Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(35 revisi perantara oleh 12 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 2:
| form = Uncial
| number = '''04'''
| image = codexCodex ephremi (The S.S. Teacher's Edition-The Holy Bible - Plate XXIV).jpg
| isize = 250 px
| caption= ''Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus'', di [[Bibliothèque nationale de France|Bibliothèque Nationale]], [[Paris]]
Baris 22:
'''Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus''' (Paris, [[Bibliothèque nationale de France]], Greek 9; [[Naskah Alkitab#Gregory-Aland|Gregory-Aland]] no. '''C''' or '''04''', [[Naskah Alkitab#Von Soden|von Soden]] δ 3) adalah naskah [[Alkitab]] [[Kristen]] dalam [[bahasa Yunani]] dari abad ke-5 M,<ref name=Aland>{{Cite book
| last = Aland
| first = Kurt
| authorlink = Kurt Aland
| coauthors = [[Barbara Aland]]; Erroll F. Rhodes (trans.)
| title = The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism
| publisher = [[William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company]]
| year = 1995
| location = Grand Rapids
|page = [ 109]
| page = 109
|url =
| url =
| doi =
| id =
| isbn = 978-0-8028-4098-1}}</ref> yang merupakan anggota terakhir kelompok "Empat naskah uncial agung" (lihat [[Codex Sinaiticus]], [[Codex Alexandrinus|Alexandrinus]] dan [[Codex Vaticanus|Vaticanus]]). Naskah ini ditemukan tidak dalam keadaan utuh, tetapi diyakini asalnya memuat seluruh [[Alkitab]].
Naskah ini mendapat namanya dari sebuah [[codex]] yang ditulisi suatu terjemahan bahasa Yunani dari suatu makalah tulisan [[EfraimEfrem orang Siria]], yaitu berupa penulisan ulang (''"rescriptus"'') suatu naskah yang telah dihapus dari lembaran-lembaran [[vellum]], membentuk suatu [[palimpsest]].<ref name = Aland/> Teks yang kemudian ini dibuat pada abad ke-12. Penghapusan lembaran asalnya tidak sempurna, dan di bawah teks Efraim itu masih dapat dilihat suatu naskah Alkitab lengkap, memuat bagian [[Perjanjian Lama]] dan [[Perjanjian Baru]]. Menjadi salah satu codex yang mendasari bidang kritik tekstual Alkitab.
Bagian teks palimpsest bawah telah dianalisis oleh pakar Alkitab dan tulisan kuno (palaeografi) [[Constantin von Tischendorf|Tischendorf]] pada tahun 1840–1843, dan disuntingnya pada tahun 1843–1845. Saat ini disimpan di [[Bibliothèque nationale de France]] (Grec 9) di [[Paris]].<ref name = Aland/><ref name = INTF>{{Cite web|url=|title= Liste Handschriften|publisher=Institute for New Testament Textual Research|accessdate=9 November 2011|location=Münster}}</ref>
Baris 43:
Hanya ada 209 lembaran yang terlestarikan, di mana 145 lembar memuat [[Perjanjian Baru]] dan 64 [[Perjanjian Lama]]. Codex itu berukuran 12¼ inci/31.4-32.5&nbsp;cm kali 9 inci/25.6-26.4&nbsp;cm.<ref name = Aland/> Ditulis dalam satu kolom tunggal per halaman, 40–46 baris per halaman, pada lembaran perkamen. Huruf-hurufnya bercorak [[uncial]] berukuran sedang.<ref name = Kenyon138/>
Tulisan uncial di naskah ini bersambungan, dengan tanda baca yang hanya berupa satu titik, sebagaimana di [[Codex Alexandrinus]] dan [[Codex Vaticanus]]. Huruf-huruf besar di awal bagian nampaktampak menonjol pada marjin, seperti di [[Codex Alexandrinus]] dan [[:en:Codex Basilensis A. N. III. 12|Codex Basilensis]]. Huruf-huruf [[iota]] dan [[upsilon]], yang pada Alexandrinus dan banyak naskah lain ditambah dua titik di atasnya (tanda diaeresis) ketika mereka memulai suatu suku kata – kadang kala hanya satu titik – dalam Codex Ephraemi berupa satu garis pendek di atas.<ref name = Scrivener123>{{Cite book
| last = Scrivener
| first = Frederick Henry Ambrose
| authorlink = Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener
| coauthors = Edward Miller
| title = [[A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament]]
| publisher = [[George Bell & Sons]]
| edition = 4
| year = 1894
| location = London
| volume = 1
| page = 123
| url =
| isbn = }}</ref>
Tanda nafas dan aksen ditambahkan di kemudian hari oleh jurutulis yang lain.<ref name = Gregory41>{{Cite book
| last = Gregory
| first = Caspar René
| authorlink = Caspar René Gregory
| title = Textkritik des Neuen Testaments
| publisher = J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung
| year = 1900
| location = Leipzig
| volume = 1
| page = 41
| url =
| isbn = }}</ref> Istilah-istilah [[nomina sacra]] disingkat dengan cara tidak lazim: {{Nomen sacrum|ΙΗΣ}} untuk Ἰησοῦς (''Yesus''), {{Nomen sacrum|IHY}} untuk Ἰησοῦ (''dari Yesus''), {{Nomen sacrum|XPΣ}} untuk Χριστὸς (''Kristus''), {{Nomen sacrum|ΧPY}} untuk Χριστοῦ (''dari Kristus''), <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΠΑP</span> untuk Πατήρ (''Bapa''), dan <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΣTH</span> untuk Σταυρωθῇ (''menyalibkan'').<ref name = Gregory43>{{Cite book
| last = Gregory
| first = Caspar René
| authorlink = Caspar René Gregory
| title = Textkritik des Neuen Testaments
| publisher = J.C. Hinrichs’sche Buchhandlung
| year = 1900
| location = Leipzig
| volume = 1
| page = 43
| url =
| isbn = }}</ref><ref group="n">Πατήρ biasanya disingkat menjadi <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΠHP</span>, Σταυρωθῇ menjadi <span style="text-decoration: overline">ΣTΘH</span>. SeeLihat [[Larry W. Hurtado]], ''The Earliest Christian Artifacts'', Wm. Eerdmans, 2006, p. 134.</ref>
Teks kitab-kitab Injil dibagi menurut {{lang|grc|κεφαλαια}} (''kefalaia'' atau "pasal-pasal"), tetapi τιτλοι (''titloi''; ''titel'' atau judul pasal) tidak ditempatkan di marjin atas halaman sebagaimana pada[[Codex Alexandrinus]]. Suatu daftar τιτλοι (''daftar titel'', yaitu semacam daftar isi) berada di bagian depan setiap kitab Injil.<ref name = Scrivener123/>
teks <!--TheInjil textdibagi of the Gospels is divided into smallatas [[Eusebian Canons|AmmonianPembagian SectionsAmmonius]] yang lebih kecil, whosedi numbersmana are givennomor-nomor atdicantumkan thepada marginmarjin, withdengan referencesrujukan to thekepada [[EusebianKanon CanonsEusebius]] (writtenditulis belowdi Ammonianbawah Sectionnomor numbersPembagian Ammonius). ThereTidak isada nopembagian divisiondalam in the otherkitab-kitab bookslain.<ref name = Kenyon138/>-->
Bagian [[Pericope Adulterae]] (Yohanes 7:53–8:11) termasuk ke dalam dua lembaran yang tidak ditemukan (yang seharusnya memuat Yohanes 7:3–8:34), tetapi diperkirakan memang tidak dimuat berdasarkan penghitungan jumlah baris, yaitu tidak cukup tempat sebagaimana pada Codex Alexandrinus.<ref>[[Bruce M. Metzger]], ''A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament'' ([[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]: Stuttgart 2001), p. 187.</ref> Teks [[Markus 16#Ayat 9-20|Mark 16:9–20]] juga terdapat dalam lembaran yang hilang!, meskipun diperkirakan ada menurut penghitungan jumlah baris.<ref>[[Bruce M. Metzger]], ''A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament'' ([[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]: Stuttgart 2001), p. 103.</ref> <!--The texts ofTeks [[Christ'sLukas agony22#Ayat at Gethsemane43-44|Luke 22:43–44]] werejuga alsoterdapat locatedpada onlembaran theyang lost leaveshilang, butsehingga there is no indication whether it was included in thetidak originaldiketahui codexdimuat oratau nottidaknya.<ref>''The Greek New Testament'', ed. K. Aland, A. Black, [[Carlo Maria Martini|C. M. Martini]], B. M. Metzger, and [[Allen Wikgren|A. Wikgren]], in cooperation with INTF, ''United Bible Societies'', 3rd edition, (Stuttgart 1983), p. 305. [UBS3]</ref> The text ofAyat MarkMarkus 15:28 istidak omitteddimuat.<ref>''The Greek New Testament'', ed. K. Aland, A. Black, C. M. Martini, B. M. Metzger, and A. Wikgren, in cooperation with INTF, ''United Bible Societies'', 3rd edition, (Stuttgart 1983), p. 193.</ref>
Bagian Perjanjian Lama yang terlestarikan adalah bagian-bagian dari
Baris 93:
* [[Kitab Kebijaksanaan]], dan
* [[Kitab Yesus bin Sirakh|Kitab Sirakh]].<ref>Würthwein Ernst (1988). ''Der Text des Alten Testaments'', Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, p. 85.</ref>
[[FileBerkas:Codex Ephraemi Mt 261,521-6918.JPG|thumbjmpl|rightka|200px|Matius 261:52–692–18 pada edisi faksimili Tischendorf (1843)Tischendorfs]]
Bagian Perjanjian Baru meliputi
* Empat [[Injil]]
Baris 106:
* [[Injil Lukas]]: 1:1–2; 2:5–42; 3:21–4:25; 6:4–36; 7:17–8:28; 12:4–19:42; 20:28–21:20; 22:19–23:25; 24:7–45
* [[Injil Yohanes]]: 1:1–3; 1:41–3:33; 5:17–6:38; 7:3–8:34; 9:11–11:7; 11:47–13:7; 14:8–16:21; 18:36–20:25;
* [[Kisah Para Rasul]]: 1:1–2; 4:3–5:34; 6:8; 10:43–13:1; 16:37–20:10; 21:31–22:20; 323:18–24:15; 26:19–27:16; 28:5-akhir.;
* [[Surat Roma]]: 1:1–3; 2:5–3:21; 9:6–10:15; 11:31–13:10;
* [[Surat 1 Korintus]]: 1:1–2; 7:18–9:6; 13:8–15:40;
Baris 128:
* [[Surat 3 Yohanes]]: 1–2;
* [[Surat Yudas]]: 1–2;
* [[Kitab Wahyu]]: 1:1–2; 3:20–5:14; 7:14–17; 8:5–9:16; 10:10–11:3; 16:13–18:2; 19:5-akhir.<ref>[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], Barbara Aland and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 689.</ref>
== Teks ==
[[FileBerkas:Codex Ephraemi Mt 126,152-1869.JPG|thumbjmpl|rightka|200px|Matius 126:2–1852–69 pada edisi faksimili TischendorfsTischendorf (1843)]]
=== Jenis teks ===
Naskah Yunani ini tergolong jenis [[Teks Alexandria]], dengan sejumlah bacaan Bizantin pada kitab-kitab Injil, tetapi juga banyak bacaan jenis Alexandria. Dinyatakan sebagai saksi Bizantin lemah bagi Injil Matius, Alexandria lemah bagi Injil Markus, dan Alexandria kuat bagi Injil Yohanes. In Pada Injil. Lukas ciri tekstualnya tidak jelas.<ref name = Waltz>{{cite web |url= |title=An Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism |chapter= New Testament Manuscripts Uncials |accessdate=2010-11-12 |author=Waltz, Robert |work=A Site Inspired By: The Encyclopedia of New Testament Textual Criticism}}</ref> Westcott-Hort serta [[Hermann von Soden]] menggolongkannya ke dalam jenis teks Alexandria.<ref name = Wisse/>
Menurut [[Kurt Aland]] ituntuk agreesbacaan-bacaan withtidak thelazim, Byzantineteks text-typeini bersesuaian dengan jenis [[teks Bizantin]] umum 87 timeskali inpada theKitab-kitab GospelsInjil, 13 timeskali inpada theKisah Actspara Rasul, 29 timeskali inpada PaulSurat-surat Paulus, anddan 16 timeskali inpada the Catholicsurat-surat epistlesAm. ItBersesuaian agreesdengan with theteks Nestle-Aland text(gabungan berbagai jenis teks) 66 timeskali (GospelsInjil), 38 (ActsKisah), 104 (Paul), anddan 41 (Cath.Am). It hasAda 50 independent orbacaan distinctiveindependen readingsatau inunik thepada GospelsInjil, 11 inpada ActsKisah, 17 inpada Paul, anddan 14 inpada the Catholicsurat-surat epistlesAm. Aland placedmenempatkannya the text of the codex indalam [[CategoriesKategori ofNaskah NewPerjanjian Testament manuscripts#Category IIBaru|CategoryKategori II]].<ref name = Aland/> -->Menurut "Metode Profil Claremont" teks ini merupakan jenis campuran pada [[Lukas 1]], [[Lukas 10]], dan [[Lukas 20]].<ref name = Wisse>{{Cite book
| last = Wisse
| first = Frederik
| authorlink =
| title = The profile method for the classification and evaluation of manuscript evidence, as Applied to the Continuous Greek Text of the Gospel of Luke
| publisher = [[William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company]]
| year = 1982
| location = Grand Rapids
|page = [ 52]
| page = 52
|url =
| url =
| doi =
| isbn = 0-8028-1918-4}}</ref>
Dalam kitab Wahyu, Codex Ephraemi merupakan saksi dari bentuk yang sama dengan teks Codex Alexandrinus.<ref>[[David C. Parker]], ''New Testament Manuscripts and Their Texts'', Cambridge University Press 2008, p. 235.</ref>
=== Interpolations ===
In [[Matthew 8:13]] it has additional text (see Luke 7:10): {{Unicode|και υποστρεψας ο εκατονταρχος εις τον οικον αυτου εν αυτη τη ωρα ευρεν τον παιδα υγιαινοντα}} (''and when the centurion returned to the house in that hour, he found the slave well'') as well as codices (Sinaiticus, [[Codex Petropolitanus Purpureus|N]]), [[Codex Koridethi|Θ]], [[Family 1|''f''<sup>1</sup>]], [[Minuscule 545|545]], [[Codex Sangermanensis I|g<sup>1</sup>]], syr<sup>h</sup>.<ref>[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 18 [NA26]</ref>
=== Interpolasi ===
In [[Matthew 27:49]] codex contains added text: {{Unicode|ἄλλος δὲ λαβὼν λόγχην ἒνυξεν αὐτοῦ τὴν πλευράν, καὶ ἐξῆλθεν ὖδορ καὶ αἳμα}} (''the other took a spear and pierced His side, and immediately came out water and blood''). This reading was derived from John 19:34 and occurs in other manuscripts of the Alexandrian text-type (א, [[Codex Vaticanus|B]], [[Codex Regius (New Testament)|L]], [[Codex Tischendorfianus IV|Γ]], 1010, 1293, pc, vg<sup>mss</sup>).<ref>Bruce M. Metzger (2001). "A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament", ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', Stuttgart: United Bible Societies, p. 59.</ref><ref>[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 84.</ref><ref>''The Greek New Testament'', ed. K. Aland, A. Black, C. M. Martini, B. M. Metzger, and A. Wikgren, in cooperation with INTF, ''United Bible Societies'', 3rd edition, (Stuttgart 1983), p. 113.</ref>
InPada [[Matthew{{Alkitab|Matius 8:13]]}} itada hasteks additional texttambahan (seelihat Luke{{Alkitab|Lukas 7:10}}): {{Unicode|και υποστρεψας ο εκατονταρχος εις τον οικον αυτου εν αυτη τη ωρα ευρεν τον παιδα υγιαινοντα}} (''anddan whenketika theperwira centurionitu returnedkembali toke therumah housepada injam that houritu, heia foundmenemukan thehambanya slave wellsembuh'') assebagaimana wellkodeks-[[kodeks as codices (Sinaiticus]], [[Codex Petropolitanus Purpureus|N]]), [[Codex Koridethi|Θ]], [[Family 1|''f''<sup>1</sup>]], [[Minuscule 545|545]], [[Codex Sangermanensis I|g<sup>1</sup>]], syr<sup>h</sup>.<ref>[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 18 [NA26]</ref>
InPada Acts{{Alkitab|Matius 1427:1949}} itada hastambahan additionalteks: text{{Unicode|ἄλλος καιδὲ διαλεγομενωνλαβὼν αυτωνλόγχην παρρησιαἒνυξεν επεισαναὐτοῦ τουςτὴν οχλουςπλευράν, αποστηναικαὶ απ'ἐξῆλθεν αυτωνὖδορ λεγοντες,καὶ οτιαἳμα}} ουδεν(''orang αληθεςyang λεγουσινlain αλλαmengambil πανταsebilah ψευδονταιtombak fordan καιmenusuk πεισαντηςsisi-Nya, τουςdan οχλους;<ref>{{citesegera bookkeluar |air lastdan =darah''). AlandBacaan |ini firstditurunkan = K.dari {{Alkitab|last2=Yohanes Black19:34}} |dan first2juga =ditemukan M. |pada last3naskah-naskah =jenis [[Carloteks Maria Martini|C. M. MartiniAleksandria]], B.lain Metzger, A. Wikgren[[Codex Vaticanus|titleB]], =[[Codex The GreekRegius (New Testament )|L]], edition[[Codex = 3Tischendorfianus IV|Γ]], publisher=United1010, Bible1293, Societies|place=Stuttgart|page=472|year=1983}}pc, vg<sup>mss</sup>).<ref>Bruce similarM. readingsMetzger appear(2001). in"A codices:Textual [[MinusculeCommentary 6|6]],on [[Minusculethe 36|36]],Greek [[MinusculeNew 81|81]]Testament", ''[[MinusculeDeutsche 104|104Bibelgesellschaft]]'', [[MinusculeStuttgart: 326|326]],United [[MinusculeBible 452|452]]Societies, 945,p. 1175, 173959.</ref><ref>[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], Barbara Aland and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 36384.</ref><ref>''The [NA26]Greek New Testament'', ed. K. Aland, A. Black, C. M. Martini, B. M. Metzger, and A. Wikgren, in cooperation with INTF, ''United Bible Societies'', 3rd edition, (Stuttgart 1983), p. 113.</ref>
Pada {{Alkitab|Kisah Para Rasul 14:19}} ada teks tambahan: και διαλεγομενων αυτων παρρησια επεισαν τους οχλους αποστηναι απ' αυτων λεγοντες, οτι ουδεν αληθες λεγουσιν αλλα παντα ψευδονται for και πεισαντης τους οχλους;<ref>{{cite book | last = Aland | first = K. |last2= Black | first2 = M. | last3 = [[Carlo Maria Martini|C. M. Martini]], B. Metzger, A. Wikgren |title = The Greek New Testament | edition = 3 | publisher=United Bible Societies|place=Stuttgart|page=472|year=1983}}</ref> yang mirip dengan bacaan pada: [[Minuscule 6|6]], [[Minuscule 36|36]], [[Minuscule 81|81]], [[Minuscule 104|104]], [[Minuscule 326|326]], [[Minuscule 452|452]], 945, 1175, 1739.<ref>[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], Barbara Aland and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 363. [NA26]</ref>
=== Sejumlah koreksi ===
[[File:Codex Ephraemi Mt 26,52-69.JPG|thumb|right|200px|Matius 26:52–69 pada edisi faksimili Tischendorf (1843)]]
=== Sejumlah koreksi ===
[[FileBerkas:Codex Ephraemi 1 Tim 3,15-16.JPG|thumbjmpl|rightka|440px|Faksimili Scrivener's facsimiledengan withteks text ofdari 1 TimTimotius 3:15–16]]
Dalam [[Matius 11#Ayat 2|Matius 11:2]] teks aslinya tertulis δια (''oleh'') sebagaimana kodeks א, B, [[Codex Bezae|D]], [[Codex Guelferbytanus A|P]], [[Codex Washingtonianus|W]], [[Codex Dublinensis|Z]], [[Codex Sangallensis 48|Δ]], [[Codex Koridethi|Θ]], [[Uncial 0233|0233]], ''f''<sup>13</sup>, 33, tetapi korektor ketiga C<sup>3</sup> mengubahnya menjadi δυο (''dua'') — sebagaimana pada kodeks L, ''f''<sup>1</sup>, Byz<ref>Eberhard Nestle, Erwin Nestle, Barbara Aland dan [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 27. [NA26]</ref>
Dalam Kisah Para Rasul 20:28 tertulis {{Unicode|του κυριου}} (''dari Tuhan'') sebagaimana naskah [[Papirus 74|<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>74</sup>]] [[Codex Bezae|D]] [[Codex Laudianus|E]] [[Codex Athous Lavrensis|Ψ]] [[Minuscule 33|33]] [[Minuscule 36|36]] [[Minuscule 453|453]] [[Minuscule 945|945]] [[Minuscule 1739|1739]] [[Minuscule 1891|1891]], tetapi seorang korektor menambahkan και του Θεου (''dan Allah'') sebagaimana [[Codex Porphyrianus|P]] [[Uncial 049|049]] [[Minuscule 326|326]] [[Minuscule 1241|1241]] [[Minuscule 2492|2492]] dan naskah-naskah Bizantin.<ref>Eberhard Nestle, Erwin Nestle, and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 384.</ref><ref group="n">Varian-varian tekstual lain ayat ini dapat dilihat pada: [[Varian tekstual dalam Perjanjian Baru#Kisah Para Rasul|Varian tekstual dalam Kisah Para Rasul]].</ref>
In 1 Corinthians 12:9 the original scribe omits phrase εν τω αυτω πνευματι (''in His spirit''), but it was added by the third corrector (C<sup>3</sup>).<ref>''The Greek New Testament'', ed. K. Aland, A. Black, C. M. Martini, B. M. Metzger, and A. Wikgren, in cooperation with INTF, ''United Bible Societies'', 3rd edition, (Stuttgart 1983), 605.</ref>
InPada 1 CorinthiansKorintus 12:9 thejurutulis originalasli scribemenghilangkan omits phrasefrasa εν τω αυτω πνευματι (''indalam His spiritroh-Nya''), but it was addedtetapi byditambahkan theoleh thirdkorektor correctorketiga (C<sup>3</sup>).<ref>''The Greek New Testament'', ed. K. Aland, A. Black, C. M. Martini, B. M. Metzger, and A. Wikgren, in cooperation with INTF, ''United Bible Societies'', 3rd edition, (Stuttgart 1983), 605.</ref>
[[File:Codex Ephraemi 1 Tim 3,15-16.JPG|thumb|right|440px|Scrivener's facsimile with text of 1 Tim 3:15–16]]
In 1 Timothy 3:16 it reads ὅς ἐφανερώθη (''He was manifested''), but the second corrector (C<sup>2</sup>) changed it into θεός ἐφανερώθη (''God was manifested'');<ref>Bruce M. Metzger (2001). "A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament", ''Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft'', Stuttgart: United Bible Societies, p. 575-576.</ref><ref group="n">For the another textual variants of this verse see: [[Textual variants in the New Testament#First Epistle to Timothy|Textual variants in 1 Timothy]].</ref>
InPada 1 TimothyTimotius 3:16 it readstertulis ὅς ἐφανερώθη (''HeIa was manifestedmenjelma''), but thetetapi secondkorektor correctorkedua (C<sup>2</sup>) changed it intomengubahnya θεός ἐφανερώθη (''GodAllah was manifestedmenjelma'');<ref>Bruce M. Metzger (2001). "A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament", ''Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft'', Stuttgart: United Bible Societies, p. 575-576.</ref><ref group="n">ForVarian-varian thetekstual anotherlain textualayat variantsini ofdapat thisdilihat verse seepada: [[TextualVarian variantstekstual indalam thePerjanjian New TestamentBaru#FirstSurat Epistle1 toTimotius|Varian Timothy|Textualtekstual variantsdalam inSurat 1 TimothyTimotius]].</ref>
In James 1:22 it reads λογου (''of the word'') as majority of manuscripts, but the second corrector (C<sup>2</sup>) corrected into νομου (''of the law''), as have manuscripts: 88, [[Minuscule 621|621]], 1067, 1852.<ref name="NA26, p. 589"/>
InPada JamesYakobus 1:22 it readstertulis λογου (''ofdari the wordfirman'') assebagaimana majoritymayoritas of manuscriptsnaskah, buttetapi thekorektor second correctorkedua (C<sup>2</sup>) correctedmengkoreksi intomenjadi νομου (''ofdari the lawhukum''), as havesebagaimana manuscriptsnaskah: 88, [[Minuscule 621|621]], 1067, 1852.<ref name="NA26, p. 589"/>
=== Selected textual variants ===
Acts 15:23
: It has the unique reading {{Unicode|γραψαντης δια χειρος αυτων επιστολην περιεχουσαν ταδε}} (''they wrote by their hands the letter containing this''), which is not supported by any other Greek manuscripts, though it is supported by versions: ar, c, [[Codex Gigas|gig]], [[Codex Waldeccensis|w]], geo. The majority of the Greek manuscripts read {{Unicode|γραψαντης δια χειρος αυτων ταδε}} (''they wrote this by their hands''), the Alexandrian manuscripts read {{Unicode|γραψαντης δια χειρος αυτων}} (''wrote by their hands'').<ref>[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], Barbara Aland and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 366. [NA26]</ref>
=== Varian tekstual terkenal ===
Romans 16:24
Kisah Para Rasul 15:23
: Verse is omitted along with [[Codex Sinaiticus]] A B [[Minuscule 5|5]] 81 [[Minuscule 263|263]] [[Minuscule 623|623]] 1739 1838 1962 [[Minuscule 2127|2127]] it<sup>z</sup> vg<sup>ww</sup> cop<sup>sa,bo</sup> eth<sup>ro</sup> Origen<sup>lat</sup>)
: ItMemuat hasbacaan the unique readingunik {{Unicode|γραψαντης δια χειρος αυτων επιστολην περιεχουσαν ταδε}} (''theymereka wrotemenulis bydengan theirtangan-tangan handsmereka thesurat letteryang containingmemuat thisini''), whichyang istidak notada supportedpada bynaskah-naskah anybahasa otherYunani Greek manuscriptslainnya, thoughmeskipun itdidukung isoleh supported by versionsversi-versi: ar, c, [[Codex Gigas|gig]], [[Codex Waldeccensis|w]], geo. TheMayoritas majoritynaskah ofbahasa theYunani Greek manuscripts readmemuat {{Unicode|γραψαντης δια χειρος αυτων ταδε}} (''theymereka wrotemenulis thisdengan bytangan-tangan their handsmereka''), thenaskah-naksah Alexandrianberjenis manuscripts[[teks Alexandria]] readmemuat {{Unicode|γραψαντης δια χειρος αυτων}} (''wrotemenulis bydengan theirtangan-tangan handsmereka'').<ref>[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], Barbara Aland and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 366. [NA26]</ref>
RomansRoma 16:24
Revelation 13:18
: VerseAyat isini omittedtidak alongdimuat withsebagaimana [[Codex Sinaiticus]] A B [[Minuscule 5|5]] 81 [[Minuscule 263|263]] [[Minuscule 623|623]] 1739 1838 1962 [[Minuscule 2127|2127]] it<sup>z</sup> vg<sup>ww</sup> cop<sup>sa,bo</sup> eth<sup>ro</sup> Origen<sup>lat</sup>)
: "The [[number of the beast]]" it reads hexakosiai deka hex (lit. six hundred sixteen);<ref>[[Herman C. Hoskier]], ''Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse'', vol. 2, p. 364.</ref> it is one of the most famous readings of the codex, it is also attested by [[Papyrus 115]].<ref>{{Cite book|last1=Metzger|first1=Bruce M.|authorlink1=Bruce M. Metzger|last2=Ehrman|first2=Bart D. |authorlink2=Bart D. Ehrman|title=The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration|year=2005|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=New York – Oxford|url=|isbn=978-0-19-516122-9|page=61}}</ref>
Wahyu 13:18
=== Some other textual variants ===
: "The [[numberBilangan of the beastbinatang]]" it readstertulis ''hexakosiai deka hex'' (lit."enam sixratus hundredenam sixteenbelas");<ref>[[Herman C. Hoskier|erman C. Hoskier]], ''Concerning the Text of the Apocalypse'', vol. 2, p. 364.</ref> itmerupakan issalah onesatu ofbacaan thepaling mostterkenal famousdari readings of thenaskah codexini, ityang isdidukung also attested byoleh [[PapyrusPapirus 115]], berbeda dengan mayoritas naskah lainnya yang memuat angka "666".<ref>{{Cite book|last1=Metzger|first1=Bruce M.|authorlink1=Bruce M. Metzger|last2=Ehrman|first2=Bart D. |authorlink2=Bart D. Ehrman|title=The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration|year=2005|publisher=Oxford University Press|location=New York – Oxford|url=|isbn=978-0-19-516122-9|page=61|access-date=2013-09-19|archive-date=2013-10-13|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
<small>The words before the bracket are the reading of the majority manuscripts, the reading after the bracket are the readings of the codex.</small>
=== Sejumlah varian tekstual lain ===
[[Matthew 22:10]] – γαμος ] αγαμος; some manuscripts read νυμφων (codices א, B, L, [[Uncial 0138|0138]], 892, 1010);<ref>[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 62.</ref>
<small>Kata-kata di sebelah kiri tanda kurung adalah bacaan dari mayoritas naskah, bacaan setelah tanda kurung adalah bacaan dari kodeks ini.</small>
Mark[[Matius 22|Matius 22:10:35]]οιγαμος υιοι] Ζεβεδαιουαγαμος; (''thebeberapa sonsnaskah ofmemuat Zebedee'')νυμφων ](codices οιא, δυοB, υιοιL, Ζεβεδαιου[[Uncial (''the0138|0138]], two892, sons of Zebedee''1010); the reading is supported by Codex Vaticanus and Coptic version;<ref>[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 12462.</ref>
[[Matthew{{Alkitab|Markus 22:10]]:35}}γαμοςοι ]υιοι αγαμος;Ζεβεδαιου some(''putra-putra manuscriptsZebedeus'') read] νυμφωνοι δυο υιοι Ζεβεδαιου (codices''kedua א,putra B,Zebedeus''); L,bacaan [[Uncialini 0138|0138]],didukung 892,oleh 1010)Codex Vaticanus dan versi Koptik;<ref>[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 62124.</ref>
Romans 16:15 – Ιουλιαν, Νηρεα ] Ιουνιαν, Νηρεα; the reading is supported only by [[Codex Boernerianus]] (Greek text).<ref>''The Greek New Testament'', ed. K. Aland, A. Black, C. M. Martini, B. M. Metzger, and A. Wikgren, in cooperation with INTF, ''United Bible Societies'', 3rd edition, (Stuttgart 1983), p. 575. [UBS3]</ref>
1 Corinthians{{Alkitab|Roma 216:115}}μαρτυριονΙουλιαν, (''testimony'')Νηρεα ] μυστηριονΙουνιαν, (''secret'')Νηρεα; thebacaan readingini ishanya supporteddidukung by [[Papyrus 46|<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>46</sup>]],oleh [[Codex Sinaiticus|אBoernerianus]], [[Codex(teks Alexandrinus|Α]],bahasa [[Minuscule 88|88]], [[Minuscule 436|436]], it<sup>a,r</sup>, [[Peshitta|syr<sup>p</sup>]], cop<sup>bo</sup>; other manuscripts read σωτηριον (''savior''Yunani).<ref>''The Greek New Testament'', ed. K. Aland, A. Black, C. M. Martini, B. M. Metzger, and A. Wikgren, in cooperation with INTF, ''United Bible Societies'', 3rd edition, (Stuttgart 1983), p. 581575. [UBS3]</ref>
{{Alkitab|1 CorinthiansKorintus 72:51}}τη νηστεια και τη προσευχημαρτυριον (''fasting and prayerkesaksian'') ] τη προσευχημυστηριον (''prayerrahasia''); the readingbacaan isini supporteddidukung byoleh [[PapyrusPapirus 1146|<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>1146</sup>]], <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>46</sup>, א*, A, [[Codex VaticanusSinaiticus|Bא]], C, D, G, P, Ψ, 33, 81, [[MinusculeCodex 104Alexandrinus|104Α]], [[Minuscule 18188|18188]], [[Minuscule 629436|629436]], it<sup>a,r</sup>, [[Minuscule 630Pesyita|630syr<sup>p</sup>]], 1739, 1877, 1881, 1962, it vg, cop,<sup>bo</sup>; arm,naskah-naskah eth.lain Othermemuat manuscripts read or τη προσευχη και νηστειασωτηριον (''prayer and fastingjuruselamat'').<ref>''The Greek New Testament'', ed. K. Aland, A. Black, C. M. Martini, B. M. Metzger, and A. Wikgren, in cooperation with INTF, ''United Bible Societies'', 3rd edition, (Stuttgart 1983), p. 591581.</ref>
James {{Alkitab|1 Korintus 7:125}}οτη κυριοςνηστεια και τη προσευχη (''theberpuasa Lorddan berdoa'') ] κυριοςτη προσευχη (''Lordprayer''); somebacaan manuscriptsini havedidukung οoleh θεος[[Papirus (''God'')11|<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>11</sup>]], <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>46</sup>, א*, A, ([[MinusculeCodex 4Vaticanus|4B]], C, D, G, P, Ψ, 33, 81, [[Minuscule 33104|33104]], [[Minuscule 2816181|2816181]]<sup>vid</sup>, [[Minuscule 323629|323629]], 945[[Minuscule 630|630]], 1739, vg1877, syr<sup>p</sup>)1881, others1962, omitit this word (אvg, Acop, Barm, Ψ,eth. [[MinusculeNaskah-naskah 81|81]],lain ff,memuat coτη προσευχη και νηστεια (''berdoa dan berpuasa'').<ref>''The name="NA26Greek New Testament'', ped. 589">[[EberhardK. Nestle]]Aland, [[ErwinA. Nestle]]Black, C. M. Martini, B. M. Metzger, and [[KurtA. Aland]]Wikgren, (eds)in cooperation with INTF, ''[[NovumUnited TestamentumBible Graece]]Societies'', 26th3rd edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 19911983), p. 589591.</ref>
Revelation{{Alkitab|Yakobus 1:512}}λουσαντι ημαςο εκκυριος (''washedSang us fromTuhan'') ] λυσαντι ημας εκκυριος (''freedTuhan''); ussejumlah fromnaskah memuat ο θεος (''God'') ([[Minuscule as4|4]], have[[Minuscule manuscripts:33|33]], [[PapyrusMinuscule 182816|P2816]]<sup>18vid</sup>]], [[CodexMinuscule Sinaiticus323|<big>א</big>323]], 945, 1739, vg, syr<sup>cp</sup>]]), [[Codexyang lain tidak memuat kata ini (א, Alexandrinus|A]], B, Ψ, [[Minuscule 281481|281481]], 2020ff, 2081co).<ref name="NA26, p. 589">[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 632589.</ref>
2 Timothy 4:10 – Γαλατιαν ] Γαλλιαν – the reading is supported by Sinaiticus, 81, 104, [[Minuscule 326|326]], 436.<ref>{{cite book | last = Aland | first = K. | last2 = Black | first2 = M. | last3 = [[Carlo Maria Martini|C. M. Martini]], B. Metzger, A. Wikgren |title = The Greek New Testament | edition = 3 | publisher=United Bible Societies|place=Stuttgart|page=737|year=1983}}</ref>
{{Alkitab|2 TimothyTimotius 4:10}} – Γαλατιαν ] Γαλλιαν – thebacaan readingini isdidukung supportedoleh byCodex Sinaiticus, 81, 104, [[Minuscule 326|326]], 436.<ref>{{cite book | last = Aland | first = K. | last2 = Black | first2 = M. | last3 = [[Carlo Maria Martini|C. M. Martini]], B. Metzger, A. Wikgren |title = The Greek New Testament | edition = 3 | publisher=United Bible Societies|place=Stuttgart|page=737|year=1983}}</ref>
{{Alkitab|Wahyu 1:5}} – λουσαντι ημας εκ (''menyucikan kita dari'') ] λυσαντι ημας εκ (''memerdekakan kita dari'') — sebagaimana pada naskah-naskah: [[Papirus 18|P<sup>18</sup>]], [[Codex Sinaiticus|<big>א</big><sup>c</sup>]], [[Codex Alexandrinus|A]], [[Minuscule 2814|2814]], 2020, 2081.<ref>[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 632.</ref>
Revelation 1:5 – λουσαντι ημας εκ (''washed us from'') ] λυσαντι ημας εκ (''freed us from'') — as have manuscripts: [[Papyrus 18|P<sup>18</sup>]], [[Codex Sinaiticus|<big>א</big><sup>c</sup>]], [[Codex Alexandrinus|A]], [[Minuscule 2814|2814]], 2020, 2081.<ref>[[Eberhard Nestle]], [[Erwin Nestle]], and [[Kurt Aland]] (eds), ''[[Novum Testamentum Graece]]'', 26th edition, (Stuttgart: ''[[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]]'', 1991), p. 632.</ref>
== Sejarah ==
[[FileBerkas:Tischendorf um 1841.jpg|thumbjmpl|leftkiri|200px|Tischendorf pada tahun 1841]]
Naskah ini mungkin dibuat di Mesir (atau Palestina)<ref name = Gregory41/> sebelum pertengahan abad ke-5. Ditulis paling sedikit oleh dua jurutulis; menurut [[Constantin von Tischendorf|Tischendorf]], ada tiga jurutulis (A, B, C). Teksnya dikoreksi oleh tiga orang korektor, diberi kode C<sup>1</sup>, C<sup>2</sup>, dan C<sup>3</sup> (Tischendorf memberi kode C*, C**, dan C***). Kadang kala diberi kode C<sup>a</sup>, C<sup>b</sup>, dan C<sup>c</sup>.<ref name = Aland/>
Korektor pertama (C<sup>1</sup>) bekerja di suatu "scriptorium", sedangkan korektor kedua (C<sup>2</sup>) bekerja di Palestina pada abad ke-6. Koreksinya tidak banyak, hanya dalam [[Kitab Yesus bin Sirakh|Kitab Sirakh]].<ref name = Swete>{{Cite book | last = Swete | first = H. B. | title = An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek| location = Cambridge| year = 1902 | url =| pages = 128–129}}</ref> Saat itu, naskah tersebut mungkin disimpan di perpustakaan "Theological Library of Caesarea Maritima" di kota [[Kaisarea]], suatu perpustakaan teologi yang terkenal pada zaman kuno.<ref>[[Bruce M. Metzger]], [[Bart D. Ehrman]], "The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration", ''[[Oxford University Press]]'' (New York – Oxford, 2005), p. 70.</ref>
Korektor yang ketiga dan terakhir (C<sup>3</sup>) menulis pada abad ke-9, kemungkinan di kota [[Konstantinopel]]. Ia merevisi bacaan dalam codex untuk penggunaan gerejawi (''ecclesiastical''), menambahi tanda aksen, tanda nafas, dan catatan pembacaan. Ia juga menambahi petunjuk liturgis pada marjin, dan bekerja ekstensif pada codex.<ref name = Scrivener123/> It was re-written in the twelfth century.<ref>{{Cite book| last = Gregory | first = C. R. | authorlink = Caspar René Gregory | title = Canon and Text of the New Testament | publisher = Charles Scribner's Sons | year = 1907 | location = New York | page = 348 | url = |accessdate= 2011-08-03 }}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |last1=Metzger |first1=Bruce M. |authorlink1=Bruce M. Metzger |last2=Ehrman |first2=Bart D. |authorlink2=Bart D. Ehrman |title=The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption and Restoration | edition = 4 |year=2005 |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=New York – Oxford |url=|isbn=978-0-19-516122-9 |page= [ 70] }}</ref>
After the [[fall of Constantinople]] in 1453, the ''codex'' was brought to Florence by an émigré scholar.<ref>[ ''Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus'' – ''Catholic Encyclopedia'']</ref> It belonged to Niccolo Ridolpho († 1550) Cardinal of Florence. After his death it was probably bought by [[Piero Strozzi]], an Italian military leader, for [[Catherine de' Medici]]. Catherine brought it to France as part of her dowry, and from the Bourbon royal library it came to rest in the [[Bibliothèque nationale de France]], Paris. The manuscript was bound in 1602.<ref name = Gregory42>{{Cite book
Baris 234 ⟶ 233:
| page = 121
| url =
| isbn = }}</ref>
The first collation of the New Testament was made in 1716 by [[Johann Jakob Wettstein]] for [[Richard Bentley]], who intended to prepare a new edition of the ''Novum Testamentum Graece''. According to Bentley's correspondence, it took two hours to read one page, and Bentley paid Wettstein £50. This collation was used by Wettstein in his own Greek New Testament of 1751–1752.<ref name = Scrivener122>{{cite book
Baris 284 ⟶ 283:
== Pustaka ==
; Teks codexkodeks
* {{Cite book | last = Tischendorf | first = C. v. | title = Codex Ephraemi Syri rescriptus, sive Fragmenta Novi Testamenti | url = | location = Lipsiae | year = 1843 }}
* {{Cite book | last = Tischendorf | first = C. v. | title = Codex Ephraemi Syri rescriptus, sive Fragmenta Veteris Testamenti | url = | location = Lipsiae | year = 1845}}
* Lyon, R. W. [ ''A Re-Examination of Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus''], New Testament Studies (1959), 5, pp.&nbsp;260–272.
; Deskripsi kodeks
; Pemerian codex
* {{Cite book | last = Comfort | first = Philip | title = Encountering the Manuscripts: An Introduction to New Testament Paleography and Textual Criticism|url =| publisher = Broadman & Holman Publishers | year = 2005}}
* {{Cite book | last = Fleck | first = Ferdinand Florens | title = Ueber die Handschrift des neuen Testamentes, gewoehnlich Codex Ephraemi Syri rescriptus genannt, in der koeniglichen Bibliothek zu Paris | url = | location = Hamburg | year = 1841}}
* {{Cite book | last = Hatch | first = William Henry | authorlink = William Hatch| title = The Principal Uncial Manuscripts of the New Testament |url =|publisher = The University of Chicago Press | location = Chicago | year = 1939}}
* {{Cite book | last = Kenyon | first = Frederic G. | authorlink = Frederic G. Kenyon | title = Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts|url |=|edition = 4th | location = London | year = 1939}}
* {{Cite book | last = Metzger | first = Bruce M. | authorlink = Bruce M. Metzger | title = Manuscripts of the Greek Bible: An Introduction to Palaeography|url =| publisher = Oxford University Press | location = Oxford | year = 1981}}
* {{Cite book | last = Swete | first = Henry B. | authorlink = Henry Barclay Swete | title = An Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek| location = Cambridge| year = 1902 | url =| pages = 128–129}}
== Pranala luar ==
Baris 304 ⟶ 303:
* Michael D. Marlowe, [ ''Codex Ephraemi Syri Rescriptus''] Bible Research
[[CategoryKategori:Naskah Uncial Perjanjian Baru|Ephraemi]]
[[CategoryKategori:Bibliothèque nationale de France]]
[[Kategori:Naskah Alkitab]]
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