Uncial 0308: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(11 revisi perantara oleh 2 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 7:
| name = Oxyrhynchus 4500
| sign =
| text = [[BookWahyu ofkepada Revelation|RevelationYohanes]] 11:15-16; 11:17-18
| script = [[bahasa Yunani]]
| date = ~ 350 M
Baris 20:
'''Uncial 0308''' (atau '''Codex 0308''' dalam [[naskah Alkitab#Gregory-Aland|penomoran Gregory-Aland]]); juga dikenal sebagai '''Papirus Oxyrhyncus 4500''' atau '''P.Oxy. 4500''') adalah sebuah [[naskah Alkitab|naskah]] kuno berisi bagian [[Perjanjian Baru]] dari [[Alkitab]] [[Kristen]] dalam [[bahasa Yunani]]. Hanya terdiri dari satu fragmen dari satu lembaran [[perkamen]]. Memuat potongan kitab [[Wahyu kepada Yohanes]], yaitu [[Wahyu 11|pasal 11]]. Diperkirakan dibuat pada abad ke-4.
== Pemerian ==
TheTeks survivingyang textsterlestarikan ofdari Revelationkitab are[[Wahyu verseskepada Yohanes]] adalah ayat 11:15-16 anddan 11:17-18; they aresemua indalam fragmentarykeadaan conditionterfragmentasi.
Uncial 0308 measuresberukuran 5.,9&nbsp;cm byx 4.,8&nbsp;cm (8 x 8&nbsp;cm), withdi themana survivinglembaran leafyang havingtersisa mempunyai 11 linesbaris outdari of14 anbaris original 14asalnya (see reconstructionmenurut belowrekonstruksi). TheTeks textditulis waspada writtensatu onekolom columnper to a pagehalaman, thoughmeskipun linepanjang lengthsbaris weretidak irregularteratur. The lettersHuruf Ε ([[epsilon]]) anddan Θ ([[theta]]) havemempunyai longergaris thetengah middleyang linelebih panjang, and they aredan similarmirip todengan thosetulisan frompada [[Codex Washingtonianus]]. TheseKarakter characterstulisan appearini influencedtampaknya bydipengaruhi theoleh shapebentuk of[[bahasa CopticKoptik|huruf-huruf lettersKoptik]].
TheIstilah [[nomina sacra]] attestedyang intermuat thisdalam fragmen uncial fragmentini areadalah <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΚΣ</span> (''Kurios'', LordTuhan) anddan <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΧΡΣ</span>) (''Christos'', Christ[[Kristus]]). The numberAngka "twentydua fourpuluh empat" is alsojuga writtenditulis usingmenggunakan an abbreviationsingkatan — <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΚΔ</span>. All the abbreviationsSemua aresingkatan markedditandai withdengan thegaris superscriptdi baratasnya.
== Teks ==
Baris 33:
|'''{{color|red|το}} η βασιλει{{color|red|α του κος}}'''
| Pemerintahan atas du-
| The kingdom of the wor-
|'''{{color|red|μ}}ου του <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΚΥ</span> ημ{{color|red|ων και'''}}
| nia dipegang oleh Tuhan kita dan
| ld belongs to our Lord and
|'''{{color|red|το}}υ <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΧΡΥ</span> αυτο{{color|red|υ και βασι'''}}
| hisDia Christyang diurapi-Nya, anddan heIa shallakan reimeme-
|'''{{color|red|λ}}ευσει εις το{{color|red|υς αιω}}'''
| rintah (sebagai raja) sampai selama-
| gn for ev-
|'''νας των αι{{color|red|ωνων}}'''
| lamanya
| er and ever
|'''και οι <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΚΔ</span> πρ{{color|red|εσβυτεροι οι}}'''
| dan kedua puluh empat tua-tua
| and the 24 elders who
|'''ενωπιον {{color|red|του Θεου κα}}'''
| yang duduk di hadapan Allah
| sit before God
|'''θημεν{{color|red|οι επι τους θρο}}'''
| ondi theiratas throtakhta me-
|'''νους {{color|red|αυτων επεσαν}}'''
| reka
| nes fell
|'''επι {{color|red|τα προσωπα αυτ}}'''
| tersungkur
| on their faces
|'''ω{{color|red|ν και προσεκυνησαν}}'''
| dan menyembah
| and worshipped
| '''{{color|red|τω θεω λεγοντες ευχα}}'''
| GodAllah, sayingsambil berkata, wekami
| '''<span style="color:red;">ριστουμεν σοι <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΚΕ</span> </span>ο '''
| mengucap syukur kepada-Mu, ya Tuhan,
| give thanks to thee Lord
| '''<span style="color:red;"> <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΘΣ</span> ο παντοκρατορ </span>'''
| Allah, Yang Mahakuasa,
| God Almighty
{| class="wikitable" style="float:left; margin-right:1em"
Baris 79:
|'''{{color|red|ο ων κα}}ι ο ην και {{color|red|οτι ει}}'''
| yang ada dan yang sudah ada,
| who art and who wast
|'''{{color|red|ληφ}}ας την δυν{{color|red|αμιν }}'''
| karena Engkau telah memangku kuasa-Mu
| that you taken thy power
|'''{{color|red|σου }}την μεγαλη{{color|red|ν και}}'''
| yang besar dan
| great and
|'''{{color|red|εβα}}σιλευσας κ{{color|red|αι}}'''
| telah mulai memerintah
| begun to reign
|'''{{color|red|τα εθν}}η ωργισθησα{{color|red|ν}}'''
| semua bangsa telah marah
| The nations raged
|'''{{color|red|και ηλθη}}ν η οργη σο{{color|red|υ}}'''
| tetapi amarah-Mu telah datang
| but thy wrath came
|'''{{color|red|και ο καιρο}}ς των νε'''
| anddan thesaat timebagi for the
|'''{{color|red|κρων κριθ}}ηναι και'''
| orang-orang mati untuk dihakimi
| dead to be judged
|'''{{color|red|δουναι τον μι}}σθον'''
| dan untuk memberi upah
| for rewarding
|'''{{color|red|τοις δουλοις σο}}υ και'''
| kepada hamba-hamba-Mu, dan
| thy servants and
|'''{{color|red|τοις προφηταις κ}}αι'''
| nabi-nabi
| the prophets
|'''{{color|red|τοις αγιοις και}}'''
| dan orang-orang kudus
| and saints
| '''{{color|red|τοις φοβουμενοις}}'''
| dan kepada mereka yang takut
| and those who fear
| '''{{color|red|το ονομα σου}}'''
| thyakan namenama-Mu
|}{{clear left}}
Although the text of the codex is too brief to determine its textual character, it concurs with both [[Codex Sinaiticus]] and with <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>47</sup> ([[Papyrus 47]]), with one exception.
In Rev 11:16 it has the textual variant κα]θημενο[ι, agreeing with [[Codex Alexandrinus]], [[Uncial 051]] and <math>\mathfrak{M}</math><sup>A</sup> against καθηνται—<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>47</sup> and [[Codex Ephraemi]]—also οι καθηνται—Sinaiticus and <math>\mathfrak{M}</math><sup>K</sup>.<ref name = Elliott>J. K. Elliott, "Seven Recently Published New Testament Fragments from Oxyrhynchus", ''Novum Testamentum'' XLII, p. 212.</ref>
In Rev 11:17 it has και οτι, a variant supported by: <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>47</sup>, [[Codex Sinaiticus|א]], [[Codex Ephraemi|C]] and [[Minuscule 2344|2344]].
In Re 11:18 it has textual variant "τοις δουλοις σου και τοις προφηταις" (like: Sinaiticus and <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>47</sup>),<ref name = Elliott/> [[Textus Receptus]] and NA27 have: "τοις δουλοις σου τοις προφηταις".
It differs two times with NA27 (και used 2 times more). The text of the codex was published by W. E. H. Cockle in 1999.<ref>W. E. H. Cockle, "4500. Revelation XI 15–16; 17–18", ''The Oxyrhynchus Papyri'' LXVI (London: Egypt Exploration Society, 1999).</ref>
== Varian tekstual ==
It is cataloged among the [[Oxyrhynchus Papyri]] as ''P. Oxy.'' 4500, and is now part of the [[Sackler Library]] collection in [[Oxford]].<ref name = INTF>{{Cite web |url=http://intf.uni-muenster.de/vmr/NTVMR/ListeHandschriften.php?ObjID=20308 |title=Liste Handschriften |publisher=Institute for New Testament Textual Research |accessdate=25 April 2011|location=Münster}}</ref>
Meskipun teks kodeks terlalu pendek untuk dipastikan karakter tekstualnya, isinya bersesuaian dengan [[Codex Sinaiticus]] dan [[Papirus 47|<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>47</sup> (Papirus 47)]], dengan satu perkecualian.
In* RevPada {{Alkitab|Wahyu 11:16}} it has theterdapat textualvarian varianttekstual κα]θημενο[ι, agreeingsesuai withdengan [[Codex Alexandrinus]], [[Uncial 051]] anddan <math>\mathfrak{M}</math><sup>A</sup> against καθηνται—<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>47</sup> anddan [[Codex Ephraemi]]—also—juga οι καθηνται—Sinaiticus anddan <math>\mathfrak{M}</math><sup>K</sup>.<ref name = Elliott>J. K. Elliott, "Seven Recently Published New Testament Fragments from Oxyrhynchus", ''Novum Testamentum'' XLII, p. 212.</ref>
In* RevPada {{Alkitab|Wahyu 11:17}} it hastermuat και οτι, asuatu varian variantyang supporteddidukung byoleh: <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>47</sup>, [[Codex Sinaiticus|א]], [[Codex Ephraemi|C]] anddan [[Minuscule 2344|2344]].
In* RePada {{Alkitab|Wahyu 11:18}} it hasterdapat textualvarian varianttekstual "τοις δουλοις σου και τοις προφηταις" (likeseperti: Sinaiticus anddan <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>47</sup>),<ref name = Elliott/> sementara [[Textus Receptus]] anddan NA27 havememuat: "τοις δουλοις σου τοις προφηταις". Berbeda dua kali dengan NA27 (και digunakan 2 kali lebih banyak).
ItTeks differskodeks twoini timesdipublikasikan with NA27 (και used 2 times more). The text of the codex was published byoleh W. E. H. Cockle inpada tahun 1999.<ref>W. E. H. Cockle, "4500. Revelation XI 15–16; 17–18", ''The Oxyrhynchus Papyri'' LXVI (London: Egypt Exploration Society, 1999).</ref>
== Katalog dan penyimpanan ==
ItDimasukkan iske catalogeddalam among thekatalog [[Papirus Oxyrhynchus Papyri]] assebagai ''P. Oxy.'' 4500, anddan issekarang nowmenjadi partbagian of thekoleksi [[Sackler Library]] collection indi [[Oxford]], [[Inggris]].<ref name = INTF>{{Cite web |url=http://intf.uni-muenster.de/vmr/NTVMR/ListeHandschriften.php?ObjID=20308 |title=Liste Handschriften |publisher=Institute for New Testament Textual Research |accessdate=25 April 2011|location=Münster}}</ref>
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Daftar Uncial Perjanjian Baru]]
Baris 151 ⟶ 153:
{{Oxyrhynchus Papyri}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Uncial 01620308}}
{{Authority control}}
[[Kategori:Naskah Perjanjian Baru]]
[[Kategori:OxyrhynchusNaskah papyriUncial vol.Perjanjian LXVI|4500Baru]]
[[Kategori:Oxyrhynchus Papyri Vol. LXVI|4500]]
[[Kategori:Wahyu kepada Yohanes]]