Bible Lands Museum: Perbedaan antara revisi
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Baris 10:
'''Bible Lands Museum''' ([[Bahasa Ibrani]]: מוזיאון ארצות המקרא ירושלים) adalah sebuah museum arkeologi di [[Yerusalem]], [[Israel]], yang menampilkan budaya suku bangsa yang disebut dalam [[Alkitab]], termasuk orang [[Mesir kuno]], [[Kanaan]], [[Filistin]], [[Aram]], [[Het]], [[Elam]], [[Fenisia]] dan [[Persia]]. Museum ini berupaya menempatkan suku-suku bangsa ini dalam konteks sejarah.<ref>{{cite news
== Sejarah ==
Museum ini didirikan oleh [[
== Pameran ==
Bagian galeri utama museum ini memamerkan ratusan artefak: dokumen kuno, patung sembahan, koin, patung, senjata, keramik dan segel dari berbagai wilayah Timur Dekat.<!--The main gallery displays hundreds of artifacts: ancient documents, idols, coins, statues, weapons, pottery, and seals from across the ancient Near East. Many topics are elaborated upon in brief articles on the walls (e.g. the origins of the alphabet, embalming, and Abraham's journey). The museum also exhibits scale models of ancient sites in Jerusalem, a [[Ziggurat]] at [[Ur]] and the pyramids at [[Giza]]. While the museum's emphasis is the history of ancient [[Near East]]ern civilizations, the curators draw attention to relevant biblical verses. For example, above a gallery of ancient [[Anatolia]]n jugs is the verse "Behold, Rebecca came forth with her pitcher on her shoulder; and she went down unto the fountain and drew water" ([[Book of Genesis|Genesis]] 24:45).
== Galeri utama ==
Galeri utama terdiri dari 20 bagian yang disusun menurut urutan kronologi:
# From Hunter to Urban Dweller ("Dari pemburu ke penghuni kota")
# The Coming of Civilizations ("Munculnya Peradaban")
# Symbolic Communication ("Komunikasi simbolik")
# Literate Voices, the Story of Writing ("Suara pembacaan, kisah penulisan")
# The Pre-Patriarchal World ("Dunia sebelum leluhur")
# The Sumerian Temple ("Kuil Sumeria")
# Old Kingdom of Egypt ("Kerajaan Mesir kuno")
# Genesis 14, the Age of Warfare ("[[Kejadian 14]], Zaman peperangan")
# The Age of the Patriarchs ("Zaman Leluhur")
# When Israel Sojourned in Egypt ("Ketika Israel tinggal di Mesir")
# The Sea Peoples ("Orang-orang Laut")
# The Arrival of the Iranian Horsemen ("Kedatangan penunggan kuda dari Iran")
# Stones of Aram ("Batu-batu Aram")
# Israel Among the Nations ("Israel di antara bangsa-bangsa")
# Assyria, the Rod of My Anger ("Asyur, Tongkat Kemurkaan-Ku")
# The Splendor of Persia ("Kejayaan Persia")
# Hellenistic Dominions ("Dominasi Yunani")
# Rome and Judaea ("Roma dan Yudea")
# Roman and Coptic Egypt ("Roma dan Mesir Koptik")
# Sassanian Mesopotamia - Home of the Babylonian Talmud ("Mesopotamia Sasaniyah - Rumah Talmud Babel")
== Referensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
{{commons|Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem}}
* [ The Bible Lands Museum] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-10-30 }}
* [ The Bible Lands Museum] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2015-09-24 }} at