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Baris 1:
[[Gambar:Stipe mesic.jpg|thumb|Stjepan Mesić]]
[[de:|name=Stjepan Mesić]]
'''Stjepan Mesić''' (lahir [[24 Desember]] [[1934]]) adalah [[Presiden Kroasia]] sejak tahun 2000.
|order=[[Presiden Kroasia|Presiden]] [[Kroasia|Republik Kroasia]] ke-2
|term_start=[[18 Februari]] [[2000]]
|term_end= [[18 Februari]] [[2010]]
|predecessor=[[Franjo Tuđman]]
|successor=[[Ivo Josipović]]
|birth_date={{birth date and age|1934|12|24}}
|birth_place=[[Orahovica]], [[Kerajaan Yugoslavia]]
|death_date=tidak ada
|death_place=tidak ada
|spouse=[[Milka Mesić]]
|party=[[Uni Demokrat Kroasia]], [[Demokrat Independen Kroasia]], [[Partai Rakyat Kroasia]]
'''Stjepan "Stipe" Mesić''' (lahir [[24 Desember]] [[1934]]) adalah seorang politikus [[Kroasia]]. Ia menjabat [[Presiden Kroasia|Presiden Republik Kroasia]] sejak 2000. Sebelumnya, ia menjabat [[Perdana Menteri Kroasia]], presiden terakhir [[Republik Federal Sosialis Yugoslavia|Sosialis Yugoslavia]], dan presiden Parlemen Kroasia.
Mesić juga pernah menjabat deputi [[Parlemen Kroasia ]] pada dekade 1960-an, kemudian absen dari politik hingga [[1990]] ketika ia menjadi anggota [[Uni Demokratik Kroasia]] (HDZ: ''Croatian Democratic Union'') hingga menjabat [[Perdana Menteri Kroasia]]. <!--He was elected Croatian member of the [[Yugoslav]] Federal Presidency where he served first as Vice President and then in [[1991]] as the last President of the Yugoslav Federal Presidency. After that from [[1992]] he served as the President of the [[Croatian Parliament]].
Mesić juga pernah menjabat deputisebagai anggota [[Parlemen Kroasia ]] pada dekadetahun 1960-an, kemudian absen dari politik hingga [[1990]] ketika ia menjadi anggota [[Uni Demokratik Kroasia]] (HDZ:) ''Croatiandan Democraticbelakangan Union'')menjabat hingga menjabatsebagai [[Perdana Menteri Kroasia]]. <!--HeIa wasterpilih electedsebagai Croatianwakil memberKroasia ofdalam theKepresidenan Federal [[YugoslavYugoslavia]] Federaldan Presidencyduduk wherepertama-tama hesebagai servedWakil firstPresiden asdan Vice President and then inpada [[1991]] asmenjabat thesebagai lastPresiden Presidentterakhir ofdari the YugoslavKepresidenan Federal PresidencyYugoslavia. AfterSetelah thatitu, fromsejak [[1992]], heia servedmenjabat assebagai the President of thePresiden [[CroatianParlemen ParliamentKroasia]].
In [[1994]], he left HDZ with his several colleagues to form a new party - [[Croatian Independent Democrats]] (HND). In [[1997]] the majority of HND members, including Mesić, merged into the [[Croatian People's Party]] (HNS).
Pada [[1994]], ia menigngalkan HDZ bersama sejumlah rekannya untuk membentuk sebuah partai baru, [[Demokrat Independen Kroasia]] (HND). Pada [[1997]] mayoritas anggota HND, termasuk Mesić, bergabung ke dalam [[Partai Rakyat Kroasia]] (HNS).
After [[Franjo Tuđman]] died in [[December]] [[1999]], he was elected in two rounds the [[President of the Republic of Croatia]] in February [[2000]]. He was re-elected in January [[2005]] for a second term.
Setelah meninggalnya [[Franjo Tuđman]] pada [[Desember]] [[1999]], ia terpilih dalam dua putaran sebagai [[Presiden Republik Kroasia]] pada Februari [[2000]]. Ia terpilih kembali pada Januari [[2005]] untuk masa jabatan kedua.
==Early years==
Stjepan Mesić, commonly shortened to Stipe Mesić, was born in [[Orahovica]], [[Slavonia]]. He graduated from the [[gymnasium (school)|gymnasium]] in [[Požega]] and from the Law Faculty of the [[University of Zagreb]]. He received an honorary doctorate from Tuzla University in 2005.
== Tahun-tahun awal ==
After becoming a lawyer, he worked in Orahovica and [[Našice]]. He finished compulsory military service and then became a municipal judge after passing judicial exams.
Stjepan Mesić, biasanya disingkat menjadi Stipe Mesić, dilahirkan di [[Orahovica]], [[Slavonia]]. Ia lulus dari [[gimnasium (sekolah)|gimnasium]] di [[Požega]] dan dari Fakultas Hukum dari [[Universitas Zagreb]]. Ia memperoleh gelar doktor kehormatan dari Universitas Tuzla pada 2005.
Setelah menjadi pengacara, ia bekerja di Orahovica dan [[Našice]]. Ia menyelesaikan wajib militernya dan kemudian menjadi hakim di kota itu setelah lulus ujian sebagai hakim.
Mesić got married to Milka (née Dudunić) and they had two daughters.
Mesić menikah dengan Milka Dudunić dan mereka mempunyai dua orang anak perempuan.
He moved to [[Zagreb]] to work as a manager for the company "Univerzal". The managerial position (he was Director of General Affairs) implied that he was aligned with the [[Communist Party of Yugoslavia]].
Ia pindah ke [[Zagreb]] untuk bekerja sebagai manajer perusahaan "Univerzal". Kedudukan sebagai manajer (ia menjadi Direktur Urusan Umum) berarti bahwa ia merupakan anggota [[Partai Komunis Yugoslavia]].
In [[1966]], he ran as an independent candidate in the election for his municipal council, and defeated two other candidates, one from the Communist Party and the other from the Socialist Union of Working People. In [[1967]], he became the mayor of Orahovica and a member of the [[Croatian Parliament]].
[[GambarBerkas:StipeStjepan mesicMesic (2).jpg|thumbjmpl|Stjepan Mesić]]
As mayor, Mesić attempted the building of a private factory in the town, the first private factory in [[SFRY|Yugoslavia]]. However, this was stopped by [[Tito]] as an attempt to silently introduce [[capitalism]], which was illegal according to the then-current constitution.
Pada [[1966]], ia mencalonkan diri sebagai kandidat independen dalam pemilihan umum dewan munisipal, dan mengalahkan dua kandidat lainnya, yang pertama dari Partai Komunis dan yang kedua dari Uni Sosialis untuk Rakyat Pekerja. Pada [[1967]], ia menjadi wali kota Orahovica dan anggota [[Parlemen Kroasia]].
<!--As mayor, Mesić attempted the building of a private factory in the town, the first private factory in [[SFRY|Yugoslavia]]. However, this was stopped by [[Tito]] as an attempt to silently introduce [[capitalism]], which was illegal according to the then-current constitution.
In 1967, when a group of Croatian intellectuals published the now-famous "Declaration" about the [[Croatian language]], Mesić publicly denounced it as a diversionary attack against the very foundations of Yugoslavia and called for its authors to be prosecuted by law. However, in the 1970s, Mesić proceeded to support the [[Croatian Spring]] movement which called for Croatian equality within the Yugoslav Federation on economic, political and cultural level. The government indicted him for "acts of enemy propaganda". The initial process lasted three days in which 55 witnesses testified, only five against him, but he was sentenced to one year and two months in jail. He appealed and the trial was prolonged, but eventually in [[1975]] he was incarcerated for one year, and served his sentence at the Stara Gradiška prison.
Baris 54 ⟶ 72:
* ''I think I have fulfilled my task. Yugoslavia is no more.'' December 5th, 1991 in the Croatian parliament following his resignation of the Yugoslav presidency. Often taken out of context for political purposes, Mesić explained his statement on October 2, 2002 during his cross-examination at the ICTY by Slobodan Milošević. See [ ICTY Transcript, Page 10636]
* ''All Serbs will fit under an umbrella.'' Mesic, on a meeting of [[HDZ]] in Gospic, in 1990, during heavy rain.
* ''Serbs can carry the dust on [[opanci]] on which they came to Croatia!'' Mesic, on a meeting of [[HDZ]] during election campagn in 1990. (In fact, Serbs in Krajina region have lived there for centuries, untill 1995)-->
== Pranala luar ==
* ''All Serbs will fit under an umbrella.'' Mesic, on a meeting of [[HDZ]] in Gospic, in 1990, during heavy rain.
* [ Stjepan Mesić - biography] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-31 }}
* ''Serbs can carry the dust on [[opanci]] on which they came to Croatia!'' Mesic, on a meeting of [[HDZ]] during election campagn in 1990. (In fact, Serbs in Krajina region have lived there for centuries, untill 1995)-->
{{start box}}
{{succession box |
{{succession box|title=[[Presiden Kroasia]]|before=[[Zlatko Tomčić]]|after=masih menjabat|years=[[18 Februari]] [[2000]]&mdash;}}
before= [[Franjo Tuđman]] |
title= [[Presiden Kroasia]] |
years= [[18 Februari]] [[2000]] - Sekarang|
after= Sedang Menjabat}}
{{succession box |
before= Tidak ada|
title= [[Perdana Menteri Kroasia]] |
years= [[30 Mei]] [[1990]] – [[24 Agustus]] 1990|
after= [[Josip Manolić]]}}
{{succession box |
before= [[Borisav Jović]] |
title= [[Kepala Negara Yugoslavia|Pimpinan Kepresidenan Kolektif Yugoslavia]] |
years= [[30 Juni]] [[1991]] - [[3 Oktober]] [[1991]]<br /><small>(menggantikan lagi [[5 Desember]]) |
after= [[Branko Kostić]] (''acting'')}}
{{end box}}
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[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1934|Mesi&#263;Mesić, Stjepan]]
[[Kategori:Presiden Kroasia|Mesi&#263;Mesić, Stjepan]]
[[Kategori:Perdana Menteri Kroasia]]
[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1934|Mesi&#263;, Stjepan]]
[[Kategori:Presiden Kroasia|Mesi&#263;, Stjepan]]
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