Kampanye Aitape–Wewak: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(6 revisi perantara oleh 4 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{Infobox military conflict
| conflict = Kampanye Aitape–Wewak
| partof = [[Perang Dunia II]], [[Perang Pasifik]]
| image = [[Berkas:Australian infantry Danmap River 1945 (AWM 078054).jpg|300px]]
| caption = Pasukan infanteri Australia singgah di tepi sungai sebelum menyerang pasukan Jepang di dekat Matapau pada Januari 1945
| date = November 1944 – Agustus 1945
| place = Wilayah [[Aitape]]/[[Wewak]]/[[Sepik]], [[Teritorial Nugini]]
| result = Kemenangan [[Australian]]
| combatant1 =
{{plainlist |
Baris 19:
| commander1 = {{flagicon|Australia}} [[Jack Stevens]]
| commander2 = {{flagicon|Kekaisaran Jepang|angkatan darat}} [[Hatazō Adachi]]
| strength1 = ~ 13,000 pria<ref group="Note">The Australian 6th Division had been converted to the jungle division establishment with a complement of 13,118 men, which was approximately 4,000 fewer than a standard Australian division. Palazzo 2001, p. 184.</ref>
| strength2 = ~ 30,000–35,000<ref name=Coulthard-Clark251>Coulthard-Clark 2001, p. 251.</ref>
| casualties1 =
{{plainlist |
Baris 32:
{{Kotak kampanye Aitape–Wewak}}
{{Kotak kampanye Nugini Barat}}
{{Kotak kampanye Nugini}}
Baris 50 ⟶ 49:
== Referensi ==
* {{cite book | last=Coulthard-Clark |first=Chris |authorlink= |title=Where Australians Fought: The Encyclopaedia of Australia's Battles |year=2001 |publisher=Allen & Unwin |location=Sydney, New South Wales |isbn=1-86508-634-7 |oclc=48793439 }}
* {{cite book | last=Gill|first=G. Hermon|title=Royal Australian Navy, 1942–1945|series=Australia in the War of 1939–1945, Series 2&nbsp;– Navy, Volume II|year=1968|publisher=Australian War Memorial|location=Canberra, Australian Capital Territory |url=https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/RCDIG1070208/|oclc=65475 }}
* {{cite book | last=Grey |first=Jeffrey|coauthors= |title=A Military History of Australia |edition=3rd |publisher=Cambridge University Press|location=Melbourne, Victoria |year=2008|series= |url= |isbn=978-0-521-69791-0 }}
* {{cite book | last=Keogh|first=Eustace|title=South West Pacific 1941–45|year=1965|publisher=Grayflower Publications|location=Melbourne, Victoria |oclc=7185705 }}
* {{cite book | last=Long|first=Gavin|title=The Final Campaigns|series=Australia in the War of 1939–1945, Series 1&nbsp;– Army, Volume VII|year=1963|publisher=Australian War Memorial|location=Canberra, Australian Capital Territory|url=https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/RCDIG1070206/|oclc=1297619 }}
* {{cite book | last=Odgers|first=George|title=Air War Against Japan, 1943–1945|series=Australia in the War of 1939–1945, Series 3&nbsp;– Air Force, Volume II|publisher=Australian War Memorial |location=Canberra, Australian Capital Territory|year=1968|url=https://www.awm.gov.au/collection/RCDIG1070210/| oclc=11218821 }}
* {{cite book | last=Odgers|first=George|title=Army Australia: An Illustrated History|year=1988|publisher=Child & Associates|location=Frenchs Forest, New South Wales |isbn=0-86777-061-9 }}
* {{cite book | last=Palazzo|first=Albert|title=The Australian Army: A History of Its Organisation 1901–2001|year=2001|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=South Melbourne, Victoria |isbn=0-19-551507-2 }}
== Bacaan tambahan ==
{{refbegin }}
* {{cite book | last=Charlton|first=Peter|title=The Unnecessary War: Island Campaigns of the South-West Pacific, 1944–45|year=1983|publisher=Macmillan|location= |isbn=978-0-333-35628-9 }}
* {{cite book | title=The Long Green Shore|author=Hepworth, John |publisher=Picador|url=http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/617147|year=1995|isbn=978-0-330-35703-6 }}
== Pranala luar ==
* [http://ajrp.awm.gov.au/ajrp/remember.nsf/Web-Printer/F3A735790A1F4507CA256B6000039F0D?OpenDocument Remembering the war in New Guinea Aitape–Wewak, 1944–45 (Photographs)]
* {{cite web|url=http://www.ww2australia.gov.au/lastbattles/shore.html|title=Last Battles|publisher=Australia's War 1939–1945|accessdate=2009-03-09| archiveurl= httphttps://web.archive.org/web/20090122131432/http://www.ww2australia.gov.au/lastbattles/shore.html| archivedate= 22 January 2009 <!-01-DASHBot-->22| deadurl= no}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Kampanye Aitape-Wewak}}
[[Kategori:Konflik padadalam tahun 1944]]