Museum dan Galeri Seni Derby: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{infobox museum
|name= Derby Museum anddan ArtGaleri GallerySeni Derby
|image= Derby Museum Flowers 2475926344 d64a8a8f6e o.jpg
|caption= Ekstensi 1964 dari bangunan asli museum dan galeri seni saat ini |established=1836
|collection= Lukisan Joseph Wright
|location= Wardwick di [[Derby]], [[Britania Raya]]
|website= [ Situs resmi]
[[ca:|native_name=Derby Museum and Art Gallery]]}}
[[File:Derby Museum and Art Gallery on a plate.jpg|thumb|Museum dan Galeri Seni Derby di tahun 1870-an, saat masih ada rumah untuk kurator Beckett Street]]
'''Museum dan Galeri Seni Derby''' pertama kali dibuka pada tahun [[1879]], bersama-sama dengan [[Perpustakaan Pusat Derby]], di gedung baru yang dirancang oleh [[Richard Knill Freeman]] dan diberikan kepada kota [[Derby]], [[Britania Raya]], oleh [[Michael Thomas Bass]]. Koleksinya meliputi seluruh galeri yang menampilkan lukisan [[Joseph Wright (pelukis)|Joseph Wright]]; juga terdapat pajangan [[Royal Crown Derby]] dan porselin lainnya dari Derby dan daerah sekitarnya. Pajangan lebih lanjut meliputi arkeologi, [[sejarah alam]], geologi dan koleksi militer. Galeri Seni mulai dibuka sejak [[1882]].
== Sejarah ==
TheMuseum museumini canbisa tracedilacak itskeberadaannya startsejak topembentukan the''Museum formationDaerah ofdan theKota Derby dan Yayasan Sejarah Alam'' (''Derby Town and County Museum and Natural History Society'') onpada 10 FebruaryFebruari 1836. TheYayasan societytersebut wasdiwadahi housed byoleh ''Full Street Public Baths,'' butnamun itsebenarnya wasmerupakan ayayasan privateswasta societyyang fundeddidanai byoleh itsiuran member's subscriptionskeanggotaannya. ItsKoleksinya collectionsdimulai weredari createddonasi by donations initially fromawal Dr. Forrester whoyang hadpernah beenmenjabat asebagai President ofKetua [[Derby Philosophical Society]]. ThePelindung patron of theYayasan Museum Society wasadalah [[William Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire]], and thedan PresidentKetuanya wasadalah [[Sir George Harpur Crewe, 8th Baronet|Sir George Crewe]] whoyang wasadalah aseorang keennaturalis naturalistsejati.<ref name="geo"/> Col.Kolonel [[George Gawler]] contributedmenyumbang akoleksi collectionmineral ofdan mineralsburung-burung andawetan exotictermasuk stuffedseekor birdsalbatros whichdari includedmasa andia albatrossmenjabat fromsebagai his time as governor in Southgubernur [[Australia Selatan]].<ref name=glover>{{en}} {{cite book|last=Glover|first=Stephen|title=The history and directory of the borough of Derby, a guide p.430|year=1829|url=}}</ref> andDan pada intahun 1839 therediadakan waspameran abesar majordi exhibitioninstitut atMekanik theyang Mechanic'smemamerkan institutebanyak whichbarang containedtermasuk manyyang itemsdari including those fromkoleksi [[Joseph Strutt (philanthropist)|Joseph Strutt]]'s collection. ManyBanyak ofdari thesebarang madeini theirkemudian waymenjadi into Derbykoleksi museum's collectionDerby.<ref name="goodeys"/> TheYayasan societyini movedpada intahun 1840 topindah theke Atheneum indi Victoria Street. TheKoleksi society's collection'syayasan grewberkembang inpada 1856 anddan theymereka wereditawari firstpertama offeredkalinya foruntuk incorporationbergabung intoke thepemerintah townkota byoleh [[William Mundy (Markeaton)|William Mundy]], but thetetapi offertawaran wasitu rejectedditolak.<ref name="geo"/>
The museum can trace its start to the formation of the ''Derby Town and County Museum and Natural History Society'' on 10 February 1836. The society was housed by Full Street Public Baths but it was a private society funded by its member's subscriptions. Its collections were created by donations initially from Dr Forrester who had been a President of [[Derby Philosophical Society]]. The patron of the Museum Society was [[William Cavendish, 6th Duke of Devonshire]], and the President was [[Sir George Harpur Crewe, 8th Baronet|Sir George Crewe]] who was a keen naturalist.<ref name="geo"/> Col. [[George Gawler]] contributed a collection of minerals and exotic stuffed birds which included an albatross from his time as governor in South Australia.<ref name=glover>{{cite book|last=Glover|first=Stephen|title=The history and directory of the borough of Derby, a guide p.430|year=1829|url=}}</ref> and in 1839 there was a major exhibition at the Mechanic's institute which contained many items including those from [[Joseph Strutt (philanthropist)|Joseph Strutt]]'s collection. Many of these made their way into Derby museum's collection.<ref name="goodeys"/> The society moved in 1840 to the Atheneum in Victoria Street. The society's collection's grew in 1856 and they were first offered for incorporation into the town by [[William Mundy (Markeaton)|William Mundy]], but the offer was rejected.<ref name="geo"/>
InPada 1857, [[Llewellyn Jewitt]] becamemenjadi secretarysekretaris and thedan museum wasdibuka openeduntuk tomasyarakat theumum generalpada publicSabtu on Saturday morningspagi. InPada 1858 the [[Derby Philosophical Society]] movedpindah toke asebuah houserumah on thedi Wardwick indi Derby asyang itkemudian mergeddigabung withdan whatdikenal was called thesebagai ''Derby Town and County Museum and the Natural History Society'' (''Museum Daerah dan Kota Derby dan Yayasan Sejarah Alam'').<ref name="geo"/> ThisKepindahan moveini includedtermasuk themembawa society'skoleksi libraryyayasan ofyang terdiri dari 4,.000 volumesjilid, mathematicalperlengkapan andmatematika scientificdan apparatusilmu andpengetahuan itsserta collectionkoleksi of fossilsfosil.<ref name="geo">{{en}} [ Newsletter of the Geological Curators Club], Vol 1, No. 8, 1976. Retrieved 26 February 2011.</ref> InPada 1863 theahli botanistbotani [[Stirling_Smith_Museum_and_Art_Gallery#The_early_years|Alexander Croall]] wasditunjuk appointedsebagai thePustakawan firstdan LibrarianKurator andpertama Curatordan andtahun the following year theberikutnya museum anddan libraryperpustakaan weredigabung joinedmenjadi togethersatu. Croall leftmeninggalkan inmuseum pada 1875<ref name="geo"/> tountuk becomemenjadi thekurator curator of thedi [[Stirling_Smith_Museum_and_Art_GalleryMuseum dan Galeri Seni Stirling Smith|Smith IntituteInstitute indi Stirling]].<ref>{{en}} [ Old Town Cemetery, Stirling] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2011-10-24 }}, accessed February 2011</ref>
The ''DerbyMuseum TownDaerah anddan CountyKota MuseumDerby'' wasakhirnya finallyberpindah transferredkepemilikan into the ownership ofke Derby Corporation inpada 1870, buttetapi therewaktu wereitu difficultieskesulitan inmencari findingtempat spaceuntuk tomemamerkan display the collectionskoleksinya. AfterSetelah placingmenyimpan allsemua theartifakt artefactsdi intogudang storageselama fortiga three yearstahun, the museum wasakhirnya finallydibuka openeduntuk toumum the public onpada 28 JuneJuni 1879.<ref name="geo"/> TheGaleri ArtSeni Gallerydibuka opened inpada 1882 anddan inpada 1883 themuseum museummendapat hadaliran electricitylistrik supplieduntuk forpencahayaan newmodel lightingbaru.
InPada 1936 the museum was given amendapat substantialtambahan collectionkoleksi ofdan paintingslukisan bydari [[Alfred E. Goodey]] whoyang hadsudah beenmengoleksi collectingseni art fordalam 50 yearstahun. AtPada hissaat deathwafat intahun 1945 hedia leftmeninggalkan £13,.000 tountuk buildmembangun angedung extensiontambahan to thedi museum. TheGedung extension,tambahan whichyang nowkini housesmenjadi theruang museum, wasselesai completeddibangun inpada 1964.<ref name="goodeys"/> Refurbishment to parts ofPeremajaan bothuntuk themenggabungkan newbangunan andbaru olddan buildingstua weretelah undertakendilakukan inpada 2010–20112010-2011.
== Hubungan Derby anddan theAbad EnlightenmentPencerahan connection==
[[FileBerkas:derbymuseumlib.jpg|rightka|uprightlurus|thumbjmpl|TheBangunan tahun 1876 buildingsaat mostlyini houseslebih banyak dipakai untuk [[DerbyPerpustakaan CentralPusat LibraryDerby]] today but the dividingnamun linepemisahan withdengan newergedung buildingbaru variesbervariasi]]
Derby wassangat significantberperan inpada theabad eighteenthdelapan centurybelas forterutama its role in thepada [[AgeAbad of Enlightenmentpencerahan|EnlightenmentPencerahan]], asebuah periodmasa inketika whichilmu sciencepengetahuan anddan philosophyfilosofi challenged themenantang [[divine righthak ofilahi kingsraja]] tountuk rulememimpin. TheMasa enlightenmentpencerahan hasmempunyai manybanyak strandscabang, includingtermasuk thefilosofi largelybesar philosophical"pencerahan Skotlandia" (''"Scottish enlightenment"'') centredyang aroundterpusat thepada philosopherfilsuf David Hume, anddan politicalperubahan changespolitik thatmemuncak culminated in thepada [[Frenchrevolusi revolutionPrancis]], but thetetapi Englishdi Midlands wasInggris andaerah areadi wheremana manytokoh keyindustri figuresdan ofilmu industrypengetahuan andsaling sciencebekerjasama. cameTokoh together.terkenal The famousdari ''Lunar Society.'', includedtermasuk [[Erasmus Darwin]], [[Matthew Boulton]], [[Joseph Priestley]] anddan [[Josiah Wedgwood]] withditambah [[Benjamin Franklin]] correspondingyang frommelakukan Americakorespondensi dari Amerika<ref>{{en}} [ Lunar] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-02-07 }},</ref> Erasmus Darwin, grandfatherkakek ofdari [[Charles Darwin]]; started themengawali Derby Philosophical Society whenketika heia movedpindah toke Derby inpada 1783. It was this society whichIni helpedadalah toyayasan foundyang themendirikan firstperpustakaan librarypertama indi Derby.
SomeBeberapa oflukisan theyang paintingsdibuat byoleh Joseph Wright of Derby, whichyang aredikenal notabledalam forpenggunaan theircahaya usedan ofbayangan, lightadalah andberasal shade,dari are ofanggota Lunar Society members. Museum Derby museummemiliki haslebih overdari 300 ofskesta Wright's sketches, 34 oillukisan paintings[[cat minyak]], anddan documentsdokumen-dokumen.<ref name=leap>{{en}} {{cite news|title=Closure could be small step back for a giant leap forward. The building was closed on 18 October so asbestos could be removed and other refurbishment work started. A lighting upgrade and installation of a disabled lift will continue, with completion expected in March 2011|accessdate=6 November 2010|newspaper=Evening Telegraph|date=19 October 2010}}</ref> OneSatu isyang entitledberjudul ''[[Ahli Alkimia Menemukan Fosfor]]'' (''The Alchymist in Search of the Philosopher's Stone]]'') (1771) anddan it depicts the discovery of the elementpenemuan [[phosphorusfosfor]] byoleh ahli Germanalkimia alchemistJerman [[Hennig Brand]] intahun 1669. ASebuah flasktabung inkaca whichberisi asejumlah large quantity ofbesar [[urineurin]] hasyang beendirebus boileddan downmendidih isterlihat seenledakan burstingcahaya intoyang lightdiketahui assebagai the phosphorusfosfor, whichyang isbanyak abundantterkandung indalam urineurin, ignitesterbakar spontaneouslysecara inspontan di airudara.
[[FileBerkas:Wright, Joseph - A Philosopher Lecturing with a Mechanical Planetary - 1766.jpg|leftkiri|thumbjmpl|''[[A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery]]'', byoleh Joseph Wright, 1766]]
''[[A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery]]'' menunjukkan mekanisme awal untuk menunjukkan gerakan planet-planet mengelilingi matahari, dan [[orrery]] yang sesungguhnya dipamerkan di tengah galeri di depan lukisan. Ilmuwan Skotlandia, ahli perbintangan dan pengajar [[James Ferguson (1710–1776)|James Ferguson]] melakukan satu seri kuliah di Derby pada 1762.<ref name="">{{en}} [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-03-16 }}</ref> Kuliah itu berdasarkan bukunya ''Pelajaran pada Subyek Tertentu Mekanika, Hidrostatik, Pneumatika, Optik, dll''., dipublikasikan pada 1760. Dalam menggambarkan pelajarannya ia menggunakan berbagai jenis mesin, model dan peralatan. Wright kemungkinan hadir pada kuliah Ferguson, khususnya tiket yang tersedia dari [[John Whitehurst]], tetangga dekatnya, pembuat jam dan peneliti. Seniman ini juga mungkin telah melukis pengetahuan praktis Whitehurst untuk mengetahui lebih dalam tentang orrery dan pengoperasiannya.
[[Berkas:Joseph Wright of Derby The Alchemist.jpg|jmpl|''[[Ahli Alkimia Menemukan Fosfor]]'', oleh [[Joseph Wright]], 1771]]
== Pentingnya lukisan Joseph Wright ==
''[[A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery]]'' shows an early mechanism for demonstrating the movement of the planets around the sun, and an actual [[orrery]] is on display in the centre of the gallery in front of the painting. The Scottish scientist, astronomer and lecturer [[James Ferguson (1710–1776)|James Ferguson]] undertook a series of lectures in Derby in July 1762.<ref>[]</ref> They were based on his book ''Lectures on Select Subjects in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Optics &c''., published in 1760. In order to illustrate his lectures he used various machines, models and instruments. Wright possibly attended Ferguson’s lecture, especially as tickets for the event were available from [[John Whitehurst]], his close neighbour, the clockmaker and scientist. The artist could also have drawn on Whitehurst’s practical knowledge to find out more about the orrery and its operation.
Lukisan-lukisan yang berdasar pada kenyataan ini dianggap juga memiliki arti kiasan juga, ledakan cahaya fosfor di depan sosok yang seakan berdoa menandakan masalah transisi dari keimanan menuju pemahaman ilmu pengetahuan dan pencerahan, dan berbagai ekspresi sosok di sekeliling burung dalam pompa udara menggambarkan perhatian pada kekejaman dari masa mendatang ilmu pengetahuan.<ref name=""/> Lukisan-lukisan ini menampilkan pandangan menyeluruh dalam penelitian ilmiah yang mulai mengganggu kekuatan agama di masyarakat Barat. Sekitar sepuluh tahun kemudian, ilmuwan di seluruh dunia menghadapi penganiayaan, atau dihukum mati pada [[Revolusi Prancis]] 1789, menjadi puncak dari pemikiran pencerahan. Joseph Priestley, anggota Lunar Society dan penemu [[oksigen]] melarikan diri ke Britain setelah laboratoriumnya di Birmingham dihancurkan dan rumahnya dibakar habis pada [[kerusuhan Birmingham]] 1791, oleh perusuh dengan alasan dukungannya pada Revolusi Prancis;<ref name=Schofield2004>{{en}} {{citation | last=Schofield | first=Robert E. | year=2004 | title=The enlightened Joseph Priestley: a study of his life and work from 1773 to 1804 | publisher=Penn State Press | isbn=9780271024592 | page=151}}</ref> dan koleganya [[Lavoisier]] di Prancis dihukum mati dengan [[guillotine]]. Politikus dan ilmuwan [[Edmund Burke]], pada buku terkenalnya ''Refleksi Revolusi di Prancis'' (1790), menghubungkan ilmuwan pengetahuan alam dan khususnya Priestley, dengan Revolusi Prancis, menulis bahwa para radikal yang mendukung ilmu pengetahuan di Inggris "para pria dengan percobaannya tidak lebih sama halnya seperti yang mereka lakukan pada tikus di pompa udara". Dari komentar ini, Wright melukis burung dalam pompa udara, yang diselesaikan lebih dari dua puluh tahun lebih awal, tampaknya sesuai kenyataan.
Ini berlawanan dengan latar belakang [[Charles Darwin]], cucu dari seorang Derby dan anggota Lunar Society, Erasmus, yang membangkitkan kembali konflik antara ilmu pengetahuan dan keyakinan agama sekali lagi setengah abad kemudian, dengan terbitnya buku ''[[Asal usul Spesies]]'' pada tahun 1859.
[[Image:JosephWright-Alchemist.jpg|thumb|''[[The Alchymist in Search of the Philosopher's Stone]]'', by [[Joseph Wright of Derby|Joseph Wright]], 1771]]
Karena jaringan hubungan yang berkaitan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, dan ketegangan itu diciptakan dengan sangat halus melalui penggambaran seni lukis dari Joseph Wright. Museum dan Galeri Seni Derby, jauh dari sekadar kumpulan koleksi seni lukis yang baik seperti yang mungkin dibayangkan oleh pengunjung biasa. Menjadi penting karena berada di tempat mempunyai peran penting dalam kelahiran ilmu pengetahuan modern dan awal industri di seluruh dunia. [[Birmingham]], dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan industri, telah digambarkan sebagai ''[[silicon valley]]'' abad delapan belas.<ref>{{en}} []</ref>
==Significance of Joseph Wright's paintings==
These factual paintings are considered to have metaphorical meaning too, the bursting into light of the phosphorus in front of a praying figure signifying the problematic transition from faith to scientific understanding and enlightenment, and the various expressions on the figures around the bird in the airpump indicating concern over the possible inhumanity of the coming age of science.<ref>[]</ref> These paintings represent a high point in scientific enquiry which began the undermining of the power of religion in Western societies. Some ten years later scientists worldwide would find themselves persecuted, or even put to death in the backlash to the French Revolution of 1789, itself the culmination of enlightenment thinking. Joseph Priestley, member of the Lunar Society and discoverer of [[oxygen]] would flee Britain after his laboratory in Birmingham was smashed and his house burned down in the [[Priestley Riots|Birmingham riots]] of 1791, by a mob objecting to his outspoken support for the French Revolution;<ref name=Schofield2004>{{citation | last=Schofield | first=Robert E. | year=2004 | title=The enlightened Joseph Priestley: a study of his life and work from 1773 to 1804 | publisher=Penn State Press | isbn=9780271024592 | page=151}}</ref> and his colleague [[Lavoisier]] in France would be executed at the [[guillotine]]. The politician and philosopher [[Edmund Burke]], in his famous ''Reflections on the Revolution in France'' (1790), tied natural philosophers, and specifically Priestley, to the French Revolution, writing that radicals who supported science in Britain "considered man in their experiments no more than they do mice in an air pump". In the light of this comment, Wright's painting of the bird in the air pump, completed over twenty years earlier, seems particularly prescient.
Erasmus Darwin hashanya onlymemiliki apajangan small displaykecil. [[Herbert Spencer]], friend ofteman Charles Darwin, anddan originatorpencipta of the phaseistilah ''"the survival of the fittest"'', whoyang waslahir born indi Derby, anddan hasdigambarkan beensebagai described as the founder ofpenemu [[sociologysosiologi]]<ref>{{en}} [ Spencer],</ref> does not appear totampaknya betak mentioneddisebutkan atsama allsekali.
It was against this background that Charles Darwin, grandson of the Derby man and lunar society member, Erasmus, would re-awaken the conflict between science and religious belief once again half a century later, with the publication of his book ''[[The Origin of Species]]'' in 1859.
Because of this web of connections related to science, and the tensions it created which were so subtly illustrated by the art of the painter Joseph Wright of Derby; Derby Museum and Art Gallery, far from being just a collection of fine paintings as the casual visitor might imagine, is significant for being in a place that some would see as having a very significant role in the birth of modern science and industry worldwide. [[Birmingham]], with its science and industry, has been described as the 'silicon valley' of the eighteenth century.<ref>[]</ref>
Erasmus Darwin has only a small display. [[Herbert Spencer]], friend of Charles Darwin, and originator of the phase "the survival of the fittest", who was born in Derby, and has been described as the founder of [[sociology]]<ref>[ Spencer],</ref> does not appear to be mentioned at all.
== Wright dari Derby ==
Pada tahun 2011, Dewan Kota Derby mengumumkan penggunaan Joseph Wright dari Derby untuk menandai kota Derby. Pada saat yang sama, Museum Derby mengumumkan "kerja sama" dengan Wikipedia untuk meningkatkan kualitas informasi.<ref name=green>{{en}} {{cite news|last=Green|first=Kirsty|title=City curators unveil hidden treasures to website Wikipedia|accessdate=23 January 2011|newspaper=Derby Telegraph|date=15 January 2011}}</ref><ref>{{en}} {{cite web |url= |title=Derby Museums and Wikipedia Join Forces to Improve Content | |date=20 January 2011 |accessdate=2011-01-29 |archive-date=2011-06-04 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref> Pada Februari 2011 Dewan Museum, Perpustakaan dan Arsip atau ''Museums, Libraries and Archives Council'' (MLA) mengumumkan penghargaan kepada Museum dan Galeri Seni Derby untuk penyimpanan lukisan dan gambar oleh Joseph Wright.<ref>{{en}} [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2011-02-21 }}</ref>
== Seniman lainnya ==
Selain koleksi Wright, terdapat juga karya-karya dari [[William FrederickBenjamin AustinWest]], [[Ernest Ellis Clark]], [[Harold Gresley]], [[Alfred John Keene]], [[George Bailey (seniman)|George Bailey]], [[William EdwinGeorg MosleyHoltzendorff]], [[David Payne (seniman)|David Payne]], [[George Turner (seniman)|George Turner]], [[William Wood (seniman)|William Wood]], [[Ernest Townsend]], [[George Francis Yarnell]], [[Samuel Rayner|Samuel]] dan [[Louise Rayner]].{{en}} <ref name=goodeys>{{en}} {{cite book|last=Allard|first=Sarah|title=Goodey's Derby|year=2003|publisher=Breedon Books|isbn=1 85983 379 9|pages=157|coauthors=Nicola Rippon}}</ref>
== Ruangan Bonnie Prince Charlie ==
[[Berkas:Bonnie Prince Charlie in Exeter House Room.jpg|jmpl|ka|Ruangan Bonnie Prince Charlie]]
Tiruan ruangan di [[Derby]] di mana [[Charles Edward Stuart|Bonnie Prince Charlie]] menyiapkan ''"[[dewan perang]]"'' tahun 1745, dalam perjalanannya ke selatan untuk merebut tahta Inggris. Dinding panil diambil dari [[Exeter House]], yang sudah dibongkar pada tahun 1854. Pada saat pembongkaran, panil-panil dibawa ke museum, yang kemudian diterima sebagai sumbangan. Bahkan [[Ratu Victoria]] menyerahkan surat asli dari Bonnie Prince Charlie yang berasal dari koleksi pribadinya.<ref>{{en}} [ Architecture treasure - Exeter House Panelling] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2011-09-27 }} Derby Museum and Art Gallery</ref>
== Lihat juga ==
* [[Museum Industri Derby]]
* [[Derby QUAD|Pusat Kesenian Derby QUAD]]
* [[Derwent Valley Mills]]
{{Commons category|Derby Museum and Art Gallery}}
Baris 60 ⟶ 63:
== Pranala luar ==
* {{en}} [ Derby City Council: ''Museums and Galleries''.] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-01-28 }}
* [ Official site]
{{br}}{{Museum Derby}}
[[Kategori:Museum di Britania Raya|Derby]]
[[Kategori:Koleksi Museum dan Galeri Seni Derby]]
[[ang:Museum on Dēoraby]]
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[[el:Μουσείο του Ντέρμπι]]
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[[eo:Muzeo kaj artgalerio de Derby]]
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[[hi:डर्बी संग्रहालय एवं कला दीर्घा]]
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