Mali|National Order of Mali]] (9 November 2005)<ref>{{Cite web|date=2013-12-03|title=BNR:27194 - 09.11.2005 - Luxembourg - Luxembourg - Staatsbesuch von Präsident Amadou Toumani Touré aus Mali - Offizielles Abendessen im grossherzoglichen Palast - Grossherzog Henri Grossherzogin Maria Teresa Royals reden toast © Tom Wagner|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131203050307/http://tomwag.com/twg2/v/Archiv/Archiv2005/20051109-27107/27194m8576.jpg.html|website=web.archive.org|access-date=2024-06-25}}</ref>
* {{flag|Norwegia}} :
** [[File:St Olavs Orden storkors stripe.svg|70px]] Grand Cross with Collar of the Royal Norwegian [[:en:Order of St. Olav|Order of St. Olav]] (18 April 1996)<ref>{{Cite web|date=2011-08-24|title=Noblesse & Royautés » Dîner de gala au Palais royal d’Oslo en l’honneur du couple grand-ducal|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110824005223/http://www.noblesseetroyautes.com/nr01/2011/05/diner-de-gala-au-palais-royal-doslo-en-lhonneur-du-couple-grand-ducal/|website=web.archive.org|access-date=2024-06-25}}</ref>
* {{flag|Ordo Militer Berdaulat Malta}} :
** [[File:SMOM-gcs.svg|70px]] Bailiff Knights Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion of the [[:en:Orders, decorations, and medals of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta|Order of Saint John]]
* {{Flag|Polandia}} :
** [[File:POL Order Orła Białego BAR.svg|70px]] Grand Cross of the [[:en:Order of the White Eagle (Poland)|Order of the White Eagle]]<ref>President's decision [http://isap.sejm.gov.pl/DetailsServlet?id=WMP20140000728 M.P. z 2014 r. poz. 728]</ref>
* {{flag|Portugal}} :
** [[File:PRT Order of Christ - Grand Collar BAR.svg|70px]] Grand Collar of the [[:en:Military Order of Christ|Military Order of Christ]] (GCol) (11 Mei 2022)
** [[File:PRT Order of Saint James of the Sword - Grand Collar BAR.png|70px]] Grand Collar of the [[:en:Military Order of Saint James of the Sword|Military Order of Saint James of the Sword]] (GCollSE) (7 September 2010)<ref>[https://dre.pt/web/guest/home/-/dre/3024857/details/maximized Alvará (extracto) n.º 16/2010]. Diário da República n.º 219/2010, Série II de 2010-11-11. p.55733.</ref>
** [[File:PRT Order of Prince Henry - Grand Collar BAR.svg|70px]] Grand Collar of the [[:en:Order of Prince Henry|Order of Prince Henry]] (GColIH) (6 Mei 2005)<ref>[https://dre.pt/web/guest/home/-/dre/3425351/details/maximized Alvará n.º 23/2005]. Diário da República n.º 218/2005, Série II de 2005-11-14</ref>
** [[File:PRT Order of Prince Henry - Grand Collar BAR.svg|70px]] Grand Collar of the [[:en:Order of Liberty|Order of Liberty]] (23 Mei 2017)<ref>[https://dre.pt/web/guest/home/-/dre/107677377/details/maximized Alvará (extrato) n.º 7/2017]. Diário da República n.º 133/2017, Série II de 2017-07-12, p. 14444</ref>
* {{flag|Rumania}} :
** [[File:Order of the Star of Romania - Ribbon bar.svg|70px]] Grand Cross with Collar of the [[:en:Order of the Star of Romania|Order of the Star of Romania]] (2004)<ref name="RomSt">Romanian Presidency website, [http://canord.presidency.ro/Ord.St.Rom..xls Recipients of the order (Excel sheet)]</ref>
* {{flag|Senegal}} :
** [[File:SEN Order of the Lion - Grand Cross BAR.svg|70px]] Grand Cross of the [[:en:Order of the Lion (Senegal)|Order of the Lion]] (2018)
* {{flag|Slowakia}} :
** [[File:SVK Rad Bieleho Dvojkriza 1 triedy BAR.svg|70px]] Grand Cross of the [[:en:Order of the White Double Cross|Order of the White Double Cross]] (2002)<ref>Slovak republic website, [http://www.slovak-republic.org/symbols/honours/ State honours] (click on "Holders of the Order of the 1st Class White Double Cross" to see the holders' table): 1st Class received by Grand-Duke in 2002, i.e. during the [http://www.gouvernement.lu/salle_presse/actualite/2002/11/12slovaquie/index.html state visit] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20071016215504/http://www.gouvernement.lu/salle_presse/actualite/2002/11/12slovaquie/index.html|date=16 October 2007}} (French) of President [[Rudolf Schuster]] in Luxembourg (november 2002).</ref>
* {{flag|Spanyol}} :
** [[File:Order of the Golden Fleece ribbon bar.svg|70px]] Knight of the Distinguished [[:en:Order of the Golden Fleece|Order of the Golden Fleece]] (13 April 2007)<ref>Real Decreto 474/2007. [http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2007/04/14/pdfs/A16516-16516.pdf Boletín Oficial del Estado núm. 90, de 14 de abril de 2007, p. 16516]</ref><ref name="Spain">[http://www.casareal.es/noticias/news/20070416_Viaje_Estado_Luxemburgo-ides-idweb.html Spanish Royal Family website], State visit of Juan Carlos & Sofia in Luxembourg, April 2007, [http://www.casareal.es/noticias/images/20070416_luxemburgo_salida1/20070416_luxemburgo_cena_gala.jpg Photo] of the Sovereign couples</ref><ref name=Spain>{{cita testo|url=http://www.casareal.es/noticias/news/20070416_Viaje_Estado_Luxemburgo-ides-idweb.html|titolo=Spanish Royal Family website}}, State visit of Juan Carlos & Sofía in Luxembourg, April 2007 , {{cita testo|url=http://www.casareal.es/noticias/images/20070416_luxemburgo_salida1/20070416_luxemburgo_cena_gala.jpg|titolo=Photo}} of the Sovereign couples</ref><ref>{{cita testo|url=https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2007/04/14/pdfs/A16516-16516.pdf|titolo=Bollettino Ufficiale di Stato}}</ref>
** [[File:Order of Charles III - Sash of Collar.svg|70px]] Knight of the Collar of the Royal and Distinguished Spanish [[:en:Order of Charles III|Order of Charles III]] (11 Mei 2001)<ref name="Spain" /><ref>Real Decreto 525/2001. [http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2001/05/12/pdfs/A17204-17204.pdf Boletín Oficial del Estado núm. 114, de 12 de mayo de 2001, p. 17204]</ref>
** [[File:ESP Charles III Order GC.svg|70px]] Knight Grand Cross of the Royal and Distinguished Spanish [[:en:Order of Charles III|Order of Charles III]] (8 Juli 1980)<ref>Real Decreto 3198/1980. [http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/1981/05/07/pdfs/A09813-09813.pdf Boletín Oficial del Estado núm. 109, de 7 de mayo de 1981, p. 9813]</ref>
* {{flag|Swedia}} :
** [[Berkas:Order of the Seraphim - Ribbon bar.svg|70px]] Knight of the [[Orde Serafim|Royal Order of the Seraphim]] (RSerafO)
**[[File:Order of the Polar Star (after 1975) - Commander Grand Cross.svg|70px]] Commander Grand Cross of the Royal [[:en:Order of the Polar Star|Order of the Polar Star]] (KmstkNO) (21 September 1983)
** [[Berkas:Seraphimerorden ribbon.svg|70px]] [[:en:Swedish Royal Jubilee Commemorative Medals|50th Birthday Badge Medal of King Carl XVI Gustaf]] (1996)<ref>{{Cite web|date=2011-06-03|title=50th anniversary of king Carl Gustav of Sweden in Stockholm, Sweden...|url=https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/50th-anniversary-of-king-carl-gustav-of-sweden-in-stockholm-news-photo/115116370|website=Getty Images|language=en-us|access-date=2024-06-25}}</ref>
* {{flag|Tanjung Verde}} :
** [[Berkas:Amílcar Cabral Order - 1st Class (Cabo Verde).png|70px]] Grand Cross of the Amílcar Cabral (12 Maret 2015)
* {{Flag|Turkiye}} :
** [[Berkas:TUR Order of the State of Republic of Turkey 2013 BAR.svg|70px]] [[:en:Order of the State of the Republic of Turkey|Order of the State of the Republic of Turkey]] (19 November 2013)<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.tccb.gov.tr/news/397/87797/grand-duke-henri-of-luxembourg-at-the-cankaya-presidential-palace.html|title=Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg at the Çankaya Presidential Palace|date=19 November 2013|publisher=Presidency of the Republic of Turkey|access-date=22 November 2013}}</ref>
* {{flag|Vatikan}} :
** [[File:Ordo Militia Aurata or Ordine dello Speron d'Oro o Milizia Aurata.png|70px]] Knight of the [[:en:Order of the Golden Spur|Order of the Golden Spur]]
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Keluarga Keharyapatihan Luksemburg]]