Daftar episode Mob Psycho 100: Perbedaan antara revisi

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k ~ref
Wagino Bot (bicara | kontrib)
(Satu revisi perantara oleh satu pengguna lainnya tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 21:
|aux4T= {{Abbr|Ref.|Referensi}}
{{Episode list
Baris 33:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2016|7|12}}{{efn|Seri ini ditayangkan perdana sejak tanggal 11 Juli 2016 di saluran [[Tokyo MX]] pada pukul 00.00 JST, yang lebih tepatnya sudah memasuki tanggal 12 Juli 2016}}
| AltDate = 27 Oktober 2018
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/01.html|script-title=ja:自称霊能力者・霊幻新隆~とモブ~|website=Mob Pyscho 100|language=ja|access-date=18 Maret 2017|archive-date=2019-11-26|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191126043703/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/01.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Seorang penipu dan pengusir setan gadungan bernama Arataka Reigen berupaya mengusir roh jahat, meski hanya secara kebetulan menemukannya. Roh itu tampaknya hanya terganggu oleh serangan Reigen yang tidak efektif, yaitu melemparkan segenggam garam meja ke roh tersebut (sebenarnya hanya garam yang dimurnikan). Reigen kemudian melepaskan senjata rahasianya: memanggil seorang paranormal asli (juga disebut sebagai esper) bernama Shigeo Kageyama (atau "Mob") untuk mengusir roh atas perintahnya menggunakan kekuatan psikokinetiknya. Mob adalah seorang paranormal yang sangat kuat, meskipun baru duduk di bangku SMP. Beberapa waktu kemudian, Reigen disewa untuk menyingkirkan roh-roh jahat yang menghuni sebuah terowongan. Sekali lagi, Reigen berhasil menipu Mob agar melakukan sebagian besar pekerjaan tersebut untuknya. Salah satu roh—pemimpin geng pengendara motor—memberitahu bahwa ada monster yang bahkan lebih kuat yang berada lebih dalam di terowongan itu, dan memohon Reigen dan Mob untuk tidak melawannya. Namun, Mob justru berhasil mengalahkannya. Roh pemimpin dan gengnya akhirnya merasa damai dan beralih ke alam baka.
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Baris 47:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2016|7|19}}
| AltDate = 3 November 2018
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/02.html|script-title=ja:青い春の疑問~脳感電波部登場~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=18 Maret 2017|archive-date=2019-11-26|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191126044307/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/02.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = "Klub Telepati" di sekolah Mob terancam bubar setelah mereka kekurangan jumlah minimum anggota. Klub itu berusaha keras meyakinkan siswa lain di sekolah untuk bergabung dengan klub mereka, dan menyeret Mob ke ruang klub demi meyakinkannya untuk bergabung. Pemimpin Klub Telepati yang bernama Kurata berdebat dengan Reigen melalui telepon karena Reigen ingin Mob untuk fokus pada pekerjaannya, bukan pada klub. Kemudian, Reigen membawa Mob bekerja untuk mengusir roh di SMP khusus perempuan. Reigen dan Mob menyamar sebagai siswi SMP demi bisa menyusup ke sekolah tersebut, tetapi Reigen dihentikan oleh pihak keamanan sementara Mob berhasil menyelinap masuk untuk memenuhi permintaan kliennya. Para klien yang terdiri dari dua orang siswi, membawa Mob berkeliling sekolah sampai dia menemukan hantu besar yang sedang mengamati latihan bola basket di kampus. Setelah mengalahkan hantu itu, hantu itu meminta Mob untuk menikmati masa mudanya sebelum menghilang. Keesokan harinya, lembaga OSIS di sekolah Mob mengancam untuk mengubah ruang Klub Telepati menjadi milik Klub Peningkatan Tubuh yang baru dibentuk saat Mob akan bergabung. Setelah mengenang masa ketika kemampuan fisiknya masih sangat buruk, Mob memutuskan untuk bergabung dengan Klub Peningkatan Tubuh.
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Baris 61:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2016|7|26}}
| AltDate = 10 November 2018
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/03.html|script-title=ja:集いへの誘い~簡単に言うとモテたい~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=18 Maret 2017|archive-date=2019-10-31|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191031185713/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/03.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Selama menjalani latihan Klub Peningkatan Tubuh, Mob pingsan dan ditinggalkan di ruang klub demi bisa pulih. Klub Telepati diizinkan untuk tinggal di ruangan yang sekarang digunakan untuk menyimpan peralatan binaraga, dan berkomentar bahwa Mob tidak akan pernah populer bahkan jika dia melatih tubuhnya. Mob yang merasa bingung, dicegat dalam perjalanan pulang oleh seorang wanita dengan topeng tersenyum, yang memberitahu Mob bahwa dia dapat membantunya menjadi populer. Mob mengikutinya ke area pertemuan bawah tanah tempat sekte yang dikenal sebagai (LOL) dibentuk untuk melayani seorang pria dengan kekuatan untuk membuat siapa pun tertawa dan tersenyum. Seorang reporter dari sekolah Mob, Mezato Ichi, dipaksa tertawa, tetapi pemimpin sekte yang bernama Dimple bahkan tidak dapat membuat Mob tertawa. Kemudian terungkap bahwa Dimple adalah roh tingkat tinggi yang mengontrol tubuh seorang pria, dan roh tersebut muncul untuk membunuh Mob. Ketegangan ini menyebabkan Mob amarah mencapai 100% dan dia "meledak", melepaskan sejumlah besar kekuatan psikis dan memusnahkan Dimple. Tindakan ini membebaskan para anggota sekte tersebut dari kontrol.
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Baris 75:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2016|8|2}}
| AltDate = 24 November 2018
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/04.html|script-title=ja:馬鹿オンリーイベント~同類~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=18 Maret 2017|archive-date=2019-10-20|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191020013230/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/04.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Para berandalan dari sekolah Mob (SMP Garam) sedang melakukan perang geng dengan sekolah saingan (SMP Cuka Hitam). Ketika para berandalan dari sekolah lawan tidak bisa menang, mereka memanggil pemimpin mereka, Teruki "Teru" Hanazawa. Meskipun tubuhnya tidak mengesankan secara fisik, Teru mengalahkan para berandalan SMP Garam dengan mudah. Dalam upaya untuk membalas dendam, pemimpin berandalan SMP Garam bernama Tenga Onigawara mencoba untuk mengajak Klub Peningkatan Tubuh melakukan perang geng. Ketika mereka menolaknya, Onigawara membuat rencana agar Mob diculik oleh SMP Cuka Hitam untuk memaksa Klub Peningkatan Tubuh menyerang SMP tersebut. Sementara itu, Mob diikuti sepanjang hari oleh roh Dimple yang melemah, yang mengklaim telah direformasi. Sesuai dengan rencana Onigawara, Mob ditangkap oleh para berandalan dari SMP Cuka Hitam dan menolak untuk menggunakan kekuatannya untuk melarikan diri meskipun didesak dari Dimple. Anggota Klub Peningkatan Tubuh kemudian mengalahkan para berandalan SMP Cuka Hitam demi menyelamatkan Mob, tetapi mereka pada akhirnya dikalahkan oleh Teru begitu dia muncul. Terungkap bahwa Teru juga memiliki kemampuan psikis.
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Baris 89:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2016|8|9}}
| AltDate = 1 Desember 2018
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/05.html|script-title=ja:OCHIMUSHA~超能力と僕~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=18 Maret 2017|archive-date=2019-10-20|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191020013235/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/05.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Setelah mengetahui bahwa Mob memiliki kemampuan psikis, Teru berusaha memaksanya untuk melakukan duel psikis dengan menyerangnya, tetapi Mob menolak meskipun serangan brutal Teru semakin meningkat. Dimple berusaha membela Mob, tetapi Teru memusnahkannya dengan seketika. Ketika Mob terpojok di dalam sekolah, kewarasan Teru mulai memburuk setelah Mob mengarahkan pisau yang menyebabkan rambut Teru terpotong. Ini karena rambut Teru adalah sumber kebanggaan bagi dirinya sendiri. Ketika Teru semakin frustrasi dengan Mob dan kewarasannya melemah, Mob menyadari bahwa kebencian Teru terhadapnya adalah karena mereka berdua kurang percaya diri dan tahu bahwa mereka bukan apa-apa tanpa kekuatan psikis mereka. Teru mencekik Mob ke dinding dengan kekuatannya, dan kemudian terungkap bahwa Teru berbeda dari Mob. Teru sering menggunakan kemampuan psikis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari demi membangun popularitasnya di sekolah dan membuat mengalami kompleks superioritas, dan menyatakan dirinya sebagai "orang pilihan" ". Meskipun kontrol Mob atas kekuatan psikisnya melonggar ketika dia dicekik, Mob pingsan karena sesak napas sebelum mencapai 100%. Mob yang tidak sadar terbangun dalam bentuk "???%", mengobrak-abrik sekolah dan melemparkan puing-puing bangunan ke Teru yang telanjang, yang diledakkan ke langit sambil meminta maaf dan menerima impian Mob. Setelahnya, Mob menyadari bahwa dirinya telah menggunakan kekuatannya melawan orang lain, yang menghasilkan "kesedihan 100%". Mob kemudian menggunakan kekuatannya untuk mengembalikan sekolah ke bentuk semula.
| LineColor = FF5F5F
Baris 103:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2016|8|16}}
| AltDate = 8 Desember 2018
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/06.html|script-title=ja:不調和~成るために~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=18 Maret 2017|archive-date=2019-11-26|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191126044410/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/06.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Setelah kejadian di SMP Cuka Hitam, seluruh kota mendengar desas-desus yang merujuk pada kemampuan Mob dan pertarungannya dengan Teru. Adiknya yang bernama Ritsu Kageyama, diikuti oleh berbagai orang yang tertarik padanya dan kekuatan kakaknya. Ritsu tidak senang dengan hal ini karena dia membenci fakta bahwa dirinya kurang mampu menggunakan ESP. Pemimpin Klub Telepati, Tome Kurata, memiliki minat pada pertarungan psikis dan mencoba membuat Mob mencari Esper lain di depan umum. Ketua OSIS SMP Garam, Shinji Kamuro, mengajak Ritsu untuk menjebak pemimpin geng sekolah bernama Tenga Onigawara atas tuduhan mencuri dan cabul. Kemudian, Ritsu mengunjungi sebuah lembaga penelitian psikis yang dikenal sebagai Lab Kebangkitan, tetapi semua orang di situ hanya memiliki kemampuan ESP yang minimal dan lemah. Pada bagian akhir episode, Ritsu secara tidak sengaja membengkokkan sendok secara fisik dan melihat hantu Dimple yang tampaknya masih "hidup". Insiden-insiden ini mengungkapkan bahwa Ritsu sebenarnya memiliki kemampuan psikis tersembunyi—sama seperti kakaknya, Mob.
| LineColor = FF5F5F
Baris 117:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2016|8|23}}
| AltDate = 15 Desember 2018
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/07.html|script-title=ja:昂揚~喪失を手に入れた~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=18 Maret 2017|archive-date=2019-10-27|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191027183239/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/07.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Ketika para preman dari geng SMP lainnya mendengar tentang sosok bernama T-Poison putih, mereka bergerak untuk mengalahkannya. Ritsu bertemu Dimple dan secara bertahap belajar tentang meningkatkan kekuatan psikisnya. Karena kekuatan barunya, Ritsu akhirnya membuat Kamuro membayar untuk perbuatannya yang kurang baik. Sementara itu, Mob bertemu dengan dua orang yang mencoba menipunya demi mendapatkan uang karena vas "mahal" yang dirusaknya. Namun, Reigen datang dan menyelamatkan Mob dengan membalikkan meja melawan penipu. Dengan kekuatan psikisnya yang berkembang dan bimbingan Dimple, Ritsu mengalami kompleks superioritas. Ritsu tidak sengaja bertemu Teru dan mencoba untuk melawannya meskipun Dimple sudah memperingatkan. Pengalaman Teru dan kekuatan psikisnya yang kuat hampir menaklukkan Ritsu, membuatnya terpaksa mundur. Ritsu kemudian menghadapi para preman geng SMP lainnya di gang dan menggunakan kekuatan psikisnya untuk menaklukkan mereka dengan mudah. Saat Ritsu mengalahkan mereka, Mob tiba.
| LineColor = FF5F5F
Baris 131:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2016|8|30}}
| AltDate = 5 Januari 2019
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/08.html|script-title=ja:兄ペコ~破壊意思~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=18 Maret 2017|archive-date=2019-10-30|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191030230357/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/08.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Teru mengantarkan Mob ke tempat pertarungan Ritsu dan para preman SMP. Mob senang melihat bahwa Ritsu akhirnya mampu mengembangkan kekuatan psikisnya. Ritsu, yang masih menikmati kekuatannya, mencoba mengakhiri hubungannya dengan Mob, tetapi terkejut melihat Mob melindunginya dengan meminta maaf atas namanya kepada para preman. Para preman itu membuat Mob berlutut dan merendahkannya. Di dekat mereka, seorang esper dewasa bernama Cadre Koyama menyaksikan semuanya. Koyama turun tangan dan berusaha untuk menculik Ritsu setelah mengira dia adalah Shigeo. Ketika Ritsu terluka oleh Koyama, Mob marah dan amarahnya naik menjadi 100%, membuat Koyama kewalahan. Koyama menggunakan semprotan terkutuk pada Mob untuk membuatnya pingsan dan melarikan diri dengan Ritsu. Di tempat lain, Yusuke Sakurai, esper dewasa lain yang bekerja dengan Koyama menyusup ke Lab Kebangkitan dan menculik para anak dengan kemampuan psikis. Teru dan Dimple menyelamatkan Mob dan membawanya ke apartemen milik Teru agar bisa pulih. Teru mengungkapkan kepada Mob dan Dimple bahwa Ritsu diculik oleh seorang anggota (Koyama) dari Claw, sebuah organisasi kriminal esper yang berniat untuk mendominasi dunia. Mereka telah menculik para esper remaja muda lainnya untuk mencuci otak mereka dan menggunakannya untuk rencana jahat mereka. Dimple memberi tahu Mob dan Teru bahwa Koyama mungkin telah mengetahui informasi tentang Kageyama bersaudara dari Lab Kebangkitan. Ketiganya tiba di sana dan bertanya kepada sang pendiri lab bernama Kenji Mitsuura mengenai apa yang terjadi. Sementara itu, Koyama dan Sakurai membawa Ritsu dan para esper dari Lab Kebangkitan ke tempat persembunyian Claw, yang disebut Divisi Ketujuh.
| LineColor = FF5F5F
Baris 145:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2016|9|6}}
| AltDate = 12 Januari 2019
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/09.html|script-title=ja:"爪"~第7支部~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=18 Maret 2017|archive-date=2019-10-20|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191020013258/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/09.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!---->
| LineColor = FF5F5F
Baris 159:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2016|9|13}}
| AltDate = 19 Januari 2019
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/10.html|script-title=ja:巨悪のオーラ~黒幕~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=18 Maret 2017|archive-date=2019-11-26|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191126042513/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/10.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!---->
| LineColor = FF5F5F
Baris 173:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2016|9|20}}
| AltDate = 26 Januari 2019
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/11.html|script-title=ja:師匠 ~Leader~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=18 Maret 2017|archive-date=2019-11-26|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191126042824/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/11.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Reigen—yang melacak ponsel Mob—tiba di markas Divisi Ketujuh. Para bawahan Claw yang menjaga pintu masuk berusaha menghentikan Reigen, tetapi mereka membiarkannya masuk ketika mereka percaya bahwa dia adalah pemimpin Claw. Reigen menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk membantu anak-anak dari Lb kebangkitan melarikan diri. Di tempat lain, Mob, Teru dan Ritsu terjebak dalam ruang tertutup yang mencegah mereka untuk menggunakan kekuatan psikis mereka. Reigen akhirnya tiba dan mampu membebaskan mereka bertiga. Ketika mencoba untuk pergi, Mob, Reigen, Teru dan Ritsu berhadapan dengan pemimpin Divisi Ketujuh yang bernama Ishiguro dan tiga anggota Scar yaitu Sakurai, Matsuo dan Muraki. Reigen meyakinkan para bawahan untuk meninggalkan Claw dan melakukan sesuatu yang baik demi hidup mereka. Reigen akhirnya mengetahui bahwa Mob melanggar janjinya untuk tidak menggunakan kekuatan psikis terhadap orang lain. Di saat Teru dan Ritsu bertarung melawan Scar, Mob dihadapkan pada pilihan apakah dirinya akan menggunakan kekuatan psikisnya untuk menyelamatkan teman-temannya atau melarikan diri seperti yang disarankan oleh Reigen. Ketika amarah Mob hampir mencapai 100% dengan niat membunuh, Reigen menyadarkannya. Sebuah kilas balik singkat ketika Mob yang masih kecil bertemu untuk pertama kalinya dengan Reigen. Sakurai muncul di belakang Reigen dan menebasnya tepat di depan Mob. Tindakan tersebut meningkatkan amarah Mob menjadi 100%.
| LineColor = FF5F5F
Baris 187:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2016|9|27}}
| AltDate = 2 Februari 2019
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/12.html|script-title=ja:モブと霊幻|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=18 Maret 2017|archive-date=2019-11-18|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191118060820/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/12.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = Secara ajaib, Reigen tidak terluka dari serangan Sakurai dan mulai bertarung melawan para Scar. Serangan psikis Scar tidak memiliki efek terhadap Reigen. Kemudian terungkap bahwa kata-kata Reigen kepada Mob tepat ketika amarahanya hampir mencapai 100% mengubah aliran energi psikisnya. Secara tidak sadar, Mob mengirim energi psikisnya ke Reigen, dengan demikian amarah tersebut "berpindah". Energi psikis dalam Reigen mencapai 1000% dengan Gratitude. Begitu dirinya melumpuhkan Ishiguro, Reigen menghajar para Scar atas delusi keagungan mereka. Reigen mengatakan bahwa bahkan meskipun mereka memiliki kekuatan psikis, mereka masih tetap seorang manusia. Kata-kata Reigen menyeret Sakurai dan Muraki kembali ke kenyataan. Ishiguro, setelah pulih, menolak pandangan filosofis Reigen dengan mengklaim bahwa para esper adalah kaum elit dan lebih unggul dari umat manusia lainnya dan mereka harus disembah. Mob membalas pernyataan Ishiguro dengan mengatakan bahwa memiliki kekuatan psikis tidak membuat seseorang [menjadi] populer. Ishiguro membentak dan mulai mengumpulkan energi psikis dalam rangka menghancurkan markas Divisi Ketujuh dan semua orang di dalamnya. Reigen kemudian kehilangan energi psikis Mob. Shou tiba dan mengalahkan Ishiguro dan para anggota Divisi Ketujuh. Shou mengungkapkan kekecewaannya pada Mob sebelum dia pergi. Dimple akhirnya lolos dari toples roh jahat milik Matsuo dan melumpuhkannya. Kemudian Mob, Reigen, Ritsu, Teru dan Dimple melanjutkan kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Sebuah adegan pascakredit menunjukkan Mob dan Reigen berusaha memburu hewan mistis bernama Tsuchinoko, tetapi Reigen akhirnya malah mengumpulkan banyak jamur. Mob mengusir roh yang kelihatannya seperti Tsuchinoko tetapi diberitahu oleh Reigen bahwa yang seperti itu (Tsuchinoko) tidak ada.
| LineColor = FF5F5F
Baris 220:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|1|7}}
| AltDate = 25 April 2019
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/01.html|script-title=ja:ビリビリ ~誰かが見ている~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=15 Januari 2019|archive-date=2019-11-26|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191126043703/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/01.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!--Reigen accepts an exorcism job from a farmer and quickly deduces that there was some spirit involved, Reigen summons Mob, who exorcises the high level spirit Wriggle Wriggle by controlling plants using his psychic powers. Meanwhile, Kamuro Shinji resigns from his post as student council president for framing his fellow students. Mezato jumps on the chance to help Mob develop and become the leader of the Psycho Helmet Club and trains Mob to run for president. When it is Mob's turn to speak, he spends his allocated 5 minutes mute on the stage, being too scared to say anything. Mob places last, with Kamuro being re-elected as president. Feeling down, Mob is told to go home by the Body Improvement Club. After receiving a love letter, Mob meets Emi, who asks him out. Mob starts walking home with her every day after school. Emi tells Mob that she likes books and is writing a novel, which Mob agrees to read. Mob is happier at home and work. One week after the election day, Emi reveals that she asked him out on a dare, and asks him whether he has his own feelings or opinions, as she couldn’t read him. She apologizes and leaves. Mob is seemingly not upset, but remembers the time he spent with Emi over the week. Emi’s friends tease her for writing a novel and tear up her work. Mob confronts them and picks up the torn pieces and says he made the decision to consider his feelings more. When a gust of wind blows the pieces away, in a rare display of emotion, Mob uses his powers and reassembles the book and confesses to be an esper. While Emi thanks him, Tsubomi, who is watching the entire thing says she is very impressed. Dimple is surprised Mob showed his powers to another person and asks whether Emi fell for him. Emi gets an idea for a story by thinking about Mob, a middle school student with psychic powers.-->
| LineColor = 006600
Baris 234:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|1|14}}
| AltDate = 2 Mei 2019
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/02.html|script-title=ja:都市伝説 〜噂との遭遇〜|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=15 Januari 2019|archive-date=2019-11-26|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191126044307/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/02.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!--Reigen and Mob are hired to eradicate certain urban legends that have emerged, but they face competition from a Rival Psychic. Reigen quickly shows Mob how average things are misconstrued and blown into Scary Urban Legends, like a Human-Faced Dog merely turns out to be a Dog who's face was drawn over by some children. However things take a turn for the worse, when one of the Urban Legends, turns out to be real. Mob quickly destroys the evil legend, and Reigen decides to start a web-site for his psychic business.-->
| LineColor = 006600
Baris 248:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|1|21}}
| AltDate = 9 Mei 2019
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/03.html|script-title=ja:重ねる危険 ~変質~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=15 Januari 2019|archive-date=2019-10-31|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191031185713/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/03.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!--Reigen's web-site proves to be successful, but he attracts a bad job, when a man asks Reigen to curse someone. Initially refusing, Reigen eventually placates the man, by giving him a false charm and saying that someone bad will eventually happen. Mob is slightly disturbed; He is unable to understand the desire to curse someone and that the Man will live the rest of his life believing he had someone cursed, much to Reigen's surprise. They are then hired to exorcise a woman's apartment, where the "Evil Spirit" is revealed to be a neighbor who fell in love with the woman and used his out-of-body experiences to spy on her. The woman rebuffs his feelings in disgust, and he is arrested. Mob is puzzled at her change in attitude, from fear to disgust, on discovering he was just human. Several college students hire Reigen and Mob to protect them from an evil spirit, while they take a "spirit photo" at a haunted area. They refuse to pay Reigen since nothing bad happened. Later, some bullies attempt to mug Mob, but Mob is protected by Dimple, Ritsu and the Body Improvement Club, who warn him that he has to fight back against such people, for his good and the good of society. The college students return, when their "spirit photo" was actually real. They ask Reigen to exorcise the spirit, promising to pay this time. They go back to the haunted area, where Mob discovers three spirits; A deceased family, who died together, and have only wanted to live a bit longer together in peace. The father points out that they will fade away naturally when their desire is fulfilled, and Mob tries to plead for them. The college students refuse to hear him out, but Reigen is slightly more troubled, not wanted Mob to destroy innocent, peaceful spirits, but desiring to maintain his reputation as a reliable psychic who listens to customers. Dimple attempts to provoke the father into become an evil spirit, and kill the college students, but the father does not change. Reigen and Dimple try to tell Mob that he doesn't have to exorcise them, but Mob beings to tremble, stating that if he protects the spirits, then he must harm the students. Reigen quickly realizes that Mob's recent feelings are a result of his unique world view where spirits and humans are equal and that taking on so many jobs, so quickly, has forced Mob to confront ideas he's not ready for. Reigen quickly performs a faux-exorcism to placate the students and comforts Mob. Mob contemplates what would happen if he ever decided to curse someone, and if anyone would stop him, but falls asleep as he thinks.-->
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Baris 262:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|1|28}}
| AltDate = 16 Mei 2019
| Aux4 = <ref>{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/04.html|script-title=ja:中身 ~悪霊~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=21 Januari 2019|archive-date=2019-10-20|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191020013230/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/04.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!--Mob and Reigen are hired to do an exorcism for a rich man named Masashi Asagiri. Upon arriving, they see that he had hired many other psychics as well, including Banshoumaru Shinra and Kirin Jodo, leader of the Sun Psychic Union. Asagiri described how his daughter, Minori, was possessed by an evil spirit and he had been forced to lock her up. They did rock-paper-scissors to determine what order the psychics got to go in and see her in. Reigen won and went in to talk to Minori. It seemed as though she was not possessed at all, making many of the psychics think that Asagiri was just abusing her, but Reigen noticed inconsistencies in Minori's conversation with him, causing the spirit to reveal itself. Dimple recognized the spirit as Keiji Mogami, a former psychic.
While the psychics went in to exorcise the spirit one by one, Dimple explained who Mogami was, warning Mob and Reigen not to get involved. However Mob tried to exorcise Mogami from Minor's body anyway. Eventually Mob realized that Mogami was rooted too deep in Minori and decided to use an out-of-body experience to go inside of Minori to chase the spirit out. Succeeding in leaving his body, Mogami attempted to possess Mob's body but Dimple was already inhabiting it, allowing Mob to enter Minori's body whilst Mogami was distracted.
Baris 278:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|2|4}}
| AltDate = 23 Mei 2019
| Aux4 = <ref name="ep17">{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/05.html|script-title=ja:不和 ~選択~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=29 Januari 2019|archive-date=2019-10-20|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191020013235/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/05.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!--Keiji Mogami explains that he was a psychic like Mob. When he was alive, his mother had fallen ill. Keiji undertook extreme jobs (ex: not sleeping enough to kill people) to pay for his mom's treatment. His mom died of unknown reasons, but she blamed Keiji for her death. Keiji then committed suicide and became an evil spirit. Keiji, disguised as Minori, also transferred into his class and she led her classmates in constantly bullying Mob. The high schoolers that bullied Mob earlier also showed up and Mob was powerless to stop them. Even Ritsu was a stranger in this world and he did nothing to help Mob. Over the course of 30 minutes in the real world, Mob experienced 6 months in the mental world with all of his negative emotions building up. After an incident where Mob was powerless to save a stray cat from Minori and her friends, Mogami explained his backstory and why he despised people who use others. Dimple managed to use Mob's powers to open the door and let the other psychics go free, but he stayed and decided to go into Minori's body and save Mob. Meanwhile, Mob was getting beat up my Minori and her friends, so Mogami gave him his powers back. Mob immediately turned the tables and was about to kill one of has bullies. Dimple showed up and brought Mob's memory back. Mogami then revealed that the people in this world were actually all of the spirits he had absorbed. They started attacking Mob, who was determined to save Minori at least. Mob unleashed the power of his courage on Mogami and defeated the army of spirits. Mogami's defeat released a mass of spirits that even he could not control, which proceeded to destroy Mob's body. Mob was eventually overwhelmed by the monstrous conglomeration of spirits, but reached ???% and blasted the entire mental world apart.
Mob woke up in his own body. Mogami left Minori's body and attempted to leave the Asagiri residence, but Matsuo captured him into a flask, renaming him Pudding-chan.
Baris 294:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|2|11}}
| AltDate = 30 Mei 2019
| Aux4 = <ref name="ep18">{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/06.html|script-title=ja:孤独なホワイティー|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=5 Februari 2019|archive-date=2019-11-26|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191126044410/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/06.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!--When Mob was torn between his friends and his work as a disciple of Reigen, he finally realized that Reigen was just using him for his psychic powers. As Mob and Reigen went their separate ways, Reigen also realized, after a night at the bar, that he had no friends and that his life was a little miserable. Even though Mob left him he reminded himself that he himself started this business and could go on without Mob's help. As he was by himself he started to change. He began to film the process of exorcising and uploading it to the net, giving free courses to prevent people getting tricked by frauds and giving people advice about their life. Reigen's reputation increased and he was soon known as "Seasoning City's bro".
A few days later Reigen was interviewed by magazines and even offered to be on a television show. He gladly accepted as it could make him even more famous. However, the show was actually a set-up by Kirin Jodo to exploit Reigen as a fraud due to Jodo having a grudge after discovering that Reigen knee'd him in the face while possessed by Keiji Mogami.-->
Baris 309:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|2|18}}
| AltDate = 6 Juni 2019
| Aux4 = <ref name="ep19">{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/07.html|script-title=ja:追い込み ~正体~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=12 Februari 2019|archive-date=2019-10-27|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191027183239/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/07.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!--Due to the hoax, Reigen was revealed to be fraudulent and was completely humiliated. Rumours about him being a fraudster increased and his old customers even created a group of Reigen's "victims".
Mob eventually heard the news but didn't get worried. He believed it was all his master's plan to get even more famous. Eventually, Reigen was hunted down by reporters and detectives hired by TV and magazines, and he was forced to explain himself at a press conference. The night before the conference he tried to build up a plan to confront the media. Even so, when the conference finally got underway, he found himself backed into the corner and he began to mock the media, claiming that they have no proof that he was not a psychic. After a while he was asked the question of why he entered the supernatural business at all. Reigen thought back three years to when he first met Mob, realising that it was Mob's psychic powers that inspired him. Regretting that he had only used Mob he smiled at the camera and said "You have grown up" whereupon the whole conference building starts to shake and cameras begin to hover. The media was freaked out believing that it was Reigen's doing and accused him. Afterwards Reigen met up with Mob and Dimple, asking why they came. Mob answered that there was no particular reason, but Reigen still asked him if he now knew his true identity, after what the media discovered. Mob simply answered that he knew Reigen's true identity all along, that he was a "good person".-->
Baris 325:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|2|25}}
| AltDate = 13 Juni 2019
| Aux4 = <ref name="ep20">{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/08.html|script-title=ja:それでも ~前へ~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=18 Februari 2019|archive-date=2019-10-30|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191030230357/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/08.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!--Mob wants to participate in the marathon to impress his crush Tsubomi. He tells his friends that last year he was 291st place out of 300, and during the marathon he is at 74th place before fainting. Meanwhile, Tsubomi and her friend visit Reigen to ask for relationship advice. Tsubomi lies saying that she has a crush that is at her same school to test if Reigen was a con artist. Mob wakes up, but feels accomplished and heads home. Ritsu and his parents are at home when Ritsu hears a knock on the door. Ritsu opens the door to see Sho Suzuki, one of Claw espers. When Mob heads home he sees his home burned to the ground and burned bodies, which causes his emotional state to go ???%.-->
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Baris 339:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|3|4}}
| AltDate = 20 Juni 2019
| Aux4 = <ref name="ep21">{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/09.html|script-title=ja:見せてみろ ~集合~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=25 Februari 2019|archive-date=2019-10-20|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191020013258/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/09.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!--On the verge of exploding emotionally, Dimple calms Mob down and reveals that the bodies were fake. Mob starts looking for espers only to find two Scars from the main branch of Claw looking for him, none of whom knowing what had happened to his family.
Koyama and Sakurai suddenly showed up to unite Mob with the rest of the gang, including the esper kids from the Awakening Lab, most of the former 7th Division's Scars and Reigen. It turned out Claw was going for an all-out attack against the city, whilst getting rid of all obstacles that might pose a threat. Mob fell asleep after Reigen's comfort.
Baris 355:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|3|11}}
| AltDate = 27 Juni 2019
| Aux4 = <ref name="ep22">{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/10.html|script-title=ja:衝突 ~パワー系~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=4 Maret 2019|archive-date=2019-11-26|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191126042513/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/10.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!--While the rest of the gang were on their way to infiltrate the tower Claw had taken over, Toichiro sent Shibata of the Ultimate 5 and a group of espers to find and eliminate Mob, who was still asleep. Reigen managed to take out the group of espers but also inadvertently turned Shibata into an implacable juggernaut hell-bent on crushing Mob in the process. Dimple took possession of Mob's body and escaped, but was forced to fight back when Shibata was about to hurt a crowd of people including Tsubomi. After Shibata hit Mob's body into the Body Improvement Club, they attempted to stop him but got massively overpowered, leaving only Musashi left to protect Mob. Musashi stated that it was Mob's determination and tenacity that gave them the courage to go on, and that he would protect Mob. Dimple took possession of Musashi and released the full usage of his muscles, surpassing Shibata's psychically-augmented muscular strength. Mob finally awakened and defeated Shibata for good.-->
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Baris 369:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|3|18}}
| AltDate = 4 Juli 2019
| Aux4 = <ref name="ep23">{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/11.html|script-title=ja:指導 ~感知能力者~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=11 Maret 2019|archive-date=2019-11-26|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191126042824/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/11.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!--Mob, on his way to the tower, was forced to fight an esper group of Claw, until Minegishi of the Ultimate 5 arrived to stop him. Matsuo came to Mob's aid but lost the flask he used to seal Mogami to the esper group. Despite his warning, the espers shattered the flask, releasing a very angry and seemingly unstoppable Mogami. When Mogami was about to crush Minegishi, Mob pleaded for Mogami to let him live because of how Minegishi can still become a better person. Mogami left, giving Mob the advice to be more strict towards others, as this would make Mob unbeatable. The rest of the gang got intercepted and were quickly defeated by Shimazaki. Shimazaki, who then intercepted Sho and Ritsu, let Sho pass only to focus on Ritsu but before he could deal the finishing blow, the entire group showed up to assist Ritsu. Despite their best effort, it seemed impossible to defeat Shimazaki. However, with Teru's prompting, the group took the advantage until Shimazaki went all-out and quickly took them all of them down. In his heightened state, Shimazaki noticed Mob's presence and got ready to confront him, only to be defeated by Reigen.-->
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Baris 383:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|3|25}}
| AltDate = 11 Juli 2019
| Aux4 = <ref name="ep24">{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/12.html|script-title=ja:社会復帰戦 ~友情~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=18 Maret 2019|archive-date=2019-11-18|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191118060820/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/12.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!--Meanwhile, Sho effortlessly took down Hatori and finally confronted his father, Toichiro Suzuki. The fight did not go as Sho had planned when he found out how his father's power worked and Sho was soundly defeated. Before defeating Sho, Toichiro reveals that when he was young, Toichiro's immense ESP powers made him superior to everyone else. Toichiro explains his plans to take over the world, and reveals his ability to store and transfer psychic energy between beings, and demonstrates by taking back the energy he gave to the now-defeated Claw soldiers strewn about the area.
Mob freed the prime minister and met with Serizawa, the last and most powerful of the Ultimate 5. It turned out Serizawa was a social shut-in because of his power incontinence, but Toichiro Suzuki offered him a job and a way to control his power. Serizawa firmly believed in his boss' ideology, but Mob convinced him through his own emotions that Mob is just like him, and Mob can be his friend.
Baris 399:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|4|1}}
| AltDate = 18 Juli 2019
| Aux4 = <ref name="ep25">{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/story/13.html|script-title=ja:ボス戦 ~最後の光~|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=26 Maret 2019|archive-date=2019-10-19|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20191019065805/http://mobpsycho100.com/story/13.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!--Through a gradual shift of different 100% emotions, Mob forced Toichiro to go 100% with his own power, which in turn made him lose control over it, causing Toichiro to turn into a living bomb capable of wiping out the whole city. Mob, showing his kindness to Toichiro, redirected the power into his body, leading to a seemingly smaller explosion that kept the city safe.
In the aftermath, Toichiro admitted his mistake and allowed himself to be taken into custody, after apologising to Sho. On television, it was shown that the apparent huge explosion actually caused the sudden growth of the broccoli seed that Mob kept in his shirt pocket, forming the Divine Tree.-->
Baris 414:
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2019|9|24}}
| AltDate =
| Aux4 = <ref name="ova1-1">{{cite web|url=http://www.crunchyroll.com/es/anime-news/2019/09/23-1/mob-psycho-100-ii-ova-hits-up-the-hot-spring-on-crunchyroll-this-week|title=Crunchyroll - Mob Psycho 100 II OVA Hits Up the Hot Spring on Crunchyroll This Week!|website=Crunchyroll|access-date=28 September 2019}}</ref><ref name="ova1-2">{{cite web|url=http://mobpsycho100.com/news/hp0001/index00630000.html|script-title=ja:叶美香さんより、完全新作OVAへ応援コメントが到着!!!!! -TVアニメ『モブサイコ100』公式サイト-|website=Mob Psycho 100|language=ja|access-date=28 September 2019|archive-date=2019-09-28|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190928065557/http://mobpsycho100.com/news/hp0001/index00630000.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ShortSummary = <!---->
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