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{{Infobox president
'''Kenneth Kaunda''' (lahir [[28 April]] [[1924]]) merupakan [[Presiden]] [[Zambia]] periode [[1964]]-[[1991]].
|name=Kenneth Kaunda
|image=2020 Kenneth Kaunda.jpg
|caption=Kaunda 2020.
|order=[[Presiden Zambia]] pertama
|term_start=24 Oktober 1964
|term_end=2 November 1991
|predecessor=Tidak ada
|successor=[[Frederick Chiluba]]
|order2=[[Gerakan Non-Blok#Sekretaris Jenderal|Sekretaris Jenderal Gerakan Non-Blok]] ke–3
|term_start2=8 September 1970
|term_end2=5 September 1973
|predecessor2=[[Gamal Abdel Nasser]]
|successor2=[[Houari Boumédienne]]
|birth_date={{Birth date|df=yes|1924|4|28}}
|birth_place={{flagicon|Rhodesia Utara}} [[Chinsali]], [[Rhodesia Utara]] (sekarang [[Zambia]])
|death_date={{Death date and age|2021|6|17|1924|4|28}}
|death_place={{flagicon|Zambia}} [[Lusaka]], [[Zambia]]
|spouse= [[Betty Kaunda]]
|children= 8
|party=[[Partai Kemerdekaan Nasional Serikat|UNIP]]
|religion= [[Gereja Presbiterian|Presbiterian]]
'''Kenneth Kaunda David''' ({{lahirmati||28|4|1924||17|6|2021}}), juga dikenal sebagai '''KK''', menjabat sebagai [[Presiden Zambia|Presiden]] pertama [[Zambia]] mulai dari tahun 1964 hingga 1991.
== Masa muda ==
Kaunda adalah anak bungsu dari delapan bersaudara. Ia dilahirkan di Lubwa Mission, [[Chinsali]], Northern Province di [[Northern Rhodesia]], sekarang [[Zambia]]. Ayahnya adalah Reverend David Kaunda, seorang misionaris dan guru yang ditahbiskan dari [[Church of Scotland]], yang lahir di [[Malawi]] dan pindah ke Chinsali untuk bekerja di Lubwa Mission. Kaunda bersekolah di Munali Training Centre di [[Lusaka]] (Agustus 1941–1943).
Kaunda menjadi guru pada Upper Primary School dan Boarding Master di Lubwa, kemudian "Headmaster" di Lubwa dari tahun [[1943]] sampai [[1945]]. Ia meninggalkan Lubwa dan pindah ke Lusaka untuk menjadi instruktur tentara tetapi kemudian diberhentikan. Untuk sementara waktu ia bekerja pada [[Salisbury and Bindura Mine]]. Pada awal tahun 1948, ia menjadi guru di [[Mufulira]] untuk "United Missions to the Copperbelt" (UMCB). Lalu ia menjadi asisten pada African Welfare Centre dan Boarding Master suatu Mine School di Mufulira. Pada periode ini, ia memimpin sebuah Pathfinder Scout Group dan juga menjadi Choirmaster pada sebuah Church of Central Africa Congregation. Saat itu ia juga menjabat sebagai Vice-Secretary dari Nchanga Branch of Congress.
[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1924|Kaunda, Kenneth]]
[[Kategori:Presiden Zambia|Kaunda, Kenneth]]
== Perjuangan kemerdekaan ==
[[cs:Kenneth Kaunda]]
Pada bulan April 1949 Kaunda pulang ke Lubwa untuk menjadi guru paruh-waktu, tetapi berhenti pada tahun 1951. Tahun itu ia menjadi Organising Secretary of the [[Northern Rhodesian African National Congress]] untuk Northern Province, yang waktu itu meliputi Provinsi Luapula. Pada tanggal [[11 November]] [[1953]] ia pindah ke Lusaka untuk menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal ANC, di bawah kepresidenan [[Harry Nkumbula]]. Usaha bersama Kaunda dan Nkumbula gagal memobilisasi rakyat Afrika melawan [[Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland]] yang didominasi orang kulit putih. Pada tahun 1955 Kaunda dan Nkumbula dipenjarakan selama dua bulan (dengan kerja paksa) karena menyebarkan literatur "subversif". Penahanan dan siksaan demikian merupakan jalur biasa bagi para pemimpin nasionalis Afrika. Pengalaman di penjara memberi dampak radikal pada Kaunda. Kedua pemimpin itu menjauh hubungannya karena Nkumbula semakin dipengaruhi oleh liberal kulit putih dan bersedia berkompromi dalam hal pemerintahan mayoritas kulit hitam. Kepemimpinan Nkumbula yang dianggap otokratik dalam ANC akhirnya menghasilkan perpecahan. Kaunda keluar dari ANC dan mendirikan [[Zambian African National Congress]] (ZANC) pada bulan Oktober [[1958]]. ZANC dilarang pada bulan Maret [[1959]]. Pad bulan Juni Kaunda dihukum sembilan bulan penjara, yang dijalaninya mula-mula di Lusaka, kemudian di Salisbury (Harare).
[[de:Kenneth Kaunda]]
[[en:Kenneth Kaunda]]
Sementara Kaunda di penjara, [[Mainza Chona]] dan para nasionalis lain keluar dari ANC dan, pada bulan Oktober 1959, Chona menjadi presiden pertama partai baru, [[United National Independence Party]] (UNIP), penerus ZANC. Namun, Chona tidak melihat dirinya sebagai pendiri partai itu. Ketika Kaunda dilepaskan dari penjara pada bulan Januari 1960 ia dipilih sebagai presiden UNIP. Pada bulan Juli 1961 Kaunda mengorganisir kampanye ketidakpatuhan sipil di Northern Province, disebut "Cha-cha-cha campaign", yang meliputi pembakaran sekolah-sekolah dan pemblokiran jalan-jalan.
[[fr:Kenneth Kaunda]]
[[hr:Kenneth Kaunda]]
== Kepresidenan ==
[[io:Kenneth Kaunda]]
Kaunda mencalonkan diri sebagai kandidat dari UNIP dalam pemilihan umum tahun [[1962]]. Hasilnya adalah pemerintahan koalisi UNIP–ANC, dengan Kaunda sebagai "Minister of Local Government and Social Welfare". Pada bulan Januari 1964 UNIP memenangkan Pemilihan Umum di bawah Konstitusi baru, mengalahkan ANC pimpinan Nkumbula. Kaunda ditunjuk sebagai Perdana Menteri Zambia. Pada tanggal [[24 Oktober]] [[1964]] ia menjadi presiden pertama Zambia merdeka. [[Simon Kapwepwe]] diangkat menjadi Wakil Presiden yang pertama.
[[nl:Kenneth Kaunda]]
[[oc:Kenneth Kaunda]]
Pada tahun kemerdekaan, Kaunda harus menangani [[Lumpa Church]] independen, pimpinan [[Alice Lenshina]] di Chinsali, distrik asalnya di "Northern Province". Lumpa Church berusaha mengambil posisi netral dalam konflik politik antara UNIP dan ANC, tetapi kemudian dituduh oleh UNIP berkoloborasi dengan pemerintah minoritas kulit putih. Konflik muncul antara pemuda UNIP dan anggota Lumpa, terutama di distrik Chinsali, lokasi kantor pusat gereja itu. Kaunda, sebagai Perdana Menteri pemerintahan mayoritas Afrika mengirimkan dua batalyon [[Northern Rhodesia Regiment]]. Peperangan ini mengakibatkan kematian ribuan orang desa dan pengikut Lenshina sebanyak puluhan ribu lari ke [[Katanga]]. Kaunda melarang Lumpa Church pada bulan Agustus 1964 dan memproklamirkan keadaan darurat yang berlangsung sampai tahun [[1991]].
[[uk:Каунда Кеннет]]
===Educational policies===
At independence Zambia had just 109 university graduates and less than 0.5% of the population was estimated to have completed primary education. {{Fact|date=March 2007}} The nation's educational system was one of the most poorly developed in all of Britain's former colonies. Because of this, Zambia had to invest heavily in education at all levels. Kaunda instituted a policy where all children, irrespective of their parents' ability to pay, were given ''free exercise books, pens and pencils''. The parents' main responsibility was to buy uniforms, pay a token "school fee" and ensure that the children attended school. This approach meant that the best pupils were promoted to achieve their best results, all the way from primary school to university level. Not every child could go to secondary school, for example, but those who did were well educated.
The [[University of Zambia]] was opened in Lusaka in 1966, after Zambians all over the country had been encouraged to donate whatever they could afford towards its construction. Kaunda was appointed Chancellor and officiated at the first graduation ceremony in 1969. The main campus was situated on the Great East Road, while the medical campus was located at Ridgeway near the University Teaching Hospital. In 1979 another campus was established at the Zambia Institute of Technology in Kitwe. In 1988 the Kitwe campus was upgraded and renamed the [[Copperbelt University]], offering business studies, industrial studies and environmental studies. The University of Zambia offers courses in agriculture, education, engineering, humanities and social sciences, law, medicine, mining, natural sciences, and veterinary medicine. The basic program is four years long, although engineering and medical courses are five and seven years long, respectively.
Other tertiary-level institutions established during Kaunda's era were vocationally focused and fell under the aegis of the Department of Technical Education and Vocational Training. They include the Evelyn Hone College of Applied Arts and Commerce and the Natural Resources Development College (both in Lusaka), the Northern Technical College at Ndola, the Livingstone Trades Training Institute in Livingstone, and teacher-training colleges.
===Economic policies===
At independence Kaunda received a country with an economy that was completely under the control of foreigners. For example, the [[British South Africa Company]] (BSAC, originally setup by the British imperialist [[Cecil Rhodes]]) retained commercial assets and mineral rights that it claimed it acquired from a concession signed with the Litunga of Bulozi in 1890 (the Lochner Concession). Only by threatening to expropriate it, on the eve of independence, did Kaunda manage to get the BSAC to assign its mineral rights to the incoming Zambian government. During the Federation, Northern Rhodesia's copper revenues were siphoned off by White Southern Rhodesians, since they were the dominant group in the polity. In their view, Southern Rhodesia was well-suited to providing managerial and administrative skills, Northern Rhodesia would provide the copper revenues, and Nyasaland would provide the labour.{{Fact|date=March 2007}} At independence, Salisbury, the capital of Southern Rhodesia, was much more developed than Lusaka, the capital of Zambia. This was what Northern Rhodesians called the "''bamba zonke''" ("grab everything" - Fanakalo) greed of White Southern Rhodesians. {{Fact|date=March 2007}}
Following in the steps of the Soviet Union, Zambia instituted a program of national development plans, under the direction of the National Commission for Development Planning: the Transitional Development Plan) was followed by the First National Development Plan (1966–71). These two plans, which provided for major investment in infrastructure and manufacturing, were largely implemented and were generally successful. This was not true for subsequent plans.
A major switch in the structure of Zambia's economy came with the Mulungushi Reforms of April 1968: the government declared its intention to acquire an equity holding (usually 51% or more) in a number of key foreign-owned firms, to be controlled by the Industrial Development Corporation (INDECO). By January 1970, Zambia had acquired majority holding in the Zambian operations of the two major foreign mining corporations, the Anglo American Corporation and the Rhodesia Selection Trust (RST); the two became the Nchanga Consolidated Copper Mines (NCCM) and Roan Consolidated Mines (RCM), respectively. Kaunda announced the creation of a new parastatal body, the Mining Development Corporation (MINDECO). The Finance and Development Corporation (FINDECO) allowed the Zambian government to gain control of insurance companies and building societies. The foreign-owned banks, such as Barclays, Standard Chartered and Grindlays, successfully resisted takeover. In 1971, INDECO, MINDECO, and FINDECO were brought together under an omnibus parastatal, the Zambia Industrial and Mining Corporation (ZIMCO), to create one of the largest companies in sub-Saharan Africa, with Kaunda as Chairman of the Board. The management contracts under which day-to-day operations of the mines had been carried out by Anglo American and RST were ended in 1973. In 1982 NCCM and RCM were merged into the giant Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Ltd (ZCCM).
Unfortunately for Kaunda and Zambia, these programs of nationalization were ill-timed. Events that were beyond their control would wreck the country's plans for national development. In 1973 the massive increase in the price of oil was followed by a slump in copper prices in 1975 and a diminution of export earnings. In 1973 the price of copper accounted for 95% of all export earnings; this halved in value on the world market in 1975. By 1976 Zambia had a balance-of-payments crisis, and rapidly became massively indebted to the [[International Monetary Fund]] (IMF). The Third National Development Plan (1978–83) had to be abandoned as crisis management replaced long-term planning.
By the mid-1980s Zambia was one of the most indebted nations in the world, relative to its [[gross domestic product]] (GDP). {{Fact|date=March 2007}} The IMF was insisting that the Zambian government should introduce programs aimed at stabilizing the economy and restructuring it to reduce dependence on copper. The proposed measures included: the ending of price controls; devaluation of the [[kwacha]] (Zambia's currency); cut-backs in government expenditure; cancellation of subsidies on food and fertilizer; and increased prices for farm produce. Kaunda's removal of food subsidies caused massive increases in the prices of basic foodstuffs; the country's urban population rioted in protest. In desperation, Kaunda broke with the IMF in May 1987 and introduced a New Economic Recovery Programme in 1988. However, this did not help him and he eventually moved toward a new understanding with the IMF in 1989. In 1990, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe (on which Kaunda’s ideology, Zambian Humanism had been fashioned) {{Fact|date=March 2007}}, Kaunda was forced to make a major policy shift: he announced the intention to partially privatize the parastatals. However, these changes came too late to prevent his fall from power, which was largely the result of the economic troubles.
===One-Party State and "African Socialism"===
Becoming increasingly intolerant of opposition, Kaunda banned all parties except UNIP, following violence during the [[1968]] elections. In [[1972]], he made Zambia a [[one-party state]], probably because he was worried by [[Simon Kapwepwe]]'s decision to leave UNIP and found a rival party, the [[United Progressive Party (Zambia)|United Progressive Party]], which Kaunda immediately banned. Next, he appointed the Chona Commission, which was set up under the chairmanship of Mainza Chona in February 1972. Its task was to make recommendations for the constitution of a 'one-party participatory democracy' (i.e. a one-party state). The Commission's terms of reference did not permit it to discuss the pros and cons of Kaunda's decision. The sole surviving opposition party, the ANC, boycotted the Commission and unsuccessfully challenged the constitutional change in the courts. The Chona report was based on four months of public hearings and was submitted in October 1972. It was widely regarded as a 'liberal' document. Finally, Kaunda neutralised Nkumbula by getting him to wind-up the ANC, join UNIP and sign a document called the Choma Declaration on 27 June 1973. The ANC ceased to exist after the dissolution of parliament in October 1973. Allegedly Kaunda "bought off" Nkumbula by offering him an emerald mine.
With no more opposition against him, Kaunda allowed the creation of a [[personality cult]]. He developed a national ideology, called Zambian Humanism. This was based on what he considered basic African values: mutual aid, trust and loyalty to the community. Similar forms of [[African Socialism]] were introduced inter alia in Ghana by [[Kwame Nkrumah]] ("Consciencism") and Tanzania by [[Julius Nyerere]] ("Ujamaa"). To elaborate his ideology, Kaunda published several books: ''Humanism in Zambia and a Guide to its Implementation, Parts 1, 2 and 3''. Other publications on Zambian Humanism are: ''Fundamentals of Zambian Humanism'', by Timothy Kandeke; ''Zambian Humanism, religion and social morality'', by Cleve Dillion-Malone S.J. and''Zambian Humanism: some major spiritual and economic challenges'', by Justin B. Zulu.
===Freedom fighters===
Although it was Kaunda's nationalization of the copper mining industry in the late 1960s that led to increased economic problems, matters were made worse by his economic and logistical support for the Black [[freedom fighters]] in the region: [[South Africa]], the [[Portugal|Portuguese]] colonies of [[Portuguese West Africa]] (now [[Angola]])and [[Portuguese East Africa]] (now [[Mozambique]]) and [[Rhodesia]] (now [[Zimbabwe]]). Kaunda tried to solve the conflict in Southern Africa between the White minority governments of Rhodesia, South Africa and Angola and Mozambique and the Afrcian freedom fighters by mediation and boycotts.
On [[25 August|25]]-[[26 August]] [[1976 in South Africa|1976]], Kaunda met with the [[Prime Minister of South Africa]], [[B.J. Vorster]] at [[Victoria Falls]] and again on [[30 April]] [[1982 in South Africa|1982]] with Prime Minister, [[Pieter Willem Botha]] on the [[Botswana]] border to discuss the political situation in [[South West Africa]] and [[South Africa]]. However, he did not manage to get serious concessions from the South African government. Kaunda was criticised in the African press for talking to representatives of the apartheid regime.
===Foreign policy===
[[Berkas:Thatcher_kaunda.jpg|frame|right|[[Margaret Thatcher]] and Kenneth Kaunda in 1979]]During his early presidency he was an outspoken supporter of the anti-apartheid movement and opposed [[Ian Smith|Ian Smith's]] white minority rule in Rhodesia. Kaunda allowed several African liberation fronts such as [[ZAPU]] and [[ZANU]] of Rhodesia and [[African National Congress]] to set headquarters in Zambia. Former ANC president [[Oliver Tambo]] spent a significant proportion of his 30 year exile living and working in [[Zambia]].<ref></ref> [[Joshua Nkomo]] the leader of [[ZAPU]] also stationed a military base in [[Zambia]]. In retaliation the white minority governments of [[Rhodesia]] and [[South Africa]] frequently led espionage and bombing attacks in Zambia. [[Herbert Chitepo]], prominent [[ZANU]] leader, was killed in a car bomb in [[Lusaka]] in [[1975]]. The struggle in both Rhodesia and South Africa and its offshoot wars in [[Namibia]], [[Angola]] and [[Mozambique]] placed a huge economic burden on Zambia as these were the country's main trading partners. As a response to the economic pressure Kaunda, negotiated the [[Tazara]], or [[Tanzam]], a railway linking [[Kapiri Mposhi]] on the Zambian [[Copperbelt]] with [[Tanzania|Tanzania's]] port of [[Dar-es-Salaam]] on the Indian Ocean. Completed in [[1975]] this was the only route for bulk trade which did not had to pass white-controlled territories. This precarious situation lasted more than twenty years, up until the end of apartheid in South Africa. When [[Nelson Mandela]] was released from prison in 1990 the first country he visited was Zambia on 27th February.<ref></ref>
During the [[cold war]] years Kaunda was a strong supporter of the [[Non Aligned Movement]]. He hosted a NAM summit in Lusaka in 1970 and served as the movement’s chairman from 1970 to 1973. He maintained a close friendship with [[Yugoslavia|Yugoslavia's]] long-time leader [[Tito]] and is remembered by many former citizens of Yugoslavia for weeping openly over his casket in [[1980]]. Kaunda, in fact, had a house built in Lusaka for Tito's visits to the country. He had frequent but cordial differences with [[President Reagan]] whom he met [[1983]]<ref></ref> and [[Margaret Thatcher]]<ref></ref> mainly over what he saw as the West's blind eye to apartheid. He always maintained warm relations with the [[People's Republic of China]] who had provided assistance on many projects in Zambia including [[Tazara]] (or [[Tanzam]]).
In the late 1980s prior to the first [[Gulf War]] Kaunda developed a friendship with [[Saddam Hussein]] with whom he struck various agreements to supply oil to [[Zambia]]. He named streets in Saddam's honour(Saddam Hussein blvd. now Los Angeles blvd.). During the events that led to the Gulf War, Saddam became increasingly isolated.
In August 1989 [[Farzad Bazoft]] was arrested in [[Iraq]] for alleged espionage. He was accompanied by a British nurse, [[Daphne Parish]] who was arrested as well. Bazoft was an Iranian born British freelance journalist who was about to expose Saddam's gassing of the Kurds. Bazoft was later tried, sentenced to death and executed. Parish was sentenced to 15 years in prison. However in 1990 just as the [[Gulf War]] was about to break out Kaunda successfully managed to negotiate the release of Parish with Saddam.<ref></ref>. Kaunda served as chairman of the [[Organization of African Unity|OAU]] from 1970 to 1973.
===UNIP and Kaunda's autocracy during the Second Republic===
After promulgation of the Second Republic, following [[Mainza Chona]]'s recommendations for the constitution of a "[[one-party]] participatory democracy", Kaunda's leadership took on more autocratic characteristics. He personally appointed the Central Committee of UNIP, although the process was given a veneer of legitimacy by being "approved" by a National Congress of the party. In theory, Kaunda's nominations could be discarded by Congress, but in practice they were always accepted without modification. The argument used was that "the President knows the people who can work well with him, so if we modify the nominations we will end up with a less effective team". In turn, the Central Committee nominated a sole candidate for the post of President of the party. Of course, since the members of the Central Committee had been nominated by him, Kaunda was always the sole presidential candidate.
After that charade, the rest of the Zambian population was given the opportunity to express approval or disapproval of the sole candidate's nomination by voting either "Yes" or "No". Since the presidential "election" was always accompanied by parliamentary elections, there was great pressure placed on parliamentary candidates to "campaign" for the president's "Yes" vote, in addition to their own campaigns. Parastatals companies (which were controlled through ZIMCO - [[Zambia Industrial and Mining Corporation]]) were also under pressure to "campaign" for Kaunda by buying advertising space in the two national newspapers (Times of Zambia and Zambia Daily Mail) exhorting the electorate to give the president a "massive 'Yes' vote".
The parliamentary elections were also controlled by Kaunda: the names of candidates had to be submitted to UNIP's Central Committee, which then selected three people to stand for any particular constituency. Anyone could be vetoed without the Central Committee giving any reason, since UNIP was supreme and its decisions were unchallengeable. Using these methods, Kaunda kept any enemies at bay by ensuring that they never got into political power.
This was the tactic he used when he saw off Nkumbula and Kapwepwe's challenges to his sole candidacy for the 1978 UNIP elections. On that occasion, the UNIP's constitution was "amended" overnight to bring in rules that invalidated the two challengers' nominations: Kapwepwe was told he could not stand because only people who had been members for five years could be nominated to the presidency (he had only rejoined UNIP three years before); Nkumbula was outmaneuvered by introducing a new rule that said each candidate needed the signatures of 200 delegates from ''each'' province to back his candidacy. A third candidate called Chiluwe was beaten up by the UNIP Youth Wing, so that he was in no state to submit his nomination.
== Jatuh dari kekuasaan ==
Kesulitan ekonomi dan tekanan internasional yang meningkat untuk membawa demokrasi ke Afrika memaksa Kaunda mengubah aturan-aturan yang mendukungnya dalam mempertahankan kekuasaan. Orang yang takut mengkritiknya sekarang berani menantang kompetensinya. Teman dekatnya [[Julius Nyerere]] telah meletakkan jabatan sebagai presiden Tanzania pada tahun 1985 dan diam-diam mendorong Kaunda untuk bertindak demikian. Tekanan untuk mengembalikan ke sistem politik multipartai terus meningkat dan Kaunda dengan sukarela menurutinya. Pemilihan umum multipartai diadakan pada tahun 1991, di mana [[Movement for Multiparty Democracy]] (MMD) menang. Kaunda meninggalkan jabatan bersamaan dengan pengangkatan pemimpin MMD [[Frederick Chiluba]] sebagai presiden pada tanggal [[2 November]] [[1991]].
== Pasca-kepresidenan ==
Chiluba later attempted to deport Kaunda on the grounds that he was a [[Malawi]]an. The MMD dominated government under the leadership of Chiluba had the constitution amended, barring citizens with foreign parentage from standing for the presidency, to prevent Kaunda from contesting the next elections in [[1996]].
Kaunda pensiun dari politik setelah ia didakwa terlibat dalam kudeta yang gagal pada tahun [[1997]]. Setelah pensiun, ia aktif terlibat dalam organisasi sosial. Dari tahun 2002 sampai 2004, ia menjadi seorang "African President in Residence" pada [[Boston University]].<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Salinan arsip |access-date=2007-05-06 |archive-date=2006-09-20 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
Recently, he was seen in the attendance of an episode of [[Dancing With The Stars]] as Kaunda is an avid ballroom dancer.<ref></ref>
== Referensi ==
* ''"Kaunda, Kenneth."''Encyclopædia Britannica from Encyclopædia Britannica Online.<small>URL: Accessed 19 Mei 2006.</small>
* ''Fergus Macpherson'', Kenneth Kaunda: The Times and the Man (1974)
* ''Richard Hall'', ''The High Price of Principles: Kaunda and the White South (1969)
* ''David C. Mulford'', Zambia: The Politics of Independence, 1957–1964 (1967)
* ''At Ipenburg'', 'All Good Men.' The Development of Lubwa Mission, Chinsali, Zambia, 1905-1967 (1992)
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Michael Sata]]
* [[Harry Nkumbula]]
* [[Simon Kapwepwe]]
* [[Sejarah Aktivis Geraja di Zambia]]
== Pranala luar ==
* [ 1964: President Kaunda takes power in Zambia]
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