Néstor Kirchner: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(11 revisi perantara oleh 8 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
| name =Néstor Carlos Kirchner Ostoić
| image = Kirchner_marzo_2007_Congreso.jpg
| caption = President Néstor Kirchner in March of 2007
| nationality = [[Argentina]]
| order = [[Presiden Argentina]] ke-52
| term_start = [[25 Mei]] [[2003]]
| term_end = [[10 Desember]] [[2007]]
| vicepresident = [[Daniel Scioli]]
| predecessor = [[Eduardo Duhalde]]
| successor = [[Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]]
| order2= Sekretaris Jenderal Unasur
| term_start2= [[4 Mei]] [[2010]]
| term_end2= [[27 Oktober]] [[2010]]
| predecessor2=
| successor2=
| order3 = [[Ibu/Bapak negara Argentina|Bapak Negara Argentina]]
| term_start3 = 10 Desember 2007
| term_end3 = 27 Oktober 2010
| predecessor3 = [[Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]]
| successor3 = ''Kosong''
| order4 = [[Gubernur Santa Cruz]]
| term_start4 = 10 Desember 1991
| term_end4 = 25 Mei 2003
| vicegovernor4 =[[Sergio Acevedo]] (1991-1999)<br />[[Héctor Icazuriaga]] (1999-2003)
| predecessor4 = [[Ricardo del Val]]
| successor4 = [[Héctor Icazuriaga]]
| birth_date = {{birth date|1950|2|25}}
| birth_place = [[Río Gallegos]], [[Argentina]]
| death_date= {{death date and age|2010|10|27|1950|2|25}}
| death_place=[[El Calafate]], Argentina
| spouse=[[Cristina Elisabeth Fernández de Kirchner|Cristina Elisabeth Fernández]]
| party = [[Front for Victory]], <br />([[Partai Justisialis]])
| children = [[Máximo Kirchner]]<br />Florencia Kirchner
| profession =[[Pengacara]]
| religion = [[Gereja Katolik Roma|Katolik Roma]]
Baris 42:
== Masa muda ==
Kirchner dilahirkan di [[Río Gallegos]], di provinsi [[Patagonia]], Santa Cruz. Ayahnya, seorang pejabat kantor pos, adalah keturunan [[Swiss]]; ibunya, [[Marija Ostoić]], dilahirkan di [[Chili]] selatan, berlatar belakang [[Kroasia]]. Ia belajar di SD dan sekolah menengah negeri di kota kelahirannya, dan mendapatkan ijazah SMU dari ''Colegio Nacional República de Guatemala''.
Sejak muda, Kirchner ikut serta dalam Gerakan Justicialist (''Movimiento Justicialista''), mula-mula sebagai anggota Peronis Muda, yang [[radikalisme]] sayap kirinya sangat keras menentang pemerintahan [[diktatur militer]]. Pada pertengahan tahun 1970-an, ia belajar ilmu hukum di [[Universitas Nasional de la Plata]] dan mendapatkan gelarnya pada 1976. Ia kembali ke Río Gallegos bersama istrinya, [[Cristina Fernández de Kirchner|Cristina Fernández]], yang juga seorang pengacara dan anggota [[Partai Justicialist]] (''Partido Justicialista'', PJ), untuk melakukan praktik sebagai pengacara. Pada masa rezim diktatur [[Proceso de Reorganización Nacional|Proses Reorganisasi Nasional]] di bawah [[Jorge Videla|Videla]], ia pernah dipenjarakan, namun tidak jelas alasannya dan untuk berapa lama.
Dari pernikahannya dengan [[Cristina Elisabeth Fernández de Kirchner|Cristina Elisabeth Fernández]] mereka mempunyai dua anak. Istrinya, dianggap banyak orang merupakan senjata rahasianya, seperti [[Eva Perón|Evita Duarte]] bagi [[Juan Perón]]. Seperti Evita, Cristina lebih suka tampil dengan suaminya.
Ia menjadi [[Presiden Argentina]] pada tahun [[2003]] setelah unggul dari 18 calon presiden, termasuk [[Carlos Menem]] yang mundur empat hari sebelum pemilu presiden babak kedua. Penampilan luar Kirchner tidak meyakinkan orang bahwa dia penerus tradisi. Keberhasilannya sebagai gubernur pun menurut para pengkritiknya bukan indikator, karena Santa Cruz yang berada di wilayah [[Patagonia]] adalah provinsi luas yang jarang penduduknya.
== Menolak membayar utang ==
Dengan total 102,6 miliar [[dolar AS]] utang luar negeri, Argentina menyatakan tidak akan membayar semuanya. Presiden Nestor Kirchner mengutarakan bahwa Argentina hanya membayar US$38,5 miliar – US$41,8 miliar pada 13 Januari 2005 di Buenos Aires. “Tawaran segera diluncurkan dan tidak diubah lagi meski ada penolakan dari para kreditor. Tawaran itu benar-benar tidak diubah dan segera dilaksanakan,” tandas Presiden Kirchner. Lebih dari 600.000 kreditor Argentina di seluruh dunia diminta menerima usulannya dengan batas akhir [[25 Februari]] [[2005]].
Dari US$41,8 miliar utang yang rencananya dibayar, Argentina meminta kreditor, apakah dipatok berdasarkan kurs uang yang tersedia yakni peso Argentina, dolar AS, euro, atau yen. Utang dikonversikan ke dalam bentuk [[obligasi]] baru yang memiliki jangka waktu pembayaran hingga 2045 atau 40 tahun. Pengumuman tersebut justru membuat nilai mata uang peso dan harga obligasi meningkat. Akibat gagal bayar utang pada tahun 2001, Argentina mengalami krisis terburuk sepanjang sejarah. Setengah dari 20 juta penduduknya jatuh miskin. Awalnya, Argentina hanya akan membayar 12% dari total utang luar negerinya.
Baris 70:
Kirchner's tasks as governor were made easier by the modest scale of the province's economic base and its limited labor market. Critics claimed he was no different from most of the other Peronist governors, and when push came to shove, he also relied on [[personalism]] and [[authoritarianism]], above all in his handling of the provincial [[mass media|media]] and appointing his judges. Public control of job positions and a heavily-[[subsidy|subsidized]] economy also lent itself to [[political machine|clientelism]] typical in the semi-[[feudalism|feudal]] environment of the remote provinces.
In 1994 and 1998, Kirchner introduced amendments to the provincial constitution, so as to enable him to run for re-election indefinitely, something that Menem later tried to imitate at the national level. As a member of the [[1994 reform of the Argentine Constitution|1994 Constitutional Assembly]] organized by Menem and former president [[Raúl Alfonsín]], Kirchner participated in the elaboration of a new Argentine constitution, which made possible for the president to be re-elected to a second four-year term.
In 1995, with his constitutional reforms in place, Kirchner was easily re-elected to a second term in office, with 66.5% of the votes. But by now, Kirchner was distancing himself from the charismatic and controversial Menem, who was also the nominal head of the PJ; this was made particularly apparent with the launch of ''Corriente Peronista'', an initiative supported by Kirchner to create space within the Movimiento Justicialista to confront the problems facing the country.
Baris 84:
==The 2003 presidential election==
Kirchner's electoral promises included "returning to a republic of equals". After the first round of the election, Kirchner visited the president of [[BrazilBrasil]], [[Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva]], who received him enthusiastically. He also declared he was proud of his radical left-wing political past.
Although Menem, who was president from 1989 to 1999, won the first round of the election on [[April 27]], [[2003]], he only got 24% of the valid votes — just 2% ahead of Kirchner. This was an empty victory, as Menem had by then a strongly negative image among a large segment of the Argentine population and had virtually no chance of winning the [[runoff election]]. After days of speculation, during which polls forecast a massive victory for Kirchner with about a 30%–40% difference, Menem finally decided to stand down. This automatically made Kirchner president of Argentina. He was sworn in on [[May 25]], [[2003]] to a four-year term of office.
Baris 95:
Kirchner kept the Minister of the Economy of the Duhalde administration, [[Roberto Lavagna]], who piloted Argentina through the unpopular ''corralito'' and the painful devaluation, but Lavagna also declared his first priority now was social problems. Argentina's [[default (finance)|default]] was the largest in financial history, and ironically it gave Kirchner and Lavagna a certain bargaining power with the IMF, which loathes having bad debts in its books. During his first year of office, Kirchner achieved a difficult agreement to reschedule $84,000 million in debts with international organizations, for three years. In the first half of 2005, the government launched a [[Argentine debt restructuring|bond exchange]] to restructure the approximately $81,000 million of private debt (there were an additional $20,000 million in past defaulted interest not recognized). Over 76% of the debt was tendered and restructured for a recovery value of approximately one third of its nominal value.
It is Kirchner's resistance to international financial institutions such as the IMF and his objections to free-markets that has perhaps surprised observers most. He has been encouraged in this regard by such figures as the iconoclastic ex-[[World Bank]] economist [[Joseph Stiglitz]], who opposes the IMF's measures as recessionary and has urged Argentina to take an independent path. In doing so, Kirchner has broken ranks with recent and current Latin American leaders such as Peru's [[Alejandro Toledo]], who maintain a center-right economic policy. In this context, Kirchner can best be seen as part of a spectrum of new Latin American leaders, spanning from [[Hugo Chávez|Chávez]] in [[Venezuela]] to [[Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva|Lula]] in [[BrazilBrasil]] and [[Tabaré Vázquez]] in [[Uruguay]], who are actively searching for an alternative to the [[Washington consensus]], which in the eyes of many has proven to be an unsuccessful model for economic development in the region.
Kirchner saw the [[Elections in Argentina, 2005|2005 parliamentary elections]] as a means to confirm his political power, since Carlos Menem's defection in the second round of the 2003 presidentials did not allow Kirchner to receive the large amount of votes that surveys predicted. Kirchner explicitly stated that the 2005 elections would be a mid-term [[referendum|plebiscite]] for his administration, and actively participated in the campaign in most provinces. This strategy paid off in most cases: among the important districts, Kirchner-backed candidates only lost in Buenos Aires City and in Santa Fe, and his wife Cristina was elected Senator for the province of [[Buenos Aires]] by a very large margin.
On [[15 December]] [[2005]], following [[BrazilBrasil]]'s initiative, Kirchner announced the cancellation of Argentina's debt to the IMF in full and in a single payment, in a historical decision.-->
== Rujukan ==
Baris 106:
== Pranala luar ==
* {{es}} [http://www.presidencia.gov.ar/ Situs resmi kepresidenan]
* {{es}} [http://www.presidencia.gov.ar/ Situs resmi kepresidenan] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20101113081118/http://www.presidencia.gov.ar/ |date=2010-11-13 }}
* {{en}} [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3746379.stm "Argentine revival marks Kirchner first year"], ''BBC News''
{{kotak mulai}}
{{succession box | before=[[Héctor Marcelino García]] | title=[[Gubernur Santa Cruz]]| after=[[Héctor Icazuriaga]] | years=[[1991]]–[[2003]]}}
{{succession box | before=[[Eduardo Duhalde]] | title=[[Presiden Argentina]]| after=[[Cristina Fernández de Kirchner]] | years=[[2003]]–2007}}
{{kotak selesai}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Kirchner, NéstorNestor}}
[[Kategori:Presiden Argentina]]
[[Kategori:Pasangan presiden Argentina]]