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Baris 1:
{{disambiginfo|semen|Semen (disambiguasi)}}
[[Berkas:Human Semen in petri dish.jpg|jmpl|180px|Mani manusia]]
'''Mani''' ({{lang-ar|مني|Mani}}) ({{lang-en|semen}}) adalah [[cairan]] yang membawa sel-[[sel sperma]] yang dikeluarkan oleh organ-[[organ seksual]] [[jantan]]. Fungsi utama mani adalah untuk mengantarkan sel-sel sperma untuk [[pembuahan|membuahi]] [[sel telur]] yang dihasilkan oleh individu [[betina]]. Proses pengeluaran mani dalam situasi normal disebut [[ejakulasi]].
[[Berkas:Human Semen in petri dish.jpg|jmpl|180px|Semen manusia.]]
'''Semen''', sehari-hari disebut pula '''mani''', '''air mani''', '''cairan putih''', atau '''pejuh''', adalah [[cairan]] yang membawa [[spermatozoon|sel-sel sperma]] yang dikeluarkan oleh organ-[[organ seksual]] [[jantan]]. Fungsi utama semen adalah untuk mengantarkan sel-sel sperma untuk [[pembuahan|membuahi]] [[sel telur]] yang dihasilkan oleh individu [[betina]]. Proses pengeluaran semen dalam situasi normal disebut [[ejakulasi]].
== Aspek-aspek fisiologis ==
=== Pembuahan internal dan eksternal ===
Tergantung pada [[spesies]]nya, spermatozoa dapat menyuburkan sel telur secara eksternal ataupun internal. Dalam [[pembuahan eksternal]], spermatozoa menyuburkan sel telur secara langsung, di luar organ-organ seksual si betina. [[Ikan]] betina, misalnya, menebarkan ovumnya ke lingkungan akuatiknya, yang kemudian dibuahi oleh air mani dari ikan jantan.
Namun dalam [[pembuahan internal]], pembuahan terjadi di dalam organ-organ seksual pihak perempuan/betina. Pembuahan internal terjadi setelah [[inseminasi]] pihak perempuan/betina oleh pihak lelaki/jantan melalui [[kopulasi]]. Di kalangan binatang [[tulang belakang|bertulang belakang]] yang rendah ([[amfibi]], [[reptil]], [[burung]] dan mamalia [[monotrem]]), kopulasi dicapai melalui [[kloaka]] jantan dan betina. Di kalangan hewan berkantung ([[Marsupialia|marsupial]]) dan [[Plasentalia|mamalia plasental]], kopulasi berlangsung melalui [[vagina]].
=== Komposisi semenmani manusia ===
[[Berkas:Human semen in a petri dish.jpg|jmpl|200px|Mani manusia pada cawan petri.]]
Semen berasal dari dua komponen: sperma dan plasma seminal. Plasma seminal, pada gilirannya, dihasilkan oleh kontribusi dari seminal vesicle, kelenjar prostat, dan bulbourethral.
Mani berasal dari dua komponen: sperma dan plasma seminal. Plasma seminal, pada gilirannya, dihasilkan oleh kontribusi dari seminal vesicle, kelenjar prostat, dan bulbourethral.
== Lihat pula ==
<!--Seminal plasma of humans contains a complex range of [[organic compound|organic]] and [[inorganic]] constituents.
The seminal plasma provides a nutritive and protective medium for the spermatozoa during their journey through the female reproductive tract. The normal environment of the vagina is a hostile one for sperm cells, as it is very [[acidic]] (from the native microflora producing [[lactic acid]]), viscous, and patrolled by immune cells. The components in the seminal plasma attempt to compensate for this hostile environment. Basic [[amines]] such as [[putrescine]], [[spermine]], [[spermidine]] and [[cadaverine]] are responsible for the smell and flavor of semen. These alkaline bases counteract the acidic environment of the vaginal canal, and protect [[DNA]] inside the sperm from acidic denaturation.
The components and contributions of semen are as follows:
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Gland''' || '''Approximate %''' || '''Description'''
| [[testes]] || 2-5%<ref>[] </ref> || Approximately 200- to 500-million spermatozoa (also called ''sperm'' or ''spermatozoans''), produced in the [[testes]], are released per ejaculation.
| [[seminal vesicle]] || 65-75% || [[amino acids]], [[citrate]], [[enzyme]]s, [[flavin]]s, [[fructose]] (the main energy source of sperm cells, which rely entirely on sugars from the seminal plasma for energy), [[phosphorylcholine]], [[prostaglandin]]s (involved in suppressing an immune response by the female against the foreign semen), [[protein]]s, [[vitamin C]]
| [[prostate]] || 25-30% || [[acid phosphatase]], [[citric acid]], [[fibrinolysin]], [[prostate specific antigen]], [[proteolytic enzyme]]s, [[zinc]] (serves to help to stabilize the DNA-containing [[chromatin]] in the sperm cells. A zinc deficiency may result in lowered fertility because of increased sperm fragility. Zinc deficiency can also adversely affect [[spermatogenesis]].)
| [[bulbourethral glands]] || < 1% || [[galactose]], [[mucus]] (serve to increase the mobility of sperm cells in the vagina and cervix by creating a less viscous channel for the sperm cells to swim through, and preventing their diffusion out of the semen. Contributes to the cohesive jelly-like texture of semen.), [[pre-ejaculate]], [[sialic acid]]
A 1992 [[World Health Organization]] report described normal human semen as having a volume of 2 ml or greater, pH of 7.2 to 8.0, sperm concentration of 20x10<sup>6</sup> spermatozoa/ml or more, sperm count of 40x10<sup>6</sup> spermatozoa per ejaculate or more and motility of 50% or more with forward progression (categories a and b) of 25% or more with rapid progression (category a) within 60 minutes of ejaculation.<ref>{{cite book
| last = World Health Organization
| title = Laboratory Manual for the Examination of Human Semen and Semen–Cervical Mucus Interaction, 4th edition
| url =,M1
| publisher = Cambridge University Press
| date = 2003
| location = Cambridge, UK
| pages = 60
| id = ISBN 0-521-64599-9 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0-521-64599-9 end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0-521-64599-9 end_of_the_skype_highlighting}}
===Appearance and consistency of human semen===
[[Berkas:Semen2.jpg|thumb|Human semen shortly after ejaculation. The clear areas (which appear black or brown due to the dark background) have begun to undergo liquefaction]]
Most semen is white in color, but grey or even yellowish semen can be normal as well. Blood in the semen can cause a pink or reddish color and should be checked out by a doctor.
After ejaculation, semen first goes through a clotting process and then becomes more liquid. It is theorized that the initial clotting helps keep the semen in the vaginal canal, but liquefaction frees the sperm to make their longer journey to the ova. Immediately after ejaculation semen is typically a sticky, jelly-like liquid often forming globules. Within 5 to 40 minutes it will become more watery and liquid before finally drying. <ref>{{cite web
| last = Dean
| first = Dr. John
| title = Semen and sperm quality
| url =
| accessdate = 2006-12-07}} </ref>
===Semen and transmission of disease===
The semen of a disease-free individual is harmless on the [[skin]]. However, semen can be the vehicle for many [[sexually transmitted diseases]], including [[HIV]], the [[virus]] that causes [[AIDS]].
It is also hypothesized that components of semen, such as the [[spermatozoa]] as well as the seminal [[blood plasma|plasma]], can cause [[immunosuppression]] in the body when introduced to the [[bloodstream]] or [[lymph]]. Evidence for this dates back to [[1898]], when [[Elie Metchnikoff]] injected a [[guinea pig]] with its own and foreign guinea pig sperm, finding that an [[antibody]] was produced in response; however the antibody was inactive, pointing to a suppression response by the [[immune system]].
Further research, such as that by S. Mathur and J.M. Goust, demonstrated that non-preexisting antibodies were produced in humans in response to the sperm. These antibodies mistakenly recognized native [[T lymphocytes]] as ''foreign'' [[antigens]], and consequently the T lymphocytes would fall under attack by the body's [[B lymphocytes]]. <ref>{{cite journal | author = Mathur S, Goust J, Williamson H, Fudenberg H | title = Cross-reactivity of sperm and T lymphocyte antigens. | journal = Am J Reprod Immunol | volume = 1 | issue = 3 | pages = 113-8 | year = 1981 | id = PMID 6175235}}</ref>
Other semen components shown to spur an immunosuppressive effect are seminal plasma and seminal lymphocytes.
===Blood in the semen ([[hematospermia]])===
The presence of blood in the semen may be undetectable (it only can be seen microscopically) or visible in the fluid. Its cause could be the result of [[inflammation]], [[infection]], [[blockage]], or injury of the male reproductive tract or a problem within the [[urethra]], [[testicles]], [[epididymis]] and [[prostate]].
Further [[semen analysis]] and other [[urogenital|Urogenital system]] tests might be needed to find out the cause of blood in the semen.
===Semen allergy===
In rare cases people have been known to experience allergic reactions to seminal fluids, known as human seminal plasma [[hypersensitivity]].<ref>{{cite journal | author = Guillet G, Dagregorio G, Guillet M | title = [Vulvar contact dermatitis due to seminal allergy: 3 cases] | journal = Ann Dermatol Venereol | volume = 132 | issue = 2 | pages = 123-5 | year = 2005 | id = PMID 15798560}}</ref> Symptoms can be either localized or systemic, and may include vaginal itching, redness, swelling, or blisters within 30 minutes of contact. They may also include generalized itching, [[hives]], and even difficulty breathing.
The best way to test for human seminal plasma sensitivity is to use a [[condom]] during intercourse. If symptoms dissipate with the use of a condom, it is possible that a sensitivity to semen is present. Mild cases of semen [[allergy]] can often be overcome by repeated exposure to seminal fluid.<ref>{{cite journal | author = Weidinger S, Ring J, Köhn F | title = IgE-mediated allergy against human seminal plasma. | journal = Chem Immunol Allergy | volume = 88 | issue = | pages = 128-38 | year = | id = PMID 16129942}}</ref> In more severe cases, it is important to seek the advice of a physician, particularly in the event that a couple is trying to conceive, in which case, [[artificial insemination]] may be indicated.
==Cultural aspects==
===Semen and martial arts===
[[Chi Kung]] and [[Chinese medicine]] places huge emphasis on a form of energy called 精([[pinyin]]: jing1, also a morpheme denoting "essence" or "spirit")<ref></ref> <ref></ref> - which one attempts to develop and accumulate, jing is sexual energy and is considered to dissipate with ejaculation so masturbation is considered "Energy Suicide" amongst those who practice this art. According to Chi Kung theory, energy from many pathways/meridians becomes diverted and transfers itself to the sexual organs during sexual excitement, the ensuing orgasm and ejaculation will then finally expel the energy from the system completely. The Chinese proverb 一滴精,十滴血(pinyin: yi4 di1 jing1, shi2 di1 xue3, literally: a drop of semen is equal to ten drops of blood) illustrates this point.
The scientific term for semen in Chinese is 精液(pinyin: jing1 ye4, literally: fluid of essence/jing) and the term for [[spermatozoon|sperm]] is 精子(pinyin: jing1 zi3, literally: basic element of essence/jing), two modern terms with classical reference.
===Cultural views===
In some cultures, semen is attributed with special properties of [[masculinity]]. For instance, among the [[Etoro]] people of [[Papua New Guinea]], it is believed that young boys must [[fellatio|fellate]] their elders and ingest their sperm to achieve proper sexual maturation. This act may also be attributed to the culturally active homosexuality throughout these and other tribes.<ref>{{cite book
| last = Herdt
| first = Gilbert (editor)
| authorlink =
| coauthors =
| title = Ritualized Homosexuality in Melanesia
| publisher = University of California Press
| date = January 28, 1993
| location =
| pages =
| url =
| doi =
| id = ISBN 0-520-08096-3 }}
===Sacred semen===
In some [[pre-industrial]] societies, semen and other body fluids were revered because they were believed to be magical. [[Blood]] is an example of such a fluid, but semen was also widely believed to be of supernatural origin and effect and was, as a result, considered holy or sacred.
Semen is currently and has long been revered by [[Buddhist]], [[Daoist]] and [[Hindu]] traditions as a very important constituent of human [[physiology]].
At one time, it was believed that a woman’s menstrual blood formed the human soul and that mothers, therefore, were the source of the souls that animated their children.
[[Dew]] was once thought to be a sort of rain that fertilized the earth and, in time, became a metaphor for semen. The [[Bible]] employs the term “dew” in this sense in such verses as [[Song of Solomon]] 5:2 and [[Psalm]] 110:3, declaring, in the latter verse, for example, that the people should follow only a king who was virile enough to be full of the “dew” of youth.
It was widely believed, in ancient times, that gemstones were drops of divine semen which had coagulated after having fertilized the earth. There is an ancient Chinese belief that [[jade]], in particular, was the dried semen of the celestial dragon.
Based upon the resemblance of [[dandelion]] juice to human semen, it was believed that the flower magically promoted the flow of sperm.
The [[orchid]]’s twin bulbs were thought to resemble the [[testicles]], and there was an ancient Roman belief that the flower sprang from the spilled semen of copulating [[satyr]]s.
Barbara G. Walker recounts these examples of sacred semen in ''The Woman’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects'', the thesis of which is that myth and folklore show a pre-patriarchic rule by women that was later supplanted by masculine culture.<ref>{{cite book
| last = Walker
| first = Barbara
| authorlink = Barbara G. Walker (author)
| coauthors =
| editor =
| others =
| title = The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects
| origdate =
| origyear =
| origmonth =
| url =
| format = Trade PB
| accessdate = 2007-02-23
| accessyear =
| accessmonth =
| edition =
| date = [[October 19]] [[1988]]
| year =
| month =
| publisher = [[HarperSanFrancisco]]
| location = [[San Francisco]]
| language = English
| id =
| doi =
| pages = 576
| chapter =
| chapterurl =
| quote =
}} ISBN 0-06-250923-3 ISBN 978-0-06-250923-9</ref>
In primitive mythology semen is considered to be the returning or refunding of the milk of the mother in an alimentary metaphor. The wife feeds her husband who returns to her his semen, the milk of human kindness, as it were.<ref>Bellows, Laura J. (2003). [] ''PERSONHOOD, PROCREATIVE FLUIDS, AND POWER: RE-THINKING HIERARCHY IN BALI: Working Paper No. 9'' ([[PDF]]). Gender Relations Centre, RSPAS, The Australian National University. Retrieved on [[2007-02-23]]. ISSN 1320–4025 (pbk); ISSN 1447–5952 (online)
<!-- The following cite was not working, as it was all in italics. Jeff G.
{{cite paper
| author = Bellows, Laura J.
| version =
| publisher = Gender Relations Centre, RSPAS, The Australian National University
| date = 2003
| url =
| format = PDF
| accessdate = 2007-02-23
}} ISSN 1320–4025 (pbk); ISSN 1447–5952 (online) Balinese mythology
<!--===Semen in popular culture===
Depiction of semen in art and [[popular culture]] has, for a long time, been considered a [[taboo]] subject.
[[Andres Serrano]], whose photos depict bodily fluids such as "Blood and Semen II" (Semen y Sangre II) (1990), became a controversial figure for featuring semen in his work. He was criticized by some for producing offensive art, while others defended him in the name of [[artistic freedom]].<ref></ref> His photos were featured on the cover art of two [[Metallica]] albums, [[Load (album)|Load]] and [[ReLoad (album)|ReLoad]], which feature images made by shining light through a piece of clear plastic on which semen, blood and urine have been splattered and swirled around.
Only recently has semen been depicted (albeit controversially) in [[movies]] such as ''[[There's Something About Mary]]'' (1998) ("a hard-core staple making its debut in a mainstream Hollywood comedy")<ref>[ Review in Rolling Stone]</ref>, ''[[Happiness (film)|Happiness]]'' (1998), ''[[American Pie (film)|American Pie]]'' (1999), ''[[Scary Movie]]'' (2000), ''[[Scary Movie 2]]'' (2001), and ''[[National Lampoon's Van Wilder]]'' (2002). ''[[Jackass Number Two]]'' (2006) features a scene where [[Chris Pontius]] drinks horse semen.
=== Eufemisme ===
A huge variety of [[euphemism]]s and [[dysphemism]]s have been invented to describe semen. For a complete list of terms, see [[Sexual slang]].-->
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Masturbasi]]
* [[Ejakulasi]]
* [[SpermatozoonSpermatozoid]]
* [[Spermatogenesis]]
* [[Pra-ejakulasi]]
* [[Kapasitasi]]
* [[Vasektomi]]
cairan semen yang tidak terpengaruh terhadap asam
== RujukanReferensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
* {{cite journal | author = Grizard G, Sion B, Bauchart D, Boucher D | title = Separation and quantification of cholesterol and major phospholipid classes in human semen by high-performance liquid chromatography and light-scattering detection. | journal = J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl | volume = 740 | issue = 1 | pages = 101-7 | year = 2000 | id = PMID 10798299}}
* [ "factors that affect spermatogenesis"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-08-13 }}
* [ "Does Semen Have Antidepressant Properties?" Byby [[Gordon G. Gallup]]]{{Pranala mati|date=Juli 2022 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
* [ simple article about sperm contents]{{Pranala mati|date=Maret 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
* [ Article about semen addiction]
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