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(17 revisi perantara oleh 8 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{redirect|Drachma|genusgrup kupu-kupumusik mothIndonesia|DrachmaDrakhma (mothgrup musik)}}
{{Infobox currency
| currency_name = DrachmaDrakhma
| currency_name_in_local = {{lang|el|Δραχμή}}
| image_1 = Drachmas.jpg
| image_title_1 = Uang logam drachmadrakhma modern
| image_2 =
| image_title_2 =
Baris 10:
| inflation_source_date = [http://www.grecian.net/GREECE/facts.htm Grecian.net]
| iso_code = GRD
| using_countries = NoneTidak ada, previouslydulunya:<br />[[GreeceYunani]]
| ERM_since = MarchMaret 1998
| ERM_fixed_rate_since = 19 JuneJuni 2000
| euro_replace_non_cash = 1 JanuaryJanuari 2001
| euro_replace_cash = 1 JanuaryJanuari 2002
| ERM_fixed_rate = 340.,750 Δρ.
| subunit_ratio_1 = 1/100
| subunit_name_1 = [[Greek lepton|leptοn]]
Baris 21:
| frequently_used_coins = 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 Δρ.
| rarely_used_coins = 10c, 20c, 50c, 1 and 2 Δρ.
| frequently_used_banknotes = 100, 200, 500, 1000, 5000, 10,.000 Δρ.
| rarely_used_banknotes = 50 Δρ.
| issuing_authority = [[Bank of Greece]]
Baris 31:
| obsolete_notice = Y
<!--{{Special characters}}-->
'''DrachmaDrakhma''' ('''₯'''; {{lang-el|[[wikt:δραχμή|δραχμή]]}} {{IPA-el|[ðraxˈmi|}}], dibaca: "drakhme" atau "drakhma"; pl.bentuk jamak: ''drachmae'' atau ''drachmas'', dibaca: "drakhma") adalah mata uang yang digunakan di [[Yunani]] dalam beberapa periode sejarahnya:
# Uang kuno Yunani yang banyak beredar di berbagai kota-kotanegara kuno Yunani dan negara-negara penggantinya, serta di banyak kerajaan di Asia Barat Daya pada masa Helenistik. DiMata masa-masauang ini dipakai sekitar 10 abad, dari zaman Yunani kuno sampai periode Klasik, periode Helenistik sampai periode Romawi di bawah ''Greek Imperial Coinage''. Pada sekitar zaman [[Perjanjian Baru]] (periode Romawi), drakhma, dalam dunia Persia dan Arab disebut '''dirham''', adalah uang dari [[Persia]] yang beratnya kira-kira 8 gram. Sebutan ini juga digunakan untuk uang [[perak]] [[Yunani]] yang nilainya hampir sama dengan satu [[dinar]]. Dua drakhma/dirham (disebut ''didrachm'') adalah bea untuk [[Bait Allah]].
# Uang Yunani modern, yang pertama diperkenalkan pada tahun 1832, dan terakhir digantikan oleh [[euro]] pada 2001 (saat itu nilai tukarnya 340,750 drakhma per 1 [[euro]]). [[Euro]] baru mulai diedarkan tahun 2002 tetapi nilai tukar itu sudah ditetapkan pada tanggal 19 Juni 2000, dengan perkenalan mata uang euro secara resmi dan legal pada tanggal 1 Januari 2002.
ItDrakhma wasjuga alsomerupakan asuatu smallsatuan weightukuran unitberat.<ref name=LSJdrachme>{{LSJ|draxmh/|δραχμή|ref}}.</ref>
# An [[Ancient Greece|ancient Greek]] currency unit issued by many [[Greek city states]] during a period of ten centuries, from the [[Archaic Greece|Archaic period]] throughout the [[Classical Greece|Classical period]], the [[Hellenistic period]] up to the [[Roman Greece|Roman period]] under [[Roman provincial currency|Greek Imperial Coinage]].
# Three [[History of modern Greece|modern Greek]] currencies, the first introduced in 1832 and the last replaced by the [[euro]] in 2001 (at the rate of 340.750 drachma to the euro). The euro did not begin circulating until 2002 but the exchange rate was fixed on 19 June 2000, with legal introduction of the euro taking place in January 2002.
== DrachmaDrakhma kuno ==
It was also a small weight unit.<ref name=LSJdrachme>{{LSJ|draxmh/|δραχμή|ref}}.</ref>
[[FileBerkas:Obolos2.jpg|200px|thumbjmpl|AboveAtas: Six rod-shapedEnam ''obeloi'' (''oboloi'') displayedberbentuk batang panjang, atdipamerkan thepada [[Numismatic Museum of Athens]], discoveredditemukan atpada [[Heraion of Argos]]. BelowBawah: graspgenggaman{{refn|group=n|{{lang|grc|δράσσομαι}}, ''drassomai'', "graspgenggaman"; [[cf.]]: {{LSJ|dra/c|δράξ}}, ''drax'', anddan ''drachmadrakhma'' itselfitu sendiri, i.e.yaitu "grasp withmenggenggam thedengan handtangan".<ref name=LSJdrachme/><ref name=LSJdrassomai>{{LSJ|dra/ssomai|δράσσομαι|shortref}}.</ref>}} ofdari sixenam oboloi formingmembentuk onesatu drachmadrakhma]]
== Drachma kuno ==
[[File:Obolos2.jpg|200px|thumb|Above: Six rod-shaped obeloi (oboloi) displayed at the [[Numismatic Museum of Athens]], discovered at [[Heraion of Argos]]. Below: grasp{{refn|group=n|{{lang|grc|δράσσομαι}}, ''drassomai'', "grasp"; [[cf.]]: {{LSJ|dra/c|δράξ}}, ''drax'', and ''drachma'' itself, i.e. "grasp with the hand".<ref name=LSJdrachme/><ref name=LSJdrassomai>{{LSJ|dra/ssomai|δράσσομαι|shortref}}.</ref>}} of six oboloi forming one drachma]]
[[FileBerkas:Athens 545-510 BC Didrachm.jpg|thumbjmpl|rightka|200px|Athenian silverUang ''[[didrachm]]'' perak Athenian ("gaya Atena") ofdengan ''"heraldic type"'' fromdari the time ofmasa [[Peisistratos]], 545-510 BCSM. ''Obverse'': FourRoda berjari-spokedjari wheelempat. ''Reverse'': IncuseBujursangkar square''Incuse'', divideddibagi secara diagonallydiagonal]]
[[ImageBerkas:BMC 193.jpg|thumbjmpl|rightka|200px|GreekDrakhma [[drachma]]Yunani ofdari Aegina. ''Obverse'': LandTanah [[Chelone (Greek mythology)|Chelone]] / ''Reverse'': {{lang|grc|ΑΙΓ(INA)}} anddan dolphin]]ikan lumba-lumba]]. TheUang oldestlogam Aegina [[Chelone (Greek mythology)|Chelone]] coinstertua depictedmenggambarkan seakura-kura turtleslaut anddan weredicetak mintedsekitar ca.tahun [http://www.snible.org/coins/bmc/attica/XXIII.jpg 700-550 BCSM].]]
Nama ''drachmadrakhma'' berasal dari kata kerja ''δράσσομαι'' (''drássomai'', "menggenggam") yang berakar kata "δράττω" (''dráttō'', "genggaman").{{refn|group=n|"Sebanyak yang dapat dipegang orang pada satu tangan".<ref name=LSJdrachme/><ref name=LSJdrassomai/>}}<ref>"Liddell dan Scott, Greek-English Lexicon", hlm. 180. Oxford University Press, 1979</ref> Mulanya satu drakhma jumlahnya segenggam yang terdiri atas enam [[obolus|oboloi]] potongan logam, yang digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran sejak masa sekitar 1100 s.M. Ini adalah satuan standar uang perak pada kebanyakan pencetakan uang Yunani kuno. Nama 'obol' digunakna untuk menggambarkan mata uang yang nilainya seperenam drakhma. Pengertian bahwa "drakhma" diambil dari kata untuk "segenggam" tampaknya berasal setidak-tidaknya pada Herakleides dari Pontos (387-312 s.M.) tetapi metrologiwan Livio C. Stecchini berpendapat bahwa drakhma adalah kata yang berasal dari dunia Semit. Stecchini seringkalisering kali melawan pendapat umum. Argumennya tampaknya masuk akal (lihattetapi tetap tidak jelas. Diyakini bahwa kata yang sama dengan arti "''segenggaman tangan''" atau "''pegangan''" ditemukan dalam prasasti tablet [[Linear B]] dari ''Mycenean Pylos''.<ref>{{cite journal|url=http://www.metrumdeepdyve.orgcom/lp/de-gruyter/two-new-linear-b-documents-from-bronze-age-pylos-rg10tOlmDC |last1=Shelmerdine|first1=Cynthia W.|last2=Bennet|first2=John|title=Two Linear B documents from Bronze Age Pylos|journal=Kadmos|volume=34 (2)|date=January tetapi1, tetap1995}}</ref>{{refn|group=n|Kata ini, yang arti dan terjemahannya masih tidak jelaspasti, adalah {{lang|gmy|𐀈𐀏𐀔}}, ''do-ka-ma'' atau {{lang|gmy|𐀈𐀏𐀔𐀂}}, ''do-ka-ma-i'', ditemukan pada Tablet-tablet [[Pylos|PY]] An 1282 dan PY Wr 1480.<ref>{{cite web|title=PY 1282 An (Ciii)|url=https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/4362}}{{cite web|title=PY 1480 Wr (unknown)|website=DĀMOS: Database of Mycenaean at Oslo|url=https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/5088|publisher=[[University of Oslo]]}}{{cite web|last=Raymoure|first=K.A.|url=http://minoan.deaditerranean.com/resources/linear-b-sign-groups/do/do-ka-ma-i/|title=do-ka-ma-i|work=Minoan Linear A & Mycenaean Linear B|publisher=Deaditerranean|access-date=2014-04-17|archive-date=2017-02-25|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170225092908/http://minoan.deaditerranean.com/resources/linear-b-sign-groups/do/do-ka-ma-i/|dead-url=yes}}</ref>}} Mulanya, satu drakhma adalah satu genggaman dari enam [[obolus|''oboloí'' atau ''obeloí'']] (batang-batang logam, harfiah "[[Spit (cooking aide)|spits]]") digunakan sebagai suatu bentuk mata uang paling dini pada tahun 1100&nbsp;SM dan dalam bentuk "bullion": butiran [[perunggu]], [[tembaga]], atau [[besi]], dihitung dalam pecahan (denominasi) menurut beratnya. Sekumpulan lebih dari 150 batangan obeloi diketemukan pada [[Heraion of Argos]] di [[Peloponnese]]. Enam di antaranya dipamerkan pada [[Numismatic Museum of Athens]].
Uang [[Athena]] ''[[tetradrachm]]on'' ("empat drakhma") dari abad ke-5 s.M.SM kemungkinan adalah Uanguang yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia Yunani sebelum masa [[Alexander Agung]] (bersama dengan uang [[stater]] dari [[Korintus]]). Pada Uanguang ini terdapat gambar patung kepala sampai dada dari dewi [[Athena]], denganyang memakai pelindung kepala, di sisi depan (''observe''), dan seekor burung hantu pada sisi belakangnya (''reverse''). Dalam penggunaan sehari-hari, mata uang ini disebut γλαῦκαι ''glaukai'' (burung hantu),<ref>{{LSJ|glau/c|γλαύξ|shortref}}.</ref> sehingga terciptalah ungkapan Γλαῦκ’ Ἀθήναζε, 'seekor burung hantu untuk Athena', yang merujuk kepada sesuatu yang besarberlimpah jumlahnya, seperti 'batu bara di Newcastle'. Sisi kebalikannya ini ditampilkan dalam mata uang [[euro Yunani|1 euro Yunani]] modern.
The name ''drachma'' is derived from the verb (''drássomai'', "to grasp").{{refn|group=n|"As much as one can hold in the hand".<ref name=LSJdrachme/><ref name=LSJdrassomai/>}} It is believed that the same word with the meaning of "''handful''" or "''handle''" is found in [[Linear B]] tablets of the Mycenean Pylos.<ref>{{cite journal|url=http://www.deepdyve.com/lp/de-gruyter/two-new-linear-b-documents-from-bronze-age-pylos-rg10tOlmDC |last1=Shelmerdine|first1=Cynthia W.|last2=Bennet|first2=John|title=Two Linear B documents from Bronze Age Pylos|journal=Kadmos|volume=34 (2)|date=January 1, 1995}}</ref>{{refn|group=n|The word, whose meaning and translation is still uncertain, is {{lang|gmy|𐀈𐀏𐀔}}, ''do-ka-ma'' or {{lang|gmy|𐀈𐀏𐀔𐀂}}, ''do-ka-ma-i'', found on the [[Pylos|PY]] An 1282 and PY Wr 1480 tablets.<ref>{{cite web|title=PY 1282 An (Ciii)|url=https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/4362}}{{cite web|title=PY 1480 Wr (unknown)|website=DĀMOS: Database of Mycenaean at Oslo|url=https://www2.hf.uio.no/damos/Index/item/chosen_item_id/5088|publisher=[[University of Oslo]]}}{{cite web|last=Raymoure|first=K.A.|url=http://minoan.deaditerranean.com/resources/linear-b-sign-groups/do/do-ka-ma-i/|title=do-ka-ma-i| work=Minoan Linear A & Mycenaean Linear B | publisher=Deaditerranean}}</ref>}} Initially a drachma was a fistful (a "grasp") of six [[obolus|''oboloí'' or ''obeloí'']] (metal sticks, literally "[[Spit (cooking aide)|spits]]") used as a form of currency as early as 1100&nbsp;BC and being a form of "bullion": bronze, copper, or iron ingots denominated by weight. A [[hoard]] of over 150 rod-shaped obeloi were uncovered at [[Heraion of Argos]] in [[Peloponnese]]. Six of them are displayed at the [[Numismatic Museum of Athens]].
Uang drakhma dicetak dengan standar berat yang berbeda pada percetakan uang yang berbeda. Ukuran baku yang paling banyak digunakan adalah dari Atena (disebut "Athenian" atau "Attic"), yang beratnya sedikit di atas 4.3&nbsp;gram.
It was the standard unit of silver coinage at most ancient Greek mints, and the name 'obol' was used to describe a coin that was one-sixth of a drachma. The notion that "drachma" derived from the word for fistful was recorded by [[Heraclides Ponticus|Herakleides of Pontos]] (387-312&nbsp;BC) who was informed by the priests of Heraion that [[Pheidon]], king of Argos, dedicated rod-shaped obeloi to Heraion. Similar information about Pheidon's obeloi was also recorded at the [[Parian Chronicle]].
Setelah penaklukan oleh [[Aleksander Agung]], nama ''drakhma'' digunakan pada banyak kerajaan [[Helenistik]] di [[Timur Tengah]], termasuk kerajaan [[wangsa Ptolemaik|Ptolemaik]] di [[Alexandria]]. Satuan mata uang [[Arabia]] yang dikenal sebagai '''[[dirham]]''' (dalam [[bahasa Arab]], درهم), dikenal dari zaman pra-[[Islam]] dan seterusnya, mendapatkan nama ini dari ''drakhma'' atau ''[[didrachm]]'' ({{lang|grc|δίδραχμον}}, yang bernilai "2 drakhma"). Mata uang "[[Dirham]]" sampai sekarang masih merupakan mata uang resmi di negara [[Maroko]] dan [[Uni Emirat Arab]]. Mata uang "[[Dram Armenia]]" juga merupakan turunan nama ''drakhma''.
[[Ancient Greek coinage|Ancient Greek coins]] normally had distinctive names in daily use. The Athenian [[tetradrachm]] was called [[owl of Athena|owl]],<ref>[[Philochorus]]: Scholion to Aristophanes, Birds 1106</ref> the [[Aegina#Coinage and sea power (7th–5th centuries BC)|Aeginetic stater]] was called [[Chelone (Greek mythology)|chelone]], the Corinthian [[stater]] was called ''hippos'' ([[horse]]) an so on. Each city would mint its own and have them stamped with recognizable [[Ancient Greek coinage#Coins as a symbol of the city-state|symbols of the city]], known as [[badge]] in numismatics, along with suitable inscriptions, and they would often be referred to either by the name of the city or of the image depicted. The exact exchange value of each was determined by the quantity and quality of the metal, which reflected on the reputation of each mint.
Among the Greek cities that used the drachma were: [[Abdera, Thrace|Abdera]], [[Abydos (Hellespont)|Abydos]], [[Alexandria]], [[Aetna (city)|Aetna]], [[Antioch]], [[Athens]], [[Chios]], [[Cyzicus]], [[Corinth]], [[Ephesus]], [[Eretria]], [[Gela]], [[Catana]], [[Kos]], [[Maronia]], [[Naxos]], [[Pella]], [[Pergamum]], [[Reggio Calabria|Rhegion]], [[Salamis Island|Salamis]], [[Smyrni]], [[Sparta]], [[Syracuse, Sicily|Syracuse]], [[Tarsus, Mersin|Tarsus]], [[Thasos]], [[Tenedos]], [[Troy]] and more.
The 5th century BC [[Athens|Athenian]] ''[[tetradrachm]]'' ("four drachmae") [[coin]] was perhaps the most widely used coin in the Greek world prior to the time of [[Alexander the Great]] (along with the [[Corinth]]ian [[stater]]). It featured the helmeted profile bust of [[Athena]] on the obverse (front) and an owl on the reverse (back). In daily use they were called {{lang|grc|γλαῦκες}} ''glaukes'' (owls),<ref>{{LSJ|glau/c|γλαύξ|shortref}}.</ref> hence [[List of Greek phrases#Γγ|the proverb]] {{lang|grc|Γλαῦκ’ Ἀθήναζε}}, 'an owl to Athens', referring to something that was in plentiful supply, like '[[coals to Newcastle]]'. The reverse is featured on the national side of the modern [[Greek euro coins|Greek 1 euro coin]].
Drachmae were minted on different weight standards at different Greek mints. The standard that came to be most commonly used was the Athenian or Attic one, which weighed a little over 4.3&nbsp;grams.
After [[Alexander the Great]]'s conquests, the name ''drachma'' was used in many of the [[Hellenistic]] kingdoms in the [[Middle East]], including the [[Ptolemaic dynasty|Ptolemaic]] kingdom in [[Alexandria]]. The [[Arabia|Arabic]] unit of currency known as ''[[dirham]]'' (in the [[Arabic language]], درهم), known from pre-[[Islam]]ic times and afterwards, inherited its name from the drachma or [[didrachm]] ({{lang|grc|δίδραχμον}}, 2 drachmae); the dirham is still the name of the official currencies of [[Moroccan Dirham|Morocco]] and the [[United Arab Emirates dirham|United Arab Emirates]]. The [[Armenia]]n [[Dram (currency)|dram]] also derives its name from the drachma.
[[File:SNGANS 1202.jpg|200px|thumb|Drachma from [[Lucania]], c. 535–510 BC|right]]
[[File:SNGCop 039.jpg|200px|thumb|[[Tetradrachm]] from Athens about 450&nbsp;BC. [[Athena]] on the obverse, [[Owl of Athena|owl]] on the reverse|right]]
It is difficult to estimate comparative exchange rates with modern currency because the range of products produced by economies of centuries gone by were different from today, which makes [[Purchasing power parity|purchasing power parity (PPP)]] calculations very difficult; however, some historians and economists have estimated that in the 5th century BC a drachma had a rough value of 25 U.S. dollars (in the year 1990 - equivalent to 41 USD in 2009<ref>[http://www.westegg.com/inflation/ The Inflation Calculator] {{WebCite|url=http://www.webcitation.org/5QVXNUZmW|date =21 July 2007}}</ref>), whereas classical historians regularly say that in the heyday of ancient Greece (the fifth and fourth centuries) the daily wage for a skilled worker or a [[hoplite]]<ref>[[Thucydides]], ''[[History of the Peloponnesian War]]'' [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text.jsp?doc=thuc.%203.17 3.17.4].</ref> was one drachma, and for a [[Heliaia|heliast]] (juror) half a drachma since 425&nbsp;BC.<ref>It was originally set at 1/6 drachma by Pericles, until [[Cleon]] raised it in 425&nbsp;BC; see also [[Aristophanes]], ''Knights'' (line 255) and ''Wasps'' (line 609, 684, 690, 788-790, 1121).</ref>
===Value Nilai ===
[[FileBerkas:SNGANS 1202.jpg|200px|thumbjmpl|DrachmaDrakhma fromdari [[Lucania]], c. 535–510 BC|rightka]]
[[FileBerkas:SNGCop 039.jpg|200px|thumbjmpl|[[Tetradrachm]] from Athens about 450&nbsp;BC. [[Athena]] on the obverse, [[Owl of Athena|owl]] on the reverse|rightka]]
Sulit memperkirakan nilai tukar uang dengan mata uang modern karena jangkauan produk yang dihasilkan oleh ekonomi kuno berbeda dengan zaman sekarang, sehingga perhitungan "''[[Purchasing power parity|purchasing power parity (PPP)]]''" sangat tidak mudah. Namun, sejumlah sejarawan dan ekonom memperkirakan bahwa pada abad ke-5 SM, satu drakhma bernilai sekitar 25 [[dollar Amerika Serikat]] pada tahun 1990 (atau USD 41.- pada tahun 2009<ref>[http://www.westegg.com/inflation/ menurut ''Inflation Calculator''](Kalkulator Inflasi) {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070808205626/http://www.westegg.com/inflation/ |date=2007-08-08 }}</ref>), di mana sejarawan klasik biasanya mengatakan bahwa pada zaman kejayaan Yunani kuno (abad ke-5 dan ke-4 SM) upah harian seorang pekerja trampil atau seorang ''[[hoplite]]''<ref>[[Thucydides]], ''[[History of the Peloponnesian War]]'' [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text.jsp?doc=thuc.%203.17 3.17.4].</ref> adalah satu drakhma, dan untuk seorang [[Heliaia|heliast]] (ahli hukum; ''juror'') setengah drakhma sejak tahun 425&nbsp;SM.<ref>Asalnya ditetapkan sebesar 1/6 drakhma oleh Pericles, sampai kemudian [[Cleon]] menaikkannya pada tahun 425&nbsp;SM; lihat pula [[Aristophanes]], ''Knights'' (baris 255) dan ''Wasps'' (baris 609, 684, 690, 788-790, 1121).</ref>
Modern commentators derived from [[Xenophon]]<ref>Cf. footnote 18 of H. G. Dakyns's translation of [http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=1179 ''Ways and Means: A Pamphlet on Revenues'' alias ''On Revenues''] (''The Works of Xenophon'', Macmillan, 1897). This footnote is quoting George Grote (''Plato, and the Other Companions of Sokrates'', vol. 3, J. Murray, 1865, p.[http://books.google.fr/books?id=58cYAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA597 597]).</ref> that half a drachma per day (360 days per year) would provide "a comfortable subsistence" for "the poor citizens" (for the head of a household in 355&nbsp;BC). Earlier in 422&nbsp;BC, we also see in Aristophanes (''Wasps'', line 300-302) that the daily half-drachma of a juror is just enough for the daily subsistence of a family of three.
Baris 81 ⟶ 67:
For the Roman successors of the drachma, see [[Roman provincial coins]].
=== Denominasi DrachmaDrakhma Yunani kuno ===
Berat drachmadrakhma perak adalah sekitar 4,3 gram,<ref>British Museum Catalogue 11 - Attica Megaris Aegina</ref> meskipun bervariasi luas di antara berbagai kota-negara. Dibagi menjadi enam ''obol'', masing-masing 0,72 gram, yang lalu dibagi lagi menjadi empat ''tetartemorion'', masing-masing 0,18 gram, yang merupakan salah satu uang logam terkecil yang pernah dicetak, dengan diameter sekitar 5 - 7 &nbsp;mm.<ref>Galeri foto [http://www.asiaminorcoins.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?search=Tetartemorion&submit=cerca&album=search&title=on&newer_than=&caption=on&older_than=&keywords=on&type=AND&pid=on&album_title=on&category_title=on Tetartemorion] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131111050535/http://www.asiaminorcoins.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?search=Tetartemorion&submit=cerca&album=search&title=on&newer_than=&caption=on&older_than=&keywords=on&type=AND&pid=on&album_title=on&category_title=on |date=2013-11-11 }} dan uang logam Yunani kecil lainnya</ref>
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size: 90%"
!colspan="4"| Denominasi drachmadrakhma perak
! Gambar !!Denominasi !! Nilai !! Berat
|10 drachmasdrakhma
|43 gramsgram
|4 drachmasdrakhma
|17.2 gramsgram
|[[FileBerkas:AR Didrachm 90001284.jpg|110px|centerpus]]
|2 drachmasdrakhma
|8.6 gramsgram
|6 obolsobol
|4.3 gramsgram
|4 obolsobol
|2.85 gramsgram
|[[FileBerkas:Metapontum Triobol 868740.jpg|60px|centerpus]]
|Triobol (hemidrachm)
|3 obolsobol
|2.15 gramsgram
|[[FileBerkas:Tarentum AR Diobol 851470.jpg|55px|centerpus]]
|2 obolsobol
|1.43 gramsgram
|[[FileBerkas:SNGCop 053.jpg|47px|centerpus]]
|4 tetartemorion
|4 tetartemorions
|0.72 gramsgram
|[[FileBerkas:Thasitischer Tritartemorion 630264 C.jpg|41px|centerpus]]
|3 tetartemorion
|3 tetartemorions
|0.54 gramsgram
|[[FileBerkas:Hemiobol Corinth.jpg|36px|centerpus]]
|2 tetartemorion
|2 tetartemorions
|0.36 gramsgram
|[[FileBerkas:Triihemitartemorion Cilicia, 4th century BC.jpg|33px|centerpus]]
|3/2 tetartemorionstetartemorion
|0.27 gramsgram
|0.18 gramsgram
|½ tetartemorion
|0.09 gramsgram
=== Pembagian mata uang bersejarah ===
:8 ''chalkoi'' = 1 ''[[obolus]]''
:6 ''oboloi'' = 1 ''drachmadrakhma''
:70 ''drachmaedrakhma'' = 1 ''[[mina (unit)|mina]]'' (atau ''mna''), kemudian 100 ''drachmaedrakhma'' = 1 ''mina''<ref>[[Aristoteles]], Athenian Constitution, 10.2</ref>
:60 ''[[mina (unit)|minae]]'' = 1 ''[[Athenian talen]]'' (''Athenian standard''; Talenta Athena)<ref>''Drachma'', The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume V. Published 1909. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Nihil Obstat, 1 May 1909. Remy Lafort, Censor. Imprimatur. John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York</ref>
Minae dan talenta tidak pernah benar-benar dicetak: mereka mewakili ukuran berat untuk komoditikomoditas (misalnya butiran gandum) serta logam-logam seperti perak atau emas. [[Alkitab]] bagian [[Perjanjian Baru]] menyebutkan nilai uang ''didrachma'' dan istilah untuk [[tetradrakhma|''tetradrachm'' (tetradrakhma)]] dalam konteks bea [[Bait Suci (Yerusalem)|Bait Suci]].
== DrachmaDrakhma Modern ==
[[FileBerkas:Drachma-Symbol.svg|160px|rightka|Tanda ''drachmadrakhma'' ₯ ]]
===First modern drachma===
Baris 172 ⟶ 158:
=== Uang logam ===
{{Main|Coins of the Greek drachma}}
Uang logam pertama terbuat dari tembaga bernilai pecahan (denominasi) 1, 2, 5 dan 10 lepta, uang perak bernilai pecahan ¼, ½, 1 dan 5 drachmaedrakhma serta uang emas bernilai 20 drachmaedrakhma. Uang logam drachmadrakhma beratnya 4.5&nbsp;g dan mengandung 90% perak, sedangkan uang logam 20-drachmadrakhma mengandung 5.8&nbsp;g emas.
In 1868, Greece joined the [[Latin Monetary Union]] and the drachma became equal in weight and value to the [[French franc]]. The new coinage issued consisted of copper coins of 1, 2, 5 and 10 lepta, with the 5- and 10-lepta coins bearing the names ''obolos'' ({{lang|el|ὀβολός}}) and ''diobolon'' ({{lang|el|διώβολον}}), respectively; silver coins of 20 and 50 lepta, 1, 2 and 5 drachmae and gold coins of 5, 10 and 20 drachmae. (Very small numbers of 50- and 100-drachma coins in gold were also issued.)
Baris 181 ⟶ 167:
=== Uang kertas ===
[[FileBerkas:NBG banknote-1912.jpg|thumbjmpl|Mata uang tahun 1912 yang diterbitkan oleh NBG]]
Mata uang diterbitkan oleh ''[[National Bank of Greece]]'' (NBG; "Bank Nasional Yunani") sejak tahun 1841 sampai 1928, ketika [[Bank of Greece]] dibentuk. Pecahan mata uang (denominasi) lama berkisar dari 10 sampai 500 drachmaedrakhma. Pecahan yang lebih kecil (1, 2, 3 dan 5 drachmaedrakhma) diterbitkan sejak tahun 1885, dimana mata uang pecahan 5-drachmadrakhma pertama dibuat dengan memotong mata uang 10-drachmadrakhma menjadi dua. Antara tahun 1917 dan 1920, pemerintah Yunani menerbitkan mata uang kertas dalam denominasi 10 lepta, 50 lepta, 1 drachmadrakhma, 2 drachmaedrakhma, dan 5 drachmaedrakhma. ''National Bank of Greece'' memperkenalkan mata uang 1000-drachmadrakhma pada tahun 1901, dan ''Bank of Greece'' memperkenalkan mata uang 5000-drachmadrakhma pada tahun 1928. Pemerintah Yunani kemudian menerbitkan lagi mata uang antara tahun 1940 dan 1944, dalam denominasi antara 50 lepta sampai 20 drachmaedrakhma.
Selama pendudukan Yunani oleh pasukan "Axis" [[Nazi|Jerman (Nazi)]]-[[Kerajaan Italia (1861–1946)|Italia]] antara tahun 1941 sampai 1944, hiperinflasi dahsyat dan penjarahan harta Yunani oleh [[Nazi]] menyebabkan penerbitan mata uang yang lebih tinggi lagi nilainya, mencapai mata uang pada tahun 1944.
===Second modern drachma===
Baris 201 ⟶ 187:
=== Euro ===
[[Uang logam]] yang beredar pada waktu pengadopsian mata uang ''[[euro]]''<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://www.bankofgreece.gr/en/Banknotes/coins.htm |title=Salinan arsip {{Wayback|dfaccess-date=yes2014-04-17 |archive-date=2009-03-05 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20090305014715/http://www.bankofgreece.gr/en/Banknotes/coins.htm|date |dead-url=20110721050633unfit }}</ref> dalam bentuk pecahan:
* .5 drachmadrakhma (€0.0015){{refn|group=n|name=coin1|Dicetak tapi jarang digunakan. Biasanya harga barang dibulatkan sampai kelipatan 10 drachmaedrakhma terdekat.}}
* 1 drachmadrakhma (€0.0029){{refn|group=n|name=coin2|Tidak dicetak tetapi tetap merupakan tanda pembayaran sah (tidak sungguh-sungguh digunakan pada tahun 2002).}}
* 2 drachmaedrakhma (€0.0059){{refn|group=n|name=coin2}}
* 5 drachmaedrakhma (€0.0147)
* 10 drachmaedrakhma (€0.0293)
* 20 drachmaedrakhma (€0.0587)
* 50 drachmaedrakhma (€0.147)
* 100 drachmaedrakhma (€0.293)
* 500 drachmaedrakhma (€1.47)
==== Post Euro Drachma (XGD) ====
Pada terminal-terminal [[Bloomberg]] ditampilkan Post Euro Drachma (XGD; "DrachmaDrakhma Pasca-Euro"). Menurut [[Bloomberg L.P.|Bloomberg]], ini hanyalah "suatu fungsi internal untuk tes." <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.businessinsider.com/xgd-greek-drachma-bloomberg-2012-6#ixzz1wxGUe4xx |title=businessinsider.com |publisher=businessinsider.com |date=2012-06-01 |accessdate=2013-11-17}}</ref>
==== Gambar ====
File:1drachmi 1973.jpg|1 drachmadrakhma selama zaman [[Metapolitefsi#Prologue|"Republik" yang dikontrol oleh militer tahun 1973-1974]]
Baris 223 ⟶ 209:
<!--The first issues of banknotes were in denominations of 10, 20 and 50 drachmae, soon followed by 100, 500 and 1000 drachmae by 1956. 5000-drachma notes were introduced in 1984, followed by 10,000-drachma notes in 1995 and 200-drachma notes in 1997.
[[Uang kertas]] yang beredar pada waktu pengadopsian [[euro]]<ref>{{cite web |url=http://greekcurrency.110mb.com |title=History of Greek Banknotes |publisher=Greekcurrency.110mb.com |date= |accessdate=2013-11-17 |archive-date=2020-03-09 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200309132202/http://greekcurrency.110mb.com/ |dead-url=yes }}</ref> adalah
* 100 drachmaedrakhma, [[Athena]], [[Adamantios Korais]] (€0.2935)
* 200 drachmaedrakhma, [[Rigas Feraios]] (€0.5869)
* 500 drachmaedrakhma, [[Ioannis Capodistrias]] (€1.47)
* 1000 drachmaedrakhma, [[Apollo]] (€2.93)
* 5000 drachmaedrakhma, [[Theodoros Kolokotronis]] (€14.67)
* 10,000 drachmaedrakhma, [[Georgios Papanikolaou|George Papanicolaou]], [[Asclepius]] (€29.35)
{|class="wikitable" style="font-size: 90%"
!colspan="7"| Mata uang kertas DrachmaDrakhma Yunani
! Gambar !! Nilai !! Setara dengan [[Euro|Euro (€)]] !! Warna utama !! Obverse !! Reverse !! Tanda air
| 50 drachmaedrakhma
| Biru
Baris 246 ⟶ 232:
| 100 drachmaedrakhma
| €0.2935
| Coklat dan ungu (obverse); Merah maron, hijau dan jingga (reverse)
Baris 254 ⟶ 240:
| 200 drachmaedrakhma
| €0.5869
| Jingga tua
Baris 262 ⟶ 248:
| 500 drachmaedrakhma
| €1.47
| Hijau tua
Baris 270 ⟶ 256:
| 1000 drachmaedrakhma
| €2.93
| Coklat
Baris 278 ⟶ 264:
| 5000 drachmaedrakhma
| €14.67
| Biru tua atau Ungu tua dan kuning-hijau
Baris 286 ⟶ 272:
| 10,000 drachmaedrakhma
| €29.35
| Ungu tua
Baris 294 ⟶ 280:
==Encoding Kode komputer ==
Dalam Unicode, simbol mata uang ini adalah {{unichar|20af|tanda DrachmaDrakhma}}.
== Lihat pula ==
Baris 317 ⟶ 303:
{{s-bef|before=[[Phoenix (Yunani)]]}}
{{s-ttl|title= Mata uang [[Yunani]]|years=1832–2001}}
Baris 326 ⟶ 312:
[[CategoryKategori:Mata uang Eropa]]
[[Category:Coins of ancient Greece]]
[[Category:Mata uang Eropa]]
[[Category:Currencies replaced by the euro]]
[[Category:Economic history of Greece]]
[[Category:Modern obsolete currencies]]
[[Kategori:Sejarah Yunani]]