Pemilihan umum legislatif Rumania 2008: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(3 revisi perantara oleh pengguna yang sama tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{Infobox Electionlegislative election
| election_name = Pemilihan umum legislatif Rumania 2008
| country = Rumania
| previous_election = [[Pemilihan umum legislatif Rumania 2004#Parlemen|2004]]
| type = Parlementer
| previous_electionnext_election = [[Pemilihan umum legislatif Rumania 20042012|2012]]
| seats_for_election = 137 kursi di [[Senat Rumania|Senat]]<br /> seluruh 334 kursi di ''[[Camera Deputaţilor]]''
| previous_year = 2004
| majority_seats = 69 dan 167
| next_election = Pemilihan umum legislatif Rumania 2012
| turnout = 39.20% ({{decrease}}19.27%[[Poin persentase|pp]])
| next_year = 2012
| seats_for_election = 137 kursi senat <br /> 334 kursi ''[[Camera Deputaţilor]]''
| election_date = 30 November [[2008]] <ref>{{ro}} [ Antena 3 coverage of the subject] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-09-13 }}</ref>
| heading1 = [[Kamar Deputi Rumania|Kamar Deputi]]
<!-- Alliance PSD+PC Polls -->
| party_leader1 = [[Mircea Geoană]]
| poll1_date = 22-25/09/2008
| party1 = [[Aliansi PSD+PC]]
| poll1_source =
| seats1_before = 132
| poll1_party1 = 20%
| seats1 = 114
| poll1_party2 = 36%
| poll1_party3 percentage1 = 3433.10%
| poll1_party4 =
<!-- Democratic Liberal Party (Romania) -->
| poll1_party5 =
| party_leader2 = [[Theodor Stolojan]] {{efn|kandidat Perdana Menteri}}
| poll1_party6 =
| party2 = [[Partidul Democrat-Liberal|Partai Demokrat Liberal (Rumania)]]
| poll2_date = 10-23/10/2008
| seats2_before = 48
| poll2_source =
| seats2 = 135
| poll2_party1 = 18%
| poll2_party2 percentage2 = 3132.26%
| poll2_party3 = 32%
<!-- National Liberal Party (Romania) -->
| poll2_party4 =
| party_leader3 = {{nowrap|[[Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu]]}}
| poll2_party5 =
| party3 = [[Partai Liberal Nasional (Rumania)]]
| poll2_party6 =
| seats3_before = 64
| poll3_date = 25-27/10/2008
| seats3 = 65
| poll3_source =
| poll3_party1 percentage3 = 18.57%
| poll3_party2 = 37%
<!-- Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Rumania -->
| poll3_party3 = 34%
| party_leader4 = [[Béla Markó]]
| poll3_party4 =
| party4 = [[Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România|Aliansi Demokratik Orang Hungaria di Rumania]]
| poll3_party5 =
| seats4_before = 22
| poll3_party6 =
| seats4 = 22
| poll4_date =
| percentage4 = 6.17%
| poll4_source =
| poll4_party1 =
<!-- Romanian ethnic minority parties -->
| poll4_party2 =
| party_leader5 = [[:ro:Varujan Pambuccian|Varujan Pambuccian]]
| poll4_party3 =
| party5 = [[Partai minoritas etnis Rumania]]
| poll4_party4 =
| seats5_before = 18
| poll4_party5 =
| seats5 = 18
| poll4_party6 =
| percentage5 = 3.67%
| poll5_date =
| poll5_source =
| heading6 = [[Senat Rumania|Senat]]
| poll5_party1 =
| poll5_party2 =
<!-- Alliance PSD+PC -->
| poll5_party3 =
| party_leader6 = [[Mircea Geoană]]
| poll5_party4 =
| party6 = [[Aliansi PSD+PC]]
| poll5_party5 =
| seats6_before = 57
| poll5_party6 =
| seats6 = 49
| map_caption =
| percentage6 = 34.16%
<!-- Democratic Liberal Party (Romania) -->
| party_leader7 = [[Theodor Stolojan]] {{efn|kandidat Perdana Menteri}}
| party7 = [[Partidul Democrat-Liberal|Partai Demokrat Nasional (Rumania)]]
| seats7_before = 21
| seats7 = 51
| percentage7 = 33.57%
<!-- National Liberal Party (Romania) -->
| party_leader8 = [[Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu]]
| party8 = [[Partai Liberal Nasional (Rumania)]]
| seats8_before = 28
| seats8 = 28
| percentage8 = 18.74%
<!-- Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania -->
| party_leader9 = [[Béla Markó]]
| party9 = [[Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România|Aliansi Demokratik Orang Hungaria di Rumania]]
| seats9_before = 10
| seats9 = 9
| percentage9 = 6.39%
| map = [[Berkas:2008 Romanian legislative election - Vote Strength.png|250px]]
| map_caption = Hasil untuk [[Kamar Deputi Rumania|Kamar Deputi]] dan [[Senat Rumania|Senat]]
| title = [[Perdana menteri]]
| before_election = [[Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu]]
Baris 57 ⟶ 82:
| after_election = [[Emil Boc]]
| after_colour = FF8000
| before_party = [[Partidul Naţional Liberal]]
| after_party = [[Partidul Democratic Democrat-Liberal]]
'''Pemilihan umum legislatif''' diadakan di [[Rumania]] pada tanggal 30 November 2008.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Romania to hold elections on November 30th | |date=2008-08-28 |accessdate=2009-01-12}}</ref> [[Partidul Democrat-Liberal]] (PD-L) memenangkan kursi terbanyak baik di ''[[Camera Deputaţilor]]'' maupun di Senat.
== Hasil ==
Menurut hasil resmi, [[Partidul Social Democrat]] memenangkan 33.1% di Camera Deputaţilor, PD-L 32.4%, Partidul Naţional Liberal 18.6% dan [[Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România]] sebesar 6.2%. PSD memenangkan 34.2% senat, PD-L 33.6%, PNL 18.7% dan UDMR 6.4%
Menurut hasil resmi, [[Aliansi PSD+PC]] yang [[Politik sayap kiri|kiri tengah]] memenangkan 33.1% di Camera Deputaţilor, PD-L 32.4%, Partidul Naţional Liberal 18.6% dan [[Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România]] sebesar 6.2%. Aliansi yang dipimpin oleh [[Partidul Social Democrat|Partai Demokrat Sosial]] memenangkan 34.2% senat, PD-L 33.6%, PNL 18.7% dan UDMR 6.4%
== Catatan kaki ==