Sensitivitas pengolahan sensorik: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(14 revisi perantara oleh 8 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
'''Sensitivitas pengolahan sensorik''' ('''SPS''') merupakan suatu ciri  kepribadian  yang menjadi  besaran ukuran untuk mendefinisikan orang dengan tingkat sensitivitas yang sangat tinggi atau  '''''highly sensitive person''''' ('''HSP''').<ref name=":0">{{Cite journal|last=Booth|first=Charlotte|last2=Standage|first2=Helen|last3=Fox|first3=Elaine|title=Sensory-processing sensitivity moderates the association between childhood experiences and adult life satisfaction|url=|journal=Personality and Individual Differences|volume=87|pages=24–29|doi=10.1016/j.paid.2015.07.020}}</ref><ref name=":1">{{Cite journal|last=Boterberg|first=Sofie|last2=Warreyn|first2=Petra|title=Making sense of it all: The impact of sensory processing sensitivity on daily functioning of children|url=|journal=Personality and Individual Differences|volume=92|pages=80–86|doi=10.1016/j.paid.2015.12.022}}</ref>  Ciri kepribadian SPS ini dijelaskan dengan adanya hipersensitivitas terhadap  [[Stimulus (fisiologi)|rangsangan]]  eksternal, pengolahan [[Kognisi|kognitif]]  yang mendalam, dan reaktivitas emosi yang tinggi.<ref name=":0" /> Istilah SPS dan HSP diciptakan pada pertengahan tahun 1990an oleh pasangan [[psikolog]] Elaine Aron dan Arthur Aron, dengan SPS diukur melalui skala yang diciptakan Aron sebagai pilihan jawaban atas daftar pertanyaan berkenaan dengan HSP, yang disebut dengan skala HSP (''Highly Sensitive Person Scale''-HSPS).<ref name=":0" />  Beberapa peneliti lain juga telah menggunakan berbagai istilah lain untuk merujuk pada respon terhadap rangsangan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam SPS, yang telah dibuktikan pada manusia dan spesies lainnya.<ref name=":2">{{Cite journal|last=Wolf|first=Max|last2=Doorn|first2=G. Sander van|last3=Weissing|first3=Franz J.|date=2008-10-14|title=Evolutionary emergence of responsive and unresponsive personalities|url=|journal=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences|language=en|volume=105|issue=41|pages=15825–15830|doi=10.1073/pnas.0805473105|issn=0027-8424|pmid=18838685|access-date=2017-11-20|archive-date=2018-10-01|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
Berdasarkan penelitian Aron dan kawan-kawan, orang dengan SPS yang tinggi terdapat sebanyak 15 - 20% populasi dan mereka mengolah data sensorik secara lebih mendalam karena sifat alami dari  [[sistem saraf pusat]]<nowiki/>mereka.<ref name=":1" /> Meskipun banyak peneliti secara konsisten menghubungkan SPS yang tinggi dengan hasil yang negatif,<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":3">{{Cite journal|last=Liss|first=Miriam|last2=Mailloux|first2=Jennifer|last3=Erchull|first3=Mindy J.|title=The relationships between sensory processing sensitivity, alexithymia, autism, depression, and anxiety|url=|journal=Personality and Individual Differences|volume=45|issue=3|pages=255–259|doi=10.1016/j.paid.2008.04.009}}</ref> Aron dan kawan-kawan menyatakan bahwa SPS yang tinggi merupakan suatu  ciri kepribadian dan bukan suatu bentuk gangguan;<ref name=":4">Aaron, E.N. (2006). "The Clinical Implication of Jung's Concept of Sensitiveness". Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice. 8: 11-43.</ref>  sementara peneliti lain ada yang mengaitkan SPS yang tinggi dengan peningkatan respon untuk hasil yang positif maupun hasil yang negatif.<ref name=":5">{{Cite journal|last=Belsky|first=Jay|last2=Pluess|first2=Michael|title=Beyond diathesis stress: Differential susceptibility to environmental influences.|url=|journal=Psychological Bulletin|language=en|volume=135|issue=6|pages=885–908|doi=10.1037/a0017376}}</ref><ref name=":6">{{Cite journal|last=Boyce|first=W Thomas|date=2015-09-22|title=Differential Susceptibility of the Developing Brain to Contextual Adversity and Stress|url=|journal=Neuropsychopharmacology|language=en|volume=41|issue=1|pages=142–162|doi=10.1038/npp.2015.294|issn=1740-634X}}</ref><ref name=":7">Boyce, W. Thomas; Ellis, Bruce J. (2005).  [ "Biological sensitivity to context: I. An evolutionary–developmental theory of the origins and functions of stress reactivity"]  (PDF).  ''Development and Psychopathology''.  '''17''': 271–301.  </ref><ref name=":8">{{Cite journal|last=Pluess|first=Michael|last2=Belsky|first2=Jay|title=Vantage sensitivity: Individual differences in response to positive experiences.|url=|journal=Psychological Bulletin|language=en|volume=139|issue=4|pages=901–916|doi=10.1037/a0030196}}</ref>
== Asal-usul dan perkembangan istilah ==
Buku Elaine Aron yang terbit pada tahun 1996, berjudul  ''The Highly Sensitive Person''  (orang dengan tingkat sensitivitas yang sangat tinggi)<ref>  Kaufman, Scott Barry (May 4, 2015).  [ "Shades of Sensitivity"].  ''Scientific American''.  [ Archived] from  the original on December 8, 2015. Kaufman explains Smolewska  ''et al.''  (2006).</ref> menjelaskan populasi orang yang mengalami peningkatan sensitivitas terhadap rangsangan, dan orang yang menyadari kepelikan yang halus dan memproses informasi secara lebih mendalam, dengan cara yang lebih reflektif.<ref>Madrigal, Alix,  [ "She Writes About a Touchy Subject / Book aims to help sensitive people] ([ WebCite archive]),  ''San Francisco Chronicle,''  July 28, 1997.</ref> Pada tahun 1997, Elaine dan Arthur Aron secara resmi mengidentifikasi<ref name=":9">{{Cite journal|last=Aron|first=Elaine N.|last2=Aron|first2=Arthur|title=Sensory-processing sensitivity and its relation to introversion and emotionality.|url=|journal=Journal of Personality and Social Psychology|language=en|volume=73|issue=2|pages=345–368|doi=10.1037/0022-3514.73.2.345}}</ref> ''sensitivitas pengolahan sensorik'' (SPS), istilah ilmiah untuk kesensitivitasan yang sangat tinggi atau hipersensitif,<ref name=":1" /> sebagai ciri penentu untuk orang dengan tingkat sensitivitas yang sangat tinggi atau ''highly sensitive person'' (HSP).<ref name=":0" /> Dengan menggunakan definisi tersebut, Aron & Aron (1997) menyampaikan bahwa ''pengolahan sensorik''  yang dimaksud tidak merujuk pada organ-organ penginderaan manusia,. namunNamun, mengacu pada informasi sensorik yang dikirimkan ke [[otak]] atau yang diproses di dalam otak.<ref name=":9" /> Ciri tersebut dapat dipandang sebagai suatu kelemahan ataupun sebagai suatu [[anugerah]], ... merupakan suatu penguat dari efek yang ada pada lingkungan.<ref>Bartz, Andrea (July 5, 2011).  [ "Sense and Sensitivity"]. ''Psychology Today''.  [ Archived  Last reviewed: June 9, 2016. "... the double-edged nature of sensitivity. Neither flaw nor gift, it is, rather, an amplifier of an environment's effects."]</ref>
Artikel Aron dalam jurnal profesional maupun dalam publikasi yang dilakukannya sendiri memberi perhatian terhadap perbedaan antara SPS yang tinggi dengan [[perilaku sosial]] pendiam,<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Chen|first=Xinyin|last2=Rubin|first2=Kenneth H.|last3=Sun|first3=Yuerong|date=1992|title=Social Reputation and Peer Relationships in Chinese and Canadian Children: A Cross-Cultural Study|url=|journal=Child Development|volume=63|issue=6|pages=1336–1343|doi=10.1111/j.1467-8624.1992.tb01698.x}}</ref>  atau dengan bentuk gangguan,<ref name=":10">{{Cite journal|last=Aron|first=Elaine N.|last2=Aron|first2=Arthur|last3=Jagiellowicz|first3=Jadzia|date=2012-01-30|title=Sensory Processing Sensitivity|url=|journal=Personality and Social Psychology Review|language=en|volume=16|issue=3|pages=262–282|doi=10.1177/1088868311434213}}</ref> yang mana SPS yang tinggi dapat dengan mudah tertukar dengannya;<ref name=":11">{{Cite journal|last=Aron|first=Elaine N.|last2=Aron|first2=Arthur|last3=Davies|first3=Kristin M.|date=2016-07-02|title=Adult Shyness: The Interaction of Temperamental Sensitivity and an Adverse Childhood Environment|url=|journal=Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin|language=en|volume=31|issue=2|pages=181–197|doi=10.1177/0146167204271419}}</ref>  membantu mengatasi hal yang tidak dapat diterima secara sosial yang menyebabkan timbulnya rasa rendah diri;<ref name=":11" /> dan menekankan hal-hal positif/keuntungan memiliki SPS yang tinggi<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Rioux|first=Charlie|last2=Castellanos-Ryan|first2=Natalie|last3=Parent|first3=Sophie|last4=Vitaro|first4=Frank|last5=Tremblay|first5=Richard E.|last6=Séguin|first6=Jean R.|date=2016/02|title=Differential susceptibility to environmental influences: Interactions between child temperament and parenting in adolescent alcohol use|url=|journal=Development and Psychopathology|volume=28|issue=1|pages=265–275|doi=10.1017/s0954579415000437|issn=0954-5794}}</ref> untuk menyeimbangi dampak negatif/kerugian yang dipersangkakan oleh orang lain.<ref name=":3" /><ref name=":11" /><ref>{{Cite journal|last=Belsky|first=J|last2=Jonassaint|first2=C|last3=Pluess|first3=M|last4=Stanton|first4=M|last5=Brummett|first5=B|last6=Williams|first6=R|date=2009-05-19|title=Vulnerability genes or plasticity genes?|url=|journal=Molecular Psychiatry|language=en|volume=14|issue=8|pages=746–754|doi=10.1038/mp.2009.44|issn=1476-5578}}</ref>
[[Elizabeth Bernstein]]  yang pada tahun 2015 menulis dalam sebuah jurnal bernama ''Wall Street'' (''[[The Wall Street Journal]]'') bahwa orang-orang dengan sensitivitas yang sangat tinggi (HSP) mempunyai "saat-saat tertentu" (mengacu pada kesensitivitasan mereka yang timbul pada saat tertentu karena terpicu oleh suatu faktor/stimulus), mencatat bahwa terdapat ratusan studi penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada topik-topik terkait kesensitivitasan yang tinggi pada orang dengan  sensitivitas yang sangat tinggi atau HSP tersebut, dan  konferensi ilmiah internasional yang pertama kali dilakukan di bidang kesensitivitasan yang tinggi atau SPS diselengarakan di Vrije Universiteit Brussel.<ref>Bernstein, Elizabeth (May 18, 2015).  [ "Do You Cry Easily? You May Be a 'Highly Sensitive Person']". ''The Wall Street Journal''.  [ Archived]  from the original on June 1, 2015.</ref>  Pada tahun 2015, lebih dari satu juta eksemplar buku  ''The Highly Sensitive Person'' yang telah terjual.<ref>Lally, Maria (October 12, 2015).  [ "Highly sensitive people: a condition rarely understood"].  ''The Telegraph''  (U.K.).  [ Archived]  from the original on October 18, 2015.</ref>
== Atribut, karakteristik, dan prevalensi ==
[[Boterberg]] ''dkk''.  (2016) mendeskripsikan SPS yang tinggi sebagai temperamental- perasaan yang mudah tergugah, atau ciri kepribadian yang terdapat di dalam beberapa individu dan mencerminkan peningkatan sensitivitas di dalam sistem saraf pusat dan pengolahan kognitif yang lebih dalam akibat adanya rangsangan pada fisik, sosial, maupun emosional.<ref name=":1" />
Orang-orang dengan SPS yang tinggi menyatakan bahwa mereka mempunyai respon yang sangat tinggi terhadap rangsangan seperti rasa sakit, rasa lapar, dan suara bising.<ref name=":3" /> Berdasarkan penelitian Boterberg ''dkk.'', masing-masing individu dengan SPS yang sangat tinggi tersebut percaya bahwa mereka mudah terstimulasi secara berlebihan oleh adanya rangsangan eksternal  karena mereka mempunyai ambang batas perseptual yang lebih rendah dan mengolah rangsangan kognitif secara lebih mendalam dibanding sebagian besar orang lainnya.<ref name=":1" />  Pengolahan rangsangan secara lebih mendalam ini dapat berakibat pada peningkatan waktu reaksi karena lebih banyak waktu yang dihabiskan untuk merespons isyarat yang ada di lingkungan, dan dapat juga berakibat pada munculnya perilaku hati-hati dan mengambil tindakan dengan risiko yang rendah.<ref name=":1" />
Skala HSP yang mula-mula di awal pembuatannya pada tahun 1997 merupakan sebuah kuesioner yang didesain untuk mengukur SPS dengan skala satu dimensi, dalam perkembangannya terurai menjadi dua,<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Evans|first=David E.|last2=Rothbart|first2=Mary K.|title=Temperamental sensitivity: Two constructs or one?|url=|journal=Personality and Individual Differences|volume=44|issue=1|pages=108–118|doi=10.1016/j.paid.2007.07.016}}</ref><ref>Boterberg  ''et al.''  (2016): overreaction to stimuli (OS) and depth of processing (DP).</ref>  tiga,<ref>Smolewska  ''et al.''  (2006): Aesthetic Sensitivity (AES, having greater awareness of beauty), Low Sensory Threshold (LST, easily unpleasantly aroused by external stimuli), and Ease of Excitation (EOE, easily overwhelmed by stimuli); results showing the (unidimensional) HSP Scale was "a valid and reliable measure of the construct of SPS"). Liss  ''et al.''  (2008).</ref> atau empat<ref>Per Boterberg  ''et al.''  (2016), a "theoretical redefinition" by E. Aron,  ''Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person''  (2010): "DOES" acronym: Depth of processing, Overstimulation, Emotional intensity, Sensory sensitivity.</ref> faktor atau sub-skala.<ref name=":1" /> Hampir semua skala tersebut dihubungkan dengan sesuatu yang secara tradisional diterima sebagai hasil psikologi yang negatif,<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":1" />  termasuk tingkat stress yang tinggi; mudah mengalami kewalahan; meningkatnya laju depresi, rasa cemas, dan gejala autisme; masalah tidur; dan masalah kesehatan fisik lainnya;<ref name=":1" />  [[Model tegangan diathesis]] [[Diathesis-stress model|(''[[diathesis-stress model'']]'') berfokus untuk meningkatkan tingkat kerentanan terhadap pengaruh negatif.<ref name=":5" />  Sementara [[teori kerentanan diferensial]] (''differential susceptibility theory-''DST),<ref name=":5" /><ref name=":6" />  [[sensitivitas biologis terhadap teori konteks]] (''biological sensitivity to context theory''-BSCT),<ref name=":7" />  dan sensitivitas pengolahan sensorik (''sensory processing sensitivity''-SPS)<ref name="Ellis 7–28">{{Cite journal|last=Ellis|first=Bruce J.|last2=Boyce|first2=W. Thomas|last3=Belsky|first3=Jay|last4=Bakermans-Kranenburg|first4=Marian J.|last5=Ijzendoorn|first5=Marinus H. van|date=2011/02|title=Differential susceptibility to the environment: An evolutionary–neurodevelopmental theory|url=|journal=Development and Psychopathology|volume=23|issue=1|pages=7–28|doi=10.1017/s0954579410000611|issn=1469-2198}}</ref>  menganjurkan untuk meningkatkan plastisitas (responsif) terhadap kedua pengaruh, pengaruh positif and negatif; dan [[konsep sensitivitas yang menguntungkan]] (''vantage sensitivity''-VS) menekankan peningkatan responsif terhadap pengalaman/hasil yang positif.<ref name=":8" /><ref>{{Cite journal|lastname="Ellis|first=Bruce J.|last2=Boyce|first2=W. Thomas|last3=Belsky|first3=Jay|last4=Bakermans-Kranenburg|first4=Marian J.|last5=Ijzendoorn|first5=Marinus H. van|date=2011/02|title=Differential susceptibility to the environment: An evolutionary–neurodevelopmental theory|url=|journal=Development and Psychopathology|volume=23|issue=1|pages=7–28|doi=10.1017"/s0954579410000611|issn=1469-2198}}</ref> ''Smolewska'' ''dkk''.  (2006) mengatakan bahwa dalam penelitian yang dilakukannya, hasil yang positif lebih banyak didapat dari individu dengan sensitivitas [[estetis]] yang tinggi, yang cenderung mengalami peningkatan emosi positif dalam menghadapi rangsangan yang datang dan biasanya mempunyai nilai yang tinggi dalam segi keterbukaan pada [[model lima faktor besar]] (''[[Big Five factors model|]]''Big Five factors model'']]).<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Smolewska|first=Kathy A.|last2=McCabe|first2=Scott B.|last3=Woody|first3=Erik Z.|title=A psychometric evaluation of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale: The components of sensory-processing sensitivity and their relation to the BIS/BAS and “Big Five”|url=|journal=Personality and Individual Differences|volume=40|issue=6|pages=1269–1279|doi=10.1016/j.paid.2005.09.022}}</ref>
Penelitian di bidang biologi evolusioner membuktikan bahwa ciri SPS dapat teramati, dalam berbagai istilah, pada lebih dari seratus spesies bukan manusia.<ref name=":1" /><ref name=":2" /> Aron menambahkan bahwa ciri SPS tersebut berarti mencakup pula apa yang dideskripsikan oleh psikolog kepribadian dengan menggunakan berbagai nama.<ref>Paraphrasing Aron and citing Wolf re different names for same or equivalent concepts:
From "Adult shyness: ..." (2005):  ''weak nervous system''(Pavlov),  ''low screening''  (Mehrabian),  ''augmenting''  (of stimulation; Petrie),  ''reducing''  (of evoked potential; Buchsbaum, Haier, & Johnson),  ''reactivity''  (Strelau),  ''avoidance temperament''  (Elliot & Thrash), and  ''nondisinhibition''  or  ''reflectivity''  (Patterson & Newman), and what child temperament researchers have described as  ''inhibitedness''  (Kagan),  ''infant''  (or  ''innate'')  ''shyness''  (Cheek & Buss; Daniels & Plomin),  ''reactivity''  (Rothbart; Strelau), and  ''threshold of responsiveness''  (Thomas & Chess).
From "The Clinical Implications of Jung's Concept of Sensitiveness" (2006):  ''innate sensitiveness''  (Jung),
From "Adult shyness: ..." (2005):  ''arousal focus''  (Feldman), and the physiological differences underlying introversion and extroversion (Eysenck; Stelmack; Stelmack & Geen).
From Wolf  ''et al.''  (2008):  ''coping style, reactivity, flexibility, plasticity,''  and  ''differential susceptibility.''</ref>  Selain itu Aron juga membedakan SPS dari apa yang tidak termasuk ke dalamnya, membedakan secara eksplisit<ref name=":12">Paraphrasing Aron re what SPS is  ''not'':
From "'The Power of (Shyness)' and High Sensitivity..." (2012): (re introversion) 30% of HSPs are social  ''ex''troverts.
From "Adult shyness: ..." (2005): SPS doesn't inherently possess shyness' fear of negative social evaluations.
Baris 33:
From p. 2 of "The HSP in love" (<=2007): an HSP who is also a High Sensation Seeker will find ways to have novel experiences without taking ill-considered risks.
From "... A Review... " (2012): SPS is "unrelated to  Sensory Processing Disorder"
From "The Clinical Implications of Jung's Concept of Sensitiveness" (2006): (re autism) HSPs are very aware of social and emotional cues and relate well socially once familiarity is achieved.</ref>  SPS yang tinggi dari ciri lain yang  kemungkinan mempunyai bentuk tampilan yang sama atau membedakannya dari suatu gangguan (misalnya sifat pemalu,<ref>Aron, Elaine N. (February 2, 2012).  [ "''Time''  Magazine: 'The Power of (Shyness)' and High Sensitivity"].  ''Psychology Today''.  [ Archived]  from the original on March 13, 2016.</ref> suka mencari sensasi,<ref>[ On or before September 27, 2007]. "The Highly Sensitive Person in Love with Elain Aron". WebMD Live Events Transcript. p.  2.  [ Archived] from the original on October 7, 2012.</ref>  gangguan pengolahan sensorik/''sensory processing disorder,''<ref name=":10" /> dan [[autisme]]<ref name=":4" />), dan lebih jauh lagi, bahwa SPS mungkin merupakan variabel dasar yang menjadi pokok dalam beragam ciri berbeda lainnya<ref name=":10" />  (seperti [[introversi dan ekstroversi]]<ref name=":12" />).
Di dalam diri manusia dan spesies lainnya, dua sub-populasi individu secara terus menerus ada berdampingan dan secara konsisten menunjukkan tingkat responsif yang berbeda terhadap rangsangan lingkungan; masing-masing sub-populasi memiliki strategi untuk "memberikan respon" atau "tidak memberikan respon," berdasarkan pertimbangan harga yang harus dikeluarkannya (''evolutionary cost'') dan keuntungan yang akan diperolehnya.<ref name=":2" />  Pengamatan ini paralel dengan pernyataan tegas Aron bahwa SPS bukan merupakan suatu bentuk gangguan, melainkan ciri kepribadian yang diikuti dengan hadirnya keuntungan dan kerugian.<ref name=":4" />
Dalam 2015, ciri SPS telah didokumentasikan pada berbagai level studi, termasuk watak dan perilaku ([[psikologi kepribadian]]), fungsi otak dan sensitisasi saraf, serta [[genetika]].<ref name=":6" />  Sebagai contoh, studi genetika memberikan bukti bahwa tingkat SPS yang tinggi berhubungan dengan [[serotonin  transporter 5-HTTLPR]] yang pendek atau tipe [[genotipe]] yang pendek,<ref>  ● Licht, C., Mortensen, E. L., & Knudsen, G. M. (2011). "Association between sensory processing sensitivity and the serotonin transporter polymorphism 5-HTTLPR short/short genotype."  Center for integrated molecular brain imaging.  [ Archived]  ● Licht, C., Mortensen, E. L., & Knudsen, G. M. (2011). "Association between sensory processing sensitivity and the serotonin transporter polymorphism 5-HTTLPR short/short genotype."''Biological Psychiatry'', 69, supplement for Society of Biological Psychiatry Convention and Annual Meeting, abstract 510.</ref> [[polimorfisme]] dalam gen [[neurotransmiter]] [[dopamine]],<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Chen|first=Chunhui|last2=Chen|first2=Chuansheng|last3=Moyzis|first3=Robert|last4=Stern|first4=Hal|last5=He|first5=Qinghua|last6=Li|first6=He|last7=Li|first7=Jin|last8=Zhu|first8=Bi|last9=Dong|first9=Qi|date=2011-07-13|title=Contributions of Dopamine-Related Genes and Environmental Factors to Highly Sensitive Personality: A Multi-Step Neuronal System-Level Approach|url=|journal=PLOS ONE|volume=6|issue=7|pages=e21636|doi=10.1371/journal.pone.0021636|issn=1932-6203}}</ref>  dan variasi gen yang berkaitan dengan  [[ADRA2b norepinefrin]].<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Todd|first=Rebecca M.|last2=Ehlers|first2=Mana R.|last3=Müller|first3=Daniel J.|last4=Robertson|first4=Amanda|last5=Palombo|first5=Daniela J.|last6=Freeman|first6=Natalie|last7=Levine|first7=Brian|last8=Anderson|first8=Adam K.|date=2015-04-22|title=Neurogenetic Variations in Norepinephrine Availability Enhance Perceptual Vividness|url=|journal=Journal of Neuroscience|volume=35|issue=16|pages=6506–6516|doi=10.1523/jneurosci.4489-14.2015}}</ref>
Pola penilaian dalam skala HSP pada orang dewasa diketahui menyebar dalam [[variabel kategoris]]  yang terdikotomi dengan ''breakpoint'' antara 10% dan 35%, dan Aron memilih batas/''cut-off''  pada skor 20% pada individu untuk mendefinisikan kategori HSP.<ref name=":1" />
== Lihat juga ==
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== Sumber dan catatan ==
{{Reflist|2|refs=<!-- NOTE: listing refs here makes wikitext above much easier to read -->
== Pranala luar ==
<ref name=Boterberg2016>{{citation |title=Making sense of it all: The impact of sensory processing sensitivity on daily functioning of children |first1=Sofie |last1=Boterberg |first2=Petra |last2=Warreyn |journal=Personality and Individual Differences |year=2016 |volume=92 |pages=80–86 |doi=10.1016/j.paid.2015.12.022 |url=|archiveurl= |archivedate=May 23, 2016 |deadurl=no }}</ref>
* [ Highly Sensitive Person Test]
* [], website dijalankan oleh peneliti.
* [[:Kategori:Psikologi]]
<ref name=Liss2008>{{citation |title=The relationships between sensory processing sensitivity, alexithymia, autism, depression, and anxiety |first1=Miriam |last1=Liss |first2=Jennifer |last2=Mailloux |first3=Mindy J. |last3=Erchull |year=2008 |journal=Personality and Individual Differences |volume=45 |issue=3 |pages=255–259 |doi=10.1016/j.paid.2008.04.009 |url= |archiveurl= |archivedate=May 23, 2016 |deadurl=no }}</ref>
<ref name=Booth2015>{{citation |title=Sensory-processing sensitivity moderates the association between childhood experiences and adult life satisfaction |first1=Charlotte |last1= Booth |first2=Helen |last2=Standage |first3=Elaine |last3=Fox |date=1 Dec 2015 |journal=Personality and Individual Differences |volume=87 |pages=24–29 |doi=10.1016/j.paid.2015.07.020 |url= |archiveurl= |archivedate=May 20, 2016 |deadurl=no }}</ref>
<ref name=EvansRothbartTwoConstructs2008>{{cite journal |last1=Evans |first1=David E. |last2=Rothbart |first2=Mary K. |title=Temperamental sensitivity: Two constructs or one? |journal=Personality and Individual Differences |date=January 2008 |volume=44 |issue=1 |pages=108–118 |doi=10.1016/j.paid.2007.07.016 |url= |archiveurl= |archivedate=February 7, 2016 |deadurl=no }} ''Negative affect''and ''orienting sensitivity.''</ref>
<ref name=TwoSubscales>Boterberg ''et al.'' (2016): overreaction to stimuli (OS) and depth of processing (DP).</ref>
<ref name=ThreeSubscales>Smolewska ''et al.'' (2006): Aesthetic Sensitivity (AES, having greater awareness of beauty), Low Sensory Threshold (LST, easily unpleasantly aroused by external stimuli), and Ease of Excitation (EOE, easily overwhelmed by stimuli); results showing the (unidimensional) HSP Scale was "a valid and reliable measure of the construct of SPS"). Liss ''et al.'' (2008).</ref>
<ref name=FourSubscales>Per Boterberg ''et al.'' (2016), a "theoretical redefinition" by E. Aron, ''Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person'' (2010): "DOES" acronym: Depth of processing, Overstimulation, Emotional intensity, Sensory sensitivity.</ref>
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<ref name=BoyceReview2015>{{cite journal |last1=Boyce |first1=W. Thomas |title=Differential Susceptibility of the Developing Brain to Contextual Adversity and Stress |journal=Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews |date=2016 |volume=41 |pages=141–162 |doi=10.1038/npp.2015.294 |pmid=26391599}}
"(T)here is an emerging scientific consensus on how 'sensitivity to context' may be instantiated with an intricate and compelling neuroscience" (p. 149). "... a now substantial corpus of evidence ... documenting differences in susceptibility at the levels of temperament and behavior ("The Highly Sensitive Person at p. 146), neuroendocrine physiology, brain structure and function ("Cortical sensory processing sensitivity" at p. 149), neuronal sensitization and responsivity, and allelic and epigenetic variation within genomic structure" (p. 157).</ref>
<ref name=PsychometricEval2006>{{cite journal | last1=Smolewska| first1=Kathy A.| last2=McCabe| first2=Scott B.|last3=Woody | first3=Erik Z.|url= |title=A psychometric evaluation of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale: The components of sensory-processing sensitivity and their relation to the BIS/BAS and "Big Five"| journal=Personality and Individual Differences| volume=40| issue=6| year= 2006| pages= 1269–1279 | doi=10.1016/j.paid.2005.09.022}} See also Kaufman, ''Scientific American'' (2015).</ref>
<ref name=SciAm20150504>{{cite web |last1=Kaufman |first1=Scott Barry |title=Shades of Sensitivity |url= |publisher=''Scientific American'' |archiveurl= |archivedate=December 8, 2015 |date=May 4, 2015 |deadurl=no }} Kaufman explains Smolewska ''et al.'' (2006).</ref>
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<ref name=JournalJung2006>{{cite journal | last1=Aron | first1=E.N. |url= |title=The Clinical Implications of Jung's Concept of Sensitiveness| journal=Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice |volume=8 |year= 2006 |pages=11–43 |archiveurl= |archivedate=January 17, 2016 |deadurl=yes }} Discussion re nervous system is, ''inter alia,'' in "Prelude to Research" at p. 14.</ref>
<ref name=AronAronJPSP1997>{{cite journal |last1=Aron |first1=Elaine |last2=Aron |first2=Arthur |year=1997 |title=Sensory-Processing Sensitivity and its Relation to Introversion and Emotionality |url= |format=PDF |journal=[[Journal of Personality and Social Psychology]] |volume=73 |issue=2 |pages=345–368 |doi=10.1037/0022-3514.73.2.345 |archiveurl= |archivedate=May 13, 2015 |deadurl=no }}</ref>
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<ref name=RiouxDiffSusc2016>{{cite journal |last1=Rioux |first1=Charlie |last2=Castellanos-Ryan |first2=Natalie |last3=Parent |first3=Sophie |last4=Bitaro |first4=Frank |last5=Tremblay |first5=Richard E. |last6=Seguin |first6=Jean R. |title=Differential susceptibility to environmental influences: Interactions between child temperament and parenting in adolescent alcohol use |journal=Dev Psychopathol. |date=2016 |volume=28 |issue=1 |pages=265–275 |doi=10.1017/S0954579415000437 |pmc=4676730 |pmid=26030853}} "From a clinical perspective, Aron (2010) adds that while sensitive people may be more vulnerable, sensitivity is not only a liability but also may confer advantages."</ref>
<ref name=ThibodeauEnvSens2016>{{cite journal |last1=Thibodeau |first1=Eric L. |last2=August |first2=Gerald J. |last3=Cicchetti |first3=Dante |last4=Symons |first4=Frank J. |title=Application of environmental sensitivity theories in personalized prevention for youth substance abuse: a transdisciplinary translational perspective |journal=Transl Behav Med. |date=2016 |volume=6 |issue=1 |pages=81–89 |doi=10.1007/s13142-015-0374-4 |pmc=4807189 |pmid=27012256}} "Five distinct but related frameworks comprise ES (environmental sensitivity), including diathesis stress, differential susceptibility theory (DST), sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) [n. 22: A&A 1997], biological sensitivity to context (BSC) [n. 23: Boyce 2005], and vantage sensitivity (VS) [n. 24: Pluess 2013]".</ref>
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<ref name=RelatedConcepts>Paraphrasing Aron and citing Wolf re different names for same or equivalent concepts:
* From "Adult shyness: ..." (2005): ''weak nervous system'' (Pavlov), ''low screening'' (Mehrabian), ''augmenting'' (of stimulation; Petrie), ''reducing'' (of evoked potential; Buchsbaum, Haier, & Johnson), ''reactivity'' (Strelau), ''avoidance temperament'' (Elliot & Thrash), and ''nondisinhibition'' or ''reflectivity'' (Patterson & Newman), and what child temperament researchers have described as ''inhibitedness'' (Kagan), ''infant'' (or ''innate'') ''shyness'' (Cheek & Buss; Daniels & Plomin), ''reactivity'' (Rothbart; Strelau), and ''threshold of responsiveness'' (Thomas & Chess).
* From "The Clinical Implications of Jung's Concept of Sensitiveness" (2006): ''innate sensitiveness'' (Jung),
* From "Adult shyness: ..." (2005): ''arousal focus'' (Feldman), and the physiological differences underlying introversion and extroversion (Eysenck; Stelmack; Stelmack & Geen).
* From Wolf ''et al.'' (2008): ''coping style, reactivity, flexibility, plasticity,'' and ''differential susceptibility.''
<ref name=DistinguishingSPS>Paraphrasing Aron re what SPS is ''not'':
* From "'The Power of (Shyness)' and High Sensitivity..." (2012): (re introversion) 30% of HSPs are social ''ex''troverts.
* From "Adult shyness: ..." (2005): SPS doesn't inherently possess shyness' fear of negative social evaluations.
* From p. 2 of "The HSP in love" (<=2007): an HSP who is also a High Sensation Seeker will find ways to have novel experiences without taking ill-considered risks.
* From "... A Review... " (2012): SPS is "unrelated to [[Sensory Processing Disorder]]"
* From "The Clinical Implications of Jung's Concept of Sensitiveness" (2006): (re autism) HSPs are very aware of social and emotional cues and relate well socially once familiarity is achieved.
<ref name=WolfEmergenceResponsive2008>{{cite journal | last1 = Wolf | first1 = Max | last2 = Van Doorn | first2 = G. Sander | last3 = Weissing | first3 = Franz J. | year = 2008 | title = Evolutionary emergence of responsive and unresponsive personalities | url= | journal = PNAS | volume = 105 | issue = 41| pages = 15825–15830 | doi=10.1073/pnas.0805473105 |archiveurl= |archivedate=February 7, 2016 |deadurl=no | pmid=18838685 | pmc=2572984}} "Such differences in responsiveness (also termed coping style, reactivity, flexibility, plasticity) have been documented in many organisms including ... humans" (n. 15 citing Aron & Aron (1997, SPS) and n. 16 citing Belsky ''et al.'' (2007, differential susceptibility)). Boterberg ''et al.'' (2016) cites Wolf ''et al.'' (2008) for the statement: "research in evolutionary biology provides evidence that the trait of SPS can be observed in over 100 nonhuman species."</ref>
<ref name=PsychologyToday20120202>{{cite web |last=Aron |first=Elaine N. |url= |title=''Time'' Magazine: 'The Power of (Shyness)' and High Sensitivity |magazine=Psychology Today |date=February 2, 2012 |archiveurl= |archivedate=March 13, 2016 |deadurl=no}}</ref>
<ref name=HSPinLove>[ On or before September 27, 2007]. {{cite web |url= |title=The Highly Sensitive Person In Love with Elaine Aron |publisher=WebMD Live Events Transcript |page=2 |archiveurl= |archivedate=October 7, 2012 |deadurl=no }}</ref>
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<ref name=SFChronicle19970728>Madrigal, Alix, [ "She Writes About a Touchy Subject / Book aims to help sensitive people] ([ WebCite archive]), ''[[San Francisco Chronicle]],'' July 28, 1997.</ref>
<ref name=PsychToday20110705>{{cite web |last1=Bartz |first1=Andrea |title=Sense and Sensitivity |url= |publisher=''Psychology Today'' |archiveurl= |archivedate=May 12, 2016 |date=July 5, 2011 |deadurl=no}} Last reviewed: June 9, 2016. "... the double-edged nature of sensitivity. Neither flaw nor gift, it is, rather, an amplifier of an environment's effects."</ref>}}
== Link eksternal ==
* [ Highly Sensitive Person Test]
* [[:Kategori:Psikologi]]