Amestris: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 18:
| birth_date =
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| death_date = sek 424 SM<ref>[[Herodotos]], John Kenrick ''The Egypt of Herodotus being the second and part of the third books of his history'', hlm.XVII (1841)</ref>
| death_date =
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Baris 24:
'''Amestris''' ({{lang-el|Άμηστρις}}, ''Amēstris'', mungkin sama dengan Άμαστρις, ''Amāstris'', dari [[Bahasa Persia Kuno]] ''Amāstrī-'', "wanita kuat")<ref>{{cite web|url=|title="Amestris" in Encyclopedia Iranica||publisher=|accessdate=9 September 2014}}</ref> merupakan mahapermaisuri Iran, sebagai istri dari [[Xerxes I]]. Dia juga merupakan ibu dari [[Artahsasta I]].<ref name="DGRBM">{{cite encyclopedia | last = Smith | first = William | authorlink = William Smith (lexicographer) | title = Amestris (I) | editor = [[William Smith (lexicographer)|William Smith]] | encyclopedia = [[Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology]] | volume = 1 | pages = 137 | publisher = Little, Brown and Company | location = Boston | year = 1867 | url = | access-date = 2018-01-08 | archive-date = 2005-07-29 | archive-url = | dead-url = yes }}</ref> Ia dipandang buruk oleh para sejarawan [[Yunani Kuno]].<ref>[[Herodotos]], ''[[Historia (Herodotos)|Historia]]'' vii. 61, 114, ix. 108—113</ref><ref>[[Ktesias]], ''Persica'' c. 20. 30. ed. Lion</ref><ref>[[Plutarkhos]], ''Alcibiades'' hlm. 123, c.</ref>
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