[[FileBerkas:Derby figurine.jpg|thumbjmpl|leftkiri|Patung kecil porselen tanpa glasir dibuat di Derby tahun 1750-an.]]
Produksi '''Porselen Derby''' dimulai dari paruh awal abad ke-18, meskipun kepemilikan dan waktu awal yang sebenarnya masih teka-teki sampai sekarang. Informasi tertua yang berhasil digali dari akhir abad ke-19 hanyalah kata «Darby» dan «Darbishire» serta tahun-tahun ''1751-2-3'' sebagai bukti tempat dan tahun pembuatan. Lebih penting adalah fakta bahwa produksi [[porselen]] di [[Derby]] diawali dari awal kerja [[William Duesbury]], yang dimulai tahun 1756 ketika ia bergabung dengan [[André Planchè]] dan John Heath untuk membentuk pabrik Nottingham Road, yang kemudian menjadi [[Royal Crown Derby]].<ref>{{en}} {{cite book |last= Bemrose |first= William |coauthors= |title= Bow, Chelsea, and Derby Porcelain|url= https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft|publisher= Bemrose & Sons, Ltd. |year= 1898 |pages= vi |location= London}}</ref><ref>{{en}} {{cite web|url=http://www.search.revolutionaryplayers.org.uk/engine/resource/exhibition/standard/default.asp?resource=2007|title=Derby Porcelain in the 18th and early 19th centuries|author=Olga Baird|accessdate=2011-06-11|archive-date=2011-09-27|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110927091727/http://www.search.revolutionaryplayers.org.uk/engine/resource/exhibition/standard/default.asp?resource=2007|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
== Sejarah ==
[[FileBerkas:Site of Woodward's pipe kiln..jpg|thumbjmpl|Lokasi tungku pembakaran Woodward, dimanadi mana André Planchè membakar karya-karya «burung anjing domba dll».]]
Diketahui dari catatan-catatan William Duesbury, bahwa Derby mempunyai produksi yang tinggi dengan kualitas porselen yang baik di awal 1750-an. Bukti bahwa kualitas material produksi lokal adalah Duesbury, lalu diketahui dari produksi berglasir seperti kaca di London, dibeli lebih banyak dari produksi di Derby dari patung-patung jenis yang sama yang dibuat pabrik pesaing di [[pabrik porselen Bow|Bow]] dan [[pabrik porselen Chelsea|Chelsea]]. Sudah menjadi kebiasaan pada waktu itu bahwa pedagang penyalur membeli porselen glasir putih dari berbagai pabrikan dan mengirimkannya ke pelapis enamel seperti Duesbury untuk finalisasi (pemberian enamel dan pewarnaan).<ref>{{en}} {{cite book|last= Bemrose|first= William|coauthors=|title= Bow, Chelsea, and Derby Porcelain|url= https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft|publisher= Bemrose & Sons, Ltd.|year= 1898|pages= [https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft/page/n42 7]|location= London}}</ref>
It is known by William Duesbury's own notes, that Derby had a solid production of exceptional quality porcelain in early 1750s. The proof of the quality of locally produced material is evidenced by the fact that Duesbury, then a known [[Vitreous enamel|enameller]] in [[London]], have paid considerably more for pieces manufactured in Derby than for [[figurine]]s made by rival factories in [[Bow porcelain factory|Bow]] and [[Chelsea porcelain factory|Chelsea]]. It was common at the time that dealers purchased white glazed porcelain from various manufacturers, and send it to enamelists like Duesbury to do the final finishing (enamelling and colouring).<ref>{{cite book |last= Bemrose |first= William |coauthors= |title= Bow, Chelsea, and Derby Porcelain |publisher= Bemrose & Sons, Ltd. |year= 1898 |pages= 7 |location= London}}</ref>
TheMedia firstcetak printedpertama mentionyang aboutmenyebutkan thepabrik Derby factory, however,bertanggal datesdari only from DecemberDesember 1756, whenketika aniklan advertisement in thedi «[[''Public Advertiser]]''», republished(sebuah severalkoran timeslama throughoutdi the monthInggris), urgeddipublikasikan readersbeberapa tokali participatesepanjang inbulan, amengajak salepembaca byikut auctionserta indalam penjualan melalui lelang di London, sponsoreddisponsori by theoleh ''Derby Porcelain Manufactory.'' CuriouslyDicurigai, theretidak areada noreferensi otherapapun references to this supposedtentang «Derby Porcelain Manufactory»,» which suggests thatdiduga thenama nameini washanya specificallydibuat inventeduntuk forkeperluan theiklan occasionsaja.<ref>{{en}} {{cite book |last= Bemrose |first= William |coauthors= |title= Bow, Chelsea, and Derby Porcelain|url= https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft|publisher= Bemrose & Sons, Ltd. |year= 1898 |pages= [https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft/page/n167 100]-101 |location= London}}</ref> AlthoughMeski itini canbisa bedilihat seensebagai onlysesuatu asyang boastingdibesar-besarkan, theiklan advertisementtersebut callsmenyebut thepabrik factorysebagai asebuah «second Dresden, kedua», showingmenunjukkan thekualitas goodyang qualitybagus ofdari their productsproduksinya.<ref>{{en}} {{cite web|url=http://www.antique-china-porcelain-collectibles.com/dresden_history.htm|title=A Brief History of Dresden Dinnerware|accessdate=2011-06-11|archive-date=2012-07-11|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120711073700/http://www.antique-china-porcelain-collectibles.com/dresden_history.htm|dead-url=yes}}</ref> OfTentu coursesaja, suchhal perfectionitu representedmewakili thepuncak culminationkesempurnaan ofproses aproduksi lengthyyang manufacturing processpanjang, anddan nothingtidak inada thisinformasi announcementyang indicatesmengindikasikan thatpenjualan thistahunan annualini salesmenjadi hadyang beenpertama theuntuk firstpabrik oftersebut. theTidak factory,seperti unlikeiklan whatyang wouldsama occurdari with similar advertisements from manufacturers ofpabrik Bow anddan [[Longton Hall]] intahun 1757.<ref>{{en}} {{cite book |last= Bemrose |first= William |coauthors= |title= Bow, Chelsea, and Derby Porcelain|url= https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft|publisher= Bemrose & Sons, Ltd. |year= 1898 |pages= 99[https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft/page/n166 99]|location= London}}</ref>
ThePembuat [[potter]]tembikar André Planchè issering oftendisebut citedsebagai asyang amengawali forerunnerpabrik of theporselen Derby [[porcelain|china]] factory. ReportsLaporan abouttentang a"orang «foreignerasing indalam verykondisi pooryang circumstances»buruk" whoyang livedtinggal indi Lodge Lane anddan producedmemproduksi smallpatung-patung porcelainkecil figuresporselen aroundsekitar 1745, maykemungkinan refermengarah toke Planchè. HoweverNamun, as pointed out by aseperti researcherditeliti, intahun 1745 Planchè wasbaru onlyberusia 17 years oldtahun. The veryYang importancepenting ofdari Planchè toadalah thetentang constitutionketerlibatan ofdalam themasa futuredepan [[Royal Crown Derby]] wasyang minimizeddiperkecil byperannya somedari (asbeberapa thehal granddaughter(seperti ofcucu WilliamWillam DuesburyDuesburry, Sarah Duesbury,Duesburry whoyang diedmeninggal inpada 1876), anddan contestedperlawanan bypihak-pihak others,lain whoyang doubtmeragukan his existencekeberadaannya. However,Namun thereterdapat isbukti evidence thatbahwa Planchè was really aadalah historicalsosok figurebersejarah, althoughmeskipun heia certainlytidak hasmengajarkan notseni taughtglasir theenamel craft of enamelling topada William Duesbury.<ref>{{en}} {{cite book |last= Bemrose |first= William |coauthors= |title= Bow, Chelsea, and Derby Porcelain|url= https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft|publisher= Bemrose & Sons, Ltd. |year= 1898 |pages= [https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft/page/n174 103]-104 |location= London}}</ref>
APenantang seriousserius contenderdari forgelar thepembuat title of maker of the porcelain pieces of theporselen «secondDresden Dresdenkedua» is theadalah ''Cockpit Hill Potworks''. We deduce thatDisimpulkan thisbahwa «Derby Pot Works» wassudah alreadyberoperasi inpenuh full operation aroundsekitar 1708, ondari behalfproduksi of''slipware'' a(jenis [[slipware]]dekorasi [[porselen seperti lelehan atau cipratan pada permukaan luar porselen) dan ''tyg]]'' (semacam mug dengan banyak lubang untuk lebih dari satu peminum), containingyang theterdapat inscriptiontulisan ''JohnJohne Meir mademembuat cangkir thisini cuptahun 1708.''<ref>{{en}} {{cite book |last= Bemrose |first= William |coauthors= |title= Bow, Chelsea, and Derby Porcelain|url= https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft|publisher= Bemrose & Sons, Ltd. |year= 1898 |pages= 101[https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft/page/n168 101]|location= London}}</ref> ItDiketahui is known that thebahwa «Pot Works» producedmembuat china,porselen duedan totembikar, thedari announcementpengumuman ofsebuah anlelang [[auction]]yang helddiadakan intahun 1780, whenketika theperusahaan companytersebut went bankruptbangkrut. NoTidak mentiondisebut isadanya madepatung-patung of enamelled figuresenamel, buttetapi itsangat ismungkin quitebahwa likelyjenis thatitu theyjuga were also builtdibuat, at a timekarena whenwaktu demanditu forpermintaan thesejenis itemsini wassangat hightinggi. OrAtau, perhapskemungkinan, thisjenis branchproduksi ofini themenyatu worksdengan haspabrik beenDuesburry fullysejak assimilatedparuh bykedua thetahun Duesbury's factory from the second half of 1750s on1750-an.<ref>{{en}} {{cite book |last= Bemrose |first= William |coauthors= |title= Bow, Chelsea, and Derby Porcelain|url= https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft|publisher= Bemrose & Sons, Ltd. |year= 1898 |pages= [https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft/page/n168 101]-102 |location= London}}</ref>
BecauseKarena ofsurat anperintah arrestpenahanan warrantdikeluarkan drawn up intahun 1758 against a certainpada John Lovegrove, wediketahui knowbahwa that the owners of thepemilik «Cockpit Hill Potworks» wereadalah William Butts, [[Thomas Rivett]] anddan John Heath. Heath wasadalah thepemilik bankerbank whoyang laterkemudian wouldmembiayai financepembangunan the construction of thepabrik Nottingham Road factory, anddan Rivett wasadalah [[MemberAnggota ofParlemen Parliament]]dan andWali [[Mayor ofKota Derby]] intahun 1715 anddan 1761, wheredi mana onediketahui findsbahwa thatrekanan Potworks' partnerscukup werekaya wealthydan and influential menberpengaruh indi localpergaulan societylokal. However,Namun competitionpersaingan withdengan thepabrik Nottingham Road factory seems to havekelihatannya beencukup fatal. Already inSejak 1772, thekualitas qualityproduksi ofPotwork Potworks'menurun productiontajam hadsampai fallenpara topengunjung thememasukkannya pointdalam wherekelompok a visitor does classify it as «imitation of the"tiruan Queen'sperlengkapan wareRatu, buttetapi ittidak doesmirip notdengan come up to the originalaslinya, the produce ofproduksi Staffordshire".»<ref>{{en}} {{cite book |last= Bemrose |first= William |coauthors= |title= Bow, Chelsea, and Derby Porcelain|url= https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft|publisher= Bemrose & Sons, Ltd. |year= 1898 |pages= 101[https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft/page/n168 101]|isbn= }}</ref> In 1785, the factory closed its doors permanently.<ref>{{cite book |last= Bemrose |first= William |coauthors= |title= Bow, Chelsea, and Derby Porcelain|url= https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft|publisher= Bemrose & Sons, Ltd. |year= 1898 |pages= 168[https://archive.org/details/bowchelseaderbyp00bemruoft/page/n24 168]|location= London}}</ref>
== Penanda (merk) porselen Derby ==
[[ FileBerkas:Derby Marks.jpg| thumbjmpl| leftkiri|280px| MarksTanda madeyang todibuat Derbyuntuk chinaporselen Derby.]] ▼
FromDari the bookbuku ''Bow, Chelsea, and Derby Porcelain'' by William Bemrose (1898): ▼
* 1, 2, 3 - Penanda paling awal Derby, umumnya warna biru (beberapa contoh diketahui Crown dan D digunakan terpisah, kemungkinan karena kesalahan pekerja).
* 4 - Pedang bersilang, mahkota, dan D, serta 6 titik, dicat warna biru kemudian warna merah coklat keunguan, digunakan sekitar 1782.
* 5, 6 - sama seperti di atas, dicat warna merah.
* 7, 8, 9, 10 - LaterPenanda akhir Duesbury Marks, generally inumumnya redmerah. ▼
* 11 - Duesbury & Kean, seldomjarang useddigunakan, circasekitar 1795 tosampai 1809. ▼
* 12, 13, 14, 15 - BloorPenanda MarksBloor, commencemuncul 1811 tosampai 1849. ▼
* 16, 17, 18, 19 - Penanda Quasi Oriental digunakan untuk beberapa kepeluan yang sesuai, dan digunakan sebagai penanda berikut dari Bloor. No. 17 adalah tiruan dari penanda Sevres.
* 20 - Penanda Dresden, umumnya pada patung-patung.
* 21 - Penanda Derby, kemungkinan digunakan Holdship ketika di Derby, sekitar 1766. Jarang.
* 22 - Pabrik Stephenson & Hancock, King Street Factory, 1862, samebeberapa markpenanda useddigunakan afterwardssetelahnya byoleh Sampson Hancock, and nowdan insekarang usedigunakan, 1897. ▼
* 23 - MarkPenanda usedyang bydigunakan theoleh Derby Crown Porcelain Co., Osmaston Road, fromdari itsdimulainya establishmentproduksi insejak 1877 tosampai Dec.,Desember 1889. ▼
* 24 - Penanda ini diadaptasi oleh perusahaan di atas ketika Yang Mulia mengizinkan penggunaan kata "Royal" pada 3 Januari 1890.
== Derby porcelain marks ==
▲[[File:Derby Marks.jpg|thumb|left|280px|Marks made to Derby china.]]
▲From the book ''Bow, Chelsea, and Derby Porcelain'' by William Bemrose (1898):
* 1, 2, 3 - Earliest Derby Marks, generally in blue (some examples are known where the Crown and D are used separately, probably an oversight by the workmen).
* 4 - Crossed swords, crown, and D, and 6 dots, carefully painted in blue, later in puce, used from about 1782.
* 5, 6 - Ditto, less carefully painted in red.
▲* 7, 8, 9, 10 - Later Duesbury Marks, generally in red.
▲* 11 - Duesbury & Kean, seldom used, circa 1795 to 1809.
▲* 12, 13, 14, 15 - Bloor Marks, commence 1811 to 1849.
* 16, 17, 18, 19 - Quasi Oriental Marks used on several occasions in matching, and to use up seconds stock by Bloor. No. 17 is an imitation of the Sevres mark.
* 20 - Dresden Mark, often used on figures.
* 21 - Derby Mark, supposed to have been used by Holdship when at Derby, about 1766. Rare.
▲* 22 - Stephenson & Hancock, King Street Factory, 1862, same mark used afterwards by Sampson Hancock, and now in use, 1897.
▲* 23 - Mark used by the Derby Crown Porcelain Co., Osmaston Road, from its establishment in 1877 to Dec., 1889.
* 24 - This Mark adopted by the above Co. when Her Majesty granted the use of the prefix "Royal" on Jan. 3, 1890.
== Referensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
* {{en}} [http://potteryhistories.com/derbyhistory.html Derby porcelain history]
{{Museum Derby}}
[[Kategori:Koleksi Museum dan Galeri Seni Derby]]
[[en:Derby porcelain]]