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Baris 1:
[[Berkas:Logo_200_Jahre_Deutsche_Bibelgesellschaft.png|jmpl|220x220px|Logo ulang tahun Lembaga Alkitab Jerman, ''Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft''.]]
'''Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft''' ("Lembaga Alkitab Jerman") adalah suatu yayasan agamawi yang diatur oleh hukum publik. Merupakan suatu badan yang terlibat dalam penerbitan dan dalam menyebarkan pesan-pesan [[Alkitab]].
Lembaga ini menerbitkan Alkitab dalam bahasa asli dan terjemahan, serta teks-teks apokrif dan karya-karya ilmiah dalam studi Alkitab.
== Sejarah ==
Pada tahun 1965, dibentuklah Lembaga Alkitab regional yang independen sbagai suatu Organisasi Alkitab Protestan. Lembaga Alkitab Jerman dibentuk pada tahun 1981 ketika organisasi ini bergabung dengan German Bible Foundation, yang terdiri dari thesejumlah ''Bible Societies of the Protestant Churches'' ofdari thenegara-negara bagian Germandi statesJerman. Lembaga ini berbasis di distrik Möhringen, Stuttgart. Asal-usulnya dapat ditelusuri kembali, antara lain, ke Canstein Bible Institution, yang didirikan pada tahun 1710.
; Buku yang diterbitkan
Operasi penerbitan dalam Lembaga Alkitab Jerman ini mencakup lebih dari 700 buku dan produk lainnya, di antaranya 300 edisi Alkitab. Selain itu lembaga ini mendistribusikan lebih dari 400.000 Alkitab setiap tahunnya, terutama terjemahan Alkitab Martin Luther dan Alkitab Kabar Baik modern. Lembaga ini menerbitkan dasar teks-teks Alkitab terjemahan yang diterima secara internasional: [[Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia]], [[Novum Testamentum Graece]] dan Perjanjian Baru bahasa Yunani. Publikasi ini juga mencakup   Alkitab Anak-Anak, Alkitab elektronik, dan Alkitab dalam format lainnya.
Juga menawarkan kamus Alkitab online   yang disusun oleh para ahli dalam masing-masing subjek.
* ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'' Nestle-Aland.
* ''[[Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia]]''
* ''[[Vulgata|Nova Vulgata]]''
* {{Cite book|title=Das Thomasevangelium. Originaltext mit Kommentar|last=Plisch|first=Uwe-Karsten|publisher=Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft|year=2007|isbn=3-438-05128-1|location=Stuttgart}}
* ''Handkonkordanz zum griechischen Neuen PerjanjianTestament'', A. Schmoller
* ''Konkordanz zum hebräischen Alten PerjanjianTestament'', G. Lisowsky
== Bible ministry ==
According to its constitution, the second main function of the German Bible Society is spreading the message of the Bible. The primary aim is to make the Bible accessible. In the past, this was seen as being achieved mainly through Bible distribution, but today it is also regarded as important to provide people with new ways of accessing the Bible. This work is carried out through 19 offices operated by regional Bible Societies.
Alongside 145 other Bible Societies around the world, the German Bible Society works to translate, publish and distribute the Holy Scriptures. Bible Societies seek to make the Bible available to all people in their mother language at a price they can afford. Since 1975, the German Bible Society's World Bible Support initiative has been raising funds in Germany to support projects in less wealthy countries which are working towards this goal.
== Lihat pula ==
== Structure ==
* [[Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia|Bible society]]
The German Bible Society's executive units are the general assembly, the board and the management team. The principles and guidelines for its work are determined by the general assembly, which is made up of representatives of 23 regional Bible Societies, 14 Free Churches and Christian organisations, along with individuals.
The board is responsible for ensuring that the foundation's duties are fulfilled and for monitoring the Society's activities. It is made up of a chairperson, two deputies and up to 16 other members. The current chairperson (2011) is Johannes Friedrich, Bishop of Bavaria.
The management team is responsible for implementing policy. The Society's General Secretary is the Rev Klaus Sturm, who in January 2010 succeeded Jan-A. Bühner, General Secretary from 1997. Working with the General Secretary on the management team is Commercial Director Felix Breidenstein.
The German Bible Society is a member of the missionary services working group of the German Protestant Church.
It also works in partnership with the Catholic Bible Society to run the Stuttgart-based ecumenical travel agency 'Biblische Reisen', which offers study tours to the Holy Land and to other significant places in Christianity and in religious life.
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Lembaga Alkitab]]
* [[Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia|Bible society]]
* [[British and Foreign Bible Society]]
* [[Alkitab jermanbahasa terjemahanJerman]]
* [[Alkitab Luther|Luther Alkitab]]
* [[United Bible Societies]]
== Pranala luar ==
* [ JermanSitus Bibleweb Society''Deutsche WebsiteBibelgesellschaft'' ("Lembaga Alkitab Jerman"]
[[Kategori:Lembaga Alkitab]]
[[Kategori:Perusahaan Jerman]]