Mamadou Tandja: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(53 revisi perantara oleh 32 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{Infobox president
[[Image:Tandja.jpg|thumb|right|Tandja Mamadou]]
|name = Mamadou Tandja
'''Tandja Mamadou''' (lahir [[1938]]) adalah politisi [[Niger]] dan [[Presiden Niger]] saat ini. Di kalangan peliputan, ia dikenal dengan nama "'''Mamadou Tandja'''," ketika bukan lagi sebagai Menteri Luar Negeri.
|image = Tandja in Nigeria June 2007.jpg
title|order = [[Presiden Niger]]|
Tandja ran for President in the elections of 1996. At that time he was most notable for being a former [[interior minister]] of Niger. He received third place, 15.65% of the vote. He won the 1999 elections, however, receiving first place, 32%, in the first round, and 60% in the second round, defeating former Prime Minister [[Mahamadou Issoufou]]. Tandja is the first democratically elected President of Niger after the coup that put [[Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara]] in power in [[1996]]. In April of [[1999]], Baré was assassinated and a new military government took over. This junta promised a return to democracy within the year, and the elections were held in October and November. Tandja and his [[National Movement for the Development Society]] won the elections, and Tandja took office on [[December 22]], 1999. He appointed [[Hama Amadou]] as his Prime Minister.
|primeminister = [[Ibrahim Hassane Mayaki]]<br>[[Hama Amadou]]<br>[[Seyni Oumarou]]<br>[[Albadé Abouba]] <small>(Penjabat)</small><br>[[Ali Badjo Gamatié]]
start|term_start =[[ 22 Desember]] [[1999]]|
|term_end = 18 Februari 2010
before|predecessor = [[Daouda Malam Wanké]]|
|successor = [[Salou Djibo]] <small>(Presiden Dewan Tertinggi untuk Pemulihan Demokrasi)</small>
|birth_date = {{Birth year|1938}}
|birth_place = [[Maïné-Soroa]], [[Afrika Barat Prancis]] <small>(sekarang [[Niger]])</small>
|death_date = {{death date and given age|2020|11|24|82|df=y}}<ref>[écès-de-l-ancien-président-mamadou-tandja Niger: décès de l'ancien président Mamadou Tandja] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2020-11-26 }} {{in lang|fr}}</ref>
|death_place = [[Niamey]], Niger
|spouse = Laraba Tandja
|party = [[Gerakan Nasional Pengembangan Masyarakat]]
[[Letnan Kolonel]] (Purn) '''Mamadou Tandja''' (1938 – 24 November 2020) adalah politikus dan [[Presiden Niger|Presiden]] [[Niger]] dari tahun 1999 hingga 2010. Dia adalah Presiden dari [[Gerakan Nasional Pengembangan Masyarakat]] (MNSD) 1991-1999 dan gagal maju sebagai calon presiden dari MNSD pada tahun 1993 dan 1996 sebelum terpilih untuk masa jabatan pertamanya pada tahun 1999. Ketika menjabat sebagai Presiden Niger, ia juga Ketua [[Masyarakat Ekonomi Negara Afrika Barat]] 2005-2007.
Niger was heavily in debt and was not receiving any foreign aid due to Baré's coup and subsequent suspension of democratic institutions. Tandja focused on economic development, negotiating with the civil service unions and with foreign donors. Many did not approve of Tandja's measures in reducing government spending. In [[2001]], students at the [[University of Niamey]] staged violent protests against the reduction of their government grants. In [[2002]], some soldiers started a rebellion claiming that they were underpaid. Loyalists defeated the rebels and restored peace, but Tandja came under political fire for his decrees blocking communication about the rebellion.
Tandja adalah keturunan campuran [[Fula]] dan [[Bangsa Kanuri|Kanuri]].<ref name="Decalo1997">{{Cite book|last=Decalo|first=Samuel|title=Historical Dictionary of the Niger (3rd ed.)|url=|publisher=Scarecrow Press|location=Boston & Folkestone|year=1997|isbn=0-8108-3136-8}}{{rp|pp.299-300}}</ref> Dia adalah Presiden pertama Niger yang tidak beretnis [[Hausa]] atau [[Djerma]].<ref>[ Country Reports on Human Rights Practices — 2003: Niger], U.S. State Department Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, February 25, 2004.</ref>
Tandja's position was up for re-election in November [[2004]]. In the first round of those elections, he got first place with 40.7% of the vote, the rest being divided between five opponents. As in 1999, Mahamadou Issoufou got second place, and participated in a runoff with Tandja in December. Tandja was re-elected with 65.5% of the vote, with Issoufou receiving the remaining 34.5%.
{{start box}}
{{succession box|
title=[[Presiden Niger]]|
start=[[22 Desember]] [[1999]]|
before=[[Daouda Malam Wanké]]|
{{end box}}
Setelah krisis konstitusi tahun 2009, yang disebabkan oleh upaya Tandja untuk memperpanjang masa jabatannya yang dijadwalkan akan segera berakhir, ia digulingkan oleh militer dalam [[Kudeta Niger 2010|kudeta]] pada bulan Februari 2010.
== Referensi ==
[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1938|Mamadou]]
{{kotak mulai}}
{{kotak suksesi|pendahulu=[[Daouda Malam Wanké]]|jabatan=[[Presiden Niger]]|tahun=1999–2010|pengganti=[[Salou Djibo]]|as=Presiden Dewan Tertinggi untuk Pemulihan Demokrasi Niger}}
{{kotak suksesi|pendahulu=[[John Kufuor]]|jabatan=Ketua [[Masyarakat Ekonomi Negara Afrika Barat]]|tahun=2005–2007|pengganti=[[Blaise Compaoré]]}}
{{Kotak selesai}}
{{Presiden Niger}}
{{Authority control}}
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