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[[Berkas:03 United Against Islamophobia (47462336671).jpg|thumb|300px|Sebuah spanduk anti-Islamofobia bertuliskan "United Against Islamophobia" (''bersatu melawan islamofobia'') yang dipasang di salah satu jalan di [[Manhattan]], [[New York]] oleh salah satu komunitas [[Muslim]] disana.]]
{{Islam}}'''Islamofobia''' adalah istilah kontroversial<ref>* "There really isn't a phenomena like "Islamophobia" - at least no more than there was a "Germanophobia" in hating Hitler or "Russiaphobia" in detesting Stalin." - Historian Victor Davis Hanson, in the ''The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)'' By Robert Spencer, ISBN 0-89526-013-1, Regnery Publishing, Pg. 200
{{Islam}}{{Bilah sisi diskriminasi}}
* "All this indicates that "Islamophobia" is virtually useless as an analytical tool. To adopt it is to accept the most virulent form of theological equivalence, and to affirm, against all the evidence, that every religious tradition is equally capable of inspiring violence." - The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) By Robert Spencer, ISBN 0-89526-013-1, Regnery Publishing, Pg. 199
'''Islamofobia''' adalah sebuah [[fobia]] atau suatu ketakutan, kebencian atau prasangka terhadap [[Islam]] atau [[Muslim]] secara umum,<ref>{{cite encyclopedia|title=Islamophobia|url=|dictionary=[[Oxford Dictionaries]]|access-date=10 November 2016|archive-date=2019-05-19|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref><ref>{{|islamophobia|access-date=10 November 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite encyclopedia|title=Islamophobia|url=|dictionary=[[Collins Dictionary]]|access-date=10 November 2016}}</ref> terutama bila dipandang dari sisi [[Islamisasi]] dan sumber [[terorisme]].{{sfn|Miles|Brown|2003|p=166}}<ref name="Pew32">{{cite report|url=|title=Europeans Fear Wave of Refugees Will Mean More Terrorism, Fewer Jobs|last1=Wike|first1=Richard|last2=Stokes|first2=Bruce|last3=Simmons|first3=Katie|date=July 2016|publisher=Pew Research Center|page=4|access-date=27 November 2016|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=27 November 2016}}</ref>
* "This term is a fabricated and question-begging linguistic manoeuvre designed to present the protection of religious sensibilities as a civil liberty issue." - [ The "Islamophobia" scam], [[Oliver Kamm]]
* "The pseudo-psychiatric term Islamophobia is a statement that any criticism of Muslims is evidence of clinical pathology. Yet the label is often attached to valid criticisms of particular Muslims whose behaviour has laid them open to legitimate censure." - [[Dave Green (journalist)|David Green]], [ Bad Faith VI]
* "The trouble with the idea is that it confuses hatred of, and discrimination against, Muslims on the one hand with criticism of Islam on the other." [[Kenan Malik|Malik, Kenan.]] [ "Islamophobia Myth"], Prospect, [[February 2005]].
* "... Islamophobia", a wretched concept that confuses criticism of Islam as a religion and stigmatisation of those who believe in it." [[Salman Rushdie|Rushdie, Salman]] ''et al''. [ "Writers' statement on cartoons"], BBC News, March 1, 2006</ref> yang merujuk pada [[prasangka]], [[diskriminasi]], [[ketakutan]] dan [[kebencian]] terhadap [[Islam]] dan [[Muslim]].<ref>
* Sandra Fredman, ''Discrimination and Human Rights'', Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-924603-3, p.121.
* Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, ''Muslims in the West: From Sojourners to Citizens'', Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-514806-1, p.19
* ''Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All'', [[Runnymede Trust]], 1997, p. 1, cited in Quraishi, Muzammil. ''Muslims and Crime: A Comparative Study'', Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2005, p. 60. ISBN 0-7546-4233-X. Early in 1997, the Commission on [[British Muslims]] and Islamophobia, at that time part of the Runnymede Trust, issued a consultative document on Islamophobia under the chairmanship of Professor Gordon Conway, [[Vice-Chancellor]] of the [[University of Sussex]]. The final report, ''Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All'', was launched in November 1997 by [[Home Secretary]] [[Jack Straw (politician)|Jack Straw]].
* Edward Kessler, Neil Wenborn, ''A Dictionary of Jewish-Christian Relations'', [[Cambridge University Press]], ISBN 0-521-82692-6 p.429.
* Abduljalil Sajid. "Islamophobia: A New Word for an Old Fear" in ''Islamophobia and Antisemitism'', Markus Wiener Publishers, 2006, p. 1: defines the term as "anti-Muslim prejudice."
* Social Inequalities in Comparative Perspective By Mary C. Waters, Fiona Devine, pg. 106
* Muslims in Western Europe By Jørgen S. Nielsen, pg. 169</ref> Istilah ini sudah ada sejak tahun [[1980-an]],<ref>''Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All'', [[Runnymede Trust]], 1997, p. 1, cited in Quraishi, Muzammil. ''Muslims and Crime: A Comparative Study'', Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2005, p. 60; [[Kofi Annan|Annan, Kofi]]. [ "Secretary-General, addressing headquarters seminar on confronting Islamophobia"], [[United Nations]] press release, [[December 7]] [[2004]].</ref> tetapi menjadi lebih populer setelah peristiwa [[serangan 11 September 2001]].<ref>
* Casciani, Dominic. [ "Islamophobia pervades UK - report"], BBC News, [[June 2]] [[2004]].
* Rima Berns McGowan writes in ''Muslims in the Diaspora'' (University of Toronto Press, 1991, p. 268) that the term "Islamophobia" was first used in an unnamed American periodical in 1991.</ref> Pada tahun [[1997]], [[Runnymede Trust]] dari Inggris mendefinisikan Islamofobia sebagai "rasa takut dan kebencian terhadap Islam dan oleh karena itu juga pada semua Muslim," dinyatakan bahwa hal tersebut juga merujuk pada praktik [[diskriminasi]] terhadap Muslim dengan memisahkan mereka dari kehidupan ekonomi, sosial, dan kemasyarakatan bangsa. Di dalamnya juga ada persepsi bahwa Islam tidak mempunyai norma yang sesuai dengan budaya lain, lebih rendah dibanding budaya barat dan lebih berupa ideologi politik yang bengis daripada berupa suatu agama.<ref name=Runnymede5>Runnymede 1997, p. 5, cited in Quraishi 2005, p. 60.</ref> Langkah-langkah telah diambil untuk peresmian istilah ini dalam bulan Januari 2001 di ''Stockholm International Forum on Combating Intolerance''. Di sana Islamofobia dikenal sebagai bentuk intoleransi seperti [[Xenofobia]] dan [[Antisemitisme]].<ref>New Muslims in the European Context: The Experience of Scandinavian Converts - p. 53, Brill 2004</ref>
Cakupan dan definisi yang tepat dari istilah Islamofobia, termasuk hubungannya dengan [[Ras manusia|ras]], telah menjadi bahan perdebatan. Sejumlah [[ulama]] menganggapnya sebagai bentuk [[xenofobia]] atau [[rasisme]], sementara pendapat yang lain membantah adanya hubungan di antaranya; terutama dengan basis bahwa agama tidaklah sama dengan ras.
Berbagai sumber telah mensugestikan adanya kecenderungan peningkatan dalam Islamofobia, sebagian diakibatkan serangan 11 September,<ref>Benn, Jawad (2004) p. 111</ref> sementara yang lainnya berhubungan dengan semakin banyaknya Muslim di dunia barat.<ref>Steven Vertovec, "Islamophobia and Muslim Recognition in Britain"; in Haddad (2002) pp. 32-33</ref> Pada bulan Mei 2002, [[European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia]] (EUMC) mengeluarkan laporan berjudul "Summary report on Islamophobia in the EU after 11 September 2001", yang menggambarkan peningkatan Islamofobia di Eropa setelah 11 September.<ref>See:
* Greaves (2004) p. 133
* Allen, Chris; Nielsen, Jorgen S.; Summary report on Islamophobia in the EU after 11 September 2001 (May 2002), EUMC.</ref>
Penyebab dari Islamofobia juga menjadi topik perdebatan, terutama di antara para komentator yang mengajukan argumennya masing-masing. Beberapa penyebab yang diutarakan adalah [[Serangan 11 September 2001|serangan 11 September]], kebangkitan kelompok militan seperti [[Negara Islam Irak dan Syam|ISIS]], serangan teror di berbagai tempat, meningkatnya penduduk muslim di [[Eropa]] dan [[Amerika Serikat]] karena pemerintah mereka menerima pengungsi-pengungsi dari wilayah konflik di [[Timur Tengah]] dan [[Afrika]], pemaksaan penerapan [[Syariat islam|hukum islam]], dan lain-lain.
Para penyanggah mengkritik konsep itu, diduga ada penyalahgunaan saat menggali kritik Islam yang sah,<ref name=Malik>Malik, Kenan. [ "Islamophobia Myth"], Prospect, [[February 2005]],</ref><ref>
* "There really isn't a phenomena like "Islamophobia" - at least no more than there was a "Germanophobia" in hating Hitler or "Russiaphobia" in detesting Stalin." - Historian Victor Davis Hanson, in the ''The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)'' By Robert Spencer, ISBN 0-89526-013-1, Regnery Publishing, Pg. 200
* "All this indicates that "Islamophobia" is virtually useless as an analytical tool. To adopt it is to accept the most virulent form of theological equivalence, and to affirm, against all the evidence, that every religious tradition is equally capable of inspiring violence." - The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) By Robert Spencer, ISBN 0-89526-013-1, Regnery Publishing, Pg. 199
* "This term is a fabricated and question-begging linguistic manoeuvre designed to present the protection of religious sensibilities as a civil liberty issue." - [ The "Islamophobia" scam], [[Oliver Kamm]]
* "The pseudo-psychiatric term Islamophobia is a statement that any criticism of Muslims is evidence of clinical pathology. Yet the label is often attached to valid criticisms of particular Muslims whose behaviour has laid them open to legitimate censure." - [[Dave Green (journalist)|David Green]], [ Bad Faith VI]
* "The trouble with the idea is that it confuses hatred of, and discrimination against, Muslims on the one hand with criticism of Islam on the other." [[Kenan Malik|Malik, Kenan.]] [ "Islamophobia Myth"], Prospect, [[February 2005]].
* "... Islamophobia", a wretched concept that confuses criticism of Islam as a religion and stigmatisation of those who believe in it." [[Salman Rushdie|Rushdie, Salman]] ''et al''. [ "Writers' statement on cartoons"], BBC News, March 1, 2006.</ref> dan menyebutnya sebagai "mitos".<ref name=Malik/> Penulis novel [[Salman Rushdie]] dan teman-temannya menandatangani manifesto berjudul [[MANIFESTO: Together facing the new totalitarianism|''"Together facing the new totalitarianism"'']] di bulan [[Maret 2006]] menyebut Islamofobia adalah "konsep buruk yang mencampurkan kritik terhadap Islam sebagai agama dengan stigmatisasi terhadap para penganutnya."<ref name=Rushdie>[[Salman Rushdie|Rushdie, Salman]] ''et al''. [ "Writers' statement on cartoons"], BBC News, March 1, 2006.</ref>
Sejumlah pihak mengkritik konsep Islamofobia dengan mengatakan bahwa istilah ini adalah usaha untuk membungkam [[kritik terhadap Islam]].<ref name="Malik2">Malik, Kenan. [ "Islamophobia Myth"] {{Webarchive|url=|date=2007-01-02}}, Prospect, [[February 2005]],</ref><ref>"There really isn't a phenomena like "Islamophobia" - at least no more than there was a "Germanophobia" in hating Hitler or "Russiaphobia" in detesting Stalin." - Historian Victor Davis Hanson, in the ''The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)'' By Robert Spencer, {{ISBN|0-89526-013-1}}, Regnery Publishing, hlm. 200</ref><ref>"All this indicates that "Islamophobia" is virtually useless as an analytical tool. To adopt it is to accept the most virulent form of theological equivalence, and to affirm, against all the evidence, that every religious tradition is equally capable of inspiring violence." - The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) By Robert Spencer, {{ISBN|0-89526-013-1}}, Regnery Publishing, hlm. 199</ref><ref>"This term is a fabricated and question-begging linguistic manoeuvre designed to present the protection of religious sensibilities as a civil liberty issue." - [ The "Islamophobia" scam] {{Webarchive|url=|date=2007-09-27}}, [[Oliver Kamm]]</ref><ref>"The pseudo-psychiatric term Islamophobia is a statement that any criticism of Muslims is evidence of clinical pathology. Yet the label is often attached to valid criticisms of particular Muslims whose behaviour has laid them open to legitimate censure." - [[Dave Green (journalist)|David Green]], [ Bad Faith VI]</ref><ref>"The trouble with the idea is that it confuses hatred of, and discrimination against, Muslims on the one hand with criticism of Islam on the other." [[Kenan Malik|Malik, Kenan.]] [ "Islamophobia Myth"] {{Webarchive|url=|date=2007-01-02}}, Prospect, [[Februari 2005]].</ref><ref>"... Islamophobia", a wretched concept that confuses criticism of Islam as a religion and stigmatisation of those who believe in it." [[Salman Rushdie|Rushdie, Salman]] ''et al''. [ "Writers' statement on cartoons"], BBC News, March 1, 2006.</ref> Novelis ternama, [[Salman Rushdie]] dan sejumlah koleganya menandatangani sebuah [[manifesto]] berjudul ''"Bersama melawan bentuk baru dari totalitarianisme"'' di bulan [[Maret 2006]], menyebut islamofobia adalah "konsep absurd yang mencampur-adukkan kritik terhadap Islam sebagai agama dengan [[stigmatisasi]] terhadap para penganutnya."<ref name="Rushdie2">[[Salman Rushdie|Rushdie, Salman]] ''et al''. [ "Writers' statement on cartoons"], BBC News, March 1, 2006.</ref>
== CatatanKasus politik ==
=== Penolakaan keanggotaan Turki oleh Uni Eropa ===
Permintaan [[Turki]] untuk menjadi anggota [[Uni Eropa]] telah diadakan sejak tahun 1987, tetapi tidak terwujud karena adanya permasalahan pada [[kepala pemerintahan]]. Pada masa itu, Turki berada dalam [[pemerintah]]an [[Recep Tayyip Erdoğan]]. Uni Eropa menolak permintaan Turki untuk bergabung karena Erdoğan memiliki [[kekuasaan]] yang [[Otoritarianisme|otoriter]] dan mempunyai masalah terkait [[hak asasi manusia]].<ref>{{Cite book|last=McGlinchey, S., Walters, R., dan Scheinpflug, C.|date=2017|url=|title=International Relation Theory|location=Bristol|publisher=E-International Relation Publishing|isbn=978-1-910814-20-8|pages=40|translator-last=Mukti|translator-first=Takdir Ali|trans-title=Dasar-Dasar Kajian Teori Hubungan Internasional|url-status=live}}</ref>
Dalam pandangan wacana kritis, penolakan keanggotan Turki dalam Uni Eropa juga dipengaruhi oleh menyebarnya islamofobia di pikiran masyarakat Eropa. Selain itu, masyarakat Eropa secara umum belum menerima [[komunitas]] muslim secara menyeluruh. Pandangan wacana kritis mengaitkan persoalan agama sebagai penyebab penolakan Turki dalam keanggotaan Uni Eropa. Penolakan ini juga dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan sejarah negara anggota Uni Eropa dengan sejarah Turki. Selain itu, [[hegemoni]] [[kekristenan]] dan hegemoni [[gereja]] di Eropa dan hegemoni [[demokrasi liberal]] menjadi faktor yang membuat Turki belum dapat diterima sebagai anggota Uni Eropa.<ref>{{Cite book|last=Arif|first=Muhammad Qobidl 'Ainul|date=2014|url=|title=Politik Islamophobia Eropa: Menguak Eksistensi Sentimental Anti-Islam dalam Isu Keanggotaan Turki|location=Sleman|publisher=Deepublish|isbn=978-602-280-730-8|pages=46|url-status=live}}</ref>
== Melawan Islamofobia ==
=== Eropa ===
Pada tanggal 26 September 2018, [[Parlemen Eropa]] di [[Brussel]] meluncurkan "Perangkat Kontra-Islamofobia" (CIK), dengan tujuan memerangi Islamofobia yang berkembang di seluruh [[Uni Eropa]] dan untuk didistribusikan ke pemerintah nasional dan pembuat kebijakan lainnya, masyarakat sipil dan media. Berdasarkan penelitian paling komprehensif di Eropa, mereka meneliti pola Islamofobia dan strategi efektif melawannya di delapan negara anggota. Perangkat ini mencantumkan sepuluh narasi dominan dan sepuluh kontra-narasi yang efektif.<ref>{{cite web|url=|website=University of Leeds|title=CIK Toolkit Launch – European Parliament, Brussels|date=26 September 2018|access-date=1 March 2019}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|access-date=1 March 2019|url=|title=Counter-Islamophobia Kit|website=Equinet European Network of Equality Bodies|date=4 October 2019}}</ref><ref>{{cite document|title=Counter-Islamophobia kit:briefing paper and toolkit of counter-narratives to Islamophobia|first1=Ian|last1=Law|first2=Easat-Daas |last2=Amina|first3=S.|last3=Sayyid|access-date=1 March 2019|publisher=CIK Consortium (University of Leeds)|date=September 2018|url=}}</ref>
Salah satu penulis CIK, [[Amina Easat-Daas]], mengatakan bahwa perempuan Muslim secara tidak proporsional dipengaruhi oleh Islamofobia, berdasarkan narasi "ancaman ke barat" dan "korban...seksisme Islam". Pendekatan yang diambil dalam CIK adalah empat langkah: mendefinisikan narasi yang salah informasi berdasarkan logika yang salah; mendokumentasikannya; mendekonstruksi ide-ide ini untuk mengekspos kekurangannya; dan terakhir, rekonstruksi gagasan arus utama tentang Islam dan Muslim, yang lebih mendekati kenyataan. Ide-ide dominan yang beredar dalam budaya populer harus mencerminkan pengalaman sehari-hari yang beragam dari umat Islam dan keyakinan mereka.<ref>{{cite news|work=The Conversation|title=How to tackle Islamophobia – the best strategies from around Europe|url=|date=21 February 2019|access-date=1 March 2019|first=Easat-Daas |last=Amina}}</ref>
=== Internasional ===
{{utama|Hari Internasional Untuk Memerangi Islamofobia}}
Pada [[16 Maret]] [[2022]], [[PBB]] menetapkan [[15 Maret]] sebagai Hari Internasional Untuk Memerangi Islamofobia.<ref>{{Cite news |title=UN Designated March 15, Combat Day To Islamophobia |work=Dawn News |url=}}</ref>
==Lihat juga==
* [[Hijabofobia]]
* [[Diskriminasi]]
* [[Rasisme]]
* [[Terorisme]]
* [[Islamisme]]
* [[Jihadisme]]
* [[Kritik terhadap Islam]]
* [[Islamofobia di Eropa]]
* [[Penindasan terhadap Muslim]]
== Referensi ==
=== Sumber ===
* Ali, Wajahat; Clifton, Eli; Duss, Matthew; Fang, Lee; Keyes, Scott; and Shakir, Faiz (August 26, 2011) "[ Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America]". ''[[American Progress]]''. Accessed 24 February 2015.
* [[Chris Allen (academic)|Allen, Chris]] (2011). ''Islamophobia''. Ashgate Publishing Company.
* {{Cite book|last=Abbas|first= Tahir|title=Muslim Britain: Communities Under Pressure|year=2005|publisher=Zed|isbn=978-1-84277-449-6}}
* Duss, Matthew; Taeb; Yasmine; Gude, Ken; and Sofer, Ken (February 11, 2015) "[ Fear, Inc. 2.0: The Islamophobia Network's Efforts to Manufacture Hate in America]". ''[[American Progress]]''. Accessed 24 February 2015.
* {{Cite book|last=Gottschalk|first=P.|author2=Greenberg, G.|title=Islamophobia: Making Muslims the Enemy|url=|url-access=registration|year=2007|publisher=Rowman & Littlefield publishers|location=Lanham|isbn=978-0-7425-5286-9}}
* {{Cite book|last=Greaves|first=R.|title=Islam and the West Post 9/11|year=2004|publisher=Ashgate publishing Ltd.|isbn=978-0-7546-5005-8}}
* Itaoui, Rhonda (2016). "The Geography of Islamophobia in Sydney: mapping the spatial imaginaries of young Muslims", in ''[[Australian Geographer]]''. Vol 47:3, 261–79.
* Kaplan, Jeffrey (2006). "[ Islamophobia in America?: September 11 and Islamophobic Hate Crime] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2018-06-12 }}", ''Terrorism and Political Violence'' (Routledge), '''18''':1, 1–33.
* Kincheloe, Joe L. and Steinberg, Shirley R. (2004). ''The Miseducation of the West: How the Schools and Media Distort Our Understanding of Islam''. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger Press. (Arabic Edition, 2005).
* Kincheloe, Joe L. and Steinberg, Shirley R. (2010). ''Teaching Against Islamophobia''. New York: Peter Lang.
* Konrad, Felix (2011). [ ''From the "Turkish Menace" to Exoticism and Orientalism: Islam as Antithesis of Europe (1453–1914)?''], [[European History Online]], Mainz: [[Institute of European History]]. Retrieved: 22 June 2011.
* Kundnani, Arun. (2014) ''[ The Muslims Are Coming! Islamaphobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror]'' (Verso; 2014) 327 pages
* Lajevardi, N. (2020). Outsiders at Home: The Politics of American Islamophobia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
* {{cite book |title=Islamophobia and Racism in America |url= |year=2017 |first=Erik |last=Love |publisher=NYU Press |isbn=978-1479838073}}
* {{cite journal|last1=Pynting|first1=Scott|last2=Mason|first2=Victoria|name-list-style=amp|year=2007|title=''The Resistible Rise of Islamophobia: Anti-Muslim Racism in the UK and Australia before 11 September 2001". ''Journal of Sociology|url=|journal=The Australian Sociological Association|volume=43|issue=1|pages=61–86|doi=10.1177/1440783307073935|s2cid=145065236}}
* {{Cite book|last=Quraishi|first=M.|title=Muslims and Crime: A Comparative Study |url=|year=2005 |publisher=Ashgate Publishing|isbn=978-0-7546-4233-6}}
* {{Cite book|last=Ramadan |first=T.|title=Western Muslims and the Future of Islam |url= |year=2004 |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford |isbn=978-0-19-517111-2}}
* {{Cite book|last=Richardson|first=John E.|title=(Mis)representing Islam: the racism and rhetoric of British broadsheet newspapers|publisher=[[John Benjamins Publishing Company]]|year=2004|isbn=978-90-272-2699-0|url=}}
* [[Stephen Sheehi|Sheehi, Stephen]] (2011). ''Islamophobia: The Ideological Campaign Against Muslims''. Clarity Press.
* Shryock, Andrew, ed. (2010). ''[[Islamophobia/Islamophilia: Beyond the Politics of Enemy and Friend]]''. [[Indiana University Press]]. p.&nbsp;250. Essays on Islamophobia past and present; topics include the "neo-Orientalism" of three Muslim commentators today: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Reza Aslan, and [[Irshad Manji]].
* Silva, Derek (2017). "[ The Othering of Muslims: Discourses of Radicalization in the New York Times, 1969–2014]", ''Sociological Forum'', '''32''':1, 138–161.
* Tausch, Arno with Bischof, Christian; Kastrun, Tomaz; and Mueller, Karl (2007). ''Against Islamophobia: Muslim Communities, Social-Exclusion and the Lisbon Process in Europe''. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers. {{ISBN|978-1-60021-535-3}}.
* Tausch, Arno with Bischof, Christian and Mueller, Karl (2008). ''Muslim Calvinism: Internal Security and the Lisbon Process in Europe.'' Purdue University Press. {{ISBN|978-905170995-7}}.
* Tausch, Arno (2007). ''Against Islamophobia: Quantitative Analyses of Global Terrorism, World Political Cycles and Center Periphery Structures''. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers. {{ISBN|978-1-60021-536-0}}.
* {{Cite book|last=van Driel|first=B.|title=Confronting Islamophobia In Educational Practice|url=|year=2004|publisher=Trentham Books|isbn=978-1-85856-340-4}}
{{fobia|state=collapsed}}{{Diskriminasi}}{{Topik Islam}}
[[Kategori:IslamDiskriminasi beragama]]
[[Kategori:Neologisme politik]]
[[Kategori:Islamofobia| ]]