Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck: Perbedaan antara revisi

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[[Berkas:Jean-baptiste lamarck2.jpg|thumbjmpl|250px|Gambar potret Jean-Baptiste De Lamarck]]
'''Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck''' ({{lahirmati|[[Bazentin]], [[Picardie]]|1|8|1744|[[Paris]]|18|12|1829}}) adalah [[biologi]]wan [[PerancisPrancis]] yang dikenal karena pendapatnya dalam [[teori]] tentang [[evolusi]] kehidupan.
Sebagai seorang ilmuwan, jalan hidupnya luar biasa menurut ukuran masa kini. Ia lahir sebagai anak bungsu keluarga miskin dan masih keturunan [[bangsawan]]. Pendidikan dasar dan menengah ditempuhnya di suatu sekolah [[Jesuit]] di [[Amiens]]. Segera setelah ayahnya meninggal di saat ia 17 tahun, ia menjadi tentara dan berpangkat [[letnan]] dalam [[Perang Tujuh Tahun]]. DiPada masa kedinasan militer ini ia mulai belajar [[botani]], yang segera dilanjutkannya dengan belajar [[Kedokteran]] dan Botani selama empat [[semester]] di [[Paris]]. Untuk menunjang hidup ia bekerja sebagai asisten penjualan (marketing). Tahun 1779 terbit buku pertamanya, ''Flore francoise''. Buku ini menarik perhatian pemimpin ''Jardin du Roi'' ("Kebun Kerajaan"), [[Georges-Louis de Buffon]], yang lalu menariknya menjadi pembantunya di [[Museum Nasional Paris untuk Sejarah Alam]]. Sejak 1786 ia menjadi [[kurator]] ''Jardin du Roi'' dan 1793, setelah [[Revolusi PerancisPrancis]], ia menjadi [[profesor]] untuk hewan [[avertebrata]]. Kehidupannya penuh kesulitan. Ia beberapa kali kawin-cerai, kemiskinan selalu menyertai sepanjang hidupnya, dan bahkan sejak 1818 ia [[buta]] total.
Dalam kariernya ia telah menulis buku di bidang yang cukup luas, mulai dari [[zoologi]], botani, [[meteorologi]], dan [[kimia]], namun sebetulnya minat utamanya adalah hubungan antara makhluk hidup dan lingkungannya (ekologi). Ia memberi dasar klasifikasi baru bagi hewan, dengan pertama-tama memisahkan dalam dua kelompok besar: hewan bertulang belakang ([[Vertebrata]]) dan tak bertulang belakang (Avertebrata). Hal ini dikemukakannya dalam buku karangannya "Filsafat Zoologi" (1809).
== Pemikiran ==
Lamarck dikenal sebagai penggagas suatu bentuk teori evolusi kehidupan, yang kemudian dikenal sebagai [[Lamarckisme]]. Ia percaya akan adanya perubahan linear pada makhluk hidup dari bentuk tersederhana menuju bentuk yang lebih canggih. Walaupun demikian, ia mendasarkan pada pendapat yang telah berlaku sejak masa [[Yunani KunaKuno]] yang menyatakan bahwa setiap [[spesies]] sudah ada sejak penciptaan kehidupan. Pemikiran ini bertentangan dengan banyak pendapat sarjana PerancisPrancis sezamannya, yang lebih condong pada perkembangan spesies: spesies-spesies terbentuk dalam perkembangan proses kehidupan, tidak "langsung jadi" begitu saja. Perubahan terjadi pada spesies sebagai akibat reaksi mereka terhadap lingkungan (adaptasi). Anggota tubuh yang terlatih akan menguat, sementara yang tidak terpakai akan melemah dan tereduksi. Hasil [[adaptasi]] ini lalu diwariskan secara turun-temurun kepada anaknya.
Semenjak [[Charles Darwin]] dan [[Alfred Wallace]] mengemukakan teori mereka, teori Lamarck sering kali disitir untuk menyanggah pendapat [[Darwinisme]] tentang [[seleksi alam]]. Pertentangan pemikiran ini baru tuntas setelah [[genetika]] semakin dikenal orang pada abad ke-20. Konsep-konsep genetika banyak memberi dukungan pada Darwinisme.
== Tragedi akibat Lamarckisme ==
Para pendukung [[materialisme dialektika]], pemikiran yang berkembang pesat di akhir abad ke-19, menganggap Lamarckisme sesuai dengan ideologi mereka, dan melahirkan Neo-Lamarckisme. Kaum ini menolak teori evolusi Darwin, mengadopsi Lamarckisme, dan bahkan mempraktekkannyamempraktikkannya dalam program [[pertanian]] di negara-negara [[komunisme|komunis]]. [[Vernalisasi]] (perlakuan suhu rendah) terhadap [[benih]] [[gandum]] dianggap dapat "melatih" tanaman sehingga tahan menghadapi musim dingin. Pendapat ini dipercaya karena hasil penelitian [[Ivan Mitschurin]], seorang [[pemuliaan tanaman|pemulia tanaman]] [[Rusia]], menunjukkan hal itu. Penentang-penentangnya, di antaranya [[N.I. Vavilov]], ditangkap dan diasingkan ke [[Siberia]]. Eksperimen yang disokong [[Stalin]] ini membawa kehancuran pertanian Rusia, karena tanaman gagal panen.
==Karya utama==
[[Kategori:Ilmuwan Perancis|Lamarck]]
*1778 [ ''Flore françoise, ou, Description succincte de toutes les plantes qui croissent naturellement en France'' ] 1st ed.
** [ 2nd ed. 1795], 3rd 1805 ([[de Candolle]] ed.)
*1809. ''[[Philosophie zoologique|Philosophie zoologique, ou Exposition des considérations relatives à l'histoire naturelle des animaux...]]'', Paris. Translated with introduction and commentary in 1914 by [[Hugh S. R. Elliot]] as [ Zoological Philosophy]. Arguably the most comprehensive discussion of the topic of Lamarckism and more of Lamarck's views.
* {{cite book|last=Lamarck|first=Jean-Baptiste|author-link=Lamarck|title=Encyclopédie méthodique. Botanique|date=1783–1808|publisher=Panckoucke|location=Paris|url=|ref=none}} (see [[Encyclopédie méthodique]])
** [ Supplement 1810–1817]
** ''L'Illustration des genres'', [ vol. I: 1791], [ vol. II: 1793], vol. III: 1800, [ Supplement by Poiret 1823]
Pada [[Taksonomi (biologi)|klasifikasi]] [[Invertebrata]] :
[[an:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
*1801. ''Système des animaux sans vertèbres, ou tableau général des classes, des ordres et des genres de ces animaux; présentant leurs caractères essentiels et leur distribution, d'après la considération de leurs...'', Paris, Detreville, VIII: 1–432.
[[ar:جان باتيست لامارك]]
*1815–22. ''Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertèbres, présentant les caractères généraux et particuliers de ces animaux...'', Tome 1 (1815): 1–462; Tome 2 (1816): 1–568; Tome 3 (1816): 1–586; Tome 4 (1817): 1–603; Tome 5 (1818): 1–612; Tome 6, Pt.1 (1819): 1–343; Tome 6, Pt.2 (1822): 1–252; Tome 7 (1822): 1–711.
[[ast:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
[[az:Jan-Batist Lamark]]
[[be:Жан-Батыст Ламарк]]
[[be-x-old:Жан-Батыст Лямарк]]
==Lihat pula==
[[bg:Жан-Батист Ламарк]]
* [[Aklimatisasi]]
[[bn:জঁ-বাতিস্ত লামার্ক]]
* [[Efek Baldwin]]
[[br:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
* [[Determinisme lingkungan]]
[[ca:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
* [[Evolusi]]
[[cs:Jean Baptiste Lamarck]]
* [[Teori gen egois]]
[[cy:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
* [[Teori evolusi molekuler netral]]
[[da:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
* [[Plastisitas fenotipe]]
[[de:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
* [[Spandrel (biologi)]]
[[el:Ζαν Μπατίστ Λαμάρκ]]
[[en:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
[[eo:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
[[es:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
[[et:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
[[eu:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
[[fi:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
[[fr:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
[[gl:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
*{{cite web |title=Chronologie de la vie de Jean-Baptiste Lamarck |publisher=[[Centre national de la recherche scientifique]] |last1=Bange |first1=Raphaël |first2=Pietro |last2=Corsi |url= |access-date=10 July 2007 |language=fr |date=n.d.|archive-url= |archive-date=12 April 2013 |url-status=dead }}
[[he:ז'אן-בטיסט דה לאמארק]]
*{{cite book | last=Bowler | first=Peter | title=Evolution : the history of an idea | publisher=University of California Press | year=1989 | edition=Revised | isbn=978-0-520-06386-0 | oclc=17841313| url-access=registration | url= }}
*{{cite book |last=Bowler |first=Peter J. |author-link=Peter J. Bowler |year=2003 |title=Evolution: the History of an Idea |publisher=[[University of California Press]] |location=California |edition=3rd |isbn=978-0-520-23693-6 |ref=Bowler |url-access=registration |url= }}
[[hr:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
*{{cite journal |last=Burkhardt |first=Richard W., Jr. |year=1970 |title=Lamarck, evolution, and the politics of science |journal=[[Journal of the History of Biology]] |volume=3 |issue=2 |pages=275–298 |pmid=11609655 |jstor=4330543 |ref=Burkhardt |doi=10.1007/bf00137355}}
[[hu:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
*{{cite book |last=Coleman |first=William L. |title= Biology in the Nineteenth Century: problems of form, function, and transformation|url= |year= 1977 |publisher=[[Cambridge University Press]] |location=Cambridge |isbn=978-0-521-29293-1 |ref=Coleman}}
[[io:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
* {{Cite journal |last1=Curtis |first1=Caitlin |last2=Millar |first2=Craig |last3=Lambert |first3=David |date=September 2018 |title=The Sacred Ibis debate: The first test of evolution|journal=PLOS Biology |volume=16 |issue=9 |pages=e2005558 |doi=10.1371/journal.pbio.2005558 |pmid=30260949|pmc=6159855}}
[[it:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
*{{cite journal |last=Cuvier |first= Georges |author-link=Georges Cuvier |date=January 1836 |title=Elegy of Lamarck |journal=[[Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal]] |volume=20 |pages=1–22 |url= |ref=Cuvier1836}}
*{{cite book |last=Damkaer |first=David M. |title= The Copepodologist's Cabinet: a Biographical and Bibliographical History |url= |year=2002 |publisher=[[American Philosophical Society]] |location=Philadelphia |isbn=978-0-87169-240-5 |ref=Damkaer}}
[[ka:ჟან ბატისტ ლამარკი]]
*{{cite book |last=Darwin |first=Charles |author-link=Charles Darwin |year=1861–1882 |title=On the Origin of Species |edition=3rd–6th |chapter=Historical sketch |url= |location=London |publisher=John Murray |ref=Darwin}}
[[kk:Жан Батист Ламарк]]
*{{cite book|last=Darwin|first=Charles |author-link=Charles Darwin|editor-first=Philip |editor-last=Appleman|title=Darwin: Texts, Commentary|url=|edition=3rd|series=Norton critical editions in the history of ideas|year=2001|publisher=Norton|isbn=978-0-393-95849-2}}
[[ko:장바티스트 라마르크]]
*{{cite book |last=Delange |first=Yves |year=1984 |title=Lamarck, sa vie, son œuvre |isbn=978-2-903098-97-1 |publisher=Actes Sud |location=Arles |ref=Delange}}
[[la:Ioannes Baptista de Monet de Lamarck]]
*{{cite book|author1=Dudenredaktion|last2=Kleiner|first2=Stefan|last3=Knöbl|first3=Ralf|year=2015|orig-year=First published 1962|title=Das Aussprachewörterbuch|trans-title=The Pronunciation Dictionary|url=|language=de|edition=7th|location=Berlin|publisher=Dudenverlag|isbn=978-3-411-04067-4}}
[[lt:Žanas-Baptistas Lamarkas]]
*{{cite web |title=Researcher gives hard thoughts on soft inheritance: above and beyond the gene |url= |year=2006 |last=Fitzpatrick |first=Tony |access-date=8 October 2011 |publisher=[[Washington University in St. Louis]]}}
*{{cite book |last=Gillispie |first=Charles Coulston |author-link=Charles Coulston Gillispie |title=The Edge of Objectivity: An Essay in the History of Scientific Ideas |url= |url-access=registration |year=1960 |publisher=Princeton University Press |isbn=0-691-02350-6}}
[[ms:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
*{{cite book |last=Gould |first=Stephen Jay |author-link=Stephen Jay Gould |year=1993 |chapter=Foreword |title=Georges Cuvier: an annotated bibliography of his published works |editor=Jean Chandler Smith |publisher=Smithsonian Institution Press |location=Washington, DC |isbn=978-1-56098-199-2 |ref=Gould1993 |url-access=registration |url= }}
[[nl:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
*{{cite book | last=Gould | first=Stephen | title=The lying stones of Marrakech : penultimate reflections in natural history | publisher=Vintage | year=2001 | isbn=978-0-09-928583-0|author-mask=3}}
[[nn:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
*{{cite book |last=Gould |first=Stephen Jay |author-mask=3 |title=The Structure of Evolutionary Theory |year=2002 |publisher=Belknap Harvard |location=Harvard |isbn=978-0-674-00613-3 |ref=Gould2002|title-link=The Structure of Evolutionary Theory }}
[[no:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
*{{cite journal |last1=Haig |first1=David |title=Weismann Rules! OK? Epigenetics and the Lamarckian temptation |journal = Biology and Philosophy |date= 2007 |volume=22 |issue=3 |pages=415–428 |doi=10.1007/s10539-006-9033-y |s2cid=16322990 |url=}}
[[oc:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
*{{cite journal | last1=Jablonka | first1=Eva | last2=Lamb | first2=Marion J. | last3=Avital | first3=Eytan | title='Lamarckian' mechanisms in darwinian evolution | journal=Trends in Ecology & Evolution | volume=13 | issue=5 | year=1998 | doi=10.1016/s0169-5347(98)01344-5 | pages=206–210| pmid=21238269}}
[[pl:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
*{{cite book |last=Jablonka |first=Eva |author-link=Eva Jablonka |title=Evolution in Four Dimensions: Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life |year=2006 |publisher=MIT Press |location=Cambridge, MA |isbn=978-0-262-60069-9 |ref=Jablonka}}
[[pt:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
*{{cite book |last=Jordanova |first=Ludmilla |author-link=Ludmilla Jordanova |title=Lamarck, past master |url= |year=1984 |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford |isbn=978-0-19-287587-7 |ref=Jordanova}}
[[qu:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
*{{cite book |last1=Jurmain |first1=Robert |author2=Lynn Kilgore|author3=Wenda Trevathan |author4=Russell L. Ciochon |year=2011 |title=Introduction to Physical Anthropology |publisher=[[Wadsworth Publishing]] |edition=13th |isbn=978-1-111-29793-0 |ref=Jurmain}}
[[ro:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
*{{cite book |last=Lamarck |first=J. B. |year=1914 |title=Zoological Philosophy |url= |location=London |ref=Lamarck1914}}
[[ru:Ламарк, Жан Батист]]
*{{cite book|last=Larson|first= Edward J|date=May 2004|chapter="A Growing sense of progress|title=Evolution: The remarkable history of a Scientific Theory|url=|url-access=registration|location=New York|publisher= Modern Library}}
[[sa:जीन् ब्याप्टिस्ट् लामार्क्]]
*{{cite book |last=Mantoy |first=Bernard |title= Lamarck |year= 1968 |publisher=Seghers |location=Paris |volume=36 |series=Savants du monde entier |ref=Mantoy}}
[[sh:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
*{{cite book |last=Mayr |first=Ernst |author-link=Ernst Mayr |year=1964 |chapter=Introduction |publisher=[[Harvard University Press]] |title=On the Origin of Species: a Facsimile of the First Edition |orig-year=1859 |editor=Charles Darwin |editor-link=Charles Darwin |isbn=978-0-674-63752-8 |ref=Mayr|title-link=On the Origin of Species }}
[[simple:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
*{{cite EB1911|wstitle=Evolution|first=Peter Chalmers |last=Mitchell|volume=10}}
[[sk:Jean Baptiste de Lamarck]]
*{{cite book|author-link=James Moore (biographer)|first=James R. |last=Moore|date=1981|title=The Post-Darwinian Controversies: A Study of the Protestant Struggle to Come to Terms with Darwin in Great Britain and America 1870–1900|publisher= Cambridge University Press}}
[[sl:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
*{{cite book|author-link=Henry Fairfield Osborn|first=Henry Fairfield |last=Osborn|date=1894|title=From the Greeks to Darwin|url=|publisher=Macmillan and Company}}
[[sv:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
*{{cite book |last=Osborn |first=Henry Fairfield |author-link=Henry Fairfield Osborn |title= From the Greeks to Darwin: an outline of the development of the evolution idea |url= |year=1905 |publisher=[[Macmillan Publishers|Macmillan]] |location=New York |edition=2nd |ref=Osborn}}
[[tr:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck]]
*{{cite book |last=Packard |first=Alpheus Spring |author-link=Alpheus Spring Packard |title=Lamarck, the founder of Evolution: his life and work with translations of his writing on organic evolution |year=1901 |publisher=Longmans, Green |location=New York |url= |ref=Packard}}
[[uk:Жан Батист Ламарк]]
*{{cite book|author-link=Alpheus Spring Packard|first=Alpheus Spring |last=Packard |date=2008 | orig-year= 1901|title=Lamarck, The Founder of Evolution|publisher= Wildhern Press}}
*{{cite book|first=Jacques |last=Roger|date=1986|chapter=The Mechanist Conception of Life|editor1-first= David C.|editor1-last= Lindberg|editor2-first= Ronald L. |editor2-last=Numbers|title=God and Nature: Historical Essays on the Encounter Between Christianity and Science|publisher= University of California Press}}
[[zh-min-nan:Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck]]
*{{cite book |last=Rudwick |first=Martin J. S. |author-link=Martin J. S. Rudwick |year=1998 |title=Georges Cuvier, Fossil Bones, and Geological Catastrophes: New Translations and Interpretations of the Primary Texts |publisher=[[University of Chicago Press]] |isbn=978-0-226-73107-0 |ref=Rudwick}}
*{{cite book|author-link=Michael Ruse|first=Michael|last= Ruse|date=1999|title=The Darwinian Revolution: Science Red in Tooth and Claw|url=|url-access=registration|publisher=University of Chicago Press}}
*{{cite book |last=Szyfman |first=Léon |title= Jean-Baptiste Lamarck et son époque|year= 1982 |publisher= Masson |location=Paris|isbn=978-2-225-76087-7 |ref=Szyfman}}
* {{cite journal |author1=Junko A. Arai |author2=Shaomin Li |author3=Dean M. Hartley |author4=Larry A. Feig |year=2009 |title=Transgenerational rescue of a genetic defect in long-term potentiation and memory formation by juvenile enrichment |journal=[[The Journal of Neuroscience]] |volume=29 |issue=5 |pages=1496–1502 |doi=10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5057-08.2009 |pmid=19193896 |pmc=3408235}}
* {{cite book |author=Ross Honeywill |author-link=Ross Honeywill |year=2008 |title= Lamarck's Evolution: Two Centuries of Genius and Jealousy |url= |publisher=Pier 9 |isbn=978-1-921208-60-7}}
*{{cite web |last1=Waggoner |first1=Ben |last2=Speer |first2=B. R. |title=Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) |url= |publisher=UCMP Berkeley |access-date=16 December 2018 |date=2 September 1998}}
*{{cite book |last=Weber |first=A. S. |title=Nineteenth-Century Science: An Anthology |url= |year=2000 |publisher=Broadview Press |isbn=978-1-55111-165-0}}
== Pranala luar ==
* [ The Imaginary Lamarck: A Look at Bogus "History" in Schoolbooks] by [[Michael Ghiselin]]
* {{Gutenberg author |id=Lamarck,+Jean+Baptiste+Pierre+Antoine+de+Monet+de}}
* {{Internet Archive author |sname=Jean-Baptiste Lamarck}}
* [ Epigenetics: Genome, Meet Your Environment]
* [ Science Revolution Followers of Lamarck]
* [ Encyclopédie Méthodique: Botanique] At: [ Biodiversity Heritage Library]
* [ Jean-Baptiste Lamarck: works and heritage], online materials about Lamarck (23,000 files of Lamarck's herbarium, 11,000 manuscripts, books, etc.) edited online by Pietro Corsi (Oxford University) and realised by [[CRHST]]-[[CNRS]] in France.
* [ Biography of Lamarck] at University of California Museum of Paleontology
* {{Cite EB1911|wstitle=Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, chevalier de}}
* [;view=1up;seq=25 Memoir of Lamarck] by [[James Duncan (zoologist)|James Duncan]]
* Lamarck's writings are available in facsimile (PDF) and in Word format (in French) at []. The search engine allows full text search.
*[ ''Recherches sur l'organisation des corps vivans''] (1801) – fully digitized facsimile from [[Linda Hall Library]].
*[ ''Hydrogéologie''] (1802) – digitized facsimile from [[Linda Hall Library]]
* [ Lamarck and Natural Selection], BBC Radio 4 discussion with Sandy Knapp, [[Steve Jones (biologist)|Steve Jones]] and [[Simon Conway Morris]] (''In Our Time'', 26 December 2003)
{{Authority control}}
[[Kategori:Ilmuwan Prancis]]
[[Kategori:Pemakaman Montparnasse]]
[[Kategori:Ahli botani Prancis]]
[[Kategori:Penulis Prancis abad ke-18]]
[[Kategori:Zoolog Prancis]]
[[Kategori:Katolik Roma Prancis]]