Telly Savalas: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(13 revisi perantara oleh 12 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{Infobox actorperson
|name = Telly Savalas
|image = Telly Savalas Kojak 1973.JPG
|image =Kojaktelly.jpg
|imagesize =
|caption = Savalas pada tahun 1973
|birthnamebirth_name = Aristotelis Savalas
|birthdatebirth_date = {{birthBirth date|19241922|1|21|mf=y}}
|birthplacebirth_place = {{city-state|[[Garden City|New York}}, [[AmerikaNew SerikatYork]], A.S.
|deathdatedeath_date = {{deathDeath date and age|1994|1|22|19241922|1|21}}
|deathplacedeath_place = {{city-state|[[Universal City|California}}, [[Amerika SerikatCalifornia]], A.S.
|occupation = [[Aktor]]
|years_active = 1950 – 1994
|death_cause = [[Kanker prostat]]
|spouse = Katherine Nicolaides (1948–1957) <br /> Marilyn Gardner (1960–1974) <br /> Julie Hovland (1984–1994)
|resting_place =
|alma_mater = [[Universitas Columbia]]
|spouse = Katherine Nicolaides (1948–1957)1948–57, cerai)<br /> Marilyn Gardner (1960–1974)1960–74; cerai)<br /> Julie Hovland (1984–19941984–94)
|partner = Sally Adams
|children = 6
|alias =
'''Aristotelis "Telly" Savalas''' ({{lang-gr|Αριστοτέλης "Τέλλυ" Σαβάλας}}, {{lahirmati||21|1|1922||22|1|1994}}) adalah seorang [[aktor]] [[film]] dan [[televisi]] [[Amerika Serikat]] dan juga seorang [[penyanyi]], yang telah berkarier selama empat dekade. Ia paling dikenal karena memainkan peran dalam drama kriminal tahun 1970-an ''[[Kojak]]'', Savalas dinominasikan untuk [[Academy Award untuk Aktor Pendukung Terbaik]] untuk penampilannya dalam ''[[Birdman of Alcatraz (film)|Birdman of Alcatraz]]'' (1962).
'''Aristotelis "Telly" Savalas''' ([[21 Januari]] [[1922]]-[[22 Januari]] [[1994]]) merupakan seorang [[aktor]] berkebangsaan [[Amerika Serikat]] yang memenangkan [[Emmy Award]]. Dia dilahirkan di [[Garden City, New York]] dengan nama '''Aristotelis Savalas'''. Dia berkarier di dunia film sejak tahun [[1961]].
== Filmografi ==
* ''[[The Young Savages]]'' (1961)
* ''[[Mad Dog Coll]]'' (1961)
* ''[[Birdman of Alcatraz (film)|Birdman of Alcatraz]]'' (1962)
* ''[[The Man from the Diner's Club]]'' (1963)
* ''[[The Greatest Story Ever Told]]'' (1965)
* ''[[The Young Savages]]'' (1961)
* ''[[Mad Dog Coll]]'' (1961)
* ''[[Birdman of Alcatraz (film)|Birdman of Alcatraz]]'' (1962)
* ''[[The Man from the Diner's Club]]'' (1963)
* ''[[The Greatest Story Ever Told]]'' (1965)
* ''[[The Slender Thread]] (1965)
* ''[[Genghis Khan]]'' (1965)
* ''[[Beau Geste]]'' (1966)
* ''[[The Dirty Dozen]]'' (1967)
* ''[[The Scalphunters]]'' (1968)
* ''[[The Assassination Bureau]]'' (1969)
* ''[[On Her Majesty's Secret Service (film)|On Her Majesty's Secret Service]]'' (1969)
* ''[[Land Raiders]]'' (1969)
* ''[[Crooks and Coronets]]'' (1969)
* ''[[MacKenna's Gold]]'' (1969)
* ''[[Violent City]]'' (1970)
* ''[[A Town Called Bastard]]'' (1971)
Baris 46 ⟶ 52:
* ''[[Cape Fear (1962 film)|Cape Fear]]'' (1962)
* ''[[Love Is a Ball]]'' (1963)
* ''[[The New Interns]]'' (1964)
* ''[[The Slender Thread]]'' (1965)
* ''[[Battle of the Bulge (film)|Battle of the Bulge]]'' (1965)
* ''[[Sol Madrid]]'' (1968)
* ''[[Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell]]'' (1968)
Baris 56 ⟶ 62:
== Pranala luar ==
* [ Savalas.TV - Who loves ya, baby?]
* []
Baris 61 ⟶ 68:
* {{imdb nama|id=0001699|nama=Telly Savalas}}
{{Commonscat|Telly Savalas}}
{{Authority control}}
[[Kategori:Pemeran Amerika Serikat|Savalas]]
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[[el:Τέλι Σαβάλας]]
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[[he:טלי סוואלס]]
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[[la:Aristoteles Savalas]]
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[[ru:Савалас, Телли]]
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[[sr:Тели Савалас]]
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