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[[File:Scott Hahn.jpg|right|200px]]
'''Scott Hahn''' (lahir tanggal 28 Oktober 1957) adalah seorang penulis, teolog dan ahli [[Apologetik]] [[Gereja Katolik Roma]] masa kini. Beberapa karya-karyanya adalah ''Rome Sweet Home'' dan ''The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth''. Ia saat ini mengajar di Universitas Fransiskan di Steubenville<sup>[]</sup>, sebuah perguruan tinggi [[Katolik]] di [[Amerika Serikat]].
'''Scott W. Hahn''' ({{lahirmati||28|10|1957|||}}) adalah seorang [[apologetika|apologet Kristen]], profesor, penulis kontemporer, dan [[teolog awam]]<ref>{{en}} {{citation |url= |title=Scott Hahn, Ph.D. |publisher=Acton Institute |accessdate=2017-06-20 |archive-date=2016-09-11 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref> Katolik dari Amerika Serikat. Hahn pernah melayani sebagai seorang pendeta [[Presbiterianisme|Presbiterian]] dan kemudian berpindah keyakinan ke [[Gereja Katolik|iman Katolik]]. Karya-karya tulis Hahn yang populer misalnya ''Rome Sweet Home'' dan ''The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth''. Pengajaran-pengajarannya dimuat dalam sejumlah distribusi audio melalui [[Lighthouse Catholic Media]]. Hahn dikenal karena penelitian pentingnya tentang [[Kekristenan]] awal selama [[Zaman Apostolik]] dan berbagai karya teoretis mengenai para [[Bapa Gereja]] awal.
Hahn saat ini mengajar di [[Franciscan University of Steubenville]], salah satu universitas Katolik di [[Amerika Serikat]].<ref>{{en}}
{{citation |url= |title=Dr. Scott Hahn |publisher=Franciscan University of Steubenville}}</ref> Hahn menikah dengan [[Kimberly Hahn]]; pasangan ini bersama-sama menjalankan karya [[apostolat|kerasulan]] mereka, yaitu St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.
== Pendidikan ==
Pada tahun 1979, Hahn menerimamendapat gelar BA[[Bachelor diof tahunArts|B.A.]] 1979dengan predikat ''[[Gelar kehormatan Latin#Jenis|magna cum laude]]'' dari [[Grove City College]] di [[Pennsylvania]] didalam tiga bidang: teologistudi ([[Teologi]], filosofi[[Filsafat]], dan [[Ilmu ekonomi|Ekonomi]]).<ref>{{en}} (''magna{{cite cumbook|last=Morrow|first=Jeffrey laude'')L.|title=Encyclopedia of Christian Literature.|url=|year=2010|publisher=Scarecrow Press|location=Lanham, Md.|isbn=9780810869837|pages=[ 352]–353|editor=James D. Smith|chapter=Scott Hahn (1957-)}}</ref> Ia meraihmemperoleh gelar [[Master inof Divinity|M.Div.]] daridengan Seminaripredikat Teologi Gordon-Conwell (''summa cum laude'') didari [[Gordon–Conwell Theological Seminary]] pada tahun 1982. Pada bulan Mei 1995, ia dianugerahi gelar [[Doktor filsafat|Ph.D.]] didalam bidang teologi[[Teologi sistematisSistematika dari(Han)|Teologi UniversitasSistematik]] dari [[Marquette University]] (termasuk[[Phi dalamBeta organisasiKappa mahasiswa unggulan ''Society|Phi Beta Kappa'']]). Disertasinya, berjudul ''Kinship by Covenant: A Biblical Theological Analysis of Covenant Types and Texts in the Old and New Testaments'', adalahdan sebuahversi contohyang pentingditerbitkan darioleh aliranYale TeologiUniversity PerjanjianPress Allahpada masatahun kini2009 diberi judul ''Kinship by Covenant: A Canonical Approach to the Fulfillment of God's Saving Promises''.
==Conversion to Catholicism==
[[Berkas:home-rome.jpg|thumb|right|200px|''Rome Sweet Home'' published in 1993]]
== Konversi ke iman Katolik ==
Hahn started out as a [[Presbyterian]] minister and theologian with years of ministry experience in congregations of the [[Presbyterian Church in America]], and Professor of Theology at [[Chesapeake Theological Seminary]].
[[Berkas:Rome-Sweet-Home-bahasa-Indonesia.jpg|jmpl|ka|200px|Sampul ''Rome Sweet Home'' (1993) edisi bahasa Indonesia.]]
Setelah menempuh pendidikan di Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Hahn ditahbiskan sebagai pendeta di Trinity Presbyterian Church di Fairfax, [[Virginia]], pada tahun 1982. Sejak saat itu ia memegang berbagai jabatan di sejumlah institut, seminari, dan universitas.<ref>{{en}} {{citation |url= |title=Dr. Scott Hahn |publisher=St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology |accessdate=2017-06-20 |archive-date=2017-08-04 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
As a young theologian, Scott Hahn was convinced that the Catholic Church was bad, and boasted of having converted some Catholics into embracing a purer Christianity. His conversion began when he and his wife became convinced that [[contraception]] was contrary to God's law. He continued to study various issues relating to salvation, faith, and good works, as well as the Protestant doctrine of ''[[sola scriptura]]''.
Selama masa mudanya Hahn meyakini bahwa [[Gereja Katolik]] adalah keliru, dan ia merasa bangga karena berhasil membuat beberapa umat Katolik beralih keyakinan dengan memeluk [[Kekristenan]] 'yang lebih murni'. Proses konversinya ke iman Katolik diawali ketika ia dan istrinya, [[Kimberly Hahn|Kimberly]], menjadi yakin bahwa [[Pandangan Kristen tentang kontrasepsi|kontrasepsi]] (pengaturan kelahiran buatan) adalah bertentangan dengan hukum Allah. Ia juga merasa terganggu karena dalam pandangannya Gereja Katolik adalah satu-satunya tradisi Kristen yang menjunjung tinggi ajaran kuno yang melarang kontrasepsi, yang telah ditinggalkan oleh kalangan [[Protestan]] sejak tahun 1930-an. Hahn melanjutkannya dengan melakukan studi seputar beragam isu yang berkaitan dengan [[Keselamatan (Kristen)|keselamatan]], [[Iman dalam Kekristenan|iman]], [[perbuatan baik]], dan doktrin Protestan ''[[sola scriptura]]''.
According to his book ''Rome Sweet Home'', a key factor behind his conversion is his research on what he saw as the key to the Bible: the covenant. This is a sacred kinship bond that brought people into a family relationship. God established a series of covenants and the new covenant established by Jesus Christ is an establishment of a world-wide family. He believes that Jesus and the apostles used family based language to describe his work of salvation: God is Father, Christ is Son and the firstborn among brethren, heaven as a marriage feast, the Church is the spouse of God, Christians as children of God.
Dalam ''Rome Sweet Home'' tertulis bahwa salah satu faktor penting di balik konversinya adalah penelitiannya tentang apa yang ia lihat sebagai kunci [[Alkitab]]: [[perjanjian (biblika)|perjanjian]]. Hal ini dipandang sebagai suatu ikatan suci kekerabatan yang mengantar manusia ke dalam suatu relasi keluarga. Allah menetapkan serangkaian perjanjian, dan 'perjanjian baru' ditetapkan oleh [[Yesus Kristus]] sebagai penetapan keberadaan suatu keluarga yang tersebar di seluruh dunia. Ia meyakini bahwa Yesus dan [[kedua belas rasul|para rasul]] menggunakan bahasa berbasis keluarga untuk mendeskripsikan karya keselamatan-Nya: Allah sebagai Bapa, Kristus sebagai Putra dan sulung di antara semua saudara, surga sebagai suatu perjamuan kawin, Gereja sebagai mempelai Allah, umat Kristen sebagai anak-anak Allah.
This new family, according to Hahn, is headed by Christ, and the [[Pope]] is his "prime minister" to whom he has given the keys of the kingdom, a process that he believes is also present in the Old Testament. Hahn tries to show that the [[Catholic Church]], whose head is called "Holy Father", is the world-wide family described by the [[Bible]] and that the [[Protestant]] doctrines of ''[[sola fide]]'' and ''sola scriptura'' are not biblical because, in his view, the Bible stresses charity and works equally with [[faith]] for gaining [[salvation]] and points to the Church as the "pillar and the bulwark of the truth" (1 Tim 3:15). He affirms that the Protestant view of the Bible as a "fallible collection of infallible writings" is flawed.
Menurut Hahn, keluarga baru tersebut dikepalai oleh Kristus dan [[Paus (Gereja Katolik)|Sri Paus]] adalah "perdana menteri" yang telah diberikan [[kunci kerajaan surga|kunci kerajaan]] oleh-Nya, suatu proses yang ia yakini adalah juga terkandung dalam [[Perjanjian Lama]]. Hahn berupaya untuk memperlihatkan bahwa Gereja Katolik, dengan pimpinannya yang disebut "Bapa Suci", adalah keluarga yang tersebar di seluruh dunia sesuai deskripsi dalam Alkitab, sementara doktrin-doktrin Protestan seperti ''[[sola fide]]'' dan ''sola scriptura'' adalah tidak biblis karena tidak didapati dalam Alkitab. Dalam pandangannya, Alkitab menekankan perlunya perbuatan dan juga karitas (karya cinta kasih) demi [[iman dalam Kekristenan|iman]] yang menyelamatkan (yaitu [[pembenaran (teologi)|pembenaran]] atau justifikasi), dan karenanya [[keselamatan (Kristen)|keselamatan]] diperoleh. Ia juga menunjuk Gereja sebagai "tiang penopang dan dasar kebenaran" (1 Timotius 3:15).
Scott Hahn converted to Catholicism on [[Easter]] 1986 in [[Milwaukee, Wisconsin]]. Many people, using his wife's words, have started to call him "Luther in reverse," since a large number of Protestant pastors and Bible scholars have from then on followed suit in converting to Catholicism. []
Hahn berpindah keyakinan secara resmi ke iman Katolik pada perayaan [[Paskah]] tahun 1986 di [[Milwaukee, Wisconsin]]. Dengan menggunakan kata-kata istrinya, banyak orang mulai memanggil Hahn "kebalikannya Luther", karena sejumlah besar pendeta Protestan dan akademisi Alkitab mengikuti jejaknya beralih keyakinan ke iman Katolik.<ref>{{en}} [ Scott Hahn Interview About Reasons To Believe]</ref>
Hahn's wife [[Kimberly Hahn|Kimberly]] had a similar conversion at a slightly later date, entering the Catholic Church on Easter 1990 in [[Joliet, Illinois]]. ''Rome Sweet Home'' describes their process of conversion together.
Istri Hahn, Kimberly, mengalami suatu proses konversi yang serupa tidak lama kemudian, bergabung dalam [[persekutuan penuh]] dengan Gereja Katolik pada perayaan Paskah tahun 1990 di [[Joliet, Illinois]]. ''Rome Sweet Home'' mengisahkan proses konversi mereka bersama-sama.
In ''Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace'', he narrated the influence of [[Opus Dei]] in his conversion, and what made him feel that Opus Dei was his specific calling within the Catholic Church: (1) its members' devotion to the Bible, (2) its [[ecumenism]], since Opus Dei was the first Catholic institution to welcome non-Catholics as cooperators, (3) the upright lives of its members, (4) they were ordinary people, who lived theology, (5) holy ambition: "a devout [[work ethic]]", (6) the practice of [[hospitality]] in answering his questions, (7) [[prayer]]: "They made time for intimate prayer every day." []
Dalam ''Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace'', ia mengisahkan pengaruh [[Opus Dei]] dalam konversinya, dan hal-hal yang membuatnya merasa bahwa Opus Dei adalah panggilannya secara khusus di dalam Gereja Katolik: (1) [[devosi Katolik|devosi]] para anggotanya pada Alkitab, (2) [[ekumenisme]]nya, karena Opus Dei adalah institusi Katolik pertama yang menyambut pihak non-Katolik sebagai rekan kerja, (3) kehidupan sangat lurus hati yang dijalani para anggotanya, (4) mereka adalah orang-orang biasa yang menghidupi teologi, (5) ambisi suci: "suatu [[etika kerja]] yang teguh", (6) keramahtamahan yang diperlihatkan dalam menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaannya, (7) [[doa]]: "Mereka meluangkan waktu untuk doa yang intim setiap hari."<ref>{{en}} [ Opus Dei, Monsignor Vladimir Felzmann, Father John McCloskey, Scott Hahn]</ref>
==Current work==
Hahn founded and is currently the President of the [[St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology]], a Christian research center and [[think tank]] committed to the promotion of biblical literacy among the Catholic laity and biblical fluency among Catholic clergy. Some of the projects include online and parish-based Bible studies, a book series, pilgrimages, and a scholarly journal, ''Letter and Spirit''. He is also the founder and director of the Institute of Applied Biblical Studies.
== Karya saat ini ==
A popular speaker, Hahn has given over 800 talks in the US and other countries on theological and biblical topics related to the Catholic faith. He also appears regularly on the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN).
Hahn mendirikan dan mengetuai St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology,<ref>{{en}} {{citation |url= |title=Leadership |publisher=St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology |accessdate=2017-06-20 |archive-date=2015-09-14 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref> suatu lembaga pendidikan dan penelitian nirlaba Katolik yang berkomitmen untuk memajukan literasi biblika di kalangan umat awam Katolik dan kefasihan biblika di kalangan klerus Katolik.
Beberapa proyek Hahn misalnya studi Alkitab berbasis paroki dan daring, serangkaian buku, peziarahan-peziarahan, serta sebuah jurnal keilmuan, ''Letter and Spirit''. Ia juga menjadi pendiri sekaligus direktur dari Institute of Applied Biblical Studies.
He has also written numerous books including ''Rome, Sweet Home'' (co-authored with his wife, Kimberly), ''The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth''; ''Hail, Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God''; ''First Comes Love: Finding Your Family in the Church and the Trinity''; ''Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession''; and ''Swear to God: The Promise and Power of the Sacraments''. He is co-editor of several volumes of the ''[[Ignatius Catholic Study Bible]]''.
Hahn dikenal sebagai seorang pembicara populer,<ref>{{en}} [ The Next Scott Hahn?]</ref><ref>{{en}}
[ Augustine Institute Fellows Biography of Scott Hahn]</ref> yang telah memberikan lebih dari 800 sesi pembicaraan di Amerika Serikat dan negara-negara lain mengenai topik-topik teologis dan biblis terkait iman Katolik, serta tampil secara rutin dalam suatu program di [[Eternal Word Television Network]] (EWTN). Pembicaraan-pembicaraannya direkam dalam sejumlah judul audio yang didistribusikan oleh [[Lighthouse Catholic Media]]. Ia juga menulis banyak buku (lihat daftar di bawah) dan merupakan rekan-editor beberapa volume ''Ignatius Catholic Study Bible''.
Sejak tahun 1990, Hahn mengajar di [[Franciscan University of Steubenville]], tempat ia dianugerahkan penghargaan Father Michael Scanlan, TOR, Chair of Biblical Theology and the New Evangelization.<ref>{{en}} {{citation |url= |title=Meet Dr. Hahn}}</ref> Ia dianugerahi Doktor [[Humaniora]] – [[honoris causa]], oleh [[Universitas Kepausan Katolik Puerto Rico]] pada tahun 2004.{{Citation needed|date=July 2010}} Pada tahun 2014, Kardinal [[Francis George]] menunjuk Hahn sebagai McEssy Distinguished Visiting Professor of Biblical Theology and the New Evangelization di [[University of Saint Mary of the Lake]] (Mundelein Seminary), Chicago.<ref>{{en}} {{citation |url= |title=Scott Hahn Joining Mundelein Faculty |publisher=University of Saint Mary of the Lake |accessdate=2017-06-20 |archive-date=2014-05-02 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
Since 1990, he serves as Professor of Theology and Scripture at [[Franciscan University of Steubenville]].
In 2004 he was awarded Doctor of [[Humanities]] – honoris causa, by the [[Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico|Pontifical University of Puerto Rico]].
== Buku-buku ==
* ''Rome Sweet Home'' (co-writtenditulis withbersama dengan [[Kimberly Hahn]]), Ignatius Press, 1993. ISBN 0-89870-478-2
* ''Catholic for a Reason'' (withdengan Leon Suprenant, editor), Emmaus Road Publishing, 1998. ISBN 0-9663223-0-4
* ''A Father Who Keeps His Promises'', Servant Publications, 1998. ISBN 0-89283-829-9
* ''The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth'', Doubleday, 1999. ISBN 0-385-49659-1
* ''Hail, Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God'', Doubleday, 2001. ISBN 0-385-50168-4
* ''First Comes Love: Finding Your Family in the Church and the Trinity'', Doubleday, 2002. ISBN 0-385-49662-1
* ''Lord Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession'', Doubleday, 2003. ISBN 0-385-50170-6
* ''Swear to God : The Promise and Power of the Sacraments'', Doubleday, 2004. ISBN 0-385-50931-6
* ''Letter and Spirit : From Written Text to Living Word in the Liturgy'', Doubleday, 2005. ISBN 0-385-50933-2
* ''Ordinary Work, Extraordinary Grace'', Doubleday, 2006. ISBN 978-0-385-51924-3
* ''Reasons to Believe: How to Understand, Explain, and Defend the Catholic Faith'', Doubleday, 2007. ISBN 978-0-385-50935-0
* ''Answering the New Atheism: Dismantling Dawkins's Case Against God'', (dengan [[Benjamin Wiker]]), Emmaus Road Publishing, 2008. ISBN 978-1-931018-48-7
* ''Kinship by Covenant: A Canonical Approach to the Fulfillment of God's Saving Promises'', Yale University Press, 2009. ISBN 978-0-300-14097-2
* ''Signs of Life: 40 Catholic Customs and Their Biblical Roots'', Image, 2009. ISBN 978-0-385-51949-6
* ''Many Are Called: Rediscovering the Glory of the Priesthood'', Image, 2010. ISBN 978-0-307-59077-0
* ''Politicizing the Bible: The Roots of Historical Criticism and the Secularization of Scripture 1300-1700'' (ditulis bersama dengan Benjamin Wiker), The Crossroad Publishing Company, 2013. ISBN 978-0-8245-9903-4
* ''Consuming the Word: The New Testament and The Eucharist in the Early Church'', Image, 2013. ISBN 978-0-307-59081-7
* ''Evangelizing Catholics: A Mission Manual for the New Evangelization'', Our Sunday Visitor, 2014. ISBN 978-1-61278-773-2
* ''Angels and Saints: A Biblical Friendship with God's Holy Ones'', Image, 2014. ISBN 978-0-307-59079-4
* ''Joy to the World: How Christ's Coming Changed Everything and Still Does'', Image, 2014. ISBN 978-0-8041-4112-3
* ''The Creed: Professing the Faith Through the Ages'', Emmaus Road Publishing, 2016. ISBN 978-1-941447-77-2
Buku dalam bahasa Spanyol:
* ''La evangelización de los católicos.Manual para la misión de La Nueva Evangelización'', Palabra, 2015. {{ISBN|978-84-9061-179-1}}
== Referensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
* [{{official| Scott Hahn] - official homepage}}
* {{en}} [http Franciscan University of Steubenville: Scott Hahn profile]
* {{en}} [ The Coming Home Network: The Scott Hahn Conversion Story] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-04-08 }}
* {{en}} [ Writings of Scott Hahn at the Catholic Educator's Resource Center] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2011-06-06 }}
* {{en}} [ Video on Scott Hahn to the Eucharistic Kingdom]{{Pranala mati|date=Mei 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
* {{en}} [ The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology: Dr. Hahn's Apostolate]
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[[Kategori:Apolog Kristen]]
[[Kategori:Tokoh yang berpindah agama dari Protestan ke Katolik]]
[[Kategori:Pengajar Franciscan University of Steubenville]]
[[Kategori:Alumni Gordon–Conwell Theological Seminary]]
[[Kategori:Alumni Grove City College]]
[[Kategori:Semua artikel yang menambahkan kategori Orang hidup secara otomatis]]
[[Kategori:Alumni Marquette University]]
[[Kategori:Opus Dei]]
[[Kategori:Aktivis Katolik Roma]]
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[[Kategori:Anggota Phi Beta Kappa]]