Distrik di Israel: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 3:
== Distrik Yerusalem ==
[[Berkas:Israel districts named.png|jmpl|200px|Peta pembagian distrik di Israel]]
[[Distrik Yerusalem]] (''Mehoz Yerushalayim'').
Ibu kota distrik: [[YerusalemBet-Semes]]
[[Berkas:Israel districts named.png|jmpl|200px150px|Peta pembagian distrik di Israel]]
== Distrik Utara ==
Baris 68:
| subdivision = [[City council (Israel)|City council]], [[Local council (Israel)|Local council]], [[Regional council (Israel)|Regional council]]
[[ImageBerkas:Israel population density 2014.png|rightka|thumbjmpl|Population density by geographic region, sub-district and district (thicker border indicates higher tier).]]
There are six main administrative '''districts of [[Israel]]''', known in [[Hebrew language|Hebrew]] as '''''mehozot''''' ({{Script/Hebrew|מְחוֹזוֹת}}; singular: ''mahoz'' {{Hebrew |מָחוֹז}}) and Arabic as ''[[mintaqah]]'' and fifteen sub-districts (also referred to as counties) known as '''''nafot''''' ({{Hebrew|נָפוֹת}}; singular: ''nafa'' {{Hebrew|נָפָה}}). Each sub-district is further divided into [[List of cities in Israel|cities]], [[Local council (Israel)|municipalities]], and [[Regional council (Israel)|regional councils]] it contains.
The figures in this article are based on numbers from the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics and so include all places under Israeli civilian rule including those [[Israeli-occupied territories]] where this is the case. Therefore, the [[Golan Heights|Golan sub-district]] and its four natural regions are included in the number of sub-districts and natural regions even though it is not recognized by the [[United Nations]] or the international community as Israeli territory. Similarly, the population figure below for the Jerusalem District was calculated including [[East Jerusalem]] whose annexation by Israel is similarly [[Positions on Jerusalem|not recognized]] by the United Nations and the international community. The Judea and Samaria Area, however, is not included in the number of districts and sub-districts as Israel has not applied its civilian jurisdiction in that part of the [[West Bank]].
== Jerusalem District ==
[[Jerusalem District]] ({{lang-he-n|מְחוֹז יְרוּשָׁלַיִם}}, ''Mahoz Yerushalayim'')
:Population ({{abbr|EoY|End of Year}} 2016): 1,083,300<ref name="cbs" />
Baris 80:
District capital: [[Jerusalem]].{{cref|a}}
== Northern District ==
[[Northern District (Israel)|Northern District]] ({{lang-he-n|מְחוֹז הַצָּפוּן}}, ''Mahoz HaTzafon'')
:Population ({{abbr|EoY|End of Year}} 2016): 1,401,300<ref name="cbs" />
Baris 87:
District capital: [[Nazareth]]
* Tzfat (sub-district){{spaced ndash}}population: 116,000
* Kinneret (sub-district){{spaced ndash}}population: 114,000
* Yizre'el (sub-district){{spaced ndash}}population: 498,100
* Akko (sub-district){{spaced ndash}}population: 624,300
* ''Golan (sub-district)''{{cref|b}}{{spaced ndash}}population: 48,800
== Haifa District ==
[[Haifa District]] ({{lang-he-n|מְחוֹז חֵיפָה}}, ''Mahoz Heifa'')
:Population ({{abbr|EoY|End of Year}} 2016): 996,300<ref name="cbs" />
Baris 100:
District capital: [[Haifa]]
* Haifa (sub-district){{spaced ndash}}population: 571,100
* Hadera (sub-district){{spaced ndash}}population: 424,100
== Central District ==
[[Central District (Israel)|Central District]] ({{Hebrew|מְחוֹז הַמֶּרְכָּז}}, ''Mahoz HaMerkaz'')
:Population ({{abbr|EoY|End of Year}} 2016): 2,115,800<ref name="cbs" />
Baris 110:
District capital: [[Ramla]]
* Sharon (sub-district){{spaced ndash}}population: 464,500
* Petah Tikva (sub-district){{spaced ndash}}population: 719,300
* Ramla (sub-district){{spaced ndash}}population: 338,800
* Rehovot (sub-district){{spaced ndash}}population: 593,300
== Tel Aviv District ==
[[Tel Aviv District]] ({{lang-he-n|מְחוֹז תֵּל־אָבִיב}}, ''Mahoz Tel Aviv'')
:Population ({{abbr|EoY|End of Year}} 2016): 1,388,400<ref name="cbs" />
Baris 122:
District capital: [[Tel Aviv]]
== Distrik Selatan ==
==Southern District==
[[Southern District (Israel)|Southern District]] ({{lang-he-n|מְחוֹז הַדָּרוֹם}}, ''Mahoz HaDarom'')
:Population ({{abbr|EoY|End of Year}} 2016): 1,244,200<ref name="cbs" />
Baris 128:
District Capital: [[Beersheba]]
* Ashkelon (sub district){{spaced ndash}}population: 532,000
* Be'er Sheva (sub-district){{spaced ndash}}population: 712,200
Formerly [[Hof Aza Regional Council]] with a population of around 10,000 Israelis was part of this district, but the [[Israeli settlements|Israeli communities]] that constituted it were evacuated when the [[Israel's unilateral disengagement plan|disengagement plan]] was implemented in the [[Gaza Strip]]. Currently only the [[Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories#Gaza Strip|Coordination and Liaison Administration]] operates there.
==Judea andWilayah Yudea dan Samaria Area==
[[JudeaWilayah andYudea Samariadan AreaSamaria]] ({{lang-he-n|אֵזוֹר יְהוּדָה וְשׁוֹמְרוֹן{{popdf}}}}, ''Ezor Yehuda VeShomron'')
:JewishPenduduk PopulationYahudi ({{abbr|EoY|End of Year}} 20172018): 435,159418.600
:Penduduk [[Arab]]/[[BedouinBadui]] population: 40,000. (excludestidak termasuk Area A anddan B).
LargestKota cityterbesar: [[Modi'in Illit]]
The nameNama ''JudeaYudea'' anddan ''Samaria'' foruntuk thiswilayah geographicalgeografis areaini isdidasarkan basedpada onterminologi terminology from thedari [[Hebrewbahasa Bible|HebrewIbrani]] anddan othersumber-sumber sourceslain relatingyang toberkaitan ancientdengan [[Kingdom ofSejarah Israel (Samaria)dan Yehuda kuno|Israel kuno]] anddan [[Kingdom of Judah|JudahYehuda]]/[[JudeaYudea]]. TheWilayah territorytersebut hastelah beenberada underdi Israelibawah controlkendali sinceIsrael the 1967sejak [[Six-DayPerang WarEnam Hari|Perang Enam Hari 1967]] buttetapi nottidak annexeddianeksasi byoleh Israel, pendingsambil negotiationsmenunggu regardingnegosiasi itsmengenai statusstatusnya. ItWilayah isini partadalah ofbagian dari [[Land ofTanah Israel|historic Israel yang bersejarah]], whichyang mengarah ke leadsmasalah toyang politicallysecara contentiouspolitis issueskontroversial. HoweverNamun, itWilayah isini nottidak recognizeddiakui assebagai partbagian of thedari [[State ofNegara Israel]] byoleh PBB dan thesebagian UNbesar andnegara mostdi nationsdunia.
==See alsolihat juga ==
* [[Geography of Israel]]
* [[List of cities in Israel]]
* [[ISO 3166-2:IL]]
==Notes catatan ==
* {{cnote|a|This district includes areas captured in the 1967 [[Six-Day War]] and annexed to Israel in the [[Jerusalem Law]].}}
* {{cnote|b|Occupied in the 1967 [[Six-Day War]] and internationally unrecognized annexed by Israel's [[Golan Heights Law]].}}
== rujukan ==
<ref name="cbs">{{cite web|url=https://www.cbs.gov.il/he/publications/doclib/2019/2.shnatonpopulation/st02_16x.pdf|title=Localities and Population, by District, Sub-District, Religion and Population Group|year=2018|publisher=[[Biro Pusat Statistik Israel]]|page=2|format=PDF|accessdate=31 Oktober 2019}}</ref>
Baris 157:
== Pranala balik ==
==External links==
* [http://gis.cbs.gov.il/shnatonserver/ Central Bureau of Statistics] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200806160453/https://gis.cbs.gov.il/shnatonserver/ |date=2020-08-06 }}{{spaced ndash}}detailed breakdown of each district, sub-district, and natural region.
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[[Category:Districts of Israel| ]]
[[Category:Subdivisions of Israel]]
[[Category:Lists of country subdivisions|Israel, Districts]]
[[Category:Country subdivisions in Asia|Israel 1]]
[[Category:First-level administrative country subdivisions|Districts, Israel]]
[[Category:Israel geography-related lists]]