[[Berkas:Squall-leonhart-01.png|jmpl|Squall Leonhart ''Dissidia'' oleh [[Tetsuya Nomura]]<ref>{{Cite web|title=Characters|url=https://dissidiafinalfantasynt.square-enix-games.com/en-us/characters/?id=squall-leonhart|website=dissidiafinalfantasynt.square-enix-games.com|access-date=2023-12-03}}</ref>]]
{{nihongo|'''Squall Leonhart'''|スコール・レオンハート|Sukōru Reonhāto}} adalah tokoh utama [[ JRPG|RPG]] [[Square Co., Ltd.|Squaresoft 's]] (sekarang [[Square Enix]]) ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]''. Ia didesain oleh [[Tetsuya Nomura]] dengan pengaruh besar yang datang dari sutradara game [[Yoshinori Kitase]]. Sebagai karakter utama dalam ''Final Fantasy VIII'', sebagaiansebagian besar permainan dilihat dari perspektif Squall. [[Limit Break]] Squall adalah Renzokuken, yang mana merupakan satu rangkaian dari empat hingga delapan bacokan yang mendahului salah satu dari empat gerak penyelesaian. ▼
{{Karakter FFVII |
nama = Squall Leonhart|
alias = |
peran = [[Seeds]] |
senjata = Revolver ([[Gunblade]])|
tanggal lahir = |
tempat lahir = |
umur = 17 |
tinggi = |
darah = AB |
▲{{nihongo|'''Squall Leonhart'''|スコール・レオンハート|Sukōru Reonhāto}} adalah tokoh utama [[RPG]] [[Square Co., Ltd.|Squaresoft's]] (sekarang [[Square Enix]]) ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]''. Ia didesain oleh [[Tetsuya Nomura]] dengan pengaruh besar yang datang dari sutradara game [[Yoshinori Kitase]]. Sebagai karakter utama dalam ''Final Fantasy VIII'', sebagaian besar permainan dilihat dari perspektif Squall. [[Limit Break]] Squall adalah Renzokuken, yang mana merupakan satu rangkaian dari empat hingga delapan bacokan yang mendahului salah satu dari empat gerak penyelesaian.
Dalam game ini, Squall merupakan seorang siswa berumur 17 tahun di [[Garden (Final Fantasy VIII)#Balamb Garden|Balamb Garden]], sebuah akademi militer yang bergengsi untuk prajurit bayaran pilihan yang dikenal sebagai "SeeDs."<ref name="guidecite2">{{cite book | year=1999 | editor=Square Electronic Arts | title=Final Fantasy VIII North American instruction manual | pages=28, 33-35 | publisher=Square Electronic Arts | language=English | id=SLUS-00892GH}}</ref> Ketika cerita berlangsung, Squall menjadi teman dari [[Quistis Trepe]], [[Zell Dincht]], [[Selphie Tilmitt]] dan [[Irvine Kinneas]], dan jatuh cinta dengan [[Rinoa Heartilly]]. Hubungan ini dikombinasikan dengan pengembangan di dalam alur cerita game yang secara berangsur-angsur membelokkan dia dari seorang yang penyendiri menjadi seorang yang terbuka dan peduli kepada orang lain.<ref name="guidecite2"/>
Squall muncul dalam beberapa game lainnya, seperti ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'', dimana ia muncul dengan nama "Leon", ''[[Chocobo Racing]]'' dan ''[[Itadaki Street|Itadaki Street Special]]''. Senjatanya, [[gunblade]] juga muncul dalam pekerjaan yang lainnya.
== Pengembangan dan Tampilan ==
Karakter pertama Nomura yang didesain untuk digunakan di ''Final Fantasy VIII'' adalah Squall, pada awalnya memberikannya dengan rambut yang lebih panjang dan penampilan yang lebih feminin. Bagaimanapun, Yoshinori Kitase merasa bahwa disainrancangan ini tidak bekerja, dan meminta Nomura untuk memendekkan rambut-nya dan membuat dia terlihat lebih jantan, yang menjadi disaindesain terakhir dari Squall yang terlihat dalam game sekarang. Saat mendisainmendesain [[Cloud Strife]], hero ''Final Fantasy VII''<nowiki>'</nowiki>, Nomura memberinya rambut spiky, pirang terang, agar supaya menekankan peran nya sebagai karakter utama game. Dengan Squall, Nomura ingin mencoba sudut unik yang lain untuk menetapkan peran Squall, memberikannya merek dagang gunblade sekarang yang meninggalkan luka di keningnya dan batang hidungnya. Tidak ada sekalipun suatu sejarah yang lengkap yang terkandung untuk karakter ini , maka Nomura meninggalkan penjelasan untuk Squall ke Nojima. DisainDesain Squall dilengkapi oleh bulu-bulu sepanjang kerah jaketnya, yang dimasukkan oleh Nomura untuk kepentingan menantang para disainerdesainer game, menjadi hanyalah satu contoh permintaan yang ia telah secara konsisten perluas kepada para programmer judul ''Final Fantasy'' sebagai teknologi yang telah terdepan..<ref name="shella">{{cite web | last=Khosla | first=Sheila | year=2003 | title=Tetsuya Nomura 20s |url=http://flaregamer.com/b2article.php?p=81&more=1 | work=[http://flaregamer.com FLAREgamer] | accessdate=13 April | accessyear=2006}}</ref>
[[Image:GunbladeopeningFFVIII.jpg|thumb|left|150px|Squall's [[List of Final Fantasy weapons#Gunblade|gunblade]], as seen in the game's opening credits]] ▼
▲[[ ImageBerkas:GunbladeopeningFFVIII.jpg| thumbjmpl| leftkiri|150px| Squall's [[List of Final Fantasy weapons#Gunblade| gunbladeGunblade]] Squall, asseperti seenyang indilihat thedi game'slayar openingpembukaan creditspermainan]]
Also as part of Squall's design, Nomura wanted to include silver accessories, which took the form of his ring, necklace and weapon. Squall calls the lion "Griever" and it seems to be symbolic of his [[courage]] and takes on significance as the plot of the game progresses. Squall's weapon is a [[gunblade]], a [[sword]] using components of a [[revolver]] to send vibrations through the blade when triggered.<ref name="ff8ult">{{cite book | year = 1999 | editor=Studio BentStuff | title=Final Fantasy VIII Ultimania | pages=43 | publisher = DigiCube/Square-Enix | language=Japanese | id = ISBN 4-925075-49-7}}</ref> This weapon was intended to offer a new way for players to control weapons in battle, and Nomura feels that the weapon bears an odd appearance.<ref name="shella" /> Squall's model is simply called the 'Revolver,' though he can upgrade the weapon at junk stores. Squall and his rival, [[Seifer Almasy]], are the only gunblade specialists who appear in the game, although [[Laguna Loire]] uses one very briefly.
Sebagai bagian dari desain Squall, Nomura menyertakan aksesori perak, dalam wujud cincin, kalung, dan senjata. Squall menyebut kalung singa dengan nama "Griever" sebagai simbol dari [[berani|keberaniannya]] pada plot permainan. Senjata Squall adalah [[gunblade]], sebuah [[pedang]] yang menggunakan komponen [[revolver]] dan mengirimkan getaran pada pedang jika dipicu.<ref name="ff8ult">{{cite book|year = 1999|editor=Studio BentStuff|title=Final Fantasy VIII Ultimania|pages=43|publisher = DigiCube/Square-Enix|language=Japanese|id = ISBN 4-925075-49-7}}</ref> Senjata ini menawarkan cara baru kepada pemain untuk mengendalikan senjata pada pertempuran, dan Nomura merasakan senjata tersebut penampilanya aneh. Senjata Squall disebut dengan nama 'Revolver', yang bisa di upgrade pada ''Junk store''. Squall dan saingannya, [[Seifer Almasy]], adalah spesialis gunblade yang tampil di dalam permainan, beserta [[Laguna Loire]] yang menggunakannya dengan berani.
Penampilan fisik Squall's physicalmempunyai appearanceciri consistskhas ofyaitu medium-lengthmempunyai rambut browncoklat hairdan andmata coldbiru greyyang eyesdingin. Desainer Character designerkarakter [[Tetsuya Nomura]] hasmenyatakan statedbahwa that actoraktor [[River Phoenix]] wasmemengaruhi thedesain influenceSquall fordari Squall;tanggal bothlahir shareyang thesama samehingga birthdaypenampilan andfisik physicalyang appearancesama. Bekas Aluka smallkecil scarmenyilang runsdi diagonallydepan across the bridge ofhidung Squall's nose, which he receives atyang theia beginningterima ofpada theawal gamepermainan indalam asebuah traininglatihan [[duel]] againstmelawan his rivalrivalnya Seifer. His last name was takenNama fromakhirnya thatdiambil ofdari theKarakter [[Final Fantasy II]] character, Maria'ssaudara brotherlaki-laki Maria Leon, oratau Leonhart, anddan Leon isadalah thenama nameyang thatdiadopsi Squall adopts indalam Kingdom Hearts.
== Final Fantasy VIII ==
[[Berkas:SeifervsSquall.jpg|jmpl|kiri|200px|Seifer mengalahkan Squall hingga jatuh ke tanah pada adegan pembukaan.]]
InDalam ''Final Fantasy VIII'', Squall isdikenal known as asebagai "loneserigala wolfpenyendiri" bykarena hisia peerstidak becausepernah hemenjelaskan never explains his feelingsperasaannya.<ref name="guidecite2" /> <ref> '''Rinoa:''' That's it! Just let out anything! Anything... We want you to talk to us a little more. That's all. Y'know, if there's anything you want to tell us, or anything we can do, don't hesitate to let us know. I know it's not easy, but I wish you would trust us and rely on us a little more. (''Final Fantasy VIII'') </ref> Walaupun Evendibandingkan compared to the originally indifferentdengan [[Cloud Strife]] ofdalam ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]'', hedia comeslebih offdingin aspada cold to his alliesgrupnya. <ref> '''Rinoa:''' Don't you ever worry about or even think about the well-being of your comrades!? / '''Squall:''' (I don't believe in relying on others.) / '''Rinoa:''' Don't you understand!? / '''Squall:'''(...Whatever.) (''Final Fantasy VIII'') </ref> His superiorsSuperioritasnya, suchmembuat as his teacher,gurunya [[Quistis Trepe]], regardberkata himbahwa asia difficultsangat tosulit dealuntuk withdiajak butkompromi greatlytetapi respectsangat hismenghormati naturaltalenta talentsalami Squall.<ref> '''Quistis:''' I guess I was right. You and Seifer are in a class of your own. You both have amazing strength and potential. (''Final Fantasy VIII'') </ref><ref> '''Quistis:''' Aren't there times when you want to share feelings with someone? / '''Squall:''' Everyone has to take care of themselves? I don't want to carry anyone's burden. (''Final Fantasy VIII'') </ref>. HeSquall isjuga alsodiketahui knowncuek to be stoic inpada somebeberapa situationssituasi.<ref> '''Quistis:''' You know, the boys often choke on this test when I come with them. I guess my charm makes them nervous. / '''Squall:'''(...Whatever.) (''Final Fantasy VIII'') </ref> HisTingkah taciturnlaku attitudeSquall isjuga alsodigunakan used foruntuk [[comicrelief reliefkomik]]. Pada Incuplikan theadegan cutscenedimana whereSquall hebertemu first meetsdengan Rinoa pertama kali, sheRinoa coercesmemaksa himSquall intountuk dancingberdansa withdengannya herpada atpesta thekelulusan SeeD graduation ball.<ref> '''Rinoa:''' You're the best guy here. Dance with me? Let me guess... You'll only dance with someone you like. Ok then... Look into my eyes... You're-going-to-like-me... You're-going-to-like-me... Did it work? / '''Squall:''' ...I can't dance. / '''Rinoa:''' You'll be fine. (''Final Fantasy VIII'') </ref> Squall Hebingung awkwardlyketika bumpspertama intokali other partygoers while staring constantly at his feet with a look of confusionberdansa. Rinoa, however, perseveres in partneringmembantunya himberdansa, anddan Squall eventuallyakhirnya revealsmenyadari thatbahwa he'sia quitecukup capablemampu ofuntuk dancingberdansa, assebuah itaspek ismandatori adari mandatorylatihannya aspectselama ofmenjadi his trainingSeeD.<ref>'''Squall:''' Approach your target inconspicuously at a dance party... There may be missions requiring this sort of subterfuge. It's expected of SeeD to learn various skills. (''Final Fantasy VIII'') </ref>
[[ ImageBerkas:Final_Fantasy_VIII-Squall_Leonhart-Render_5.jpg| thumbjmpl| rightka|200px| Pose Squall Leonhart render]] ▼
Peran Squall isberubah unwillingly dragged into the role of themenjadi heropahlawan whenketika [[Cid (Final Fantasy)#Final Fantasy VIII|Cid]], headmasterkepala ofsekolah Balamb Garden, appointsmenunjuknya himsebagai aspemimpin leaderakademi of the academy midway through thedalam gamepermainan.<ref> '''Headmaster Cid:''' Squall, we're under your command from now on. This is your fate. It is your destiny to lead the way in defeating the sorceress. / '''Squall:''' Don't talk about this like it's been decided since by birth! (I don't mind fighting the sorceress. It's unavoidable as long as I'm a SeeD member.) (What? AS long as I'm a SeeD member?) (What if I quit?) (Quit... Then what? What do I have left?) (Don't even want to think about it. Just stop thinking...) (''Final Fantasy VIII'') </ref> Dia Hesering isberperan oftensebagai thrown into a leadership rolepemimpin, astermasuk isdalam evident in themisi Timber anddan Galbadia missions. Selama Duringpertarungan aakhir late battle againstmelawan Galbadia Garden, Squall demonstratesmenunjukkan somebeberapa leadershipkesulitan dalam difficultiesmemimpin, whichtermasuk aresifat tied to his lingering isolationismpenyendirinya. <ref>'''Squall:''' (I've had it up to here with this leader thing... Alright, alright... I'll choose.) (''Final Fantasy VIII'')</ref> <ref>Headmaster Cid: Squall, I understand how you feel. But you are in a position of leadership. The other students at Garden have a right to know about the outcome of the battle and what's to come. Take whatever information you can get here, back to Garden. Remember, it wasn't just Rinoa. Everyone fought. (''Final Fantasy VIII'')</ref> Karakter Likewise,lain otherharu charactersmencari havecara toagar makeia effortskeluar todari pull him out of his isolationkesendiriannya, anddan Rinoa hasyang toseing expendmengajak a lot of energy to pursue a romance withromantis himdengannya. Membutuhkan Itbeberapa takeslama considerableagar timeSquall formau himmenerima topersahabatan acceptdengan thegrupnya others'dan offeredjatuh friendshipcinta and fall in love withpada Rinoa anddan care forsayang herpadanya.<ref> '''Squall:''' Pandora whatever and Sorceress Adel are out of my hands. I don't know where to look for Sis. The only thing I know is Rinoa. The only thing I want to do for sure right now is for Rinoa. We're going to get Rinoa back! (''Final Fantasy VIII'')</ref> Sejalan Asdengan time progresseswaktu, heSquall growslebih morenyaman comfortabledengan with the leadershipperan rolepemimpinnya, especiallyterutama whenketika ittiba comessaatnya time tountuk defeatmelawan Ultimecia, thekarakter antagonistantagonis.<ref> '''Squall:''' I don't know what's going on. But since we're still here, I think we still have some time to finish our job. / '''Quistis:''' What are we going to do, Squall? / '''Squall:''' We'll divide into two parties. (''Final Fantasy VIII'')</ref>
▲[[Image:Final_Fantasy_VIII-Squall_Leonhart-Render_5.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Squall Leonhart render]]
ThroughoutDidalam the gamepermainan, heia hasmempunyai asaingan distinct rivalry withyaitu [[Seifer Almasy]]. Adegan Thepembukaan opening sequence depicts themenampilkan duel inyang whichmembuat Squall obtainedmenerima hisbekas characteristic facial scarluka (anddan subsequentlymemberi gavebekas anluka almostyang identicalhampir onesama topada Seifer, Squall'sLuka startsparut aboveSquall hisdimulai rightdari eyeatas andmata goeskananya todan hismenuju leftpipi cheekkirinya; Seifer's goesdari fromkiri leftke to rightkanan) anddan scenesadegan in whichdimana Squall anddan Seifer aremenjalin supposedkerjasama toantara bedua cooperating are characterized by squabbles between the two cadetskadet. <ref>'''Seifer:''' Yeah, yeah... (to Squall: Well then, Squall. Go see what's going on outside. / '''Squall:''' ......Ok. / '''Seifer:''' Good. Because it's MY order. (''Final Fantasy VIII'')</ref> LaterNantinya, Seifer seemilykelihatannya alliesmengadakan himselfkerjasama withdengan thepenyihir SorceressAdel, requiringmembuat Squall tobertarung battledengannya him severalbeberapa timeskali. Disamping Nevertheless,konflik despiteantara theirmereka conflictberdua, Squall stillmasih feels an underlying comraderie formenghormati Seifer, anddan mournsjuga himmembantunya indengan hisjalannya ownsendiri wayketika whenia hemengetahui believesbahwa Seifer toakan havedieksekusi beensetelah executedmenculik afterPresiden an attempted kidnapping of Galbadian PresidentGalbadia Vinzer Deling. <ref>'''Squall:''' (I liked him... wasn't really a bad guy... He was one of us...) (Seifer... You've just become just a memory.) (Will they... Will they talk about me this way if I die, too?) (Squall was this and that. Using past tense, saying whatever they want?) (So this is what death is all about...) (...Not for me.) (I won't have it!!!) (''Final Fantasy VIII'')</ref>
AccordingBerdasarkan tocerita flashbacksmasa inlalunya thedalam gamepermainan, Squall grewtumbuh updalam insebuah anrumah [[orphanage]],yatim alongpiatu withbersama manydengan of the other mainbeberapa characterskarakter suchutama asseperti Zell, Seifer, Selphie, Irvine anddan Quistis. Squall Thoughhanya heingat remembersbeberapa littlekenangan ofmasa this pastlalunya, ithal causesini himmenyebabkan toia developuntuk into anmengembangkan emotionallypenghilangan detachedemosi, highlybocah cynicaldengan andsifat introverted boytertutup (histujuan originalawal goalSquall isadalah tomenjalani gohidup throughtanpa lifehubungan withoutemosional anydan emotionalketergantungan linkspada ororang dependencieslain.). <ref>'''Squall:''' (I don't believe in relying on others.) (''Final Fantasy VIII'')</ref> Walaupun Howeverbegitu, Squall graduallyperlahan-lahan warmshangat asdalam theprogres game progressespermainan, anddan itnanti isakan laterterungkap revealedbahwa thatia hismenyendiri deliberatedari detachmentgrupnya fromsebagai hismekanisme companionspertahanan isuntuk amelindungi defensivedirinya mechanismdari to protect himself from emotionalsakit painemosional, likeseperti heyang experiencedia whenalami hisketika olderada sisterfigur figurekakak atperempuannya thedi orphanage,rumah oneyatim ofpiatu the sole emotional supports in his early life, was forcibly separated from him. <ref>'''Young Squall:''' ...Sis... I'm...all alone. But I'm doing my best... I'll be ok without you, Sis. I'll be able to take care of myself. (''Final Fantasy VIII'')</ref> <ref>'''Squall:''' (I wonder what everyone's doing...?) (They're probably laughing at me. Or maybe they're angry...?) What do you think? To tell you the truth... I worry too much about what others think of me. I hate that side of me... That's why I didn't want anyone to get to know me. I wanted to hide that side of myself. I hate it. Squall is an unfriendly, introverted guy. It made it easy for me when people perceived me that way. That's a secret between you and me. Got that? (''Final Fantasy VIII'')</ref>
UponKetika defeatingsetelah mengalahkan Ultimecia, asGrupnya histelah comradeskembali aredari pulledperjalanan backwaktu frommenuju timetempatnya compressionmasing-masing intodi theirdalam ownalur respective places in the timelinewaktu, Squall takesmengambil aperjalanan detourkembali backke torumah theyatim orphanagepiatunya, whereketika heSquall encounters a youngermenjumpai Edea. yang Sincemasih shemuda. doesSejak notEdea wanttidak tomau involveterlibat anydalam ofhal theanak childrenkecil, Hidup Edea endsberakhir upketika absorbingia themenyerap dyingkekuatan Ultimecia's powersyang assekarat partsebagai ofbagian thedari cyclelingkaran of sorceressespenyihir (aseorang sorceresspenyihir mustharus passmelemparkan onkekuatannya herpada powersseorang topenerus asebelum successoria beforebisa shemati is allowed to diedengan peacefullytenang), anddan wondersmemikirkan aloudmengenal aboutawal endings anddan beginningsakhir (dialoguekata-kata mirroringdialog words tountuk Squall yearsbeberapa later,tahun onkemudian pada DiscDisk 3). <ref>'''Edea:''' It's ok. There's no need to fight. That sorceress is just looking for someone to pass her power on to. In order to die in peace, a sorceress must free of all her powers. I know... for I am one, too. I shall take over that sorceress' powers. I do not want one of the children to become one. (''Final Fantasy VIII'')</ref> Squall plantsmenanamkan theide ideas formengenai Garden anddan SeeDSeed indalam herpikiran mindEdea, creatingmebuat analur in-gamecerita yang berulang (loop) indalam whichpermainan, heKarena mustSquall becomeharus themenjadi leader ofpempin Balamb Garden sodengan thatbegitu heia canbisa makemembuat itpoin toini this point againlagi. <ref>'''Edea:''' SeeD? Garden? / '''Squall:''' Both Garden and SeeD were your ideas. Garden trains SeeDs. SeeDs are trained to defeat the sorceress. / '''Edea:''' What are you saying? You're... that boy from the future? (''Final Fantasy VIII'')</ref>
ThereAda areindikasi strongkuat indicationsdalam inpermainan the game thatbahwa [[Laguna Loire]] isadalah Squall'sayah fatherSquall. Selama Duringcari flashbacksmasa involvinglalu (flashback) yang melibatkan [[ElloneElone]], inyang membuat whichseorang thekarakter charactersbermimpi dreambahwa theymereka areadalah peopleorang fromdari themasa pastlalu, Konsistensi Squall consistentlymengambil takesperan on the role ofdari Laguna, despitememunculkan thefakta factbahwa thatsalah anysatu ofdari thekarakter otherdalam characters ingrup Squall's partymengambil mayperan take on the role ofsebagai Kiros oratau Ward. IfJika Squall travelsberkelana toke Winhill aftersetelah Garden is activatedaktif, heSquall willakan encountermenjumpai inexplicablepenghilatan visions ofdari Raine throughoutdi thedalam townKota. Ellon Ellonejuga alsomenyatakan mentions thatbahwa Raine died—apparentlytelah inmati—muncul childbirth—anddi thatpada shemasa hadanak-anak— adan babyia boymempunyai bayi laki-laki. WhenKetika Squall is capturedtertangkap, all thesemua Moomba keeptetap referring tomenjuluki Squall assebagai Laguna (itnantinya isakan laterterindikasi indicated that thebahwa Moomba recognizemengenali peopleorang bymelalui their blooddarahnya; suggesting a tie betweenkarena Squall anddan Laguna). mempunyai Towarddarah theyang endsama) ofKetika theakhir gamepermainan, aboarddiatas thepesawat Ragnarok, Kiros anddan Ward makememberi commentarykomentar asmengenai tokemiripian Squall's resemblancedengan toayah hisdan mother and his dissimilarity to his fatheribunya.<ref> '''Kiros:''' You look a lot like your mother. '''Ward:''' ..... '''Kiros:''' Ward says its a good thing you don't look like your father.</ref> Laguna alsojuga intendsingin tomemberitahukan tellsesuatu something topada Squall, but he opts not to duetetapi toia thememilih circumstancestidak. Sebagai Asnama ofpasti his current surnameSquall, thepermainan gametidak nevermengungkapkan revealsbagaimana howia hememperoleh received the namenama "Leonhart", althoughwalaupun itnama isia possiblymungkin pemberian Raine's maiden name. Pada Lastlyakhirnya, inpada thepermainan mini Triple Triad minigame, Laguna holdsmemegang kartu Squall's card.
== Seri Kingdom HeartsHeart series==
[[ImageBerkas:Squall_Kingdom_Hearts.jpg|rightka|thumbjmpl|150px|Squall (Leon), astampil he appears indalam ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'']]
Squall appears as a [[non-playable character]] in ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'', although he appears older and perhaps more similar to [[Laguna Loire]]. He no longer wears his fur coat and wears a short leather jacket with red wings on the back, resembling the decorations on [[Rinoa Heartilly|Rinoa]]'s dress, but he still wears his Griever necklace. He assumes the name Leon because he was unable to protect those he cares about from the [[Heartless]] when his home world, Hollow Bastion was consumed in darkness. "Leon" is voiced by [[David Boreanaz]] in the [[English language]] version of the game and [[Hideo Ishikawa]] in the Japanese version.
Leon held the Earthshine Gem which contained [[Simba]]; he gave it to [[Sora (Kingdom Hearts)|Sora]] (a homage to his affinity towards lions in FF8). His role in ''Kingdom Hearts'' is to help guide Sora, on his battle with the Heartless, alongside various other ''Final Fantasy'' characters. While his appearance and age change (in ''Kingdom Hearts'', he is 25<ref>{{cite web | year=2002 | title="Kingdom Hearts (at Square-Enix.com) | url=http://na.square-enix.com/games/kingdomhearts/index1.html | accessdate=August 3 | accessyear=2006}}</ref>, whereas in ''Final Fantasy VIII'', he is 17<ref name="guidecite2" />), his personality remains the same.<ref>{{cite web | year=2002 | title="Kingdom Hearts (at Square-Enix.com) | url=http://na.square-enix.com/games/kingdomhearts/index1.html | accessdate=August 3 | accessyear=2006}}</ref> A memory-based version of Leon appears in ''[[Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories]]''. ▼
Squall muncul sebagai [[non-playable character|NPC]] dalam ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'', walaupun ia tampil lebih tua dan mungkin lebih mirip [[Laguna Loire]]. Ia tidak lagi mengenakan jaket bulunya, tetapi mengnakan jaket kulit dengan sayap merah pada bagian belakang, mirip dekorasi pada baju [[Rinoa Heartilly|Rinoa]], tetapi ia tetap memakai kalung Griever. Squall mengasumsikan nama Leon karena ia tidak mampu untuk melindungi yang ia sayangi dari [[Heartless]] ketika dunianya, Hollow Bastion dikuasai kegelapan. Suara "Leon" dibawakan oleh [[David Boreanaz]] dalam versi [[Bahasa Inggris]] dan [[Hideo Ishikawa]] dalam versi Jepang.
He returns in ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]'' and was voiced by [[Doug Erholtz]] for the English version. Here, Leon is seen to be slightly more cheerful than he is seen in the original ''Kingdom Hearts'', which could reflect his personality after the events of ''Final Fantasy VIII''. He fights alongside Sora twice in the game. Unlike the other Final Fantasy characters (aside from Auron). Squall only features a slight update to his wardrobe. Leon still wears his ''Kingdom Hearts'' outfit, only receiving a fur ruff along the collar of his jacket, similar to his jacket in ''Final Fantasy VIII''.
Leon appears to be the leader of the "Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee," which is composed of the returning Final Fantasy cameos from the first ''Kingdom Hearts'' and Merlin. He also helps (along with Yuffie, Aerith, Tifa, and Cloud) Sora fight the Heartless on the Ravine Trail in the Hollow Bastion. Leon also plays the largest role for any Final Fantasy character in ''Kingdom Hearts II'' storywise, being the only Final Fantasy character who has relations with [[Mickey Mouse|King Mickey]], and works very close to Sora and company. Leon also appears to be the only Final Fantasy character to be aware of the existence of [[Organization XIII|the Organization]] and fights the Nobodies. ▼
▲Leon heldmemegang thepermata (Earthshine ) Gemyang which containedmengandung [[Simba]]; heLeon gavememberikan ititu topada [[Sora (Kingdom Hearts )|Sora]] (a homage to his affinity towards lions in FF8). Perannya His role indalam ''Kingdom Hearts'' isadalah tountuk helpmembantu guidejalan Sora, onpada hispertarungan battle with thedengan Heartless, alongsidebersama-sama variousdengan othervariasi karakter ''Final Fantasy'' characters. Sementara Whiledalam hispenampilan appearancedan andusianya age changeberubah ( indalam ''Kingdom Hearts'', heLeon isberumur 25 ,<ref>{{cite web | year=2002 | title="Kingdom Hearts (at Square-Enix.com) | url=http://na.square-enix.com/games/kingdomhearts/index1.html | accessdate=August 3 | accessyear=2006}}</ref> , whereassementara indalam ''Final Fantasy VIII'', heia isberumur 17 tahun<ref name="guidecite2" />), his personality remainskepribadiannya thetetap samesama.<ref>{{cite web | year=2002 | title="Kingdom Hearts (at Square-Enix.com) | url=http://na.square-enix.com/games/kingdomhearts/index1.html | accessdate=August 3 | accessyear=2006}}</ref> Versi ALeon memory-based version of Leonjuga appearstampil indi ''[[Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories]]''.
==Other appearances==
Squall is a secret character in ''[[Chocobo Racing]]'' and ''[[Itadaki Street Special]]''. In addition, a [[2D computer graphics|2D]] sprite of Squall occasionally makes an appearance on the loading screen of the [[PlayStation]] version of ''[[Final Fantasy VI]]''.
Leon kembail dalam ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]'' dan diisi suaranya oleh [[Doug Erholtz]] dalam versi bahasa Inggris. Disini, Leon terlihat lebih ceria dibandingkan yang terlihat dalam ''Kingdom Hearts'', yang mencerminkan kepribadiannya setelah event dari ''Final Fantasy VIII''. Dia mendampingi bertarung bersama-sama dengan Sora dua kali dalam permainan. Tidak seperti karakter Final Fantasy yang lain. Penampilan Squall tidak banyak berubah. Leon tetap memakai baju ''Kingdom Hearts nya, hanya menerima tambahan bulu, mirip dengan jaketnya pada ''Final Fantasy VIII''.
Squall's gunblade, the Lionheart, appears as a Paladin weapon in ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics Advance]]''. It also appears as a high-level sword for Tidus in ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'' and a Keyblade weapon for Sora in ''Kingdom Hearts''. The gunblade also makes an appearance in ''[[Parasite Eve II]]'' as a weapon that the gorilla like Number 9 uses. It also becomes available for use after completing the game meeting certain requirements. In ''[[Final Fantasy XII]]'', [[Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy)|Gilgamesh]] carries Squall's [[gunblade]] as one of his weapons, yet Griever is not printed on the blade; likewise, it also appears (Griever ring and all) as a gun weapon known as the 'Ras Algethi' in the same game. There is a different version of the gunblade used in Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, used by Yazoo and rarely used by Loz. In ''[[Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-]]'', [[List of Final Fantasy VII characters#The Tsviets|Weiss]] uses his own incarnation of the gunblade but wields two of them, both of which are identical to each other, and assume a shape similar to that of [[Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)|Sephiroth]]'s trademark masamune sword.
▲Leon appearsmuncul tosebagai bepemimpin thedari leader"Komite ofRestorasi the "Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee," whichyang isdikomposisikan composeddari of the returningcameo Final Fantasy cameos from the firstdari ''Kingdom Hearts'' andpertama dan Merlin. Leon He alsojuga helpsmembantu ( alongbersama withdengan Yuffie, Aerith, Tifa, anddan Cloud) pertarungan Sora fight thedengan Heartless on thepada Ravine Trail in thedalam Hollow Bastion. Leon alsojuga playsmemainkan theperan largestterbesar roledibandingkan for anykarakter Final Fantasy characteryang inlain dalam ''Kingdom Hearts II'' storywise, beingjuga thesatu-satunya onlykarakter Final Fantasy characteryang whomempunyai hasrelasi relations withdengan [[Mickey Mouse| KingRaha Mickey]], anddan worksbekerja verysangat closedekat todengan Sora and company. Leo Leonjuga alsotampil appearssebagai to be thesatu-satunya onlykarakter Final Fantasy characteryang towaspadap bepada aware of the existence ofeksistensi [[Organization XIII|the Organization]] anddan fightsbertempur themelawan Nobodies.
* In the rhythm game [[Audition Online]], there is a set of male clothing that strongly resembles Squall's outfit in Final Fantasy VIII. It is called "Warrior of Fantasy" and each sold separately at the Fashion Mall in-game.
== ReferencesPenampilan Lain ==
Squall adalah karakter rahasia dalam ''[[Chocobo Racing]]'' dan ''[[Itadaki Street Special]]''. Sebagai tambahan penampilan 2D Squall tampil dalam layar loading dari versi [[PlayStation]], [[Final Fantasy VI]]''. Squall juga tampil dalam permainan akan datang ''[[Dissidia: Final Fantasy]]'', yang kelihatannya ia akan bertarung degan musuh utama ''Final Fantasy VII'' [[Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)|Sephiroth]].<ref>{{cite web| author=Yoon, Andrew | year=2007| title=Squall joins Final Fantasy Dissidia line-up | url=http://www.joystiq.com/2007/09/20/tgs07-squall-joins-final-fantasy-dissidia-line-up/ | publisher=joystiq.com | accessdate=2007-10-14}}</ref> Gunblade Squall, Revolvernya juga tampil dalam beberapa bentuk dalam seri Final Fantasy.
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Gunblade Squall, Lionheart, muncul sebagai senjata Paladin dalam''[[Final Fantasy Tactics Advance]]''. Leonheart juga tampil sebagai pedang tingkat tinggi untuk Tidus dalam ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'' dan Pedang kunci untuk Sora dalam ''Kingdom Hearts''. Gunblade juga tampil dalam ''[[Parasite Eve II]]'' sebagai senjata yang gorila Nomor 9 gunakan. Gunblade juga akan tersedua untuk digunakan setelah menyelesaikan beberapa syarat permainan. Pada ''[[Final Fantasy XIII]]'', [[Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy)|Gilgamesh]] membawa [[gunblade]] Squall sebagai salah satu senjatanya, tetapi Griever tidak tercetak dalam pedang tersebut; Gunblade (cincin Griever dan semua) juga muncul dalam permainan yang sama sebagai senjata api. Ada versi yang berbeda dari Gunblade yang digunakan dalam Final Fantasy VIII Advent Children, digunakan oleh Yazoo dan juga Loz. Dalam ''[[Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII]]'', [[Karakter Final Fantasy VII#The Tsviets|Weiss]] menggunakan inkarnasi dari gunblade.
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== Resepsi dan Kritikan ==
Walaupun Squall dan Rinoa dikembangkan dengan jelas mempunyai sebuah hubungan, hal itu tidak terlihat dengan jelas sampai pada adegan terakhir. IGN mengkritik hal ini, menyatakan bahwa "menimbang bahwa cerita cinta adalah sangat sempurna untuk semuanya yang terjadi - tidak untuk menyinggung bentuk dari image sampul kover - hal ini tidak dapat dimengerti kenapa tidak satupun yang mengatakan "Saya mencintai kamu" kepada yang lain, sama sekali."<ref name="ignreview">{{cite web | author=Lundigran, Jeff | year=1999 | title=IGN: Final Fantasy VIII Review | url=http://psx.ign.com/articles/153/153847p1.html | work=[http://www.ign.com/ IGN] | accessdate=2007-03-15 | archive-date=2012-12-04 | archive-url=https://www.webcitation.org/6CfOIiEnj?url=http://www.ign.com/articles/1999/09/11/final-fantasy-viii-3 | dead-url=yes }}</ref> Game Revolution, tetapi, menyatakan "Terus terang, anda tidak harus untuk memainkan permainan untuk mengetahui bahwa cinta akan memenangkan sesuatu...sangat 'Hollywood.' Tetapi hal itu adalah jalan dalam mereka menceritakan ceritanya diatur hanya drama remaja".<ref name="gamerevolution">{{cite web | author=Liu, Johnny | year=1999 | title=Game Revolution Review Page - ''Final Fantasy VIII'' | url=http://www.gamerevolution.com/oldsite/games/sony/rpg/final_fantasy_8.htm | work=[http://www.gamerevolution.com/ Game Revolution] | accessdate=2007-03-15}}</ref>
Sebagai karakter utama, Squall mendapat reaksi positif dan negatif. IGN tidak menyukai tingkah laku dari karakter protagonis tersebut, menyatakan bahwa "masalahnya adalah bahwa Squall adalah pusat dari segalanya, Squall, pada dasarnya adalah tidak peduli dengan semua orang" dan "ketika cerita anda berpusat pada sebuah karakter, anda lebih menempatkan karakter yang peduli pada orang lain. Squall, tidak memenuhinya."<ref name="ignreview"/> Di satu sisi GameCritics menyukai Squall, menyatakan "Squall petama keluar sebagai orang yang menyebalkan, tetapi Squall berubah cukup pesat untuk dapat disukai."<ref>{{cite web | author=Weir, Dale | year=1999 | title=Final Fantasy VIII Review | url=http://www.gamecritics.com/review/ff8/main.php | publisher=GameCritics.com | accessdate=2007-05-11 | archive-date=2007-04-12 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070412171304/http://www.gamecritics.com/review/ff8/main.php | dead-url=yes }}</ref>
== Referensi ==
<div class="reflist4" style="height: 300px; overflow: auto; padding: 3px noprint" >
{{Seri Final Fantasy}}
[[Kategori:Permainan Final Fantasy]]
[[Category:Fictional bodyguards|Leonhart, Squall]]
[[Kategori:Karakter Final Fantasy]]
[[Category:Fictional generals|Leonhart, Squall]]
[[Category:Fictional mercenaries|Leonhart, Squall]]
[[Category:Fictional orphans]]
[[Category:Fictional soldiers|Leonhart, Squall]]
[[Category:Final Fantasy VIII characters|Leonhart, Squall]]
[[Category:Kingdom Hearts characters|Leonhart, Squall]]-->
[[enpt:Anexo:Lista de personagens de Final Fantasy VIII#Squall Leonhart]]
[[es:Squall Leonhart]]
[[fr:Squall Leonhart]]
[[it:Leonhart Squall]]
[[pt:Squall Leonhart]]
[[th:สควอลล์ เลออนฮาร์ต]]