Organisasi Nasional Melayu Bersatu: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(47 revisi perantara oleh 22 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
#ALIH [[ms:PertubuhanOrganisasi Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu]]
<!--{{Politik Malaysia}}-->
[[Berkas:UMNO Flag.gif|right|thumb|150px|Bendera UMNO]]
'''Organisasi Nasional Melayu Bersatu''' ([[bahasa Melayu]]: ''Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu''; [[bahasa Inggris]]: ''United Malays National Organisation'', '''UMNO''') adalah [[partai politik]] terbesar di [[Malaysia]] dan pendiri dari koalisi [[Barisan Nasional]], yang telah memerintah Malaysia sejak kemerdekaannya tanpa terputus.
== Pembentukan ==
[[Berkas:UMNO logo.gif|right|thumb|150px|Logo UMNO]]
Setelah Britania kembali ke [[Malaya]] setelah berakhirnya [[Perang Dunia II]], gerakan kemerdekaan mulai mengambil bagian untuk menentang rencana Britania tentang [[Malayan Union]]. Sebuah seri kongres Melayu diadakan, yang awal pembentukan UMNO pada [[11 Mei]] [[1946]] pada Kongres Melayu Ketiga di [[Johor Baru]], dengan Datuk [[Onn Jaafar]] sebagai ketuanya.
Namun, anggota UMNO masih terbatas kepada anggota suku Melayu (''[[bumiputra]]''), dan Onn Jaafar berusaha mengubah kebijakan dan nama partai ini, namun ditolak. Onn Jaafar kemudian mengundurkan diri sebagai tanda protes, namun peranannya diangkat oleh [[Tunku Abdul Rahman]] yang menyetir negara ini menuju kemerdekaan pada [[1957]].
== Sejarah UMNO ==
===Zaman Dato Onn===
Satu perhimpunan besar-besaran yang dikenal sebagai Kongres Melayu Se-Malaya pertama telah diatur oleh Persatuan Melayu Selangor di Klub Sultan Sulaiman, Kampung Baharu, [[Kuala Lumpur]] pada [[1 Maret]] sampai [[4 Maret]] [[1946]] dan sebanyak 41 organisasi [[Melayu]] telah mengirim perwakilan masing-masing.
==Independent Malaysia==
In the 1959 general elections, Malaysia's first, the Alliance coalition led by UMNO won
51.8% of the votes, resulting in 74 out of 104 seats, enough for an
absolute two-thirds majority. The Alliance (now known as the [[Barisan Nasional]]) has maintained this majority ever since, with the notable exception of the [[1969]] elections where the Alliance's share dropped to 45%, resulting in the racial riots known euphemistically as the [[May 13 Incident]].
After the separation and independence of [[Singapore]] in [[1965]],
the Singapore branch of UMNO was renamed the [[Singapore Malay National Organisation]] (''Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Singapura'').
UMNO's share of votes has steadily declined since Islamic party [[PAS]]'s emergence onto the political scene in the [[1990]] general elections.
In [[Malaysian general election, 1999|the 1999 general election]], rocked by the arrest and trial of former UMNO deputy [[Anwar Ibrahim]] and the subsequence formation of the [[Barisan Alternatif]] opposition coalition, UMNO's share dipped to 54% of the vote and 102 out of 144 seats despite allegations of vote-rigging.
==UMNO Baru (New UMNO)==
On [[24 April]] [[1987]], UMNO held its Annual General Assembly and triennial Party election. The then Prime Minister and party President, Mahathir Mohamad, faced his first party election in 12 years, having been regularly promoted through patronage and internal party arrangements (which really meant being elected unopposed) after the 1975 UMNO election.
The politics of the Malays, particularly UMNO politics, had undergone a sea change in the first few years of the Mahathir stewardship, and the incumbent party president was challenged for the second time in 41 years. The first challenge had been a dull affair in which Hussein Onn had been opposed by a minor party official named Sulaiman Palestin. (Another President, Tunku Abdul Rahman had also been challenged by one C. M. Yusof, later Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament, in the early 1950s, but the Tunku was then only the care-taker President and not properly the incumbent.)
The 1987 contest was a vastly different matter. Mahathir was opposed by his very popular former Finance Minister, [[Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah]].
In the event, Mahathir was returned to office after a long intense and vicious campaign as President. However, he was elected with such a small majority of 43 (761 against 718 votes) that questions were immediately raised about his mandate.
Allegations were made that several delegates who had voted were drawn from UMNO branches not properly registered under The Societies Act, 1966. There were also several unproved allegations being bandied about that the balloting process had not been above board.
On [[25 June]] [[1987]], an appeal was filed by 12 of the UMNO delegates (one of whom, Hussain bin Manap, withdrew unexpectedly in August) to have the assembly and the election of April 1987 declared null. The remaining litigants have since become famous as the "UMNO 11."
After a series of interlocutory hearings over the discovery of documents that took more than seven months, the matter finally came before Justice Harun Hashim in the Kuala Lumpur High Court on [[4 February]] [[1988]].
The judge ruled that under the existing law he had no option but to find the party, UMNO, to be an unlawful society. The question of the Assembly itself being illegal therefore became academic.
"'It is a very hard decision to declare UMNO unlawful,' said Justice Datuk Harun Hashim in his [[4 February]] judgement. 'But the law was made by our Parliament and certainly UMNO was aware [of the Societies Act] because they were in the majority [in Parliament] at all times [when the law was made].' Under the 1966 Act, amended five times over the years, and most recently by Mahathir’s government, each of the society's branches has to register separately with the Registrar...."
Mahathir showed no interest in reviving the party, and instead he set in motion the machinery to form a new surrogate party, and in due course, registered a party formally called Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu (Baru) or UMNO (New). The Tunku and Hussein Onn both refused to join UMNO Baru until they died.
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Partai-partai politik Malaysia|Daftar partai politik Malaysia]]
* [[Politik Malaysia]]
* ''[[Singapore Malay National Organisation]]''
== Pranala luar ==
* [ UMNO]
[[Kategori:Partai politik di Malaysia]]
[[de:United Malays National Organisation]]
[[en:United Malays National Organisation]]
[[kk:Біріккен малай ұлттық ұйымы]]
[[ms:Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu]]
[[ru:Малайская национальная организация]]