V. R. Krishna Iyer: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(Satu revisi perantara oleh satu pengguna lainnya tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 14:
|Ethnicity = Malayali}}
'''Hakim V. R. Krishna Iyer''' ({{lahirmati||15|11|1914||4|12|2014}}) yang disebut sebagai penjaga hati nurani keadilan di India,<ref name=":0">{{Cite news|url=https://scroll.in/article/693239/justice-krishna-iyer-was-a-judge-conscience-keeper-legend-enigma-seeker|title=Justice Krishna Iyer was a judge, conscience keeper, legend, enigma, seeker|last=Hegde|first=Sanjay|date=5 December 2014|work=Scroll.in|access-date=2017-08-06|language=en-US}}</ref> <ref name=":1">{{Cite news|url=http://www.livelaw.in/v-r-krishna-iyer-super-judge/|title=V.R. Krishna Iyer – The Super Judge (1st VRK Memorial Lecture by Fali Nariman)|last=|first=|date=2016-10-28|work=Live Law|access-date=2017-08-06}}</ref> adalah seorang visioner dan hakim, yang mereformasi sistem pengadilan pidana di India. Ia mempionirkan gerakan [[bantuan hukum]] di negara tersebut.
== Referensi ==
* "Muslim Law- An analysis of the judgments rendered by Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer" By. Sebastian Champappilly, Southern Law Publishers, Cochin-22
* "Muslim Women ( Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act" By Justice V.R.Krishna Iyer, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow.
== Pranala luar ==
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* [http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/justice-krishna-iyer-passes-away/article6661758.ece Leaving a light, Justice Krishna Iyer passes away]
Baris 34:
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