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Baris 37:
[[Berkas:Adriaan Valckenier (1695-1751) by T.J. Rheen.jpg|thumb|left|Gubernur-Jenderal Valckenier memerintah agar orang Tiongho dibunuh.]]
DuringDi theperiode earlyawal yearskoloniasi ofHindia theBelanda Dutcholeh colonisationBelanda, ofbanyak theorang East Indies (modern[[Tionghoa-day Indonesia),|keturunan manyTionghoa]] peopledijadikan oftukang Chinesedalam descentpembangunan were contracted as skilled artisans in the [[History of Jakarta|construction ofkota Batavia]] ondi thepesisir northwesternbarat coastlaut ofpulau [[JavaJawa]];{{sfn|Tan|2005|p=796}} theymereka alsojuga servedbertugas assebagai traderspedagang, sugarburuh milldi workers[[pabrik gula]], andserta shopkeeperspemilik toko.{{sfn|Ricklefs|2001|p=121}} ThePerdagangan economicantara boom,Hindia precipitatedBelanda bydan trade[[Tiongkok]], betweenyang theberpusat Eastdi IndiesBatavia, andmenguatkan Chinaekonomi viadan themeningkatkan portimigrasi oforang Batavia,Tionghoa increasedke Chinese immigration to JavaJawa. TheJumlah numberorang ofTionghoa ethnic Chinese indi Batavia grewmeningkat rapidlypesat, reachingsehingga apada totaltahun of1740 10,000ada lebih bydari 174010.000. ThousandsRibuan morelagi livedtinggal outsidedi theluar citybatas wallskota.{{sfn|Armstrong|Armstrong|Mulliner|2001|p=32}} ThePemerinta Dutchkolonial colonialsBelanda requiredmewajibkan themmereka tomembawa carrysurat registration papersidentifikasi, anddan orang deportedyang thosetidak whomempunyai didsurat nottersebut complydipulangkan toke ChinaTiongkok.{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=297}}
TheKebijakan deportationdeportasi policyini wasdiketatkan tightenedpada duringdasawarsa the 1730s1730-an, aftersetelah anpecahnya outbreak ofepidemik [[malaria]] killedyang thousands,membunuh includingribuan theorang, Governortermasuk of[[Daftar Batavia,Penguasa Hindia-Belanda|Gubernur-Jenderal]] [[DirckDirk van Cloon]].{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=297}}{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=111–113}} AccordingMenurut tosejarahwan Indonesian historianIndonesia Benny G. Setiono, theepidemik outbreakini wasdiikuti followedoleh bymeningkatnya increasedrasa suspicioncuriga anddan resentmentdendam interhadap nativeetnis Indonesians and the Dutch toward the ethnic ChineseTionghoa, whoyang werejumlahnya growingsemakin inbanyak numberdan andkekayaan whoseyang wealthsemakin was increasingly visiblemenonjol.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=111–113}} As a resultAkibatnya, CommissionerKomisaris ofUrusan NativeOrang AffairsPribumi Roy Ferdinand, underdi ordersbawah ofperintah GovernorGubernur-GeneralJenderal [[Adriaan Valckenier]], decreedmemutuskan onpada tanggal 25 JulyJuli 1740 thatbahwa Chinesewarga consideredketurunan suspiciousTionghoa wouldyang bemencurigakan deportedakan todideportasi ke Zeylan (modern daykini [[Sri Lanka]]) anddan forceddipaksa tomenjadi harvestpetani cinnamon[[kayu manis]].{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=111–113}}{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=298}}{{sfn|Paasman|1999|pp=325–326}}{{sfn|Hall|1981|p=357}} WealthyWarga Chineseketurunan wereTionghoa extortedyang bykaya corruptdiperas Dutchpenguasa officialsBelanda, whoyang threatenedmengancam themmereka withdengan deportationdeportasi; {{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=111–113}}{{sfn|Pan|1994|pp=35–36}}{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=302}} [[Stamford Raffles]], aseorang Britishpenjelajah explorerasal andInggris historiandan ofahli Java,sejarah noted that in some [[Javanese people|Javanese]]pulau accountsJawa, themencatat Dutchbahwa wereorang toldBelanda bydiberi thetahu [[Kapitan Cina|Chinese captain]] (the Dutch-appointedpemimpin leaderetnis ofTionghoa theyang ethnicditentukan ChineseBelanda) foruntuk Batavia, Ni Hoe Kong, toagar deportmendeportasikan allsemua Chineseorang wearingTionghoa blackberpakaian orhitam blueatau becausebiru, thesesebab weremerekalah thoughtyang to be poormiskin.{{sfn|Raffles|1830|p=234}} ThereAda werepula alsogosip rumoursbahwa thatorang deporteesyang weredikirimkan notke takenZeylan totidak theirpernah destinationssampai butke were thrown overboard oncesana, outtetapi ofjustru sightdibuang ofke Javalaut,{{sfn|Armstrong|Armstrong|Mulliner|2001|p=32}}{{sfn|Pan|1994|pp=35–36}} andatau inbahwa somemereka accounts,mati theysaat diedmembuat whenkerusuhan riotingdi on the shipskapal.{{sfn|Raffles|1830|p=234}} TheAncaman deportationdeportasi ofini ethnicmembuat Chineseorang causedTionghoa unrest among the remaining Chineseresah, leading manydan Chinesebanyak workersburuh toTionghoa desertmeninggalkan theirpekerjaan jobsmereka.{{sfn|Armstrong|Armstrong|Mulliner|2001|p=32}}{{sfn|Pan|1994|pp=35–36}}
AtSementara, thependuduk samepribumi time native occupants ofdi Batavia, including the ethnictermasuk [[orang Betawi people|orang-orang Betawi]] servants, becamemenjadi increasinglysemakin distrustfulcuriga ofakan themaksud Chineseorang Tionghoa. EconomicMasalah factorsekonomi playedikut aberperan; role:sebagian mostbesar nativespenduduk werepribumi poormiskin, anddan perceivedberanggapan thebahwa Chineseorang asTionghoa occupyingtinggal somedi of the most prosperous neighbourhoodsdaerah-daerah interkemuka thedan citysejahtera.{{sfn|Raffles|1830|pp=233–235}}{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|pp=461–462}} AlthoughBiarpun thesejarahwan Dutch historianBelanda A.N. Paasman notesmencatat thatbahwa atorang theTionghoa timemenjadi the"bak Chineseorang were the "JewsYahudi ofuntuk Asia",{{sfn|Paasman|1999|pp=325–326}} thekeadaan actualsebenarnya situationlebih was more complicatedrumit. ManyBanyak poororang ChineseTionghoa livingmiskin inyang thetinggal areadi aroundsekitar Batavia weremerupakan sugarburuh milldi workerspabrik who feltgula, exploitedyang bymerasa thedimanfaatkan Dutchpara andpembesar ChineseBelanda elitesdan equallyTionghoa.{{sfn|Kumar|1997|p=32}} RichOrang ChineseTionghoa ownedkaya thememiliki millspabrik anddan weremenjadi involvedsemakin inkaya [[Farm (revenue leasing)|revenue farming]]dengan andmengurus shippingperdagangan; theymereka drewmendapatkan income frompenghasilan millingdari andpembuatan thedan distillationpenyebaran of ''[[arrackTuak|arak]]'', asebuah molassesminuman andkeras rice-basedyang dibuat dari tetes alcoholicdan beverageberas.{{sfn|Kumar|1997|p=32}}{{sfn|Dobbin|1996|pp=53–55}} HoweverNamun, thepenguasa DutchBelanda overlordsyang setmenentukan theharga price for sugar,gula; whichini itselfjuga causedmenyebabkan unrestkeresahan.{{sfn|Mazumdar|1998|p=89}} BecauseSebagai ofakibat thepenurunan declineharga ofgula worldwidedi sugarpasar prices that began in the 1720s causeddunia, byyang andisebabkan increasekenaikan injumlah exportsekspor toke EuropeEropa,{{sfn|Ward|2009|p=98}} theindustri sugargula industrydi inHindia theBelanda Eastmerugi. IndiesHingga had suffered considerably. Bytahun 1740, worldwideharga sugargula pricesdi hadpasar droppedglobal tosudah halfseparuh thedari pricehargana inpada tahun 1720. AsKarena sugargula wasmenjadi asalah majorsatu export,ekspor thisutama causedHindia Belanda, considerablenegara financialjajahan difficultiesitu formengalami thekesulitan colonyfinansial.{{sfn|von Wachtel|1911|p=200}}
InitiallyPada someawalnya, membersbeberapa ofanggota the[[Dewan Council of the IndiesHindia]] ({{lang|nl|''Raad van Indië''}}) believedberanggapan thatbahwa theorang ChineseTionghoa wouldtidak nevermungkin attackmenyerang Batavia,{{sfn|Pan|1994|pp=35–36}} anddan strongerkebijakan measuresyang tolebih controltegas themengatur Chineseorang wereTionghoa blockedditantang byoleh afaksi factionyang leddipimpin bymantan Valckenier's political opponent, a former governor ofgubernur Zeylan [[Gustaaf Willem baron van Imhoff]], whoyang returnedkembali toke Batavia inpada tahun 1738.{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|pp=297–298}}{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|p=460}}{{sfn|Encyclopædia Britannica 2011, Gustaaf Willem}} LargeNamun, numbersorang ofketurunan ChineseTionghoa arrivedtiba outsidedi luar batas kota Batavia fromdari nearbyberbagai settlementskampung, however,dan andpada ontanggal 26 September Valckenier calledmemanggil anpara emergencyanggota meetingdewan ofuntuk thepertemuan council,darurat. duringPada whichpertemuan tersebut, Valckenier hememerintah gaveagar orderskerusuhan toyang responddipicu toorang anyTionghoa ethnicdapat Chineseditanggapi uprisingsdengan withkekuatan deadlyyang forcemematikan.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=111–113}} ThisKebijakan policyini continuedterus toditantang beoleh opposed byfraksi van Imhoff's faction; Vermeulen (1938){{efn|InDalam {{cite book | title = De Chineezen te Batavia en de troebelen van 1740 | trans_title = TheWarga ChineseTionghoa ofdi Batavia anddan theMasaalah TroublesPada ofTahun 1740 | last = Vermeulen | first = Johannes Theodorus | year = 1938 | language = Dutch Belanda| publisher = Proefschrift | location = Leiden }}{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=298}}}} suggested that the tension betweenberpendapat thebahwa twoketegangan colonialantara factionskedua playedfraksi apolitik roleini inikut theberperan ensuingdalam massacrepembantaian.{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=298}}
OnPada the evening oftanggal 1 OctoberOktober malam, Valckenier receivedmenerima reportslaporan thatbahwa aribuan crowdorang ofTionghoa asudah thousandberkumpul Chinesedi hadluar gatheredgerbang outsidekota theBatavia; gate,amuk angeredmereka bydipicu hisoleh statementspernyataannya atpada thepertemuan emergencydewan meetinglima fivehari days earliersebelumnya. ThisValckenier reportdan wasanggota receivedDewan incredulouslyHindia bylain Valckeniersulit andpercaya thehal counciltersebut.{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|pp=465–466}} HoweverNamun, aftersetelah theorang murderTionghoa ofmembunuh aseorang sarsan keturunan [[Balineseorang peopleBali|BalineseBali]] sergeantdi byluar thebatas Chinesekota, outsidedewan thememutuskan walls, the counciluntuk decidedmelakukan totindakan takeserta extraordinarymenguatkan measuresjumlah andpasukan reinforceyang themenjaga guardkota.{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=298}}{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|pp=466–467}} TwoDua groupskelompok, ofterdiri dari 50 Europeansorang andEropa somedan nativebeberapa porterskuli werepribumi, sentdikirim toke outpostspos onpenjagaan thedi southsebelah andselatan eastdan sidestimur of the cityBatavia,{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|p=468}} and a plandan ofdibuatkan attackrencana wasuntuk formulatedpertempuran.{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=298}}{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|pp=466–467}}
[[Berkas:Chinezenmoord van stolk (3).jpg|thumb|300px|Rumah orang Tionghoa dibakar dalam pembantaian ini.]]
AfterSetelah groupsberbagai ofkelompok Chineseburuh sugarpabrik millgula workersketurunan revoltedTionghoa usingmemberontak, custom-madedengan weaponsmenggunakan tosenjata lootyang anddibuat burnsendiri millsuntuk menjarah dan membakar pabrik,{{sfn|Kumar|1997|p=32}} hundredsratusan oforang ethnic ChineseTionghoa,{{efn|For exampleMisalnya, thepos minorpenjagaan postkecil ofdi Qual, locateddekat near theKali Tangerang Riverdan anddijaga staffed byoleh 15 soldiersprajurit, was surroundedterkepung byoleh atlebih leastdari five500 hundredorang ChineseTionghoa.{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|p=473}}}} suspectedyang tomungkin havedipimpin beenKapitan led by Chinese CaptainCina Ni Hoe Kong,{{efn|KongMenurut iscatatan notedsejarah, asKong survivingselamat bothdari theserbuan assaultdan and the massacrepembantaian. How he didCaranya sotidak isdiketahui notdengan knownpasti; thereada isyang speculationmenyatakan thatbahwa hedia hadbersembunyi adi secretruang cellarbawah undertanah hisdi houserumahnya oratau thatberbusana heperempuan dresseddan inbersembunyi women'sdalam clothing and hid inside the governor'sistana castlegubernur.{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|pp=302–303}} W.R. van Hoëvell suggestedberpendapat thatbahwa Kong gathered severalmengumpulkan hundredratusan peoplewarga aftersetelah escapingmelarikan thediri castledari andistana hiddan inbersembunyi adalam Portuguesesebuah churchgereja nearPortugis thedekat Chinesedaerah quarterspecinan.{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|p=585}} HeDia wasakhirnya laterditangkap captureddan anddituntut accuseddengan ofmemimpin leadingpasukan the uprising by thepemberontak. DutchBiarpun butdisiksa, despitedia beingtidak tortured, did not confessmengaku.{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|pp=302–303}}}} killedmembunuh 50 Dutchpasukan soldiersBelanda indi [[Meester Cornelis]] (nowkini [[Jatinegara]]) anddan [[Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat|Tanah Abang]] onpada tanggal 7 OctoberOktober.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=111–113}}{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=302}} InUntuk responsemenanggapi serangan ini, thepemimpin DutchBelanda sentmengirim 1,.800 regularpasukan troops,tetap accompaniedyang byditemani ''[[schutterij]]'' (militia[[milisi]]) anddan elevensebelas battalions[[batalyon]] of conscripts to[[wamil]] stopuntuk themenghentikan revoltpemberontakan; theymereka establishedmenentukan a[[jam curfewmalam]] anddan cancelledmembatalkan plansperayaan forTionghoa ayang Chinesesudah festivaldijadwalkan.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=111–113}} Fearing thatKarena thetakut Chinesebahwa wouldorang conspireTionghoa againstakan theberkomplot colonialspada bymalam candlelighthari, thoseyang insidetinggal thedi citydalam wallsbatas werekota forbiddendilarang tomenyalakan lightlilin candlesdan anddisuruh weremenyerahkan forced to surrender everything "downsemua, tohingga thepisau smallestpaling kitchenkecil knife"sekalian.{{sfn|Pan|1994|p=36}} ThePada followinghari dayberikutnya, thepasukan DutchBelanda repelledberhasil anmenangkis attacksuatu byserangan updari tohampir 10,.000 ethnicorang ChineseTionghoa, ledyang bydipimpin groupsoleh fromkelompok nearbydari [[Tangerang]] anddan [[Bekasi]], atdi the city's outer wallstembok kota;{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=298}}{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=114}} Raffles wrotemencatat thatsebanyak 1,.789 Chinesewarga diedketurunan inTionghoa thismeninggal attackdalam serangan ini.{{sfn|Raffles|1830|p=235}} InUntuk responsemenanggapi serangan ini, Valckenier calledmengadakan anotherpertemuan meetingDewan ofHindia thelagi councilpada ontanggal 9 OctoberOktober.{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=298}}{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=114}}
MeanwhileSementara, rumoursgosip spreadmulai amongtersebar thedalam otherkelompok ethnicetnis groups in Batavialain, includingtermasuk slavesbudak fromdari [[Bali]] anddan [[Sulawesi]], serta pasukan [[BugisSuku peopleBugis|Bugis]] anddan [[BalineseOrang peopleBali|BalineseBali]] troops, thatbahwa theorang Chinese wereTionghoa plottingberencana tomembunuh killatau memerkosa orang pribumi, rapeatau menjadikan ormereka enslavesebagai thembudak.{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=297}}{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=114–116}} TheseUntuk groupsmencegah prehal tersebut, kelompok-emptivelykelompok ini burnedmulai housesmembakar belongingorang toTionghoa ethnicdi Chinesesepanjang alongKali Besar Stream. TheIni Dutchdisusul followedoleh thisserangan withBelanda anterhadap assaulttempat ontinggal Chineseorang settlementsTionghoa elsewhere indi Batavia in which they burned houses and killed people. ThePolitikus DutchBelanda politicianyang and critic of colonialismanti-kolonis [[W.R. van Hoëvell]] wrotemenulis thatbahwa "pregnantwanita andhamil nursingdan women,yang sedang childrenmenyusui, andanak tremblingkecil, olddan menpara fellpria ongaek thejatuh sworddalam serangan. PrisonersTahanan weredibantai slaughteredseperti like sheep"domba.{{efn|OriginalAsli: "''... Zwangere vrouwen, zoogende moeders , argelooze kinderen, bevende grijsaards worden door het zwaard geveld. Den weerloozen gevangenen wordt als schapen de keel afgesneden''".}}{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|p=485}}
TroopsPasukan underdi Lieutenantbawah pimpinan Letnan Hermanus van Suchtelen anddan CaptainKapten Jan van Oosten, aseorang survivorserdadu fromBelanda yang selamat dari serangan di Tanah Abang, took stationmengambil inposisi thedi Chinesedaerah districtpecinan: Suchtelen anddan hispasukannya menmenempatkan positioneddiri themselvesdi atpasar theburung, poultrysementara market, whilepasukan van Oosten's men held a post alongmendapatkan thepos nearbydekat canalkanal.{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|p=486}} AtSekitar aroundjam 5:.00 p.m.sore, theserdadu DutchBelanda openedmulai firemenembakkan on[[meriam]] Chinese-occupiedke housesarah withrumah cannonsorang Tionghoa, causingsehingga them torumah-rumah catchtersebut fireterbakar.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=117}}{{sfn|Hall|1981|p=357}} SomeAda Chineseorang diedTionghoa inyang themati burningdi houses,rumah whilemereka, otherssementara wereorang shotlain uponditembak leaving theirsaat homeskeluar ordari committedrumah suicideatau inmembunuh desperationdiri. ThoseYang whoberhasil reachedmencapai thekanal canaldibunuh nearoleh the housingpasukan districtBelanda wereyang killedmenunggu bydalam Dutchperahu troops waiting in small boatskecil,{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=117}} whilesementara otherpasukan troopsBelanda searchedlainnya inmondar-mandir betweendi theantara rowsrumah-rumah ofyang burningsedang housesdibakar, killingmencari anydan survivorsmembunuh theyorang foundTionghoa yang masih hidup.{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|p=485}} ThesePerilaku ini actionsterus latertersebar spreaddi throughoutseluruh thekota cityBatavia.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=117}} Menurut Vermeulen, notessebagian thatbesar manypelaku ofmerupakan thepelaut perpetratorsdan wereunsur sailorsmasyarakat andlain otheryang "irregulartidak andtetap badataupun elements" of societybaik."{{efn|OriginalAsli: "''... vele ongeregelde en slechte elementen ...''"}}{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=299}} During thisDalam periodperiode thereini wasada heavybanyak lootingpenjarahan{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=299}}and seizuresdan ofpenyitaan propertyproperti.{{sfn|Raffles|1830|p=235}}
[[Berkas:Chinezenmoord Van Stolk.jpg|thumb|left|Tahanan Tionghoa dibunuh oleh pasukan Belanda pada tanggal 10 Oktober 1740.]]
ThePada followinghari dayberikutnya thekekerasan violenceini continuedterus to spreadmenyebar, anddan pasien ChineseTionghoa patientsdalam insebuah arumah hospitalsakit weredibawa takenke outsideluar anddan killeddibunuh.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=118–119}} AttemptsUsaha tountuk extinguishmemadamkan fireskebakaran indi areasdaerah devastatedKali theBesar precedingmembawa dayhasil; failed,kebakaran anditu themalam flamessemakin increasedganas, indan vigour,baru andpadam continuedpada untiltanggal 12 OctoberOktober.{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|pp=489–491}} MeanwhileSementara, asebuah groupkelompok ofyang terdiri dari 800 Dutchpasukan soldiersBelanda anddan 2,.000 nativesorang assaultedpribumi menyerbu Kampung Gading Melati, wheredi amana groupada oforang ChineseTionghoa survivorsyang werebersembunyi holdingdi upbahwa under the leadership ofpimpinan Khe Pandjang. {{efn|SourcesNamanya spelldieja hissecara nameberbeda alternativelydalam asberbagai sumber, di antara lain Khe Pandjang, Que Pandjang, Si Pandjang, oratau Sie Pan Djiang.}}{{sfn|Raffles|1830|p=235}}{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=301}}{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=135}} Setiono suggestsmenyebut thatnama hisaslinya actual name may have beensebenarnya Oie Panko.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=135}}}} AlthoughBiarpun thewarga ChineseTionghoa evacuatedmengungsi toke nearbydaerah Paninggaran, theymereka werediusir laterlagi drivenoleh outpasukan of the area by Dutch forcesBelanda. ThereAda weresekitar approximately450 450korban DutchBelanda anddan 800 Chinesekorban casualtiesTionghoa indalam thekedua twoserangan attackstersebut.{{sfn|Raffles|1830|p=235}}
===Kekerasan lanjutan===
OnPada tanggal 11 OctoberOktober Valckenier unsuccessfullymenyuruh requestedpara thatopsir officersBelanda controluntuk theirmenghentikan troops andpenjarahan; stopini thetidak lootingdilakukan.{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=300}} TwoDua dayshari laterkemudian theDewan councilHindia establishedmenentukan abahwa rewardsetiap oforang twoyang [[ducat]]smembawa forkepala everyorang ChineseTionghoa headakan surrendereddihargai todengan thedua soldiers[[dukat]]; asini andigunakan incentiveuntuk formemicu thesuku otherlain ethnicagar groupsmereka toikut assistmembantai inorang the purgeTionghoa.{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=300}} As a resultAkibatnya, ethnicorang ChineseTionghoa whoyang hadselamat surviveddari theserangan initialpertama assaultmulai werediburu hunted"bandit", by gangs of irregulars,yang whomembunuh killedorang thoseTionghoa Chineseyang theyditemukan foundagar formendapatkan theuang rewarditu.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=118–119}} ThePenguasa DutchBelanda workedbekerja withsama nativesdengan inkelompok differentpribumi partsdi ofberbagai daerah di Batavia; ethnicgrenadier Bugis anddan Balinese [[grenadier]]sBali weredikirim sentuntuk tomemperkuat reinforcepasukan theBelanda Dutchpada ontanggal 14 OctoberOktober.{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=300}} OnPada tanggal 22 OctoberOktober Valckenier calledmemerintah foragar allsemua killingspembunuh to ceasedihentikan.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=118–119}} InDalam asehelai lengthysurat letterpanjang inyang whichsepenuhnya hemenyalahkan blamedorang theTionghoa unrestuntuk entirelykerusuhan ondi the Chinese rebelsBatavia, Valckenierdia offeredmengajak anorang amnestyTionghoa tountuk all Chineseberdamai, exceptkecuali forpemimpin thepemberontakan; leadersdia ofmengajukan thepenghargaan unrest,sebanyak on500 whose[[rijksdaalder]] headsuntuk hesetiap placed apemimpin bountyyang of up to 500 [[Dutch rijksdaalder|rijksdaalders]]dibunuh.{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|pp=493–496}}
OutsideDi theluar wallsbatas skirmisheskota betweenterus theterjadi Chinesepertempuran rebelskecil andantara thepemberontak DutchTionghoa continueddan pasukan Belanda. OnPada tanggal 25 October, aftersetelah almosthampir twodua weeksminggu ofadanya minorpertempuran skirmisheskecil, 500 armedorang Tionghoa Chinesebersenjata approachedmenuju Cadouwang (nowkini [[Angke, Tambora, Jakarta Barat|Angke]]), buttetapi wereditangkis repelledoleh by cavalry under[[kavaleri]] thedi commandbawah ofpimpinan ''Ridmeester'' Christoffel Moll andserta [[Cornet (military rank)|Cornets]]Kornet Daniel Chits anddan Pieter Donker. ThePada followinghari dayberikutnya thekavaleri cavalryitu, whichyang consistedterdiri ofdari 1,.594 Dutchpasukan andBelanda nativedan forcespribumi, marchedmendekati onmarkas theorang rebelTionghoa strongholddi atPabrik theGula Salapadjang. sugarDi mill,sana firstmereka gatheredberkumpul indi thehutan, nearbylalu woodsmembakar andpabrik thenyang setmasih thepenuh milldengan onpemberontak fireTionghoa; while the rebels were inside;satu anotherpabrik milllain atdi Boedjong Renje wasdimusnahkan takenoleh inpasukan theBelanda same manner by another grouplain.{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|pp=503–506}} FearfulKarena oftakut thepada oncomingpasukan DutchBelanda, the Chineseorang-orang retreatedTionghoa tomengungsi ake sugarsuatu millpabrik indi Kampung Melayu, fourempat hoursjam fromdari Salapadjang; thismarkas strongholdini felldimusnahkan tooleh troopspasukan underdi Captainbawah pimpinan Kapten Jan George Crummel. After defeating the ChineseSetelah andmengalahkan retakingorang QualTionghoa, thepasukan DutchBelanda returnedkembali toke Batavia.{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|pp=506–507}} MeanwhileSementara, theorang fleeing ChineseTionghoa, whoyang weremulai blocked to the west bydikurung 3,.000 troopsprajurit from thedari [[Sultanate ofKesultanan Banten]], headedmelarikan eastdiri along theke northarah coasttimur ofmengikuti Javapesisir utara pulau Jawa;{{sfn|Ricklefs|1983|p=270}} bypada 30 October itOktober wasdilaporkan reportedbahwa thatorang theTionghoa Chinesetersebut hadsudah reachedmelewati Tangerang.{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|pp=506–507}}
APerintah ceasefireuntuk ordergencatan reachedsenjata diterima Crummel onpada tanggal 2 November, upon which he. andDia hisdan menpasukannya returnedkembali toke Batavia aftersetelah stationing a contingent ofmenempatkan 50 menpenjaga atdi Cadouwang. WhenKetika heCrummel arrivedtiba atdi noonBatavia, theresudah weretidak noada morepemberontak ChineseTionghoa stationeddi atluar thetembok wallskota.{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|pp=506–508}} OnPenjarahan 8berlangsung Novembersampai the [[Sultanate of Cirebon]] requested between 2,000 and 3,000 native troops to reinforce the city guard. Looting continued until at leasttanggal 28 November, and the last native troops stooddan downpasukan atpribumi theterakhir enddibebastugaskan ofpada thatakhir monthbulan.{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=300}}
[[Berkas:Trapping of three councilmen of Dutch East Indies.jpg|thumb|left|upright|Van Imhoff dan dua anggota Dewan Hindia lain ditangkap untuk pembangkangan setelah menantang Valckenier.]]
Most accounts of the massacre estimate that 10.000 Chinese were killed within Batavia's city walls, while at least another 500 were seriously wounded. Between 600 and 700 Chinese-owned houses were raided and burned.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=119}}{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|pp=491–492}} Vermeulen gives a figure of 600 survivors,{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=300}} while the Indonesian scholar A.R.T. Kemasang estimates that 3,000 Chinese survived.{{sfn|Kemasang|1982|p=68}} The Indonesian historian Benny G. Setiono notes that 500 prisoners and hospital patients were killed,{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=119}} and a total of 3,431 people survived.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=121}} The massacre was followed by an "open season"{{sfn|Kemasang|1981|p=137}} against the ethnic Chinese throughout Java, causing another massacre in 1741 in [[Semarang]], and others later in [[Surabaya]] and [[Gresik]].{{sfn|Kemasang|1981|p=137}}
Sebagian besar sejarahwan mencatat sebanyak 10.000 orang Tionghoa dibunuh dalam perbatasan kota Batavia, dan 500 lagi mengalami luka berat. Antara 600 dan 700 rumah milik orang Tionghoa dijarah dan dibakar.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=119}}{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|pp=491–492}} Vermeulen mencatat 600 orang Tionghoa yang selamat,{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=300}} sementara sejarahwan Indonesia A.R.T. Kemasang mencatat 3.000 yang selamat.{{sfn|Kemasang|1982|p=68}} Sejarahwan Tionghoa-Indonesia Benny G. Setiono mencatat bahwa sebanyak 500 tahanan dan pasien rumah sakit dibunuh,{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=119}} dengan jumlah orang yang selamat sebanyak 3.431.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=121}} Pembantaian ini disusul oleh periode yang rawan pembantaian terhadap warga keturunan Tionghoa di seluruh pulau Jawa, termasuk satu pembataian lagi di [[Semarang]] pada tahun 1741, dan beberapa lain di [[Surabaya]] dan [[Gresik]].{{sfn|Kemasang|1981|p=137}}
As part of conditions for the cessation of violence, all of Batavia's ethnic Chinese were moved to a ''[[pecinan]]'', or Chinatown, outside of the city walls, now known as [[Glodok]]. This allowed the Dutch to monitor the Chinese more easily.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=120–121}} To leave the ''pecinan'', ethnic Chinese required special passes.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=130}} By 1743, however, ethnic Chinese had already returned to inner Batavia; several hundred merchants operated there.{{sfn|Armstrong|Armstrong|Mulliner|2001|p=32}} Other ethnic Chinese led by Khe Pandjang{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=301}} fled to [[Central Java]] where they attacked Dutch trading posts, and were later joined by troops under the command of the Javanese sultan of [[Mataram Sultanate|Mataram]], [[Pakubuwono II|{{nowrap|Pakubuwono II}}]]. Though this [[Java War (1741—1743)|further uprising]] was quashed in 1743,{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=135–137}} conflicts in Java continued almost without interruption for the next 17 years.{{sfn|Ricklefs|2001|p=121}}
AsSebagai partsalah ofsatu conditionssyarat foruntuk the cessation ofberakhirnya violencekekerasan, allsemua ofpenduduk Batavia's ethnicketurunan ChineseTionghoa weredipindahkan movedke to asuatu ''[[pecinan]]'', ordi Chinatown,luar outsidebatas ofkota the city wallsBatavia, nowyang knownkini asmenjadi [[Glodok]]. ThisIni allowedmemungkinkan theorang DutchBelanda tolebih monitormudah the Chinesemengawasi moreorang easilyTionghoa.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=120–121}} To leave the ''pecinan'', ethnic Chinese required special passes.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=130}} ByNamun, pada tahun 1743, however,sudah ethnicada Chineseratusan hadpedagang alreadyketurunan returned toTionghoa inneryang Batavia;bertempat severaldi hundreddalam merchantskota operated thereBatavia.{{sfn|Armstrong|Armstrong|Mulliner|2001|p=32}} OtherOrang ethnicTionghoa Chineselain, leddipimpin byoleh Khe Pandjang{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=301}} fledmengungsi toke [[CentralJawa JavaTengah]], wheredi theymana attackedmereka Dutchmenyerang tradingberbagai posts,pos andperdagangan wereBelanda laterdan joinedbergabung bydengan troopspasukan underdi thebawah commandpimpinan of the Javanese sultan ofSultan [[Kesultanan Mataram Sultanate|Mataram]], [[Pakubuwono II|{{nowrap|Pakubuwono II}}]]. ThoughBiarpun thisperang [[Javaini Wardiselesaikan (1741—1743)|furtherpada uprising]] was quashed intahun 1743,{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=135–137}} conflictsselama in17 Javatahun continuedada almostkonflik withoutdi interruptionJawa for the next 17secara yearsterus-menerus.{{sfn|Ricklefs|2001|p=121}}
On 6 December 1740 van Imhoff and two fellow councillors were arrested on the orders of Valckenier for insubordination, and on 13 January 1741, they were sent to the Netherlands on separate ships;{{sfn|Geyl|1962|p=339}}{{sfn|van Eck|1899|p=160}} they arrived on 19 September 1741. In the Netherlands, van Imhoff convinced the council that Valckenier was to blame for the massacre and delivered an extensive speech entitled "Consideratiën over den tegenwoordigen staat van de Ned. O.I. Comp." ("Considerations on the Current Condition of the Dutch East Indies Company") on 24 November.{{sfn|Blok|Molhuysen|1927|pp=632–633}}{{sfn|Raat|2010|p=81}} As a result of the speech, the charges against him and the other councillors were dismissed.{{sfn|van Eck|1899|p=161}} On 27 October 1742 van Imhoff was sent back to Batavia on the ''Hersteller'' as the new governor-general of the East Indies, with high expectations from the Lords XVII, the leadership of the Dutch East India Company. He arrived in the Indies on 26 May 1743.{{sfn|Blok|Molhuysen|1927|pp=632–633}}{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=125–126}}{{sfn|Geyl|1962|p=341}}
Pada tanggal 6 Desember 1740 van Imhoff dan dua anggota Dewan Hindia lainnya ditangkap atas perintah Valckenier untuk kedurhakaan, dan pada tanggal 13 Januari 1741 mereka dikirimkan ke Belanda atas kapal yang berbeda.;{{sfn|Geyl|1962|p=339}}{{sfn|van Eck|1899|p=160}} mereka mendarat di Belanda pada tanggal 19 September 1741. Di Belanda, van Imhoff meyakinkan Heeren XVII, pemegang zaham utama VOC, bahwa Valckenier yang memicu pembantaian di Batavia, serta menyampaikan pidato berjudul "Consideratiën over den tegenwoordigen staat van de Ned. O.I. Comp." ("Pertimbangan Atas Keadaan Mutakhir di Hindia Belanda") pada tanggal 24 November.{{sfn|Blok|Molhuysen|1927|pp=632–633}}{{sfn|Raat|2010|p=81}} Sebagai akibat dari pidato itu, van Imhoff dan anggota dewan lain dibebaskan dari semua tuntutan.{{sfn|van Eck|1899|p=161}} Pada tanggal 27 Oktober 1742 van Imhoff dikirimkan kembali ke Batavia naik ''Hersteller'' sebagai Gubernur-Jenderal Hindia Belanda yang baru. Ia mendarat di Batavia pada tanggal 26 Mei 1743.{{sfn|Blok|Molhuysen|1927|pp=632–633}}{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=125–126}}{{sfn|Geyl|1962|p=341}}
[[Berkas:Gustaaf Willem baron van Imhoff2.jpg|thumb|Van Imhoff dikirim kembali ke Belanda, tetapi kemudian menjadi Gubernur-Jenderal Hindia Belanda yang baru.]]
Valckenier hadsudah askeddiminta todigantikan besebagai replacedgubernur-jenderal latepada inakhir tahun 1740, anddan inpada Februarybulan Februari 1741 hadmenerima receivedsurat ayang replymenyuruh instructingdia him to appointmengangkat van Imhoff assebagai his successorpenggantinya;{{sfn|Vanvugt|1985|p=106}} anversi alternativelain accountialah indicatesbahwa that the LordsHeeren XVII informedmenggantikan himValckenier thatsebagai hehukuman wasatas toekspornya beterlalu replacedbanyak bygula vandan Imhoffterlalu assedikit punishmentkopi forpada exporting too much sugar and too little coffee intahun 1739, andyang thussangat causingmerugikan large financial lossesVOC.{{sfn|Ricklefs|2001|p=124}}{{sfn|Raat|2010|p=82}} By the timeSaat Valckenier receivedmenerima thesurat replytersebut, van Imhoff was already on his waysudah backdalam toperjalanan theke NetherlandsBelanda. Valckenier leftmeninggalkan theHindia IndiesBelanda onpada 6tanggal 6 November 1741, aftersetelah appointing a temporary successor,memilih [[Johannes Thedens]]. Takingsebagai commandpenggantinya ofsampai avan fleet,Imhoff Valckeniesudah headedkembali. forPada the Netherlands. Ontanggal 25 January Januari 1742 hedia arrivedmendarat indi Capetown[[Cape butTown]] wastetapi detained,ditangkap anddan investigateddiselidiki byoleh governorgubernur Hendrik Swellengrebel byatas orderperintah of the LordsHeeren XVII. InValckenier Augustdikirim 1942kembali Valckenierke wasBatavia sentpada backbulan toAgustus Batavia1742, wheredi hemana wasia imprisoneddipenjarakan indi FortBenteng Batavia, anddan, threetiga monthsbulan laterkemudian, trieddigugat onatas severalbeberapa chargestuntutan, including histermasuk involvementketerlibatannya indalam theGeger massacrePacinan.{{sfn|Stellwagen|1895|p=227}} InPada Marchbulan Maret 1744 heia wasdinyatakan convictedbersalah anddan condemneddituntut todengan death,hukuman andmati; allharta hisbendanya belongings were confiscateddisita.{{sfn|Blok|Molhuysen|1927|pp=1220–1221}} InPada bulan December 1744 thekasus trialitu wasdibukakan reopenedkembali whensetelah Valckenier gavemembuat apernyataan lengthyyang statementpanjang tountuk defendmembela himselfdirinya.{{sfn|Geyl|1962|p=341}}{{sfn|Vanvugt|1985|pp=92–95, 106–107}}{{sfn|Blok|Molhuysen|1927|p=1220}} Valckenier askedmeminta forlebih morebanyak evidencebukti fromdari the NetherlandsBelanda, buttetapi diedmati indalam hiskurungan prisonpada cell ontanggal 20 June Juni 1751, beforesebelum thepenyelidikan investigation was completeddiselesaikan. TheHukuman deathmati penaltydibatalkan waspada rescinded posthumously intahun 1755.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|pp=125–126}}{{sfn|Blok|Molhuysen|1927|p=1220}} Vermeulen characterisesberpendapat thebahwa investigationpenyeledikan asValckenier unfairtidak andadil fuelleddan bydipicu popularoleh outrageamarah inmasyarakat thedi Netherlands,Belanda.{{sfn|Terpstra|1939|p=246}} andIni arguablymungkin thisdiakui wassecara officiallyresmi, recognisedsebab becausepada intahun 1760 Valckenier'sputra sonValckenier, Adriaan Isaäk Valckenier, receivedmendapatkan reparationsganti totallingrugi sebanyak 725,.000 [[Gulden Hindia-Belanda|gulden]].{{sfn|Blok|Molhuysen|1927|p=1221}}
SugarProduksi productiongula indi thedaerah areaBatavia sufferedturun greatlysecara afterdrastis thesetelah massacrepembantaian, as many of thesebab Chinesebanyak whoorang hadTionghoa runyang thedulu industrymengurus hadindustri beentersebut killedsudah orterbunuh wereatau missinghilang. ItIndustri begantersebut tomulai recoverberkembang afterlagi thesetelah new governorGubernur-general,Jenderal van Imhoff, "colonisedmengolonisasi" Tangerang. HeAwalnya initiallydia intendedbermaksud foragar menorang todatang comedari fromBelanda theuntuk Netherlandsbertani anddi worksana; thedia land;berpendapat hebahwa consideredorang thoseBelanda alreadyyang settledsudah inada thedi IndiesBatavia toadalah beorang lazymalas. HoweverNamun, hedia wastidak unable tobisa attractmenarik neworang settlersbaru becausekarena ofpajak highdi taxesHindia andBelanda thussangat soldtinggi, themaka landdia toterpaksa thosemenjual alreadytanah inke Batavia.orang AsBelanda heyang hadada expected,di theBatavia. newPemilik land-ownerstanah werebaru unwillingini totidak "soilberkenan theiruntuk hands",mengerjakan andtanah tersebut, quicklymaka rentedmereka outmenyewakan thetanah landitu tokepada ethnicorang ChineseTionghoa.{{sfn|Ota|2006|p=133}} ProductionProduksi rosemeningkat steadilysetelah after thisitu, buttetapi tookbaru untilpada the1760-an 1760sproduksi toada reachdi tingkat yang sama dengan di pre-1740; setelah levelsitu, afterproduksi whichmulai itberkurang again diminishedlagi.{{sfn|Ota|2006|p=133}}{{sfn|Bulbeck|Reid|Tan|Wu|1998|p=113}} TheJumlah numberpabrik ofgula millsjuga also declinedberkurang. InPada tahun 1710 there had beenada 131, buttetapi bypada tahun 1750 the number had fallenjumlahnya totinggal 66.{{sfn|Dobbin|1996|pp=53–55}}
Vermeulen describedmenyebut thepembantaian massacreini assebagai "onesalah ofsatu theperistiwa mostdalam strikingkolonialisme events[Belanda] in 18thpada abad ke-century18 [Dutch]yang paling colonialismmenonjol".{{efn|OriginalAsli: "''... markante feiten uit onze 18e-eeuwse koloniale geschiedenis tot onderwerp genomen''".}}{{sfn|Terpstra|1939|p=245}} InDalam his doctoral dissertationdisertasinya, W. W. Dharmowijono notesmenyatakan that thebahwa pogrom hasini figuredmempunyai heavilyperan inbesar Dutchdalam literature,sastra earlyBelanda. examplesSastra ini muncul dengan cepat; Dharmowijono ofmencatat whichadanya includesebuah apuisi poemoleh by [[Willem van Haren]] thatyang condemnedmengkritik thepembantaian massacreini (datingdari fromtahun 1742) anddan ansebuah anonymouspuisi poemanonim, fromdari theperiode sameyang periodsama, criticalyang ofmengkritik theorang ChineseTionghoanya.{{sfn|Dharmowijono|2009|p=304}} BritishRaffles explorermenulis andpada historiantahun of1830 Javabahwa Stamfordcatatan Raffleshistoris wroteBelanda in"jauh 1830dari thatlengkap Dutchatau historical records arememuaskan".{{efn|Asli: "''... far from complete or satisfactory".''"}}{{sfn|Raffles|1830|p=231}}
DutchSejarahwan historianasal Belanda [[Leonard Blussé]] writesmenulis thatbahwa theGeger massacrePacinan indirectlysecara ledtidak tolangsung themembuat rapidkota [[HistoryBatavia ofberkembang Jakarta|expansion of Batavia]]pesat, andsementara institutionalisedmembuat adikotomi ''[[modusantara vivendi]]''etnis thatTionghoa leddan topribumi ayang dichotomymasih betweenterasa thehingga ethnicakhir Chineseabad and other groups which could be felt in the late 20th centuryke-20.{{sfn|Blussé|1981|p=96}} ThePembantaian massacreini maymungkin alsopula havemenjadi beenasal anama factorbeberapa indaerah the naming of numerous areas indi Jakarta. OneSalah possiblesatu etymologyetimologi foruntuk thenama name[[Tanah ofAbang, theJakarta Pusat|Tanah Abang district]] (meaningyang berarti "redtanah earthmerah") isialah bahwa daerah thatitu itdinamakan wasuntuk nameddarah fororang theTionghoa Chineseyang blooddihabiskan spilleddi theresana; van Hoëvell suggestsberpendapat thatbahwa thenama namingitu wasdiajukan aagar compromiseorang toTionghoa makeyang theselamat Chinesedari survivorspogrom acceptlebih amnestycepat moremenerima quicklyamnesti.{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=115}}{{sfn|van Hoëvell|1840|p=510}} TheNama name ''[[Rawa Bangke''Bunga, for a subdistrict of EastJatinegara, Jakarta, mayTimur|Rawa beBangke]] derivedmungkin fromdiambil thedari vulgar Indonesian word for corpse,kata ''bangkai'', duekarena tojumlah theorang greatTionghoa numberyang ofdibunuh ethnicdi Chinesesana; killedetimologi there;serupa ajuga similarpernah etymologydiajukan hasuntuk been[[Angke, suggestedTambora, forJakarta ''Barat|Angke'']] indi [[Tambora, Jakarta|Tambora Barat]].{{sfn|Setiono|2008|p=115}}
==Lihat pula==
Baris 101 ⟶ 102:
* {{cite book | title = Chinese Populations in Contemporary Southeast Asian Societies: Identities, Interdependence, and International Influence |trans_title=Warga Tionghoa dalam Masyarakat Asia Tenggara Kontemporer: Identitas, Kesalingtergantungan, dan Pengaruh Internasional |language=Inggris | url = | first = M. Jocelyn | last = Armstrong | first2 = R. Warwick | last2 = Armstrong | first3 = K. | last3 = Mulliner | publisher = Curzon | location = Richmond | year = 2001 | isbn = 978-0-7007-1398-1 | ref = harv }}
* {{cite book | title = Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek | editor1-first = Petrus Johannes | editor1-last = Blok | editor2-first = Philip Christiaan | editor2-last = Molhuysen | year = 1927 | publisher = A. W. Sijthoff | location = Leiden | language = Belanda | trans_title = Kamus Biografis Belanda Baru | edition = ke-7 | oclc = 309920700 | url = | accessdate = | ref = harv }}
* {{cite journal | last = Blussé | first = Leonard | title = Batavia, 1619–1740: The Rise and Fall of a Chinese Colonial Town |trans_title=Batavia, 1619–1740: Muncul dan Runtuhnya Kota Kolonial Tionghoa |language=Inggris | journal = Journal of Southeast Asian Studies | location = Singapore | volume = 12 | issue = 1 | year = 1981 | pages = 159–178 | publisher = Cambridge University Press | issn = 0022-4634 | doi = 10.1017/S0022463400005051 | ref = harv }}
* {{cite book | last1 = Bulbeck | first1 = David | last2 = Reid | first2 = Anthony | last3 = Tan | first3 = Lay Cheng | last4 = Wu | first4 = Yiqi | year = 1998 | title = Southeast Asian Exports since the 14th century : Cloves, Pepper, Coffee, and Sugar |trans_title=Ekspor Asia Tenggara Sejak Abad Ke-14: Cengkeh, Merica, Kopi, dan Gula |language=Inggris | publisher = KITLV Press | isbn = 978-981-3055-67-4 | url = | location = Leiden | ref = harv }}
* {{cite thesis | location = Amsterdam | last = Dharmowijono | first = W. W. | url = | year = 2009 | language = Belanda| accessdate = 1 December 2011 | publisher = Universiteit van Amsterdaam | title = Van koelies, klontongs en kapiteins: het beeld van de Chinezen in Indisch-Nederlands literair proza 1880–1950 | degree = Dokter Humanitas | trans_title = Mengenai Kuli, Klontong, dan Kapitan: Citra Orang Tionghoa dalam Sastra Indonesia-Belanda 1880–1950 | ref = harv }}
* {{cite book | last1 = Dobbin | first1 = Christine | year = 1996 | title = Asian Entrepreneurial Minorities : Conjoint Communities in the Making of the World-Economy 1570–1940 | trans_title=Minoritas Pengusaha Asia: Komunitas Bergabung dalam Pembentukan Ekonomi Dunia 1570–1940 |language=Inggris |location = Richmond | publisher = Curzon | isbn = 978-0-7007-0404-0 | url = | ref = harv }}
* {{cite book | last1 = van Eck | first1 = Rutger |year = 1899 | title = "Luctor et emergo", of, de Geschiedenis der Nederlanders in den Oost-Indischen Archipel |trans_title="Luctor et emergo", atau, Sejarah Orang Belanda di Hindia Belanda | publisher = Tjeenk Willink | oclc = 67507521 |language=Belanda | url = | location = Zwolle | ref = harv }}
* {{cite book | last1 = Geyl | first1 = P. | year = 1962 | title = Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Stam |trans_title=Sejarah Tuan Belanda | url = |language=Belanda | publisher = Wereldbibliotheek | oclc = 769104246 |volume=4 | location = Amsterdam | ref = harv | isbn = 978-981-3055-67-4 }}
* {{cite book |url= |edition=ke-4, dengan gambar |year=1981 |location=London |isbn=978-0-333-24163-9 |title=A History of South-East Asia |trans_title=Sejarah Asia Tenggara |language=Inggris |last=Hall |first=Daniel George Edward| publisher=Macmillan |ref=harv}}
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* {{cite journal | last = Kemasang | first = A. R. T. | title = Overseas Chinese in Java and Their Liquidation in 1740 |trans_title=Etnis Tionghoa di Jawa dan Pembubaran Mereka Pada Tahun 1740 |language=Inggris | journal = Journal of Southeast Asian Studies | volume = 19 | year = 1981 | pages = 123–146 | location = Singapore | publisher = Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars | issn = 0007-4810 | ref = harv }}
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