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Baris 7:
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|caption = Gerbang Barat (''Western gate'')
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<div style="position: relative; text-align: center; left: -4px; top: -4px; width: 8px; font-size: 8px;">[[FileBerkas:Red pog.svg|7px]]</div><div style="font-size: 90%; line-height: 110%; position: relative; top: -1.5em; width: 6em; left: 0.5em; text-align: left;"><span style="padding: 1px;">'''Khirbet Qeiyafa'''</span></div></div></div></div></div>
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Baris 41:
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'''Khirbet Qeiyafa''' ('''Benteng Ela'''; '''Elah Fortress''') adalah situs kota kuno dengan pemandangan [[Lembah Ela]].<ref name="Reuter">{{cite web|url=|title=Archaeologists report finding oldest Hebrew text|first=Ari|last=Rabinovitch|publisher=Reuters|date=October 30, 2008|accessdate=November 5, 2011}}</ref> Reruntuhan benteng di sana ditemukan pada tahun 2007,<ref name="Vol8Ar22"/> dekat kota [[Israel]] [[Beit Shemesh]], 20 mil (32&nbsp;km) dari [[Yerusalem]].<ref>{{cite journal|url=|title=Elah city-fortress, Khirbet Qeiyafa|accessdate=November 16, 2011|first=Chris|last=Catling|date=January 6, 2009|issue=33|page=8|journal=Current World Archaeology}}</ref> Mencakup tanah seluas hampir 6 [[acre]] (2.4&nbsp;ha) dan dikelilingi oleh tembok kota sepanjang 700 meter (2.300&nbsp;kaki) yang dibangun dari batu yang masing-masing beratnya mencapai delapan [[ton]].<ref name=dm>{{cite web|url=|title='Proof' David slew Goliath found as Israeli archaeologists unearth 'oldest ever Hebrew text'|publisher=Daily Mail|date=October 31, 2008|last=Kalman|first=Matthew|accessdate=November 5, 2011}}</ref> Sejumlah arkeolog berpendapat bahwa ini merupakan kota kuno [[:en:Sha'arayim|Saaraim]] atau Neta'im yang tercatat dalam [[Alkitab]]<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Khirbet Qeiyafa Identified as Biblical 'Neta'im'|publisher=[[Science Daily]]|accessdate=March 26, 2011}}</ref> dan kemungkinan menyimpan reruntuhan istana raja [[Daud]].<ref>{{cite web | url= | title=Have Archaeologists Found King David’s Palace? | publisher=Bible Gateway | date=31 July 2013 | accessdate=1 August 2013}}</ref><ref name="KDav">{{cite web | url= | title=King David’s Palace at Khirbet Qeiyafa? | publisher=Bible History Daily | accessdate=1 August 2013}}</ref><!-- Others are sceptical, and suggest it might represent either a [[Tribe of Judah|Judah]]ite or [[Canaan]]ite fortress, doubting whether it was a Jewish settlement at all.<ref name="Fridman">Julia Fridman, [ 'Crying King David: Are the ruins found in Israel really his palace? ,'] at [[Haaretz]], 26 August 2013.</ref>
== Nama ==
Nama Arab situs ini, Khirbet Qeiyafa, tidak jelas artinya. Ada sarjana yang berpendapat maknanya adalah "tempat dengan pemandangan luas."<ref name=dagan/> Nama Ibrani modern, ''Elah Fortress'' ("Benteng Ela"), diturunkan dari lokasi situs ini yang terletak di tepian utara ''Nahal Elah'', satu dari enam sungai kecil yang mengalir dari [[pegunungan Yudea]] ke arah dataran pantai.<ref name=dagan/>
== Geografi ==
[[FileBerkas:Qeiyafa city wall1.jpg|rightka|thumbjmpl|Pemandangan dari udara]]
[[FileBerkas:Khirbet Qeiyafa view of Tel Azeka.jpg|thumbjmpl|Pemandangan Tel Azeka dari Khirbet Qeiyafa, Israel. Tembok di atas dibangun kemudian; tembok di bawah dari [[zaman Besi]]. Perhatikan tembok sebelah dalam pada ruangan yang diplaster.]]
Benteng Ela terletak sedikit di dalam tebing utara-selatan dari pegunungan yang memisahkan Filistia dan Gat di sebelah barat dari Yudea di sebelah timur. Tebing ini juga merupakan lokasi yang diidentifikasi Tel [[Azeka]].<ref name="FS">{{cite web|url=|title=Elah Fortress – A short history of the site|publisher=Foundation Stone|accessdate=November 5, 2011|first=Barnea Levi|last=Selavan|date=August 2008|archive-date=2012-04-25|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref> <!--Past this ridge is a series of connecting valleys between two parallel groups of hills. Tel [[Sokho]] lies on the southern ridge with Tel [[Adullam]] behind it. The Elah Fortress is situated on the northern ridge, overlooking several valleys with a clear view of the [[Judean]] Mountains. Behind it to the northeast is Tel [[Yarmut]]. From the topography, archaeologists believe this was the location of the cities of Adullam, Sokho, Azekah and Yarmut cited in {{bibleverse||Joshua|15:35|HE}}.<ref name="FS"/> These valleys formed the border between Philistia and Judea.
== Sejarah situs dan ekskavasi ==
Situs Khirbet Qeiyafa mulai disurvei pada tahun 1860-an oleh [[:en:Victor Guérin|Victor Guérin]] yang melaporkan adanya suatu desa di atas bukit. Pada tahun 1875, surveyor dari Britania Raya mencatat hanya ada tumpukan batu. Pada tahun 1932, Dimitri Baramki, melaporkan pada situs ini terdapat bekas menara penjagaan seluas {{convert|35|sqm}} yang dikaitkan dengan '''Khirbet Quleidiya''' (Horvat Qolad), {{convert|200|m}} di sebelah timur.<ref name=dagan/> Situs ini diabaikan pada abad ke-20 dan tidak disebut-sebut oleh para sarjana terkemuka.<ref name="Vol8Ar22"/> Yehuda Dagan melakukan survei teliti pada tahun 1990-an dan mendokumentasikan reruntuhan yang tampak.<ref name=dagan/> Akhirnya lokasi ini menarik perhatian pada tahun 2005 ketika Saar Ganor menemukan struktur dari [[Zaman Besi]] yang menakjubkan di bawah reruntuhan itu.<ref name="Vol8Ar22"/>
The site of Khirbet Qeiyafa was surveyed in the 1860s by [[Victor Guérin]] who reported the presence of a village on the hilltop. In 1875, British surveyors noted only stone heaps. In 1932, Dimitri Baramki, reported the site to hold a {{convert|35|sqm}} watchtower associated with Khirbet Quleidiya (Horvat Qolad), {{convert|200|m}} east.<ref name=dagan/> The site was mostly neglected in the 20th century and not mentioned by leading scholars.<ref name="Vol8Ar22"/> Yehuda Dagan conducted more intense surveys in the 1990s and documented the visible remains.<ref name=dagan/> The site raised curiosity in 2005 when Saar Ganor discovered impressive [[Iron Age]] structures under the remnants.<ref name="Vol8Ar22"/>
Ekskavasi di Khirbet Qeiyafa dimulai pada tahun 2007, dipimpin oleh [[:en:Yosef Garfinkel|Yosef Garfinkel]] dari [[Hebrew University]] dan [[:en:Saar Ganor|Saar Ganor]] dari [[:en:Israel Antiquities Authority|Israel Antiquities Authority]], yang berlanjut sampai tahun 2008.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Khirbet Qeiyafa Archaeological Project|publisher=Hebrew University of Jerusalem|accessdate=November 5, 2011|archive-date=2011-11-27|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref> Hampir {{convert|600|sqm}} kota kuno dari [[Zaman Besi]] IIA telah digali. Berdasarkan gaya keramik dan dua sumur minyak zaitun yang terbakar yang telah dites dengan [[karbon-14]] pada [[Oxford University]], Garfinkel dan Ganor memberi tarikh 1050–970 SM untuk situs ini,<ref name="Vol8Ar22">{{cite journal|url=|format=pdf|journal=The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures|volume=8|issn=1203-1542|title=Khirbet Qeiyafa: Sha’arayim|first1=Yosef|last1=Garfinkel|first2=Saar|last2=Ganor|year=2008|accessdate=November 5, 2011|archive-date=2011-10-04|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref> meskipun [[:en:Israel Finkelstein|Israel Finkelstein]] menggugat bukti adanya penghunian antara tahun 1050 dan 915 SM.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Finkelstein|first1=Israel|first2=Eli|last2=Piasetzky|title=Khirbet Qeiyafa: Absolute Chronology|journal=Tel Aviv: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University|date=June 2010|volume=37|issue=1|pages=84–88|doi=10.1179/033443510x12632070179621|url=|accessdate=18 March 2011|archive-date=2012-04-05|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
Ekskavasi di Khirbet Qeiyafa dimulai pada tahun 2007, dipimpin oleh [[:en:Yosef Garfinkel|Yosef Garfinkel]] dari [[Hebrew University]] dan [[:en:Saar Ganor|Saar Ganor]] dari [[:en:Israel Antiquities Authority|Israel Antiquities Authority]], yang berlanjut sampai tahun 2008.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Khirbet Qeiyafa Archaeological Project|publisher=Hebrew University of Jerusalem|accessdate=November 5, 2011}}</ref> Hampir {{convert|600|sqm}} kota kuno dari [[Zaman Besi]] IIA telah digali. Berdasarkan gaya keramik dan dua sumur minyak zaitun yang terbakar yang telah dites dengan [[karbon-14]] pada [[Oxford University]], Garfinkel dan Ganor memberi tarikh 1050–970 SM untuk situs ini,<ref name="Vol8Ar22">{{cite journal|url=|format=pdf|journal=The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures|volume=8|issn=1203-1542|title=Khirbet Qeiyafa: Sha’arayim|first1=Yosef|last1=Garfinkel|first2=Saar|last2=Ganor|year=2008|accessdate=November 5, 2011}}</ref> meskipun [[Israel Finkelstein]] menggugat bukti adanya penghunian antara tahun 1050 dan 915 SM.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Finkelstein|first1=Israel|first2=Eli|last2=Piasetzky|title=Khirbet Qeiyafa: Absolute Chronology|journal=Tel Aviv: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University|date=June 2010|volume=37|issue=1|pages=84–88|doi=10.1179/033443510x12632070179621|url=|accessdate=18 March 2011}}</ref>
The initial excavation by Ganor and Garfinklel took place from August 12 to 26, 2007 on behalf of the [[Hebrew University of Jerusalem]] Institute of Archaeology. In their preliminary report at the annual [[American Schools of Oriental Research|ASOR]] conference on November 15, they presented a theory that the site was the Biblical [[Azekah]], which until then had been exclusively associated with [[Tell Zakariya]].<ref name=asor>{{cite web| url= | title=ASOR 2007 Conference abstracts| publisher= [[Boston University]]}}</ref> In 2008, after the discovery of a second gate, they identified the site as the biblical Sha'arayim ("two gates" in Hebrew).<ref name="Vol8Ar22"/>
== Tarikh ==
[[FileBerkas:HaElaFortressDSCN2167.JPG|thumbjmpl|Tembok-tembok benteng Ela]]
Dalam rangka publikasi laporan awal hasil penggalian tahun 2010 dan 2011 pada Khirbet Qeiyafa, [[:en:Israel Antiquities Authority|Israel Antiquities Authority]] menyatakan: "Ekskavasi pada Khirbat Qeiyafa nyata-nyata menunjukkan masyarakat perkotaan yang sudah ada di Yudea pada akhir abad ke-11 SM. Tidak lagi dapat diperdebatkan bahwa Kerajaan Yehuda baru dikembangkan pada akhir abad ke-8 SM atau tarikh yang kemudian."<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Salinan arsip |access-date=2014-11-21 |archive-date=2012-06-23 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
Discoveries at Khirbet Qeiyafa are significant to the debate about the veracity of the biblical account of the United Monarchy at the beginning of Iron Age II. As no archaeological finds were found that could corroborate claims of the existence of a magnificent biblical kingdom, various scholars have advanced the opinion that the kingdom was no more than a small tribal entity. Garfinkel, who said in 2010 that the debate could not "be answered by the Qeiyafa excavations", is of the opinion that "what is clear, however, is that the kingdom of Judah existed already as a centrally organized state in [[10th century BC|the tenth century B.C.E]]"
<ref name=ct>[ "Archaeology: What an Ancient Hebrew Note Might Mean"], Govier, Gordon, ''Christianity Today'' 1/18/2010</ref><ref name=keys/><ref name=minimal>{{cite journal|url=|journal=Biblical Archaeology Review|volume=37|issue=03|date=May–June 2011|title=The Birth & Death of Biblical Minimalism|first=Yosef|last=Garfinkel}}</ref> In addition to Garfinkel's theory there are two other hypotheses: one, supported by Nadav Na’aman and Ido Koch holds the ruins to be Canaanite, based on strong similarities with the nearby Canaanite excavations at Beit Shemesh. The third hypothesis, advanced by [[Israel Finkelstein]] and Alexander Fantalkin, maintains that the site shows affiliations with a North Israelite entity.<ref name="Fridman"/>
Pada tahun 2010, [[Gershon Galil]] dari [[University of Haifa]] mengidentifikasi Khirbet Qeiyafa sebagai “Neta’im” yang dicatat pada {{Alkitab|1 Tawarikh 4:23}}, karena kedekatannya dengan '''Khirbet Ğudrayathe''' (kota '''Gedera''' di [[Alkitab]]). Penduduk kedua kota ini dikatakan dalam [[Alkitab]] merupakan "tukang periuk" dan "bekerja melayani Raja", suatu pemerian yang konsisten dengan penemuan arkeologi pada situs ini.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Khirbet Qeiyafa identified as biblical "Neta’im" |publisher= [[University of Haifa]] |date=March 4, 2010 |accessdate=July 14, 2011}}</ref>
Penemuan-penemuan pada Khirbet Qeiyafa signifikan dalam debat mengenai kebenaran catatan Alkitab terkait "Kerajaan Israel bersatu" pada awal [[Zaman Besi]] II. Sampai saat itu tidak ada penemuan arkeologi yang mendukung adanya kerajaan kuat sebagaimana digambarkan dalam [[Alkitab]], sehingga sejumlah sarjana berpendapat "kerajaan" itu tidak lain hanya suatu bentuk "suku kecil" saja. Garfinkel, yang menyatakan pada tahun 2010 bahwa debat itu tidak dapat "dijawab oleh ekskavasi di Qeiyafa", berpendapat bahwa "apa yang jelas, bagaimanapun juga, adalah Kerajaan Yehuda sudah ada sebagai suatu negeri yang terorganisir secara sentral pada [[abad ke-10 SM]]"
Yehuda Dagan dari Israel Antiquities Authority tidak setuju dengan identifikasi sebagai Saaraim. Dagan yakin bahwa jalur mundur tentara Filistin kuno setelah kekalahan mereka dalam pertempuran di [[Lembah Ela]] ({{Alkitab|1 Samuel 17:52}}), lebih memungkinkan mengidentifikasi Saaraim dengan reruntuhan pada '''Khirbet esh-Shari'a'''. Dagan berpendapat bahwa Khirbet Qeiyafa diidentikasi dengan kota Aditaim ({{Alkitab|Yosua 15:36}}).<ref name=dagan>{{cite journal|title=Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Judean Shephelah: Some Considerations|url=|format=pdf|first=Yehuda|last=Dagan|journal=Tel Aviv: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University|volume=36|year=2009|pages=68–81}}</ref>
<ref name=ct>[ "Archaeology: What an Ancient Hebrew Note Might Mean"], Govier, Gordon, ''Christianity Today'' 1/18/2010</ref><ref name=keys/><ref name=minimal>{{cite journal|url=|journal=Biblical Archaeology Review|volume=37|issue=03|date=May–June 2011|title=The Birth & Death of Biblical Minimalism|first=Yosef|last=Garfinkel|access-date=2014-11-21|archive-date=2011-09-08|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref> InSebagai additiontambahan topada teori Garfinkel's theory there are, twomuncul otherdua hypotheseshipotesis: onesatu, supporteddidukung byoleh Nadav Na’aman anddan Ido Koch holdsberpendirian thebahwa ruinsreruntuhan toitu beberasal Canaanitedari orang Kanaan, baseddidasarkan onpada strongkemiripan similaritieskuat withdengan theekskavasi nearbydi Canaanitewilayah excavationsKanaan atdekat sana di "Beit Shemesh". TheHipotesis third hypothesisketiga, advanceddiajukan byoleh [[Israel Finkelstein]] anddan Alexander Fantalkin, maintainsbersikeras thatbahwa thesitus siteitu showsmenunjukkan affiliationshubungan withdengan asuatu Northkelompok IsraeliteIsrael entityUtara.<ref name="Fridman"/>
== Identifikasi ==
Pada tahun 2010, [[:en:Gershon Galil|Gershon Galil]] dari [[University ofUniversitas Haifa]] mengidentifikasi Khirbet Qeiyafa sebagai “Neta’im”"Neta’im" yang dicatat pada {{Alkitab|1 Tawarikh 4:23}}, karena kedekatannya dengan '''Khirbet Ğudrayathe''' (kota '''Gedera''' di [[Alkitab]]). Penduduk kedua kota ini dikatakan dalam [[Alkitab]] merupakan "tukang periuk" dan "bekerja melayani Raja", suatu pemerian yang konsisten dengan penemuan arkeologi pada situs ini.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Khirbet Qeiyafa identified as biblical "Neta’im" |publisher= [[University of Haifa]] |date=March 4, 2010 |accessdate=July 14, 2011 |archive-date=2011-07-21 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
Yehuda Dagan dari Israel Antiquities Authority tidak setuju dengan identifikasi sebagai Saaraim. Dagan yakin bahwa jalur mundur tentara Filistin kuno setelah kekalahan mereka dalam pertempuran di [[Lembah Ela]] ({{Alkitab|[[1 Samuel 17:52}}]]), lebih memungkinkan mengidentifikasi Saaraim dengan reruntuhan pada '''Khirbet esh-Shari'a'''. Dagan berpendapat bahwa Khirbet Qeiyafa diidentikasi dengan kota Aditaim ({{Alkitab|Yosua 15:36}}).<ref name=dagan>{{cite journal|title=Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Judean Shephelah: Some Considerations|url=|format=pdf|first=Yehuda|last=Dagan|journal=Tel Aviv: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University|volume=36|year=2009|pages=68–81|access-date=2014-11-21|archive-date=2016-03-03|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
The fortifications at Khirbet Qeiyafa predate those of contemporary [[Lachish]], [[Beersheba]], [[Tel Arad|Arad]], and [[Timnah]]. All these sites have yielded pottery dated to early Iron Age II. The parallel valley to the north, mentioned in [[Samuel]] I, runs from the Philistine city of [[Ekron]] to Tel [[Beit Shemesh]]. The city gate of the Elah Fortress faces west with a path down to the road leading to the sea, and was thus named "Gath Gate" or "Sea Gate." The {{convert|23|dunam|acre|adj=on}} site is surrounded by a [[Casemate|casement]] wall and fortifications.<ref name=keys>{{cite web|last=Shtull |first=Asaf |url= |title=The Keys to the Kingdom, Haaretz |publisher=[[Haaretz]] |date=21 July 1993 |accessdate=2011-07-14}}</ref> The top layer of the fortress shows that the fortifications were renewed in the Hellenistic period.<ref name="FS"/>
Garfinkel suggests that it was a Judean city with 500–600 inhabitants during the reign of [[David]] and [[Solomon]].<ref name=keys/><ref name="Biblical David-NYT">{{cite news|url=|title=Find of Ancient City Could Alter Notions of Biblical David|author=Ethan Bronner| date= 2008-10-29| publisher=New York Times|accessdate=2008-11-05}}</ref><ref name="autogenerated1">{{cite news|url= |title=Have Israeli archaeologists found world's oldest Hebrew inscription? |agency=Associated Press |date=October 30, 2008 |newspaper=[[Haaretz]]|accessdate= November 5, 2011}}</ref> Based on pottery finds at Qeiyafa and Gath, archaeologists believe the sites belonged to two distinct ethnic groups. "The finds have not yet established who the residents were," says [[Aren Maeir]], a [[Bar Ilan University]] archaeologist digging at Gath. "It will become more clear if, for example, evidence of the local diet is found. Excavations have shown that Philistines ate dogs and pigs, while Israelites did not. The nature of the ceramic shards found at the site suggest residents might have been neither Israelites nor Philistines but members of a third, forgotten people."<ref>{{cite news|title=Israeli Archaeologists Find Ancient Text|agency=Associated Press|date=October 30, 2008|first=Matti|last=Friedman|newspaper=AOL news|url=}}</ref> Evidence that the city was not Philistine comes from the private houses that abut the city wall, an arrangement that was not used in Philistine cities.<ref name=Draper/> There is also evidence of equipment for baking flat bread and hundreds of bones from goats, cattle, sheep, and fish. Significantly, no pig bones have been uncovered, suggesting that the city was not Philistine.<ref name=Draper/><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Khirbet Qeiyafa after Four Seasons of Excavations|first=Yosef|last=Garfinkel|accessdate=November 5, 2011|year=2010}}</ref> Nadav Na'aman of Tel Aviv University nevertheless associates it with Philistine Gath, citing the necessity for further excavations as well as evidence from Bet Shemesh whose inhabitants also avoided eating pork, yet were associated with Ekron.<ref name=Naaman>{{cite journal|title=In search of the ancient name of Khirbet Qeiyafa|first=Nadav|last=Na'aman|journal=The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures|accessdate=November 5, 2011|issn=1203-1542|year=2008|url=}}</ref> Na'aman proposed identification with the Philistine city of Gob.<ref name=Naaman/>
Yigal Levin hasmengusulkan proposed that thebahwa ''ma’gal'' (מעגל) oratau "perkemahan melingkar" ("''circular camp''") oforang theIsrael Israelitesyang whichdisebut isdalam mentionedkisah inDaud thedan story of David and GoliathGoliat ({{bibleverseAlkitab|1| Samuel| 17:20|HE}}) wasdapat describeddigambarkan thisdemikian waykarena becausecocok itdengan fittedbentuk themelingkar circularKhirbet shapeQeiyafa ofdi the nearby Khirbet Qeiyafadekatnya.<ref name=Levin>{{cite journal|title=The Identification of Khirbet Qeiyafa: A New Suggestion|first=Yigal|last=Levin|journal=Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research|accessdate=November 7, 2012|year=2012|url=}}</ref> <!--Levin argues that the story of David and Goliath is set decades before Khirbet Qeiyafa was built and so the reference to Israel's encampment at the ma’gal probably does "not represent any particular historical event at all". But when the story was composed centuries later, the round structure of Khirbet Qeiyafa "would still have been visible and known to the author of {{bibleverse|1|Samuel|17|HE}}", who "guessed its function, and worked it into his story".<ref name=Levin />
== Penemuan Arkeologi ==
Yigal Levin has proposed that the ma’gal (מעגל) or "circular camp" of the Israelites which is mentioned in the story of David and Goliath ({{bibleverse|1|Samuel|17:20|HE}}) was described this way because it fitted the circular shape of the nearby Khirbet Qeiyafa.<ref name=Levin>{{cite journal|title=The Identification of Khirbet Qeiyafa: A New Suggestion|first=Yigal|last=Levin|journal=Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research|accessdate=November 7, 2012|year=2012|url=}}</ref> Levin argues that the story of David and Goliath is set decades before Khirbet Qeiyafa was built and so the reference to Israel's encampment at the ma’gal probably does "not represent any particular historical event at all". But when the story was composed centuries later, the round structure of Khirbet Qeiyafa "would still have been visible and known to the author of {{bibleverse|1|Samuel|17|HE}}", who "guessed its function, and worked it into his story".<ref name=Levin />
[[FileBerkas:Jugs in Situ, Khirbet Qeiyafa -2.JPG|thumbjmpl|PotteryPeriuk indi lokasi situpenggalian, 2009]]
TheSitus sitesini consiststerdiri ofdari akota lowersebelah citybawah of aboutsekitar 10 hectareshektar anddan ankota uppersebelah cityatas of aboutsekitar {{convert|3|ha}} surrounded bydikelilingi aoleh massivetembok defensivepertahanan wallkokoh rangingdengan fromketinggian {{convert|2|-|4|m}} tall. TheTembok-tembok wallsitu aredibangun builtdengan incara theyang samesama mannerseperti astembok-tembok the walls ofdi [[Tel Hazor|Hazor]] anddan [[Gezer]], formeddibentuk bydengan asuatu [[casemate]] (asepasang pairtembok ofdengan wallssebuah withruangan adi chamber in betweenantaranya).<ref name=Draper>{{cite web| url= | title= David and Solomon| first=Robert |last= Draper | publisher= [[National Geographic Society|National Geographic]] |date=December 2010| accessdate=2011-07-14}}</ref> AtDi thetengah centerkota ofatas theterdapat uppersuatu citydaerah istertutup aberbentuk largepersegi rectangularpanjang enclosuredengan withruangan-ruangan spaciouslebar roomsdi onbagian the southselatan, equivalentmirip todengan similaryang enclosuresditemukan foundpada at royal citieskota-kota suchkerajaan asseperti [[Samaria]], [[LachishLakhis]], anddan [[Ramat Rachel]]. Di Onlereng theselatan, southerndi slopeluar kota, outsideterdapat themakam city,yang theredigali aredari batu bertarikh [[IronZaman AgeBesi]] rock-cut tombs.
TheMenurut site,Garfinkel accordinglokasi to Garfinkel, hasini "amempunyai towntata plankota characteristicyang ofkhas theuntuk Kingdom[[Kerajaan ofYehuda]] Judahyang thatjuga isdikenal alsodari known from othertempat-tempat siteslain, e.g.,misalnya [[Beit Shemesh]], [[Tell en-Nasbeh]], [[Tell Beit Mirsim]] anddan [[Beersheba]]. ASuatu tembok ''casemate'' walldibangun wasdi builtsemua atlokasi allini ofdan theserumah-rumah sitesdalam andkota thedi city’ssebelahnya housesdigabungkan nextpada tocasemate itsebagai incorporatedsalah the casemates as one of thesatu dwelling’skamar roomstinggal. ThisModel modelini istidak notdikenal knownpada frombangsa-bangsa any CanaaniteKanaan, PhilistineFilistin ormaupun Kingdom of[[Kerajaan Israel siteUtara]]."<ref name=Garfinkle2012>{{cite journal|last=Garfinkel|first=Yossi|coauthors=Sa‘ar Ganor and Michael Hasel|title=Horvat Qeiyafa: The Fortification of the Border of the Kingdom of Judah|journal=Hadashot Arkheologiyot – Excavations and Surveys in Israel (HA-ESI)|date=19 April 2012|volume=124|url=|accessdate=1 May 2013|archive-date=2013-05-18|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
==Archaeological finds==
[[File:Jugs in Situ, Khirbet Qeiyafa -2.JPG|thumb|Pottery in situ, 2009]]
The site consists of a lower city of about 10 hectares and an upper city of about {{convert|3|ha}} surrounded by a massive defensive wall ranging from {{convert|2|-|4|m}} tall. The walls are built in the same manner as the walls of [[Tel Hazor|Hazor]] and [[Gezer]], formed by a [[casemate]] (a pair of walls with a chamber in between).<ref name=Draper>{{cite web| url= | title= David and Solomon| first=Robert |last= Draper | publisher= [[National Geographic Society|National Geographic]] |date=December 2010| accessdate=2011-07-14}}</ref> At the center of the upper city is a large rectangular enclosure with spacious rooms on the south, equivalent to similar enclosures found at royal cities such as [[Samaria]], [[Lachish]], and [[Ramat Rachel]]. On the southern slope, outside the city, there are [[Iron Age]] rock-cut tombs.
Situs ini mempunyai pertahanan kuat, "termasuk penggunaan batu-batu yang masing-masing beratnya mencapai delapan ton."<ref name=Garfinkle2012 />
The site, according to Garfinkel, has "a town plan characteristic of the Kingdom of Judah that is also known from other sites, e.g., [[Beit Shemesh]], [[Tell en-Nasbeh]], [[Tell Beit Mirsim]] and [[Beersheba]]. A casemate wall was built at all of these sites and the city’s houses next to it incorporated the casemates as one of the dwelling’s rooms. This model is not known from any Canaanite, Philistine or Kingdom of Israel site."<ref name=Garfinkle2012>{{cite journal|last=Garfinkel|first=Yossi|coauthors=Sa‘ar Ganor and Michael Hasel|title=Horvat Qeiyafa: The Fortification of the Border of the Kingdom of Judah|journal=Hadashot Arkheologiyot – Excavations and Surveys in Israel (HA-ESI)|date=19 April 2012|volume=124|url=|accessdate=1 May 2013}}</ref>
"500 jarpegangan guci mejar handles bearing a single finger print, or sometimes two or three, were found. Marking jar handles is characteristic of the Kingdom of Judah and it seems this practice has already begun in the early Iron Age IIA."<<ref name=Garfinkle2012 />
The site is massively fortified, "including the use of stones that weigh up to eight tons apiece."<ref name=Garfinkle2012 />
"500 jar handles bearing a single finger print, or sometimes two or three, were found. Marking jar handles is characteristic of the Kingdom of Judah and it seems this practice has already begun in the early Iron Age IIA."<<ref name=Garfinkle2012 />
Area "A" extended 5x5 metres and consists of two major layers: [[Hellenistic period|Hellenistic]] above, and Iron Age II below. Area "B" contains four squares, about 2.5 metres deep from top-soil to bedrock, and also features both Hellenistic and Iron Age layers.<ref name=iaa/> Surveys on the surface have also revealed sherds from the early and middle Bronze Ages, as well as from the Persian, Roman, Byzantine, early Islamic, Mameluke and Ottoman periods.<ref name=dagan/>
The Hellenistic/upper portion of the wall was built with small rocks atop the Iron-II lower portion, consisting of big boulders in a [[casemate]] design. Part of a structure identified as a city gate was uncovered, and some of the rocks where the wall meets this gate are estimated to weigh 3 to 5 [[ton]]s.<ref name=iaa>{{cite web|url=|title=Horvat Qeiyafa: The Fortification of the Border of the Kingdom of Judah|first1=Yossi|last1=Garfinkel|first2=Sa’ar|last2=Ganor|publisher=Israel Antiquities Authority|accessdate=November 5, 2011}}</ref> The lower phase was built of especially large stones, 1–3 meters long, and the heaviest of them weigh 3–5 tons. Atop these stones is a thin wall, c. 1.5 meters thick; small and medium size fieldstones were used in its construction. These two fortification phases rise to a height of 2–3 meters and standout at a distance, evidence of the great effort that was invested in fortifying the place.<ref name=iaa/>
== Inskripsi Khirbet Qeiyafa inscription==
[[FileBerkas:Khirbet Qeiyafa Ostracon.jpg|thumbjmpl|Artist'sOstracon renditionKhirbet ofQeiyafa themenurut ostraconlukisan artis]]ASuatu ''[[ostrakon]]'' berukuran {{convert|15|x|16.5|cm|adj=on}} [[ostracon]], aberwujud [[trapezoid]]-shapedpecahan potterykeramik berbentuk [[sherdtrapezoid]] withdengan fivelima linesbaris of textteks,<ref name=UHpress>{{cite web|title=Most ancient Hebrew biblical inscription deciphered|publisher=University of Haifa|date=January 10, 2010|accessdate=November 5, 2011|url=|archive-date=2011-10-05|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref> was discoveredditemukan duringsaat excavationsekskavasi atpada thelokasi siteitu intahun 2008.<ref name=UHpress/>
AlthoughTulisan thepada writingostracon onitu thetidak ostraconterlestarikan isdengan poorlybaik preserveddan andsukar difficultdibaca, to read,tetapi [[Émile Puech]] of thedari [[École Biblique|École Biblique et Archéologique Française]] proposed thatmengusulkan itterjemahan besebagai readberikut:
==Khirbet Qeiyafa inscription==
[[File:Khirbet Qeiyafa Ostracon.jpg|thumb|Artist's rendition of the ostracon]]A {{convert|15|x|16.5|cm|adj=on}} [[ostracon]], a [[trapezoid]]-shaped pottery [[sherd]] with five lines of text,<ref name=UHpress>{{cite web|title=Most ancient Hebrew biblical inscription deciphered|publisher=University of Haifa|date=January 10, 2010|accessdate=November 5, 2011|url=}}</ref> was discovered during excavations at the site in 2008.<ref name=UHpress/>
:1 Jangan menindas, dan layanilah Allah … menjarahnya
Although the writing on the ostracon is poorly preserved and difficult to read, [[Émile Puech]] of the [[École Biblique|École Biblique et Archéologique Française]] proposed that it be read:
:2 hakim itu dan janda itu menangis; ia mempunyai kuasa
:3 atas penduduk asing dan anak-anak, ia membasmi mereka semua
:4 Orang-orang dan para pemimpin/pejabat telah menetapkan seorang raja
:5 Ia menandai 60 [?] hamba di antara masyarakat/pemukiman/generasi
andIa understood themenganggap ostracon asitu amerupakan locallysalinan writtensetempat copydari ofsuatu apesan messageyang fromberasal thedari capitalibu informingkota, amemberitahukan localpejabat officialsetempat ofmengenai the ascent ofnaiknya Saul tomenjadi the throneraja.<ref>Leval, Gerard (2012). "Ancient Inscription Refers to Birth of Israelite Monarchy." ''Biblical Archaeology Review''. May/June 2012, 41-43, 70.</ref> Puech consideredmenilai thebahasanya language toadalah bebersifat CanaaniteKanaan oratau HebrewIbrani withouttanpa Philistinepengaruh influenceFilistin.<ref>{{cite journal | author = Émile Puech | title = l'ostracon de Khirbet Qeyafa et les débuts de la royauté en Israël | journal = Revue Biblique | year = 2010 | volume = 117 | issue = 2 | pages = 162–184 | quote = On a affaire au premier document de quelque longueur, en langue cananéenne ou hébraïque, bien daté et de quelque importance pour l'histoire de la langue, de l'orthographe et pour l'histoire en général, sans une quelconque influence philistine.}}</ref>
:1 Do not oppress, and serve God … despoiled him/her
:2 The judge and the widow wept; he had the power
:3 over the resident alien and the child, he eliminated them together
:4 The men and the chiefs/officers have established a king
:5 He marked 60 [?] servants among the communities/habitations/generations
[[Gershon Galil]] dari [[Universitas Haifa]] mengajukan terjemahan sebagai berikut:
and understood the ostracon as a locally written copy of a message from the capital informing a local official of the ascent of Saul to the throne.<ref>Leval, Gerard (2012). "Ancient Inscription Refers to Birth of Israelite Monarchy." ''Biblical Archaeology Review''. May/June 2012, 41-43, 70.</ref> Puech considered the language to be Canaanite or Hebrew without Philistine influence.<ref>{{cite journal | author = Émile Puech | title = l'ostracon de Khirbet Qeyafa et les débuts de la royauté en Israël | journal = Revue Biblique | year = 2010 | volume = 117 | issue = 2 | pages = 162–184 | quote = On a affaire au premier document de quelque longueur, en langue cananéenne ou hébraïque, bien daté et de quelque importance pour l'histoire de la langue, de l'orthographe et pour l'histoire en général, sans une quelconque influence philistine.}}</ref>
:1 Engkau tidak boleh melakukan [itu], tetapi menyembah (Allah) [El]
:2 Hakimilah bu[dak] itu dan jan[da] itu / Hakimilah anak ya[tim piatu]
[[Gershon Galil]] of [[Haifa University]] proposed the following translation:
:3 [dan] orang asing. [Be]lalah bayi-bayi / Belalah orang mis[kin dan]
:1 you shall not do [it], but worship (the god) [El]
:4 janda itu. Rehabilitasilah [orang miskin] di tangan raja
:2 Judge the sla[ve] and the wid[ow] / Judge the orph[an]
:5 Lindungilah orang mis[kin dan] budak / [duk]unglah orang asing.<ref name=UHpress/>
:3 [and] the stranger. [Pl]ead for the infant / plead for the po[or and]
:4 the widow. Rehabilitate [the poor] at the hands of the king
:5 Protect the po[or and] the slave / [supp]ort the stranger.<ref name=UHpress/>
On January 10, 2010, the University of Haifa issued a press release stating that the text was a social statement relating to slaves, widows and orphans. According to this interpretation, the text "uses verbs that were characteristic of Hebrew, such as ''asah'' ("did") and `''avad'' ("worked"), which were rarely used in other regional languages. Particular words that appear in the text, such as ''almanah'' ("widow") are specific to Hebrew and are written differently in other local languages. The content itself, it is argued, was also unfamiliar to all the cultures in the region besides that of Hebrew society. It was further maintained that the present inscription yielded social elements similar to those found in the biblical prophecies markedly different from those current in by other cultures that write of the glorification of the gods and taking care of their physical needs."<ref name=UHpress/><ref name=ostracon2>{{cite web|url=|title=Qeiyafa Ostracon Chronicle|accessdate=November 5, 2011|publisher=Khirbet Qeiyafa Archaeological Project}}</ref>
Gershon Galil claims that the language of inscription is Hebrew and that 8 out of 18 words written on inscription are exclusively biblical. He also claimed that 30 major archeological scholars do support this thesis.<ref></ref>
Pada tanggal 10 Januari 2010, University of Haifa menerbitkan suatu rilis press menyatakan bahwa teks itu merupakan pernyataan sosial yang berkaitan dengan para budak, janda dan anak yatim piatu. Menurut tafsiran ini, teks itu "menggunakan kata-kata kerja yang khas dalam bahasa Ibrani, misalnya ''asah'' ("melakukan") dan `''avad'' ("mengerjakan"), yang jarang digunakan pada bahasa daerah lain. Kata-kata khusus yang muncul dalam teks, misalnya ''almanah'' ("janda") adalah spesifik pada bahasa Ibrani dan ditulis berbeda dalam bahasa daerah lain. Isinya sendiri, dapat diusulkan, juga tidak lazim bagi semua budaya lain di daerah itu selain masyarakat Ibrani. Lebih jauh lagi dinyatakan bahwa tulisan itu menghasilkan unsur sosial yang mirip dengan apa yang didapati pada nubuat-nubuat alkitabiah yang sangat berbeda dengan tulisan-tulisan pada budaya lain yang mengagungkan dewa-dewa serta memenuhi kebutuhan fisik mereka."<ref name=UHpress/><ref name=ostracon2>{{cite web|url=|title=Qeiyafa Ostracon Chronicle|accessdate=November 5, 2011|publisher=Khirbet Qeiyafa Archaeological Project|archive-date=2011-10-02|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
Gershon Galil mengklaim bahwa bahasa teks itu adalah bahasa Ibrani, serta 8 dari 18 kata yang termuat pada inskripsi itu secara eksklusif terdapat dalam kitab suci. Ia juga mengklaim ada 30 sarjana arkeologi utama yang mendukung tesis ini.<ref></ref>
Other readings are possible, however, and the official excavation report presented many possible reconstructions of the letters without attempting a translation.<ref name=Misgav>{{cite book|authors=Misgav, Haggai; Garfinkel, Yosef; Ganor, Saar|year=2009|chapter=The Ostracon|editors=Garfinkel, Yosef and Ganor, Saar|title=Khirbet Qeiyafa, Vol. 1: Excavation Report 2007–2008|location=Jerusalem|pages=243–257|isbn=978-965-221-077-7}} Cited in {{cite journal|last=Rollston|first=Christopher|title=The Khirbet Qeiyafa Ostracon: Methodological Musings and Caveats|journal=Tel Aviv: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University|date=June 2011|volume=38|issue=1|pages=67–82|doi=10.1179/033443511x12931017059387|url=}}</ref> The inscription is written left to right in a script which is probably Early Alphabetic/Proto Phoenician,<ref name=Misgav/><ref name=Rollston>{{cite journal|last=Rollston|first=Christopher|title=The Khirbet Qeiyafa Ostracon: Methodological Musings and Caveats|journal=Tel Aviv: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University|date=June 2011|volume=38|issue=1|pages=67–82|doi=10.1179/033443511x12931017059387|url=}}</ref> though [[Christopher Rollston]] and Demsky consider that it might be written vertically.<ref name=Rollston/> Early Alphabetic differs from old Hebrew script and its immediate ancestor.<ref name=Rollston/> Rollston also disputes the claim that the language is Hebrew, arguing that the words alleged to be indicative of Hebrew either appear in other languages or don't actually appear in the inscription.<ref name=Rollston/>
Millard believes the language of the inscription is Hebrew, Canaanite, Phoenician or Moabite and it most likely consists of a list of names written by someone unused to writing.<ref name="autogenerated2">{{cite journal | author = Alan Millard | title = The ostracon from the days of David found at Khirbet Qeiyafa | journal = Tyndale Bulletin | year = 2011 | volume = 62 | issue = 1 | pages= 1–14}}</ref> Hebrew University archaeologist [[Amihai Mazar]] said the inscription was very important, as it is the longest [[Proto-Canaanite]] text ever found.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title='Oldest Hebrew script' is found|date=October 30, 2008|accessdate=November 5, 2011|publisher=BBC News}}</ref>
InPada tahun 2010, the ostracon wasini placeddipamerkan onpada displaygaleri inZaman theBesi Iron Age gallery of thedi [[Israel Museum Israel]] indi Jerusalem[[Yerusalem]].<ref name=ostracon2/>
==Khirbet Qeiyafa shrines==
In May 2012 archeologists announced the discovery of three large rooms that were likely used as cultic shrines. While the Canaanites and Philistine practiced their cults in separate temples and shrines, they did not have separate rooms within the buildings dedicated only to religious rituals. This may suggest that the rooms did not belong to these two cultures. According to Garfinkel the decorations of cultic rooms lack any human figurines. He suggested “that the population of Khirbet Qeiyafa observed at least two biblical bans, on pork and on graven images, and thus practiced a different cult than that of the Canaanites or the Philistines,”<ref></ref> Also, three smaller portable shrines were discovered. The smaller shrines are boxes shaped with different decorations showing impressive architectonic and decorative styles. Garfinkel suggested the existence of a biblical parallel regarding the existence of such shrines ([[Books of Samuel|Samuel]],2:6). One of the shrines is decorated with two pillars and a lion. According to Garfinkel, the style and the decoration of these cultic objects are very similar to the Biblical description of some features of [[Solomon's Temple]].<ref></ref>
== Istana Raja Daud ==
Baris 130 ⟶ 133:
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Arkeologi Alkitab]]
* [[Minimalisme Alkitab]]
* [[Arkeologi Israel]]
* [[Khirba]]
== Referensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
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* [ AFOB (Archaeological Fieldwork Opportunities Bulletin) Online Listing for Khirbet Qeiyafa]{{Pranala mati|date=Februari 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
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