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Baris 11:
|attributes=Penggalan kepala [[Yohanes Pembaptis]] di atas talam perak bulat, sering dipegang oleh [[Salome]] atau [[Herodes Antipas]]
[[Berkas:The Apparition, Gustave Moreau 1876.jpg|jmpl|''Salome and the Apparition of the Baptist's Head'' karya [[Gustave Moreau]]. Lukisan pewarna cair. Sekitar pertengahan
[[Berkas:Execution of John the Baptist icon01.jpg|jmpl|[[Ikon]] Pemancungan Yohanes Pembaptis (Museum Ikon, [[:en:Recklinghausen|Recklinghausen]])]]
'''Kematian Yohanes Pembaptis''' ({{lang-en|Beheading of Saint John the Baptist}}, ''Decollation of Saint John the Baptist'' atau ''Beheading of the Forerunner'') merupakan suatu peristiwa dibunuhnya [[Yohanes Pembaptis]] atas perintah [[Herodes Antipas]], yang dicatat dalam [[Alkitab]] [[Kristen]] bagian [[Perjanjian Baru]], yang terkait dengan [[Kronologi Yesus|kehidupan]] [[Yesus]] [[Kristus]]. Hari kematian itu dikenal sebagai '''Wafatnya Santo Yohanes Pembaptis''' atau '''Pemenggalan Santo Yohanes Pembaptis''' dan menjadi suatu [[hari suci]] yang diperingati oleh berbagai gereja [[Kristen]] dalam mengikuti [[liturgi (Kristen)|tradisi liturgi]].
Menurut kitab-kitab [[Injil Sinoptik]], Herodes, yang menjabat sebagai [[:en:Tetrarchy (Judea)|tetrarkh]], atau raja muda, wilayah [[Galilea]] di bawah [[Kekaisaran Romawi]], telah memenjarakan Yohanes Pembaptis karena ia mengecam perceraian Herodes dengan istrinya (Phasaelis, putri Raja Aretas dari Kerajaan Nabataea) dan melanggar aturan ketika mengambil [[Herodias]], istri saudaranya, [[Herodes II|Herodes Philip I]]. Pada perayaan hari ulang tahun Herodes, putri Herodias (yang diidentifikasi oleh [[Flavius Yosefus]] sebagai [[Salome]]) menari di hadapan raja dan para tamunya. Tarian itu sangat menyukakan hati Herodes sehingga dalam kemabukannya ia menjanjikan untuk memberi apa saja yang
== Catatan Alkitab ==
=== Injil Matius ===
[[Matius 14]]:1-12: ''Yohanes Pembaptis dibunuh''
: <sup>14:1</sup> Pada masa itu sampailah berita-berita tentang Yesus kepada Herodes, raja wilayah.
=== Injil Markus ===
[[Markus 6]]:14-29: ''Yohanes Pembaptis dibunuh''
: <sup>6:14</sup> Raja Herodes juga mendengar tentang Yesus, sebab nama-Nya sudah terkenal dan orang mengatakan: "Yohanes Pembaptis sudah bangkit dari antara orang mati dan itulah sebabnya kuasa-kuasa itu bekerja di dalam Dia." <sup>6:15</sup> Yang lain mengatakan: "Dia itu Elia!" Yang lain lagi mengatakan: "Dia itu seorang nabi sama seperti nabi-nabi yang dahulu." <sup>6:16</sup> Waktu Herodes mendengar hal itu, ia berkata: "Bukan, dia itu Yohanes yang sudah kupenggal kepalanya, dan yang bangkit lagi." <sup>6:17</sup> Sebab memang Herodeslah yang menyuruh orang menangkap Yohanes dan membelenggunya di penjara berhubung dengan peristiwa Herodias, isteri Filipus saudaranya, karena Herodes telah mengambilnya sebagai isteri.
=== Injil Lukas ===
[[Lukas 9]]:7-9: ''Herodes dan Yesus''
: <sup>9:7</sup> Herodes, raja wilayah, mendengar segala yang terjadi itu dan iapun merasa cemas, sebab ada orang yang mengatakan, bahwa Yohanes telah bangkit dari antara orang mati.
== Catatan di luar Alkitab ==
Sejarawan Yahudi-Romawi [[Flavius Yosefus]] mencatat dalam tulisannya ''[[Antiquitates Iudaicae]]'' bahwa Herodes membunuh Yohanes, karena "takut pengaruh besar Yohanes terhadap orang banyak akan meninggikan kekuasaan Yohanes dan condong kepada pemberontakan, (karena mereka
Tidak ada sumber yang mencatat tanggal pastinya, diperkirakan pada tahun 28-29 M (Matius 14:1-12; Markus 6:14-27; Lukas 9:9) setelah Yohanes Pembaptis dipenjarakan pada tahun 27 M (Matius 4:12; Markus 1:14) atas dorongan Herodias, istri saudaranya, yang diambilnya sebagai gundiknya. (Matius 14:3-5; Markus 6:17-20);<ref>Harmony of the Gospels, The People's New Testament Commentary</ref> Menurut Yosefus, kematian Yohanes terjadi di benteng [[Machaerus]].
Baris 38:
== Hari peringatan ==
Peringatan liturgi Kematian Santo Yohanes Pembaptis sudah dilakukan hampir setua peringatan [[:en:Nativity of St. John the Baptist|kelahirannya]], yang merupakan salah satu peringatan tertua, kalau bukan yang paling tua, dalam liturgi gereja Ritus Timur maupun Barat untuk menghormati orang kudus itu.
[[Gereja Katolik Roma]] dan [[Gereja Lutheran]] memperingatinya pada tanggal 29 Agustus. Banyak gereja dalam [[Komuni Anglikan]], termasuk [[Church of England]], juga memperingati pada hari yang sama meskipun ada yang menjadikannya suatu hari peringatan bukan hari perayaan.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The Calendar|date=16 October 2013|publisher=|access-date=2018-02-19|archive-date=2019-10-22|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
[[Gereja Ortodoks Timur]] dan [[Ritus Timur|Katolik Bizantin]] juga memperingati pada tanggal 29 Agustus tetapi menurut [[Kalender Julian]], yang digunakan oleh [[Gereja Ortodoks Rusia]], [[:en:Macedonian Orthodox Church|Makedonia]], [[:en:Serbian Orthodox Church|Serbia]] dan [[Gereja Ortodoks Ethiopia|Ethiopia]], bertepatan pada abad ke-21 ini dengan tanggal 11 September dalam [[Kalender Gregorian]]. Hari ini selalu diperingati dengan puasa ketat, dan dalam sejumlah budaya, orang saleh tidak makan dari piring datar, tidak menggunakan pisau, maupun tidak makan makanan bulat pada hari itu.
The [[Armenian Apostolic Church]] commemorates the Decollation of St. John on the Saturday of [[Easter Week]], while the [[Syriac Orthodox]], [[The Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church|Indian Orthodox]], and [[Syro-Malankara Catholic Church|Syro-Malankara Catholic]] Churches commemorate his death on January 7.▼
== Hari peringatan terkait == -->▼
[[File:Jan Rombouts I - The Beheading of St John the Baptist.jpg|thumb|''The Beheading of St John the Baptist'' karya [[:en:Jan Rombouts I|Jan Rombouts]]]]<!--▼
Ada dua peringatan terkait lainnya yang dilaksanakan oleh Gereja Ritus Timur:
* '''Penemuan Pertama dan Kedua Kepala St. Yohanes Pembaptis''' (24 Februari). Menurut [[:en:sacred Tradition|tradisi gereja]], setelah pemancungan Yohanes Pembaptis, para muridnya menguburkan jenazahnya di [[:en:Sebastia, Nablus|Sebaste]], tetapi Herodias mengambil penggalan kepalanya dan menguburkannya dalam timbunan kotoran binatang. Kemudian, [[Yohana|Saint Joanna]], istri bendahara raja Herodes,<ref>{{Alkitab|Lukas 8:3}}</ref> secara diam-diam mengambil kepala itu dan menguburkannya di [[Bukit Zaitun]], dan tersembunyi di sana selama berabad-abad.
: ''Penemuan Pertama'' terjadi pada abad ke-4. Tanah di Bukit Zaitun di mana kepala itu dikuburkan kemudian menjadi milik seorang pegawai pemerintah yang kemudian menjadi seorang biarawan dengan nama "Innocent". Ia membangun sebuah gereja dan [[:en:Hermit|monastic cell]] di tempat itu. Ketika ia mulai menggali pondamen, ditemukanlah sebuah guci berisi kepala Yohanes Pembaptis, tetapi karena takut [[relikui]] itu akan dirusak oleh orang yang tidak percaya, ia menyembunyikannya lagi di tempat yang sama. Setelah kematiannya, gereja itu menjadi reruntuhan dan dihancurkan.
: ''Penemuan Kedua'' terjadi pada tahun 452. Selama masa pemerintahan kaisar [[Konstantinus Agung]], dua biarawan dalam suatu perjalanan ziarah ke Yerusalem dilaporkan mendapat penglihatan Yohanes Pembaptis memberitahukan kepada mereka lokasi kepalanya. Mereka menemukan relikui itu, menaruhnya dalam sebuah karung dan berangkat pulang. Di tengah jalan, mereka bertemu dengan seorang penjunan (pekerja tanah liat) dan memberikan kantung itu kepadanya untuk dibawakan, tanpa mengatakan apa isinya. Yohanes Pembaptis muncul kepada penjunan itu dan menyuruhnya lari dari para biarawan yang ceroboh dan malas tersebut, dengan membawa serta bawaannya. Penjunan itu melakukannya dan membawa pulang kepala itu. Sebelum kematiannya, ia menempatkan kepala itu dalam sebuah kotak dan memberikannya kepada saudara perempuannya. Beberapa waktu kemudian, seorang [[:en:hieromonk|biarawan ''hiero'']] bernama Eustathius, dari golongan [[Arianisme|Arian]], mendapatkannya serta menggunakannya untuk menarik para pengikut kepada ajarannya. Ia menguburkan kepala itu dalam sebuah gua, dekat Emesa. Kemudian, sebuah biara dibangun di tempat itu. Pada tahun 452, St. Yohanes Pembaptis muncul kepada Archimandrite Marcellus di biara itu dan menunjukkan di mana kepalanya disembunyikan, yaitu dalam sebuah guci air di dalam tanah. Relikui itu dibawa ke kota [[Emesa]] dan selanjutnya dipindahkan ke kota [[Konstantinopel]].
* '''Penemuan Ketiga Kepala St. Yohanes Pembaptis''' (25 Mei). Kepala tersebut dipindahkan ke [[:en:Comana, Cappadocia|Comana]] di [[Kapadokia]] selama masa penyerangan kaum Muslim (sekitar tahun 820), dan disembunyikan dalam tanah selama masa [[:En:persecution of Christians|penganiayaan]] [[:en:iconoclasm|ikonoklastik]]. Ketika upacara peringatan dilakukan kembali pada tahun 850, [[Patriarch Ignatius of Constantinople]] (847-857) mendapatkan suatu penglihatan mengenai tempat disembunyikannya kepala St. Yohanes Pembaptis. Patriarkh itu menyampaikannya kepada [[:En:Byzantine emperor|kaisar]] [[Michael III]], yang mengirimkan sebuah delegasi ke Comana, di mana kepala itu ditemukan. Selanjutnya, kepala itu dipindahkan ke Nyc, dan di sini pada tanggal 25 Mei, ditempatkan dalam sebuah gereja dalam istana.
▲== Relikui ==
<!--{{redirect|Head of St John the Baptist|the painting|The Head of St John the Baptist (painting)}}-->
Menurut tradisi kuno, tempat penguburan Yohanes Pembaptis terletak di Sebaste, sekarang dekat kota modern [[Nablus]] pada [[Tepi Barat]], dan ada catatan bahwa [[relikui]]nya dihormati di sana sekitar pertengahan abad ke-4. Para sejarawan [[:en:Tyrannius Rufinus|Rufinus]] dan [[Teodoretus]] mencatat bahwa [[:en:shrine|tempat peringatan]] itu mengalami [[:en:desecration|desekrasi]] di bawah [[Flavius Claudius Julianus|Julian Apostata]] sekitar tahun [[362]], di mana tulang-tulangnya sebagian terbakar. Sebagian relikui yang terselamatkan dibawa [[Yerusalem]], kemudian ke [[Aleksandria]], di mana pada tanggal 27 Mei [[395]], ditempatkan dalam suatu basilika yang baru didedikasikan kepada Yohanes Pembaptis pada bekas situs kuil [[Serapis]]. Namun, makam di Sebaste tetap dikunjungi oleh para peziarah saleh, dan [[Hieronimus|St. Jerome]] memberikan kesaksian mukjizat-mukjizat yang terjadi di sana. Sekarang, kuburan itu ditempatkan dalam [[:en:Nabi Yahya Mosque|Masjid Nabi Yahya]] ("Masjid Yohanes Pembaptis").
Riwayat kepala Yohanes Pembaptis sulit ditentukan. [[:en:Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopoulos|Nicephorus]]<ref>Nicephorus ''Ecclesiastical History'' I, ix. See [[Patrologia Graeca]], cxlv.-cxlvii.</ref> dan [[:en:Symeon Metaphrastes|Symeon Metaphrastes]] mengatakan bahwa Herodias menyuruh menguburkannya dalam benteng Machaerus (sesuai catatan Yosefus). Para penulis lain mengatakan dikuburkan dalam istana Herodes di Yerusalem; di mana, kepala itu diketemuan dalam pemerintahan Konstantinus dan dari sana secara diam-diam dibawa ke [[:en:Emessa|Emesa]], di [[Fenisia]], di mana disembunyikan tanpa diketahui selama bertahun-tahun, sampai dinyatakan dalam suatu wahyu pada tahun 453.
Over the centuries, there have been many discrepancies in the various legends and claimed relics throughout the Christian world. Several different locations claim to possess the severed head of John the Baptist. Among the various claimants are:<ref name=Worlds>''Lost Worlds: Knights Templar'', July 10, 2006 video documentary on [[History (U.S. TV channel)|The History Channel]], directed and written by Stuart Elliott</ref>▼
*In medieval times, it was rumored that the [[Knights Templar]] had possession of the head, and multiple records from their [[Inquisition]] in the early 14th century make reference to some form of head veneration.<ref name=Martin>Sean Martin, ''The Knights Templar: The History & Myths of the Legendary Military Order'', 2005. {{ISBN|1-56025-645-1}}</ref>▼
*[[Amiens Cathedral]] claims the head as a relic brought from [[Constantinople]] by Wallon de Sarton as he was returning from the [[Fourth Crusade]].▼
*It is believed{{by whom|date=August 2015}} that a piece of his skull is held at the [[Romania]]n skete [[Prodromos (Mount Athos)|Prodromos]] on [[Mount Athos]].▼
*A reliquary at the Residenz in Munich, Germany, is labeled as containing the skull of John the Baptist.<ref>{{cite web|last=Hooper|first=Simon|title=Are these the bones of John the Baptist?|url=|publisher=Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.|accessdate=31 August 2011|date=30 August 2010}}</ref>▼
* Tradisi Katolik Roma berkeyakinan bahwa kepala yang dipertontonkan di [[:en:San Silvestro in Capite|San Silvestro in Capite]], Roma, adalah milik Yohanes Pembaptis.<!-- Hal ini diketemukan kedua kali in Rome is that of John the Baptist, discovered for the second time,{{not in citation|date=June 2017}} as also maintained by [[Pope Benedict XVI]] in August 2012.<ref name="auto"/> On August 29, 2012, during a televised public audience at the summer palace of [[Castel Gandolfo]], [[Pope Benedict XVI]] mentioned the dedication of a crypt in Sebaste, Samaria, where the head of the Baptist had been venerated since the middle of the fourth century.<ref name="auto">{{cite web|url= |title=Benedict XVI, General Audience, August 29, 2012 | |date=29 August 2012 |accessdate=25 December 2014 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=18 July 2014 |df= }}</ref> In addition, the [[Pontiff]] also noted that the religious feast particularly commemorates the transfer of this [[relic]], now enshrined in the [[San Silvestro in Capite|Basilica of San Silvestro in Capite]] in [[Rome]].*[[Islamic]] tradition maintains that the head of Saint John the Baptist was interred in the once-called [[Umayyad Mosque|Basilica of Saint John the Baptist]] in [[Damascus]]. [[Pope John Paul II]] visited the tomb of John the Baptist at the [[Umayyad Mosque]] during his visit to [[Syria]] in April, 2001. Consequently, Muslims also believe that [[Jesus Christ]] will return to this location in the [[Second Coming]].-->▼
▲* [[Amiens Cathedral]]
* Ada yang percaya kepala itu dikuburkan di [[Antiokhia]] Turki atau Prancis selatan.<ref name=Worlds/>
Numerous other relics of John the Baptist are also believed to exist, including the following:
Baris 84 ⟶ 83:
**At the time of [[Mehmed the Conqueror]], the skull was held in Topkapı, while after his death, his stepmother [[Mara Branković]], a Serbian princess, brought it to [[Serbia]]. It was then kept a while at the [[Dionisios monastery]] at [[Mount Athos]], then the skull fragment was sent to a nearby island in order to prevent the outbreak of a plague; however, the Ottoman fleet seized it and delivered it to [[Hasan Pasha of Algeria]], who held it in his home until his death. It was then returned to Topkapı. The skull is kept on a golden plate decorated with gold bands with gems and Old Serbian inscriptions. The plate itself is stored in a 16th-century rock crystal box.<ref name=TST-150>{{cite book|url=|title=The Sacred Trusts: Pavilion of the Sacred Relics, Topkapı Palace Museum ..|page=150|isbn=9781932099720|author1=Aydın|first1=Hilmi|date=2010-02-16}}</ref>
**John's arm was brought from [[Antioch]] to Constantinople at the time of [[Constantine VII]]. It was kept in the Emperor's chapel in the 12th century, then in the [[Church of the Virgin of the Pharos]], then in the Church of Peribleptos in the first half of the 15th century. Spanish envoy Clavijo reported that he saw two different arms in two different monasteries while on a visit to Constantinople in 1404. With the [[Fall of Constantinople]], the Ottomans seized possession of it. In 1484, [[Bayezid II]] sent it the [[knights of Rhodes]], while they held his brother Cem captive in return. In 1585, [[Murad III]] had the arms brought from [[Lefkosia]] castle to Constantinople (henceforth known as Istanbul). The arm is kept in a gold-embellished silver reliquary. There are several inscriptions on the arm: "The beloved of God" on the forefinger, "This is the hand of the Baptist" on the wrist, and "belongs to (monk) Dolin Monahu" on the band above the elbow.<ref name=TST-150/>
*In the year 1484, the right hand of the Forerunner was given by the son of [[Sultan]] [[Bayezid II]] to the [[Knights Hospitaller]] on the island of [[Rhodes]] in order to gain their goodwill. The Knights later brought the relic with them when they moved the Order to [[Malta]]. When [[Napoleon]] conquered Malta in 1798, it was one of the few treasures that Grand Master [[Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim|Ferdinand von Hompesch]] was permitted to remove from the island.<ref name=MaltaIndependent>{{cite news|last=Grima |first=Noel |title=Re-establishing a long-lost connection |url= |accessdate=24 June 2011 |newspaper=Malta Independent |date=25 July 2010 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=15 March 2012 |df= }}</ref> On 12 October 1799, after the resignation of Hompesch, it was presented, together with the other Malta treasures
*The right hand is also reputed to be kept at the [[Dionysiou monastery]] on [[Mount Athos]].
*Relics of John the Baptist are said to be in the possession of the [[Coptic Orthodox]] [[Monastery of Saint Macarius the Great]] in [[Scetes]], [[Egypt]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The Monastery of St. Macarius the Great|}}</ref>
*In July 2010, a small [[reliquary]] was discovered under the ruins of a 5th-century monastery on [[St. Ivan Island]], [[Bulgaria]]. Local archaeologists opened the reliquary in August and found bone fragments of a skull, a hand and a tooth, which they believe belong to John the Baptist, based on their interpretation of a Greek inscription on the reliquary. The [[Bulgarian Orthodox]] [[Bishop (Eastern Orthodox Church)|bishop]] who witnessed the opening speculated that the relics might have been a gift from an 11th-century church on the island possibly dedicated to the saint.<ref>[ Remains of John the Baptist Found, Archaeologists Claim], 3 August 2010</ref> The remains have been [[carbon-dated]] to the 1st century.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Bring me the knuckle of John the Baptist: Scientists claim 'positive' tests on 1st-century relics which are from one man, from the right place at the right time|date=15 June 2012|work=Mail Online|accessdate=29 August 2013|first=Chris|last=Brooke}}</ref>
*A reliquary with a finger of Saint John the Baptist is in the [[Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art]] in Kansas City, Missouri.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Reliquary with Finger of Saint John the Baptist - Nelson-Atkins Museum|website=[[Flickr]]}}</ref>
▲On August 29, 2012, during a televised public audience at the summer palace of [[Castel Gandolfo]], [[Pope Benedict XVI]] mentioned the dedication of a crypt in Sebaste, Samaria, where the head of the Baptist had been venerated since the middle of the fourth century.<ref name="auto">{{cite web|url= |title=Benedict XVI, General Audience, August 29, 2012 | |date=29 August 2012 |accessdate=25 December 2014 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=18 July 2014 |df= }}</ref> In addition, the [[Pontiff]] also noted that the religious feast particularly commemorates the transfer of this [[relic]], now enshrined in the [[San Silvestro in Capite|Basilica of San Silvestro in Capite]] in [[Rome]].
== Penggambaran Salome, Herodes, dan kematian Yohanes Pembaptis ==
Adegan-adegan dari peristiwa seputar kematian Yohanes Pembaptis merupakan subjek yang sangat umum dalam [[:en:John the Baptist#In art|seni mengenai Yohanes Pembaptis]]. Pada awalnya sering dalam bentuk adegan [[predella]] kecil, dan kemudian sebagai subjek karya independen yang lebih besar.
;Dengan pranala:
* ''[[The Feast of Herod (Donatello)|Herod's Banquet]]'', [[Donatello]], 1427
* ''[[Salome (Titian)|Salome with the head of St John the Baptist]]'', [[Tiziano Vecellio]] ([[Titian]]), c. 1515, [[Galleria Doria Pamphilj]], Rome
* ''[[Salome with the Head of John the Baptist (Caravaggio), London|Salome with the Head of John the Baptist]], [[Caravaggio]], c. 1607-10, [[National Gallery, London]]
* ''[[Salome with the Head of John the Baptist (Caravaggio), Madrid|Salome with the Head of John the Baptist]], [[Caravaggio]], c. 1609, [[Palacio Real, Madrid]]
* ''[[The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist (Caravaggio)|The Beheading of St John the Baptist]]'', [[Caravaggio]], 1608, [[Valletta]] Co-Cathedral, [[Malta]]
* ''[[Feast of Herod with the Beheading of St John the Baptist]]'', [[Bartholomeus Strobel]], c. 1630-43, [[Prado]]
* ''Herod's Feast'', Daurade Monastery, c. 1100, [[Musée des Augustins]], [[Toulouse]].
* ''Death of John the Baptist'', Gilabertus, Saint-Etienne Cathedral, 1120–1140, [[Musee des Augustins]], [[Toulouse]]
* ''Feast of Herod'', [[Giotto di Bondone]], 1320
* ''The Feast of Herod and the Beheading of the Baptist'', Master of the Life of Saint John the Baptist, c. 1300-1330, [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]]
* ''Entombment of the Baptist'', [[Andrea Pisano]], 1330
* ''St. John the Evangelist and Stories from His Life'', [[Giovanni del Biondo]], 1360–70
* ''Feast of Herod'', [[Aretino Spinello]], 1385
* ''The Banquet of Herod'', [[Lorenzo Monaco]], c. 1400
* ''The Beheading of St. John the Baptist'', [[Masaccio]], 1426
* ''Banquet of Herod'', [[Masolino da Panicale]], 1435
* ''Herod's Banquet'', [[Fra Filippo Lippi]], 1452–65
* ''The Head of John the Baptist Brought to Herod'', [[Giovanni di Paolo]], 1454, [[National Gallery, London]]
* ''The Feast of Herod and the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist'', [[Benozzo Gozzoli]], 1461–62, [[National Gallery of Art]]
* ''Head of the Baptist'', [[Giovanni Bellini]], 1464–68
* ''The Beheading of St. John the Baptist'', [ Lieven van Lathem], 1469, [[Getty Center|The J. Paul Getty Museum]]
* ''Herod's Feast'', [[Heydon, Norfolk]], c. 1470, wall painting in an English parish church
* ''St. John Altarpiece'', [[Hans Memling]], 1474–79
* ''Beheading of John the Baptist'', [[Andrea del Verrocchio]], 1477–80
* ''Salome with the Head of St. John the Baptist'', [[Sandro Botticelli]], 1488, [[Uffizi|Uffizi, Florence]]
* ''Salome with the Head of John the Baptist'', [[Cornelis Engelbrechtsz]], c. 1490, [[Getty Center|J. Paul Getty Museum]]
* ''The Head of St. John the Baptist, with Mourning Angels and Putti'', [[Jan Mostaert]], early 16th century, [[National Gallery, London]]
* ''St. John Altarpiece'' (left wing), [[Quentin Massys]], 1507–08
* ''The Beheading of St. John'', [[Albrecht Dürer]], 1510, [[Christian Theological Seminary]], [[Indianapolis]]
* ''The Daughter of Herodias'', [[Sebastiano del Piombo]], 1510, [[National Gallery, London]]
* ''Salome'', [[Tilman Riemenschneider]], 1500–1510
* ''Salome'', Casare da Sesta, 1510–20, [[National Gallery, London]]
* ''Salome'', [[Giampietrino]], c. 1510-30, [[National Gallery, London]]
* ''The Head of St. John the Baptist Brought to Herod'', [[Albrecht Dürer]], 1511
* ''Salome'', [[Alonso Berruguete]], 1512–16, [[Uffizi Gallery]], [[Florence]]
* ''Salome with the Head of John the Baptist'', [[Titian]], c. 1515
* ''Head of John the Baptist'', [[Hans Baldung Grien]], 1516, National Gallery of Art
* ''Salome with the Head of John the Baptist'', [[Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen]], [[Rijksmuseum]], Amsterdam
* ''Herodias'', [[Bernardino Luini]], 1527–31
* ''Salome'', [[Lucas Cranach the Elder]], c. 1530
* ''Beheading of John the Baptist'', [[Vincenzo Danti]], 1569–70
* ''Salome'', [[Giovanni Battista Caracciolo]], 1615–20
* ''The Feast of Herod'', [[Frans Francken the Younger]], c. 1620, [[State Hermitage Museum]]
* '' Head of Saint John the Baptist'', [[Juan de Mesa]] (ca. 1625) [[Seville Cathedral]]
* ''Herodias with the Head of St. John the Baptist'', [[Francesco del Cairo]], c. 1625-30
* ''The Beheading of John the Baptist'', [[Matthäus Merian|Matthaeus Merrian the Elder]], 1625–30
* ''Decapitation of St. John'', Unknown British, 17th century, [[Tate Gallery]]
* ''Salome Dancing before Herod'', Jacob Hogers, c. 1630-55, [[Rijksmuseum]]
* ''Salome Presented with the Head of St. John the Baptist'', [[Leonaert Bramer]], 1630s
* ''The Beheading of St. John the Baptist'', [[Massimo Stanzione]], c. 1634
* ''Salome Receives the Head of John the Baptist'', [[Guercino]], 1637, [[Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes]], French Wikipedia [[:fr:Salomé recevant la tête de saint Jean-Baptiste|page]]
* ''Salome with the Head of John the Baptist'', [[Guido Reni]], 1639–40
* ''The Beheading of John the Baptist'', [[Rembrandt]], 1640, The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
* ''The Beheading of John the Baptist'', [[Rombout van Troyen]], 1650s, [[State Hermitage Museum]]
* ''St John Reproaching Herod'', [[Mattia Preti]], 1662–66
* ''St John the Baptist Before Herod'', [[Mattia Preti]], 1665
* ''Decapitation of St John'', British School, 17th century, [[Tate Gallery]]
* ''John the Baptist Beheaded'', [[Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld]], 1851–60, World Mission Collection
* ''The Daughter of Herodias Receiving the Head of John the Baptist'', [[Gustave Doré]], 1865
* ''Head of St. John the Baptist'', {{ill|Jean-Baptiste Chatigny|fr}}, 1869, [[Getty Center|The J. Paul Getty Museum]]
* ''The Beheading of John the Baptist'', [[Pierre Puvis de Chavannes]], c. 1869, [[National Gallery, London]]
* ''Salome'', [[Henri Regnault]], 1870, [[Metropolitan Museum of Art]]
* [[Gustave Moreau]]:
** ''Salome Dancing before Herod'', 1874–76
** ''[[L'Apparition|The Apparition]]'', 1874–76
** ''Salome'', 1876
* ''Hérodias'', [[Gustave Flaubert]], 1877
* [[James Tissot]], 1886-96:
** ''The Daughter of Herodias Dancing''
** ''King Herod''
** ''The Head of John the Baptist on a Platter''
* ''Salome'', [[Franz von Stuck]], 1906
* ''Salome'', [[Nikolai Astrup]]
* ''Salome With the Head of John the Baptist'', [[Aubrey Beardsley]],
== Lihat pula ==
Baris 190 ⟶ 187:
== Referensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
{{commons category|Execution of John the Baptist}}
* [ ''Beheading of the Forerunner'']. [[Icon]] dan [[Synaxarion]] perayaan (Ortodoks Timur)
* [ The Decollation of Saint John Baptist] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-09-27 }} from ''The Golden Legend'' (1275)
* [ Beheading of Saint John the Baptist] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-09-28 }} from the ''Prologue from Ochrid''
* [ First and Second Finding of the Head of the Forerunner]
* [ Third Finding of the Head of the Forerunner]
* [ January 7] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-02-24 }} Synaxis of John the Forerunner - accounts of various relics
[[Kategori:Yohanes Pembaptis]]
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