Skanderbeg: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(31 revisi perantara oleh 19 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
[[Berkas:Gjergj Kastrioti.JPGjpg|rightka|thumbjmpl|Foto Skanderbeg di [[Uffizi]], [[Florence]], [[Italia]]]]
'''George Kastrioti''' (Gjergj Kastrioti) ([[1405]] - [[17 Januari]] [[1468]]), yang lebih dikenal sebagai '''Skanderbeg''', adalah tokoh yang paling terkemuka dalam sejarah [[Albania]]. Ia juga dikenal sebagai Naga Albania<ref name="EB1911">{{1911}}</ref> dan merupakan pahlawan nasional bangsa Albania. Ia dikenang terutama karena perjuangannya melawan [[KerajaanKekaisaran OttomanUtsmaniyah]], melalui karya penulis biografinya yang pertama, [[Marin Barleti]].<ref name="barleti">[[Marin Barleti]], 1508, ''Historia de vita et gestis Scanderbegi Epirotarum principis'', [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-11-10 }}</ref>.
== Biografi ==
Dalam bahasa Inggris, namanya ditulis dalam berbagai cara: George, Gjergj, Giorgio; Castriota, Kastrioti, Castrioti, Castriottis,<ref name="Tennent1845">[[James Emerson Tennent]], 1845, ''The History of Modern Greece, from Its Conquest by the Romans B.C.146, to the Present Time''</ref>, Kastriotes, Castriot,<ref name="cwe1876">Catholic World Encyclopedia VOL. XXIII, Number 134, 1876, [ Scanderbeg entry] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2006-07-03 }}</ref>, Kastriot; Skanderbeg, Scanderbeg, Skenderbeg, Skanderbeu, atau Scander-Begh.
Ayahnya adalah seorang bangsawan [[Albania]] dari keluarga Kastrioti. John Castriota,<ref name="paganel">Camille Paganel, 1855, ''"Histoire de Scanderbeg, ou Turcs et Chrétiens du XVe siècle"''</ref>, keturunan dari keluarga lama dari [[Distrik Mat|Mat]], dan menguasai sebuah kepangeranan termasuk Mat, [[Krujë]], [[Mirditë]] dan [[Dibër]].<ref>Edwin E. Jacques, ''The Albanians: An Ethnic History'', 1994, p. 179</ref>, [[Makedonia (wilayah)|Makedonia]] hilir. Voisava, ibundaibu Skanderbeg, berasal dari keluarga Tribalda,<ref name="paganel" />, seorang putri Slavia<ref name=Barleti>M. Barleti, ibid.</ref> dari lembah Polog.<ref>yang kini terletak di bagian barat laut dari [[Republik Makedonia]]</ref>. Meskipun ia berperang untuk KerajaanKekaisaran OttomanUtsmaniyah, Skanderbeg segera berganti kubu dan berperang melawan KerajaanKekaisaran OttomanUtsmaniyah hingga akhir hayatnya.
=== Melayani dalam Tentara OttomanUtsmani ===
[[Berkas:Ne Udhetim 132.jpg|rightka|thumbjmpl|190px|Patung Skanderbeg di [[Prishtina]]]]
Skanderbeg yang dilahirkan di [[Krujë]], adalah keturunan dari keluarga Kastriotis, yang merupakan salah satu keluarga utama dari apa yang dulu dikenal sebagai Arberia (kini Albania).
Menurut Gibbon,<ref name="gibbon">[[Edward Gibbon]], 1788, ''[[History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire]]'', [ Volume 6, Scanderbeg section]</ref>, ayah Skanderbeg, John Kastrioti adalah seorang pangeran dari distrik kecil Epirus atau Albania. John Kastrioti adalah salah satu yang menentang<ref name="Tennent1845" /> serangan awal BajazetBayezid II, namun perlawanannya sia-sia; dan Sultan, setelah menerima penyerahannya, mewajibkannya membayar pajak dan untuk memastikan kesetiaannya kepada para penguasa setempat, George Kastrioti dan ketiga saudaranya diambil oleh Sultan ke istana sebagai sandra. Ia masuk sekolah militer dan memimpin banyak peperangan untuk KerajaanKekaisaran OttomanUtsmaniyah hingga menang. Karena berbagai kemenangannya itu, ia menerima gelar ''Arnavut İskender [[Bey]]'', ([[bahasa Albania]]: ''Skënderbeu Shqiptari'', [[bahasa Inggris]]: ''Skanderbeg, orang Albania''). Dalam [[bahasa Turki]] dan Albania gelar ini berarti ''Lord Alexander'', yang membandingkan kecemerlangan militer Kastrioti dengan kejayaan [[Alexander Agung]]).
<!--He earned distinction as an officer in several Ottoman campaigns both in [[Asia Minor]] and in [[Europe]], and the Sultan appointed him to the rank of General by giving him a cavalry force of 5,000 men. Some sources claim that he maintained secret links with [[Republic of Ragusa|Ragusa]], [[Republic of Venice|Venice]], [[Ladislaus Posthumus of Bohemia and Hungary|Ladislaus V]] of [[Kingdom of Hungary|Hungary]], and [[Alfonso V of Aragon|Alfonso I]] of [[Kingdom of Naples|Naples]].
Baris 28 ⟶ 29:
[[Berkas:Skenderbeg battle.jpg|thumb|right|235px|The drawing of Skanderbeg battle]]
In June [[1450]], an Ottoman army numbering approximately 150,000 men led by Sultan Murad II himself laid siege to Krujë. Leaving a protective garrison of 1,500 men under one of his most trusted lieutenants, [[Vrana Konti]] (also know as [[Kont Urani]]), Skanderbeg harassed the Ottoman camps around Krujë and attacked the supply caravans of the sultan's army. By September the Ottoman camp was in disarray as morale sank and disease ran rampant. Grudgingly, Murad acknowledged the castle of Krujë would not fall by strength of arms, and he lifted the siege and made his way to [[Edirne]]. Soon thereafter in the winter of [[1450]]-[[1451|51]], Murad died in Edirne and was succeeded by his son [[Mehmed II]].
For the next five years Albania was allowed some respite as the new sultan set out to conquer the last vestiges of the [[Byzantine Empire]]. The first test between the armies of the new sultan and Skanderbeg came in [[1455]] during the [[Siege of Berat]], and would end in the most disastrous defeat Skanderbeg would suffer. Skanderbeg had sieged the town's castle for months, causing the demoralized Turkish officer in charge of the castle to promise his surrender. At that point Skanderbeg relaxed the grip and left the siege location. He left behind one of his generals and half of his cavalry at the bank of the river [[Osam]] to finalize the surrender.
The Ottomans saw this moment as an opportunity for attack. They sent a large cavalry force from [[Fushe]] in [[Kosovo]] to [[Berat]] as reinforcements. The Albanian forces had become overconfident and had been lulled into a false sense of security. The Ottomans caught the Albanian cavalry by surprise while they were resting in the shores of the Osam. Almost all the 5,000 Albanian cavalry laying siege to Berat were massacred. When Skanderbeg made it to the battlefield, everything was over; the Ottoman cavalry had already left for [[Anatolia]]. This was the worst military defeat that Skanderbeg suffered.
[[Berkas:Gjergji statue kruja albania 2004-08-07.jpg|left|thumb|235px|Statue of Skanderbeg, in [[Krujë]], Albania]]
Baris 40 ⟶ 41:
In [[1461]] the Sultan proposed<ref name="Tennent1845" /> terms of accommodation with Skanderbeg and a peace was concluded between them on June 22. In the same year, Skanderbeg launched a successful campaign<ref name="jensen" /> against the [[Angevin]] noblemen and their allies who sought to destabilize King [[Ferdinand I of Naples]]. For his services<ref name="cwe1876" /> he gained the title '''Duke of San Pietro''' in the kingdom of Naples. After securing the Neapolitan kingdom, a crucial ally in his struggle, he returned home. In [[1464]] Skanderbeg fought and defeated [[Ballaban Badera]], an Albanian renegade who had captured a large number of Albanian army commanders <ref name="musachi">John Musachi, 1515, ''[ Brief Chronicle on the Descendants of our Musachi Dynasty]''</ref>, including [[Moisi Arianit Golemi]], a cavalry commander; [[Vladan Giurica]], the chief army economist (maybe quartermaster? ) [[Muzaka of Angelina]], a nephew of Skanderbeg, and 18 other noblemen and army captains. These men, after they were captured, were sent immediately to [[Istanbul]] and tortured for fifteen days<ref name="musachi" />. Skanderbeg’s pleas to have these men back, by either ransom or prisoner exchange, failed.
In [[1466]] Sultan Mehmed II personally led an army into Albania and laid siege to Krujë as his father had attempted sixteen years earlier. The town was defended by a garrison of 4,400 men, led by Prince [[Tanush Topia]]. After several months, Mehmed, like Murad II, saw that seizing Krujë by force of arms was impossible for him to accomplish. Shamed, he left the siege to return to Istanbul. However, he left a force of 40,000 men under [[Ballaban Pasha]] to maintain the siege, even building a castle in central Albania, which he named ''El-basan'' (the modern [[Elbasan]]), to support the siege. Durrës would be the next target of the sultan, in order to be used as a strong base opposite the Italian coast<ref name="Babinger">Franz Babinger, 1992, ''Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time'', ISBN 0-691-01078-1</ref>. The second siege of Kruja was eventually broken by Skanderbeg, resulting in the death of Ballaban Pasha from [[firearm]]s.
A few months later in [[1467]], Mehmed, frustrated by his inability to subdue Albania, again led the largest army of its time into Albania. Krujë was besieged for a third time, but on a much grander scale. While a contingent kept the city and its forces pinned down, Ottoman armies came pouring in from [[Bosnia Province, Ottoman Empire|Bosnia]], [[Serbia]], [[Macedonia (region)|Macedonia]], and [[Greece]] with the aim of keeping the whole country surrounded, thereby strangling Skanderbeg’s supply routes and limiting his mobility. During this conflict, Skanderbeg fell ill with [[malaria]] in the Venetian-controlled city of Lezhë, and died on [[January 17]] [[1468]], just as the army under the leadership of [[Leke Dukagjini]] defeated the Ottoman force in [[Shkodër]].
Baris 51 ⟶ 52:
=== After death ===
[[Berkas:Piazza Albania.JPG|thumb|This is a picture of a horseman statue portraying the Albanian folk hero, George Castriota Scanderbeg, in the square [[Piazza Albania]] in [[Rome]], [[Italy]].]]
The Albanian resistance went on after the death of Skanderbeg for an additional ten years under the leadership of Dukagjini, though with only moderate success and no great victories. In [[1478]], the fourth siege of Krujë finally proved successful for the Ottomans; demoralized and severely weakened by hunger and lack of supplies from the year-long siege, the defenders surrendered to Mehmed, who had promised them to leave unharmed in exchange. As the Albanians were walking away with their families, however, the Ottomans reneged on this promise, killing the men and enslaving the women and children<ref name="Babinger" />.
Baris 74 ⟶ 75:
During his reign Skanderbeg issued many laws (census of the population, tax collecting etc) based on [[Roman law|Roman]] and [[Byzantine law]].{{fact}}
When the Ottomans found the grave of Skanderbeg in [[Saint Nicholas]] church of Lezhë, they opened it and made [[amulets]] of his bones<ref name="gibbon" />, believing that these would confer bravery on the wearer.
Baris 100 ⟶ 101:
== Daftar pertempuran yang dipimpin Skanderbeg ==
Skanderbeg banyak memimpin pertempuran dan banyak di antaranya yang berakhir dengan kemenangan di pihaknya.
* [[Pertempuran Ujebardha]]
Baris 114 ⟶ 115:
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Sejarah Albania]]
== Rujukan ==
Baris 121 ⟶ 123:
=== Sumber-sumber tambahan ===
* ''Diadaptasi dari biografi [[Fan S. Noli]] ''George Castrioti Scanderbeg''
=== Pranala luar ===
* [ Ekspedisi Scanderbeg ke Italia]
* [ Sumber kisah kepahlawanan tentang Scanderbeg]
* [ The Arbreshe and Contessa Entellina]
* [ Sejarah singkat Albania] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-05-04 }}
* [[Benjamin Disraeli]], 1833, ''[ The Rise of Iskander]'', (Perhatian: ini adalah sebuah fiksi sejarah)
* [ Analisis sastra tentang Scanderbeg]{{Pranala mati|date=Mei 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
* [ Scanderbeg: Warrior-King of Albania] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-05-12 }} - trailer dokumenter
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[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1405]]
[[Kategori:Kematian 1468]]
[[Kategori:Sejarah Albania]]
[[Kategori:Tokoh Albania]]
[[Kategori:Tokoh yang berpindah agama dari Islam ke Katolik]]
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[[hu:Kasztrióta György albán fejedelem]]
[[it:Giorgio Castriota Scanderbeg]]
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[[sr:Ђурађ Кастриот Скендербег]]
[[tr:İskender Bey]]