Bingu wa Mutharika: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Rescuing 1 sources and tagging 0 as dead.) #IABot (v2.0.9.5
(4 revisi perantara oleh 4 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 3:
|order=[[Presiden Malawi]] ke-3
|image=Mutharika at Met.jpg
| term_start = [[24 Mei]] [[2004]]
| term_end = [[5 April]] [[2012]]
|predecessor=[[Bakili Muluzi]]
|successor=[[Joyce Banda]]
Baris 13:
|religion=[[Katolik]] []
'''Bingu wa Mutharika''' lahir dengan nama Brightson Webster Ryson Thom ({{lahirmati||24|2|1934||5|4|2012}}) adalah ekonom, politikus, dan [[Presiden Malawi|Presiden]] [[Malawi]] yang menjabat sejak [[24 Mei]] [[2004]], setelah memenangi [[Pemilihan Umum Malawi 2004|pemilu presiden 2004]] hingga ia meninggal [[6 April]] [[2012]]. Ia juga merupakan presiden dari "Democratic Progressive Party" yang berkuasa dan menjadi mayoritas di parlemen [[Malawi]]. Ia meninggal karena serangan jantung di [[Lilongwe]] pada [[6 April]] [[2012]].<ref>[{{Cite web |url= |title=Artikel:"Presiden Malawi Dikabarkan Meninggal Dunia" di] |access-date=2012-04-09 |archive-date=2023-07-22 |archive-url= |dead-url=no }}</ref><!--
Born Ryson Webster Thom in [[Thyolo]], about 30km from Malawi's commercial capital, [[Blantyre, Malawi|Blantyre]], he adopted the more African name of Bingu Mutharika during the [[1960s]] when [[Pan-Africanism|pan-Africanism]] was sweeping across the continent.
He later added the prefix 'wa' between his names to disguise his identity from [[Hastings Kamuzu Banda]]'s state security, who were hunting down his opponents around the world.
Mutharika was the son of a [[Catholic]] primary school teacher. He was educated at the [[University of Delhi]], [[India]], where he gained a master's degree in economics. He later obtained a PhD in development economics from [[Pacific Western University]], a [[diploma mill]] in [[Los Angeles, California|Los Angeles]].
Baris 22:
After serving in the Malawi civil service and also for a period in the government of [[Zambia]], Mutharika joined the [[United Nations]] in 1978, where he eventually became Director for Trade and Development Finance for Africa. In 1991 he was appointed secretary-general of the [[Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa]] (COMESA), a regional body of 20 countries.
One reason for Mutharika's decision to join the UN was his opposition to the regime of Malawi's self-declared "[[President for Life]]," Hastings Kamuzu Banda. After Banda was forced to liberalise his regime, Mutharika was one of the founders of the [[United Democratic Front]], the party that won Malawi's first multiparty elections in 1994.
Mutharika was at that time a supporter of the UDF leader, President [[Bakili Muluzi]], but he soon became a critic of Muluzi's economic policies and left the UDF. He formed the [[United Party (Malawi)|United Party]] (UP) in 1997 and unsuccessfully opposed Muluzi in the 1999 presidential elections.
Baris 34:
His brother, [ Peter Mutharika], holds a doctorate from Yale and is a prominent law professor at Washington University in St. Louis.-->
== Referensi ==
Baris 47 ⟶ 48:
{{Ketua Uni Afrika}}
{{Authority control|VIAF=163711303}}
{{lifetime|1934|2012|Muhtarika, Bingu wa}}
[[Kategori:Presiden Malawi]]