Teresa Demjanovich: Perbedaan antara revisi

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k Robot: Perubahan kosmetika
k Fitur saranan suntingan: 3 pranala ditambahkan.
(6 revisi perantara oleh 4 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 33:
<!-- Image with unknown copyright status removed: [[Image:smtyearbook.jpg|frame|College yearbook picture of Sister Miriam Teresa]] -->
'''Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, [[Susuter Karitas Santa Elizabeth|S.C.]]''' (26 Maret 1901&ndash;81901–8 Mei 1927), adalah seorang [[Suter Karitas Santa Elizabeth|Suster Karitas]] [[Gereja Katolik Ruthenia|Katolik Ruthenia]] Amerika, yang di[[beatifikasi]] oleh Gereja Katolik. Upacara beatifikasi-nya merupakan yang pertama kali yang dilakukan di [[Amerika Serikat]].
== Kehidupan awal ==
Ia lahir dengan nama '''Teresa Demjanovich''' di [[Bayonne, New Jersey]], pada 26 Maret 1901, sebagai anak bungsu dari tujuh bersaudara dari pasangan Alexander Demjanovich dan Johanna Suchy, imigran Ruthenia di Amerika Serikat dari apa yang sekarang berada di timur Slowakia. Ia meraih [[Baptisan|Pembaptisan]], Konfirmasi, dan Komisi Kudus Pertamanya dalam ritus Rutheria Bizantium dari orangtuanya.
== Penghormatan ==
Pada 1 Januari 2016, Paroki Yang Diberkati Miriam Teresa Demjanovich di [[Bayonne, New Jersey]] didirikan setelah penggabungan gereja Bintang Santa Maria dari Laut dan Santo Rasul Andreas.
<ref>{{cite web|url=http://rcan.org/offices-and-ministries/history-archives/chronology-parishes|title=Chronology of Parishes|accessdate=28 Desember 2015}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.nj.com/hudson/index.ssf/2015/09/five_bayonne_catholic_churches_to_be_consolidated.html|title="Five Bayonne Catholic parishes to be consolidated into two, says Archdiocese of Newark", ''The Jersey Journal'', 29 September 2015|accessdate=28 Desember 2015}}</ref>
Baris 58:
* {{cite book | last=Chambre | first=Renée | authorlink= | coauthors= | editor= | others= | title=Soeur Miriam Térèsa, Apôtre de l'unité | origyear= | month= | url= | format= | accessdate= | edition= | date= | year=1970 | publisher= | location=Québec | language=French | id= | pages= | chapter= | chapterurl= |oclc=301717002 }}
* {{cite book | last=Chambre | first=Marie-Thérèse | authorlink= | coauthors= | editor= | others= | title=Sister Miriam Teresa, Apostle of Unity | origyear= | month= | url= | format= | accessdate= | edition= | date= | year=1971 | publisher=The Unity League | location=Mahwah, NJ | language= | id= | pages= | chapter= | chapterurl= |oclc=309029 }}
* {{cite book | last=Maynard | first=Theodore | authorlink= | coauthors= | editor= | others= | title=Great Catholics in American History | origyear= | month= | url= https://archive.org/details/greatcatholicsin00mayn| format= | accessdate= | edition= | date= | year=1957 | publisher=Hanover House | location=Garden City, NY | language= | id= | pages=235–242[https://archive.org/details/greatcatholicsin00mayn/page/235 235]–242 | chapter= | chapterurl= |oclc=1215895}}
* {{cite book | last=Blaško | first=Štefan | authorlink= | coauthors= | editor= | others= | title=Miriam Teresa - Faithful in a Little | origyear= | month= | url= | format= | accessdate= | edition= | date= | year=1984 | publisher=Maria - Magazine | location=Toronto | language= | pages= | chapter= | chapterurl= |oclc=70672989 }}
* {{cite book | last=Šencik, [[Society of Jesus|S.J.]]| first=Štefan | authorlink= | coauthors= | editor= | others= | title=Kvet z Bardejovských Záhonov (Flowers of the Fields of Bardejov) | origyear= | month= | url= | format= | accessdate= | edition= | date= | year=1974 | publisher= | location=Rome | language=Slovak | id= | pages= | chapter= | chapterurl= |oclc=7209115}}
Baris 65:
== Artikel ==
* {{cite journal | author=Ward Miele | title=Documents for beatification sent to Congregation officials in Rome | journal=The Catholic Advocate | year= | volume= | issue=July 28, 2004 | pages= | url=http://www.rcan.org/advocatearchive/072804/news4.htm | access-date=2016-05-11 | archive-date=2012-02-04 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120204164831/http://www.rcan.org/advocatearchive/072804/news4.htm | dead-url=yes }}
* {{cite journal | author=Karen DeMasters | title=Q & A; This Saint May Take A While To March In | journal=The New York Times | year= | volume= | issue=July 12, 1998 | pages= |
url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C05E1DC1631F931A25754C0A96E958260&scp=2&sq=sister+miriam+teresa&st=nyt | date=July 12, 1998 | accessdate=May 25, 2010}}
<!-- url=http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F30F10FD3D550C718DDDAE0894D0494D81 }} -->
* {{cite journal | author=Al Sullivan | title= One step closer to God: Bayonne native on path to possible sainthood | journal=[[Hudson Reporter]] | year= | volume= | issue=8 November 2004 | pages= | url=http://www.hudsonreporter.com/view/full_story/2399894/article-One-step-closer-to-God-Bayonne-native-on-path-to-possible-sainthood | access-date=2016-05-11 | archive-date=2016-03-03 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160303233444/http://www.hudsonreporter.com/view/full_story/2399894/article-One-step-closer-to-God-Bayonne-native-on-path-to-possible-sainthood | dead-url=yes }}
* {{cite journal | author=Brendan I. Koerner | title=Saint Makers | journal=US News and World Report | year= | volume= | issue=January 11, 1999 | pages= 52&ndash;6052–60 | url=http://www.usnews.com/usnews/culture/articles/990111/archive_000039.htm }}
* {{cite journal | author=Kevin Coyne | title=Persevering for a Saint of Their Own | year= | volume= | issue=March 23, 2008 | pages= |
url=http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/23/nyregion/nyregionspecial2/23colnj.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=sister+miriam+teresa&st=nyt | journal=The New York Times | date=23 Maret 2008 | accessdate=25 Mei 2010}}
* {{cite journal | author=Al Sullivan | title= Closer to sainthood: Bayonne native is elevated by Pope | journal=[[Hudson Reporter]] | year= | volume= | issue=22 Agustus 2012 | pages= | url=http://www.hudsonreporter.com/view/full_story/19885534/article-Closer-to-sainthood-Bayonne-native-is-elevated-by-Pope | access-date=2016-05-11 | archive-date=2016-03-03 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160303232210/http://www.hudsonreporter.com/view/full_story/19885534/article-Closer-to-sainthood-Bayonne-native-is-elevated-by-Pope | dead-url=yes }}
== Pranala luar ==
* [http://www.scnj.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_id=15 "Sister Miriam Teresa League of Prayer"] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150924095402/http://www.scnj.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_id=15 |date=2015-09-24 }} - official website.
* [https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sister-Miriam-Teresa-League-of-Prayer/660386727375590 "Sister Miriam Teresa League of Prayer"] - official [[Buku wajah|Facebook]] page.
* [http://www.tccweb.org/prominentcarpathorusyns.htm#Sister_Miriam_Teresa_Demjanovich_(1901-1927) - Found at the Carpathian Connection]
Baris 85:
[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1901]]
[[Kategori:Kematian 1927]]
[[Kategori:Beatifikasi oleh Paus Fransiskus]]