S/2003 J 9: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{Infobox Planet
| name = S/2003 J 9
| image = 2003 J 9 Gladman CFHT annotated.gif
| discoverer = Scott S. Sheppard
| image_size = 250
| caption = S/2003 J 16 dicitrakan oleh [[Teleskop Kanada-Prancis-Hawaii]] selama pengamatan lanjutan pada Februari 2003
| discoverer = [[Scott S. Sheppard]]
| discovered = 7 Maret 2003
| mean_orbit_radius = 23.858.000 km
Baris 11 ⟶ 14:
'''{{nowrap|S/2003 J 9}}''' adalah [[satelit ireguler]] [[retrograde]] [[Jupiter]]. Satelit ini ditemukan oleh tim astronom dari [[Universitas Hawaii]] yang dipimpin oleh [[Scott S. Sheppard]] pada tahun 2003.<ref>[http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iauc/08000/08089.html IAUC 8089: ''Satellites of Jupiter'']{{dead link|date=January 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }} 7 March 2003 (discovery)</ref><ref>[http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K03/K03E29.html MPEC 2003-E29: ''S/2003 J 9, 2003 J 10, 2003 J 11, 2003 J 12; S/2003 J 1, 2003 J 6''] 3 April 2003 (discovery and ephemeris)</ref>
'''{{nowrap|S/2003 J 9}}''' berdiameter 1 kilometer, dan mengorbit Jupiter pada jarak rata-rata 23.858 Mm dalam 752,839 hari, dengan [[inklinasi]] sebesar 165°<!--- 164.980 ---> terhadap [[ekliptika]] (165°<!--- 164.809 ---> terhadap ekuator Jupiter), dengan arah [[retrograde]] dan dengan [[Eksentrisitas orbit|eksentrisitas]] sebesar 0,276.
Satelit ini termasuk dalam [[kelompok Carme]], yang terdiri dari satelit-satelit retrograde ireguler yang mengorbit Jupiter pada jarak berkisar antara 23 hingga 24 Gm dan dengan inklinasi sekitar 165°. Bersama satelit ini, Jupiter untuk saat ini diketahui memiliki [[Satelit Jupiter|{{jup-moon}} satelit]].
Satelit ini pada saat ini masih dinyatakan [[Asteroid hilang|hilang]].<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-news/outer-planet-moons-found-and-lost/ |title=Outer-Planet Moons Found — and Lost |last=Beatty |first=Kelly |date=4 April 2012 |website=www.skyandtelescope.com |publisher=Sky & Telescope |access-date=27 June 2017}}</ref><ref name=Jacobson>{{cite journal |last1=Brozović |first1=Marina |last2=Jacobson |first2=Robert A. |date=9 March 2017 |title=The Orbits of Jupiter's Irregular Satellites |journal=The Astronomical Journal |volume=153 |issue=4 |pages=147 |doi=10.3847/1538-3881/aa5e4d|bibcode = 2017AJ....153..147B }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1=Jacobson |first1=B. |last2=Brozović |first2=M. |first3=B. |last3=Gladman |first4=M. |last4=Alexandersen |first5=P. D. |last5=Nicholson |first6=C. |last6=Veillet |date=28 September 2012 |title=Irregular Satellites of the Outer Planets: Orbital Uncertainties and Astrometric Recoveries in 2009–2011 |journal=The Astronomical Journal |volume=144 |issue=5 |pages=132 |doi=10.1088/0004-6256/144/5/132 |bibcode = 2012AJ....144..132J }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=http://home.dtm.ciw.edu/users/sheppard/satellites/jup2017.html |title=New Moons of Jupiter Announced in 2017 |last=Sheppard |first=Scott S. |date=2017 |website=home.dtm.ciw.edu |access-date=27 June 2017 |quote=We likely have all of the lost moons in our new observations from 2017, but to link them back to the remaining lost 2003 objects requires more observations a year later to confirm the linkages, which will not happen until early 2018. ... There are likely a few more new moons as well in our 2017 observations, but we need to reobserve them in 2018 to determine which of the discoveries are new and which are lost 2003 moons.}}</ref> hingga November 2020, ketika [[Minor Planet Center]] mengumumkan pemulihan S/2003 J 9 oleh Scott Sheppard dalam pengamatan dari September 2011 hingga April 2018.
== Referensi ==