| name = Boreelianus Rheno-Trajectinus
| sign = F<sup>e</sup>
| text = [[GospelInjil]]s††
| script = [[bahasa Yunani]]
| date = c. 875–975
| found = Johann Boreel
| now at = [[UtrechtUniversitas UniversityUtrecht]]
| cite =
| size = {{×|28.5|22}}
| type = [[Teks Bizantin]]
| cat = V
| hand = hati-haticermat dan elegan
| note = ''unfoliated''
'''Codex Boreelianus''', nama lengkap: ''Codex Boreelianus Rheno-Trajectinus'', diberi kode '''F<sup>e</sup>''' atau '''09''' menurut penomoran [[Naskah Alkitab#Gregory-Aland|Gregory-Aland]] dan ε 86 menurut penomoran [[Naskah Alkitab#Von Soden|von Soden]], adalah sebuah naskah [[uncial]] kuno dari abad ke-9 (atau ke-10) yang memuat keempat [[Injil]] dari [[Perjanjian Baru]] [[Alkitab]] [[Kristen]] dalam [[bahasa Yunani]]. Manuskrip itu ditulis di atas [[perkamen]], penuh dengan lubang atau ''lacuna'' (atau gap), kebanyakan terjadi antara tahun 1751 dan 1830. Codex ini dinamakan "Boreelianus" menurut Johannes Boreel (1577–1629), yang membawanya dari Timur. Oleh para pakar kritik tekstual dianggap kurang penting, tetapi dikutip di semua edisi modern Perjanjian Baru bahasa Yunani.
Manuskrip ini dibawa dari Timur pada abad ke-17. Berada dalam tangan-tangan privat selama lebih dari 100 tahun. Sejak tahun 1830 naskah ini disimpan di [[Universitas Utrecht]].
| first = Kurt
| authorlink = Kurt Aland
| last2 = Aland
| coauthors = [[Barbara Aland]]; Erroll F. Rhodes (trans.) ▼
| first2 = Barbara
| authorlink2 = Barbara Aland
▲ | coauthorsothers = [[Barbara Aland]]; Erroll F. Rhodes (trans.)
| title = The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism
| publisher = [[William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company]]
| year = 1995
| location = Grand Rapids
| page = [https://archive.org/details/textnewtestament00kurt/page/110 110]
| page = 110
| url =https://archive.org/details/textnewtestament00kurt
| url =
| doi =
| id =
| isbn = 978-0-8028-4098-1}} </ref> <!--Teks Thekodeks textyang ofada thedimulai existing codex begins withdari [[MatthewMatius 9#Ayat 1|Matius 9:1]] anddan endsberakhir withpada John[[Yohanes 13|Yohanes 13:34]]. LukeBagian is[[Injil Lukas]] evenlebih moretidak incompletelengkap. InPada tahun 1751 [[Johann Jakob Wettstein|Wettstein]] remarkedberkomentar thatbahwa thekodeks codexini starteddimulai atdari [[MatthewMatius 7|Matius 7:6]] anddan thatbahwa onlyhanya thelembaran-lembaran folio foliayang withmemuat MatthewMatius 8:25 andserta MarkMarkus 11:6–16 wereyang missinghilang.<ref name = Wettstein>{{cite book | last = Wettstein |first = Johann Jakob | authorlink = Johann Jakob Wettstein | title = Novum Testamentum Graecum editionis receptae cum lectionibus variantibus codicum manuscripts|url=httphttps://www.archive.org/stream/hekainediatheken00clem#page/40/mode/2up |accessdate = November 14, 2010 | volume = 1 | publisher = Ex Officina Dommeriana | location = Amsterdam | year = 1751 | language=Latin |page=40 }}</ref> ItArtinya meanspada thatzamannya innaskah hisini timelebih thelengkap manuscriptdari wasyang farsekarang. moreSaat completeini thanbagian-bagian atyang present. At present,hilang (''lacunae'') of the manuscript includemeliputi:
: MatthewMatius 1:1–9:1; 12:1–44; 13:55–14:9; 15:20–31; 20:18–21:5;
: MarkMarkus 1:43–2:8; 2:23–3:5; 11:6–26; 14:54–15:5; 15:39–16:19;
: LukeLukas – atpaling leastsedikit ada 24 gapsgap;{{r|Scrivener}}
: JohnYohanes 3:5–14; 4:23–38; 5:18–38; 6:39–63; 7:28–8:10; 10:32–11:3; 12:14–25; 13:34-endhabis.<ref name = Gregory/><ref name = Waltz>{{Cite web |url=http://www.skypoint.com/members/waltzmn/ManuscriptsUncials.html#uFe |title=An Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism |accessdate=2010-11-12 |author=Waltz, Robert |work=A Site Inspired By: The Encyclopedia of New Testament Textual Criticism }}</ref>
TheLembaran-lembarannya leavestidak aredijilid unbounddan anddibiarkan arelepas keptdalam in loosewujud ''[[Units of paper quantity#Quire|quires]]''.<ref name = Jaski/> TheTeks textini isditulis writtendengan ingaya latetulisan [[uncial script]] akhir, indalam twodua columnskolom persetiap pagehalamannya, with mostlykebanyakan 19 linesbaris per columnkolom,<ref name=Aland/> inmenggunakan largehuruf-huruf [[uncial]] lettersberukuran besar. Berdasarkan metode [[Palaeography|PalaeographicallyPaleografi]] thedidapati writingbahwa istulisannya closebersesuaian todekat thedengan [[Codex Seidelianus I]].<ref name = Gregory>{{Cite book
| last = Gregory
| first = Caspar René
| authorlink = Caspar René Gregory
| title = Textkritik des Neuen Testaments
| publisher = J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung
| year = 1900
| location = Leipzig
| volume = 1
| page = 49–50
| url = http://www.archive.org/stream/textkritikdesne00greggoog#page/n61/mode/2up
| isbn = }}</ref>
The lettersHuruf-huruf Η, Μ, Ν, anddan Π, areberbentuk square,bujur thesangkar, letterssedangkan Ε, Θ, Ο, Σ, anddan Φ haveberwujud a round shapebulat.<ref name = Heringa4/> The lettersHuruf-huruf Δ, Ε, Θ, Ο, anddan especiallykhususnya Ψ indalam bentuk ''[[cruciform]],'' areyang ofkhas theuntuk formtulisan characteristictangan foruncial theperiode lateakhir. uncial script.Huruf Φ is largebesar anddan ''bevelled'' atdi bothkedua endsujungnya.<ref name = Scrivener>{{Cite book
| last = Scrivener
| first = Frederick Henry Ambrose
| authorlink = Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener
| coauthors author2= Edward Miller
| title = [[A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament]]
| publisher = [[George Bell & Sons]]
| volume = 1
| page = 133
| url =
| isbn = }}</ref> TheHuruf-huruf lettersditulis weretangan written by ansecara 'elegantelegan anddan carefulhati-hati' hand.<ref name = Heringa4>J. Heringa, ''Disputatio de Codice Boreeliano, nunc Rheno-Trajectino'', ed. H. E. Vinke (Utrecht, 1843), p. 4</ref>
TheIstilah [[nomina sacra]] (oratau "nama-nama sakral"; ''sacred names'') areditulis writtendengan incara an abbreviated waydisingkat: <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΘΣ</span> foruntuk θεος, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΙΣ</span> foruntuk Ιησους, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΧΣ</span> foruntuk χριστος, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΚΣ</span> foruntuk κυριος, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΥΣ</span> foruntuk υιος, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΣΗΡ</span> foruntuk σωτηρ, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΣΡΑ</span> foruntuk σωτηρια, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΣΡΙΟΣ</span> foruntuk σωτηριος, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΟΥΝΟΣ</span> foruntuk ουρανος, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΟΥΝΙΟΣ</span> foruntuk ουρανιος, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΠΝΑ</span> foruntuk πνευμα, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΠΗΡ</span> foruntuk πατηρ, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΜΗΡ</span> foruntuk μητηρ, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΑΝΟΣ</span> foruntuk ανθρωπος, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΣΤΡΣ</span> for σταυρος, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΔΑΔ</span> foruntuk δαβιδ, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΙΗΛ</span> for ισραηλ, <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΙΛΗΜ</span> foruntuk ιερουσαλημ, etcdan sebagainya. The words at theKata-kata enddi ofakhir linesbaris arejuga sometimeskadang abbreviatedkala toodisingkat.<ref name = Heringa5>J. Heringa, ''Disputatio de Codice Boreeliano, nunc Rheno-Trajectino'', ed. H. E. Vinke (Utrecht, 1843), p. 5</ref> ItMenggunakan usessejumlah ''[[typographic ligature]]s''.<ref name = Heringa6>J. Heringa, ''Disputatio de Codice Boreeliano, nunc Rheno-Trajectino'', ed. H. E. Vinke (Utrecht, 1843), p. 6</ref>
TheTeks codexkodeks hasini amengandung lotbanyak ofkesalahan grammar errorsgramatika, likemisalnya [[Wikt:hiatus|hiatus]] (e.g.contohnya νηστευουσιν inpada MatthewMatius 9:14, ελεγεν inpada MatthewMatius 9:21, ειπεν inpada MatthewMatius 9:22, etcdsb.)<ref name = Heringa47/> anddan [[N ephelkystikon]].<ref name = Heringa7>J. Heringa, ''Disputatio de Codice Boreeliano, nunc Rheno-Trajectino'', ed. H. E. Vinke (Utrecht, 1843), p. 7</ref> The error ofKesalahan [[iotacism]] occurstidak sering infrequentlymuncul.
TheTanda-tanda breathingspernafasan ([[Rough breathing|''rough'' (kasar)]] andmaupun [[smooth breathing|halus]]) anddan accentstanda aksen (seelihat e.g.misalnya [[Greektanda diakritik diacriticsYunani]]) arediberikan givenpenuh fullydan andbiasanya usually correctlybenar.<ref name = Scrivener/> TheTanda-tanda breathingspernapasan arediberi indicated bykode sigla ⊢ anddan ⊣, oftenyang usedsering inkali codicesdigunakan frompada thekodeks-kodeks 9thdari andabad 10thke-9 dan centuryke-10.<ref name = Heringa6/> InPada somebeberapa caseskasus, breathingstanda-tanda arepernapasan giventidak incorrectlydicantumkan dengan benar (e.g.misalnya MatthewMatius 9:7,7.16).<ref name = Heringa47>J. Heringa, ''Disputatio de Codice Boreeliano, nunc Rheno-Trajectino'', ed. H. E. Vinke (Utrecht, 1843), p. 47</ref>
TheTeks textini isdibagi divided according to themenurut "[[EusebianPembagian Canons|Ammonian SectionsAmmonius]]", withdengan thenomor-nomor usualbagian numberyang of sectionslazim, areditulis writtendi onmarjin thesebelah left marginkiri, but there are given withouttetapi referencestanpa toReferensi theke [[EusebianKanon CanonsEusebius]]. ThereTidak isada nopembagian division according to themenurut {{lang|grc|κεφαλαια}} (''chapterspasal-pasal''), but thetetapi τιτλοι (''titlesjudul-judul nas'') areditulis givenpada atbagian theatas topsetiap of the pageshalaman, sometimeskadang kala alsojuga atdi thebagian bottombawah.<ref name = Revisited/> TheHuruf-huruf capitalskapital atpada thepermulaan beginningsuatu ofbagian themenonjol sectionskeluar standpada outmarjin inuntuk themenandai marginbagian to indicate new sectionsbaru (assebagai inmana codicespada [[Codex Alexandrinus|Alexandrinus]], [[Codex Ephraemi|Ephraemi]], anddan [[Codex Basilensis A. N. III. 12|Basilensis]].<ref name = Heringa5/> Although there is noMeskipun divisiontidak accordingada topembagian themenurut {{lang|grc|κεφαλαια}} (''chapterspasal-pasal''), the tables of thedaftar κεφαλαια (''tables ofdaftar contentspasal-pasal'') areditempatkan placeddi beforeawal eachsetiap Gospelkitab Injil (exceptkecuali MatthewInjil Matius – becausekarena ofbagian itsitu defective characterrusak). ItAda hassejumlah somepenandaan [[lectionaryleksionari]] markings atdi thebagian marginmarjin.<ref name = Gregory/>
TheHalaman headpiecesjudul aresetiap decorated,bagian kitab (''headpiece'') dihiasi withdengan headingsjudul-judul writtenditulis indalam goldtinta andemas reddan merah; indi somebeberapa placestempat nicelydihiasi decorateddengan initialhuruf lettersinisial canyang be foundindah (inbertinta redmerah oratau goldemas).<ref name = Gregory/><ref name = Revisited/> The ''Ammonian sections'' areditulis writtendengan intinta redmerah. TheHalaman-halaman pagesdiberi are numberednomor; the Greekpenomoran ''quire'' numbersYunani aremasih stillterbaca foundpada atbagian theatas topkanan rightsejumlah of some pageshalaman. AtPada thebagian topatas leftkiri ofhalaman thepertama firstkebanyakan page''quire'' of[[Injil mostMatius]], quires in Gospel of Matthew,ditemukan Arabicnomor quire numbersdengan areangka foundArab.<ref name = Revisited/>
Diidentifikasi adanya beberapa korektor yang berbeda, di antaranya "tangan pertama" yang mengerjakan kodeks ini, tetapi jumlah keseluruhan koreksinya tidak banyak.<ref name = Revisited/>
There are several different correctors, among which the "first hand" worked on the codex, but the total number of corrections is not high.<ref name = Revisited/>
<gallery caption= Ciri-ciri khusus widths="160px" heights="150px" perrow="4">
File:Boreelianus - ligatures.JPG|Ligatur yang digunakan dalam codex ini
== Teks ==
Teks dalam codex ini tergolong jenis [[Teks Mayoritas]] ([[Teks BizantineBizantin]]), tetapi memuat banyak bacaan asing (non-Bizantin). Sejumlah bacaan tidak ditemukan di naskah-naskah lain (diberi istilah "bacaan singular").<ref name = Revisited/> <!--According toMenurut [[Bruce M. Metzger]] itmerupakan istipikal typicalTeks Byzantine textBizantin.<ref name = Metzger/> According toMenurut [[Kurt Aland|Kurt]] anddan [[Barbara Aland]] itnaskah agreesini withbersesuaian thedengan Byzantineteks standardstandar textBizantin 156 timeskali, anddan 78 timeskali withdengan theBizantin Byzantinejika whenmemuat itbacaan hasyang thesama samedengan readingteks as the original textAlexandria. ItTidak doesmendukung not support theteks " originalasli" textdibanding against the ByzantineBizantin. It hasMempunyai 11 independentbacaan orindependen distinctiveatau readingsunik. Alands placedmenempatkannya it inpada [[ CategoriesKategori ofNaskah NewPerjanjian Testament manuscripts#Category VBaru| CategoryKategori V]] of Newnaskah-naskah TestamentPerjanjian manuscriptsBaru.<ref name = Aland/> ItDianggap isbukan notcodex ayang verysangat important codexpenting, buttetapi itmerupakan issaksi anpenting importantbagi witnessjenis ofteks the Byzantine text-typeBizantin. [[Hermann von Soden]] classifiedmengklasifikasikan itke asdalam K<sup>i</sup> ( now it is knownsekarang asdikenal textualfamili familyteksual [[ FamilyFamili E|E]]). According to theMenurut [[ ClaremontMetode ProfileProfil MethodClaremont]] itmempunyai hasteks mixedBizantin Byzantinecampuran textdalam in LukeLukas 1; indalam LukeLukas 10 anddan LukeLukas the11 manuscriptnaskah isini defectiverusak.<ref name = Wisse>Frederik Wisse, ''The Profile Method for the Classification and Evaluation of Manuscript Evidence, as Applied to the Continuous Greek Text of the Gospel of Luke'', ''William B. Eerdmans Publishing'' (Grand Rapids, 1982), p. 52</ref> ▼
[[File:Boreelianus folo 7 vreso.JPG|thumb|right|200px|Folio 9 ''verso'']]
=== TextualVarian variantstekstual ( againstdibandingkan dengan [[Textus Receptus ]]) === ▼
▲Teks dalam codex ini tergolong jenis [[Teks Mayoritas]] ([[Teks Bizantine]]), tetapi memuat banyak bacaan asing (non-Bizantin). Sejumlah bacaan tidak ditemukan di naskah-naskah lain (diberi istilah "bacaan singular").<ref name = Revisited/> <!--According to [[Bruce M. Metzger]] it is typical Byzantine text.<ref name = Metzger/> According to [[Kurt Aland|Kurt]] and [[Barbara Aland]] it agrees with the Byzantine standard text 156 times, and 78 times with the Byzantine when it has the same reading as the original text. It does not support the "original" text against the Byzantine. It has 11 independent or distinctive readings. Alands placed it in [[Categories of New Testament manuscripts#Category V|Category V]] of New Testament manuscripts.<ref name = Aland/> It is not a very important codex, but it is an important witness of the Byzantine text-type. [[Hermann von Soden]] classified it as K<sup>i</sup> (now it is known as textual family [[Family E|E]]). According to the [[Claremont Profile Method]] it has mixed Byzantine text in Luke 1; in Luke 10 and Luke the manuscript is defective.<ref name = Wisse>Frederik Wisse, ''The Profile Method for the Classification and Evaluation of Manuscript Evidence, as Applied to the Continuous Greek Text of the Gospel of Luke'', ''William B. Eerdmans Publishing'' (Grand Rapids, 1982), p. 52</ref>
The words before theKata-kata bracketsebelum aretanda thekurung readingsadalah ofbacaan thedari [[Textus Receptus]] ( "teks yang diterima"; ''received text'' usedyang indigunakan thedi WestBarat fromdari theabad 16th century until to theke-16 endsampai ofakhir theabad 19th centuryke-19), the wordskata-kata aftersetelah arekurung theadalah readingsyang ofdimuat thedalam codex ini.<ref>Jodocus Heringa, [http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/metadata.php?lang=en&BoekID=1522 ''Disputatio de Codice Boreeliano, nunc Rheno-Trajectino''] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110719154622/http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/metadata.php?lang=en&BoekID=1522 |date=2011-07-19 }}, ed. H. E. Vinke (Utrecht, 1843), pp. 47–103</ref> ▼
▲=== Textual variants (against Textus Receptus) ===
[[File:Boreelianus 111r.JPG|thumb|right|200px|Folio 111 recto]] ▼
[[File:Boreelianus 128r Luc 1.JPG|thumb|right|200px|Folio 128 recto, the beginning of Luke]] ▼
[[File:Boreelianus 147r.JPG|thumb|right|200px|Folio 147r with text of Luke 6:15b-20a]] ▼
[[File:Boreelianus 173v.JPG|thumb|right|200px|Folio 173 verso with text of Luke 22:37–43]] ▼
[[File:Boreelianus 200v Jo 8,15.JPG|thumb|right|200px|Folio 200 verso with text of John 8:15–21; John 8:16b-17 was omitted by scribe and added at the margin]] ▼
[[File:Codex Boreelianus r179.JPG|thumb|right|200px|Folio 179 recto – the beginning of the Gospel of John]] ▼
▲The words before the bracket are the readings of the [[Textus Receptus]] (''received text'' used in the West from the 16th century until to the end of the 19th century), the words after are the readings of the codex.<ref>Jodocus Heringa, [http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/metadata.php?lang=en&BoekID=1522 ''Disputatio de Codice Boreeliano, nunc Rheno-Trajectino''], ed. H. E. Vinke (Utrecht, 1843), pp. 47–103</ref>
MatthewMatius 9:1 εμβας ] εμβας ο Ιησους (uniquebacaan readingunik)
MatthewMatius 9:1 ιδιαν ] υδαιαν
MatthewMatius 9:5 αφεωνται σοι ] αφεωνται σου
MatthewMatius 9:5 εγειραι ] εγειρε
MatthewMatius 9:13 ηλθον ] εληλυθα
MatthewMatius 9:18 αρχων ελθων ] αρχων προσηλθεν τω Ιησου
MatthewMatius 9:18 αυτω λεγων ] αυτω λεγω
MatthewMatius 9:18 οτι η θυγατηρ ] τι η θυγατηρ
MatthewMatius 9:32 εξερχομενων ] διεξερχομενων
MatthewMatius 9:33 οτι ] absent (codices: B C D E G K L S)
MatthewMatius 9:36 εκλελυμενοι ] εσκυλμενοι (codices: B C D E F G K S)
MatthewMatius 10:4 κανανιτης ] κανατης
MatthewMatius 10:5 αποστειλας ] απεστειλεν
MatthewMatius 10:8 νεκρους εγειρετε ] absentabsen (codices: E K L M S)
MatthewMatius 11:7 (also in MatthewMatius 11:8; 11:9) εξελθετε ] εξεληλυθατε (Alexandriannaskah-naskah manuscriptsTeks haveAlexandria memuat εξελθατε)
MatthewMatius 13:43 ακουετω ] absentabsen
MatthewMatius 13:54 εκπληττεσθαι ] εκπλησεσθαι
MatthewMatius 14:19 και λαβων ] λαβων (codices: B D E F K L M P S)
MatthewMatius 14:22 τους οχλους ] τον οχλον (laterkemudian handdikoreksi corrected intomenjadi τους οχλους)
MatthewMatius 14:23 μονος ] absent
MatthewMatius 14:34 γεννησαρετ ] γενησαρεθ (codices: K L)
MatthewMatius 15:4 σου ] absent (codices: B D E F G S)
MatthewMatius 15:14 πεσουνται ] εμπεσουνται
MatthewMatius 15:36 μαθηταις ] ματαις (correcteddikoreksi byoleh severalbeberapa laterkorektor handsdi kemudian hari)
MatthewMatius 16:3 μεν ] absent
MatthewMatius 16:27 την πραξιν ] τα εργα
MatthewMatius 16:28 των ωδε εστηκοτων ] ωδε εστωτες
MatthewMatius 17:9 απο ] εκ (B C D E F H K L M S)
MatthewMatius 18:14 υμων ] μου (B H)
MatthewMatius 18:8 σκανδαλιζει ] σκανδαλιζη
MatthewMatius 19:5 προσκολληθησεται ] κοληθησεται (κολληθησεται B D F G H S)
MatthewMatius 19:18 Ιησους ] absent
MatthewMatius 21:30 δευτερω ] ετερω (D E F H K)
MatthewMatius 22:24 αναστησει ] εξαναστησει (F G)
MatthewMatius 22:37 ειπεν ] εφη (B D E F G K L M S)
MatthewMatius 23:25 ακρασιας ] αδικιας (C E F G H K S)
MatthewMatius 23:27 absent ] τοις ανθρωποις
MatthewMatius 23:33 πως φυγητε απο της κρισεως της γεεννης ] πως φυγητε της κρισεως της γεεννης
MatthewMatius 26:15 καγω ] και εγω
MatthewMatius 26:17 πασχα ] πασα
MatthewMatius 26:26 ευλογησας ] ευχαριστησας (A E F H K M S)
MatthewMatius 26:33 εγω ουδεποτε σκανδαλισθησομαι ] εγω ουδεποτε σκανδαλισθησομαι εν σοι
MatthewMatius 26:40 τω πετρω ] αυτοις (F K M)
MatthewMatius 27:17 πιλατος ] πηλατος
MatthewMatius 27:41 πρεσβυτερων ] πρεσβυτερων και φαρισαιων (E F K M S)
MatthewMatius 28:13 οι μαθηται αυτου νυκτος ελθοντες εκλεψαν αυτον, ημων κοιμωμενων ] ημων κοιμωμενων οι ματηται αυτου ελθοντες εκλεψαν αυτον
MatthewMatius 27:55 τω Ιησου ] αυτου
MarkMarkus 1:9 ναζαρετ ] ναζαρεθ
MarkMarkus 1:16 βαλλοντας ] αμφιβαλλοντας (A B D F G H L S)
MarkMarkus 2:9 κραββατον ] κραβαττον
MarkMarkus 4:3 σπειραι ] σπειραι τον σπορον αυτου (uniquebacaan readingunik)
MarkMarkus 5:6 προσεκυνεσεν ] προσεπεσεν
MarkMarkus 6:23 ωμοσεν ] ωμολογησεν
MarkMarkus 7:3 κρατουντες την παραδοσιν των πρεσβυτερων ] κρατουντες των πρεσβυτερων
MarkMarkus 9:1 εως αν ιδωσι την βασιλειαν του θεου ] εως αν ιδωσι την βασιλειαν του θεου
MarkMarkus 9:8 Ιησουν μονον μεθ' εαυτων ] Ιησουν μεθ' εαυτων
MarkMarkus 9:43 (the same in MarkMarkus 9:45) εις την γεενναν, εις το πυρ το ασβεστον ] εις τεν γεενναν του πυρος
MarkMarkus 9:47 εις την γεενναν, εις το πυρ το ασβεστον ] εις το πυρ το ασβεστον
MarkMarkus 10:26 οι δε περισσως εξεπλησσοντο ] οι δε εξεπλησσοντο
MarkMarkus 12:28 εις των γραμματεων ] εις γραμματεων
LukeLukas 1:64 ανεωχθη δε το στομα αυτου ] ανεωχθη δε και το στομα αυτου
LukeLukas 1:78 δια σπλαγχνα ελεους θεου ημων ] absentabsen
LukeLukas 7:47 αφεωνται ] αφιονται
LukeLukas 8:2 δαιμονια επτα εξεληλυθει ] δαιμονια εξεληλυθει
LukeLukas 8:22 αυτος ανεβη ] αυτος ο Ιησους ανεβη
LukeLukas 8:30 επηρωτησε ] επερωτησε (lacktidak ofmemuat [[Augment (linguisticslinguistik)|augmentum]])
LukeLukas 9:45 περι του ρηματος τουτου ] περι τουτου
LukeLukas 9:46 εισηλθεν δε διαλογισμος ] εισηλθεν διαλογισμος
LukeLukas 10:13 και σποδω ] absent
JohnYohanes 2:3 υστερησαντος ] οιστερησαντος
JohnYohanes 9:1 ειδεν ] ο ις ειδεν (G H)
JohnYohanes 10:8 προ εμου ] absentabsen
JohnYohanes 13:17 αποκρινεται ο ιξσους εκεινος εστιν ] absentabsen
=== AgainstDibandingkan dengan K<sup>r</sup> ===
Kata-kata sebelum tanda kurung adalah bacaan dari [[Famili Kr|K<sup>r</sup>]] (teks tradisional yang digunakan di Konstantinopel dan masih digunakan di dalam [[Gereja Ortodoks]]), kata-kata setelahnya adalah bacaan dari codex ini.
The words before the bracket are the readings of the [[Family Kr|K<sup>r</sup>]] (traditional text used in Constantinople and still used by [[Orthodox Church]]), the words after are the readings of the codex.
JohnYohanes 5:44 ανθρωπων ] αλληλων<ref>''The Gospel According to John in the Byzantine Tradition'' (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft: Stuttgart 2007), p. 55</ref>
JohnYohanes 5:46 εμου γαρ ] γαρ εμου<ref name = Byz56>''The Gospel According to John in the Byzantine Tradition'' (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft: Stuttgart 2007), p. 56</ref>
JohnYohanes 6:2 ηκολουθει ] ηκολουθησεν<ref name = Byz56/>
JohnYohanes 6:5 αγορασομεν ] αγορασωμεν<ref>''The Gospel According to John in the Byzantine Tradition'' (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft: Stuttgart 2007), p. 57</ref>
JohnYohanes 6:10 αναπεσον ] αναπεσαν<ref>''The Gospel According to John in the Byzantine Tradition'' (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft: Stuttgart 2007), p. 59</ref>
JohnYohanes 10:8 ηλθον προ εμου ] ηλθον<ref>''The Gospel According to JohnYohanes in the Byzantine Tradition'' (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft: Stuttgart 2007), p. 133</ref>
== Sejarah ==
[[FileBerkas:Utrecht University De Uithof.JPG|thumbjmpl|rightka|200px|Gedung di [[Utrecht University]] tempat codex ini disimpan]]
H. Deane, a paleographer, in 1876 dated the manuscript to the 8th century, [[Constantin von Tischendorf|Tischendorf]] and Gregory to the 9th century; Doedes and [[Samuel Prideaux Tregelles|Tregelles]] to the 10th century.<ref name = Scrivener/> As of 1995, it is dated by the [[Institute for New Testament Textual Research]] (INTF) to the 9th century.<ref name = Aland/><ref name = INTF>{{Cite web |url=http://intf.uni-muenster.de/vmr/NTVMR/ListeHandschriften.php?ObjID=20009 |title=Liste Handschriften |publisher=Institute for New Testament Textual Research |accessdate=16 March 2013 |location=Münster}}</ref> ▼
''Codex Boreelianus'' dinamakan [[Johann Boreel]] (1577–1629), Duta Besar Belanda di Istana raja [[James I dari Inggris]]. Tidak ada catatan bagaimana Boreel mendapatkan codex itu, tetapi umumnya diyakini bahwa ia membawanya ke Belanda dari salah satu perjalanannya ke Timur Tengah.<ref name = Metzger>{{Cite book |last1=Metzger |first1=Bruce M. |authorlink1=Bruce M. Metzger |title=The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration | edition = 2 |year=1968 |publisher=Oxford University Press |location= Oxford |url=http://www.scribd.com/doc/32002991/Text-of-the-New-Testament-Its-Transmission-Corruption-Restoration |isbn=978-0-19-516122-9 |page= 52 }} </ref> <!--The connection to Boreel is indicated by [[Johann Jakob Wettstein|Wettstein]], who was given a partial collation of the codex in 1730. The collation was made by Izaak Verburg, rector of the Amsterdam gymnasium, and contained text from Matthew 7:2 to Luke 11. Wettstein adds that he was not aware of its current location.<ref name = Wettstein/> Wettstein cited the codex in his ''Novum Testamentum Graecum'' (1751), also in these parts, which do not survive to the present day (e.g. Matthew 7:9).<ref>Wettstein, Johann Jakob, [http://www.archive.org/stream/hekainediatheken00clem#page/340/mode/2up ''Novum Testamentum Graecum''] (Amsterdam 1751), p. 340</ref> ▼
Wettstein designated the codex by [[siglum]] F,<ref name = Wettstein/> Gregory designated it by 09 (because number of New Testament manuscripts increased),<ref name = Gregory/> von Soden gave for it siglum ε 86.<ref name = Soden>{{Cite book|last=Soden, von|first=Hermann|authorlink=Hermann, Freiherr von Soden|title=Die Schriften des neuen Testaments, in ihrer ältesten erreichbaren Textgestalt / hergestellt auf Grund ihrer Textgeschichte|volume=1|year=1902|publisher=Verlag von Alexander Duncker|location=Berlin|page=130}}</ref> ▼
▲H. Deane, aseorang paleographerpaleografer, inpada tahun 1876 datedmemberikan theabad manuscriptke-8 tosebagai thetarikh 8thpembuatan centurymanuskrip ini, [[Constantin von Tischendorf|Tischendorf]] anddan Gregory tomemberi theabad 9th centuryke-9; Doedes anddan [[Samuel Prideaux Tregelles|Tregelles]] topada theabad 10th centuryke-10.<ref name = Scrivener/> AsPada oftahun 1995, it is dated by the [[Institute for New Testament Textual Research]] (INTF) tomemberikan thetarikh 9thabad centuryke-9.<ref name = Aland/><ref name = INTF>{{Cite web |url=http://intf.uni-muenster.de/vmr/NTVMR/ListeHandschriften.php?ObjID=20009 |title=Liste Handschriften |publisher=Institute for New Testament Textual Research |accessdate=16 March 2013 |location=Münster}}</ref>
After Johann Boreel's death in 1629, the codex itself was in private hands. Boreel’s library was sold in 1632, but the manuscript may not have been among the items for sale. It could have remained in the possession of Boreel’s family, for example, in the hands of his younger brother, the theologian [[Adam Boreel]] (1602–54).<ref name = Jaski>[http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/extras/Boreelianus/Codex_Boreelianus.htm The Codex Boreelianus]: Description and History of the Manuscript, by Bart Jaski of the [[Utrecht University]]</ref> On folio 168 recto of the codex is written the monogram NLB with date "February 9, 1756". On pages 40 recto and 40 verso Dutch notes can found, but they are almost illegible.<ref name = Jaski/> ▼
▲''Codex Boreelianus'' dinamakan [[Johann Boreel]] (1577–1629), Duta Besar Belanda di Istana raja [[James I dari Inggris]]. Tidak ada catatan bagaimana Boreel mendapatkan codex itu, tetapi umumnya diyakini bahwa ia membawanya ke Belanda dari salah satu perjalanannya ke Timur Tengah.<ref name = Metzger>{{Cite book |last1=Metzger |first1=Bruce M. |authorlink1=Bruce M. Metzger |title=The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration | edition = 2 |year=1968 |publisher=Oxford University Press |location= Oxford |url=http://www.scribd.com/doc/32002991/Text-of-the-New-Testament-Its-Transmission-Corruption-Restoration |isbn=978-0-19-516122-9 |page= 52 |access-date=2013-10-12|archive-date=2013-10-13|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131013130814/http://www.scribd.com/doc/32002991/Text-of-the-New-Testament-Its-Transmission-Corruption-Restoration|dead-url=yes}} </ref> <!--The connectionHubungan todengan Boreel isini indicateddiindikasikan byoleh [[Johann Jakob Wettstein|Wettstein]], whoyang wasdiberi givenkolasi asebagian partialkodeks collationini ofpada the codex intahun 1730. TheKolasi collationini wasdibuat made byoleh Izaak Verburg, rector of therektor "Amsterdam gymnasium ", anddan containedmemuat textteks fromdari MatthewMatius 7:2 tosampai Luke[[Lukas 11 ]]. Wettstein addsmenambahkan thatbahwa heia wastidak nottahu awaredimana oflokasi itsnaskah currenttersebut locationsaat itu.<ref name = Wettstein/> Wettstein citedmengutip thekodeks codexini in hisdalam ''Novum Testamentum Graecum'' (1751), alsojuga indalam thesebagian-bagian partsini, whichyang dotidak notterlestarikan survivesampai to the present daysekarang ( e.g.misalnya MatthewMatius 7:9).<ref>Wettstein, Johann Jakob, [http://www.archive.org/stream/hekainediatheken00clem#page/340/mode/2up ''Novum Testamentum Graecum''] (Amsterdam 1751), p. 340</ref>
The codex resurfaced almost two centuries later, in 1823, and was identified as the Boreelianus by the Utrecht professor Jodocus Heringa (1765–1840). Its leaves had become disordered, and some of them were lost. Scrivener even stated: "Few manuscripts have fallen into such unworthy hands".<ref name = Scrivener/> The manuscript was now in the private hands of Johannes Michaelis Roukens in [[Arnhem]]. In a letter of 11 March 1830 Roukens explained that the manuscript had been in the possession of his father, Arend Anton Roukens, who had inherited it from his father, Johannes Michaelis Roukens.<ref name = Jaski/>
▲Wettstein designatedmemberi thekodeks codexini bykode [[siglum]] F,<ref name = Wettstein/> Gregory designatedmemberi it bykode 09 ( becausekarena numbermeningkatnya ofjumlah Newnaskah TestamentPerjanjian manuscripts increasedBaru),<ref name = Gregory/> von Soden gave formemberi itkode siglum ε 86.<ref name = Soden>{{Cite book|last=Soden, von|first=Hermann|authorlink=Hermann, Freiherr von Soden|title=Die Schriften des neuen Testaments, in ihrer ältesten erreichbaren Textgestalt / hergestellt auf Grund ihrer Textgeschichte|volume=1|year=1902|publisher=Verlag von Alexander Duncker|location=Berlin|page=130}}</ref>
▲AfterSetelah Johann Boreel 's deathmeninggal inpada tahun 1629, the codex itselfitu wassendiri inberada privatedi handstangan kolektor pribadi. Boreel’sPerpustakaan libraryBoreel wasdijual soldpada intahun 1632, buttetapi thenaskah manuscriptitu maymungkin nottidak havetermasuk beenbarang amongyang the items for saledijual. ItBisa couldjadi havenaskah remainedtersebut intetap themenjadi possessionmilik ofkeluarga Boreel’s familyBoreel, for examplemisalnya, indi thetangan handsadik of his younger brotherlaki-lakinya, the theologianteolog [[Adam Boreel]] (1602–54).<ref name = Jaski>[http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/extras/Boreelianus/Codex_Boreelianus.htm The Codex Boreelianus] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110719154611/http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/extras/Boreelianus/Codex_Boreelianus.htm |date=2011-07-19 }}: Description and History of the Manuscript, by Bart Jaski of the [[Utrecht University]]</ref> OnPada folio 168 recto of the codex isini written thetertulis monogram NLB withdengan datetanggal " February9 9,Februari 1756". OnPada pageshalaman 40 recto anddan 40 verso Dutchdidapati notescatatan candalam found,bahasa butBelanda, theytetapi arehampir almosttidak illegibleterbaca.<ref name = Jaski/>
In 1841 [[Constantin von Tischendorf|Tischendorf]] wanted to see and examine the codex, but he was allowed to read only Heringa’s papers on it <ref name = Jaski/> because Heringa was preparing his collation.<ref name = Gregory/> Heringa’s papers were edited and published by Vinke in 1843 under the title ''Jodoci Heringa El. Fil. Disputatio de codice Boreeliano, nunc Rheno-Trajectino ab ipso in lucem protracto'', which includes a full and exact collation of the text.<ref name = Scrivener/> ▼
Kodeks ini muncul kembali hampir dua abad kemudian, pada tahun 1823, dan diidentifkasi sebagai Codex Boreelianus oleh profesor Jodocus Heringa (1765–1840) dari Utrecht. Lembaran-lembarannya menjadi tidak berurutan, dan beberapa di antaranya hilang. Scrivener bahkan menyatakan: "Sedikit naskah yang jatuh ke tangan-tangan yang tidak berharga seperti ini".<ref name = Scrivener/> Naskah ini sekarang disimpan pada koleksi pribadi Johannes Michaelis Roukens di [[Arnhem]]. Dalam suatu surat bertanggal 11 Maret 1830 Roukens menjelaskan bahwa naskah itu menjadi milik ayahnya, Arend Anton Roukens, yang mewarisinya dari ayahnya, Johannes Michaelis Roukens.<ref name = Jaski/>
In 1850 [[Samuel Prideaux Tregelles]], though with some difficulty, examined the codex.<ref name = Scrivener/> ▼
▲InPada tahun 1841 [[Constantin von Tischendorf|Tischendorf]] wantedingin tomelihat seedan andmeneliti examinekodeks the codexini, buttetapi hehanya wasdiizinkan alloweduntuk tomembaca readmakalah-makalah only Heringa’s papers on itHeringa mengenainya<ref name = Jaski/> becausekarena Heringa wassedang preparingmempersiapkan his collationkolasinya.<ref name = Gregory/> Heringa’sMakalah-makalah papersHeringa weredisunting editeddan anddipublikasikan published byoleh Vinke inpada tahun 1843 underdengan the titlejudul ''Jodoci Heringa El. Fil. Disputatio de codice Boreeliano, nunc Rheno-Trajectino ab ipso in lucem protracto'', which includes a fullyang andmenyertakan exactkolasi collationteks ofpenuh thedan texttepat.<ref name = Scrivener/>
Philipp Schaff in Introduction to the American Edition of Westcott-Hort (1881) wrote that it is not an important manuscript.<ref name = Revisited>[https://www.surfgroepen.nl/personal/jlhkrans/vunt/Some%20research%20files/SBL%20handout.pdf Codex Boreelianus Revisited]</ref> The same opinion gave biblical scholar [[Frederic G. Kenyon]], according to whom the text of the codex has "comparatively little authority".<ref name = Kenyon>{{cite book|last=Kenyon|first=Frederic G. |authorlink=Frederic G. Kenyon|title=Handbook to the textual criticism of the New Testament|url=http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029304924#page/n111/mode/2up|year=1901|publisher=Macmillan|location=London|page=84}}</ref> Despite these opinions, the codex continues to be cited in critical editions of ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]''. Edition of Nestle-Aland cited the codex from its first verse – i.e. Matthew 9:1 – in critical apparatus.<ref>''Novum Testamentum Graece'' (1993), Barbara and Kurt Aland, eds. Stuttgart: [[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]], p. 20</ref> ▼
▲InPada tahun 1850 [[Samuel Prideaux Tregelles]], thoughmeskipun withmengalamai somesejumlah difficultykesulitan, examinedmeneliti thekodeks codexini.<ref name = Scrivener/>
Sejak tahun 1830, codex ini ditempatkan di perpustakaan [[Utrecht University]] (Ms. 1).<ref name = Aland/><ref name = INTF/> Pada bulan Maret 2007 David Trobisch mengunjungi Utrecht dan mengamati naskah ini dengan sejumlah kolega. Pada bulan Oktober 2007 naskah ini dibuat digital.<ref name = Jaski/> ▼
▲Philipp Schaff inmenulis Introductiondalam tobagian thependahuluan American"Introduction" Editionpada ofedisi Amerika "Westcott-Hort " (1881) wrotebahwa that it iscodex notitu anbukan importantmanuskrip manuscriptpenting.<ref name = Revisited>[https://www.surfgroepen.nl/personal/jlhkrans/vunt/Some%20research%20files/SBL%20handout.pdf Codex Boreelianus Revisited]</ref> ThePendapat sameyang opinionsama gavediberikan biblicaloleh scholarpakar Alkitab, [[Frederic G. Kenyon]], accordingyang tomenganggap whomteks thecodex textini ofmemiliki the"secara codex has "comparativelykomparatif littlesedikit authorityotoritas".<ref name = Kenyon>{{cite book|last=Kenyon|first=Frederic G. |authorlink=Frederic G. Kenyon|title=Handbook to the textual criticism of the New Testament|url=http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924029304924#page/n111/mode/2up|year=1901|publisher=Macmillan|location=London|page=84}}</ref> DespiteMeskipun these opinionsdemikian, the codex continuesini toterus bedikutip citeddalam inedisi-edisi critical editions ofkritis ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]''. Edition ofEdisi Nestle-Aland cited themengutip codex fromini itsdari firstayat versepertamanya – i.e.yaitu MatthewMatius 9:1 – indalam criticalaparatus apparatuskritikal.<ref>''Novum Testamentum Graece'' (1993), Barbara and Kurt Aland, eds. Stuttgart: [[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]], p. 20</ref>
▲Sejak tahun 1830, codex ini ditempatkan di perpustakaan [[Utrecht University]] (Ms. 1).<ref name = Aland/><ref name = INTF/> Pada bulan Maret 2007 David Trobisch mengunjungi Utrecht dan mengamati naskah ini dengan sejumlah kolega. Pada bulan Oktober 2007 naskah ini dibuat digital.<ref name = Jaski/ ><ref>[http://www.csntm.org/manuscript/View/GA_09 Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts, GA-09.]</ref>
== Foto ==
Berkas:Boreelianus folo 7 vreso.JPG|Folio 9 recto dengan teks Matius 10:32-33, 35-37
▲[[FileBerkas:Boreelianus 111r.JPG |thumb|right|200px|Folio 111 recto ]] dengan teks Markus 11:26-31
▲[[FileBerkas:Boreelianus 128r Luc 1.JPG |thumb|right|200px|Folio 128 recto, the beginningpermulaan ofInjil Luke]]Lukas
▲[[FileBerkas:Boreelianus 147r.JPG |thumb|right|200px|Folio 147r147 withrecto textdengan ofteks LukeLukas 6:15b-20a ]]
Berkas:Codex Boreelianus 169v (Lc 20,17-21).JPG|Folio 169 verso dengan teks Lukas 20:17–21
▲[[FileBerkas:Boreelianus 173v.JPG |thumb|right|200px|Folio 173 verso with textdengan ofteks LukeLukas 22:37–43 ]]
▲[[FileBerkas:Codex Boreelianus r179.JPG |thumb|right|200px|Folio 179 recto – the beginning of the Gospelpermulaan ofInjil John]]Yohanes
▲[[FileBerkas:Boreelianus 200v Jo 8,15.JPG |thumb|right|200px|Folio 200 verso withdengan textteks ofdari JohnYohanes 8:15–21; JohnYohanes 8:16b-17 wasasalnya tidak omitteddisalin byoleh scribejurutulis anddan addedditambahkan atdi thebagian margin]]marjin
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Daftar Uncial Perjanjian Baru]]
* [[TextualNaskah criticismAlkitab]]
* [[Biblical commentary]]
== Referensi ==
== Pustaka tambahan ==
* {{Cite book|last=Heringa|first=Jodocus|title=Disputatio de Codice Boreeliano, nunc Rheno-Trajectino|edition =H.E. Vinke |publisher = Kemink et filium|url= http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/metadata.php?lang=en&BoekID=1522 |year=1843|location=Utrecht|access-date=2013-10-12|archive-date=2011-07-19|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110719154622/http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/metadata.php?lang=en&BoekID=1522|dead-url=yes}}
* {{Cite book|last=Hatch|first=William|<!--authorlink=William Hatch-->|title=The Principal Uncial Manuscripts of the New Testament|url=https://archive.org/details/principaluncialm0000hatc_g0y5|year=1939|location=Chicago|page=LXVII (Plate)}}
== Pranala luar ==
=== Foto ===
* [http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/metadata.php?lang=en&BoekID=1553 Codex Boreelianus] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110719154555/http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/metadata.php?lang=en&BoekID=1553 |date=2011-07-19 }} at the Digital Special Collections of the [[Utrecht University]]
=== Artikel mengenai Codex Boreelianus ===
* [http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/extras/Boreelianus/Codex_Boreelianus.htm The Codex Boreelianus] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110719154611/http://digbijzcoll.library.uu.nl/extras/Boreelianus/Codex_Boreelianus.htm |date=2011-07-19 }}: Description and History of the Manuscript, by Bart Jaski of the [[Utrecht University]]
* {{cite web |url=http://www.skypoint.com/members/waltzmn/ManuscriptsUncials.html#uFe |title=An Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism |accessdate=2010-11-12 |author=Waltz, Robert |work=A Site Inspired By: The Encyclopedia of New Testament Textual Criticism}}
* [https://www.surfgroepen.nl/sites/cntsvu/Shared%20Documents/Handouts%20for%20the%20Colloquium/NTW%20VU%2019102007%20vooraf%20%28small%29.pdf Codex Boreelianus Rheno-Trajectinus (F 09). A Fresh Look after 160 Years]
[[Kategori:Naskah Uncial Perjanjian Baru|Boreelianus]]
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[[Kategori:Karya abad ke-9]]
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[[Kategori:NaskahInjil Perjanjian BaruMatius]]
[[Kategori:Injil Markus]]
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[[Kategori:Injil Lukas]]
[[Kategori:Injil Yohanes]]