== Penyaliban ==
Para teosof maupun para penganut berbagai ''Ajaran Mahaguru Termuliakan'' percaya bahwa Mahaguru Yesus menjalani [[Inisiasi (Teosofi)|inisiasi]] tingkat empat (''[[Inisiasi_Inisiasi (Teosofi)#Inisiasi_keempat_Inisiasi keempat ("penyaliban")|penyaliban]]'') ketika [[penyaliban|disalibkan]] di [[Yerusalem]]. Menurut Alice A. Bailey, bagi kebanyakan orang di tataran inisiasi keempat, penyaliban adalah lambang ujian keras kehidupan atas kemampuan menyangkal diri, tetapi bagi Yesus, penyaliban merupakan pengalaman yang sesungguhnya.<ref>Bailey, Alice A. ''Initiation, Human and Solar'' New York: 1922 Lucis Publishing Co. Halaman 89</ref>
== Kebangkitan ==
== Kegiatan antara kebangkitan sampai kenaikan ==
Para teosof tradisional percaya bahwa jiwa Mahaguru Yesus dan jiwa Maitreya berpisah satu sama lain tepat sesudah [[Kenaikan Yesus|kenaikan Yesus]] (yang bagi Yesus hanyalah ke tingkat empat dan bukan ke tingkat lima dari jenjang inisiasi), dan tidak percaya bahwa Mahaguru Yesus pergi ke Kasmir. Mereka percaya bahwa Yesus langsung pergi ke Syambala untuk tinggal selama beberapa waktu dengan Yang Dipertuan Dunia, [[Sanat Kumara]], dan tidak lama kemudian menitis menjadi filsuf [[Apollonius dari Tyana|Apolonios dari Tyana]].<ref>Creme, Benjamin ''Maitreya's Mission--Volume III'' Amsterdam:1997 Share International Foundation Halaman 152</ref>
Berbagai Ajaran Mahaguru Termuliakan memiliki keyakinan bahwa saat [[Kenaikan Yesus|Yesus termuliakan]] pada hari ke-3 sesudah bangkit, raganya [[levitasi (paranormal)|melayang]] dari [[Yudea]] sampai ke [[Kashmir|Kasmir]].<ref name="Prophet Page 144"/>
== Nyala kembar ==
Berbagai kelompok Ajaran Mahaguru Termuliakan percaya bahwa Mahaguru Yesus memiliki ''nyala kembar'' (jodohistri surgawi) bernama '''[[MahagurupatniMahagurwi Magda]]''', yang pernah menjelma menjadi [[Maria Magdalena]] dan [[Aimee Semple McPherson]].<ref>Prophet, Elizabeth Clare dan Prophet, Mark (dikompilasi Annice Booth) ''The Masters and Their Retreats'' Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press Lady Master Magda Halaman 196-200</ref><!--
== Yohanes muridMurid terkasihTerkasih ==
AccordingMenurut toberbagai theAjaran AscendedMahaguru Master TeachingsTercerahkan, theMahaguru AscendedTermuliakan Master '''[[JohnMurid theyang BelovedYesus kasihi|Yohanes Murid Terkasih]]''', whosahabat waskarib Jesus’Yesus bestsemasa friendhidupnya, duringmemiliki hissebuah lifetime,wisma has a retreatkhalwat (residencekediaman ondi theangkasa) ethericdi plane) aboveatas [[Arizona]], where hetempat teachesia amengajarkan varietysuatu ofragam [[Left-hand path and right-hand path|whiteilmu magicsihir putih]] thatyang involvesmencakup the mastery of thepenguasaan [[elementalunsuri|roh-roh spiritsunsuri]] governingyang themengatur realmsunsur oftanah, unsur earthudara, unsur air, water,dan andunsur fireapi. Dipercaya Itbahwa isMahaguru believedYesus thatkerap theberteleportasi Masterke Jesuswisma oftenkhalwat teleportsYohanes overMurid toTerkasih Johnsekadar theuntuk Beloved's retreat to say hello tomenyapa hissahabat oldlamanya frienditu.<ref>Prophet, Elizabeth Clare anddan Prophet, Mark (as compiled bydikompilasi Annice Booth) ''The Masters and Their Retreats'' Corwin Springs, Montana:2003 Summit University Press PagesHalaman 146-148</ref>
== Perhimpunan Aetherius ==
InMenurut the teachings of theajaran-ajaran [[Perhimpunan Aetherius Society]], headquarteredyang berpusat indi [[Hollywood, Los Angeles, California|Hollywood]], it is promulgated that since his resurrection, the MasterMahaguru JesusYesus hassejak beenbangkit dwellinglebih mostlysering ontinggal thedi [[PlaneAlam (esotericismesoterisism)|higher planesalam]] of Venus inyang orderlebih tomulia workuntuk withberkerja thesama dengan '''[[Perhimpunan Aetherius Society#Founding|MasterMahaguru Aetherius]]'''. Meskipun demikian, butapabila whenkehadirannya hisdibutuhkan, presenceMahaguru isYesus required, heakan ber[[Teleportation|teleportsteleportasi]] to or takesatau amengendarai [[flyingpiring saucerterbang]] toke Earthbumi assesuai neededkeperluannya.<ref>[[George King (AetheriusPerkumpulan SocietyAetherius)|King, George]], (1996) ''Contacts With The Gods From Space'', [[Hollywood, Los Angeles, California]], The [[Perhimpunan Aetherius Society]]</ref>
== Sananda ==
TheGuru notedAjaran AscendedMahaguru MasterTermuliakan Teachingsyang teacherterkemuka, [[Joshua David Stone]] (whose organizationorganisasinya, the I AM University, wasmula-mula originallybermarkas headquartereddi neardekat [[San Luis Obispo, California]]), beganmulai holdingmenggelar acara-acara hisperingatan [[WesakWaisak]] [[MountGunung Shasta]] gatheringspada intahun 1996. Stone hadmulai begunmengajar teachingpada intahun 1993, basedberdasarkan onwahyu-wahyu theyang earlyditerimanya 1980spada revelationsawal ofdasawarsa 1980-an dari [[Ashtar (extraterrestrialmakhluk beingluar angkasa)#Tuella|Tuella]], that thebahwa MasterMahaguru JesusYesus, underdengan hisnama [[MilkyGalaksi Way GalaxyBimasakti|galacticgalaktis]] name "Sananda" (the name,menurut Stone stated, henama adoptedini afterdipakai hisMahaguru resurrectionYesus pascakebangkitannya), worksbekerja withsama dengan [[AshtarAsytar (extraterrestrialmakhluk beingluar angkasa)|CommanderPanglima AshtarAsytar]], flyingmengudara withbersama-sama [[Pallas Athena (mitologi)|Palas Atena]] indengan theirpiring ownterbang flyingmasing-masing saucerdalam withinarmada thepiring [[Ascendedterbang master#CosmicKomando beingsGalaksi saidAsytar toselaku bepara patrolling near Earth|Ashtar Galactic Command flying saucer fleet]] as its Commander-inPanglima-ChiefTertinggi.<ref>Stone, Joshua David ''Cosmic Ascension: Your Cosmic Map Home'' (MarchMaret 1998) (BookJilid ke-6 ofdari theserial multiberjilid-volume seriesjilid ''The Easy-To-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path''). {{ISBN|0-929385-99-3}}</ref> According toMenurut Stone, anothersebutan namelain usedPanglima byAsytar Commanderuntuk Ashtararmada topiring denoteterbangnya his flying saucer fleet isadalah "TheDivisi AirborneUdara DivisionSerikat ofPersaudaraan the Great WhitePutih BrotherhoodAgung".<ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20091021063637/http://www.iamuniversity.org/iamu/mobile/literature/lodges/spiritual_extraterrestrials_lodge/3661-The-Ashtar-Command.html "The Ashtar Command", byoleh Joshua David Stone:]</ref> ItDiyakini isbahwa believedAsytar thatberasal Ashtar is originally fromdari asebuah planet calledbernama AshtarAsytar, buttetapi hepindah moved toke Venus thousandsribuan oftahun years agosilam. Konon Itia ismembentuk saidArmada thatPiring heTerbang formedKomando theGalaksi AshtarAsytar Galacticpada Command Flying Saucer Fleet at the beginning of thepermulaan [[AtomicZaman AgeAtom]] intahun 1945, anddan thatbahwasanya inpada theawal earlydasawarsa 1980s1980-an, atatas the behest ofnama [[Sanat Kumara]], Sananda (theAtma HigherMulia SelfMahaguru of Master JesusYesus) anddan PallasPalas AthenaAtena tookmengambil overalih commandkomando of thearmada fleettersebut. Stone continuedterus-menerus tomenyampaikan presentsemua theseajaran teachingstersebut afterselepas tahun 1996 atdalam thepertemuan-pertemuan yearlytahunan WesakWaisak MountGunung Shasta gatherings.
AccordingMenurut toSheldan theNidle, Ascendedguru MasterAjaran TeachingsMahaguru teacherTermuliakan Sheldanyang Nidle,menetap who resides in thedi [[goldGold countryCountry]], indi thekaki foothills of thepegunungan [[Sierra Nevada (U.S.AS)|Sierra Nevada]] in, [[California]], thepangkalan EarthKomando baseGalaksi ofAsytar thedi AshtarBumi Galacticdikenal Commanddengan issebutan knownYerusalem asBaru the New Jerusalem oratau "ShanSan CheaCea"., Itsebuah isstasiun aantariksa squareberbentuk rotatingpersegi spaceyang stationdilengkapi withgravitasi artificialbuatan gravitydan interus-menerus constantmengitari orbitBumi arounddi Earthalam on the etheric plane, withangkasa. orbitJarak distancesedarnya varyingberkisar fromdari approximatelysekitar {{convert|500|mi}} tosampai {{convert|1500|mi}}. ItStasiun isantariksa araksasa largeini spacedihuni stationribuan withmakhluk a population of thousands of etheric beingsangkasa. InDi thetengah-tengahnya centerterdapat ofsebuah thisbulatan squareyang spaceterhubung stationmelalui isempat abatang spherepipa connecteddengan bylingkar fourluar tubesstasiun toantariksa the square outer ring of the space stationitu. ThisDi spheredalam housesbulatan theini Innterdapat ofWisma HeavenSamawi, themarkas command headquarters ofkomando Sananda, Lady MasterMahagurwi AthenaAtena, anddan AshtarAsytar.<!-- There is also a smaller round space station called "Schare" or "Share", where the individual flying saucers of the fleet piloted by those at the higher levels of the fleet command hierarchy dock to receive their orders and review their missions. Within the Inn of Heaven is a private retreat for Sananda (the Master Jesus) in addition to his retreat above Jerusalem. The Master Jesus has a landing pad for his flying saucer at his Jerusalem retreat.<ref>[http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/page/galactic-federation-fleets Ashtar Command Crew website--Galactic Confederation Fleets--Description of the components of the ''Ashtar Galactic Command'' by ''Lady Master Athena'', dictated thru Sheldan Nidle 25 June 2002 and Littlejohn 8 February 1989; also Mike Quinsey, summarizing the early 1980s revelations of Tuella :]</ref>
==Airborne Division of the Brotherhood of Light==
== Dalam budaya populer ==
* Di dalam komik ''underground'' tahun 1973 yang berjudul ''Occult Laff-Parade'', [[kartunis]] [[Jay Kinney]] menggambar [[komik setrip]] yang menampilkan Mahaguru Yesus memimpin searmada [[piring terbang]] mengitari Planet Bumi mencari orang-orang yang berbuat jahat. Ia ditampilkan mengenakan [[pakaian seragam militer]], berambut [[cepak]], dan berpangkat ''Panglima Yesus''[http://archives.weirdload.com/art/spacejc2.gif].<ref>[{{Cite web |url=http://www.weirdload.com/vat-ufo3.html |title=Sumber gambar Panglima Yesus karya Jay Kinney --"Jay Nelson’s Weird Load--Strange Thoughts for Strange Times":] |access-date=2022-02-09 |archive-date=2011-09-27 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110927091642/http://www.weirdload.com/vat-ufo3.html |dead-url=yes }}</ref><ref>''Occult Laff-Parade'' San Francisco:1973 The Print Mint-—Lih. komik setrip 4 halaman karya Jay Kinney dan Ned Sonntag berjudul "Bud Tuttle and Commander Jesus". Komik setrip ini [[satire|menyindir]] serangkaian pesan UFO dari Mahaguru Yesus yang konon disampaikan melalui perantaraan seorang wanita bernama Nada Yolanda. [http://www.thenewearth.org/mahtnada.html Nada Yolanda:].</ref>
* [[Komik web]] ''Master Jesus'' karangan Len Kody yang digambar Steve Bialik mulai muncul pada tahun 2010.<ref>[http://nerdcityonline.com/2010/07/25/nerd-city-proudly-presents-len-kodys-master-jesus/ Komik web Nerd City "Master Jesus", ditulis oleh Len Kody dan digambar oleh Steve Bialik:] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100801075522/http://nerdcityonline.com/2010/07/25/nerd-city-proudly-presents-len-kodys-master-jesus/ |date=2010-08-01 }}</ref>