'''Kekerasan terhadap anak''' adalah tindak kekerasan secarayang dapat berupa fisik, seksual, penganiyaanpenganiayaan emosional, atau pengabaian terhadap anak.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Child+abuse |title=Child abuse - definition of child abuse by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia |publisher=Thefreedictionary.com |date= |accessdate=2010-09-15}}</ref> Di [[Amerika Serikat]], [[Pusat Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Penyakit]] (CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention) mendefinisikan penganiayaan anak sebagai setiap tindakan atau serangkaian tindakan wali ataudan kelalaian yang dilakukan oleh orang tua, wali, atau pengasuh lainnya yang dihasilkan dapat membahayakan dan memberikan ancaman terhadap anak. Menurut [[Dana Anak-Anak Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa]] (UNICEF), atauselain berpotensiorang bahayatua, atauwali, memberikandan ancamanpengasuh, yangpelaku berbahayakekerasan kepadaterhadap anak bisa pula guru, tetangga, dan sesama anak-anak.<ref name = CDC":0">{{Cite web|title=Violence urlagainst children|url= httphttps://www.cdcunicef.govorg/ncipcprotection/dvp/CMP/CMPviolence-Surveillanceagainst-children|website=www.htm unicef.org|language=en|access-date=2022-09-17}}</ref> accessdateAda =empat 20kategori Octoberutama 2008tindak |kekerasan publisherterhadap =anak, yaitu [[Centerspengabaian]], for[[kekerasan Diseasefisik]], Control[[pelecehan and Preventionemosional]]/psikologis, dan [[Pelecehan seksual terhadap anak|pelecehan titleseksual]]. Sebagian besar kekerasan terhadap anak terjadi di lingkungan rumah, sekolah, dan di tempat-tempat lainnya, termasuk di ranah daring.<ref name=":0" /><ref name="CDC">{{Cite web|author=Leeb, R.T.|date=1 January 2008|title=Child Maltreatment Surveillance: Uniform Definitions for Public Health and Recommended Data Elements | date url=http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/dvp/CMP/CMP-Surveillance.htm|publisher=[[Centers 1for JanuaryDisease 2008Control | authorand Prevention]]|accessdate=20 Leeb, R.T.October 2008| coauthors = Paulozzi, L.J.; Melanson, C.; Simon, T.R.; Arias, I.}}</ref> Sebagian besar terjadi kekerasan terhadap anak di rumah anak itu sendiri dengan jumlah yang lebih kecil terjadi di sekolah, di lingkungan atau organisasi tempat anak berinteraksi. Ada empat kategori utama tindak kekerasan terhadap anak: [[pengabaian]], [[kekerasan fisik]], [[pelecehan emosional]]/[[psikologi|psikologis]], dan [[pelecehan seksual anak]].
Yurisdiksi yang berbeda telah mengembangkan definisi mereka sendiri tentang apa yang merupakan pelecehan anak untuk tujuan melepaskan anak dari keluarganya dan/atau penuntutan terhadap suatu tuntutan pidana. Menurut ''Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect'', penganiayaan terhadap anak adalah "setiap tindakan terbaru atau kegagalan untuk bertindak pada bagian dari orang tua atau pengasuh yang menyebabkan kematian, kerusakan fisik serius atau emosional yang membahayakan, pelecehan seksual atau eksploitasi, tindakan atau kegagalan tindakan yang menyajikan risiko besar akan bahaya yang serius".<ref>{{cite journal | doi = 10.1016/j.chiabu.2005.04.002 | last1 = Herrenkohl | first1 = R.C. | year = 2005 | title = The definition of child maltreatment: from case study to construct | url = | journal = Child Abuse and Neglect | volume = 29 | issue = 5| pages = 413–24 | pmid = 15970317 }}</ref> Seseorang yang merasa perlu untuk melakukan kekerasan terhadap anak atau mengabaikan anak sekarang mungkin dapat digambarkan sebagai "pedopath".<ref>http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pedopath</ref>
== Tipe ==
Kekerasan terhadap anak dapatbisa mengambilberagam beberapa bentuk:bentuknya<ref name=autogenerated1 >{{Cite web | url = http://www.helpguide.org/mental/child_abuse_physical_emotional_sexual_neglect.htm | title = Child Abuse and Neglect: Types, Signs, Symptoms, Help and Prevention | accessdate = 20 October 2008 | publisher = helpguide.org | archive-date = 2014-09-16 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20140916215959/http://www.helpguide.org/mental/child_abuse_physical_emotional_sexual_neglect.htm | dead-url = yes }}</ref>, Empattetapi umumnya dikategorikan menjadi empat jenis utama, adalahyaitu kekerasan secara fisik, seksual, psikologis, dan penelantaran.<ref>[http://www.childwelfare.gov/pubs/usermanuals/foundation/foundationc.cfm A Coordinated Response to Child Abuse and Neglect: The Foundation for Practice], Office on Child Abuse and Neglect (HHS), USA, 2003.</ref>
=== Penelantaran ===
{{main|Penelantaran anak}}
Penelantaran anak adalah di manaketika orang dewasa yang bertanggung jawab gagal untuk menyediakan kebutuhan memadai untuk berbagai keperluan, termasuk fisik (kegagalan untuk menyediakan makanan yang cukup, pakaian, atau kebersihan), emosional (kegagalan untuk memberikan pengasuhan atau kasih sayang), pendidikan (kegagalan untuk mendaftarkan anak di sekolah) , atau medis (kegagalan untuk mengobati anak atau membawa anak ke dokter).
=== Kekerasan fisik ===
{{main|Kekerasan fisik}}
[[Berkas:Girl sufferedwithburnwounds.jpg|thumbjmpl|leftkiri|220px|Seorang gadis Kristen yang memar dan dibakar selama [[Kekerasan Anti-Kristen di India|kekerasan Orissa]] pada bulan Agustus 2008]]
Kekerasan fisik adalah agresi fisik diarahkan pada seorang anak oleh orang dewasa. Hal ini dapat melibatkan meninju, memukul, menendang, mendorong, menampar, membakar, membuat memar, menarik telinga atau rambut, menusuk, membuat tersedak atau menguncang seorang anak.
Guncangan terhadap seorang anak dapat menyebabkan [[sindrom guncangan bayi]] yang dapat mengakibatkan tekanan intrakranial, pembengkakan [[otak]], cedera difus aksonal, dan kekurangan oksigen yang mengarah ke pola seperti gagal tumbuh, muntah, lesu, kejang, pembengkakan atau penegangan ubun-ubun, perubahan pada pernapasan, dan pupil melebar. Transmisi racun pada anak melalui ibunya (seperti dengan [[sindrom alkohol janin]]) juga dapat dianggap penganiayaan fisik dalam beberapa wilayah yurisdiksi.
Sebagian besar negara dengan hukum kekerasan terhadap anak mempertimbangkan penderitaan dari luka fisik atau tindakan yang menempatkan anak dalam risiko yang jelas dari cedera serius atau kematian tidak sah. Di luar ini, ada cukup banyak variasi. Perbedaan antara disiplin anak dan tindak kekerasan sering kurang didefinisikan. Budaya norma tentang apa yang merupakan tindak kekerasan sangat bervariasi: kalangan profesional serta masyarakat yang lebih luas tidak setuju pada apa yang disebut merupakan perilaku kekerasan.<ref name="anh">Noh Anh, Helen (1994). "Cultural Diversity and the Definition of Child Abuse", in Barth, R.P. et al., ''Child welfare research review'', Columbia University Press, 1994, p. 28. ISBN 0231080743</ref>
Beberapa profesional yang bertugas di bidang manusia mengklaim bahwa norma-norma budaya yang berhubungan dengan sanksi hukuman fisik adalah salah satu penyebab kekerasan terhadap anak dan mereka telah melakukan kampanye untuk mendefinisikan kembali norma-norma tersebut.<ref name="haeuser">{{Cite book|author=Haeuser, A. A. |year=1990 |chapter=Banning parental use of physical punishment: Success in Sweden |title=International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect |location=Hamburg}}{{Page needed|date=September 2010}}</ref>
Penggunaan tindak kekerasan apapun terhadap anak-anak sebagai tindakan disiplin adalah ilegal di 24 negara di seluruh dunia,<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://endcorporalpunishment.org/pages/progress/prohib_states.html |title=States with full abolition |publisher=Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children |access-date=2011-04-24 |archive-date=2015-05-24 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150524174700/http://www.endcorporalpunishment.org/pages/progress/prohib_states.html |dead-url=yes }}</ref>, akan tetapi lazim dan diterima secara sosial di banyak negara lainnya. Lihat [[hukuman di rumah]] untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
=== Pelecehan seksual anak ===
{{main|Pelecehan seksual anak}}
[[Berkas:Sexually abused boy (ca 1910).jpg|thumbjmpl|leftkiri|200px|Seorang anak laki-laki yang menjadi korban pelecehan seksual. Dipublikasikan pada tanggal 1 Februari 1910.]]
Pelecehan seksual terhadap anak adalah suatu bentuk penyiksaan anak di mana orang dewasa atau pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh remaja yang lebih tua terhadap seorang anak untuk mendapatkan stimulasi seksual.<ref name=medline2008>{{Cite web|url=http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/childsexualabuse.html |title=Child Sexual Abuse |work=Medline Plus|date = 2 April 2008 |publisher=U.S. National Library of Medicine}}</ref><ref name="APA Guidelines">{{Cite journal|title=Guidelines for psychological evaluations in child protection matters. Committee on Professional Practice and Standards, APA Board of Professional Affairs |journal=The American Psychologist |volume=54 |issue=8 |pages=586–93 |year=1999 |month=August |pmid=10453704 |doi=10.1037/0003-066X.54.8.586 |quote='''Abuse, sexual (child)''': generally defined as contacts between a child and an adult or other person significantly older or in a position of power or control over the child, where the child is being used for sexual stimulation of the adult or other person.}}</ref> Bentuk pelecehan seksual anak termasuk meminta atau menekan seorang anak untuk melakukan aktivitas seksual (terlepas dari hasilnya), paparan senonoh dari alat kelamin kepada anak, menampilkan pornografi kepada anak, kontak seksual yang sebenarnya terhadap anak, kontak fisik dengan alat kelamin anak, melihat alat kelamin anak tanpa kontak fisik, atau menggunakan anak untuk memproduksi [[pornografi anak]].<ref name=medline2008/><ref>{{Cite journal|author=Martin J, Anderson J, Romans S, Mullen P, O'Shea M |title=Asking about child sexual abuse: methodological implications of a two stage survey |journal=Child Abuse & Neglect |volume=17 |issue=3 |pages=383–92 |year=1993 |pmid=8330225 |doi=10.1016/0145-2134(93)90061-9}}</ref><ref name=nspcc>[http://www.nspcc.org.uk/helpandadvice/whatchildabuse/sexualabuse/sexualabuse_wda36370.html Child sexual abuse definition from the [[NSPCC]]]</ref>
Pengaruh pelecehan seksual anak termasuk rasa bersalah dan menyalahkan diri, kenangan buruk, [[mimpi buruk]], [[insomnia]], takut hal yang berhubungan dengan pelecehan (termasuk benda, bau, tempat, kunjungan dokter, dll), masalah harga diri, [[disfungsi seksual]], [[sakit kronis ]], kecanduan, melukai diri sendiri, keinginan [[bunuh diri]], keluhan somatik, [[depresi]],<ref name="Roosa">{{cite journal | last1 = Roosa | first1 = M.W. | last2 = Reinholtz | first2 = C. | last3 = Angelini | first3 = P.J. | author-separator =, | author-name-separator= | year = 1999 | title = The relation of child sexual abuse and depression in young women: comparisons across four ethnic groups | url = http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0902/is_1_27/ai_54422556/print | journal = Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology | volume = 27 | issue = 1| pages = 65–76 | pmid = 10197407 }}</ref> [[gangguan stres pasca trauma]],<ref name="widom">Widom C.S. (1999). [http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/full/156/8/1223 "Post-traumatic stress disorder in abused and neglected children grown up,"] American Journal of Psychiatry; 156(8):1223-1229.</ref> [[kecemasan]],<ref name="levitan">Levitan, R. D., N. A. Rector, Sheldon, T., & Goering, P. (2003). "[http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/abstract/102529637/ABSTRACT?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 Childhood adversities associated with major depression and/or anxiety disorders in a community sample of Ontario: Issues of co-morbidity and specificity] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200305223622/http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/abstract/102529637/ABSTRACT?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0 |date=2020-03-05 }}," Depression & Anxiety; 17, 34-42.</ref> penyakit mental lainnya (termasuk [[Ganguan kepribadian|gangguan kepribadian]]).<ref name="journals.lww.com">[http://journals.lww.com/jonmd/Abstract/1994/08000/Confirmation_of_Childhood_Abuse_in_Child_and.7.aspx Journals.lww.com]</ref> dan [[gangguan identitas disosiatif]],<ref name="journals.lww.com"/> kecenderungan untuk mengulangi [[kekerasan|tindakan kekerasan]] setelah dewasa,<ref name="Messman-Moore">{{cite journal | doi = 10.1177/088626000015005003 | last1 = Messman-Moore | first1 = Terri L. | last2 = Long | first2 = Patricia J. | year = 2000 | title = Child Sexual Abuse and Revictimization in the Form of Adult Sexual Abuse, Adult Physical Abuse, and Adult Psychological Maltreatment | url = http://jiv.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/15/5/489 | journal = 15 Journal of Interpersonal Violence | volume = 489 | issue = 5 | page = 2000 | access-date = 2011-04-24 | archive-date = 2010-01-11 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20100111180516/http://jiv.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/15/5/489 | dead-url = yes }}</ref> [[bulimia nervosa]],<ref>[http://www.jpedhc.org/article/S0891-5245(09)00208-9/abstract Jpedhc.org]</ref> cedera fisik pada anak di antara masalah-masalah lainnya.<ref name="dinw">{{cite journal | doi = 10.1017/S0033291799001373 | last1 = Dinwiddie | first1 = S | last2 = Heath | first2 = AC | last3 = Dunne | first3 = MP | author-separator =, | last4 = Bucholz | author-name-separator= | first4 = KK| year = 2000 | last5 = Madden | first5 = PA | last6 = Slutske | first6 = WS | last7 = Bierut | first7 = LJ | last8 = Statham | first8 = DB | last9 = Martin | first9 = NG | title = Early sexual abuse and lifetime psychopathology: a co-twin-control study | url = http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=26191 | journal = Psychological Medicine | volume = 30 | issue = 1| pages = 41–52 | pmid = 10722174 }}</ref> Sekitar 15% sampai 25% wanita dan 5% sampai 15% pria yang mengalami pelecehan seksual ketika mereka masih anak-anak.<ref name=Whealin>{{Cite web|url=http://www.ptsd.va.gov/public/pages/child-sexual-abuse.asp |title=Child Sexual Abuse |author=Whealin, Julia |publisher=National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, US Department of Veterans Affairs |date=22 May 2007}}</ref><ref name="Finkelhor1994">{{Cite journal|author=Finkelhor, D. |title=Current information on the scope and nature of child sexual abuse |journal=The Future of Children |volume=4 |issue=2 |pages=31–53 |year=1994 |pmid=7804768 |url=http://www.unh.edu/ccrc/pdf/VS75.pdf |doi=10.2307/1602522 |publisher=Princeton University |jstor=1602522}}</ref><ref>[http://www.unh.edu/ccrc/ Crimes against Children Research Center]</ref><ref>[http://www.unh.edu/frl/ Family Research Laboratory]</ref><ref name="Kevin M. Gorey and Donald R. Leslie 1997 pp391–398">{{Cite journal|author=Gorey, K.M.; Leslie, D.R. |title=The prevalence of child sexual abuse: integrative review adjustment for potential response and measurement biases |journal=Child Abuse & Neglect |volume=21 |issue=4 |pages=391–8 |year=1997 |month=April |pmid=9134267 |doi=10.1016/S0145-2134(96)00180-9}}</ref> Kebanyakan pelaku pelecehan seksual adalah orang yang kenal dengan korban mereka; sekitar 30% adalah keluarga dari anak, paling sering adalah saudara, ayah, ibu, paman atau sepupu, sekitar 60% adalah kenalan teman lain seperti keluarga, pengasuh anak, atau tetangga; orang asing adalah yang melakukan pelanggar hanya sekitar 10% dari kasus pelecehan seksual anak.<ref name=Whealin/>
=== Kekerasan emosional/Psikologis ===
{{main|Kekerasan emosional}}
Dari semua kemungkinan bentuk pelecehan, pelecehan emosional adalah yang paling sulit untuk didefinisikan. ItuPelecehan emosional bisa termasuk nama panggilan, ejekan, degradasi, perusakan harta benda, penyiksaan atau perusakan terhadap hewan peliharaan, kritik yang berlebihan, tuntutan yang tidak pantas atau berlebihan, pemutusan [[komunikasi]], dan pelabelan sehari-hari atau penghinaan.<ref name=ncvc-ca>{{Cite web|url=http://ncvc.org/ncvc/main.aspx?dbName=DocumentViewer&DocumentAction=ViewProperties&DocumentID=32313&UrlToReturn=http%3a%2f%2fncvc.org%2fncvc%2fmain.aspx%3fdbName%3dAdvancedSearch&gclid=CJ_1q6m2oZ4CFcx25QodNG2_ow|title=Child Abuse|publisher=The National Center for Victims of Crime|access-date=2011-04-25|archive-date=2011-07-27|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110727114517/http://ncvc.org/ncvc/main.aspx?dbName=DocumentViewer&DocumentAction=ViewProperties&DocumentID=32313&UrlToReturn=http%3A%2F%2Fncvc.org%2Fncvc%2Fmain.aspx%3FdbName%3DAdvancedSearch&gclid=CJ_1q6m2oZ4CFcx25QodNG2_ow|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
Korban kekerasan emosional dapat bereaksi dengan menjauhkan diri dari pelaku, internalisasi kata-kata kasar atau dengan menghina kembali pelaku penghinaan. Kekerasan emosional dapat mengakibatkan gangguan kasih sayang yang abnormal atau terganggu, kecenderungan korban menyalahkan diri sendiri (menyalahkan diri sendiri) untuk pelecehan tersebut, belajar untuk tak berdaya, dan terlalu bersikap pasif.<ref name=ncvc-ca/>
== Prevalensi ==
Menurut Komite Nasional (Amerika) untuk Tindak Pencegahan Kekerasan pada Anak, pada tahun 1997 pengabaian mewakili 54% kasus kekerasan terhadap anak yang terkonfirmasi, kekerasan fisik 22%, pelecehan seksual 8%, kekerasan emosional 4% dan bentuk kekerasan lainnya sebesar 12%.<ref>{{Cite web | publisher = National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse | url = http://childabuse.org/facts97.html | archiveurl = httphttps://web.archive.org/web/19980515052303/http://childabuse.org/facts97.html | archivedate = 1998-05-15 | title = Child Abuse and Neglect Statistics | year = 1998 | access-date = 2011-04-25 | dead-url = no }}</ref>
=== Kematian ===
== Efek ==
Ada asosiasi kuat antara paparan penganiayaan anak-anak dalam segala bentuk dan tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari kondisi kronis.
=== Efek psikologis ===
=== Efek pada fisik ===
== Pencegahan ==
April telah ditetapkan sebagai bulan Pencegahan Tindak Kekerasan Terhadap Anak di [[Amerika Serikat]] sejak tahun 1983..<ref>[http://www.childwelfare.gov/preventing/preventionmonth/history.cfm Child Welfare Information Gateway] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100828085844/http://www.childwelfare.gov/preventing/preventionmonth/history.cfm |date=2010-08-28 }}, History of National Child Abuse Prevention Month. 3 April 2009.</ref> Presiden AS [[Barack Obama]] melanjutkan tradisi yang dengan menyatakan bulan [[April 2009]] sebagai Bulan Pencegahan Kekerasan terhadap Anak.<ref>[http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Presidential-Proclamation-Marking-National-Child-Abuse-Prevention-Month/ Presidential Proclamation Marking National Child Abuse Prevention Month] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20090831064559/http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Presidential-Proclamation-Marking-National-Child-Abuse-Prevention-Month/ |date=2009-08-31 }}. The White House - Press Room, 1 April 2009.</ref> Salah satu cara yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Federal Amerika Serikat dengan menyediakan dana untuk mencegah tindak kekerasan terhadap anak adalah melalui Dana Hibah Berbasis Masyarakat untuk Pencegahan Pelecehan dan Pengabaian terhadap Anak (CBCAP).<ref>[http://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/cb/programs_fund/state_tribal/cbcap.htm U.S. Administration for Children and Families]. Department of Health and Human Services. Children's Bureau.</ref>
== Perawatan ==
Sejumlah pengobatan tersedia untuk korban tindak kekerasan terhadap anak.<ref name=Cohen2006>{{Cite journal|author=Cohen, J.A. |coauthors=Mannarino, A.P.; Murray, L.K.; Igelman, R. |year=2006 |title=Psychosocial Interventions for Maltreated and Violence-Exposed Children |journal=Journal of Social Issues |volume=62 |issue=4 |pages=737–766 |doi=10.1111/j.1540-4560.2006.00485.x}}</ref>
== Etika ==<!--
One of the most challenging ethical dilemmas arising from child abuse relates to the parental rights of abusive parents or caretakers with regard to their children, particularly in medical settings.<ref name="appel">{{Cite journal|author=Appel, J.M. |title=Mixed motives, mixed outcomes when accused parents won't agree to withdraw care |journal=Journal of Medical Ethics |volume=35 |issue=10 |pages=635–7 |year=2009 |month=October |pmid=19793945 |doi=10.1136/jme.2009.030510}}</ref> In the United States, the 2008 New Hampshire case of [[Andrew Bedner]] drew attention to this legal and moral conundrum. Bedner, accused of severely injuring his infant daughter, sued for the right to determine whether or not she remain on life support; keeping her alive, which would have prevented a murder charge, created a motive for Bedner to act that conflicted with the apparent interests of his child.<ref name="appel"/><ref>"Springfield man denies charges in infant assault", ''Rutland Herald'', New Hampshire, 5 August 2008.</ref><ref>[http://www.wcax.com/Global/story.asp?S=9711115# "Springfield Father Charged with Baby's Murder"], ''WCAX.com'', Vermont, 21 January 2009.</ref> Bioethicists [[Jacob M. Appel]] and [[Thaddeus Mason Pope]] recently argued, in separate articles, that such cases justify the replacement of the accused parent with an alternative decision-maker.<ref name="appel"/><ref>[http://medicalfutility.blogspot.com/2009/10/withdrawal-okay-when-surrogates-refusal.html "Withdrawal Okay When Surrogate's Refusal to Consent Based on Wrong Reasons"], ''Medical Futility'' (blog).</ref>
Child abuse also poses ethical concerns related to [[confidentiality]], as victims may be physically or psychologically unable to report abuse to authorities. Accordingly, many jurisdictions and professional bodies have made exceptions to standard requirements for confidentiality and [[Privilege (evidence)|legal privileges]] in instances of child abuse. Medical professionals, including doctors, therapists, and other mental health workers typically owe a duty of confidentiality to their patients and clients, either by law and/or the standards of [[professional ethics]], and cannot disclose personal information without the [[consent]] of the individual concerned. This duty conflicts with an ethical obligation to protect children from preventable harm. Accordingly, confidentiality is often waived when these professionals have a good faith suspicion that child abuse or neglect has occurred or is likely to occur and make a report to local [[child protection]] authorities. This exception allows professionals to breech confidentiality and make a report even when the child or his/her parent or guardian has specifically instructed to the contrary. Child abuse is also a common exception to [[Physician–patient privilege]]: a medical professional may be called upon to testify in court as to otherwise privileged evidence about suspected child abuse despite the wishes of the child and his/her family.<ref name="confidentiality">{{cite web|last=National Center for Youth Law|title=Minor Consent, Confidentiality, and Child Abuse Reporting|url=http://www.youthlaw.org/publications/minor_consent/|accessdate=29 December 2010}}</ref>
== Organisasi ==
There are organizations at national, state, and county levels in the United States that provide community leadership in preventing child abuse and neglect. The National Alliance of Children's Trust Funds and Prevent Child Abuse America are two national organizations with member organizations at the state level.
Many investigations into child abuse are handled on the local level by Child Advocacy Centers. Started over 25 years ago at what is now known as the National Children's Advocacy Center<ref>[http://nationalcac.org/index.html Nationalcac.org]</ref> in Huntsville, Alabama by District Attorney Robert "Bud" Cramer these multi-disciplinary teams have met to coordinate their efforts so that cases of child abuse can be investigated quickly and efficiently, ultimately reducing trauma to the child and garnering better convictions.<ref>[http://nationalcac.org/professionals/model/cac_model.html Nationalcac.org]</ref><ref>[http://nationalcac.org/ncac/history.html Nationalcac.org]</ref> These Child Advocacy Centers (known as CACs) have standards set by the National Children's Alliance.<ref>[http://www.nationalchildrensalliance.org/ Nationalchildrensalliance.org]</ref>
Other organizations focus on specific prevention strategies. The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome focuses its efforts on the specific issue of preventing child abuse that is manifested as [[shaken baby syndrome]]. [[Mandated reporter]] training is a program used to prevent ongoing child abuse.
== Lihat pula ==
== Bacaan lebih lanjut ==
* {{Cite book|author=Crist, T. A. J.; Washburn, A.; Park, H.; Hood, I.; Hickey, M. A. |year=1997 |chapter=Cranial Bone Displacement as a Taphonomic Process in Potential Child Abuse Cases |editor=Haglund, W. D. & Sorg, M. A. |title=Forensic Taphonomy: the Postmortem Fate of Human Remains |location=Boca Raton |publisher=CRC Press |pages=319–336}}
* {{Cite book|last=Crosson-Tower |first=C. |title=Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect |url=https://archive.org/details/understandingchi0000cros_h6e9 |year=2008 |publisher=Pearson Education |location=Boston, MA |isbn=0205503268 |oclc=150902303}}
* {{Cite book|last=Finkelhor |first=D. |title=Childhood Victimization: Violence, Crime, and Abuse in the Lives of Young People |publisher=Oxford University Press |isbn=9780195342857 |oclc=162501989 | url = http://books.google.com/?id=IOOgAFQdRPwC&printsec=frontcover |page=244 |date=2008-02-19}}
* {{Cite book|last=Hoyano |first=L. |coauthors= Keenan C. |title=Child Abuse: Law and Policy Across Boundaries |url=https://archive.org/details/nlsiu.345.02555.hoy.23633 |year=2007 |publisher=Oxford University Press |isbn=019829946X |oclc=79004390}}
* {{Cite book|last=Korbin |first=Jill E. |title=Child abuse and neglect: cross-cultural perspectives |url=https://archive.org/details/childabuseneglec00jill |year=1983 |publisher=University of California Press |location=Berkeley, CA |isbn=0520050703 |oclc=144570871}}
* {{Cite book|last=Turton |first=Jackie |title=Child Abuse, Gender, and Society |publisher=Routledge |location=New York |isbn=0415365058 |oclc=144570871 | url = http://books.google.com/?id=FDGaTSUXpdsC&printsec=frontcover |page=161 |year=2008}}
== Pranala luar ==
* [http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pedopath "Pedopath" - new word to describe people who abuse or neglect children]
* [http://www.courthousedogs.com/pdf/KellyBaltimoreCAC.pdf Cold-nosed Comfort - Maryland Lawyer article about using a facility service dog to aid child abuse victims] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110708195725/http://www.courthousedogs.com/pdf/KellyBaltimoreCAC.pdf |date=2011-07-08 }}
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2JXCFWcIeE Pete - Award-winning short film about child abuse]
* {{dmoz|Society/Issues/Children,_Youth_and_Family/Child_abuse}}
* [http://www.antipedophil.fr Prevent Child Abuse France]
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