Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 2:
'''Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck''' ({{lahirmati|[[Bazentin]], [[Picardie]]|1|8|1744|[[Paris]]|18|12|1829}}) adalah [[biologi]]wan [[Prancis]] yang dikenal karena pendapatnya dalam [[teori]] tentang [[evolusi]] kehidupan.
Sebagai seorang ilmuwan, jalan hidupnya luar biasa menurut ukuran masa kini. Ia lahir sebagai anak bungsu keluarga miskin dan masih keturunan [[bangsawan]]. Pendidikan dasar dan menengah ditempuhnya di suatu sekolah [[Jesuit]] di [[Amiens]]. Segera setelah ayahnya meninggal di saat ia 17 tahun, ia menjadi tentara dan berpangkat [[letnan]] dalam [[Perang Tujuh Tahun]]. Pada masa kedinasan militer ini ia mulai belajar [[botani]], yang segera dilanjutkannya dengan belajar [[Kedokteran]] dan Botani selama empat [[semester]] di [[Paris]]. Untuk menunjang hidup ia bekerja sebagai asisten penjualan (marketing). Tahun 1779 terbit buku pertamanya, ''Flore francoise''. Buku ini menarik perhatian pemimpin ''Jardin du Roi'' ("Kebun Kerajaan"), [[Georges-Louis de Buffon]], yang lalu menariknya menjadi pembantunya di [[Museum Nasional Paris untuk Sejarah Alam]]. Sejak 1786 ia menjadi [[kurator]] ''Jardin du Roi'' dan 1793, setelah [[Revolusi Prancis]], ia menjadi [[profesor]] untuk hewan [[avertebrata]]. Kehidupannya penuh kesulitan. Ia beberapa kali kawin-cerai, kemiskinan selalu menyertai sepanjang hidupnya, dan bahkan sejak 1818 ia [[buta]] total.
Dalam kariernya ia telah menulis buku di bidang yang cukup luas, mulai dari [[zoologi]], botani, [[meteorologi]], dan [[kimia]], namun sebetulnya minat utamanya adalah hubungan antara makhluk hidup dan lingkungannya (ekologi). Ia memberi dasar klasifikasi baru bagi hewan, dengan pertama-tama memisahkan dalam dua kelompok besar: hewan bertulang belakang ([[Vertebrata]]) dan tak bertulang belakang (Avertebrata). Hal ini dikemukakannya dalam buku karangannya "Filsafat Zoologi" (1809).
Baris 13:
== Tragedi akibat Lamarckisme ==
Para pendukung [[materialisme dialektika]], pemikiran yang berkembang pesat di akhir abad ke-19, menganggap Lamarckisme sesuai dengan ideologi mereka, dan melahirkan Neo-Lamarckisme. Kaum ini menolak teori evolusi Darwin, mengadopsi Lamarckisme, dan bahkan mempraktikkannya dalam program [[pertanian]] di negara-negara [[komunisme|komunis]]. [[Vernalisasi]] (perlakuan suhu rendah) terhadap [[benih]] [[gandum]] dianggap dapat "melatih" tanaman sehingga tahan menghadapi musim dingin. Pendapat ini dipercaya karena hasil penelitian [[Ivan Mitschurin]], seorang [[pemuliaan tanaman|pemulia tanaman]] [[Rusia]], menunjukkan hal itu. Penentang-penentangnya, di antaranya [[N.I. Vavilov]], ditangkap dan diasingkan ke [[Siberia]]. Eksperimen yang disokong [[Stalin]] ini membawa kehancuran pertanian Rusia, karena tanaman gagal panen.
==Karya utama==
*1778 [ ''Flore françoise, ou, Description succincte de toutes les plantes qui croissent naturellement en France'' ] 1st ed.
** [ 2nd ed. 1795], 3rd 1805 ([[de Candolle]] ed.)
*1809. ''[[Philosophie zoologique|Philosophie zoologique, ou Exposition des considérations relatives à l'histoire naturelle des animaux...]]'', Paris. Translated with introduction and commentary in 1914 by [[Hugh S. R. Elliot]] as [ Zoological Philosophy]. Arguably the most comprehensive discussion of the topic of Lamarckism and more of Lamarck's views.
* {{cite book|last=Lamarck|first=Jean-Baptiste|author-link=Lamarck|title=Encyclopédie méthodique. Botanique|date=1783–1808|publisher=Panckoucke|location=Paris|url=|ref=none}} (see [[Encyclopédie méthodique]])
** [ Supplement 1810–1817]
** ''L'Illustration des genres'', [ vol. I: 1791], [ vol. II: 1793], vol. III: 1800, [ Supplement by Poiret 1823]
Pada [[Taksonomi (biologi)|klasifikasi]] [[Invertebrata]] :
*1801. ''Système des animaux sans vertèbres, ou tableau général des classes, des ordres et des genres de ces animaux; présentant leurs caractères essentiels et leur distribution, d'après la considération de leurs...'', Paris, Detreville, VIII: 1–432.
*1815–22. ''Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres, présentant les caractères généraux et particuliers de ces animaux...'', Tome 1 (1815): 1–462; Tome 2 (1816): 1–568; Tome 3 (1816): 1–586; Tome 4 (1817): 1–603; Tome 5 (1818): 1–612; Tome 6, Pt.1 (1819): 1–343; Tome 6, Pt.2 (1822): 1–252; Tome 7 (1822): 1–711.
==Lihat pula==
* [[Aklimatisasi]]
* [[Efek Baldwin]]
* [[Determinisme lingkungan]]
* [[Evolusi]]
* [[Teori gen egois]]
* [[Teori evolusi molekuler netral]]
* [[Plastisitas fenotipe]]
* [[Spandrel (biologi)]]
*{{cite web |title=Chronologie de la vie de Jean-Baptiste Lamarck |publisher=[[Centre national de la recherche scientifique]] |last1=Bange |first1=Raphaël |first2=Pietro |last2=Corsi |url= |access-date=10 July 2007 |language=fr |date=n.d.|archive-url= |archive-date=12 April 2013 |url-status=dead }}
*{{cite book | last=Bowler | first=Peter | title=Evolution : the history of an idea | publisher=University of California Press | year=1989 | edition=Revised | isbn=978-0-520-06386-0 | oclc=17841313| url-access=registration | url= }}
*{{cite book |last=Bowler |first=Peter J. |author-link=Peter J. Bowler |year=2003 |title=Evolution: the History of an Idea |publisher=[[University of California Press]] |location=California |edition=3rd |isbn=978-0-520-23693-6 |ref=Bowler |url-access=registration |url= }}
*{{cite journal |last=Burkhardt |first=Richard W., Jr. |year=1970 |title=Lamarck, evolution, and the politics of science |journal=[[Journal of the History of Biology]] |volume=3 |issue=2 |pages=275–298 |pmid=11609655 |jstor=4330543 |ref=Burkhardt |doi=10.1007/bf00137355}}
*{{cite book |last=Coleman |first=William L. |title= Biology in the Nineteenth Century: problems of form, function, and transformation|url= |year= 1977 |publisher=[[Cambridge University Press]] |location=Cambridge |isbn=978-0-521-29293-1 |ref=Coleman}}
* {{Cite journal |last1=Curtis |first1=Caitlin |last2=Millar |first2=Craig |last3=Lambert |first3=David |date=September 2018 |title=The Sacred Ibis debate: The first test of evolution|journal=PLOS Biology |volume=16 |issue=9 |pages=e2005558 |doi=10.1371/journal.pbio.2005558 |pmid=30260949|pmc=6159855}}
*{{cite journal |last=Cuvier |first= Georges |author-link=Georges Cuvier |date=January 1836 |title=Elegy of Lamarck |journal=[[Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal]] |volume=20 |pages=1–22 |url= |ref=Cuvier1836}}
*{{cite book |last=Damkaer |first=David M. |title= The Copepodologist's Cabinet: a Biographical and Bibliographical History |url= |year=2002 |publisher=[[American Philosophical Society]] |location=Philadelphia |isbn=978-0-87169-240-5 |ref=Damkaer}}
*{{cite book |last=Darwin |first=Charles |author-link=Charles Darwin |year=1861–1882 |title=On the Origin of Species |edition=3rd–6th |chapter=Historical sketch |url= |location=London |publisher=John Murray |ref=Darwin}}
*{{cite book|last=Darwin|first=Charles |author-link=Charles Darwin|editor-first=Philip |editor-last=Appleman|title=Darwin: Texts, Commentary|url=|edition=3rd|series=Norton critical editions in the history of ideas|year=2001|publisher=Norton|isbn=978-0-393-95849-2}}
*{{cite book |last=Delange |first=Yves |year=1984 |title=Lamarck, sa vie, son œuvre |isbn=978-2-903098-97-1 |publisher=Actes Sud |location=Arles |ref=Delange}}
*{{cite book|author1=Dudenredaktion|last2=Kleiner|first2=Stefan|last3=Knöbl|first3=Ralf|year=2015|orig-year=First published 1962|title=Das Aussprachewörterbuch|trans-title=The Pronunciation Dictionary|url=|language=de|edition=7th|location=Berlin|publisher=Dudenverlag|isbn=978-3-411-04067-4}}
*{{cite web |title=Researcher gives hard thoughts on soft inheritance: above and beyond the gene |url= |year=2006 |last=Fitzpatrick |first=Tony |access-date=8 October 2011 |publisher=[[Washington University in St. Louis]]}}
*{{cite book |last=Gillispie |first=Charles Coulston |author-link=Charles Coulston Gillispie |title=The Edge of Objectivity: An Essay in the History of Scientific Ideas |url= |url-access=registration |year=1960 |publisher=Princeton University Press |isbn=0-691-02350-6}}
*{{cite book |last=Gould |first=Stephen Jay |author-link=Stephen Jay Gould |year=1993 |chapter=Foreword |title=Georges Cuvier: an annotated bibliography of his published works |editor=Jean Chandler Smith |publisher=Smithsonian Institution Press |location=Washington, DC |isbn=978-1-56098-199-2 |ref=Gould1993 |url-access=registration |url= }}
*{{cite book | last=Gould | first=Stephen | title=The lying stones of Marrakech : penultimate reflections in natural history | publisher=Vintage | year=2001 | isbn=978-0-09-928583-0|author-mask=3}}
*{{cite book |last=Gould |first=Stephen Jay |author-mask=3 |title=The Structure of Evolutionary Theory |year=2002 |publisher=Belknap Harvard |location=Harvard |isbn=978-0-674-00613-3 |ref=Gould2002|title-link=The Structure of Evolutionary Theory }}
*{{cite journal |last1=Haig |first1=David |title=Weismann Rules! OK? Epigenetics and the Lamarckian temptation |journal = Biology and Philosophy |date= 2007 |volume=22 |issue=3 |pages=415–428 |doi=10.1007/s10539-006-9033-y |s2cid=16322990 |url=}}
*{{cite journal | last1=Jablonka | first1=Eva | last2=Lamb | first2=Marion J. | last3=Avital | first3=Eytan | title='Lamarckian' mechanisms in darwinian evolution | journal=Trends in Ecology & Evolution | volume=13 | issue=5 | year=1998 | doi=10.1016/s0169-5347(98)01344-5 | pages=206–210| pmid=21238269}}
*{{cite book |last=Jablonka |first=Eva |author-link=Eva Jablonka |title=Evolution in Four Dimensions: Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life |year=2006 |publisher=MIT Press |location=Cambridge, MA |isbn=978-0-262-60069-9 |ref=Jablonka}}
*{{cite book |last=Jordanova |first=Ludmilla |author-link=Ludmilla Jordanova |title=Lamarck, past master |url= |year=1984 |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford |isbn=978-0-19-287587-7 |ref=Jordanova}}
*{{cite book |last1=Jurmain |first1=Robert |author2=Lynn Kilgore|author3=Wenda Trevathan |author4=Russell L. Ciochon |year=2011 |title=Introduction to Physical Anthropology |publisher=[[Wadsworth Publishing]] |edition=13th |isbn=978-1-111-29793-0 |ref=Jurmain}}
*{{cite book |last=Lamarck |first=J. B. |year=1914 |title=Zoological Philosophy |url= |location=London |ref=Lamarck1914}}
*{{cite book|last=Larson|first= Edward J|date=May 2004|chapter="A Growing sense of progress|title=Evolution: The remarkable history of a Scientific Theory|url=|url-access=registration|location=New York|publisher= Modern Library}}
*{{cite book |last=Mantoy |first=Bernard |title= Lamarck |year= 1968 |publisher=Seghers |location=Paris |volume=36 |series=Savants du monde entier |ref=Mantoy}}
*{{cite book |last=Mayr |first=Ernst |author-link=Ernst Mayr |year=1964 |chapter=Introduction |publisher=[[Harvard University Press]] |title=On the Origin of Species: a Facsimile of the First Edition |orig-year=1859 |editor=Charles Darwin |editor-link=Charles Darwin |isbn=978-0-674-63752-8 |ref=Mayr|title-link=On the Origin of Species }}
*{{cite EB1911|wstitle=Evolution|first=Peter Chalmers |last=Mitchell|volume=10}}
*{{cite book|author-link=James Moore (biographer)|first=James R. |last=Moore|date=1981|title=The Post-Darwinian Controversies: A Study of the Protestant Struggle to Come to Terms with Darwin in Great Britain and America 1870–1900|publisher= Cambridge University Press}}
*{{cite book|author-link=Henry Fairfield Osborn|first=Henry Fairfield |last=Osborn|date=1894|title=From the Greeks to Darwin|url=|publisher=Macmillan and Company}}
*{{cite book |last=Osborn |first=Henry Fairfield |author-link=Henry Fairfield Osborn |title= From the Greeks to Darwin: an outline of the development of the evolution idea |url= |year=1905 |publisher=[[Macmillan Publishers|Macmillan]] |location=New York |edition=2nd |ref=Osborn}}
*{{cite book |last=Packard |first=Alpheus Spring |author-link=Alpheus Spring Packard |title=Lamarck, the founder of Evolution: his life and work with translations of his writing on organic evolution |year=1901 |publisher=Longmans, Green |location=New York |url= |ref=Packard}}
*{{cite book|author-link=Alpheus Spring Packard|first=Alpheus Spring |last=Packard |date=2008 | orig-year= 1901|title=Lamarck, The Founder of Evolution|publisher= Wildhern Press}}
*{{cite book|first=Jacques |last=Roger|date=1986|chapter=The Mechanist Conception of Life|editor1-first= David C.|editor1-last= Lindberg|editor2-first= Ronald L. |editor2-last=Numbers|title=God and Nature: Historical Essays on the Encounter Between Christianity and Science|publisher= University of California Press}}
*{{cite book |last=Rudwick |first=Martin J. S. |author-link=Martin J. S. Rudwick |year=1998 |title=Georges Cuvier, Fossil Bones, and Geological Catastrophes: New Translations and Interpretations of the Primary Texts |publisher=[[University of Chicago Press]] |isbn=978-0-226-73107-0 |ref=Rudwick}}
*{{cite book|author-link=Michael Ruse|first=Michael|last= Ruse|date=1999|title=The Darwinian Revolution: Science Red in Tooth and Claw|url=|url-access=registration|publisher=University of Chicago Press}}
*{{cite book |last=Szyfman |first=Léon |title= Jean-Baptiste Lamarck et son époque|year= 1982 |publisher= Masson |location=Paris|isbn=978-2-225-76087-7 |ref=Szyfman}}
* {{cite journal |author1=Junko A. Arai |author2=Shaomin Li |author3=Dean M. Hartley |author4=Larry A. Feig |year=2009 |title=Transgenerational rescue of a genetic defect in long-term potentiation and memory formation by juvenile enrichment |journal=[[The Journal of Neuroscience]] |volume=29 |issue=5 |pages=1496–1502 |doi=10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5057-08.2009 |pmid=19193896 |pmc=3408235}}
* {{cite book |author=Ross Honeywill |author-link=Ross Honeywill |year=2008 |title= Lamarck's Evolution: Two Centuries of Genius and Jealousy |url= |publisher=Pier 9 |isbn=978-1-921208-60-7}}
*{{cite web |last1=Waggoner |first1=Ben |last2=Speer |first2=B. R. |title=Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) |url= |publisher=UCMP Berkeley |access-date=16 December 2018 |date=2 September 1998}}
*{{cite book |last=Weber |first=A. S. |title=Nineteenth-Century Science: An Anthology |url= |year=2000 |publisher=Broadview Press |isbn=978-1-55111-165-0}}
== Pranala luar ==
* [ The Imaginary Lamarck: A Look at Bogus "History" in Schoolbooks] by [[Michael Ghiselin]]
* {{Gutenberg author |id=Lamarck,+Jean+Baptiste+Pierre+Antoine+de+Monet+de}}
* {{Internet Archive author |sname=Jean-Baptiste Lamarck}}
* [ Epigenetics: Genome, Meet Your Environment]
* [ Science Revolution Followers of Lamarck]
* [ Encyclopédie Méthodique: Botanique] At: [ Biodiversity Heritage Library]
* [ Jean-Baptiste Lamarck: works and heritage], online materials about Lamarck (23,000 files of Lamarck's herbarium, 11,000 manuscripts, books, etc.) edited online by Pietro Corsi (Oxford University) and realised by [[CRHST]]-[[CNRS]] in France.
* [ Biography of Lamarck] at University of California Museum of Paleontology
* {{Cite EB1911|wstitle=Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, chevalier de}}
* [;view=1up;seq=25 Memoir of Lamarck] by [[James Duncan (zoologist)|James Duncan]]
* Lamarck's writings are available in facsimile (PDF) and in Word format (in French) at []. The search engine allows full text search.
*[ ''Recherches sur l'organisation des corps vivans''] (1801) – fully digitized facsimile from [[Linda Hall Library]].
*[ ''Hydrogéologie''] (1802) – digitized facsimile from [[Linda Hall Library]]
* [ Lamarck and Natural Selection], BBC Radio 4 discussion with Sandy Knapp, [[Steve Jones (biologist)|Steve Jones]] and [[Simon Conway Morris]] (''In Our Time'', 26 December 2003)
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[[Kategori:Ilmuwan Prancis]]
[[Kategori:Pemakaman Montparnasse]]
[[Kategori:Ahli botani Prancis]]
[[Kategori:Penulis Prancis abad ke-18]]
[[Kategori:Zoolog Prancis]]
[[Kategori:Katolik Roma Prancis]]