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Baris 21:
Penduduk Arab menolak rencana pembagian ini dan mengutuknya dengan suara bulat.<ref>Mazin B. Qumsiyeh, Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment (New York, 2011), p. 85.</ref> Komite Tinggi Arab menentang gagasan negara Yahudi<ref name="Podeh" >Elie Podeh, [https://books.google.com/books?id=TXfJCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA28 ''Chances for Peace: Missed Opportunities in the Arab-Israeli Conflict''], University of Texas Press 2015 pp.28ff. </ref> dan meminta negara Palestina "yang melindungi semua hak warga Yahudi yang sah dan minoritas lain dan segala kepentingan Britania Raya".<ref name="Bose2009">{{cite book|author=Sumantra Bose|title=Contested Lands|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=KKZcgOJPjVkC&pg=PA223|date=30 June 2009|publisher=Harvard University Press|isbn=978-0-674-02856-2|page=223}}</ref> Mereka juga menuntut dihentikannya semua proses imigrasi dan pembelian tanah oleh orang Yahudi.<ref name="Podeh" /> Mereka berpendapat bahwa berdirinya negara Yahudi dan tidak adanya negara Palestina adalah pengkhianatan atas janji Britania Raya.<ref name="Mandated Landscape">Mandated Landscape: British Imperial Rule in Palestine 1929-1948</ref><ref>[https://www.jstor.org/pss/25642368 British Policy in Palestine, 1937-38: From the Peel to the Woodhead Report, Bulletin of International News, Vol 15, No. 23 (Nov. 19, 1938), pp.3-7]</ref>
Para pemimpin Zionis terbelah menjadi dua dalam memandang rencana ini.<ref name="Podeh"/> Dalam resolusi Kongres Zionis 1937, para delegasi menolak rencana pembagian spesifik. Namun, prinsip pembagian wilayah secara umum "diterima" atau "tidak ditolak sepenuhnya" oleh semua faksi utama; para delegasi mendorong para pemimpin melanjutkan negosiasi.<ref name=Podeh /><ref>Itzhak Galnoor, [https://books.google.com/books?id=-22kHkqPvscC&pg=PA208 ''Partition of Palestine, The: Decision Crossroads in the Zionist Movement,''] State University of New York Press 2012 p.208.</ref><ref>
Allan Gerson, [https://books.google.com/books?id=Jj_dGawWJ-YC&pg=PA88 ''Israel, the West Bank and International Law,''] Frank Cass 1978 pp.87-88 n.33.</ref><ref>Herbert Druks, [https://books.google.com/books?id=6Msm-bTeCdkC&pg=PA33 ''The Uncertain Friendship: The U.S. and Israel from Roosevelt to Kennedy,''] ABC-Clio/Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001 p.33.</ref> Dewan [[Badan Yahudi]] meminta dibentuknya sebuah konferensi untuk membahas penyelesaian damai terhadap persatuan Palestina.<ref name="Podeh" /> Menurut [[Benny Morris]], Ben-Gurion dan Weizmann memandangnya 'sebagai batu loncatan untuk perluasan wilayah dan pendudukan seluruh Palestina.’<ref name="Podeh" /><ref name="MorrisBGW">[[Benny Morris]], [https://books.google.com/books?id=xC_uIe9G2FYC&pg=PT237 ''Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist- Arab Conflict, 1881-2001,''] Vintage Books 2001 pp.136-7</ref>
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Konflik Arab–Israel]]
* [[Buku Putih 1939]]
* [[Laporan Shaw]]
== Referensi ==
== Bacaan lanjutan ==
* ''Palestine Royal Commission Report Presented by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Parliament by Command of His Majesty, July 1937.'' His Majesty’s Stationery Office., London, 1937. 404 pages + maps.
* Aharon Cohen, ''Israel and the Arab World'' (Funk and Wagnalls, New York, 1970) pp.&nbsp;207–210
== Pranala luar ==
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20101231091409/http://domino.un.org/UNISPAL.NSF/0/08e38a718201458b052565700072b358?OpenDocument Summary of the Report of the Palestine Royal Commission] (from the United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine - UNISPAL)
* [https://unispal.un.org/pdfs/Cmd5479.pdf Full text of the report] at UNISPAL.
* [http://www.shapell.org/manuscript.aspx?ben-gurion-laments-rejection-of-1937-peel-commission David Ben-Gurion Laments Rejection of Peel Commission Recommendations] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140510011008/http://www.shapell.org/manuscript.aspx?ben-gurion-laments-rejection-of-1937-peel-commission |date=2014-05-10 }} Shapell Manuscript Foundation
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