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(18 revisi perantara oleh 10 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 8:
|image_caption = Searah jarum jam dari atas kiri: Bangunan sepanjang [[Laut Mediterania|Pantai Mediterania]] Aljir, [[Martyrs Memorial]], [[Notre Dame d'Afrique]], [[Masjid Ketchaoua]], [[Casbah]], Grand Post Office dan [[Menteri Keuangan (Aljazair)|Menteri Keuangan]] Aljazair
|image_flag =
|image_seal = BlasonAlgiers-algerCOA.gifsvg
|pushpin_map = Algeria
|pushpin_map_caption = Lokasi Aljir di Aljazair
Baris 24:
|area_metro_km2 =
|population_as_of = 1998 untuk kota, 2007 untuk wilayah metropolitan
|population_footnotes = <ref name=citypop>{{Cite web|url= |title=Population of the city proper accoding to the 1998 census (via | |date= |accessdate=2010-06-27}}</ref><ref name=wup>{{Cite web |url= |title=UN World Urbanization Prospects | |date= |accessdate=2010-06-27 |archive-date=2012-07-17 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
|population_total = 1519570
|population_metro = 3354000
Baris 44:
'''Aljir''' ({{lang-ar|ولاية الجزائر}} ''El-Jazair''; {{lang-fr|Alger}}; {{lang-en|Algiers}} ) adalah ibu kota [[Aljazair]] dan kota terbesar dari [[Aljazair]] yang terletak di Afrika Utara. Kota ini juga merupakan pelabuhan laut utama, pusat politik dan basis kebudayaan, juga "rumah" bagi para perompak [[Berber]] yang termasyhur dari [[abad ke-16]] sampai [[abad ke-19]].
Menurut sensus pada tahun 1998, populasi kota ini adalah 1.519.570 jiwa, sementara total penduduk adalah 2,135,630. Julukan kota ini adalah "Algiers Putih" ( Bahasa arab: El-Bahdja (البهجة) atau ''Alger la Blanche ("Algiers the White")'', karena pancaran gedung-gedung putihnya yang merefleksikan sinar matahari saat terlihat dari lautan. Gedung-gedung ini terdapat di bagian barat [[Laut Mediterania]].
== Penamaan ==
Nama kota ini didapat dari lokasinya yang terletak di lembah perbukitan "Sahel", rantai bukit yang terletak sejajar dengan kawasan pesisir. Kordinat georgrafisnya adalah: 36°47′N 3°4′E <!-- Mulai terjemahkan disini
Pada awalnya, wilayah ini diberi nama "Ikosim" oleh [[bangsa Fenisia]] yang berarti "pulau burung camar". Namanya kemudian berubah menjadi "Ikosium" di bawah kekuasaan Kekaisaran Romawi. Pada sekitar 960 M, Pangeran Bologhine Ibn Ziri Ben Menad merestorasi kota dan mengganti nama kota menjadi Al Djazair Beni Mezghenna. Al Djazair berasal dari bahasa Arab yang berarti "kepulauan karang" karena kota ini berada di pesisir yang menghadap ke kepulauan karang di [[Laut Tengah|Laut Mediterania]].<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|title=Algiers|url=|website=Euromed|language=en-GB|access-date=2023-06-12}}</ref> Al Djazair berubah menjadi Alger ketika Aljazair menjadi koloni Prancis. Pada 1962, kota ini resmi menjadi ibu kota Aljazair.<ref name=":0" />
The modern part of the city is built on the level ground by the seashore and the old part, the ancient city of the deys, climbs the steep hill behind the modern town and is crowned by the casbah or citadel, 400 feet above the sea. The casbah and the two quays form a triangle. -->
Julukan kota ini adalah "Algiers Putih" ( Bahasa arab: El-Bahdja (البهجة) atau ''Alger la Blanche ("Algiers the White")'', karena pancaran gedung-gedung putihnya yang merefleksikan sinar matahari saat terlihat dari lautan. Gedung-gedung ini terdapat di bagian barat [[Laut Mediterania]].
[[Berkas:Algeri05.jpg|thumb|250px|Kawasan pesisir]]
[[Berkas:Algiers coast.jpg|thumb|250px|Pemandangan kota Algiers]]
[[Berkas:Nuit4.jpg|thumb|230px|Monumen Algiers]]
Nama kota ini didapat dari lokasinya yang terletak di lembah perbukitan "Sahel", rantai bukit yang terletak sejajar dengan kawasan pesisir. Kordinat georgrafisnya adalah: 36°47′N 3°4′E <!-- Mulai terjemahkan disini
== Sejarah ==
[[Khairuddin Barbarossa]], seorang panglima Turki yang menaklukkan Algiers untuk [[KalifahKesultanan UsmaniyahUtsmaniyah]] pada 1529, membebaskan pula Penon dari orang Spanyol, sesuai permintaan Emir Algiers. Lalu ia mengumpulkan bangsa Moor-yang telah diusir dari Spanyol-dan menjadikannya pasukan perompak penguasa samudra dan menakutkan bagi pedagang Eropa di [[Laut Tengah]]. Pada 1830, [[PerancisPrancis]] menaklukkan Algiers dan melumpuhkan pasukan perompak, mengubah Turki menjadi pangkalan militer untuk mengendalikan Afrika Barat dan Utara. Namun, selama 300 tahun sebelumnya, Aljir telah berkembang di bawah pemerintahan Barbarossa.
<!-- Mulai terjemahkan disini: City and harbour of Algiers, circa 1921A Phoenician commercial outpost called Ikosim, turned into a Roman small town called Icosium, existed on what is now the marine quarter of the city. The rue de la Marine follows the lines of a Roman street. Roman cemeteries existed near Bab-el-Oued and Bab Azoun. The city was given Latin rights by Vespasian. The bishops of Icosium are mentioned as late as the 5th century.
Walau kekezaman Barbarossa terkenal di Eropa, ia adalah pemimpin baik. Para tawanan dibebaskan dalam kota, di mana mereka diperlakukan hampir sama dengan warga Algiers. Merekalah komoditas utama perompak [[Turki]], sebab karenanyalah berhasil dibangun gedung-gedung putih yang menghadap ke Laut Tengah. Kota ini tumbuh dari asalnya yang tak dikenal sebagai koloni orang Funisia di Afrika Utara dan melebar sampai lereng Perbukitan Sahel serta pulau lepas pantai (direklamasi). Banyak usaha sia-sia untuk menghancurkan perompak itu, termasuk ekspedisi kelautan Kaisar Romawi Suci, [[Charles V]] pada [[1541]] dan oleh [[Inggris]], [[Belanda]], dan AS awal [[1800-an]]. Serangan ini melemahkan dominasi Aljir, namuntetapi gagal menghancurkannya sampai serangan akhir PerancisPrancis pada [[1830]], yang mengakhiri pasukan perompak yang kuat dan hampir jadi mitos itu.
The present city was founded in 944 by Buluggin ibn Ziri, the founder of the Zirid- Senhaja dynasty, which was overthrown by Roger II of Sicily in 1148. The Zirids had before that date lost Algiers, which in 1159 was occupied by the Almohades, and in the 13th century came under the dominion of the Abd-el-Wadid sultans of Tlemcen.
Nominally part of the sultanate of Tlemcen, Algiers had a large measure of independence under amirs of its own, Oran being the chief seaport of the Abd-el-Wahid. The islet in front of the harbour, subsequently known as the Penon, had been occupied by the Spaniards as early as 1302. Thereafter a considerable trade grew up between Algiers and Spain.
Algiers, however, continued to be of comparatively little importance until after the expulsion from Spain of the Moors, many of whom sought an asylum in the city. In 1510, following their occupation of Oran and other towns on the coast of Africa, the Spaniards fortified the Penon. In 1516 the amir of Algiers, Selim b. Teumi, invited the brothers Arouj and Khair-ad-Din ( Barbarossa) to expel the Spaniards. Arouj came to Algiers, caused Selim to be assassinated, and seized the town. Khair-ad-Din, succeeding Arouj, drove the Spaniards from the Penon ( 1550) and was the founder of the pashalik, afterwards deylik, of Algeria.
The bombardment of Algiers by Lord Exmouth, August 1816, painted by Thomas LunyAlgiers from this time became the chief seat of the Barbary pirates. In October 1541 the emperor Charles V sought to capture the city, but a storm destroyed a great number of his ships, and his army of some 30,000, chiefly Spaniards, was defeated by the Algerians under their pasha, Hassan. From the 17th century, Algiers, free of Ottoman control and sited on the periphery of both the Ottoman and European economic spheres, and depending for its existence on a Mediterranean that was increasingly controlled by European shipping, backed by European navies, turned to piracy and ransoming. Repeated attempts were made by various nations to subdue the pirates that disturbed shipping in the western Mediterranean and engaged in slave raids as far north as Cornwall. The United States fought two wars (The First and Second Barbary Wars) over Algiers' attacks on shipping.
In 1816 the city was bombarded by a British squadron under Lord Exmouth (a descendant of Thomas Pellew, taken in an Algierian slave raid in 1715), assisted by Dutch men-of-war, and the corsair fleet burned. On the 4th of July in 1830, on the pretext of an affront to their consul - whom the dey had hit with a fly-whisk when he said the French government was not prepared to pay its large outstanding debts to two Algerian Jewish merchants - a French army under General de Bourmont attacked the city, which capitulated on the following day.
The history of Algiers from 1830 to 1962 is bound to the larger history of Algeria and its relationship to France.
In 1962, after a bloody independence struggle in which hundreds of thousands of Algerians died (a million according to official Algerian history) at the hands of the French army and the Algerian Front de Libération Nationale, Algeria finally gained its independence, with Algiers as its capital. Since then, despite losing its entire European or Pied-noir population, the city has expanded massively - it now has 3 million inhabitants, or 10% of Algeria's population - and its suburbs now cover most of the surrounding Metidja plain.
Algiers by nightAlgiers is hosting the 2007 All-Africa Games for the 2nd time, they hosted the event in 1978.
Local architecture
There are many public buildings of interest, including the whole casbah quarter, Martyrs Square (Sahat ech-Chouhada ساحة الشهداء), the government offices (formerly the British consulate), the "Grand", "New", and Ketchaoua Mosques, the Roman Catholic cathedral of Notre Dame d'Afrique, the Bardo Museum (a former Turkish mansion), the old Bibliotheque Nationale d'Alger - a Turkish palace built in 1799- 1800 - and the new National Library, built in a style reminiscent of the British Library.
The main building in the casbah was begun in 1516 on the site of an older building, and served as the palace of the deys until the French conquest. A road has been cut through the centre of the building, the mosque turned into barracks, and the hall of audience allowed to fall into ruin. There still remain a minaret and some marble arches and columns. Traces exist of the vaults in which were stored the treasures of the dey.
The Grand Mosque (Jamaa-el-Kebir الجامع الكبير) is traditionally said to be the oldest mosque in Algiers. The pulpit ( minbar منبر) bears an inscription showing that the building existed in 1018. The minaret was built by Abu Tachfin, sultan of Tlemcen, in 1324. The interior of the mosque is square and is divided into aisles by columns joined by Moorish arches.
The New Mosque (Jamaa el-Jedid) in Algiers - late 1800's
Algiers. Stone synagogue. Photo early 1900's. Boris Feldblyum CollectionThe New Mosque (Jamaa-el-Jedid الجامع الجديد), dating from the 17th century, is in the form of a Greek cross, surmounted by a large white cupola, with four small cupolas at the corners. The minaret is 90 ft. high. The interior resembles that of the Grand Mosque.
The church of the Holy Trinity (built in 1870) stands at the southern end of the rue d'Isly near the site of the demolished Fort Bab Azoun باب عزون. The interior is richly decorated with various coloured marbles. Many of these marbles contain memorial inscriptions relating to the English residents (voluntary and involuntary) of Algiers from the time of John Tipton, British consul in 1580. One tablet records that in 1631 two Algerine pirate crews landed in Ireland, sacked Baltimore, and carried off its inhabitants to slavery; another recalls the romantic escape of Ida M`Donnell, daughter of Admiral Ulric, consul-general of Denmark, and wife of the British consul. When Lord Exmouth was about to bombard the city in 1816, the British consul was thrown into prison and loaded with chains. Mrs M`Donnell - who was but sixteen - escaped to the British fleet disguised as a midshipman, carrying a basket of vegetables in which her baby was hidden. (Mrs M`Donnell subsequently married the duc de Talleyrand-Perigord and died at Florence in 1880). Among later residents commemorated is Edward Lloyd, who was the first person to show the value of esparto grass for the manufacture of paper, and thus started an industry which is one of the most important in Algeria.
The Ketchaoua mosque (Djamaa Ketchaoua جامع كتشاوة), at the foot of the Casbah, was before independence in 1962 the cathedral of St Philippe, itself made in 1845 from a mosque dating from 1612. The principal entrance, reached by a flight of 23 steps, is ornamented with a portico supported by four black-veined marble columns. The roof of the nave is of Moorish plaster work. It rests on a series of arcades supported by white marble columns. Several of these columns belonged to the original mosque. In one of the chapels was a tomb containing the bones of San Geronimo. The building seems a curious blend of Moorish and Byzantine styles.
Algiers possesses a college with schools of law, medicine, science and letters. The college buildings are large and handsome. The Bardo museum holds some of the ancient sculptures and mosaics discovered in Algeria, together with medals and Algerian money.
The port of Algiers is sheltered from all winds. There are two harbours, both artificial - the old or northern harbour and the southern or Agha harbour. The northern harbour covers an area of 235 acres (950,000 m²). An opening in the south jetty affords an entrance into Agha harbour, constructed in Agha Bay. Agha harbour has also an independent entrance on its southern side.
The inner harbour was begun in 1518 by Khair-ad-Din Barbarossa (see History, below), who, to accommodate his pirate vessels, caused the island on which was Fort Penon to be connected with the mainland by a mole. The lighthouse which occupies the site of Fort Penon was built in 1544.
Algiers was a walled city from the time of the deys until the close of the 19th century. The French, after their occupation of the city ( 1830), built a rampart, parapet and ditch, with two terminal forts, Bab Azoun باب عزون to the south and Bab-el-Oued باب الواد to the north. The forts and part of the ramparts were demolished at the beginning of the 20th century, when a line of forts occupying the heights of Bouzareah بوزريعة (at an elevation of 1300 ft. above the sea) took their place.
Notre-Dame d'Afrique, a church built ( 1858- 1872) in a mixture of the Roman and Byzantine styles, is conspicuously situated, overlooking the sea, on the shoulder of the Bouzareah hills, 2 m. to the north of the city. Above the altar is a statue of the Virgin depicted as a black woman. The church also contains a solid silver statue of the archangel Michael, belonging to the confraternity of Neapolitan fishermen.
Villa Abd-el-Tif, former residence of the dey, was used during the French period, to accommodate French artists, chiefly painters, and winners of the Abd-el-Tif prize, for a while of two years. Nowadays, Algerian artists are back in the villa's studios. -->
[[Barbarossa]], seorang panglima Turki yang menaklukkan Algiers untuk [[Kalifah Usmaniyah]] pada 1529, membebaskan pula Penon dari orang Spanyol, sesuai permintaan Emir Algiers. Lalu ia mengumpulkan bangsa Moor-yang telah diusir dari Spanyol-dan menjadikannya pasukan perompak penguasa samudra dan menakutkan bagi pedagang Eropa di [[Laut Tengah]]. Pada 1830, [[Perancis]] menaklukkan Algiers dan melumpuhkan pasukan perompak, mengubah Turki menjadi pangkalan militer untuk mengendalikan Afrika Barat dan Utara. Namun, selama 300 tahun sebelumnya, Aljir telah berkembang di bawah pemerintahan Barbarossa.
Walau kekezaman Barbarossa terkenal di Eropa, ia adalah pemimpin baik. Para tawanan dibebaskan dalam kota, di mana mereka diperlakukan hampir sama dengan warga Algiers. Merekalah komoditas utama perompak [[Turki]], sebab karenanyalah berhasil dibangun gedung-gedung putih yang menghadap ke Laut Tengah. Kota ini tumbuh dari asalnya yang tak dikenal sebagai koloni orang Funisia di Afrika Utara dan melebar sampai lereng Perbukitan Sahel serta pulau lepas pantai (direklamasi). Banyak usaha sia-sia untuk menghancurkan perompak itu, termasuk ekspedisi kelautan Kaisar Romawi Suci, [[Charles V]] pada [[1541]] dan oleh [[Inggris]], [[Belanda]], dan AS awal [[1800-an]]. Serangan ini melemahkan dominasi Aljir, namun gagal menghancurkannya sampai serangan akhir Perancis pada [[1830]], yang mengakhiri pasukan perompak yang kuat dan hampir jadi mitos itu.
== Algiers modern ==
Aljazair bangkit menentang PerancisPrancis pada 1950-an dan merdeka 1962. Banyak orang Eropa keluar dari sana selama beberapa dekade. Kini Algiers terus tumbuh dengan populasi 1,7 juta pada 1990.
Bagian tertua kota itu-yang dibangun di lereng bukit bagian atas-masih menampakkan karakter awalnya, yang teridentifikasi dari rumah tinggi berdinding putih serta jalan sempit dan berliku. Kasbah yang terkenal masih mendominasi kota itu dan merupakan kediaman dua penguasa Turki trakhir di sana. Masjid Ketchaoua, dulu Katedral Saint Philip antara 1845-1962-pun masih jadi lambang menawan kota, sementara Museum Seni Populer dan Tradisi bertempat di salah satu istana Turki terindah yang pernah dibangun.
[[Berkas:Algeri01.jpg|thumb|200px|Pelabuhan Algiers]]
== Geografi ==
Baris 115 ⟶ 68:
== Olahraga ==
Algiers akan menjadi tuan rumah All-Africa Games 2007 (ke-9) dari [[11 Juli|11]]-[[23 Juli]] [[2007]]. Sebelumnya Algiers pernah menjadi tuan rumah All-Africa Games 1978 (ke-3).
<gallery widths="200px" heights="200px" perrow="4">
[[Berkas:Algeri01.jpg|thumb|200px|Pelabuhan Algiers]]
[[Berkas:Algeri05.jpg|thumb|250px|Kawasan pesisir]]
[[Berkas:Algiers coast.jpg|thumb|250px|Pemandangan kota Algiers]]
[[Berkas:Nuit4.jpg|thumb|230px|Monumen Algiers]]
Berkas:Basilique Notre-Dame d Afrique Alger.jpg|Basilika Notre-Dame d'Afrique
Berkas:Algiers Grand Post.jpg|Kantor Pos Utama Algiers
== Hubungan internasional ==
Baris 125 ⟶ 88:
* {{Flag icon|Germany}} [[Berlin]], [[Jerman]]
* {{Flag icon|Tunisia}} [[Tunis]], [[Tunisia]]
* {{Flag icon|France}} [[Paris]], [[PerancisPrancis]]
* {{Flag icon|Canada}} [[Montreal]], [[Kanada]]<ref>{{Cite web |url=;jsessionid=24C10045060CDD0AA23BD919B260FD0F |title=Sherlock, banque d'information de la Ville de Montréal | |date= |accessdate=2010-06-27 |archive-date=2009-02-23 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
* {{Flag icon|United Kingdom}} [[London]], [[Britania Raya]]
* {{Flag icon|Turkey}} [[Izmir]], [[Turki]]
Baris 133 ⟶ 96:
* {{Flag icon|Bulgaria}} [[Sofia]], [[Bulgaria]]
* {{Flag icon|Russia}} [[Moscow]], [[Rusia]]
* {{Flag icon|France}} [[Bordeaux]], [[PerancisPrancis]]
* {{Flag icon|Spain}} [[Barcelona]], [[Spanyol]]
* {{Flag icon|Switzerland}} [[Jenewa]], [[Swiss]]
Baris 153 ⟶ 116:
== Bibiliografi ==
* Beckner, Chrisanne dan Soetrisno, Eddy. 2001. ''Buku Pintar 100 Kota Besar Bersejarah di Dunia''. Jakarta : Ladang Pustaka dan Intimedia
{{Ibukota di Afrika}}
[[Kategori:Aljir| Aljir]]
[[Kategori:Kota di Aljazair]]
[[Kategori:Provinsi di Aljazair]]
[[Kategori:Aljir| Aljir]]