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'''Mahaguru Yesus''' adalah konsep teosofis tentang pribadi [[Yesus]] di dalam [[Teosofi (Boehmian)Kristen|Teosofi]] dan berbagai [[ajaran-ajaranAjaran Mahaguru Termuliakan]].
== Kedudukan di dalam hierarki Mahaguru Hikmat Purba ==
Mahaguru Yesus adalah salah seorang [[Mahaguru Hikmat Purba]] di dalam Teosofi, dan merupakan salah seorang di antara para [[mahaguru termuliakan|Mahaguru Termuliakan]] (secara kolektif disebut [[Serikat Agung PersaudaraanMahasangga Putih]], dengan istilah "putih" sebagaimerujuk sebutan bagikepada cahaya) di dalam berbagai [[ajaran-ajaranAjaran Mahaguru Termuliakan]], sekumpulanyakni agama-agama yang berlandaskan [[Teosofi]].<!-- The Master Jesus is regarded by Theosophists, was regarded by [[Alice Bailey]] anddan waskemudian laterhari regardedjuga bymurid-murid studentsberbagai of"Ajaran theMahaguru Termuliakan"Ascended, Masterserta Teachings"para asteosof thedewasa Masterini, ofmemuliakan theMahaguru Yesus sebagai Mahaguru [[SevenTujuh RaysSinar|SixthSinar RayKeenam]].<ref name=fire1237>Bailey, Alice A, '' A Treatise on Cosmic Fire'' (Section Three - Division A - Certain Basic Statements), 1932, Lucis Trust. 1925, phlm 1237</ref>
ItOrganisasi-organisasi isAjaran believedMahaguru byTermuliakan Ascendedpercaya Masterbahwa TeachingsMahaguru organizationsYesus thatadalah the"Cohan Master Jesus wasSinar Keenam"Chohan ofsampai thedengan Sixthtanggal Ray"31 until December 31,Desember 1959, when, according. toMenurut [[Elizabeth Clare Prophet]], [[LadySanat MasterKumara|Mahagurwi Nada]] fullysepenuhnya tookmengambil onalih thatjabatan OfficeCohan inSinar theKeenam di dalam [[Spiritualmahaguru Hierarchytermuliakan|Hierarki Rohani]] pada tanggal tersebut. AccordingElizabeth toClare Prophet, Jesusmengajarkan becamebahwa WorldYesus Teacher,menjadi alongGuru withDunia bersama-sama [[Koot Hoomi|Kuthumi]], onpada Januarytanggal 1, Januari 1956, succeedingmenggantikan [[Maitreya]], whoyang tookberalih thejabatan Office ofmenjadi "PlanetaryBuddha BuddhaSejagat" anddan "CosmicKristus ChristSemesta".<ref>Luk, A.D.K. The Law of Life: Book II Pueblo, Colorado: A.D.K. Luk Publications 1989; pageshalaman 267-272</ref><ref>Prophet, Mark L. and& Elizabeth Clare ''Lords of the Seven Rays'' Livingston, Montana: Summit University Press 1986 pagehalaman 225</ref> ThisKeyakinan beliefini isditepis notpara acceptedpenganut byTeosofi adherentstradisional ofmaupun traditionalpara Theosophy and the followers ofpengikut Alice A. Bailey anddan [[Benjamin Creme]];. theyMereka believepercaya thatbahwa theMahaguru MasterYesus Jesusmasih istetap stillmenjadi theCohan ChohanSinar ofKeenam the Sixth Ray and thatdan Maitreya ismasih stilltetap themenjadi WorldGuru TeacherDunia.
== Penjelmaan-penjelmaan lampau ==
==Previous incarnations==
Menurut Elizabeth Clare Prophet, [[nabi]]ah [[Gereja Semesta dan Jaya]], agama Ajaran Mahaguru Termuliakan yang terbesar, Mahaguru Yesus sudah dua kali terlahir menjadi Maharaja Atlantis. Kelahiran pertama terjadi 33.050 tahun SM, dan kelahiran kedua terjadi 15.000 tahun SM.<ref>Prophet, Elizabeth Clare & Prophet, Mark (dikompilasi Annice Booth) ''The Masters and Their Retreats'' Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press Halaman 142-143</ref> Penjelmaan-penjelmaan tersebut dijalaninya demi membantu para [[Jalan kanan dan jalan kiri|penyihir putih]] dalam perang melawan para [[ilmu hitam|penyihir hitam]] yang sedang berkecamuk di [[Ras-ras pangkal#Peradaban Atlantis|Atlantis]] ketika itu.
According to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the [[Prophet]] of the [[Church Universal and Triumphant]], the largest Ascended Master Teachings religion, the Master Jesus incarnated twice as the Emperor of Atlantis, once in 33,050 BC and again in 15,000 BC.<ref>Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and Prophet, Mark (as compiled by Annice Booth) ''The Masters and Their Retreats'' Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press Pages 142-143</ref> He did this in order to aid the [[Left-hand path and right-hand path|white magicians]] in the war of the white magicians and the [[black magic]]ians that was going on in [[Root race#The civilization of Atlantis|Atlantis]] at that time.
According toMenurut Alice A. Bailey, thepada Mastermasa Jesuslampau wasMahaguru previouslyYesus incarnatedterlahir asmenjadi [[JoshuaYosua]], thepanglima HebrewIbrani militaryyang leaderhidup inpada theabad 13thke-13 century BCSM, andkemudian terlahir lagi menjadi [[Joshua theYesua|Imam HighBesar PriestYosua]] inyang thehidup sixthpada centuryabad ke-6 BCSM.<ref>Bailey, Alice A. ''Initiation, Human and Solar'' New York: 1922--Lucis Publishing PageHalaman 56</ref>
AccordingMenurut toberbagai theAjaran Ascended MasterMahaguru TeachingsTermuliakan,<ref>''I AM Ascended Master Dictation List'' Saint Germain Press Inc., 1995, Listing of Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity</ref><ref>Schroeder, Werner ''Ascended Masters and Their Retreats'' Ascended Master Teaching Foundation 2004, Listing of those who are believed to be Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity and The Bridge to Freedom</ref><ref>Luk, A.D.K.. ''Law of Life - Book II''. Pueblo, Colorado: A.D.K. Luk Publications 1989, Listing of Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity and The Bridge to Freedom</ref><ref>Booth, Annice ''The Masters and Their Retreats '' Summit Lighthouse Library June 2003, Listing of those who are believed to be Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity, The Bridge to Freedom, and The Summit Lighthouse</ref><ref>Shearer, Monroe & Carolyn ''I AM Adorations, Affirmations & Rhythmic Decrees'' Acropolis Sophia Books and Works 1998, Listing of Ascended Masters by The I AM Activity, The Bridge to Freedom, The Summit Lighthouse, and The Temple of The Presence</ref> JesusYesus wasjuga alsoterlahir incarnated asmenjadi [[JosephYusuf (Hebrewbin Bible)Yakub|JosephYusuf]] ofsi theempunya [[coatjubah ofwarna-warni|jubah manyaneka colorswarna]] in(hidup thepada 17thabad centuryke-17 BC/16thatau centuryke-18 BCSM, (approximatelykira-kira betweenantara tahun 1650 BC andsampai 1550 BCSM), as well as [[KingRaja DavidDaud]] (whohidup livedkira-kira c.antara tahun 1037 BC until aroundsampai 970 BCSM), anddan menjadi [[ElishaElisa]] in(pada theabad 9thke-9 century BCSM).<ref>Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and& Prophet, Mark (as compiled bydikompilasi Annice Booth) ''The Masters and Their Retreats'' Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press PageHalaman 143</ref>
== Keluarga dan kelahiran ==
==Family and birth==
ItMenurut isberbagai believedAjaran inMahaguru theTermuliakan, Ascended[[Yusuf Masterdari TeachingsNazaret|Santo that Jesus’ father [[Saint JosephYosef]] wasayah oneYesus ofadalah thesalah incarnationssatu ofpenjelmaan lampau [[St. Germain (TheosophyTeosofi)|St. Germain]], andsementara that his motheribunya, [[Mary (mother of Jesus)|MaryMaria]], upon hersesudah [[AssumptionMaria ofdiangkat Maryke surga|Assumptiondiangkat ke surga]], berganti status becamemenjadi eithersalah asatu [[DevaDewa (NewZaman AgeBaru)|devadewa]]<ref>Leadbeater, C.W. ''The Masters and the Path'' Adyar, Madras, India:1925 The Theosophical Publishing House Page 253</ref> or anatau [[archangelmalaikat Agung|penghulu malaikat]], anddan iskini nowmerupakan thenyala twin flamekembar (celestialistri wifesurgawi) of the [[RaphaelRafael|Penghulu (archangel)|ArchangelMalaikat RaphaelRafael]].<ref>Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and& Prophet, Mark (as compiled bydikompilasi Annice Booth) ''The Masters and Their Retreats'' Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press Mary, Mother of Jesus—Pages Jesus—Halaman 211-217</ref>
AccordingMenurut toberbagai the AscendedAjaran MasterMahaguru TeachingsTermuliakan, each of thetiap-tiap [[BiblicalOrang-orang magimajus dari Timur|Magiorang Majus]] whoyang camedatang tomengaturkan visitpersembahan the babykepada [[JesusKanak-kanak Yesus|Kanak-Kanak Yesus]] wasadalah anpenjelmaan incarnationsalah ofseorang one of the ascended masters:mahaguru termuliakan. [[Saint Caspar|CasparKaspar]], whoyang gave the gift ofmempersembahkan [[goldemas]] to Jesus, wasadalah anpenjelmaan incarnation ofMahaguru [[Djwal Khul]];<ref>Prophet, Mark L. and& Elizabeth Clare ''Lords of the Seven Rays'' Livingston, Montana, U.S.A.:1986 - Summit University Press - PageHalaman 33</ref> BalthasarBaltasar, whoyang gave the gift ofmempersembahkan [[frankincensekemenyan arab|kemenyan]] to Jesus, wasadalah anpenjelmaan incarnation ofMahaguru [[Kuthumi]];<ref>Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and& Prophet, Mark (as compiled bydikompilasi Annice Booth) ''The Masters and Their Retreats'' Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press PageHalaman 171</ref> andsementara MelchiorMelkior, whoyang gave the gift ofmempersembahkan [[myrrhmur (resin)|mur]] to Jesus, wasadalah anpenjelmaan incarnation ofMahaguru [[Morya (TheosophyTeosofi)|Morya]].<ref>Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and& Prophet, Mark (as compiled bydikompilasi Annice Booth) ''The Masters and Their Retreats'' Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press PageHalaman 88</ref>
== Kegiatan antara umur dua belas sampai tiga puluh tahun ==
==Activities between the ages of twelve and thirty==
AccordingMenurut toberbagai theAjaran AscendedMahaguru Master TeachingsTermuliakan, tosebagai preparelangkah forpersiapan hisuntuk ministryberkiprah kelak, Jesuspertama-tama firstYesus studiedmenuntut atilmu thedi ''BrotherhoodSerikat ofPersaudaraan [[Luxor|Luksor]]'' (a [[mysteryMisteri Yunani-Romawi|perguruan agama schoolrahasia]] indi [[EgyptEgyptus (Romanprovinsi provinceRomawi)|EgyptMesir]]), andkemudian thenberangkat went toke India tountuk studyberguru under thekepada ''GreatMahapandu Divine DirectorIlahi'', [[Maitreya (TheosophyTeosofi)|Maitreya]], anddan ''LordYang Dipertuan Himalaya'', the [[Manu (TheosophyTeosofi)|Manu]] of thedari [[RootRas-ras racepangkal|FourthRas RootPangkal RaceKeempat (AtlanteanRas Atlantis)]].<ref name="Prophet Page 144">Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and& Prophet, Mark (as compiled by Annice Booth) ''The Masters and Their Retreats'' Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press PageHalaman 144</ref>
Sepulang dari India, Yesus menetap di daerah [[Yudea]] dan bekerja sebagai [[tukang kayu]]. Yosef membantunya mendapatkan pekerjaan, karena ayahnya itu adalah seorang [[Kontraktor|pemborong]].
After returning from India, while living in [[Iudea|Judea]], Jesus worked as a [[carpenter]]; his father Joseph helped him get work because he was a [[general contractor]].
==Ministry Kiprah ==
ThePara followers ofpengikut Benjamin Creme anddan Alice A. Bailey believemenganut in the[[Kristologi]] [[Nestorian doctrineNestorianisme|Nestorian]]/[[GnosticGnostik|Gnostis]] [[Christology]], promulgated byajaran [[C.W. Leadbeater]], whichyang assertsberdalil thatbahwa thetokoh powerfulsakti being known as theseperti [[Maitreya (TheosophyTeosofiy)|Maitreya]] overshadowedmenaungi theMahaguru MasterYesus Jesus during thesaat [[MinistryPelayanan of JesusYesus|berkiprah]], suchsehingga thatada theredua werekeberadaan twoyang beingsberdiam indi onedalam bodysatu raga. Maitreya was theadalah [[ChristKristus]], andsementara theMahaguru MasterYesus Jesus wasadalah [[JesusYesus|Yesus oforang NazarethNazaret]];. the combination of theDua twokeberadaan beingsini functionedmanunggal asmenjadi [[JesusYesus ChristKristus]].<ref>Leadbeater, C.W. ''The Masters and the Path'' Adyar, Madras, India: 1925--Theosophical Publishing House PageHalaman 278</ref><ref>Creme, Benjamin ''Maitreya's Mission--VolumeJilid III'' Amsterdam:1997 Share International Foundation PageHalaman 64</ref> ThosePara adherentpengikut toberbagai theAjaran AscendedMahaguru MasterTermuliakan Teachingsmeyakini believe in the existence of theeksistensi Maitreya; however, theytetapi believemereka thatpercaya althoughbahwa hesekalipun encouragedMaitreya themendukung missionkiprah of JesusYesus, he did notia actuallytidak overshadowmenaungi JesusYesus.<ref>Prophet, Mark ''Studies of the Human Aura'' Colorado Springs, Colorado: 1975 - Summit University Press (Claimed to have beendiklaim [[Channeling (mediumistic)cenayang|dictateddidiktekan]] from [[Kuthumi]]) PageHalaman 17</ref>
==Crucifixion Penyaliban ==
TheosophistsPara andteosof thosemaupun adherentpara topenganut theberbagai ''AscendedAjaran MasterMahaguru TeachingsTermuliakan'' alikepercaya believebahwa thatMahaguru theYesus Master Jesus underwent the fourth level ofmenjalani [[InitiationInisiasi (TheosophyTeosofi)|initiationinisiasi]] (thetingkat empat (''[[Initiation_Inisiasi (TheosophyTeosofi)#Fourth_initiation_Inisiasi keempat ("the_crucifixionpenyaliban")|crucifixionpenyaliban]]'') at hisketika [[crucifixionpenyaliban|disalibkan]] indi [[JerusalemYerusalem]]. According toMenurut Alice A. Bailey, forbagi mostkebanyakan peopleorang atdi thetataran fourthinisiasi initiationkeempat, thepenyaliban crucifixionadalah islambang symbolicujian askeras akehidupan severeatas lifekemampuan testmenyangkal of renunciationdiri, buttetapi bagi Yesus, forpenyaliban Jesusmerupakan itpengalaman wasyang literalsesungguhnya.<ref>Bailey, Alice A. ''Initiation, Human and Solar'' New York: 1922 Lucis Publishing Co. PageHalaman 89</ref>
==Resurrection Kebangkitan ==
Organisasi-organisasi ''Ajaran Mahaguru Termuliakan'' menganut pandangan Kristen tradisional bahwa Yesus bangkit dan naik ke surga secara jasmani. Sebagian orang yang berlatar belakang pengetahuan Teosofi tradisional, yakni karya-karya tulis Alice A. Bailey dan [[Benjamin Creme]], percaya bahwa Yesus bangkit dengan jasad yang dimilikinya saat menitis menjadi [[Apollonius dari Tyana|Apolonios dari Tyana]], kendati mereka memang percaya bahwa Yesus termuliakan pada hari ke-3 — mereka percaya bahwa Yesus memiliki jasad yang berfungsi pada tingkat empat dari jenjang inisiasi, bukan jasad tingkat lima.
''Ascended Master Teachings'' organizations adhere to the traditional Christian view that Jesus resurrected and ascended with his own physical body. Some with backgrounds in traditional Theosophy, the writings of Alice A. Bailey, and [[Benjamin Creme]] believe that Jesus resurrected from the body that he had when he incarnated as [[Apollonius of Tyana]], although they do believe he ascended on the 3 day—they believe he had a body functioning at the fourth level of [[Initiation (Theosophy)|initiation]] when he ascended and not a fifth level body.
== Kegiatan antara kebangkitan sampai kenaikan ==
==Activities between the resurrection and the ascension==
TraditionalPara theosophiststeosof believetradisional thatpercaya thebahwa Masterjiwa JesusMahaguru andYesus Maitreyadan souls'jiwa separatedMaitreya fromberpisah eachsatu othersama justlain aftertepat thesesudah [[Ascensionkenaikan of Jesus|AscensionYesus]] (whichyang forbagi JesusYesus washanyalah onlyke totingkat theempat fourthdan andbukan notke thetingkat fifthlima leveldari ofjenjang [[Initiation (Theosophy)|initiation]]inisiasi), anddan dotidak notpercaya believebahwa thatMahaguru theYesus Masterpergi Jesuske wentKasmir. toMereka Kashmir;percaya theybahwa believeYesus helangsung wentpergi directlyke toSyambala Shamballauntuk totinggal beselama withbeberapa thewaktu Lorddengan ofYang theDipertuan WorldDunia, [[Sanat Kumara]], fordan atidak time,lama untilkemudian hemenitis thenmenjadi incarnated again soon after asfilsuf [[Apollonius ofdari Tyana|Apolonios dari Tyana]].<ref>Creme, Benjamin ''Maitreya's Mission--Volume III'' Amsterdam:1997 Share International Foundation PageHalaman 152</ref>
ItBerbagai isAjaran believedMahaguru inTermuliakan thememiliki Ascendedkeyakinan Masterbahwa Teachings that whensaat [[Ascension ofKenaikan JesusYesus|JesusYesus ascendedtermuliakan]] onpada thehari 3rdke-3 daysesudah after the resurrectionbangkit, heraganya [[Levitationlevitasi (paranormal)|levitatedmelayang]] fromdari [[Iudaea Province|JudaeaYudea]] tosampai ke [[Kashmir|Kasmir]].<ref name="Prophet Page 144"/>
== Hari Pentakosta ==
==Day of Pentecost==
InBaik eitherdalam case,keyakinan whetherbahwa heYesus wentlangsung directlypergi toke ShamballaSyambala ormaupun todalam Kashmirkeyakinan whenbahwa heYesus ascendedpergi ke Kasmir, presumablyada anggapan bahwa heia [[TeleportationTeleportasi|teleportedberteleportasi]] toke asuatu locationlokasi aboveselama Judaeabeberapa brieflysaat tendi daysatas laterYudea onsepuluh thehari 50thkemudian, dayyakni afterpada hishari resurrectionke-50 insesudah orderkebangkitannya, tountuk observememantau fromdari afarjauh thekejadian-kejadian events of thepada [[Dayhari of PentecostPentakosta]] (oratau possiblymungkin hesekali observedia thesememantau eventskejadian-kejadian bytersebut dengan [[remotepenglihatan jarak viewingjauh]]). InBaik bothkalangan traditionalTeosofi Theosophytradisional andmaupun theberbagai AscendedAjaran MasterMahaguru TeachingsTermuliakan itpercaya isbahwa believedkejadian-kejadian thattersebut thesediatur events were coordinated by theoleh [[Maha ChohanCohan]], who,yang itmenurut is asserted by bothpernyataan C.W. Leadbeater andmaupun Elizabeth Clare Prophet, isadalah the representative of therepresentasi [[HolyRoh GhostKudus]] ondi EarthBumi.<ref>Leadbeater, C.W. ''The Masters and the Path'' Adyar, Madras, India:1925 The Theosophical Publishing House PageHalaman 255</ref><ref>Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and& Prophet, Mark (as compiled bydikompilasi Annice Booth) ''The Masters and Their Retreats'' Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press PageHalaman 200</ref>
== Kegiatan sesudah hari Pentakosta ==
==Activities after the day of Pentecost==
InBerbagai theAjaran AscendedMahaguru MasterTermuliakan Teachings,percaya itbahwa isMahaguru believedYesus thatmenetap thedi MasterKasmir Jesussampai livedgenap inberumur Kashmir81 until he was 81tahun, anddan then,berdasarkan assumingasumsi hebahwa hadia beenlahir bornpada intahun 6 BCSM, inpada ADtahun 75, heM ia [[EnteringMemasuki heavenSurga alivedalam keadaan hidup|ascendedterangkat]] toke [[ShamballaShambala|Syambala]] to be withuntuk thetinggal Lordbersama ofYang theDipertuan WorldDunia, [[Sanat Kumara]].<ref name="Prophet Page 144"/>
== Kontroversi seputar penjelmaan menjadi Apolonios dari Tyana ==
==Controversy regarding incarnation as Apollonius of Tyana==
{{Main|ApolloniusApolonios ofdari Tyana}}
[[MadameH.P. Blavatsky|Helena Blavatsky]], asalah founderseorang of thependiri [[TheosophicalPerhimpunan SocietyTeosofi]], wrotemengemukakan indi dalam tulisannya pada tahun 1877: bahwa "ApolloniusApolonios, asalah contemporaryseorang ofrekan Jesussezaman ofYesus Nazareth,orang wasNazaret, likeadalah him,tokoh anyang enthusiasticpenuh foundersemangat ofmengasas aaliran newkerohanian spiritualbaru, schoolsama seperti Yesus orang Nazaret. PerhapsIa lessmungkin metaphysicalsaja andkurang moremetafisis practicaldan thanlebih Jesuspraktis daripada Yesus, lesskurang tenderlemah andlembut perfectdan insempurna dari segi histabiat natureaslinya, hetetapi neverthelessApolonios inculcatedmenanamkan the sameinti quintessencesari ofkerohanian spiritualityyang sama, anddan thekebenaran-kebenaran samemoral highluhur moralyang truthssama."<ref>Helena P. Blavatsky: ''Isis Unveiled'', volJld. 2, New York 1877 (reprintedcetak ulang tahun 1999), phlm. 341.</ref> Some Theosophistsbeberapa suchTeosof asseperti [[C.W. Leadbeater]] andmaupun the teachers ofpengajar-pengajar [[Neo-TheosophyNeoteosofi]], Alice A. Bailey anddan Benjamin Creme, havemengemukakan writtendi thatdalam thetulisan Mastermereka Jesusbahwa wasMahaguru alsoYesus incarnatedjuga asmenjelma Apolloniusmenjadi ofApolonios dari Tyana aftersesudah hispenjelmaannya incarnationmenjadi asYesus Jesusorang of NazarethNazaret. ItDiyakini isbahwa believedia thatmencapai he attained the fifth level oftingkat [[InitiationInisiasi (TheosophyTeosofi)|initiationinisiasi]] (thekelima (''[[resurrectionkebangkitan]]'') when he becamesaat anmenjadi [[AscendedMahaguru mastertermuliakan|AscendedMahaguru MasterTermuliakan]] atpada theakhirnya endhayatnya ofselaku hisApolonios life as Apollonius ofdari Tyana. HoweverMeskipun demikian, ifjika ApolloniusApolonios wasadalah arekan contemporarysezaman ofYesus sebagaimana Jesusyang asdikemukakan Blavatsky wrotedi dalam tulisannya, Jesusmaka couldmustahil notApolonios haveadalah reincarnatedpenjelmaan as himYesus. Benjamin Creme getsmenyiasati kenyataan aroundini thisdengan bymengklaim claimingbahwa thatYesus Jesushidup liveddari fromtahun 24 BCSM tosampai ADtahun 9 M<ref>Creme, Benjamin ''Maitreya's Mission VolJld. I'' London:1986--Share International Foundation PageHalaman 382</ref> (insteadalih-alih ofmenggunakan thetarikh usualmasa dateshidup givenYesus ofyang Jesus'lazim lifetimeditetapkan asmulai beingsekitar c.tahun 6 BCSM tosampai c.sekitar ADtahun 30 orM ADatau 33 M). ThisIni meansberarti that JesusYesus ''coulddapat saja'' havemenjelma incarnatedmenjadi asApolonios Apollonius ofdari Tyana, sincekarena according tomenurut Creme, ApolloniusApolonios livedhidup fromdari ADtahun 16 toM c.sampai ADsekitar tahun 97 M.<ref>Creme, Benjamin ''Maitreya's Mission VolJld. I'' London:1986--Share International Foundation PageHalaman 373</ref> HoweverMeskipun demikian, onemenurut ofsalah thesatu possiblekronologi chronologiesmasa ofhidup ApolloniusApolonios ofdari Tyana's lifeyang sometimesmungkin citedsekali givebenar hisdan lifekadang-kadang spandikutip, astokoh beingtersebut fromhidup ADdari tahun 40 toM ADsampai 120 M,<ref>ForUntuk thekronologi chronology40 of AD 40M--AD 120 seeM Lih. [[Maria Dzielska]]: ''Apollonius of Tyana in Legend and History'', RomeRoma 1986, phlmn. 30-38.</ref> thussehingga makingmenjadi ittidak possiblemustahil thatbahwa, evensekalipun ifpertanggalan-pertanggalan thelumrah usualmasa dateshidup ofYesus Jesus'dianggap lifetimebenar are(sekitar accepted (c.tahun 6 BCSM tosampai c.sekitar ADtahun 30 orM ADatau 33 M), heia ''stilltetap'' coulddapat havemenjelma incarnatedmenjadi asApolonios Apollonius ofdari Tyana. Meskipun Howeverdemikian, othermenurut modernkarya-karya scholarship,tulis morekesarjanaan oftenmodern cited,lain givesyang thelebih datessering ofdikutip, Appolonius'Apolonios lifehidup spandari as c.sekitar ADtahun 15 toM c.sampai ADsekitar tahun 100, thus making it problematicM, realisticallydengan speaking,demikian thatmustahil Jesuskiranya couldYesus havedapat incarnatedmenjelma asmenjadi himApolonios.<ref>ForUntuk thekronologi chronology15 of AD 15M--AD 100 seeM Lih. Maria Dzielska: ''Apollonius of Tyana in Legend and History'', RomeRoma 1986, pphlmn. 30–38.</ref>
Jesus'Penjelmaan incarnationYesus asmenjadi ApolloniusApolonios ofdari Tyana isditerima acceptedpara bypengikut theTeosofi followerstradisional, ofpara traditional Theosophy, ofpengikut Alice A. Bailey, anddan ofpara pengikut Benjamin Creme, but not by those whotetapi aretidak adherentdiikuti topra thepenganut ''AscendedAjaran-Ajaran MasterMahaguru TeachingsTermuliakan'', whoyang believepercaya thatbahwa thepenjelmaan incarnationmenjadi asYesus Jesusadalah waspengejawantahannya hisyang lastterakhir embodimentdi onmuka Earthbumi.
==Incarnation asMenjelma menjadi Ramanuja ==
[[C.W. Leadbeater]] statedmenyatakan thatbahwa thesesudah Masterbangkit Jesus,dalam afterjasad hisApolonios resurrectiondari inTyana, theMahaguru bodyYesus ofmenjelma Apollonius of Tyana, incarnated indi India as themenjadi [[Tamil people|TamilRamanuja]], religioustokoh reformerpembaharuan rohani [[Ramanujabangsa Tamil|Tamil]], asalah leadingseorang figure within thepelopor [[Bhaktigerakan movementBakti]] indi dalam [[Hinduismagama Hindu]];. thus,Dengan bymenjelma incarnating asmenjadi Ramanuja, JesusYesus becamemenjadi anseorang [[AvatarAwatara]]. According toMenurut Leadbeater, the MasterMahaguru JesusYesus incarnatedmenjelma asmenjadi Ramanuja assebagai partbagian ofdari hiskarya spiritualrohaninya workselaku asMahaguru MasterSinar ofKeenam, theSinar Sixth Ray of LoveCinta-Devotion (''bhakti'' is the [[Sanskrit]] word for ''devotion'')Bakti.<ref>Leadbeater, C.W. ''The Masters and the Path'' Adyar, Madras, India:1925 Theosophical Publishing House PageHalaman 239</ref>
Pendapat yang mengatakan bahwa Yesus menjelma menjadi Ramanuja diyakini banyak Teosof tradisional, tetapi ditolak para penganut Ajaran-Ajaran Mahaguru Termuliakan.
That Jesus incarnated as Ramanuja is believed by many traditional Theosophists, but not by those adherent to the Ascended Master Teachings.
== Pandangan Benjamin Creme's views==
According toMenurut [[Benjamin Creme]], theMahaguru MasterYesus Jesusberkunjung visited theke [[AmericasBenua Amerika]] (as well asmaupun [[PolynesiaPolinesia]]), nottidak immediatelyserta-merta aftersesudah hiskembangkitannya resurrectionseperti asyang recounteddiriwayatkan indi thedalam [[Book ofKitab Mormon]], buttetapi inpada theakhir lateabad 7thke-7 centurydan andawal earlyabad 8th centuryke-8, aftersesudah havingturun descendedke toBenua theAmerika continentdari ofpersemayamannya Americadi fromSyambala his dwelling place in Shamballah withbersama Sanat Kumara.<ref>Creme, Benjamin ''Maitreya's Mission--VolumeJilid III'' Amsterdam:1997 Share International Foundation PageHalaman 378</ref> LikeSama theseperti [[MormonsGereja Mormon|umat Mormon]], Creme believes that this visitpercaya gavebahwa risekunjungan toinilah theyang legendmelahirkan oflegenda [[Quetzalcoatl]].
Benjamin Crème assertedmengemukakan that,bahwa inpada thepenghujung latedasawarsa 1970s1970-an, theMahaguru MasterYesus Jesusmenampakkan appeareddiri tokepada [[Spencer W. Kimball]], thenyang saat itu adalah [[PresidentPresiden of the ChurchGereja (LDS ChurchMormon)|presidentPresident]] of [[TheGereja Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsMormon]], in thedi [[Haikal Washington D.C. Temple]].<ref>Creme, Benjamin ''Maitreya's Mission--Volume III'' Amsterdam:1997 Share International Foundation PageHalaman 304</ref>
Menurut Creme, statedsejak that sincetahun 1990, theMahaguru MasterYesus Jesus has been livingdiam-diam insudah secretmenetap indi RomeRoma.<ref>Creme, Benjamin ''Maitreya's Mission--VolumeJilid III'' Amsterdam:1997 Share International Foundation PageHalaman 46</ref> AfterSesudah [[Maitreya (TheosophyTeosofi)|Maitreya]] makes his [[Share International|Emergence]] (the ''Day of Declaration''), Creme asserted, theMahaguru MasterYesus Jesusdalam intubuh hisyang [[Immortality|immortalfana]] bodyakan will assume themenduduki [[PapacyKepausan|papaltakhta thronekepausan]] for the nextselama 2,.000 years of thetahun [[Age ofAbad AquariusDelu]].
== Wisma khalwat Mahaguru Yesus ==
==Master Jesus' retreat==
Menurut berbagai Ajaran Mahaguru Termuliakan, Mahaguru Yesus memiliki sebuah wisma khalwat (kediaman di angkasa) yang megah di atas [[Yerusalem]] yang disebut ''Haikal Kebangkitan''. Maria, ibunya, yang sekarang berstatus istri Penghulu Malaikat Rafael sebagaimana sudah dikemukakan di atas, dan yang bersama Penghulu Malaikat Rafel melayani Logos Matahari di [[korona|korona Matahari]], turun ke Haikal Kebangkitan untuk melayani Mahaguru Yesus saat melaksanakan upacara-upacara suci dan menjawab doa-doa.<ref name="Prophet Page 144"/>
According to the Ascended Master Teachings, the Master Jesus has a sumptuous retreat (residence on the etheric plane) above [[Jerusalem]] called the ''Resurrection Temple''. Often his mother Mary (now married to the Archangel Raphael, as noted above, and serving the Solar Logos with him in the [[solar corona]]) descends to serve with him at the Resurrection Temple doing sacred rituals and answering prayers.<ref name="Prophet Page 144"/>
==Twin flameNyala kembar ==
AscendedBerbagai Masterkelompok TeachingsAjaran groupsMahaguru describeTermuliakan thepercaya Masterbahwa JesusMahaguru asYesus having amemiliki ''twinnyala flamekembar'' (celestialistri spousesurgawi) namedbernama '''[[Lady MasterMahagurwi Magda]]''', one of whose twoyang knownpernah incarnationsmenjelma wasmenjadi [[MaryMaria MagdaleneMagdalena]]; the other wasdan [[Aimee Semple McPherson]].<ref>Prophet, Elizabeth Clare anddan Prophet, Mark (as compiled bydikompilasi Annice Booth) ''The Masters and Their Retreats'' Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press Lady Master Magda PagesHalaman 196-200</ref>
== Yohanes Murid Terkasih ==
==John the Beloved==
AccordingMenurut toberbagai theAjaran AscendedMahaguru Master TeachingsTercerahkan, theMahaguru AscendedTermuliakan Master '''[[JohnMurid theyang BelovedYesus kasihi|Yohanes Murid Terkasih]]''', whosahabat waskarib Jesus’Yesus bestsemasa friendhidupnya, duringmemiliki hissebuah lifetime,wisma has a retreatkhalwat (residencekediaman ondi theangkasa) ethericdi plane) aboveatas [[Arizona]], where hetempat teachesia amengajarkan varietysuatu ofragam [[Left-hand path and right-hand path|whiteilmu magicsihir putih]] thatyang involvesmencakup the mastery of thepenguasaan [[elementalunsuri|roh-roh spiritsunsuri]] governingyang themengatur realmsunsur oftanah, unsur earthudara, unsur air, water,dan andunsur fireapi. Dipercaya Itbahwa isMahaguru believedYesus thatkerap theberteleportasi Masterke Jesuswisma oftenkhalwat teleportsYohanes overMurid toTerkasih Johnsekadar theuntuk Beloved's retreat to say hello tomenyapa hissahabat oldlamanya frienditu.<ref>Prophet, Elizabeth Clare anddan Prophet, Mark (as compiled bydikompilasi Annice Booth) ''The Masters and Their Retreats'' Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press PagesHalaman 146-148</ref>
== Perhimpunan Aetherius Society==
InMenurut the teachings of theajaran-ajaran [[Perhimpunan Aetherius Society]], headquarteredyang berpusat indi [[Hollywood, Los Angeles, California|Hollywood]], it is promulgated that since his resurrection, the MasterMahaguru JesusYesus hassejak beenbangkit dwellinglebih mostlysering ontinggal thedi [[PlaneAlam (esotericismesoterisism)|higher planesalam]] of Venus inyang orderlebih tomulia workuntuk withberkerja thesama dengan '''[[Perhimpunan Aetherius Society#Founding|MasterMahaguru Aetherius]]'''. Meskipun demikian, butapabila whenkehadirannya hisdibutuhkan, presenceMahaguru isYesus required, heakan ber[[Teleportation|teleportsteleportasi]] to or takesatau amengendarai [[flyingpiring saucerterbang]] toke Earthbumi assesuai neededkeperluannya.<ref>[[George King (AetheriusPerkumpulan SocietyAetherius)|King, George]], (1996) ''Contacts With The Gods From Space'', [[Hollywood, Los Angeles, California]], The [[Perhimpunan Aetherius Society]]</ref>
== Sananda ==
TheGuru notedAjaran AscendedMahaguru MasterTermuliakan Teachingsyang teacherterkemuka, [[Joshua David Stone]] (whose organizationorganisasinya, the I AM University, wasmula-mula originallybermarkas headquartereddi neardekat [[San Luis Obispo, California]]), beganmulai holdingmenggelar acara-acara hisperingatan [[WesakWaisak]] [[MountGunung Shasta]] gatheringspada intahun 1996. Stone hadmulai begunmengajar teachingpada intahun 1993, basedberdasarkan onwahyu-wahyu theyang earlyditerimanya 1980spada revelationsawal ofdasawarsa 1980-an dari [[Ashtar (extraterrestrialmakhluk beingluar angkasa)#Tuella|Tuella]], that thebahwa MasterMahaguru JesusYesus, underdengan hisnama [[MilkyGalaksi Way GalaxyBimasakti|galacticgalaktis]] name "Sananda" (the name,menurut Stone stated, henama adoptedini afterdipakai hisMahaguru resurrectionYesus pascakebangkitannya), worksbekerja withsama dengan [[AshtarAsytar (extraterrestrialmakhluk beingluar angkasa)|CommanderPanglima AshtarAsytar]], flyingmengudara withbersama-sama [[Pallas Athena (mitologi)|Palas Atena]] indengan theirpiring ownterbang flyingmasing-masing saucerdalam withinarmada thepiring [[Ascendedterbang master#CosmicKomando beingsGalaksi saidAsytar toselaku bepara patrolling near Earth|Ashtar Galactic Command flying saucer fleet]] as its Commander-inPanglima-ChiefTertinggi.<ref>Stone, Joshua David ''Cosmic Ascension: Your Cosmic Map Home'' (MarchMaret 1998) (BookJilid ke-6 ofdari theserial multiberjilid-volume seriesjilid ''The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path''). {{ISBN|0-929385-99-3}}</ref> According toMenurut Stone, anothersebutan namelain usedPanglima byAsytar Commanderuntuk Ashtararmada topiring denoteterbangnya his flying saucer fleet isadalah "TheDivisi AirborneUdara DivisionSerikat ofPersaudaraan the Great WhitePutih BrotherhoodAgung".<ref>[ "The Ashtar Command", byoleh Joshua David Stone:]</ref> ItDiyakini isbahwa believedAsytar thatberasal Ashtar is originally fromdari asebuah planet calledbernama AshtarAsytar, buttetapi hepindah moved toke Venus thousandsribuan oftahun years agosilam. Konon Itia ismembentuk saidArmada thatPiring heTerbang formedKomando theGalaksi AshtarAsytar Galacticpada Command Flying Saucer Fleet at the beginning of thepermulaan [[AtomicZaman AgeAtom]] intahun 1945, anddan thatbahwasanya inpada theawal earlydasawarsa 1980s1980-an, atatas the behest ofnama [[Sanat Kumara]], Sananda (theAtma HigherMulia SelfMahaguru of Master JesusYesus) anddan PallasPalas AthenaAtena tookmengambil overalih commandkomando of thearmada fleettersebut. Stone continuedterus-menerus tomenyampaikan presentsemua theseajaran teachingstersebut afterselepas tahun 1996 atdalam thepertemuan-pertemuan yearlytahunan WesakWaisak MountGunung Shasta gatherings.
AccordingMenurut toSheldan theNidle, Ascendedguru MasterAjaran TeachingsMahaguru teacherTermuliakan Sheldanyang Nidle,menetap who resides in thedi [[goldGold countryCountry]], indi thekaki foothills of thepegunungan [[Sierra Nevada (U.S.AS)|Sierra Nevada]] in, [[California]], thepangkalan EarthKomando baseGalaksi ofAsytar thedi AshtarBumi Galacticdikenal Commanddengan issebutan knownYerusalem asBaru the New Jerusalem oratau "ShanSan CheaCea"., Itsebuah isstasiun aantariksa squareberbentuk rotatingpersegi spaceyang stationdilengkapi withgravitasi artificialbuatan gravitydan interus-menerus constantmengitari orbitBumi arounddi Earthalam on the etheric plane, withangkasa. orbitJarak distancesedarnya varyingberkisar fromdari approximatelysekitar {{convert|500|mi}} tosampai {{convert|1500|mi}}. ItStasiun isantariksa araksasa largeini spacedihuni stationribuan withmakhluk a population of thousands of etheric beingsangkasa. InDi thetengah-tengahnya centerterdapat ofsebuah thisbulatan squareyang spaceterhubung stationmelalui isempat abatang spherepipa connecteddengan bylingkar fourluar tubesstasiun toantariksa the square outer ring of the space stationitu. ThisDi spheredalam housesbulatan theini Innterdapat ofWisma HeavenSamawi, themarkas command headquarters ofkomando Sananda, Lady MasterMahagurwi AthenaAtena, anddan AshtarAsytar.<!-- There is also a smaller round space station called "Schare" or "Share", where the individual flying saucers of the fleet piloted by those at the higher levels of the fleet command hierarchy dock to receive their orders and review their missions. Within the Inn of Heaven is a private retreat for Sananda (the Master Jesus) in addition to his retreat above Jerusalem. The Master Jesus has a landing pad for his flying saucer at his Jerusalem retreat.<ref>[ Ashtar Command Crew website--Galactic Confederation Fleets--Description of the components of the ''Ashtar Galactic Command'' by ''Lady Master Athena'', dictated thru Sheldan Nidle 25 June 2002 and Littlejohn 8 February 1989; also Mike Quinsey, summarizing the early 1980s revelations of Tuella :]</ref>
==Airborne Division of the Brotherhood of Light==
Baris 110 ⟶ 109:
==Hatonn and the photon belt==
According to the Ascended Master Teachings of Anne Bellringer of [[Rapid City, South Dakota]], the work of '''Hatonn'''
feeding information about events on Earth via subspace relay to the [[supercomputer]]s at the "Galactic Hall of Records" is secondary to Hatonn's primary task (Hatonn is, she states, a Pleiadean), which is functioning as the [[liaison officer]] between [[Sanat Kumara]] and the [[Pleiadeans]] for the Ashtar Galactic Command flying saucer fleet in order for him to be able to help Earth safely navigate through the approaching photon belt.<ref>[ Hatonn and the Photon Belt:]</ref><ref>[ Four—website of Anne Bellringer:]</ref>-->
== Pandangan skeptis ==
==Skeptical view==
The scholarSarjana [[K. Paul Johnson]] maintainsberpendirian thatbahwa the"para "MastersMahaguru" thatyang disebut-sebut [[Madame Blavatsky]] wrotedi aboutdalam andtulisannya, produceddan lettersyang fromkonon weretelah actuallymengiriminya idealizationssurat-surat, ofsesungguhnya peopleadalah whokhayalan weremuluk hermengenai tokoh-tokoh yang ia pandang sebagai [[Mentorshippendampingan|mentorpembimbing]]snya.<ref>Johnson, Paul K. Initiates of Theosophical Masters Albany, New York:1995 State University of New York Press</ref> InDalam ansebuah articleartikel inyang thedimuat di surat kabar New York Times, Paul Zweig maintainsmenandaskan thatbahwa wahyu-wahyu yang konon diterima Madame Blavatsky's revelationshanyalah weretipu-tipu fraudulentbelaka.<ref>"Talking to the Dead and Other Amusements" byoleh Paul Zweig ''New York Times'' October5 5,Oktober 1980</ref>
HoweverMeskipun demikian, theMahaguru MasterYesus Jesusbukanlah wassalah neverseorang onedi ofantara the"para Mahaguru"Masters" thatyang menurut pengakuan Madame Blavatsky claimedpernah toberjumpa have metdengannya. HeYesus baru wasditambahkan addedsebagai assalah aseorang "MasterMahaguru" byoleh [[Annie Besant]] anddan [[C.W. Leadbeater]] indi their 1913 bookdalam ''[[Man: Whence, How and Whither]]'', buku mereka yang terbit pada tahun 1913.<ref>Besant, Annie anddan Leadbeater, C.W. ''Man: How, Whence, and Whither?'' Adyar, India:1913 Theosophical Publishing House Page PageHalaman 133</ref>
== Dalam budaya populer ==
==In popular culture==
* InDi thedalam 1973komik [[Underground comix|''underground'' comictahun book]]1973 yang titledberjudul ''Occult Laff-Parade'', [[cartoonistkartunis]] [[Jay Kinney]] drew amenggambar [[comickomik stripsetrip]] in which the Master Jesusyang ismenampilkan portrayedMahaguru asYesus commandingmemimpin asearmada [[flyingpiring saucerterbang]] fleetmengitari orbitingPlanet EarthBumi lookingmencari for evilorang-doers.orang Heyang isberbuat shownjahat. asIa beingditampilkan dressed in amengenakan [[militarypakaian uniformseragam militer]], with aberambut [[crew cutcepak]], anddan having the titleberpangkat ''CommanderPanglima JesusYesus''[].<ref>[{{Cite web |url= Source|title=Sumber ofgambar imagePanglima ofYesus karya Jay Kinney’sKinney depiction of Commander Jesus--"Jay Nelson’s Weird Load--Strange Thoughts for Strange Times":] |access-date=2022-02-09 |archive-date=2011-09-27 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref><ref>''Occult Laff-Parade'' San Francisco:1973 The Print Mint-—See—Lih. 4-pagekomik comicsetrip strip4 byhalaman karya Jay Kinney anddan Ned Sonntag entitledberjudul "Bud Tuttle and Commander Jesus". ItKomik wassetrip aini [[satire|menyindir]] ofserangkaian a series ofpesan UFO messagesdari from the Master JesusMahaguru thatYesus hadyang beenkonon allegedlydisampaikan channeledmelalui byperantaraan aseorang womanwanita namedbernama Nada Yolanda. [ Nada Yolanda:].</ref>
* The [[Komik web comic]] ''Master Jesus'', written bykarangan Len Kody andyang drawn bydigambar Steve Bialik, appearedmulai muncul beginningpada intahun 2010.<ref>[ Nerd CityKomik web comicNerd City "Master Jesus", writtenditulis byoleh Len Kody anddan drawndigambar byoleh Steve Bialik:] {{webarchive|url= |date=2010-08-01 }}</ref>-->
== Lihat pula ==
Baris 143 ⟶ 142:
* [] - Kumpulan sekitar 60 sumber kebatinan yang mengaku memiliki pemahaman istimewa akan Yesus berikut penjabaran singkat masing-masing sumber (situs web/buku/penulis)
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