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(63 revisi perantara oleh 10 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
<!--{{redirect|Table of NationsBangsa-Bangsa}}<!--|adaftar list of countriesnegara|list ofDaftar sovereignnegara-negara statesmerdeka}}-->
[[Berkas:T and O map Guntherus Ziner 1472.jpg|thumbjmpl|This [[T and O map|Peta T dan O]], fromdari theversi firstcetakan printedpertama version''[[Etymologiae]]'' ofkarya [[IsidoreIsidorus ofdari SevilleSevilla|Isidore]]'s ''[[Etymologiae]]'', mengidentifikasi tiga benua yang dikenal identifies the three known continents as populated by descendants of Sem ([[ShemSem]]), ''Iafeth'' ([[JaphethYafet]]) anddan ''Cham'' ([[Ham, son(tokoh of NoahAlkitab)|Ham]]).]]
[[Berkas:Noahsworld map.jpg|thumbjmpl|TheDunia worldberdasarkan accordingkitab-kitab toMusa the(peta Mosaictahun account (1854 map)]]
'''Daftar keturunan Nuh''' ({{lang-en|Generations of Noah}}) juga disebut '''Tabel Bangsa-bangsa''' ({{lang-en|Table of Nations}}''') [[Kejadian 10]] ({{KejAlkitab|Kejadian 10|9:1-32}}) dengan salinan dalam [[1 Tawarikh 1]] ({{Alkitab|1 Tawarikh 1:1-27}}) pada [[Alkitab Ibrani]] atau [[Perjanjian Lama]] di [[Alkitab]] [[Kristen]]) merupakan suatu silsilah keturunan putra-putra [[Nuh]] serta penyebarannya ke berbagai tanah dan negeri setelah [[Air bah (Nuh)|Air Bah]],{{sfn|Rogers|2000|p=1271}} berfokus pada kelompok masyarakat utama pada zaman penulisan catatan tersebut. Istilah "bangsa-bangsa" merupakan terjemahan kata Ibrani "[[:en:goy|goy]]", yang kemudian pada tahun 400 M pada terjemahan Alkitab [[bahasa Latin]], [[Vulgata]] ditulis sebagai "nationes" / "nationibus", selanjutnya menjadi "nations" dalam bahasa Inggris, tetapi tidak mempunyai konotasi politik yang sama dengan arti kata saat ini.<ref>{{cite journal|title=Nation: The History of a Word|authors=Guido Zernatto and Alfonso G. Mistretta|journal=The Review of Politics|volume=6|issue=3|date=July 1944|pages=351–366|publisher=Cambridge University Press|jstor=1404386|doi=10.1017/s0034670500021331}}</ref>
Daftar yang terdiri dari 70 nama untuk pertama kalinya memperkenalkan sejumlah [[:en:ethnonym|etonim]] dan [[:en:toponym|toponim]] yang penting dalam [[geografi]] alkitabiah<ref>[http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06428c.htm "Biblical Geography," Catholic Encyclopedia]: "The ethnographical list in Genesis 10 is a valuable contribution to the knowledge of the old general geography of the East, and its importance can scarcely be overestimated."</ref> seperti ketiga putra Nuh: [[Sem]], [[Ham (tokoh Alkitab)|Ham]] dan [[Yafet]], yang menurunkan [[Semit|rumpun bangsa Semit]], [[:en:Hamites|Hamit]] dan [[:en:Japhetites|Yafetit]], juga cucu-cucu Nuh tertentu yaitu [[Elam]], [[Ashur]], [[:en:Aram, son of Shem|Aram]], [[:en:Biblical Cush|Kush]], dan [[:en:Canaan (son of Ham)|Kanaan]], menurunkan bangsa Elam, [[Asyur]], [[Aram]], [[:en:Cush (Bible)#Later identifications|CushKush]] dan [[:en:Kanaanites|Kanaan]], juga keturunan berikutnya termasuk [[Eber]] (yang menurunkan "[[Ibrani]]"), raja-pemburu [[Nimrod]], bangsa [[Filistin]] dan putra-putra Kanaan termasuk [[:en:Heth (Bible)|Het]], Yebus dan Amorus, yang menurunkan [[bangsa Het]], [[:en:Jebusite|Yebus]] dan [[:en:AmoritesBangsa Amori|Amori]].
As Christianity took over the Roman world, it adopted the idea that all the world's peoples were descended from Noah. But the tradition of Hellenistic Jewish identifications of the ancestry of various peoples, which concentrates very much on the Mediterranean world and the [[Near East]] and is described below, became stretched. Northern peoples important to the Late Roman and medieval world, such as the [[Celts]], [[Slavs]], [[Germans]] and [[Norsemen]] were not covered, nor were others of the world's peoples. A variety of arrangements were devised by scholars, with for example the [[Scythians]], who do feature in the tradition, being claimed as the ancestors of much of northern Europe.<ref>Johnson, James William, "The Scythian: His Rise and Fall", ''Journal of the History of Ideas'', Vol. 20, No. 2 (Apr., 1959), pp. 250-257, University of Pennsylvania Press, [http://www.jstor.org/stable/2707822 JSTOR]</ref>
Ketika [[Kekristenan]] mengambil alih dunia Romawi, berkembanglah ide bahwa semua penduduk dunia diturunkan dari Nuh. Namun identifikasi tradisi Yahudi Helenistik mengenai leluhur berbagai bangsa, yang sebenarnya lebih terkonsentrasi pada dunia [[Laut Tengah]] dan [[Timur Dekat]], menjadi terentang meluas. Bangsa-bangsa di utara yang berperan penting pada zaman Romawi Akhir dan dunia abad pertengahan, seperti orang [[Kelt]], [[Bangsa Slavia|Slavia]], [[Bangsa Jerman|Jerman]] dan [[Norsemen|Nors]] tidak tercakup, demikian pula bangsa-bangsa lainnya. Berbagai pengaturan telah diusulkan oleh para sarjana, misalnya [[bangsa Skithia]], yang termasuk ke dalam tradisi, dianggap sebagai leluhur sebagian besar Eropa Utara.<ref>Johnson, James William, "The Scythian: His Rise and Fall", ''Journal of the History of Ideas'', Vol. 20, No. 2 (Apr., 1959), pp. 250-257, University of Pennsylvania Press, [http://www.jstor.org/stable/2707822 JSTOR]</ref>
According to [[Joseph Blenkinsopp]], the [[70 (number)#In religion|70 names]] in the list express symbolically the unity of the human race, corresponding to the 70 descendants of Israel who go down into Egypt with Jacob at {{bibleverse||Genesis|46:27|HE}} and the 70 elders of Israel who visit God with Moses at the covenant ceremony in {{bibleverse||Exodus|24:1–9|HE}}.{{sfn|Blenkinsopp|2011|p=156}}
== Tabel Bangsa-bangsa ==
Menurut [[Joseph Blenkinsopp]], adanya [[70 (number)#In religion|70 nama]] pada daftar ini secara simbolis menunjukkan kesatuan ras manusia, terkoresponden dengan 70 keturunan Israel yang pindah ke Mesir bersama Yakub pada [[Kejadian 46]] ({{Alkitab|Kejadian 46:27}}) dan 70 tua-tua Israel yang bertemu dengan Allah bersama-sama Musa dalam upacara perjanjian pada [[Keluaran 24]] ({{Alkitab|Keluaran 24:1-9}}).{{sfn|Blenkinsopp|2011|p=156}}
== Catatan Alkitab ==
=== Kitab Kejadian ===
[[Berkas:Noah (Grigoriants' coll.).jpg|thumbjmpl|NoahNuh dividingmembagi thedunia worlddi betweenantara his sonsputra-putranya. AnonymousPelukis tak diketahui painternamanya; RussiaRusia, 18thAbad centuryke-18]]
[[Kejadian 1]][[Kejadian 11|–11]] disusun dari lima pernyataan ''toledot'' atau "silsilah"<!-- ("these areInilah the generations ofketurunan..."), ofdi which themana "generationsketurunan ofSem, the sonsHam ofdan NoahYafet, Shem,anak-anak Ham, and Japheth,Nuh" isadalah theyang fourthkeempat. EventsPeristiwa-peristiwa beforesebelum thekisah [[GenesisAir floodbah narrative(Nuh)|"Air Bah"]], the central "toledot" utama, correspondberhubungan todengan thosekisah aftersesudahnya: thedunia post-Floodsetelah worldAir isBah amerupakan newsuatu creationpenciptaan correspondingbaru toyang theberkaitan [[Genesisdengan creationkisah narrative]]penciptaan mula-mula, andkarena likesebagaimana [[Adam]], NoahNuh hasmempunyai threetiga sonsputra whoyang willakan populatememenuhi the worlddunia. TheKeterkaitan correspondencesitu extendberlanjut forwardlebih as welljauh: there areada 70 namesnama indalam the Tabledaftar, corresponding toterkait thedengan 70 Israelitesorang whoketurunan goIsrael downyang intopindah Egyptke atMesir thedi endakhir of[[Kitab GenesisKejadian]] and to thedan 70 elders oftua-tua Israel whoyang gonaik upke theatas mountain withgunung Sinai tountuk meetbertemu withdengan GodAllah indalam Exodus[[Kitab Keluaran]]. TheKekuatan symbolicsimbolis forceangka-angka ofini thesemendasari numberscara ispengaturan underscorednama-nama bydalam thekelompok way the names are frequently arranged in groups of seventujuh, suggestingmenunjukkan thatbahwa thedaftar Tableitu ismengandung amakna symbolicsimbolik meansobligasi of implyingmoral universal moral obligation.{{sfn|Blenkinsopp|2011|p=4,155–156}}
Struktur daftar ini pada [[Kejadian 10]] adalah:
The overall structure of the Table is:
* 1. IntroductoryFormula formulapembuka, v.ayat 1
* 2. JaphethYafet, vv.ayat 2–5
* 3. Ham, vv.ayat 6–20
* 4. ShemSem, ayat 21–31
* 5. ConcludingFormula formulapenutup, v.ayat 32.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=102}}
TheKeseluruhan overallprinsip principleyang governingmengatur theberbagai assignmentbangsa ofdalam variousdaftar peoplesini withinsukar the Table is difficult to discerndicerna: itdimaksudkan purportsuntuk tomenggambarkan describeseluruh allumat humankindmanusia, buttetapi restrictsterbatas itselfpada towilayah thedi Egyptianselatan landstanah of the southMesir, thenegeri-negeri Mesopotamian landsMesopotamia, and Anatolia and thedan IonianYunani GreeksIonia, andlagi thepula "sonsPutra-putra of NoahNuh" are nottidak organiseddiorganisir bysecara geographygeografis, languagebahasa ormaupun ethnickelompok groupsetnis withindi thesedalam regionsdaerah-daerah ini.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=140–141}} TheDaftar Tableini isnyatanya inmemuat factsejumlah filled with difficultieskesulitan: formisalnya example,nama the[[Syeba]] namesdan ShebaHawilah anddicatat Havilahdua are listed twicekali, first as descendants ofpertama Cushsebagai theketurunan sonKush ofbin Ham (verseayat 7), anddan thenkemudian assebagai sonsputra-putra Yoktan, ofcicit JoktanSem, thedan great-grandsonsbilamana ofketurunan Shem,Kush andadalah whilependuduk theAfrika Cushitespada areayat African6–7, inketurunan verses 6–7Yoktan theyadalah arependuduk MesopotamiansMesopotamia inpada versesayat 10–14.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=101–102}}
[[Berkas:Hecataeus world map-en.svg|jmpl|ka|280px|Rekonstruksi peta [[Hekataios dari Miletos|Hekataios]] dari abad ke-6 SM]]
Penyusunan Kejadian 1–11 tidak dapat ditetapkan secara tepat, meskipun tampaknya pada mulanya ada inti kisah yang pendek yang kembudian dikembangkan dengan data tambahan.{{sfn|Blenkinsopp|2011|p=156–157}} Sebagian daftar mungkin diturunkan pada abad ke-10 SM, sementara bagian lain rupanya dari abad ke-7 dan [[Priestly source|revisi para imam]] pada abad ke-5.{{sfn|Rogers|2000|p=1271}} Kombinasi dari pandangan dunia, mitos dan silsilah tersebut dianggap berkaitan dengan tulisan sejarawan Yunani [[Hekataios dari Miletos]], yang aktif sekitar tahun 520 SM.{{sfn|Brodie|2001|p=186}}
The date of composition of Genesis 1–11 cannot be fixed with any precision, although it seems likely that an early brief nucleus was later expanded with extra data.{{sfn|Blenkinsopp|2011|p=156–157}} Portions of the Table itself may derive from the 10th century, while others reflect the 7th century and [[Priestly source|priestly]] revisions in the 5th century.{{sfn|Rogers|2000|p=1271}} Its combination of world review, myth and genealogy corresponds to the work of the Greek historian [[Hecataeus of Miletus]], active c.520 BCE.{{sfn|Brodie|2001|p=186}}
=== Keturunan Yafet ===
<small>Sumber: {{Alkitab|Kejadian 10:2-5}}</small><br>
Keturunan Yafet ialah
# '''[[Gomer]]'''
# [[Magog (tokoh Alkitab)|Magog]]
# [[Madai]]
# '''[[Yawan]]'''
# [[Tubal]]
# [[Mesekh]] dan
# [[Tiras bin Yafet|Tiras]].
Keturunan [[Gomer]] ialah
# Askenas
# Rifat dan
# Togarma.
Keturunan [[Yawan]] ialah
# Elisa
# [[Tarsis]]
# orang [[Kitim]] dan
# orang Dodanim.
Baris 54 ⟶ 53:
<small>Sumber: {{Alkitab|Kejadian 10:6-20}}</small><br>
Keturunan Ham ialah
# '''[[Kush]]'''
# '''[[Misraim]]'''
# [[Put]] dan
# '''[[Kanaan bin Ham|Kanaan]]'''.
Keturunan Kush ialah
Baris 83 ⟶ 82:
Kanaan memperanakkan
# [[Sidon]], anak sulungnya, dan
# [[bangsa Het|Het]], serta
# orang Yebusi
# [[orang Amori]] dan
# orang Girgasi;
# [[orang Hewi]]
# orang Arki
# orang Sini
Baris 98 ⟶ 97:
<small>Sumber: {{Alkitab|Kejadian 10:21-31}}</small><br>
Keturunan [[Sem]] ialah
# [[Elam bin Sem|Elam]]
# [[Asyur bin Sem|Asyur]]
# [[Arpakhsad]]
# [[Lud]] dan
# [[Aram bin Sem|Aram]].
Keturunan Aram ialah
Baris 120 ⟶ 119:
# Yerah
# Hadoram
# [[Uzal dan]]
# Dikla
# Obal
# Abimael dan
# Syeba
# Ofir
# [[Hawila dan]]
# Yobab;
itulah semuanya keturunan Yoktan.
Baris 133 ⟶ 132:
=== Kitab Tawarikh ===
Pasal [[1 Tawarikh 1]] memasukkan suatu versi Tabel Bangsa-bangsa dari [[Kitab Kejadian]], tetapi disunting untuk memperjelas bahwa tujuannya adalah mencatat sejarah bangsa Israel. Hal ini dilakukan dengan berfokus pada cabang keturunan Abraham, dan tidak memuat ulang {{Alkitab|Kejadian 10:9–14}}, yaitu bagian mengenai Nimrod bin Kush, yang terkait dengan sejumlah kota di Mesopotamia, sehingga tidak memperlihatkan kaitan Kush dengan Mesopotamia.{{sfn|Sadler|2009|p=123}}
=== Kitab Yobel ===
[[FileBerkas:Herodotus world map-en.svg|thumbjmpl|Peta dunia Ionian]]
Tabel Bangsa-bangsa dikembangkan lebih detail pada pasal 8–9 [[Kitab Yobel]], yang kadang-kadang dikenal sebagai "Kitab Kejadian yang lebih kecil" ("''Lesser Genesis''"), suatu karya dari zaman awal periode [[Bait Kedua]].{{sfn|Scott|2005|p=4}} Kitab Yobel dianggap sebagai [[Pseudepigrapha]] oleh sebagian besar orang Kristen dan sekte-sekte Yahudi tetapi dipandang berguna oleh sejumlah [[Bapa Gereja]].{{sfn|Machiela|2009|p=}} Pembagian keturunan-keturunan di seluruh dunia dianggap dipengaruhi kuat oleh "Peta dunia Ionian" ("''Ionian world map''") yang digambarkan dalam ''[[Histories (Herodotus)|Histories]]'' karya [[Herodotus]],{{sfn|Ruiten|2000|p=}} dan perlakuan yang aneh terhadap Kanaan dan Madai dianggap sebagai "propaganda untuk ekspansi teritorial negara Hasmonean".{{sfn|Alexander|1988|p=102–103}}
{{expand section|date=February 2015}}
The Table of Nations is expanded upon in detail in chapters 8–9 of the [[Book of Jubilees]], sometimes known as the "Lesser Genesis," a work from the early [[Second Temple period]].{{sfn|Scott|2005|p=4}} Jubilees is considered [[Pseudepigrapha|Pseudepigraphical]] by most Christian and Jewish sects but thought to have been held in regard by many of the [[Church Fathers]].{{sfn|Machiela|2009|p=}} Its division of the descendants throughout the world are thought to have been heavily influenced by the "Ionian world map" described in ''the [[Histories (Herodotus)]]'',{{sfn|Ruiten|2000|p=}} and the anomalous treatment of Canaan and Madai are thought to have been "propaganda for the territorial expansion of the Hasmonean state".{{sfn|Alexander|1988|p=102–103}}
===Septuagint versionSeptuaginta ===
TheAlkitab HebrewIbrani biblediterjemahkan waske translateddalam intobahasa GreekYunani indi Alexandria atatas thepermintaan request of PtolemyPtolemaios II, whoyang reignedmemerintah overMesir Egyptpada tahun 285–246 BCESM.{{sfn|Pietersma|Wright|2007|p=xiii}} ItsVersi versionTabel ofBangsa-bangsa theserupa Tabledengan ofteks Nations is substantially the same as that in the Hebrew textIbrani, but withtetapi thedengan followingperbedaan differencesberikut:
* Elisa dicatat sebagai tambahan putra Yafet, sehingga Yafet mempunyai 8 putra, bukannya 7, sementara juga tetap memasukkannya dalam daftar putra Yawan, sebagaimana pada [[Teks Masoret]].
* It lists Elisa as an extra son of Japheth, giving him eight instead of seven, while continuing to list him also as a son of Javan, as in the Masoretic text.
* WhereasJika theteks HebrewIbrani text listsmencatat Shelah as the sonsebagai ofputra Arpachshad inpada thegaris lineketurunan of ShemSem, theSeptuagints Septuagintmencatat has aseorang [[Cainan|Kainan]] assebagai theputra sonArpakhsad ofdan Arpachshad and father ofayah Shelah – theKitab BookYobel ofmenulis Jubileeslebih givesbanyak considerablemengenai scopetokoh to this figureini. Cainan appears again at the end ofKainan themuncul listlagi ofpada theakhir sonsdaftar ofketurunan ShemSem.
* Obal, Joktan'sputra eighthke-8 sonYoktan inpada theTeks Masoretic textMasoret, does nottidak appeardicatat.{{sfn|Scott|2005|p=25}}
==Sons ofPutra-putra NoahNuh: ShemSem, Ham anddan Yafet Japheth==
[[FileBerkas:The World as Peopled by the Descendants of Noah Shewing the Countries Possessed by Shem, Ham & Japhet and their posterity after the confusion of tongues..jpg|thumbjmpl|Peta tahun 1823 map bykarya [[Robert Wilkinson (cartographer)|Robert Wilkinson]] (seelihat alsopula versi tahun 1797 version [[:FileBerkas:Atlas Classica, Robert Wilkinson, 1797.pdf|heredi sini]]). PriorSebelum topertengahan theabad midke-19th century19, ShemSem wasdikaitkan associateddengan with all ofseluruh Asia, Ham withdengan allseluruh ofAfrika, Africasedangkan andYafet Japhethdengan with all ofseluruh EuropeEropa.]]
Kisah [[Air bah (Nuh)|Air Bah]] memuat bagaimana Nuh dan ketiga putranya Sem, Ham, dan Yafet, bersama-sama dengan istri-istri mereka, diselamatkan dari air bah untuk kembali menghuni dan memenuhi dunia.
The [[Genesis flood narrative|Flood story]] tells how Noah and his three sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth, together with their wives, were saved from the Deluge to repopulate the Earth.
* Kata "[[ShemSem]]'s name" meansberarti "namenama" oratau "fameketenaran". ThroughMelalui Eber heia becamemenjadi the ancestor ofleluhur [[Abraham]] anddan thuskemudian oforang-orang the IsraelitesIsrael.{{sfn|Strawn|2000a|p=1205}} InDalam thepandangan viewsejumlah ofsarjana someEropa 17th-centurypada Europeanabad scholarske-17 (e.g.,misalnya [[John Webb (architect)|John Webb]]), theorang-orang peopleTionghoa, ofPersia Chinatimur, eastern Persia anddan "the IndiasIndia" descendedditurunkan fromdari ShemSem.<ref name=mungello179>{{Cite book |title=Curious land: Jesuit accommodation and the origins of Sinology
|authorlink =<!--David E. Mungello--> |first=David E. | last=Mungello |pages=179, 336–337|publisher=University of Hawaii Press| year= 1989|isbn=0-8248-1219-0| url= https://books.google.com/?id=wb4yPw4ZgZQC&printsec=frontcover&q=Noah#v=snippet&q=Shem&f=false;| quote = there are more references in that book on the early Jesuits' and others' opinions on Noah's Connection to China |postscript=<!-- Bot inserted parameter. Either remove it; or change its value to "." for the cite to end in a ".", as necessary. -->{{inconsistent citations}}}}</ref> BothBaik Webb anddan thepara Frenchpenganut JesuitsYesuit belongingPrancis toyang thetergolong sekolah [[Figurism|FiguristFiguris]] school (lateakhir abad 17thke-early17/awal 18thabad centuryke-18) wentmenafsirkan evenlebih furtherjauh, identifying the legendarymengidentifikasikan [[EmperorKaisar Yao]] ofdalam Chineselegenda historysejarah withTiongkok sebagai [[NoahNuh]] himselfsendiri.<ref name=mungello179/>
* [[Ham (sontokoh of NoahAlkitab)|Ham]] isadalah theleluhur forefather of CushKush, EgyptMesir, anddan Put, andserta of CanaanKanaan, whoseyang landsnegerinya includemeliputi portionsbagian-bagian of AfricaAfrika, Arabia, SyriaSiria-PalestinePalestina anddan Mesopotamia. TheEtimologi etymologynamanya oftidak his name is uncertainjelas; somesejumlah scholarssarjana havemengkaitkannya linkeddengan itistilah-istilah toyang termsberhubungan connecteddengan withdivinitas (''divinity''), buttetapi astatus divinedewa oratau semi-divinesetengah statusdewa forbagi Ham istidaklah unlikelydimungkinkan.{{sfn|Strawn|2000b|p=543}}
* [[JaphethYafet]] istampaknya apparentlyadalah theputra youngest sontermuda, althoughmeskipun hisgaris lineketurunannya isdicatat giventerlebih firstdahulu.{{sfn|Rogers|2000|p=673}} HisNamanya namedihubungkan isdengan associatedtokoh withmitologi theYunani, mythological Greek[[Titan (mitologi)|Titan]] ''[[Iapetos]]'', anddan hisputra-putranya, sonstermasuk include[[Yawan]] (''Javan''), the Greekkota-speakingkota citiesberbahasa ofYunani di [[Ionia]].{{sfn|Blenkinsopp|2011|p=158}} InPada Genesis{{Alkitab|Kejadian 9:27}} itterbentuk formssuatu apermainan punkata withdengan theakar Hebrewkata rootIbrani "''yf''" (atau "''yph''"): "MayKiranya GodAllah makememberikan roomruang [thebentuk ''[[hiphil]]'' ofdari theakar yphkata root"''yf''"] forbagi JaphethYafet, thatsehingga heia maydapat livetinggal indalam Shem'skemah-kemah tents andSem, Canaandan mayKanaan beakan hismenjadi slavehambanya."{{sfn|Thompson|2014|p=102}}
== Interpretasi Etnologi ==
=== Catatan Flavius Yosefus ===
[[Berkas:Josephustable 3.svg|thumbjmpl|500px|rightka|GeographicIdentifikasi identificationsgeografis ofKeturunan Nuh oleh Flavius JosephusYosefus, c.sekitar 100 ADM.<ref>[[Flavius Yosefus|Yosefus]]. ''[[Antiquitates Iudaicae|Antiq.]]'' [https://id.wikisource.org/wiki/Antiquitates_Iudaicae/Volume_I#Bab_6 I. 6]</ref>]]
TheSejarawan 1stYahudi-centuryRomawi Jewishabad ke-Roman1 historianMasehi, [[JosephusFlavius Yosefus]], indalam tulisannya ''[[AntiquitiesAntiquitates of the JewsIudaicae]]'' BookBuku 1, chapterpasal 6, wastermasuk amongsalah thesatu firstorang ofpertama manydi whoantara attemptedbanyak toorang assignyang knownmencoba ethnicitiesmencocokkan tokelompok someetnis ofyang thedikenal namespada listedzaman initu Genesisdengan chapternama-nama yang terdaftar pada [[Kejadian 10]]. HisPencocokan assignmentsyang becamedibuatnya themenjadi basisdasar forbagi mostbanyak laterpengarang authors,di andkemudian were ashari, followsyaitu:<ref>[http://sacred-texts.com/jud/josephus/ant-1.htm Antiquities of theAntiquitates JewsIudaicae &ndash; BookBuku I]</ref>
* [[Gomer]]: "thosemereka whomyang theoleh Greeksorang nowYunani callsekarang disebut sebagai orang [[Galatia]]ns, [Galls,], buttetapi weredulunya thendisebut calledorang Gomer Gomerites(''Gomerit'')".
** Aschanax (Ashkenaz): "Aschanaxians, whoyang areoleh noworang calledYunani bysekarang the Greeksdisebut Rheginians".
** Riphath: "Ripheans, nowsekarang calleddisebut orang [[Paphlagonia|Paflagonia]]ns".
** Thrugramma (TogarmahTogarma): "Thrugrammeans,orang who''Thrugrammea'', asyang theoleh Greeksorang resolved,Yunani weredinamai namedorang [[PhrygiansFrigia]]".
* [[Magog (tokoh Alkitab)|Magog]]: "Magogitesorang Magogit, buttetapi whooleh areorang byYunani the Greeks calleddisebut [[Scythiansbangsa Skithia]]".
* [[Madai]]: "theorang MadeansMadea, whoyang areoleh calledorang Yunani disebut [[Medes]], by the Greeks".
* Javan[[Yawan]]: "[[Ionia]], anddan allsemua theorang [[Grecians]]Yunani".
** Elisa: "Eliseans... theymereka aresekarang nowadalah theorang [[Aeolians|Aeolia]]".
** Tharsus (Tarshish[[Tarsis]]): "Tharsians, forkarena so wasdemikianlah [[CiliciaKilikia]] ofdisebut oldpada calledzaman kuno". He also derivesIa thejuga namemenurunkan ofnama theirkota citymereka Tarsus fromdari Tharsus.
** Cethimus (Kittim[[Kitim]]): "The islandPulau Cethima: itsekarang is now calleddisebut [[CyprusSiprus]]". HeJuga alsomenurunkan derivesnama theYunani Greek name of their city,kota whichmereka heyang spellsdieja ''[[Kition|Citius]]'', fromdari Cethimus.
* Thobel ([[Tubal]]): "Thobelites (= bangsa Tubal), whoyang aresekarang nowdisebut calledbangsa Iberes".
* Mosoch (Meshech[[Mesekh]]): "Mosocheni... nowsekarang theymereka areadalah orang [[CappadociaKapadokia]]ns." He also derivesJuga themenurunkan namenama ofibu theirkota capitalmereka [[Kayseri|Mazaca]] fromdari Mosoch.
* Thiras ([[Tiras bin Yafet|Tiras]]): "Thirasians; buttetapi theorang GreeksYunani changedmengubah thenama namemereka intomenjadi [[ThraciansSuku Trakia|orang Trakia]]".
* Chus (CushKush): "EthiopiansOrang Etiopia... evenbahkan atsampai thishari dayini, both bybaik themselvesoleh andmereka bydan allsemua menorang indi Asia, calleddisebut [[Kingdom of Kush|Chusites]]".
** Sabas (Seba): Sabeansorang Sabea
** Evilas (HavilahHawila): "Evileans, whoyang are calleddisebut [[Gaetuli|Getuli]]".
** Sabathes (Sabta): "Sabathens, theymereka aresekarang nowoleh calledorang byYunani the Greeksdisebut [[Atbarah River|Astaboransorang Astabora]]".
** Sabactas (Sabteca): Sabactens
** Ragmus (Raamah): Ragmeans
*** Judadas (Dedan): "Judadeans, asuatu nationbangsa ofyang thetinggal westerndi Ethiopianssebelah barat negeri Ethiopia".
*** Sabas (Sheba): Sabeans
* Mesraim (Misraim): [[EgyptMesir]], whichyang he says is calleddisebut ''Mestre'' in hisdi countrynegerinya.
** "NowSekarang all the children ofanak-anak Mesraim, beingdelapan eight in numberjumlahnya, possessed themenguasai countrynegeri fromdari [[Gaza]] tosampai Egypt[[Mesir]], thoughmeskipun ithanya retainedmempertahankan thesatu namenama ofsaja, one''Philistim'' only,(orang the Philistim[[Filistin]]); for thekarena Greeksorang callYunani partmenyebut ofbagian thatnegeri countryitu ''PalestinePalestina''. As for the restSisanya, Ludieim, anddan Enemim, anddan Labim, whoyang alonesendirian inhabited inmenghuni Libya, anddan calledmenyebut thenegeri countryitu fromdengan himselfnamanya sendiri, Nedim, anddan Phethrosim, anddan Chesloim, anddan Cephthorim, wekami knowtidak nothingtahu ofapa-apa themmengenai besidesmereka theirselain namesnama-namanya; forkarena thePerang EthiopicEthiopia waryang whichakan wekami shalljelaskan describe hereafterkemudian, was the cause thatmerupakan thosealasan citieskota-kota wereitu overthrowndihancurkan."
* Phut: [[Libya]]. HeIa statesmenyatakan thatbahwa asuatu riversungai anddan region "indalam the country ofnegeri Moors" wasmasih still calleddisebut ''Phut'' byoleh theorang GreeksYunani, buttetapi thatkemudian itdiganti hadnamanya beendengan renamednama "fromdari onesalah ofsatu the sons ofputra-putra Mesraim, who wasyang calleddisebut Lybyos".
* CanaanKanaan: [[JudeaYudea]], whichyang he calleddikatakannya "from hisdari ownnamanya namesendiri CanaanKanaan".
** Sidonius ([[Sidon]]): The city ofKota Sidonius, "calledoleh byorang theYunani Greeksdisebut ''Sidon''".
** Amathus (Hamathite): "Amathine, whichyang issampai evensekarang now calleddisebut Amathe byoleh the inhabitantspenduduknya, althoughmeskipun theorang MacedoniansMakedonia named itmenamakannya Epiphania, from onedari ofsalah hissatu posterityketurunannya."
** Arudeus (Arvadite): "the islandpulau Aradus".
** Arucas (Arkite): "Arce, whichyang isberada indi Libanus".
** "ButTetapi for the seven otherstujuh [sonsputra-putra ofKanaan] Canaan]lainnya, Chetteus, Jebuseus, Amorreus, Gergesus, Eudeus, Sineus, Samareus, wekami havetidak nothingmendapati inapapun thedalam sacredkitab-kitab bookssuci butselain theirnama-nama namesmereka, fortetapi orang theIbrani Hebrewstelah overthrewmerebut theirkota-kota citiesitu".
* Elam: "orang [[ElamitesElam]] (''Elamites''), theleluhur ancestorsorang of the Persians[[Persia]]".
* Ashur ([[Asyur]]): "orang [[Assyrian people|AssyriansAsyur]], anddan theirkota citymereka [[NinivehNiniwe]] builtdibangun byoleh Ashur".
* Arphaxad ([[Arpakhsad]]): "Arphaxadites, whoyang aresekarang nowdisebut calledorang [[ChaldeaKasdim]]ns (''Chaldea'')".
** Sala
*** Heber ([[Eber]]): "fromdari whommana theyasal originallypenyebutan called the Jewsorang [[HebrewsIbrani]] (''Hebrews'') bagi orang Yahudi (''Jews'')".
**** Phaleg ([[Peleg]]): HeIa notesmencatat thatbahwa hedinamakan was so nameddemikian "because he was born atkarena theia dispersiondilahirkan ofpada thewaktu nationspenyebaran tobangsa-bangsa theirke severalnegeri-negeri countriesmereka; forkarena ''Phaleg'' amongbagi theorang HebrewsIbrani signifiesbermakna divisionpembagian".
**** Joctan ([[Yoktan]])
***** "Elmodad, Saleph, Asermoth, Jera, Adoram, Aizel, Decla, Ebal, Abimael, Sabeus, Ophir, Euilat, anddan JobabYobab. TheseMereka inhabitedmenghuni fromdari ''[[Cophen]]'', ansebuah Indiansungai riverIndia, andsampai in part ofbagian Asia adjoiningyang toterhubung itdengannya."
* Aram: "orang Aram (''Aramites''), whichyang oleh orang theYunani Greeksdisebut calledorang [[SyriansSiria]]".
** Uz: "Uz foundedmendirikan [[Lajat|Trachonitis]] anddan [[DamascusDamaskus]]: thisnegeri countryini liesterletak betweenantara PalestinePalestina anddan [[Coele-Syria|Celesyria]]".
** Ul (Hul): orang [[Armenia]]
** Gather (Gether): orang [[BactriaBaktria]]ns
** Mesa (Mesh): "Mesaneans; itsekarang is now calleddisebut [[Charax Spasinu]]".
* Laud ([[Lud]]): "Laudites, whichyang aresekarang nowdisebut calledorang [[LydiansLydia]]".
=== Catatan HippolytusHippolitus ===
[[Berkas:Schedel weltkarte.jpg|thumbnailjmpl|rightka|''Woodcut'' from thedari [[Nuremberg Chronicle]], showingmenunjukkan ShemSem, Ham and Japhethdan overYafet theirpada cornerssudut-sudut ofmereka thedi worlddunia]]
[[HippolytusHippolitus ofdari RomeRoma]], indalam hiskaryanya ''Diamerismos'' (c. ~234, existingterlestarikan dalam inberbagai numeroussalinan Latinbahasa andLatin Greekdan copiesYunani),<ref>[https://books.google.com/books?id=N0FucWLGmS8C ''Die Chronik des Hippolytus'']</ref> mademembuat anotherupaya attemptlain tountuk assignmencocokkan ethnicitieskelompok toetnis thedengan namesnama-nama inpada GenesisKejadian 10. ItAda isdugaan thoughtbahwa toada havepengaruh been based on thedari [[Book ofKitab JubileesYobel]].<ref>[https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=UeUWRckMDkQC&pg=PA118#v=onepage&q&f=false]</ref>
Perbedaan dengan versi Yosefus adalah:
* Gomer – orang [[Kapadokia]]
** Ashkenaz – Sarmatians
* Gomer &ndash; Cappadocians
** Riphath – Sauromatians
** Ashkenaz &ndash; Sarmatians
** Togarmah – orang [[Armenia]]
** Riphath &ndash; Sauromatians
* Magog – orang [[Galatia]], [[Kelt]]
** Togarmah &ndash; Armenians
* Magog &ndash; Galatians, [[Celts]]
* Javan
** Elishah &ndash; [[Sicels]] (''Chron Pasc'': Trojansorang and[[Troya]] Phrygiansdan [[Frigia]])
** Tarshish &ndash; Iberiansorang [[Iberia]], TyrrheniansTyrrhenia
** Kitim – orang Makedonia, Romawi, Latin
** Kittim &ndash; Macedonians, Romans, Latins
* Tubal &ndash; "Hettali" (?)
* Meshech &ndash; Illyrians
* Misraim
** Ludim &ndash; Lydiansorang Lydia
** Anamim &ndash;– orang [[PamphyliaPamfilia]]ns
** Pathrusim &ndash;– orang [[Lycia]]ns (var.: Cretans)
** Caphtorim &ndash; Ciliciansorang Kilikia
* Put &ndash; [[Troglodytae|Troglodytes]]
* Canaan &ndash; [[Afri]] and Phoenicians
** Arkite &ndash;– orang [[Tripolitania]]ns
* Lud &ndash; [[Halizones]]
* Arpachshad
** Cainan &ndash; "thosemereka eastyang of(tinggal) di sebelah timur theorang SarmatiansSarmatia" (onesatu variantvarian)
*** Joktan
**** Elmodad &ndash; Indians
**** Saleph &ndash; Bactrians
**** Hazamaveth, Sheba &ndash; Arabsorang Arab
**** Adoram &ndash; [[Carmania (satrapy)|Carmanians]]
**** Uzal &ndash; [[Aria (satrapy)|Arians]] (var.: orang [[Parthia]]ns)
**** Abimael &ndash;– orang [[Hyrcania]]ns
**** Obal &ndash; Scythians
**** Ophir &ndash; Armenians
**** Deklah &ndash;– orang [[Gedrosia]]ns
* Aram &ndash; "Etes" ?
** Hul &ndash; Lydians (var: [[Colchis|Colchians]])
** Gether &ndash; "Gaspeni" ?
** Mash &ndash; [[Mossynoeci]] (var: Mosocheni)
The ''[[Chronography of 354]]'', the ''[[Panarion]]'' bykarya [[Epiphanius of Salamis]] (c. ~375), the ''[[Chronicon Paschale]]'' (c. ~627), the ''History of Albania'' bykarya thesejarawan Georgian historianGeorgia, [[Movses Kaghankatvatsi]] (7thabad centuryke-7), and thedan ''Synopsis of Histories'' bykarya [[John Skylitzes]] (c. ~1057) followmengikuti the identifications ofidentifikasi HippolytusHippolitus.
=== Catatan Hieronimus ===
[[Hieronimus|Hieronimus (Jerome)]], writingmenulis c.pada ~tahun 390, providedmemberikan anperbaikan 'updated'identifikasi versionversi ofYosefus Josephus'dalam identifications in hiskaryanya ''Hebrew Questions on Genesis''. HisDaftarnya listhampir isserupa substantiallydengan identicalsusunan to that of Josephus in almost all respectsYosefus, but with thedengan followingsejumlah notableperbedaan differencesberikut:
* Thubal, sonputra of JaphethYafet: "orang [[IberiansIberia]], whoyang arejuga also theorang [[SpaniardsSpanyol]] fromdari whommana derivediturunkan theorang [[Celtiberians|Kelt-iberia]], although certain peoplemeskipun supposeorang-orang themtertentu tomenganggap bemereka theorang ItaliansItalia."
* Gether, son ofputra Aram: "[[Acarnania|Acarnanii]] oratau orang [[Caria]]ns"
* Mash, son ofputra Aram: [[Lydia|Maeones]]
=== Isidorus dari Sevilla dan pengarang-pengarang kemudian ===
=== In Isidore of Seville and later authors ===
The scholarSarjana [[IsidoreIsidorus ofdari SevilleSevilla]], indalam hiskaryanya ''[[Etymologiae]]'' (c. ~600), repeatsmengulangi allsemua ofidentifikasi Jerome's identifications, buttetapi withdengan theseperubahan-perubahan minorkecil changesberikut:<ref>{{cite book |author=Isidorus (Hispalensis) |authorlink=Isidore of Seville |editor=Stephen A. Barney |title=Etymologiae (English translation) |url= |accessdate= |year=2006 |publisher=Cambridge University Press |location= |isbn=9781139456166 |pages=192–193}} [https://books.google.com/books?id=3ep502syZv8C&pg=PA192#v=snippet&q=Eber%20Joktan%20Sheleph&f=false page 192] [https://books.google.com/books?id=3ep502syZv8C&pg=PA193#v=snippet&q=Magog%20Ashkenaz&f=false page 193]</ref>
* Joktan, son ofputra Eber: orang [[Indian people|IndiansIndia]]
* Saleph, sonputra of JoktanYoktan: orang [[BactriaBaktria]]ns
* Magog, sonputra of JaphethYafet: "Scythiansorang Skithia anddan [[GothsGoth]]"
* Ashkenaz, son ofputra Gomer: "[[Sarmatians|orang Sarmatia]], whomyang oleh theorang GreeksYunani calldisebut ''Rheginians''".
Isidore'sIdentifikasi identifications for Japheth'sIsidorus sonsuntuk wereputra-putra repeatedYafet indiulangi thedalam ''[[Historia Brittonum]]'' attributedyang todianggap ditulis oleh [[Nennius]]. Isidore'sdan identificationsjuga alsomenjadi becamedasar thebagi basisberbagai fortulisan numeroussarjana laterabad mediaeval scholarspertengahan, remainingtetap sodemikian until thesampai [[Age of Discovery|Zaman Penemuan]] promptedmemunculkan newerteori-teori theoriesbaru, suchseperti asyang thatdiutarakan ofoleh [[Benito Arias Montano]] (1571), whoyang proposedmengusulkan connectingpengkaitan Meshech withdengan [[MoscowMoskow]], anddan OphirOfir withdengan [[Peru]].
=== Tafsiran lain: Keturunan Yafet ===
While Genesis 10 was covered extensively by numerous Christian, Jewish and Muslim scholars over many centuries, the phrase "Table" of nations only appeared and became popular in English from the 1830s.{{citation needed|date=February 2015}}
[[Berkas:Noachide map from the Abbey library of Saint Gall (oldest map naming Europe), Isidore-Codex 236.png|jmpl|Peta Eropa tertua yang pernah ditemukan. Terjemahan: Ecce sie dwiseru filu noe post diluvium (Beginilah putra-putra Nuh membagi dunia setelah air bah); Tanai. Fluv. (Sungai Don); Nilus Fluv. (Sungai Nil); Meotides Paludes (Laut Azov)]]
Pada terjemahan Alkitab bahasa Yunani, [[Septuaginta]] (LXX), teks Kitab Kejadian memuat satu tambahan putra Yafet, "Elisa", di antara Yawan dan Tubal; tetapi, karena nama ini tidak dijumpai pada sumber kuno lainnya, mauapun dalam [[Kitab 1 Tawarikh]], hampir secara universal dianggap duplikat Elisa, putra Yawan. Kehadiran Elisa dan Kainan putra Arpakhsad (lihat di bawah) dalam Alkitab bahasa Yunani merujuk pada penomoran tradisional di kalangan orang Kristen mula-mula yang menghitung 72 nama, bukannya 70 nama yang didapati pada sumber-sumber Yahudi dan Kristen Barat.
=== Other interpretations: Descendants of Japheth ===
[[Berkas:Noachide map from the Abbey library of Saint Gall (oldest map naming Europe), Isidore-Codex 236.png|thumb|The oldest known map of Europe. Translation: Ecce sie dwiseru filu noe post diluvium (Lo thus did the sons of Noah divide the world after the Flood); Tanai. Fluv. (River Don); Nilus Fluv. (River Nile); Meotides Paludes (Sea of Azov)]]
* [[Gomer]]: orang [[Cimmerians]], suatu bangsa dari sebelah utara [[Laut Hitam]], pindah masuk ke Anatolia pada abad ke-8 atau awal abad ke-7 SM sebelum menetap di Kapadokia.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=147}}
The Greek [[Septuagint]] (LXX) text of Genesis includes an additional son of Japheth, "Elisa", between Javan and Tubal; however, as this name is found in no other ancient source, nor in I Chronicles, he is almost universally agreed to be a duplicate of Elisha, son of Javan. The presence of Elisa and of Cainan son of Arpachshad (below) in the Greek Bible accounts for the traditional enumeration among early Christian sources of 72 names, as opposed to the 70 names found in Jewish sources and Western Christian sources.{{Citation needed|date=April 2011}}
** [[Ashkenaz]]: suatu bangsa di area Laut Hitam dan [[Laut Kaspia]], kemudian dikaitkan dengan orang Jerman dan orang Yahudi di Eropa Timur.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}} Orang Ashkuza, yang tinggal di hulu sungat [[Efrat]] di [[Armenia]] mengusir orang Cimmeria dari teritori mereka, dan pada {{Alkitab|Yeremia 51:27}} dikatakan telah berperang melawan Babel bersama-sama dua kerajaan utara lainnya.{{sfn|Bøe|2001|p=48}}
** [[Riphath]] (''Diphath'' pada kita Tawarikh): Yosefus mengidentifikasi Riphath dengan orang [[Paphlagonia]] pada zaman kuno, tetapi ini tampaknya hanyalah suatu dugaan; [[Kitab Yobel]] mengidentifikasi nama itu dnegan "[[Riphean Mountains|Pengunungan Riphea]]", yang disamakan dengan Kaukasus pada sumber-sumber Klasik, dan dalam pengertian umum tampaknya merupakan penyerang-penyerang dari Kaukasus yang kemudian menetap di Armenia atau Kapadokia.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=149}}
** [[Togarmah]]: dikaitkan dengan Anatolia dalam kitab Yehezkiel.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}} Sejawaran Armenia kemudian menganggap Togarmah sebagai leluhur Armenia.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=149}}
* [[Magog]]: dikaitkan dengan Gog, raja [[Lydia]], dalam kitab Yehezkiel, dan dengan demikian dengan Anatolia.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}} Sejarawan Yahudi-Romawi dari abad ke-1 M, [[Flavius Yosefus]] menyatakan bahwa Magog identik dengan [[bangsa Skithia]], tetapi para sarjana modern merasa skeptis dan menempatkan Magog di dalam wilayah Anatolia.{{sfn|Bøe|2001|p=47–48}}
* [[Madai]]: Orang [[Medes]], dari area yang sekarang di barat daya Iran.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}}
* [[Yawan]]: Nama ini secara umum disetujui merujuk kepada orang Yunani ([[Ionia]]) yang bermukim di pantai barat dan selatan [[Anatolia]].{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=150}}
** [[Elishah]]: Kemungkinan Elaioussa, sebuah pulau di lepas laut pantai Kilikia, atau nama kuno untuk pulau Siprus.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=150}}
** [[Tarsis]] (''Tarshishah'' pada Kitab Tawarikh): Kandidat-kandidat termasuk [[Tartessos]] di [[Spanyol]] dan Tharros in [[Sardinia]], keduanya sukar dibuktikan, dan Tarsus in Kilikia, yang lebih mungkin tetapi terdapat kesulitan linguistik untuk membuktikannya.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=150–152}}
** [[Kitim]]: Asalnya penduduk kota Kition di Siprus, kemudian seluruh pulau; dan pada [[Naskah Laut Mati]] istilah "Kitim" tampaknya merujuk kepada orang Romawi.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}}
** [[Dodanim]] (''Rodanim'' pada kitab Tawarikh): Penduduk kepulauan [[Rodos]].{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}}
* [[Tubal]]: Tubal dan Mesekh selalu muncul berpasangan dalam Perjanjian Lama.{{sfn|Bøe|2001|p=101}} Nama Tubal dikaitkan dengan [[Tabal]] dan Yunani Tipaprivoi, orang [[Kapadokia]], di timur laut [[Anatolia]].{{sfn|Bøe|2001|p=102}}
* [[Mesekh]]: [[Mushki]]/Muski memiliki ibu kota di [[Gordium]] dan melebur dengan kerajaan [[Frigia]] pada abad ke-8.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=148}}
* [[Tiras]]: Yosefus dan penulis Rabbinik akhir mengkaitkan Tiras dengan [[Thrace]], bagian Eropa yang berseberangan dengan Anatolia, tetapi semua putra Yafet berlokasi di Anatolia dan kemungkinannya Tiras merujuk kepada orang-orang Thrace yang menghuni bagian paling barat Anatolia; juga dikaitkan dengan sejumlah "[[Bangsa Laut]]" seperti Tursha dan [[Tyrrhenians]], tetapi sekarang dianggap tidak mungkin.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=149–150}}
=== Tafsiran lain: Keturunan Ham ===
* [[Gomer]]: the [[Cimmerians]], a people from the northern Black Sea, made incursions into Anatolia in the eighth and early seventh centuries BCE before being confined to Cappadocia.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=147}}
** [[Ashkenaz]]: A people of the Black and Caspian sea areas, much later associated with German and East European Jews.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}} The Ashkuza, who lived on the upper [[Euphrates]] in [[Armenia]] expelled the Cimmerians from their territory, and in Jeremiah 51:27 were said to march against Babylon along with two other northern kingdoms.{{sfn|Bøe|2001|p=48}}
* [[Kush]]: transliterasi nama Mesir untuk [[Nubia]] atau [[Ethiopia]]; "keturunan Kush" yang berikutnya merupakan nama berbagai lokasi di Arabia dan kemungkinan pantai Afrika pada Laut Tengah.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=161}}
** [[Riphath]] (''Diphath'' in Chronicles): Josephus identification Riphath with the [[Paphlagonia]]ns of later antiquity, but this appears to have been no more than a guess; the [[Book of Jubilees]] identifies the name with the "[[Riphean Mountains]]", equated with the Causcasus in Classical sources, and the general understanding seems to have been invaders from the Causcuses who were settled in Armenia or Cappadocia.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=149}}
** [[List of minor biblical figures, L–Z#Seba|Seba]], putra Kush. Pernah dikaitkan dengan [[Yaman]] maupun [[Ethiopia]], yang dirancukan dengan Sheba di bawah.
** [[Togarmah]]: Associated with Anatolia in Ezekiel.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}} Later Armenian historians claimed Togarmah as an ancestor.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=149}}
** [[Hawila]], putra Kush.
* [[Magog (Bible)|Magog]]: Associated in Ezekiel with Gog, a king of [[Lydia]], and thereby with Anatolia.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}} The first century CE Jewish historian [[Josephus]] stated that Magog was identical with the [[Scythians]], but modern scholars are sceptical of this and place Magog simply somewhere in Anatolia.{{sfn|Bøe|2001|p=47–48}}
** [[List of minor biblical figures, L–Z#Sabtah|Sabtah]], putra Kush.
* [[Madai]]: The [[Medes]], from an area now in northwest Iran.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}}
** [[Raamah]], putra Kush.
* [[Javan]]: This name is universally agreed to refer to the [[Ionia]]ns (Greeks) of the western and southern coast of Anatolia.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=150}}
*** [[Sheba]], putra Raamah. Dikaitkan dengan orang [[Sabaeans|Sabea]] dan bangsa-bangsa di kedua sisi bagian sempit [[Laut Merah]].
** [[Elishah]]: Possibly Elaioussa, an island off the coast of Cilicia, or an old name for the island of Cyprus.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=150}}
*** [[Dedanites|Dedan]], putra Raamah.
** [[Tarshish]] (''Tarshishah'' in Chronicles): Candidates include ([[Tartessos]]) in Spain and Tharros in Sardinia, both of which appear unlikely, and Tarsus in Cilicia, which appears more likely despite some linguistic difficulties.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=150–152}}
** [[Sabtechah]], putra Kush.
** [[Kittim]]: Originally the inhabitants of Kition in Cyprus, later the entire island; in the [[Dead Sea Scrolls]] the Kittim appear to be the Romans.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}}
** [[Nimrod (king)|Nimrod]]: Kemungkinan dikaitkan dengan [[Naram-Sin of Akkad|Naram-Sin]], raja [[Akkadian Empire|Akkad]] pada milenium ke-3 SM; pada Kejadian 10:10–12 dicatat bahwa ia merupakan pendiri sejumlah kota di [[Mesopotamia]], dan tradisi alkitabiah lain mengidentifikasikannya dengan Mesopotamia utara atau Asyur.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=104}} Lokasinya di Mesopotamia adalah suatu anomali, karena putra-putra Kush lain dikaitkan dengan Afrika atau Laut Merah, dan kemungkinan namanya dimasukkan di waktu kemudian menyebabkan kebingungan antara Kush di Afrika dan Kush lain, [[eponym|eponim]] (leluhur) orang [[Kassites|Kass]].{{sfn|Uehlinger|1999|p=628}}
** [[Dodanim]] (''Rodanim'' in Chronicles): Inhabitants of [[Rhodes]].{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=103}}
* [[Mizraim]]: Mesir.{{sfn|Matthews|1996|p=452}}
* [[Tubal]]: Tubal and Meshech always appear as a pair in the Old Testament.{{sfn|Bøe|2001|p=101}} The name Tubal is connected with [[Tabal]] and Greek Tipaprivoi, a people of [[Cappadocia]], in the north-east of Anatolia.{{sfn|Bøe|2001|p=102}}
** [[Ludim]], keturunan Mizraim.
* [[Meshech]]: [[Mushki]]/Muski had its capital at [[Gordium]] and fused with the kingdom of [[Phrygia]] by the 8th century.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=148}}
** [[Anamim]], keturunan Mizraim.
* [[Tiras]]: Josephus and late Rabbinical writers associated Tiras with [[Thrace]], the part of Europe opposite Anatolia, but all the other sons of Japheth are located in Anatolia itself and it is possible that Tiras may refer to Thracians inhabiting westernmost Anatolia; it has also been associated with some of the [[Sea Peoples]] such as Tursha and [[Tyrrhenians]], but this is considered unlikely.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=149–150}}
** [[Lehabim]], keturunan Mizraim.
** [[Naphtuhim]], keturunan Mizraim.
** [[Pathrusim]], keturunan Mizraim.
** [[Casluhim]] ("dari mana muncul orang [[Filistin|Filistim]]" – {{Alkitab|Kejadian 10:14}}, {{Alkitab|1 Tawarikah 1:12}})
** [[Caphtorim]]: Kemungkinan pulau [[Kreta]]. Menurut {{Alkitab|Ulangan 2:23}}, Kaftorim tinggal di [[Gaza]], sebuah kota Filistin yang penting.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=104}}
* [[Phut]]: Septuaginta menerjemahkannya sebagai [[Ancient Libya|orang Libya]], yang cocok dengan progresi utara-ke-selatan dari daftar keturunan Ham, tetapi sejumlah sarjana mengusulkan [[Land of Punt|Punt]], nama bahasa Mesir untuk [[Somalia]].{{sfn|Mathews|1996|p=445}}
* [[Canaan (son of Ham)|Kanaan]]: Suatu tanah memanjang di sebelah barat [[Sungai Yordan]] yang meliputi [[Lebanon]] modern dan bagian yang termasuk [[Suriah]], serta berbagai bangsa yang hidup di sana.{{sfn|Mathews|1996|p=445–446}}
** [[Sidon]]: Kota [[Fenisia]] utama, sering dianggap sinonim dengan Fenisia.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=104–105}}
** [[Bangsa Het|Het]]: Kemungkinan adalah leluhur [[bangsa Het]], meskipun orang Het di Anatolia tidak mempunyai kaitan etnis maupun linguistis (bahasa) dengan orang Kanaan.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=105}}
** "[[Yebus]]i", keturunan Kanaan
** "[[Bangsa Amori|Amori]]": Nama generik untuk bangsa Semit Barat dari tanah Bulan Sabit subur.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=105}}
** "[[Girgasites]]", keturunan Kanaan
** "[[Orang Hewi|Hewi]]", keturunan Kanaan
** "[[Arkite]]", keturunan Kanaan
** "[[Canaan|Sinite]]", keturunan Kanaan
** "[[Arvadite]]", keturunan Kanaan
** "[[Zemarite]]", keturunan Kanaan
** "[[Hamathite]]", keturunan Kanaan.
Pada awal abad ke-9 ahli gramatika Yahudi, Judah ibn Quraysh, melihat hubungan antara [[Semitic languages|bahasa Semitik]] dan [[Cushitic languages|Kushit]]; ahli linguistik modern menggolongkannya ke dalam dua keluarga (''family''), bersama dengan kelompok [[Egyptian languages|bahasa Mesir]], [[Berber languages|Berber]], [[Chadic languages|Chadic]], dan [[Omotic languages|Omotic]] ke dalam keluarga bahasa [[Afro-Asiatic languages|Afro-Asiatik]] yang lebih besar. Lagi pula, bahasa-bahasa di selatan setengah Afrika sekarang dipandang termasuk beberapa keluarga tersendiri yang independen dari kelompok Afro-Asiatik. Sejumlah teori [[Hamitic|Hamitik]] yang sekarang sudah ditinggalkan telah dianggap sebagai rasis; terutama teori yang diusulkan pada abad ke-19 oleh Speke, bahwa orang [[Tutsi]] dianggap keturunan Ham dan karenanya "superioer secara inheren" (''inherently superior'').<ref>{{cite book|title=Changing Conceptions of Psychological Life|year=2005|publisher=Psychology Press|isbn=978-0805843361|page=186|author=David Moshman|editor=Cynthia Lightfoot, Michael Chandler and Chris Lalonde|chapter=Theories of Self and Theories as Selves}}</ref>
=== Other interpretations: Descendants of Ham ===
* [[Biblical Cush|Cush]]: The biblical transliteration of the Egyptian name for [[Nubia]] or Ethiopia; the "sons of Cush" which follow are various locations on the Arabian and possibly African coasts bordering the Red Sea.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=161}}
** [[List of minor biblical figures, L–Z#Seba|Seba]], son of Cush. Has been connected with both [[Yemen]] and [[Ethiopia]], with much confusion with Sheba below.
** [[Havilah]], son of Cush.
** [[List of minor biblical figures, L–Z#Sabtah|Sabtah]], son of Cush.
** [[Raamah]], son of Cush.
*** [[Sheba]], son of Raamah. Has been connected with [[Sabaeans]] and peoples on either side of the narrowest part of the [[Red Sea]].{{citation needed|date=July 2014}}
*** [[Dedanites|Dedan]], son of Raamah.
** [[Sabtechah]], son of Cush.
** [[Nimrod (king)|Nimrod]]: Possibly connected with [[Naram-Sin of Akkad|Naram-Sin]], a 3rd millennium king of [[Akkadian Empire|Akkad]];in verses 10–12 he is the founder of a list of [[Mesopotamia]]n cities, and the biblical tradition elsewhere identifies him with northern Mesopotamia or Assyria.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=104}} His location (Mesopotamia) is something of an anomaly, in that the other sons of Cush are connected with Africa or the Red Sea, and he is probably a late insertion resulting from a confusion between the African Cush and a quite different Cush, the [[eponym]] (ancestor) of the [[Kassites]].{{sfn|Uehlinger|1999|p=628}}
* [[Mizraim]]: Egypt.{{sfn|Matthews|1996|p=452}}
** [[Ludim]], offspring of Mizraim.
** [[Anamim]], offspring of Mizraim.
** [[Lehabim]], offspring of Mizraim.
** [[Naphtuhim]], offspring of Mizraim.
** [[Pathrusim]], offspring of Mizraim.
** [[Casluhim]] ("out of whom came [[Philistines|Philistim]]" – {{bibleref|Genesis|10:14|9}}, {{bibleref|1Chronicles|1:12|9}})
** [[Caphtorim]]: Probably the island of [[Crete]]. According to Deuteronomy 2:23, Caphtorim settled in [[Gaza City|Gaza]], an important Philistinian city.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=104}}
* [[Phut]]: the Septuagint translates this as [[Ancient Libya|Libyans]], which would be in accordance with the north–to–south progression in the listing of Ham's descendants, but some scholars have suggested [[Land of Punt|Punt]], the Egyptian name for Somalia.{{sfn|Mathews|1996|p=445}}
* [[Canaan (son of Ham)|Canaan]]: The strip of land west of the [[Jordan River]] including modern [[Lebanon]] and parts of [[Syria]], and the varied peoples who lived there.{{sfn|Mathews|1996|p=445–446}}
** [[Sidon]]: The main Phoenician city, often treated as synonymous with [[Phoenicia]].{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=104–105}}
** [[Biblical Hittites|Heth]]: Probably the ancestor of the [[biblical Hittites]], although the [[Hittites]] of Anatolia had no ethnic or linguistic ties with the peoples of Canaan.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=105}}
** "the [[Jebusite]]", offspring of Canaan.
** "the [[Amorite]]": Generic name for West Semitic peoples of the Fertile Crescent.{{sfn|Towner|2001|p=105}}
** "the [[Girgasites]]", offspring of Canaan
** "the [[Hivites|Hivite]]", offspring of Canaan
** "the [[Arkite]]", offspring of Canaan.
** "the [[Canaan|Sinite]]", offspring of Canaan.
** "the [[Arvadite]]", offspring of Canaan.
** "the [[Zemarite]]", offspring of Canaan.
** "the [[Hamathite]]", offspring of Canaan.
Seorang imam Yesuit dari abad ke-17, [[Athanasius Kircher]], mengira bahwa orang Tionghoa diturunkan dari Ham melalui orang Mesir.
Beginning in the 9th century with the Jewish grammarian Judah ibn Quraysh, a relationship between the [[Semitic languages|Semitic]] and [[Cushitic languages]] was seen; modern linguists group these two families, along with the [[Egyptian languages|Egyptian]], [[Berber languages|Berber]], [[Chadic languages|Chadic]], and [[Omotic languages|Omotic]] language groups into the larger [[Afro-Asiatic languages|Afro-Asiatic]] language family. In addition, languages in the southern half of Africa are now seen as belonging to several distinct families independent of the Afro-Asiatic group. Some now discarded [[Hamitic]] theories have become viewed as racist; in particular a theory proposed in the 19th century by Speke, that the [[Tutsi]] were supposedly of some Hamitic ancestry and thus ''inherently superior''.<ref>{{cite book|title=Changing Conceptions of Psychological Life|year=2005|publisher=Psychology Press|isbn=978-0805843361|page=186|author=David Moshman|editor=Cynthia Lightfoot, Michael Chandler and Chris Lalonde|chapter=Theories of Self and Theories as Selves}}</ref>
=== Tafsiran lain: Keturunan Sem ===
The 17th-century Jesuit, [[Athanasius Kircher]], thought that the Chinese had also descended from Ham, via Egyptians.
=== Interpretasi lain: Keturunan Sem ===
* [[Elam (Hebrew Bible)|Elam]]: Kerajaan di sebelah timur Babel, di pesisir [[Teluk Persia]].{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=141}} [[:en:Elamites|Bangsa Elam]] menyebut negerinya ''Haltamti'', pernah menjadi kerajaan dengan ibukotaibu kota [[Susa]], yang sekatarang adalah [[Khuzistan]] di [[Iran]] modern. [[:en:Elamite language|Bahasa Elam]] bukan tergolong [[Semitic languages|Semiticbahasa Semitik]] language.
* Ashur: [[AshurAsyur]]: Assyria.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=141}}
* [[ArpachshadArpakhsad]]: AnNama obscureyang nametidak ofdiketahui uncertainjelas meaningmaknanya, althoughmeskipun apparentlytampaknya associatedterkait withdengan northernbagian utara Mesopotamia.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=142}}
:* ''[[Kainan]] dicatat sebagai putra Arpakhsad dan ayah Shelah pada [[Septuaginta]], terjemahan Alkitab Ibrani ke dalam bahasa Yunani yang dibuat pada abad ke-3 SM. Nama ini tidak dimuat pada Alkitab Ibrani versi Teks Masoret. [[Silsilah Yesus Kristus]] dalam [[Injil Lukas]] ({{Alkitab|Lukas 3:36}}, memuat nama ini, dan dianggap mengutip dari Septuaginta, bukan teks Ibrani.''
:* ''[[Cainan]] is listed as the son of Arpachshad and father of Shelah in the [[Septuagint]], a Greek translation of the Hebrew bible (the [[Masoretic text]]) made in the last few centuries before the modern era. The name is omitted in the Hebrew bible. The genealogy of [[Jesus]] in [[St. Luke]] 3:36, which is taken from the Septuagint rather than the Hebrew text, include the name.''
:* [[Salah (biblical figure)|Salah]] (alsojuga transcribedditulis ''Shelah'') sonputra of ArpachshadArpakhsad (oratau CainanKainan).
::* [[Eber]] son ofputra Shelah: The ancestor ofLeluhur Abraham anddan theorang Hebrews[[Ibrani]], he has a significant placemempunyai asposisi thesignifikan 14thke-14 fromdari [[Adam]].{{sfn|Matthews|1996|p=497}}
:::* [[Peleg]]: The name meansberarti "divisionpembagian," anddan maydapat refermerujuk tokepada thepembagian divisionbangsa-bangsa ofsetelah the peoples in theperistiwa [[Tower of Babel|Menara Babel]] incident which follows, oratau tobahwa Peleg anddan hisketuruannya descendants"dibagi beingkhusus" ("''divided out''") assebagai theumat chosen people ofpilihan GodAllah.{{sfn|Matthews|1996|p=38}}
:::* [[JoktanYoktan]]: TheNama nameini isbercorak [[Arabicbahasa Arab]], and hisdan ke-13 "sons,"putranya so far as they can be identified,diidentifikasi corresponddengan totempat-tempat thedi westbagian andbarat southwestdan ofbarat thedaya Arabiansemenanjung peninsulaArab.{{sfn|Tooman|2011|p=160}}
::::* [[Almodad]], sonputra of JoktanYoktan.
::::* [[Sheleph]], sonputra of JoktanYoktan.
::::* [[Hazarmaveth]], sonputra of JoktanYoktan.
::::* [[Jerah]], sonputra of JoktanYoktan.
::::* [[Hadoram]], sonputra of JoktanYoktan.
::::* [[Uzal]], sonputra of JoktanYoktan.
::::* [[Diklah]] sonputra of JoktanYoktan.
::::* [[Obal]], sonputra of JoktanYoktan.
::::* [[Abimael]], sonputra of JoktanYoktan.
::::* [[Sheba]], sonputra of JoktanYoktan.
::::* [[OphirOfir]], sonputra of JoktanYoktan.
::::* [[HavilahHawila]], sonputra of JoktanYoktan.
::::* [[JobabYobab]], sonputra of JoktanYoktan.
* [[Lud son of Shem|Lud]]: The kingdom ofKerajaan [[Lydia]] indi easternbagian timur Anatolia.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=141}} HoweverNamun, Lydia wasbukan notSemitik Semiticdan andsecara notgeografis geographicallytidak neardekat thedengan other"keturunan Sem"sons ofyang Shem"lain, which makes its presence insehingga thekehadirannya listdalam difficultdaftar tosukar explaindijelaskan.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=142}}
* [[Aram, son of Shem|Aram]]: Mesopotamia anddan SyriaSuriah.{{sfn|Gmirkin|2006|p=141}}
** [[Uz (son of Aram)|Uz]], son ofputra Aram.
** [[Hul]], son ofputra Aram.
** [[Gether]], son ofputra Aram.
** [[List of minor biblical figures, L–Z#Mash|Mash]], son ofputra Aram ([[Kitab 1 ChroniclesTawarikh]] hasmemuat ''MeshechMesekh'').
== Putra-putra Nuh di luar catatan Alkitab==
==Extrabiblical sons of Noah==
There exist various traditions in post-biblical sources claiming that NoahNuh had children other than Shem, Ham, and Japheth &mdash; born variously before, during, or after the Deluge.
According to the [[Quran]] (''[[Hud (surah)|Hud]]'' 42&ndash;4342–43), NoahNuh had another unnamed son who refused to come aboard the Ark, instead preferring to climb a mountain, where he drowned. Some later Islamic commentators give his name as either ''Yam'' or ''Kan'an''.<ref>This was observed as early as 1734, in [[George Sale]]'s Commentary on the Quran.</ref>
According to [[Irish mythology]], as found in the ''[[Annals of the Four Masters]]'' and elsewhere, NoahNuh had another son named [[Cessair|Bith]] who was not allowed aboard the Ark, and who attempted to colonise Ireland with 54 persons, only to be wiped out in the Deluge.
Some 9th-century manuscripts of the ''[[Anglo-Saxon Chronicle]]'' assert that ''[[Sceafa]]'' was the fourth sonputra of NoahNuh, born aboard the Ark, from whom the House of [[Wessex]] traced their ancestry; in [[William of Malmesbury]]'s version of this genealogy (c. 1120), Sceaf is instead made a descendant of ''Strephius'', the fourth son born aboard the Ark (''Gesta Regnum Anglorum'').
An early Arabic work known as ''Kitab al-Magall'' "Book of Rolls" (part of [[Clementine literature]]) mentions ''Bouniter'', the fourth son ofputra NoahNuh, born after the flood, who allegedly invented astronomy and instructed Nimrod.<ref>{{cite book|ref=harv|last=Klijn|first=Albertus|authorlink=Albertus Klijn|title=Seth: In Jewish, Christian and Gnostic Literature|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=zpY3AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA54|year=1977|publisher=BRILL|isbn=90-04-05245-3}}, page 54</ref> Variants of this story with often similar names for NoahNuh's fourth son are also found in the c. fifth century [[Ge'ez language|Ge'ez]] work ''[[Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan]]'' (''Barvin''), the c. sixth century [[Syriac language|Syriac]] book ''[[Cave of Treasures]]'' (''Yonton''), the seventh century ''[[Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius]]'' (''Ionitus''<ref>S.P. Brock notes that the earliest Greek texts of ''Pseudo-Methodius'' read ''Moneton'', while the Syriac versions have ''Ionţon'' ([https://books.google.com/books?id=AllY-mu65KsC&pg=PA123&dq=maniton+noah&sig=-f9dPnGz0czMO-kfP5MAxhoaJ-o#PPA116,M1 Armenian Apocrypha, p. 117])</ref>), the Syriac ''[[Book of the Bee]]'' 1221 (''Yônatôn''), the Hebrew ''[[Chronicles of Jerahmeel]]'', c. 12th&ndash;14th12th–14th century (''Jonithes''), and throughout Armenian apocryphal literature, where he is usually referred to as ''Maniton''; as well as in works by [[Petrus Comestor]] c. 1160 (''Jonithus''), [[Godfrey of Viterbo]] 1185 (''Ihonitus''), [[Michael the Syrian]] 1196 (''Maniton''), [[Abu al-Makarim]] c. 1208 (''Abu Naiţur''); [[Jacob van Maerlant]] c. 1270 (''Jonitus''), and [[Abraham Zacuto]] 1504 (''Yoniko''). <!-- and [[Jehiel ben Solomon Heilprin]] c. 1697 (''Yuniku''). (citation needed) -->
[[Martin of Opava]] (c. 1250), later versions of the ''[[Mirabilia Urbis Romae]]'', and the ''Chronicon Bohemorum'' of Giovanni di Marignola (1355) make [[Janus]] (the Roman deity) the fourth putra Nuh, who moved to Italy, invented [[astrology]], and instructed Nimrod.
Menurut biarawan [[Annio da Viterbo]] (1498), penulis Babilonia Helenistik [[Berossus]] pernah menyebut 30 anak dilahirkan bagi Nuh setelah Air Bah, termasuk putra-putra bernama [[Tuisto]], [[Prometheus]], [[Iapetos]], [[Macrus]], "16 [[titan (mitologi)|titan]]", [[Cranus]], [[Granaus]], [[Oceanus]], dam [[Tipheus]]. Juga disebutkan putri-putri Nuh yang bernama Araxa "Agung", Regina, [[Pandora]], Crana, dan [[Thetis]]. Namun, naskah Annio sekarang dianggap hasil pemalsuan.<ref>[http://www.annomundi.com/history/travels_of_noah.htm Travels of Noah into Europe]</ref>
[[Martin of Opava]] (c. 1250), later versions of the ''[[Mirabilia Urbis Romae]]'', and the ''Chronicon Bohemorum'' of Giovanni di Marignola (1355) make [[Janus]] (the Roman deity) the fourth son of Noah, who moved to Italy, invented [[astrology]], and instructed Nimrod.
According to the monk [[Annio da Viterbo]] (1498), the Hellenistic Babylonian writer [[Berossus]] had mentioned 30 children born to Noah after the Deluge, including sons named [[Tuisto]], [[Prometheus]], [[Iapetus (mythology)|Iapetus]], [[Macrus]], "16 [[titan (mythology)|titans]]", [[Cranus]], [[Granaus]], [[Oceanus]], and [[Tipheus]]. Also mentioned are daughters of Noah named Araxa "the Great", Regina, [[Pandora]], Crana, and [[Thetis]]. However, Annio's manuscript is widely regarded today as having been a forgery.<ref>[http://www.annomundi.com/history/travels_of_noah.htm Travels of Noah into Europe]</ref>
== Islam ==
Putra-putra Nuh tidak disebutkan nama-namanya dalam QuranQur'an, melainkan hanya dicatat bahwa salah satu putranya termasuk orang-orang yang tidak mengikuti Nuh, bukan tergolong orang percaya, sehingga tenggelam dalam air bah. Juga Qur'an mengindikasikan bencana besar, cukup untuk menghancurkan orang-orang pada zaman Nuh, tetapi menyelamatkan Nuh dan keturunannya.<ref>Surat As-Saffat {{cite quran|37|75–77|s=ns}}</ref>
== LihatpulaLihat pula ==
{{div col|cols=3}}
* [[Daftar genealogi Alkitab]]
* [[Aggadah]]
* [[Ancient Egypt]]
* [[Antediluvian]]
* [[Bahtera Nuh]]
* [[Comparative linguistics]]
* [[Continuity thesis]]
Baris 391 ⟶ 389:
* [[Mesopotamia]]
* [[Nuwaubianism]]
* [[Noah's Ark]]
* [[Wives aboard the Ark]]
{{div col end}}
Baris 671 ⟶ 668:
== Pranala luar ==
* [http://www.latinvulgate.com/ bahasa Latin VulgateVulgata dan andbahasa EnglishInggris Douay-Rheims]
* [http://www.apostlesbible.com/ EnglishSeptuaginta Septuagintbahasa Inggris] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20121225081029/http://www.apostlesbible.com/ |date=2012-12-25 }}
* [http://etext.virginia.edu/frames/bibleframe.html King James Version anddan Revised Standard Version] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150329230641/http://etext.virginia.edu/frames/bibleframe.html |date=2015-03-29 }}
* [http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=134&letter=G ''Jewish Encyclopedia'']: EntryEntri foruntuk "Genealogy"
* [http://custance.org/old/noah/ch1bh.html Custance, Arthur C., ''The Roots of the Nations''.] A{{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20020330025258/http://custance.org/old/noah/ch1bh.html more|date=2002-03-30 standard}} creationistCatatan accountkreasionis thatlebih associatesstandar Japhethyang withmengkaitkan EuropeYafet dengan Eropa.
{{Anak Nuh}}
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