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(2 revisi perantara oleh 2 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 413:
[[Berkas:Ebensee concentration camp prisoners 1945.jpg|jmpl|Tahanan yang kelaparan di kamp Mauthausen, dibebaskan pada Mei 1945]]
Kamp besar pertama, [[Kamp konsentrasi Majdanek|Majdanek]], ditemukan oleh tentara Soviet pada tanggal 23 Juli 1944. [[Kamp pemusnahan Chełmno|Chełmno]] dibebaskan oleh Soviet pada tanggal 20 Januari 1945. [[Auschwitz]] juga dibebaskan oleh Soviet pada tanggal [[27 Januari]] [[1945]],{{sfn|Hitchcock|2009|p=283}} [[Kamp konsentrasi Buchenwald|Buchenwald]] dibebaskan oleh tentara Amerika Serikat pada tanggal 11 April,{{sfn|Hitchcock|2009|p=297}} [[Kamp konsentrasi Bergen-Belsen|Bergen-Belsen]] oleh tentara Inggris pada tanggal 15 April,{{sfn|Hitchcock|2009|p=340}} [[Kamp konsentrasi Dachau|Dachau]] oleh AS pada tanggal 29 April,{{sfn|Gilbert|1986|p=798}} [[Kamp konsentrasi Ravensbrück|Ravensbrück]] oleh Soviet pada hari yang sama; [[Kamp konsentrasi Mauthausen-Gusen|Mauthausen]] oleh AS tanggal 5 Mei,{{sfn|Gilbert|1986|pp=808–9}} dan [[Kamp konsentrasi Theresienstadt|Theresienstadt]] oleh Soviet pada tanggal 8 Mei.<ref name=GluckWood144>{{cite book|author=Stone, Dan G.; Wood, Angela|title=Holocaust: The events and their impact on real people, in conjunction with the USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education|url=https://archive.org/details/holocausteventst00wood_0|location=|year=2007|page=[https://archive.org/details/holocausteventst00wood_0/page/144 144]|isbn=0-7566-2535-1|oclc=|doi=}}</ref> [[Kamp pemusnahan Treblinka|Treblinka]], [[Kamp pemusnahan Sobibor|Sobibor]], dan [[Kamp pemusnahan Bełżec|Bełżec]] tidak pernah dibebaskan, namun dihancurkan oleh Nazi pada tahun 1943. Kolonel [[William Wilson Quinn|William W. Quinn]] dari US Army mengatakan di Dachau: "Pasukan kami menemukan pemandangan, suara, dan bau busuk yang mengerikan melampaui keyakinan, kekejaman yang begitu besar untuk bisa dipahami oleh pikiran yang normal."<ref>{{citation |author= [[Office of Strategic Services|OSS]] Section, [[Seventh United States Army|Seventh Army]] |year= 1945 |title= Dachau |publisher= [[United States Army]] |page= [http://archive.org/stream/Dachau_675/Dachau#page/n3/mode/2up 2] |accessdate= 27 September 2012 |separator= . }}</ref><ref>A film with scenes from the liberation of Dachau, Buchenwald, Belsen and other Nazi concentration camps, supervised by the British Ministry of Information and the American Office of War Information, was begun but never finished or shown. It lay in archives until first aired on PBS's ''Frontline'' on May 7, 1985. The film, partly edited by [[Alfred Hitchcock]], can be seen online at [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/camp/view/#lower Memory of the Camps].</ref>
Di sebagian besar kamp-kamp yang dibebaskan oleh Soviet, hampir semua tahanan sudah dibunuh, hanya menyisakan beberapa ribu yang masih hidup—7.600 tahanan yang masih hidup ditemukan di Auschwitz,{{sfn|Hitchcock|2009|p=289}} termasuk 180 anak-anak yang telah dijadikan bahan eksperimen oleh dokter SS. Sekitar 60.000 tahanan hidup juga ditemukan di Bergen-Belsen oleh Tentara Inggris,<ref name=11th>[http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10006188 "The 11th Armoured Division (Great Britain)"]. ''Holocaust Encyclopedia''. [[United States Holocaust Memorial Museum]]. Retrieved 27 September 2012.</ref> serta 13.000 mayat yang belum dikuburkan, dan 10.000 tahanan lainnya tewas karena [[tifus]] atau malagizi selama minggu-minggu berikutnya.<ref name=BB>[http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005224 "Bergen-Belsen"]. ''Holocaust Encyclopedia''. [[United States Holocaust Memorial Museum]]. Retrieved 27 September 2012.</ref> Tentara Inggris memaksa penjaga SS yang tersisa untuk mengumpulkan mayat-mayat dan menempatkan mereka di kuburan massal.{{sfn|Wiesel|2002|p=41}}
Baris 955:
* {{cite book|last= Friedländer|first= Saul|year= 2007|title= The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews 1939–1945|location= London|publisher= Weidenfeld & Nicolson|ref= harv }}
* {{cite book|last= Garbe|first= Detlef|year= 2001|chapter= Social Disinterest, Governmental Disinformation, Renewed Persecution, and Now Manipulation of History?|editor= Hans Hesse|title= Persecution and Resistance of Jehovah's Witnesses During the Nazi-Regime 1933–1945|location= Bremen|publisher= Edition Temmen|pages= 251–265|ref= harv }}
* {{cite book|last= Gellately|first= Robert|authorlink= Robert Gellately|year= 2001|title= Backing Hitler: Consent and Coercion in Nazi Germany|url= https://archive.org/details/backinghitlercon0000gell|location= Oxford|publisher= [[Oxford University Press]]|ref= harv }}
* {{cite book|last= Gerwarth|first= Robert|authorlink= Robert Gerwarth|year= 2011|title= Hitler's Hangman: The Life of Heydrich|url= https://archive.org/details/hitlershangmanli0000gerw|location= New Haven & London|publisher= [[Yale University Press]]|ref= harv }}
* {{cite book|last= Gilbert|first= Martin|authorlink= Martin Gilbert|year= 1986|title= The Holocaust: The Jewish Tragedy|url= https://archive.org/details/holocaustjewisht0000gilb|location= London|publisher= [[HarperCollins|Collins]]|ref= harv}}
Baris 1.004:
* {{cite book|last= Matthäus|first= Jürgen|year= 2004|chapter= Operation Barbarossa and the Onset of the Holocaust, June–December 1941|title= ''In [[Christopher Browning]]''. The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939 – March 1942|location= Jerusalem|publisher= [[Yad Vashem]]|pages= 244–308|ref= harv }}
* {{cite book|last= Mazower|first= Mark|authorlink= Mark Mazower|year= 2008|title= Hitler's Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe|url= https://archive.org/details/hitlersempirenaz0000mazo|location= London|publisher= Allen Lane|ref= harv}}
* {{cite book|last1= Michael|first1= Robert|last2= Doerr|first2= Karin|year= 2002|title= Nazi-Deutsch/Nazi-German: An English Lexicon of the Language of the Third Reich|url= https://archive.org/details/nazideutschnazig0000mich|publisher= Greenwood Press|ref= harv }}
* {{cite journal |last= Milton |first= Sybil |year= 1990 |title= The Context of the Holocaust |journal= [[German Studies Review]] |volume= 13 |issue= 2 |pages= 269–283 |jstor= 1430708 |doi= 10.2307/1430708 |ref= harv }}
* {{cite book|last= Montague|first= Patrick|year= 2012|title= Chelmno and the Holocaust: A History of Hitler's First Death Camp|location= London|publisher= [[I.B.Tauris]]|ref= harv }}
Baris 1.023:
* {{cite book|last= Peukert|first= Detlev|authorlink= Detlev Peukert|year= 1987|title= Inside Nazi Germany: Conformity, Opposition and Racism In Everyday Life|location= London|publisher= Batsford|ref= harv }}
* {{cite book|last= Peukert|first= Detlev|year= 1994|chapter= The Genesis of the 'Final Solution' from the Spirit of Science|editor= David F. Crew|title= Nazism and German Society, 1933–1945|url= https://archive.org/details/nazismgermansoci00crew|location= London|publisher= [[Routledge]]|pages= [https://archive.org/details/nazismgermansoci00crew/page/n286 274]–299|ref= harv}}
* {{cite book|last= Phayer|first= Michael|authorlink= Michael Phayer|year= 2000|title= The Catholic Church and the Holocaust, 1930–1965|url= https://archive.org/details/catholicchurchho0000phay|location= Bloomington,&nbsp;IN|publisher= [[Indiana University Press]]|ref= harv }}
* {{cite book|last= Pinkus|first= Benjamin|year= 1990|title= The Jews of the Soviet Union: The History of a National Minority|location= Cambridge|publisher= [[Cambridge University Press]]|ref= harv }}
* {{cite book|last= Pinkus|first= Oscar|year= 2005|title= The War Aims and Strategies of Adolf Hitler|url= https://archive.org/details/waraimsstrategie0000pink|location= Jefferson,&nbsp;NC|publisher= [[McFarland & Company]]|ref= harv }}