Pemerintah federal Amerika Serikat: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{Politik Amerika Serikat}}
'''Pemerintah federal Amerika Serikat''' adalah [[pemerintah federal|pemerintah pusat]] [[Amerika Serikat]] yang didirikan berdasarkan [[Konstitusi Amerika Serikat]]. Pemerintah federal Amerika Serikat memiliki tiga cabang yaitu: [[legislatif]], [[eksekutif]], dan [[yudikatif]].
Pemerintah federal Amerika Serikat didirikan pada tahun 1790 dan dianggap sebagai [[federasi]] nasional modern pertama di dunia. Meskipun demikian, rincian federalisme Amerika telah menjadi perdebatan sejak diundangkannya Konstitusi Amerika Serikat, di mana beberapa pihak mengargumentasikan kekuasan nasional secara luas, sedangkan pihak lain menafsirkan pasal-pasal Konstitusi tentang kekuasaan pemerintah nasional secara harfiah.
Sejak [[Perang Saudara Amerika]], kekuasaan Pemerintah Federal secara umum telah berkembang dengan hebatnya, kendati terdapat beberapa periode ketika pendukung hak-hak negara bagian telah berhasil membatasi kekuasaan federal melalui tindakan legislatif, prerogatif eksekutif, atau melalui penafsiran konstitusional di mahkamah.<ref>'The Influence of State Politics in Expanding Federal Power,' Henry Jones Ford, 'Proceedings of the American Political Science Association, Vol. 5, Fifth Annual Meeting (1908)' [] Retrieved on 17 March 2010</ref><ref>[{{Cite web |url= |title=Judge Rules Favorably in Pennsylvania BRAC Suit (Associated Press, 26 August)] |access-date=2010-08-14 |archive-date=2020-08-05 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
Kedudukan pemerintah federal berada di [[Washington, D.C.]]. Kata "Washington" telah terbiasasering dijadikan istilah pengganti bagi pemerintah federal Amerika Serikat.
== Cabang legislatif ==
{{utama|Kongres Amerika Serikat}}
[[Berkas:US Congressional SealSeal_of_the_United_States_Congress.svg|leftkiri|150px]]
[[Kongres Amerika Serikat|Kongres]] adalah cabang legislatif Pemerintah Federal. Kongres memiliki [[sistem dua kamar|dua kamar]], yaitu [[Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Amerika Serikat|Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat]] dan [[Senat Amerika Serikat|Senat]]. DPR terdiri dari 435 anggota yang memiliki hak suara, tiap anggota itu mewakili sebuah [[distrik kongres]] dan bertugas selama dua tahun. Selain 435 anggota berhak suara, terdapat juga lima anggota tanpa hak suara, yaitu empat orang perwakilan dan seorang [[komisioner residen]]. Terdapat satu perwakilan dari [[Washington, D.C.]], [[Guam]], [[Kepulauan Virgin]], dan [[Samoa Amerika]], dan [[Komisioner Residen Puerto Rico|komisioner residen]] dari [[Puerto Rico]].<ref>Situs Resmi DPR Amerika Serikat [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2011-04-29 }} Diakses pada 17 Agustus 2008</ref> Kursi DPR Amerika Serikat ditentukan dari tiap [[Daftar negara bagian di Amerika Serikat|negara bagian]] dengan mempertimbangkan jumlah penduduk masing-masing negara bagian itu; sebaliknya, tiap-tiap negara bagian memiliki dua senator, tanpa memperhatikan jumlah penduduk. Seluruhnya terdapat 100 senator (karena sekarang ada 50 negara bagian), yang bertugas selama enam tahun per periode jabatan (sepertiga dari anggota Senat diganti menurut hasil pemilihan tiap dua tahun sekali). Tiap kamar kongres (DPR atau Senat) memiliki kekuasaan eksklusif khusus— Senat harus memberikan "nasehatnasihat dan persetujuan" terhadap perjanjian-perjanjian kepresidenan, dan DPR harus mengajukan rancangan undang-undang untuk tujuan menaikkan pajak. Persetujuan kedua-dua kamar diperlukan untuk meloloskan suatu legislasi, yang hanya akan menjadi undang-undang setelah ditandatangani Presiden; tetapi jika Presiden memveto suatu legislasi, kedua-dua kamar Kongres dapat mengajukan kembali legislasi tersebut; dan supaya legislasi tersebut dapat menghasilkan undang-undang tanpa ditandatangani Presiden, diperlukan minimal dua per tiga suara setuju dari anggota masing-masing kamar. Kekuasaan Kongres terbatas pada semua hal yang diterakan di dalam Konstitusi; semua kekuasaan lainnya menjadi tanggung jawab negara bagian dan rakyat. Konstitusi juga menyertakan "[[Syarat Cukup dan Syarat Perlu]]", yang memberi Kongres kekuasaan untuk "membuat semua undang-undang yang perlu dan cukup untuk meneruskan dan menjalankan kekuasaan-kekuasaan sebelumnya." Para anggota DPR dan Senat dipilih melalui pemilihan umum yang menerapkan sistem suara terbanyak dan memperhatikan kemajemukan di setiap negara bagian, kecuali [[Louisiana]] dan [[Washington]], yang menerapkan sistem pemilihan dua babak, yakni hanya dua calon dengan suara terbanyak yang dapat dipilih pada babak berikutnya.
Artikel I, Bagian 2, Paragraf 2 Konstitusi Amerika Serikat memberi tiap kamar kekuasaan untuk "menentukan aturan dari tiap-tiap prosidingnya." Dari ketentuan ini dibuatlah [[Komite Kongres Amerika Serikat]], yang melakukan pengerjaan rancangan legislasi dan melakukan penyelidikan kongresional ke dalam persoalan nasional. Kongres ke-108 (2003–2005) memiliki 19 komite kerja di dalam DPR dan 17 di dalam Senat, ditambah empat komite tetap bersama dengan anggota dari kedua-dua kamar untuk mengawasi [[Perpustakaan Kongres Amerika Serikat|Perpustakaan Kongres]], percetakan, perpajakan, dan ekonomi. Selain itu, tiap kamar dapat menamai atau memilih komite untuk mempelajari persoalan tertentu. Kini, banyak beban kerja kongres ditanggung oleh beberapa komite, yang jumlahnya kira-kira 150-an.
Baris 16 ⟶ 17:
=== Kekuasaan Kongres ===
{{utama|Artikel Satu Konstitusi Amerika Serikat}}
[[Berkas:United States Capitol - west front.jpg|thumbjmpl|[[Gedung Capitol]] adalah [[pusat pemerintahan]] Kongres.]]
Konstitusi memberikan banyak kekuasaan bagi Kongres. Diterakan di dalam Artikel I, Bagian 8, ini termasuk kekuasaan untuk memungut dan mengumpulkan [[pajak]]; untuk menggulirkan uang dan nilainya; memberikan hukuman bagi pemalsuan; membangun kantor pos dan jalan, mempromosikan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dengan mengeluarkan paten, membuat pengadilan federal yang menjadi bagian dari [[Mahkamah Agung Amerika Serikat|Mahkamah Agung]], mendefinisikan dan menghukum [[pembajakan]] dan kejahatan besar, menyatakan [[perang]], membentuk dan mendukung [[militer Amerika Serikat]], menyediakan dan merawat [[Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat]], membuat pengaturan tanah dan angkatan laut, menyediakan senjata dan disiplin [[milisi]] Amerika Serikat, menjalankan legislasi eksekutif di [[Washington D.C.]], dan membuat undang-undang yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan kekuasaan tersebut dengan benar.
Baris 27 ⟶ 28:
* Penyelidikan dan dengar-pendapat komite
* Konsultasi formal dengan dan laporan dari [[Presiden Amerika Serikat|Presiden]]
* NasehatNasihat senat dan persetujuan calon presiden dan perjanjian
* Prosiding [[pemakzulan]] DPR dan percobaan Senat berikutnya
* Prosiding DPR dan Senat di bawah amandemenamendemen ke-25 Konstitusi Amerika Serikat, ketika Presiden tidak lagi mampu menjalankan pemerintahan atau kantor [[Daftar Wakil Presiden Amerika Serikat|wakil presiden]] gagal menggantikannya.
* Rapat informal antara legislator dan petugas eksekutif
* Keanggotaan kongres: tiap negara bagian diberi alokasi jumlah kursi menurut perwakilannya (atau perwakilan langsung, perkecualian untuk Washington D.C.) di dalam DPR. Tiap negara bagian diberi alokasi dua Senator tanpa memandang jumlah penduduknya. Sejak Januari 2010, Washington DC memilih perwakilan tanpa hak suara untuk DPR bersama-sama Samoa Amerika, Kepulauan Virgin, Guam, Puerto Rico, dan Kepulauan Mariana Utara.
== Cabang eksekutif ==<!-- Bagian ini dipranalakan dari [[George Washington]] -->
Kekuasaan eksekutif di dalam Pemerintah Federal melekat pada Presiden Amerika Serikat,<ref name="ArtII wikisource">[[s:Konstitusi Amerika Serikat|Pasal II, Konstitusi Amerika Serikat]]</ref> meskipun kekuasaan seringkali didelegasikan kepada anggota [[Kabinet Amerika Serikat|Kabinet]] dan petugas lainnya.<ref></ref><ref>
{{cite web
|first = Obama
|last = Barack
|authorlink = Barack Obama
|title = Delegasi Otoritas Tertentu di bawah Undang-Undang Otorisasi Pertahanan Nasional untuk Tahun Anggaran 2008
|url =
|publisher = [[Amerika Serikat]]
|date = 2009-04-27
|archivedate =
|accessdate = 2009-07-01
|quote =
[[Presiden Amerika Serikat|Presiden]] dan [[Daftar Wakil Presiden Amerika Serikat|Wakil Presiden]] dipilih sebagai pasangan-duet sebanyak-banyaknya untuk dua kali periode empat tahunan oleh [[Lembaga Pemilihan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Amerika Serikat]], di mana [[Daftar negara bagian di Amerika Serikat|negara bagian]], juga [[Washington, D.C.]], diberi alokasi sejumlah kursi berdasarkan perwakilannya (atau perwakilan langsung, khusus Washington DC) di kedua-dua kamar Kongres.
=== Presiden ===
{{main|Presiden Amerika Serikat}}
[[Berkas:Seal Of The President Of The Unites States Of America.svg|left|150px]]
Cabang eksekutif terdiri dari Presiden dan perwakilannya. President adalah [[kepala negara]] dan sekaligus [[kepala pemerintahan]], juga [[panglima tertinggi]] militer, dan kepala [[diplomat]]. Presiden, menurut Konstitusi, harus "memperhatikan bahwa hukum harus dijalankan dengan penuh sebaik-baiknya", dan "menjaga, melindungi, dan mempertahankan Konstitusi". Presiden memimpin cabang eksekutif Pemerintah Federal, sebuah organisasi besar yang beranggotakan 4 juta manusia, termasuk 1 juta personel militer aktif. Presiden ke-44, yakni presiden terkini adalah [[Barack Obama]], presiden Amerika Serikat pertama dari keturunan Afrika-Amerika.
Presiden dapat menyetujui legislasi yang diajukan Kongres untuk menjadi undang-undang atau dapat pula mem[[veto]]nya, mencegahnya untuk menjadi undang-undang kecuali jika dua per tiga anggota DPR dan Senat di Kongres memilih untuk menolak veto.
The President may, with the consent of two-thirds of the Senate, make [[treaty|treaties]] with foreign nations. The President may be [[impeachment in the United States|impeached]] by a majority in the House and removed from office by a two-thirds majority in the Senate for "[[treason]], [[Bribery#Government|bribery]], or other [[high crimes and misdemeanors]]". The President may not [[Dissolution of Parliament|dissolve Congress]] or call [[By-election|special election]]s but does have the power to [[pardon]], or release, criminals convicted of offenses against the Federal Government (except in cases of impeachment), enact [[Executive order (United States)|executive orders]], and (with the consent of the Senate) appoint Supreme Court justices and federal judges.
=== Wakil Presiden ===
{{Main|Vice President of the United States}}
[[File:US Vice President Seal.svg|left|150px]]
The Vice President is the second-highest executive official of the government. As first in the [[United States presidential line of succession|U.S. presidential line of succession]], the Vice President becomes President upon the death, resignation, or removal of the President, which has happened nine times in U.S. history. Under the Constitution, the Vice President is [[President of the Senate#United States|President of the Senate]]. By virtue of this role, he or she is the nominal head of the Senate. In that capacity, the Vice President is allowed to vote in the Senate, but only when necessary to [[United States Vice Presidents' tie-breaking votes|break a tied vote]]. Pursuant to the [[Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution|Twelfth Amendment]], the Vice President presides over the joint session of Congress when it convenes to count the vote of the Electoral College. While the Vice President's only constitutionally prescribed functions, aside from presidential succession, relate to his role as President of the Senate, the office is now commonly viewed as a member of the executive branch of the Federal Government. The U.S. Constitution does not expressly assign the office to any one branch, causing scholars to dispute whether it belongs to the executive branch, the legislative branch, or both.<ref name=Goldstein>{{cite journal|last=Goldstein|first=Joel K.|title=The New Constitutional Vice Presidency|journal=Wake Forest Law Review|volume=30|issue=505|publisher=Wake Forest Law Review Association, Inc.|url=|location=Winston Salem, NC|year=1995}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal|last=Reynolds|first=Glenn Harlan|title=Is Dick Cheney Unconstitutional?|journal=Northwestern University Law Review Colloquy|volume=102|issue=110|publisher=Northwestern University School of Law|url=|location=Chicago|year=2007}}</ref>
=== Menteri Luar Negeri ===
{{Main|United States Secretary of State}}
[[File:Department of state.svg|left|150px]]
The Secretary of State is the Chief Executive Officer of the [[United States Department of State]], the most senior of all federal executive departments. The Secretary of State is the third-highest official of the executive branch of the Federal Government of the United States, after the President and Vice President. The Secretary is a member of the President's Cabinet and the highest-ranking cabinet secretary both in the presidential line of succession and [[United States order of precedence|order of precedence]]. The Secretary has many duties and responsibilities. The Secretary serves as the President's chief adviser on U.S. foreign policy and as such negotiates, interprets, and terminates treaties and agreements, personally participates in or directs U.S. representatives to international conferences, organizations, and agencies, conducts negotiations relating to U.S. foreign affairs, and is responsible for the administration and management of foreign embassies and consulate offices. Foreign trade missions and intelligence assets report directly to the Secretary of State. The Secretary is also responsible for overall direction, coordination, and supervision of interdepartmental activities of the U.S. Government overseas. The Secretary answers directly to the President of the United States.
=== Jaksa Agung Amerika Serikat ===
{{Main|United States Attorney General}}
The office of Attorney General was established by [[United States Congress|Congress]] by the [[Judiciary Act of 1789]]. The original duties of this officer were "to prosecute and conduct all suits in the [[Supreme Court of the United States|Supreme Court]] in which the [[United States]] shall be concerned, and to give his advice and opinion upon [[questions of law]] when required by the [[President of the United States]], or when requested by the heads of any of the departments."<ref>[[Judiciary Act of 1789]], section 35.</ref> Only in 1870 was the [[United States Department of Justice|Department of Justice]] established to support the Attorney General in the discharge of his responsibilities. The '''United States Attorney General''' is now the head of the [[United States Department of Justice]] (see {{usc|28|503}}) concerned with legal affairs and is the chief law enforcement officer of the United States Government. The Attorney General is considered to be the chief lawyer of the [[People of the United States of America]], not only the U.S. government, nor simply of the Executive Branch. The Attorney General serves as a member of the [[President of the United States|President's]] [[United States Cabinet|Cabinet]], but is the only department head who is not given the title [[Secretary]].
To assist the Attorney General in carrying out justice in the 94 jurisdictions of the [[United States district court]] system; he/she is in charge of the [[United States Marshal Service]], including each U.S. Marshal of the 94 Districts; and the 93 [[United States Attorneys]] encompassing 94 offices (as [[Guam]] and the [[Northern Mariana Islands]] has a single U.S. Attorney for both districts). In the [[Supreme Court of the United States]], the [[Solicitor General of the United States]] carries out the duties first entrusted to the office. To carry out the general duties of enforcement of laws concerning [[federal crimes]] and to investigate the commission of crimes where [[United States Citizens]], officials, property or interests are concerned, domestically or abroad, the [[Federal Bureau of Investigation]] acts on the Attorney General's behalf.
The Attorney General is nominated by the [[President of the United States]] and takes office after confirmation by the [[United States Senate]]. He or she serves at the pleasure of the President and can be removed by the President at any time; the Attorney General is also subject to [[Impeachment in the United States|impeachment]] by the [[United States House of Representatives|House of Representatives]] and trial in the [[United States Senate|Senate]] for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors."
=== Kabinet, departemen eksekutif, dan agensi ===
{{Main|United States Cabinet}}
{{Main|List of United States federal agencies}}
The day-to-day enforcement and administration of federal laws is in the hands of the various [[United States federal executive departments|federal executive departments]], created by Congress to deal with specific areas of national and international affairs. The heads of the 15 departments, chosen by the President and approved with the "advice and consent" of the U.S. Senate, form a council of advisers generally known as the President's "Cabinet". In addition to departments, there are a number of staff organizations grouped into the [[Executive Office of the President]]. These include the [[White House]] staff, the [[United States National Security Council|National Security Council]], the [[Office of Management and Budget]], the [[Council of Economic Advisers]], the [[Council on Environmental Quality]], the [[Office of the United States Trade Representative|Office of the U.S. Trade Representative]], the [[Office of National Drug Control Policy]] and the [[Office of Science and Technology Policy]]. The employees in these United States government agencies are called [[United States civil service|federal civil servants]].
There are also [[Independent agencies of the United States government|independent agencies]] such as the [[United States Postal Service]], the [[NASA|National Aeronautics and Space Administration]] (NASA), the [[Central Intelligence Agency]] (CIA), the [[United States Environmental Protection Agency|Environmental Protection Agency]], and the [[United States Agency for International Development]]. In addition, there are [[government-owned corporation]]s such as the [[Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation]] and the [[National Railroad Passenger Corporation]].
== Cabang yudikatif ==
{{Main|United States federal courts}}
[[File:Seal of the United States Supreme Court.svg|left|150px]]
The [[Supreme Court of the United States|Supreme Court]] is the highest court in the federal court system. The court deals with matters pertaining to the Federal Government, disputes between states, and interpretation of the United States Constitution, and can declare legislation or executive action made at any level of the government as [[Judicial review in the United States|unconstitutional]], nullifying the law and creating [[precedent]] for future law and decisions. Below the Supreme Court are the [[United States court of appeals|courts of appeals]], and below them in turn are the [[United States district court|district courts]], which are the general trial courts for federal law.
Separate from, but not entirely independent of, this federal court system are the individual court systems of each state, each dealing with its own laws and having its own court rules and procedures.
The [[State supreme court|supreme court of each state]] is the final authority on the interpretation of that state's laws and constitution. A case may be appealed from a state court to the U.S. Supreme Court only if there is a [[Federal question jurisdiction|federal question]] (an issue arising under the U.S. Constitution, or laws/treaties of the United States). The relationship between federal and state laws is extremely complex and confusing as a result of the unique nature of American federalism. For example, a state supreme court is bound ''only'' by the U.S. Supreme Court's interpretation of federal law, but is ''not'' bound by interpretation of federal law by the federal court of appeals for the circuit in which the state sits, or even the federal district courts located in the state. Conversely, a federal district court hearing a matter involving only a question of state law (usually through [[diversity jurisdiction]]) must apply the substantive law of the state in which the court sits, as if the federal court were a court of that state (but at the same time, the case is heard under the [[Federal Rules of Civil Procedure]] instead of local rules, which may be quite different). Together the laws of the federal and state governments form [[Law of the United States|U.S. law]].
The federal judiciary consists of the U.S. Supreme Court, whose justices are appointed for life by the President and confirmed by the Senate, and various "lower" or "inferior courts," among which are the courts of appeals and district courts.
The [[1st United States Congress|first Congress]] divided the nation into [[United States federal judicial district|judicial districts]] and created federal courts for each district. From that beginning has evolved the present structure: the Supreme Court, 13 courts of appeals, 94 district courts, and two courts of special jurisdiction. Congress retains the power to create and abolish federal courts, as well as to determine the number of judges in the federal judiciary system. It cannot, however, abolish the Supreme Court.
There are three levels of federal courts with ''general jurisdiction,'' meaning that these courts handle criminal cases and civil law suits between individuals. The other courts, such as the [[United States bankruptcy court|bankruptcy courts]] and the tax court, are specialized courts handling only certain kinds of cases. The bankruptcy courts are branches of the district courts, but technically are not considered part of the "[[Article Three of the United States Constitution|Article III]]" judiciary because their judges do not have lifetime tenure. Similarly, the tax court is not an Article III court.
The U.S. district courts are the "trial courts" where cases are filed and decided. The United States courts of appeals are "appellate courts" that hear appeals of cases decided by the district courts, and some direct appeals from administrative agencies. The Supreme Court hears appeals from the decisions of the courts of appeals or state supreme courts (on constitutional matters), as well as having [[original jurisdiction]] over a very small number of cases.
The judicial power extends to cases arising under the Constitution, an [[Act of Congress]], or a U.S. [[treaty]]; cases affecting [[ambassador]]s, [[Diplomatic rank|minister]]s, and [[Consul (representative)|consul]]s of foreign countries in the U.S.; controversies in which the U.S. government is a party; controversies between states (or their citizens) and foreign nations (or their citizens or subjects); and bankruptcy cases. The [[Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution|Eleventh Amendment]] removed from federal jurisdiction cases in which citizens of one state were the plaintiffs and the government of another state was the defendant. It did not disturb federal jurisdiction in cases in which a state government is a plaintiff and a citizen of another state the defendant.
The power of the federal courts extends both to civil actions for damages and other redress, and to criminal cases arising under federal law. Article III has resulted in a complex set of relationships between state and federal courts. Federal courts can sometimes hear cases arising under state law pursuant to [[diversity jurisdiction]], state courts can decide certain matters involving federal law, and a handful of federal claims are primarily reserved to the state courts (for example, those arising from the [[Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991]]). Both court systems thus have [[exclusive jurisdiction]] in some areas and [[concurrent jurisdiction]] in others.
The Constitution safeguards judicial independence by providing that federal judges shall hold office "during good behaviour"; in practice, this usually means they serve until they die, retire, or resign. A judge who commits an offence while in office may be [[impeachment|impeached]] in the same way as the President or other officials of the Federal Government. U.S. judges are appointed by the President, subject to confirmation by the Senate. Another Constitutional provision prohibits Congress from reducing the pay of any judge. Congress is able to set a lower salary for all future judges that take office after the reduction, but may not decrease the rate of pay for judges already in office.
== Pemilihan umum dan pemungutan suara ==
{{Main|Elections in the United States}}
[[Voting rights in the United States|Suffrage]], commonly known as the ability to vote, has changed significantly over time. In the early years of the United States, voting was considered a matter for state governments, and was commonly restricted to white men who owned land. Direct elections were mostly held only for the U.S. House of Representatives and state legislatures, although what specific bodies were elected by the electorate varied from state to state. Under this original system, both [[United States Senate|senator]]s representing each state in the U.S. Senate were chosen by a majority vote of the state legislature. Since the ratification of the [[Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution|Seventeenth Amendment]] in 1913, members of both houses of Congress have been directly elected.
Today, partially due to the [[Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution|Twenty-sixth Amendment]], U.S. citizens have almost [[universal suffrage]] from the age of 18, regardless of race, gender, or wealth, and both Houses of Congress are directly elected. The only exception to this is the [[Felony disenfranchisement|disenfranchisement of convicted felons]], and in some states former felons as well.
Currently, the national representation of territories and the federal district of [[Washington, D.C.]], in Congress is [[District of Columbia voting rights|limited]]: residents of the District of Columbia are subject to federal laws and federal taxes, but their only congressional representative is a [[Delegate (United States Congress)|non-voting delegate]]. Residents of U.S. territories have varying rights; for example, only some residents of [[Puerto Rico]] pay federal income taxes (though all residents must pay all other federal taxes, including import/export taxes, federal commodity taxes, and federal [[payroll tax]]es, including [[Social Security (United States)|Social Security]] and [[Medicare (United States)|Medicare]]).<ref>Contrary to common misconception, residents of Puerto Rico do pay U.S. federal taxes: customs taxes (which are subsequently returned to the Puerto Rico Treasury) (See [ Department of the Interior, Office of Insular Affairs.)], import/export taxes (See [], federal commodity taxes (See [], social security taxes (See [, etc.] Residents pay federal [[payroll tax]]es, such as [[Social Security (United States)|Social Security]] (See [] and [[Medicare (United States)|Medicare]] (See [], as well as Commonwealth of Puerto Rico income taxes (See [] and [] All federal employees (See [], those who do business with the federal government (See [], Puerto Rico-based corporations that intend to send funds to the U.S. (See [ Page 9, line 1.)], and some others (For example, Puerto Rican residents that are members of the U.S. military, See [;] and Puerto Rico residents who earned income from sources outside Puerto Rico, See [, pp 14-15.)] also pay federal income taxes. In addition, because the cutoff point for income taxation is lower than that of the U.S. IRS code, and because the per-capita income in Puerto Rico is much lower than the average per-capita income on the mainland, more Puerto Rico residents pay income taxes to the local taxation authority than if the IRS code were applied to the island. This occurs because "the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico government has a wider set of responsibilities than do U.S. State and local governments" (See [] As residents of Puerto Rico pay into Social Security, Puerto Ricans are eligible for Social Security benefits upon retirement, but are excluded from the [[Supplemental Security Income]] (SSI) (Commonwealth of Puerto Rico residents, unlike residents of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and residents of the 50 States, do not receive the SSI. See [], and the island actually receives less than 15% of the [[Medicaid]] funding it would normally receive if it were a U.S. state. However, Medicare providers receive less-than-full state-like reimbursements for services rendered to beneficiaries in Puerto Rico, even though the latter paid fully into the system (See [ p. 252).] It has also been estimated (See [] that, because the population of the Island is greater than that of 50% of the States, if it were a state, Puerto Rico would have six to eight seats in the House, in addition to the two seats in the Senate.(See [,] [] and [] [Note that for the later, the official US Congress database website, you will need to resubmit a query. The document in question is called "House Report 110-597 - [[Puerto Rico Democracy Act#Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2007|Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2007]]." These are the steps to follow: [] > Committee Reports > 110 > drop down "Word/Phrase" and pick "Report Number" > type "597" next to Report Number. This will provide the document "House Report 110-597 - [[Puerto Rico Democracy Act#Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2007|Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2007]]", then from the Table of Contents choose "Background and need for legislation".]). Another misconception is that the import/export taxes collected by the U.S. on products manufactured in Puerto Rico are all returned to the Puerto Rico Treasury. This is not the case. Such import/export taxes are returned ''only'' for rum products, and even then the US Treasury keeps a portion of those taxes (See the "House Report 110-597 - [[Puerto Rico Democracy Act#Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2007|Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2007]]" mentioned above.</ref>
== Pemerintah negara bagian, kesukuan, dan daerah ==
[[File:Map of USA with county outlines.png|thumb|250px|United States|United States, showing states, divided into [[Counties of the United States|counties]] ([[List of parishes in Louisiana|parishes]] in [[Louisiana]]; [[List of boroughs and census areas in Alaska|boroughs]] in [[Alaska]]). Note that Alaska and [[Hawaii]] are shown at different scales, and that the [[Aleutian Islands]] and the [[Deserted island|uninhabited]] [[Northwestern Hawaiian Islands]] are omitted from this map.]]
{{Main|State governments of the United States|Local government in the United States}}
The state governments tend to have the greatest influence over most Americans' daily lives. The [[Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution]] prohibits the Federal Government from exercising any power not delegated to it by the States in the Constitution; as a result, states handle the majority of issues most relevant to individuals within their jurisdiction. Because state governments lack the power to print currency, they must raise revenue either through taxes or bonds (both of which are politically unpopular due to the extensive national levies provided by the [[Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution|federal personal income tax]] ). As a result, state governments tend to impose severe budget cuts at any time the economy is faltering, which are strongly felt by the public for which they are responsible.<ref>{{cite web| last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = A brief overview of state fiscal conditions and the effects of federal policies on state budgets| work = | publisher = Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | date = 2004-05-12| url =| format = PDF| doi = | accessdate = 2008-07-30}}</ref>
Each state has its own written constitution, government, and code of laws. There are sometimes great differences in law and procedure between individual states, concerning issues such as property, crime, health, and education. The highest elected official of each state is the [[Governor#United States|Governor]]. Each state also has an elected [[state legislature (US)|state legislature]] ([[bicameralism]] is a feature of every state except [[Nebraska]]), whose members represent the voters of the state. Each state maintains its own [[state court]] system. In some states, supreme and lower court justices are elected by the people; in others, they are appointed, as they are in the federal system.
As a result of the Supreme Court case ''[[Worcester v. Georgia]]'', [[List of Native American Tribal Entities|Indian tribes]] are considered "domestic dependent nations" that operate as [[tribal sovereignty|sovereign]] governments subject to federal authority but, generally and where possible, outside of the influence of state governments. Hundreds of laws, executive orders, and court cases have modified the governmental status of tribes [[vis-à-vis]] individual states, but the two have continued to be recognised as separate bodies. Tribal capacity to operate robust governments varies, from a simple council used to manage all aspects of tribal affairs, to large and complex bureaucracies with several branches of government. Tribes are empowered to form their own governments, with power resting in elected tribal councils, elected tribal chairpersons, or religiously appointed leaders (as is the case with [[pueblo]]s). Tribal citizenship (and voting rights) is generally restricted to individuals of native descent, but tribes are free to set whatever membership requirements they wish.
The institutions that are responsible for local government within states are typically town, city, or county boards, water management districts, fire management districts, library districts, and other similar governmental units which make laws that affect their particular area. These laws concern issues such as traffic, the sale of alcohol, and the keeping of animals. The highest elected official of a town or city is usually the [[Mayor#United States|mayor]]. In [[New England]], towns operate in a [[Direct democracy|direct democratic]] fashion, and in some states, such as [[Rhode Island]] and [[Connecticut]], counties have little or no power, existing only as geographic distinctions. In other areas, county governments have more power, such as to collect taxes and maintain [[Policing in the United States|law enforcement]] agencies.
== Referensi ==
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Daftar negara bagian di Amerika Serikat]]
* [[Hukum Amerika Serikat]]
{{Portal|Government of the United States}}
* [[Kabinet Amerika Serikat]]
{{Wikiversity|School of Political Science}}
* [[Konstitusi Amerika Serikat]]
{{wikiversity|Topic:American government}}
* [[Mahkamah Agung Amerika Serikat]]
* [[United States Cabinet|Cabinet]]
* [[Executive order (United States)|Executive order]]
* [[United States Federal Executive Departments|Federal Executive Departments]]
* [[Executive Office of the President of the United States|President's Executive Office]]
* [[United States bankruptcy court|Bankruptcy courts]]
* [[United States courts of appeals|Courts of appeals]]
* [[United States district court|District courts]]
* [[United States federal courts|Federal courts]]
* [[United States federal judicial circuits|Federal judicial circuit]]
* [[United States federal judicial district|Federal judicial district]]
* [[Supreme Court of the United States|Supreme Court]]
* [[United States Constitution|Constitution]]
* [[List of U.S. government designations for places|Governmental designations for places]]
* [[United States Code|U.S. Code]]
* [[Law of the United States|U.S. Law]]
:''Most agencies are executive, but a few are legislative or judicial.''
* [[List of United States federal agencies|Federal agencies]]
* [[Independent agencies of the United States government|Independent agencies]]
;States and territories
* [[Political divisions of the United States|Political divisions]]
* [[U.S. state]]s
* [[United States territory|U.S. territory]]
;Web site and works
* [[Copyright status of work by the U.S. government]]
* [[|U.S. Government Web Portal for Businesses]]
* [[|U.S. Government Web Portal for Citizens]]
== Pranala luar ==
* [ Portal Resmi Pemerintah Federal Amerika Serikat]
* [ Informasi Pemerintah: Direktori dan Manual] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2011-07-19 }} dari ''UCB Libraries GovPubs''
* [ Civics] Panduan pembelajaran, sejarah, konsep, dan sumber bagi guru tentang Pemerintah Federal Amerika Serikat
[[Kategori:Pemerintahan Amerika Serikat]]
[[ar:الحكومة الفيدرالية للولايات المتحدة]]
[[be:Федэральны ўрад ЗША]]
[[ca:Govern federal dels Estats Units]]
[[de:Bundesregierung (Vereinigte Staaten)]]
[[en:Federal government of the United States]]
[[eo:Federacia Registaro de Usono]]
[[es:Gobierno de los Estados Unidos]]
[[eu:Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Gobernua]]
[[fa:نظام فدرالی ایالات متحده آمریکا]]
[[fr:Gouvernement fédéral des États-Unis]]
[[he:הממשל הפדרלי של ארצות הברית]]
[[hi:संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका की संघीय सरकार]]
[[it:Governo federale degli Stati Uniti]]
[[kn:ಅಮೇರಿಕ ಸಂಯುಕ್ತ ಸಂಸ್ಥಾನದ ಸರ್ಕಾರ]]
[[ko:미국 연방 정부]]
[[ms:Kerajaan persekutuan Amerika Syarikat]]
[[nl:Overheid van de Verenigde Staten]]
[[pt:Governo Federal dos Estados Unidos da América]]
[[ru:Высшие федеральные органы государственной власти США]]
[[simple:Federal government of the United States]]
[[sv:USA:s federala regering]]
[[ta:ஐக்கிய அமெரிக்காவின் கூட்டரசு]]
[[tl:Pamahalaang pederal ng Estados Unidos]]
[[uk:Федеральний уряд США]]
[[vi:Chính quyền Hoa Kỳ]]